Fleck 5600 Manual

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FLECK® 5600


JOB SPECIFICATION SHEET.................................................3 • The information, specifications and illustrations in this
manual are based on the latest information available at the
time of release. The manufacturer reserves the right to
START-UP INSTRUCTIONS................................................... 4 make changes at any time without notice.
SYSTEM DISINFECTION....................................................... 4 • This manual is intended as a guide for service of the valve
MODEL 5600 WITH TIME CLOCK only. System installation requires information from a
INSTALLATION AND START-UP PROCEDURES.....................5 number of suppliers not known at the time of manufacture.
This product should be installed by a plumbing professional.
AND START-UP PROCEDURES..............................................6 • This unit is designed to be installed on a potable water
system only and is not intended to treat water that is
MODEL 5600 METERED microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without
INSTALLATION AND START-UP PROCEDURES.....................7 adequate disinfection before and after the system.
WATER CONDITIONER FLOW DIAGRAMS..............................8 • This product must be installed in compliance with all state
MODEL 5600 CONTROL VALVE DRIVE ASSEMBLY.............. 10 and municipal plumbing and electrical codes. Permits may be
required at the time of installation.
5600 ELECTROMECHANICAL.............................................. 16
5600 VALVE ACCESSORIES................................................ 17 • It is established that when daytime water pressure exceeds
80 psi (5.5 bar), the maximum pressure rating of 125 psi (8.6 bar)
5600 VALVE ASSEMBLIES.................................................. 18 can be exceeded. A pressure regulator must be installed on
SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS.................................................... 21 this system or warranty is voided.
TROUBLESHOOTING.......................................................... 24 • Do not install the unit where temperatures may drop below
GENERAL SERVICE HINTS FOR METER CONTROL..............25 32°F (0°C) or above 120°F (52°C).

MODEL 5600SF TROUBLESHOOTING..................................25 • Do not place the unit in direct sunlight. Black units will
absorb radiant heat increasing internal temperatures.
• Do not strike the valve or any of the components.
• Warranty of this product extends to manufacturing defects.
Misapplication of this product may result in failure to
properly condition water, damage to product, or personal
• A prefilter should be used on installations in which free
solids are present.
• In some applications local municipalities treat water with
Chloramines. High Chloramine levels may damage valve
• Correct and constant voltage must be supplied to the
controller to maintain proper function.
• The system is intended to treat only potable quality water.
It is not intended as the permanent primary treatment of
water from a source that is contaminated, such as from
radon, pesticides, insecticides, sewage or wastewater.
• This system is not intended for use by persons (including
children) with reduced physical, sensory, or mental
capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless
they have been given supervision or instruction concerning
use of the appliance by a person responsible for their
• Children shall not play with the system.
• Cleaning shall not be made by children without supervision.
• Periodic cleaning and maintenance may be required to
function properly. See disinfection instructions on page 4.


This product contains chemicals known to the
State of California to cause cancer or birth
defects or other reproductive harm.

2 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual

JOB SPECIFICATION SHEET by providing a path of least resistance for electric current. This
appliance is equipped with a cord having an appliance-grounding
Job Number:____________________________________________________ conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an
Model Number:__________________________________________________ appropriate outlet that is installed and grounded in accordance
Water Hardness: ________________________________________________ with all local codes and ordinances.

ppm or gpg Improper connection of the appliance-grounding

Capacity Per Unit:_______________________________________________
conductor can result in a risk of electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service
Mineral Tank Size:______________ Diameter:_________ representative if you are in doubt whether the
Height:_______________ appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify
the plug provided with the appliance; if it will not
Salt Setting per Regeneration:____________________________________
fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a
1. Type of Timer: qualified technician.
A. Time Clock
Risk of electric shock. Disconnect power before
B. Meter Initiated servicing.
2. Downflow: Upflow Upflow Variable
3. Meter Size:
The cover should only be removed during installation set-up and
A. 3/4-inch Turbine maintenance by a qualified service person.
B. 3/4-inch Paddle Wheel
Existing Plumbing
C. Electronic_____________ Pulse Count__________ Meter Size__________________
Condition of existing plumbing should be free from lime and iron
4. System Type: buildup. Piping that is built up heavily with lime and/or iron should
A. System #4: 1 Tank, 1 Meter, Immediate, or Delayed Regeneration be replaced. If piping is clogged with iron, a separate iron filter
B. System #4: Time Clock unit should be installed ahead of the water softener.
5. Valve Operating Parameters: Location of Softener and Drain
5600 The softener should be located close to the drain to prevent air
Minimum operating pressure: 20 psi / 1.4 bar / 138 kPa breaks and back flow. You must have an air gap on the drain line
Maximum operating pressure: 125 psi / 8.61 bar / 861 kPa to prevent back flow of drain water into the system. The air gap
Minimum water temperature: 34° F / 1° C should be two (2) times the diameter of the drain line pipe but
Maximum water temperature: 110° F / 43° C must be at least 1-inch.
Maximum Ambient temperature: 120° F / 52° C
Maximum humidity: 75% Air Gap
Input Voltage: 120 Volts AC / 60 Hz
Maximum Watts: 3 watts
Maximum altitude: 2000 meters
6. Timer Program Settings:
A. Backwash:__________________________________________________Minutes
B. Brine and Slow Rinse:________________________________________Minutes By-Pass Valves
C. Rapid Rinse:________________________________________________Minutes Always provide for the installation of a by-pass valve if unit is not
D. Brine Tank Refill:____________________________________________Minutes equipped with one.
E. Pause Time:________________________________________________Minutes CAUTION Water pressure is not to exceed 125 psi (8.6 bar),
F. Second Backwash:__________________________________________Minutes
water temperature is not to exceed 110°F (43°C), and
7. Drain Line Flow Control: gpm the unit cannot be subjected to
8. Brine Line Flow Controller: gpm freezing conditions.

