- Tuvilla - Orphanage - Chapter 1

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Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

Chapter 1


1.1 Background of the study

The Philippines has an abandoned children problem. About 1.8 million children in the

country, more than 1% of its entire population, are “abandoned or neglected” [4]. Indicated 153

million children worldwide, ranging from infants to teenagers, have lost one or both parents [3].

Children may be separated from their parents and placed in alternative care for various reasons.

Armed conflict, natural disaster and migration tear many families apart. Other children end up in

residential care because of discrimination: Disability or the disability of a parent, ethnicity, gender

and sexual orientation force countless girls and boys into institutions. Still others may be separated

as a result of government policies that fail to prioritize families or account for a child’s most basic

need for nurturing care – a critical element of healthy growth and development [28].

Children are primarily placed in residential care by their families because they are too poor

to look after them. Families often feel it is the only way to ensure that their children get an education

and enough food and other essentials [4]. Most children in residential care are not orphans, but have

one or both parents alive, as well as other relatives who could care for them. They are likely to be

separated indefinitely from their families and communities [28]. In a certain study, orphans were

classified into three. These are the near orphan, one-half orphan and double orphans. The near

orphan refers to the children with chronically ill parent who will become orphans in the next year.

The one-half orphans are those who have lost only one of their parents either no mother or no father.

Meanwhile, the double orphans are children under 18 years of age who have lost both parents [20].

These children, from birth to 18 years are particularly vulnerable to forced labor,

child prostitution, sexual and physical abuse, early pregnancy and many of them

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

show severe symptoms of depression and anxiety [10]. Adverse childhood experiences or aces

are stressful events such as physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, parental separation or

divorce, neglect, and violence in the family [28].

When children are forced to adapt to a new environment, they may demonstrate

uncertainty, confusion, anxiety, and depression, leading to learning difficulties if not rectified [8].

As a result of such issues, children who lose parents tend to exhibit risky behaviors, like drug

abuse, abusive, and offender behavior [8].

A primary reason for numerous developmental disorders found in children exposed to

institutional settings involves the deprived atmosphere not providing sufficient experience to

scaffold normal brain development [6]. One of the most important issues to meet these needs is

a space, at which child grows up. Space and environment can affect physical and mental growth

of children. Estimation of each effective need in growth of child needs a space to encompass all

factors and instruments to meet needs and provide required conditions [6].

BALAY ANCORA’s is in line with the vision of the diocese of Kabankalan towards the

people. As what Bishop Loiue Galbinez said “my heart is next to the children and to the young

people.” The objective of the institution is to provide holistic and therapeutic residential home

care rehabilitation services including basic education, nutrition, and general health care. It is for

all orphans from infants to 12years old which is considered as Abandoned or foundlings,

Neglected, Abused, exploited and children by Unprepared-Parents. When the orphans turn

13years old and above, the orphans will be transferred to other teen-oriented institutions. The

diocese will give assistance and will look for benefactors that will provide Highschool and

college scholarships. Since this is a catholic based foundation. They are encouraged to take part

of being a Sacristan, Altar server, join religious orders, Catechism and take theology or enroll in

a seminary, which is also in line with the Diocese’s vision of producing more priest or nuns. For
Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

it is a great opportunity to open children’s lives in service to the Lord in priesthood. They are all

open for adoption / foster family or Residential care / Kinship Family Care or Reintegration. The

orphanage will provide programs, clinics and other amenities that will help the children overcame

their mental related issues like traumas, depression and other life challenges that the children

encounters. Also, the potential parent who will adapt an orphan will be required to undergo

matching programs legally that will help to understand more and for the necessary preparations

and right adjustment of the child to their new parent.

The institution is open for affiliation or partnership with private foundations,

organizations and other LGU agencies that compliments the program of the institution.

Government Associations like DSWD- Department of Social Welfare Development, CWC-

Commission for the Welfare of the Children, CPCP- Comprehensive Program for Child

Protection, SCPC- Special Committee for the Protection of Children, UNICEF- United Nations

Children’s Fund, and also Independent local foundations like Kalipay Foundation, Bacolod

Boy’s home, Holy Infant Nursery Foundation, Home of Hope, Recovered Treasures, Bacolod

Girl’s home and other related body.

At the same time, the Diocese is concern with the sudden rise of the social issues like

depression and anxieties that may lead to suicide especially towards the teens. They are driven

to help the students not just under the diocese but to all schools how has students who are

experiencing from these problems.