9. Injector Size#: Installation Instructions

1. Place the softener tank where you want to install the unit
INSTALLATION making sure the unit is level and on a firm base.
2. During cold weather, the installer should warm the valve to
Water Pressure
room temperature before operating.
A minimum of 25 psi (1.7 bar) of water pressure is required for
regeneration valve to operate effectively. 3. All plumbing should be done in accordance with local
plumbing codes. The pipe size for residential drain line should
Electrical Warnings & Caution Statement be a minimum of 1/2 inch (13 mm). Backwash flow rates in
An uninterrupted alternating current (A/C) supply is required. excess of 7 gpm (26.5 Lpm) or length in excess of 20 feet (6
NOTE: Other voltages are available. Please make sure your m) require 3/4 -inch (19 mm) drain line. Commercial drain lines
voltage supply is compatible with your unit should be the same size as the drain line flow control.
before installation. 4. Refer to the dimensional drawing for cutting height of the
distributor tube. If there is no dimensional drawing, cut the
Grounding Instructions distributor tube flush with the top of the tank.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a malfunction 5. Lubricate the distributor o-ring seal and tank o-ring seal.
or breakdown, grounding will reduce the risk of electric shock Place the main control valve on tank.

FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 3

NOTE: Only use silicone lubricant. The water softener should be installed with the inlet, outlet, and
6. Solder joints near the drain must be done prior to drain connections made in accordance with the manufacturer’s
connecting the Drain Line Flow Control fitting (DLFC). recommendations, and to meet applicable plumbing codes.
Leave at least 6 inches (15 cm) between the DLFC and 1. Turn the manual regeneration knob slowly in a clockwise
solder joints when soldering pipes that are connected on direction until the program micro switch lifts on top of the
the DLFC. Failure to do this could cause interior damage to first set of pins. Allow the drive motor to move the piston to
the DLFC. the first regeneration step and stop. Each time the program
7. Plumber tape is the only sealant to be used on the drain switch position changes, the valve will advance to the next
fitting. The drain from twin tank units may be run through a regeneration step. Always allow the motor to stop before
common line. moving to the next set of pins or spaces.
8. Make sure that the floor is clean beneath the salt storage NOTE: For electronic valves, please refer to the manual
tank and that it is level. regeneration part of the timer operation section. If the
valve came with a separate electronic timer service
9. Place approximately 1 inch (25 mm) of water above the grid
manual, refer to the timer operation section of the
plate. If a grid is not utilized, fill to the top of the air check electronic timer service manual.
(Figure 1) in the salt tank. Do not add salt to the brine tank at
this time. 2. Position the valve to backwash. Ensure the drain line flow
remains steady for 10 minutes or until the water runs clear
10. On units with a by-pass, place in by-pass position. Turn on
(see above).
the main water supply. Open a cold soft water tap nearby
and let run a few minutes or until the system is free from 3. Position the valve to the brine / slow rinse position. Ensure
foreign material (usually solder) that may have resulted the unit is drawing water from the brine tank (this step may
from the installation. Once clean, close the water tap. need to be repeated).
11. Slowly place the by-pass in service position and let water 4. Position the valve to the rapid rinse position. Check the drain
flow into the mineral tank. When water flow stops, slowly line flow, and run for 5 minutes or until the water
open a cold water tap nearby and let run until the air is runs clear.
purged from the unit. 5. Position the valve to the start of the brine tank fill cycle.
12. Plug unit into an electrical outlet. Ensure water goes into the brine tank at the desired rate. The
NOTE: All electrical connections must be connected according brine valve drive cam will hold the valve in this position to fill
to local codes. Be certain the outlet is uninterrupted. the brine tank for the first regeneration.
6. Replace control box cover.
7. Put salt in the brine tank.
NOTE: Do not use granulated or rock salt.
Disinfection of Water Softeners
The materials of construction of the modern water softener will
not support bacterial growth, nor will these materials contami-
nate a water supply. During normal use, a softener may become
fouled with organic matter, or in some cases with bacteria from
the water supply. This may result in an off-taste or odor in the
Some softeners may need to be disinfected after installation
and some softeners will require periodic disinfection during their
60002 Rev E normal life.
Depending upon the conditions of use, the style of softener, the
Figure 1 Residential Air Check Valve
type of ion exchanger, and the disinfectant available, a choice
can be made among the following methods.

Sodium or Calcium Hypochlorite

These materials are satisfactory for use with polystyrene resins,
synthetic gel zeolite, greensand and bentonites.

5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite

These solutions are available under brand names of household
bleach. If stronger solutions are used, such as those sold for
commercial laundries, adjust the dosage accordingly.
1. Dosage
A. Polystyrene resin; 1.2 fluid ounce (35.5 ml) per cubic foot.
B. Non-resinous exchangers; 0.8 fluid ounce (23.7 ml) per
cubic foot.
4 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual
2. Salt tank softeners INSTALLATION AND START-UP
A. Backwash the softener and add the required amount PROCEDURES
of hypochlorite solution to the well of the salt tank. The NOTE I nstall the water softener with the inlet, outlet, and
salt tank should have water in it to permit the solution to drain connections made according to manufacturer's
be carried into the softener. recommendations and to meet applicable plumbing
B. Proceed with the normal recharge. codes.

Calcium Hypochlorite Manual Regeneration Knob

24-Hour Gear
Calcium hypochlorite, 70% available chlorine, is available in
several forms including tablets and granules. These solid mate-
rials may be used directly without dissolving before use. Skipper Wheel
Red Time (shows every
1. Dosage Set Button other day
A. Two grains (approximately 0.1 ounce [3 ml]) per cubic
2. Salt tank softeners
A. Backwash the softener and add the required amount of Time of Day Arrow Red Pointer
hypochlorite to the well of the salt tank. The salt tank
should have water in it to permit the chlorine solution to 1. Manually index the softener control into the In Service
be carried into the softener. position and let water flow into the resin tank. When the
water flow stops, open a softened water tap until all air is
B. Proceed with the normal recharge.
released from the lines. Then close tap.
NOTE: Manually dial the various regeneration positions by
turning the knob on the front of the control until the
indicator shows that the softener is in the desired
2. Manually index the control to the Backwash position and
allow water to flow at the drain for 3 or 4 minutes.
3. Remove back cover plate.
4. Make sure that the salt dosage is set as recommended by
the manufacturer. If necessary, set salt according to the
setting instruction sheet. Manually index the control to the
Brine Fill position and allow the brine tank to fill to the top
of the air check.
5. Manually index the control to the Brine Draw position and
allow the control to draw water from the brine tank until it
6. Plug in the electrical cord and look in the sight hole in the
back of the motor to see that it is running. Set the days that
regeneration is to occur by sliding tabs on skipper wheel
outward to expose trip fingers.
• Each tab is one day.
• Finger at red pointer is tonight.
• Moving clockwise from red pointer, extend or retract
fingers to obtain the desired generation schedule.
7. Manually advance the control to the beginning of the Brine
Fill position and allow the control to return to the In Service
position automatically.
8. Fill the brine tank with salt.
9. Replace back cover on the control.
10. Make sure that any bypass valving is left in the normal In
Service position.

FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 5

INSTALLATION AND START-UP PROCEDURES • Eliminated with low water piston (gray end plug).
NOTE: Install the water softener with the inlet, outlet, and 3. Backwash position.
drain connections made according to manufacturer's • See page 7 with standard piston.
recommendations and to meet applicable plumbing codes. • 15 minutes with filter piston.
• 7 minutes with low water piston.
Manual Regeneration Knob
24-Hour Gear
4. Brine Rinse position.
• Eliminated, resulting in a 50 minute pause, no water flows
during this time.
Skipper Wheel
Red Time (shows every 5. Slow Rinse position.
Set Button other day
backwash) • Eliminated, resulting in a 50 minute pause, no water flows
during this time.
- 6. Second Backwash position.
• See page 8 with standard piston.
Time of Day Arrow Red Pointer
• 15 minutes with filter piston.
NOTE: Before plugging in the Unit • 7 minutes with low water piston.
1. Open a treated water tap down stream of the filter. 7. Settling Rinse position.
2. Manually index the filter to the In Service position and • See page 8 with standard or filter piston.
allow the mineral tank to fill by slowly opening the main • Eliminate with low water piston.
water supply valve. Any bypass should be in the In Service 8. Brine Tank Refill position.
• Eliminated, filter is back in service at this time.
NOTE: The water flowing from the downstream tap is cloudy
and/or contains media fines as well as air. Allow the
water to run until it appears clean and free of air.
3. When a steady clean flow appears at the tap, close the tap
and the main water supply valve and allow the filter media
bed to settle for 15–20 minutes.
4. Manually index the filter to the Backwash position.
5. To prevent a sudden surge of water and air, partially open
the main water supply valve so that the flow at the drain of
the filter is approximately 1 gpm (3.7 Lpm). The water at the
drain is cloudy again and/or contains media fines as well
as air. Allow water to flow at the drain until it appears clean
and free of air.
6. Continue to open the water supply valve until it is
completely open. Allow water to flow at the drain until all
media fines are washed out of the filter.
7. Manually index the filter to the In Service position, and again
open the downstream tap. Check to be sure that the water
flows clear. If necessary, allow water to flow until all media
fines are gone. If the tap is equipped with an aerator check
that is not plugged with media fines and pipe scale.
8. Plug in the electrical cord and look in the sight hole on the
back of the timer motor to ensure that it is running. Set the
days backwashing is to occur by sliding tabs on the skipper
wheel outward to expose trip fingers. Each tab is one day.
Finger at red pointer is tonight. Moving clockwise from
red pointer, extend or retract fingers to obtain the desired
backwash schedule.
9. Set time of day by pushing red button and spin the 24-hour
gear until the present time of day is visible above the time
of day arrow.