The National Center for Mental Health has revealed a significant increase in monthly

hotline calls regarding depression, with numbers rising from 80 calls pre-lockdown to nearly

400, the most vulnerable population is those aged 15-29 [13]. Latest figures from the Philippine

Statistics Authority showed that suicide incidents rose 25.7% in 2020, making it the 27th leading

cause of death in 2020 from 31st in 2019. Some 3,529 cases of intentional self-harm were

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

recorded in 2020, which was higher than the 2,808 deaths recorded in 2019.From 2015 to 2020,

the average number of deaths caused by suicide was at 2,630 [13]. Suicide occurs more often in

older than in younger people, but is still one of the leading causes of death in late childhood and

adolescence worldwide. This not only results in a direct loss of many young lives, but also has

disruptive psychosocial and adverse socio-economic effects [29]. Untreated mental illness

including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and others, is the cause for the vast

majority of suicides [30]. The effects of unresolved trauma can be devastating. It can affect our

habits and outlook on life, leading to addictions and poor decision-making. It can take a toll on

our family life and interpersonal relationships. It can trigger real physical pain, symptoms, and

disease. And it can lead to a range of self-destructive behaviors. But trauma doesn’t have to be a

life sentence [31].

“Now more than ever, we need to promote holistic health, where we are caring for the

body, the mind, and even the spirit” [13].

A retreat is a chance for an encounter with God, with other people, with creation, with

issues, and within oneself. A retreat is an intentional strategy to withdraw from everyday life

[26]. As the Bible says, all healing comes from God. God can use the medicines and the skill of

the doctors to heal a person. At the same time, He can do it without anybody’s mediation -

without the aid of medicine. That is faith-healing. It is miraculous healing. The only thing God

demands from us in order to receive healing is faith. Faith and trust in God’s love and power [9].

The best place to pray and connect to God is in a retreat house. It is a quiet and peaceful

environment that is abounded by nature setup perfect for contemplating, surrendering and

praying to God without distractions, it is a way to connect to god not just spiritually [27].

When we retreat, it is not for the purpose of just getting away and staying away.

Everything involved in getting away, and all that is done while away, involves coming back with

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

a renewed faith and sense of purpose in our spiritual life. Hopefully we will deepen our

relationship with God by intentionally reflecting and meditating [26].

The researcher made some realizations that we need a place of solitude where we can

relax, meditate and retreat. In its simplest form Retreat means ‘to withdraw, to drawback.’ A

retreat is an intentional time away to experience a new awareness of the presence of God. It is an

opportunity to get some distance and see things in perspective. It requires a pace that is unhurried

and conducive to rest and relaxation in order to come back with a renewed sense of living as

Disciples of Christ.

Balay Ancora also offers mental health healing thru holistic spiritual and psychiatric

approach. The institution provides a Retreat and Wellness Center to help people who suffers

depression and anxieties. It provides activities to the participants like students, church members,

Priest and other Catholics organizations who would like to undergo self-realization, meditation

and healing thru various activities like spiritual talks, counseling, team building, support group,

seminars, meditation exercises and medical clinic. They will be exposed more to the therapeutic

ambiance of nature and also has the program to have a social time between the participants and

the orphans. They can also have their own set of programs where they can teach the orphans their

skills expertise, which we believe that it is beneficial to the both parties. By this, we can somehow

give awareness and solutions to the mental wealth of the orphans and also to the retreat


In this study, it has been tried to consider important factors to create sense of belonging

to the environment in children to design a space for them, so that they can feel to be a member

of society and feel less unsafe and alienation with the environment.

With the above vision, the researcher proposes an orphanage which will also serve as a

retreat house and wellness center.

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The study aims to come up with ideal architectural design and plans for the “Balay Ancora:

A Proposed Institution-Retreat and wellness Center” of the Diocese of Kabankalan.

In Addition, The Commission of Social Action of the Diocese of Kabankalan is committed

on providing the best residential foster care that will create a child- friendly facilities,

environmental plans, specifications and that the children know a family life. Also, in meeting the

needs of the orphans that can help them in overcoming the difficulties of being an orphan. The

project Balay Ancora; Orphanage Institution-Retreat and Wellness Center is in line with the social

action project that aims to promote self-awareness and self-realization towards mental health, to

help eliminate the issue of depression, suicide, abandonment, neglection, family deficiency and

illegal adoption.