Cycle Times and Flow Diagrams

1. In Service position. See page 7.
2. Preliminary Rinse position.
• See page 7 with standard piston (white end plug) or filter
piston (black end plug).

6 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual

NOTE: Install the water softener with the inlet, outlet, and 4. Rotate program wheel counterclockwise until it stops at
drain connections made according to manufacturer's Regeneration position.
recommendations and to meet applicable plumbing
5. Manually index the control to the Backwash position and
allow water to flow at the drain for 3 or 4 minutes.
6. Remove back cover plate.
Manual Regeneration Knob 24-Hour Gear

Program Wheel 7. Make sure than the salt dosage is set as recommended by
the manufacturer. Manually index the control to the Brine Fill
People Dial position and allow the brine tank to fill to the top of the air
Red Time check.
Set Button Grains Per Gallon
Water Hardness 8. Manually index the control to the Brine Rinse position and
allow the control to draw water from the brine tank until it
stops. Plug in the electrical cord and look in the sight hole in
the back of the monitor to see that it is running.
White Dot Gallons Label
9. Manually advance the control to the beginning of the Brine
Fill position and allow the control to return to the In Service
Before plugging in the Unit position automatically.
1. Manually index the softener control to the In Service 10. Fill the brine tank with salt.
position and let water flow into the resin tank. When the 11. Replace back cover on the control. Be sure cable is not
water flow stops, open a softened water tap until all air is pinched between cover and housing.
released from the lines. Then close tap.
12. Make sure that any bypass valving is left in the normal In
2. The various regeneration positions may be dialed manually Service position.
by turning the knob on the front of the control until the
13. Manually index the filter to the In Service position and allow
indicator shows that the softener is in the desired position.
the mineral tank to fill by slowly opening the main water
3. Set water usage program wheel using any one of the supply valve. Any bypass should be in the In Service position.
following procedures:
Typical Residential Application
To program, just set the time, set the hardness and it
automatically monitors system needs and regenerates
only when necessary. To set time of day press red time
set button and turn 24-hour gear until present time of
day is at “time of day.” Set program wheel by lifting the
“people” dial and rotating it so that the number of people
in the household is aligned with the household grains per
gallon water hardness. Release the dial and check for firm
engagement at setting. This method provides reserve
capacity based on 75 gallons per person.
Optional Programming Procedures
Calculate the gallon capacity of the system, subtract
the necessary reserve requirement and set the gallons
available at the small white dot on program wheel gear.
Note, drawing shows 850 gallon setting. The capacity
(gallons) arrow denotes remaining gallons exclusive of fixed

FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 7


Service Position Backwash Position

Preliminary Rinse Position Brine Position

8 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual


Slow Rinse Position Settling Rinse Position

Second Backwash Position Brine Tank Fill Position

FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 9




16 1A
1A 22
34 37


30 2

25 3



10 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual

Item No. QTY Part No. Description Item No. QTY Part No. Description
1 ���������������1 ������� 14448-001 �������Drive Housing, with Pin Standard
Drilled for Cover 1 ������� 14278 ��������������Valve Position Dial, Low Water
1A �������������1 ������� 15494-03 ���������“L” Housing, with Pin Drilled 1 ������� 15478 ��������������Valve Position Dial, Chemical
for Designer Filter
2 ��������������1 ������� 13175 ���������������Motor Mounting Plate 1 ������� 16715 ���������������Valve Position Dial, Filter
3 ��������������1 ������� 18743 ��������������Motor, 120V, 60 Hz 39 ������������1 ������� 14175 ���������������Knob Label, Beige
1 ������� 19659 ��������������Motor, 24V, 60 Hz 1 ������� 14207 ��������������Knob Label, Silver
4 �����������(2-3) ���� 11384 ���������������Screw, Motor Mtg. and 40s ����������1 ������� 40214 ��������������Screw, Brine Cam
Ground Wire
5 �����������(3-5) ���� 13296 ��������������Screw, Component s = Not use when a filter valve
6 ��������������1 ������� 13017 ���������������Idler Gear
7 ��������������1 ������� 13018 ���������������Idler Pinion
8 ��������������1 ������� 13312 ���������������Spring, Idler
9 ��������������1 ������� 13164 ���������������Drive Gear
11 ��������������1 ������� 13170 ���������������Main Gear and Shaft
12 �������������1 ������� 19205 ��������������24-hour Gear Assembly,
1 ������� 19205-01 ���������24-hour Gear Assembly, Tan
13 �������������1 ������� 13011 ���������������Cycle Actuator Gear
14 �������������1 ������� 14177 ���������������Knob, Manual Regeneration
15 ������������ 4 ������� 13300 ��������������Ball, 1/4˝ Dia.
16 ������������ 2 ������� 13311 ����������������Spring, Detent, Skipper
19 �������������1 ������� 14381 ���������������Skipper Wheel Assembly,
1 ������� 14860 ��������������Skipper Wheel Assembly,
20 ������������1 ������� 13864 ��������������Skipper Wheel Ring
21 ������������ 2 ������� 19080 ��������������Spring, Compression, 6700
22 ������������1 ������� 13014 ���������������Regeneration Pointer
23 ������������1 ������� 11842 ���������������Electrical Cord, Standard
24 ����������� 2 ������� 12681 ���������������Wire Connector (not shown)
25 ������������1 ������� 13547 ��������������Strain Relief
26 ������������1 ������� 40338 �������������Back Cover
27 ������������1 ������� 13309 ��������������Front Label, Brown on Beige
1 ������� 13437 ��������������Front Label, Blue/Silver on
28 ������������1 ������� 13310 ���������������Rear Label, Softener
1 ������� 18520 ��������������Rear Label, Filter
29 ������������1 ������� 13348 ��������������Tape Stripe, Brown on Beige
1 ������� 13436 ��������������Tape Stripe, Blue on Silver
30s ����������1 ������� 60514 ��������������Brine Cam Assembly, 3-18
1 ������� 60514-01 ���������Brine Cam Assembly, 6-36
1 ������� 60514-02 ���������Brine Cam Assembly,
34 ����������� 2 ������� 12473 ��������������Screw-drive Mounting
35s �����������1 ������� 12037 ��������������Washer
37 ������������1 ������� 15151 ����������������Screw, Knob
38 ������������1 ������� 14176 ���������������Valve Position Dial,

FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 11


Backwash Filter Injector Option 10
20 12
23 22 11
21 42
26 43 9
14 2

20 31 3 16
15 1
30 46 17
27 16
20 28 51

22 18
23 24 19
21 42
26 43 4
45 5
14 37 52

12 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual

Item No. QTY Part No. Description Item No. QTY Part No. Description
1 �������������2-4 ����� 13255 ��������������Adapter Clip (Clock or Meter) 38 ������������1 ������� 12094 ��������������BLFC Button, .25 gpm
2 ��������������5 ������� 13242 ��������������Seal 1 ������� 12095 ��������������BLFC Button, .50 gpm
5 ������� 17772 ���������������Silicone Seal 1 ������� 12097 ��������������BLFC Button, 1.0 gpm
3 ��������������1 ������� 61400-12 ���������Valve Body Assembly, 1˝ 39s ����������1 ������� 12977 ���������������O-ring, BLFC
Dist. 40 ������������1 ������� 13245 ��������������BLFC Button Retainer
1 ������� 61400-11 ����������Valve Body Assembly, 3/4˝ 41 �������������1 ������� 13244 ��������������BLFC Fitting, 3/8˝
Dist. 42 ������������1 ������� 00000 �������������DLFC Button, Specify Size
4 ��������������1 ������� 13304 ��������������O-ring, Distributor Tube, 1˝ 43 ������������1 ������� 13173 ���������������DLFC Button Retainer
1 ������� 10244 ��������������O-ring, Distributor Tube, 44 ������������1 ������� 12767 ���������������Screen, Brine Line
45 ������������1 ������� 15348 ��������������O-ring, DLFC (not shown)
5 ��������������1 ������� 12281 ���������������O-ring, Top of Tank
46 ������������1 ������� 13497 ��������������Air Disperser
7 ������������� 4 ������� 14241 ���������������Spacer
47 ������������1 ������� 13546 ��������������End Plug Retainer
8 ��������������1 ������� 13247 ��������������Piston, Standard
48 ����������� 3 ������� 12112 ���������������Screw
1 ������� 43216 ��������������Piston, Low Water
49 ������������1 ������� 13363 ��������������Washer
1 ������� 13852 ��������������Piston, Filter
50 ������������1 ������� 13296 ��������������Screw
9 ��������������1 ������� 10696 ��������������Piston Pin
51A �����������1 ������� 13398 ��������������Yoke, Brass, 1˝ NPT
10 �������������1 ������� 13001 ���������������Piston Rod Assembly
1 ������� 13708 ��������������Yoke, Brass, 3/4˝ NPT
11 ��������������1 ������� 12953 ��������������Piston Retainer
51B �����������1 ������� 18706 ��������������Yoke, Plastic, 1˝ NPT
12 �������������1 ������� 13446 ��������������End Plug Assembly
Standard, White 1 ������� 18706-02 ���������Yoke, Plastic 3/4˝ NPT
1 ������� 13446-10 ���������End Plug Assembly Filter, 52 ������������1 ������� 13308 ��������������Drain Hose Barb
Black 53 ������������1 ������� 13918 ���������������BLFC, Plug
13 �������������1 ������� 13446-20 ���������End Plug Assembly Low 54s ����������1 ������� 13857 ��������������Brine Valve, Plug
Water, Gray
14 ������������ 2 ������� 13315 ���������������Screw, Injector Mounting *not used with meter controls
15 ������������ 2 ������� 19228 ��������������Adapter Coupling s = used in backwash filter
16* ���������� 4 ������� 13305 ��������������O-ring, Adapter Coupling
17* ����������2-4 ����� 13314 ���������������Screw, Adapter Coupling
(Clock or Meter)
18 �������������1 ������� 12638 ��������������O-ring, Drain
19 ������������ 2 ������� 13301 ���������������O-ring, Injector
20s ��������� 2 ������� 13302 ��������������O-ring, Brine Spacer
21 �������������1 ������� 13303 ��������������O-ring, Injector Cover
22 ������������1 ������� 13163 ���������������Injector Body
23s ����������1 ������� 10913U ������������Injector Nozzle, Undrilled
24 ������������1 ������� 10914 ���������������Injector Throat, Specify Size
25 ������������1 ������� 10227 ��������������Injector Screen
26 ������������1 ������� 13166 ���������������Injector Cover
27 ������������1 ������� 13172 ���������������Brine Valve Stem
28 ������������1 ������� 12626 ��������������Brine Valve Seat
29 ������������1 ������� 13165 ���������������Brine Valve Cap
30 ������������1 ������� 13167 ���������������Brine Valve Spacer
31 �������������1 ������� 12550 ��������������Quad Ring
32 ������������1 ������� 11973 ���������������Spring, Brine Valve
33 ������������1 ������� 16098 ��������������Washer, Brine Valve
34 ������������1 ������� 11981-01 �����������Retaining Ring
35 ������������1 ������� 10329 ��������������BLFC Fitting Nut
36 ������������1 ������� 10330 ��������������BLFC Ferrule
37 ������������1 ������� 10332 ��������������BLFC Tube Insert

FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 13



34 12
16 42
8 14
9 44
35 5

11 5
24 23

14 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual

Item No. QTY Part No. Description Item No. QTY Part No. Description
1 ���������������1 ������� 14488-001 �������Drive Housing, with Pin 42 ������������1 ������� 14176 ���������������Valve Position Dial, Standard
Drilled for Cover 1 ������� 14278 ��������������Valve Position Dial, Low Water
1A �������������1 ������� 15494-03 ���������“L” Housing, with Pin Drilled 1 ������� 15478 ��������������Valve Position Dial, Filter
for Designer 43 ������������1 ������� 14175 ���������������Knob Label, Beige
2 ��������������1 ������� 13175 ���������������Motor Mounting Plate 1 ������� 14207 ��������������Knob Label, Silver
3 ��������������1 ������� 18743 ��������������Motor, 120V, 60 Hz 44 ������������1 ������� 15151 ����������������Screw, Knob
1 ������� 13494 ��������������Motor, 24V, 60 Hz 45 ������������1 ������� 40214 ��������������Screw, Brine Cam
4 ������������2-3 ����� 11384 ���������������Screw, Motor Mtg. and
Ground Wire
5 ������������2-4 ����� 13296 ��������������Screw, Component
6 ��������������1 ������� 13017 ���������������Idler Gear
7 ��������������1 ������� 13018 ���������������Idler Pinion
8 ��������������1 ������� 13312 ���������������Spring, Idler
9 ��������������1 ������� 13164 ���������������Drive Gear
11 ��������������1 ������� 13170 ���������������Main Gear and Shaft
12 �������������1 ������� 19205 ��������������24-hour Gear Assembly,
1 ������� 19205-01 ���������24-hour Gear Assembly, Tan
13 �������������1 ������� 13802 ��������������Cycle Actuator Gear
14 �������������1 ������� 14177 ���������������Knob, Manual Regeneration
15 ������������ 2 ������� 13300 ��������������Ball, 1/4˝ Dia.
16 ������������ 2 ������� 19080 ��������������Spring, Compression, 6700
18 �������������1 ������� 13748 ��������������Screw, Program Wheel
19 �������������1 ������� 60405-15 ���������Program Skipper Wheel
Assembly, Specify Hardness
20 ������������1 ������� 13806 ��������������Program Wheel Retainer
21 �������������1 ������� 13953 ��������������Cover Label, Program Wheel
22 ������������1 ������� 11842 ���������������Electrical Cord
23 ����������� 2 ������� 12681 ���������������Wire Connector
24 ������������1 ������� 13547 ��������������Strain Relief
25 ������������1 ������� 40338 �������������Back Cover
27 ������������1 ������� 13955 ��������������Front Label, Beige
1 ������� 13958 ��������������Front Label, Silver
28 ������������1 ������� 13310 ���������������Rear Label, Softener
1 ������� 18520 ��������������Rear Label, Filter
29 ������������1 ������� 13957 ��������������Tape Stripe, Beige
1 ������� 13960 ��������������Tape Stripe, Silver
30 ������������1 ������� 60514 ��������������Brine Cam Assembly, 3-18
1 ������� 60514-01 ���������Brine Cam Assembly, 6-36
1 ������� 60514-02 ���������Brine Cam Assembly,
34 ����������� 2 ������� 12473 ��������������Screw-drive Mounting
35 ������������1 ������� 12037 ��������������Washer
37 ������������1 ������� 13830 ��������������Drive Pinion, Program Wheel
38 ������������1 ������� 13831 ���������������Clutch, Drive Pinion
39 ������������1 ������� 14253 ��������������Spring Retainer
40 ������������1 ������� 14276 ��������������Spring
41 �������������1 ������� 14043 ��������������Cable Assembly, Standard
1 ������� 14910 ���������������Cable Assembly, Extended,
Right Angle
FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 15
Softener Time Clock Softener Meter
Item No. QTY Part No. Description Item No. QTY Part No. Description
1 �������������������� 1 ����������560001-003 ����������� 5600, SOF, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 12060, 1 �������������������� 1 ����������560002-001 ����������� 5600, SOF, DFN, M34, MDEL, 12060, CW
CW 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT

����������560001-004 ����������� 5600, SOF, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 24-60, ����������560002-002 ���������� 5600, SOF, DFN, M34, MDEL, 24-60, CW
CW 1--, .25, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT
����������560001-005 ����������� 5600, SOF, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 12060, ����������560002-003 ���������� 5600, SOF, DFN, M34, MDEL, 12060, CW
CW 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT
����������560001-006 ����������� 5600, SOF, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 24-60, ����������560002-004 ���������� 5600, SOF, DFN, M34, MDEL, 24-60, CW
CW 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT
����������560001-007 ����������� 5600, SOF, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 12060, ����������560002-005 ���������� 5600, SOF, DFN, M34, MDEL, 12060, CW
CW 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT
����������560001-009 ����������� 5600, SOF, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 12060, ����������560002-006 ���������� 5600, SOF, DFN, M34, MDEL, 12060, CW
CW 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, LWAT
����������560001-013 ������������ 5600, SOF, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 12060, ����������560002-007 ���������� 5600, SOF, DFN, M34, MDEL, 12060, CW
CW 1--, .25, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, LWAT
����������560002-008 ���������� 5600, SOF, DFN, M34, MDEL, 24-60, CW
Filter Time Clock 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, LWAT

Item No. QTY Part No. Description ����������560002-009 ���������� 5600, SOF, DFN, M34, MDEL, 24-60, CW
1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, LWAT
1 �������������������� 1 ����������560000-001 ����������� 5600, FIL, DFN, CLK, 7DAY, 12060,
CW BWF, BWF, LES, NA2, BWF-, ����������560002-010 ����������� 5600, SOF, DFN, M34, MDEL, 12060, CW
FILT 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT
����������560001-001 ����������� 5600, FIL, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 12060, ����������560002-011 ����������� 5600, SOF, DFN, M34, MDEL, 12060, CW
CW BWF, BWF, LES, NA2, BWF-, 1--, .50, LES, NA2, 1600, SOFT
����������560001-002 ����������� 5600, FIL, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 12060, NOTE: Above part numbers DO NOT include the following parts.
����������560001-008 ����������� 5600, FIL, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 22050, Bypass Assembly
FILT Yoke Assembly
DLFC with Retainer
����������560001-010 ����������� 5600, FIL, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 12060, Flow Washers
FILT Transformer*

����������560001-012 ����������� 5600, FIL, DFN, CLK, 12DA, 12060, See accessory page for options.
CW BWF, BWF, LES, NA2, BWF-, *See ordering guide for details.

16 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual

13753-02 ��������������������� Cover, 5600, Black
42345-03 �������������������� Cover, 5600, Mechanical, Smoke
42345-04 �������������������� Cover, 5600, Mechanical, Transparent Blue
60226-11 ���������������������� Cover, 5600, Designer I, Blk/Blk
60226-22 �������������������� Cover, 5600, Designer I, Blue/Blue

60041SS ���������������������� 1” Bypass, SS, NPT
60040SS ��������������������� 3/4” Bypass, SS, NPT
60049 �������������������������� Bypass, Plastic COVER COVER, MECHANICAL

19620-01 ���������������������� Yoke Assy, 3/4", r/angle, 90 deg.
18706 ��������������������������� 1" Yoke, Plastic NPT
18706-10 ���������������������� 1" Yoke, Plastic BSP
18706-02 ��������������������� 3/4" Yoke, Plastic NPT
18706-12 ���������������������� 3/4" Yoke, Plastic BSP
61694 ��������������������������� 1" Yoke, QC
61700 ��������������������������� 3/4" Yoke, QC
13708-40 ��������������������� 1” Yoke, Sweat
41026-01 ���������������������� 1” Yoke, SS, NPT
42690 �������������������������� 3/4” Yoke, Sweat COVER, DESIGNER BYPASS
41027-01 ���������������������� 3/4” Yoke, SS, NPT

19153 ��������������������������� Washer, Flow, 0.6 GPM
19152 ��������������������������� Washer, Flow, 0.8 GPM
12085 �������������������������� Washer, Flow, 1.2 GPM
19150 ��������������������������� Washer, Flow, 1.3 GPM
12086 �������������������������� Washer, Flow, 1.5 GPM
19149 ��������������������������� Washer, Flow, 1.7 GPM
12087 ��������������������������� Washer, Flow, 2.0 GPM
12088 �������������������������� Washer, Flow, 2.4 GPM
12089 �������������������������� Washer, Flow, 3.0 GPM
12090 �������������������������� Washer, Flow, 3.5 GPM
12091 ��������������������������� Washer, Flow, 4.0 GPM
19147 ��������������������������� Washer, Flow, 4.5 GPM
12092 �������������������������� Washer, Flow, 5.0 GPM
17814 ��������������������������� Washer, Flow, 6.0 GPM
12408 �������������������������� Washer, Flow, 7.0 GPM

13173-01 ����������������������� Retainer, DLFC Button, w/O-ring


12338 ��������������������������� 1/2" Drain Elbow, 90
19699 ��������������������������� 1/2" Drain Elbow, 45
13121 ���������������������������� 5/8" Drain Elbow, 90