Architectural problems that can be encountered in orphanages are congested spaces,

inappropriate design such as the interior and exterior, dull environment, and unsuitable space

planning and circulation. The exterior of a building that gives an important first impression to the

public remain simple, stiff that give an uncomfortable feeling to the public and this will indirectly

affect their desire to visit the facility [18]. These children lack sense of security in meeting their

needs, lack of self-confidence, lack of expressing problems with right person, lack of being loved

by others and other shortcomings of mental and behavioral problems of these children [1].

In order to achieve the solution this study aims to answer the following questions:

1.2.1.Site Analysis

1. Will the site be suited for the following considerations?

1.1. Accessibility;

1.2. Magnitude;

1.3. Utility and Engineering;

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

1.4. Peace, Order and Landmarks?

2. What are the existing building entities, fauna or flora and vistas in the site?

3. What are the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the site?

1.2.2. Site Development

1. How will the functions needed in the Orphanage-institution-Retreat and Wellness center

be organized?

2. What is the appropriate site planning for the children’s home and community where the

children will grow?

1.2.3. Building Aesthetics

1. What design philosophy is suited for the proposal?

2. What design concept should be used in the project?

3. What design character should be used in the project?

1.2.4. Building Function

1. What is the appropriate design functions to achieve a properly built environment for the

children to improve their social, physical and emotional growth?

2. What are the required facilities, spaces, amenities?

1.2.5. Building Strength and Durability

1. What are the materials needed in constructing the structures?

2. How can a strong structural framework be assured?

3. What materials will be used to minimize environmental impact?

1.2.6. Building Engineering and Utility System

1. Are water, electric supply and cellular reception available in the vicinity?

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

2. What other Architectural or Engineering innovations you should consider to achieve green


1.3 Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is to give social awareness about social welfare institutions

that need attention. It will also give benefits to the built environment of the orphans and develop

the cognitive, social and emotional growth of the children users in the facility. It is also significant

as future reference for the design of social welfares that needs space for improvement in the design

towards providing comfort and ease for the beneficiaries and their need of architectural design

services for their lifestyle benefit.

Furthermore, the study will be beneficial to the following:

To the local community

This study shall provide information to the city with high regards to the effectiveness of

the development. It will also benefit the locality through various job opportunities at the center that

will help the economy and development of the city. In addition, this will be beneficial to the parents,

relatives and guardians under of the diocese of Kabankalan, the center will be a venue for promotion

of a healthy family, parental encouragement and also to help family under poverty.

To the local church congregation

This will also provide ideas regarding ways to improve the local parish congregation and

enriching their spirituality through promotion of spiritual encounters through retreats and

recollections by offering a venue conducive for spiritual communion. It will also help in the

successful advancement of the Catholic faith in the south of Negros Occidental and can improve

the personal relationship of all the catholic students, members, clergy, priests, workers and also

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

Bishop of the Dioceses of Kabankalan through the different services and amenities the Center can


To the abandoned, neglected, abused and alike children

By giving them a home that will promote holistic foster-parental care. They will also be

given opportunity to access quality education that they will grow as better individuals equipped

with the necessary things to be successful and will give them hope that better life is still accessible

in spite of their present challenges.

To the Retreat participants and students

This study will be beneficial to the people who would like to have retreats, recollections

and psychiatric counselling. The proposed Center will provide excellent spiritual formation and

healing haven where retreatants could internalize and relax, find solitude, peace and have a spiritual

rehabilitation with God and nature.

To the future researchers

This shall serve as reference in designing a sustainable Orphanage Institution- and retreat

house. This study can be their source of information in terms of guidelines and other architecture

techniques related to the development of an institutional complex.

To the researcher

Through this research, the researcher will gain new skills and knowledge on how to affiliate

healing, nature, faith and people in an institution. This is an opportunity to develop an architectural

design that fits and suit the needs of the users and inspired by the vision and mission of the Diocese

of Kabankalan and also the catholic church

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

1.4 Scope and Limitations

The scope of this study “Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institution-Retreat and

Wellness Center” is more concerned with the architectural design of an Orphanage Institution- and

retreat center which located at Kabankalan City. It will also focus on the solution of on-going

concerns of orphanage institution while achieving a sustainable and therapeutic design. The study

will be limited to institutionalized children in the community, retreat participants and to the

depressed students. The study was also conducted by the guidance of the Covid Pandemic Protocol

for the safety of the Researcher and other related persona of the study.

The limitations of the study are the following:

1. The proposed site of the structure is located in a 91,444 square meter lot located Brgy

Binicuil, Kabankalan City. And is Owned by the diocese of Kabankalan.

2. The Study will give focus on how to develop Diocese of Kabankalan Orphanage

Institution-Retreat and wellness Center by making the facility that compliments the

complex institution like the main Admin building as the major provision. other related

facilities and spaces as minor.

3. The facilities in the study are based on researcher’s survey from locals and the

congregation, existing government by-laws, building standards and also based on the

collected information through interviews, internet and library research.

4. The respondents of the research methodology are the people of Kabankalan city, mostly

members of the Dioceses of Kabankalan.

5. The study is based on different departments data specification and requirements like the

space requirements, number of users and standards as per instruction under the local

government and other Institutional guidelines for orphanage and retreat centers.

6. The institution will cater a total Population of 50 orphans from infants to 12 years old.
Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

7. The proposal shall only involve in the conceptualization, designing, and planning that

meets the requirements and standards of the proposed project.

8. The structural, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical framework of the structure shall only

be consulted to the knowledge of practicing experts in their respective field.

9. Moreover, this study does not cover marketing strategies, as well as the operational and

administrative details of the facility, with the latter, only to be considered in the design

process. However, the Researcher shall make a rough estimate of the total project cost.

1.5 Assumptions of the Study

In this study, the researcher predicated the following assumptions:

1. As the present situation shows and from the data gathered, it is assumed that the Negros

Occidental especially with cities and municipalities within the scope of the Diocese of

Kabankalan needs an Orphanage Institution-Retreat and Wellness center.

2. Descriptive research measures are essential to the understanding of the Researcher to its

problem instead of utilizing qualitative or quantitative data gathering approaches alone.

3. Convenience sampling technique is necessary to the research due to the uncontrollable

events like the Covid-19 pandemic, it is also assumed that the chosen sample size of 100

respondents have great interest to the research and the survey results are reliable.

4. The site that is selected is owned by the Diocese of Kabankalan, it is assumed to already

been filled with soil on the selected building area and is relatively flat and is suitable.

5. It is assumed that the Diocese has the Funds to support the project with a total of 50 Orphans

from infants to 12 years old only.

6. The Diocese will utilize their Religious orders, members and school employees under the

diocese for the staff or workers and has the means to hire other related professionals


Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

7. The facilities in the study are based on researcher’s survey from locals and the

congregation. Further, the respondents of the research methodology are the people of

Kabankalan city, mostly members of the Dioceses of Kabankalan.

8. The study is based on different departments’ data specification and requirements like the

space requirements, number of users and standards and as per instruction under the local

government and other Institutional guidelines for orphanage and retreat centers.

9. The access road-right-of-way that was donated by the diocese will be based on the

researcher’s design and planning for the improvements of the project.

10. The present illegal settlers located at the site will be transferred to a relocation site provide

by the diocese of Kabankalan.

11. The study will only cover the estimated project cost of this proposal and shall be computed

per area of the lot.

1.6 Definition of terms

In order to have a better understanding of the research, the following terms are defined

according to their contextual and operational meaning

Institution. Conceptual. Is society or organization founded for a religious, educational,

social, or similar purpose. [1]. In this study, Its a private foundation that focuses on giving the needs

of the orphans with holistic healing programs.

Orphanage. Conceptual. A home for children whose parents are dead or abandoned/

unable to care for them [3]. In this study, Is a special institution that will cater orphans from infants

to boy teens until the legal consent of 18 years old.

Retreat. Conceptual. “to withdraw” spiritual retreat is time set apart to be in quiet, rest,

and solitude with god. It removes us from noise and distraction, and into a place of spiritual

refreshing and renewing. It is a way of entering into the presence of god, and allowing him to nourish

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

our soul [26]. In this study, it is a catholic approach event that the institution offers with talks, group

activities and religious seminars that can give spiritual and mental healing benefits to the


Mental health. Conceptual. Can be defined as a state of well-being in which the

individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work

productively and fruitfully, and is able to contribute to his or her community [32]. In this study, Is

the mental state of a person that influences one’s personality, character, attitude, mood, personal

motivation and directions in life.

Wellness Center. Conceptual. Is focused on mental, general health and well-being

helping students or employees thrive in their environments by helping them deal with stress,

understand proper nutrition for their bodies, and advise them on general health and well-being.

Sometimes, this will include a health clinic staffed with physicians, but oftentimes it will be a

separate operation [1]. In this study, It is an institution that focuses more on the mental well-being

of the orphans and retreat participants with psychiatric interventions and meditation exercises.

Physical Abuse. Conceptual. refers to inflicting physical harm by beating, hitting,

punching, kicking, biting, burning or any other act, which causes physical pain [3]. In this study,

This is a type of abuse can be caused by over-discipline or punishment that is inappropriate for the

child’s age and size.

Sexual Abuse. Also referred to as molestation, is abusive sexual behavior by one person

upon another. It is often perpetrated using force or by taking advantage of another [3]. In this study,

It includes activities by a parent or caretaker such as fondling a child’s genitals, penetration, incest,

rape, sodomy, indecent exposure and exploitation through prostitution or the production of

pornographic materials.

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

Foster Care. Conceptual. Also known as out-of-home care. Is a temporary service

provided by states for children who cannot live with their families also refer to placement settings

such as group homes, residential care facilities, emergency shelters, and supervised independent

living [3]. In this study, It is one of the programs of the Institution where the children will be place

inside the orphanage that will give temporary needs and parental care until the children will reach

the legal consent of 18 years old.

Residential Home Care. Conceptual. A general care and support provided in a standard

care home. It can often be referred to as "personal care" or even "assisted living" and usually

involves help with basic needs such as washing, dressing, mobility assistance [3]. In this study, it is

one of the programs of the Institution where they provide temporary residential care with all needs

covered to the children that was placed to the orphanage by their parents. Sometimes this is due to

the incapability of the parents to raise the child.

Healing Environment. Conceptual. It entails good design balance of the use of form,

color, texture and scale. One needs to recognize that every design component is an opportunity to

impact the health and well-being of the occupant and passerby. Experiences that are formed

throughout one’s life begin with an understanding of space and the boundary that is placed between

us and that space [34]. In this study, it is believed to be an intangible healing factor influence by

the setting and surroundings of the institution.

Holistic. Conceptual. Also known as Holism, it is the idea that various systems should be

viewed as wholes, not merely as a collection of parts [21]. In this study, it is characterized by the

treatment of the whole person, considering mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms

of a disease.

Diocese. Conceptual. A territorial area administered by a bishop. In the Roman Catholic

church only the pope can divide or merge dioceses or create new ones. All dioceses are divided

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

into parishes, each with its own church; dioceses are also sometimes divided into rural deaneries,

which contain several parishes [16]. In this study, It is a group of catholic parish priest from the

south of negros with an assigned head bishop located at Kabankalan city.

Nursery. Conceptual. It refers to a place to maintain children received from early ages to

the end of age 5 and educate them [1]. In this study, It is a sector of the foundation that focuses on

giving the needs of the orphans range from infants to toddlers.

Suicide. Conceptual. Is defined as a fatal self-injurious act with some evidence of intent

to die [29]. In this study, it is one of the social issues that the institution wants to eliminate especially

to the youth today.

Childhood. Conceptual. Considered as the first step of growth and in addition to be related

to growth steps, it is independent stage of human life with specific encouragements and problems.

In this study, Refers to the early life experience of a child from nursery to teen stage.

Hopelessness. Conceptual. It is a feeling that conditions will never improve, that there is

no solution to a problem, and, for many, a feeling that dying by suicide would be better than living

[29]. In this study, it is one of the major causes of depression and suicide that the institution wants

to tackle and eliminate.

Covid-19 Pandemic the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a recent pandemic

which has spread to over 200 countries of the world since its outbreak, short for "coronavirus

disease 2019," is the name of the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus [13]. In this

study, it refers to the specific pandemic outbreak disease that will be taken into consideration for

the research project.

Near Orphan. Conceptual. The near orphan refers to the children with chronically ill

parent who will become orphans in the next year [20]. In this study, it also refers to the children

Balay Ancora: A Proposed Orphanage Institute- Retreat House and Wellness Center

that has parents who are unable to take care or to provide the essential needs of their children due

to the health status and other related health issues.

One-Half Orphan. Conceptual. The one-half orphans are those who have lost only one

of their parents either no mother or no father [20]. In this study, it refers to children who has single

parent that doesn’t have the capability in raising or nurturing them.

Double Orphan. Conceptual. are children under 18 years of age who have lost both

parents [20]. In this study, it refers to the minor children who has no parents to take care of them

whether they passed away or just simple abandoned them.


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