Hose Barbs
13308 ��������������������������� 1/2" Straight Hose Barb
13308-01 ���������������������� 5/8" Straight Hose Barb

18280 �������������������������� Top Collector, 1.050
18280-02 ��������������������� Top Collector, 1.050 Narrow
18280-01 ���������������������� Top Collector, 1.050 Wide HOSE BARBS COLLECTOR

FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 17

60022-12 ��������������������� BLFC, 0.125 GPM (0.375 lbs NaCl/min)
60022-25 �������������������� BLFC, 0.25 GPM (0.75 lbs NaCl/min)
60022-50 �������������������� BLFC, 0.50 GPM (1.5 lbs NaCl/min)
60022-100 ������������������� BLFC, 1.0 GPM (3 lbs NaCl/min)

Injector Drain Assemblies

60084-0001 ����������������� Injector Drain Assy,
5600, #0, Blank DLFC, .25 BLFC
60084-0002 ���������������� Injector Drain Assy,
60084-0101 ������������������ Injector Drain Assy,
5600, #1, Blank DLFC, .25 BLFC
60084-0102 ����������������� Injector Drain Assy,
5600, #1, Blank DLFC, .50 BLFC
Injector Assembly
60384-0 ���������������������� Injector Assy, Filter, 5600, Blank DLFC

Injector Nozzles
10913-0 ������������������������ Nozzle, Injector, #0, Red (8” Tank)
10913-00 ���������������������� Nozzle, Injector, #00, Violet (7” Tank)
10913-000 �������������������� Nozzle, Injector, #000, Brown (6” Tank)
10913-1 ������������������������� Nozzle, Injector, #1, White (9” & 10" Tank) INJECTOR ASSEMBLY INJECTOR NOZZLE
10913-2 ������������������������ Nozzle, Injector, #2, Blue (12” Tank)
10913-3 ������������������������ Nozzle, Injector, #3, Yellow (13” Tank)
10913-4 ������������������������ Nozzle, Injector, #4, Green (14” Tank)
10913BLK ��������������������� Nozzle, Injector, Black (Filter)

Injector Throats
10914-0 ������������������������ Throat, Injector, #0, Red (8” Tank)
10914-00 ���������������������� Throat, Injector, #00, Violet (7” Tank)
10914-000 ������������������� Throat, Injector, #000, Brown (6” Tank)
10914-1 ������������������������ Throat, Injector, #1, White (9” & 10" Tank)
10914-2 ������������������������ Throat, Injector, #2, Blue (12” Tank) INJECTOR THROAT PLUG
10914-3 ������������������������ Throat, Injector, #3, Yellow (13” Tank)
10914-4 ������������������������ Throat, Injector, #4, Green (14” Tank)

40947-02 �������������������� Plug, Brine Valve, w/o-ring

BLFC Module Plug Assembly

13918-01 ���������������������� BLFC Module Plug Assy, w/o-ring


18 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual

14213 �������������������������� Label, 11.5K
14214 �������������������������� Label, 13K
14343 �������������������������� Label, 15K
14076 �������������������������� Label, 16K
13969 �������������������������� Label, 18K
14046 �������������������������� Label, 21K
13961 ��������������������������� Label, 24K
14237 �������������������������� Label, 24K, Black
14047 �������������������������� Label, 26K
14180 ��������������������������� Label, 28K LABEL, HARDNESS LABEL, LBS. OF SALT
13962 �������������������������� Label, 30K
14048 �������������������������� Label, 32K
13971 ��������������������������� Label, 36K



14073 �������������������������� Label, 40K


GR 4
14181 ���������������������������� Label, 42K


AM 3 2
13974 �������������������������� Label, 45K

14239 �������������������������� Label, 48K
14074 �������������������������� Label, 50K 8
14182 ��������������������������� Label, 56K 4
14034 �������������������������� Label, 60K
14183 ��������������������������� Label, 70K
18663 �������������������������� Label, Brine Valve Cam, 1.5-8 Lbs. LABEL, MINUTES LABEL, KILOGRAMS
41124 ��������������������������� Label, Lbs. Salt, 3-16
41125 ��������������������������� Label, Lbs. Salt, 6-32
41126 ��������������������������� Label, Brine Valve Cam, Minute
41127 ��������������������������� Label, Brine Valve Cam, 1.5-7kg
41128 ��������������������������� Label, Brine Valve Cam, 3-14kg

60320-03 �������������������� Switch Assy, 5600 Auxiliary

Brine Cam Assemblies

60514-00 ��������������������� Brine Cam Assy, 5600, Less Salt Label

60086 �������������������������� Meter Assy, 3/4" Dual Port, Slip Std,

Plas, Pdl, w/Clps
14043 �������������������������� Meter Cable , 8.25"
60088-180 ������������������� Meter Assy, 3/4" Dual Port, Slip Std,
Rt Ang/180, Plas, Pdl, w/clps
60089-180 ������������������� Meter Assy, 3/4" Dual Port, Slip Ext,
Rt Ang/180, Plas, Pdl, w/clps
14910 ��������������������������� Meter Cable , 6.75"

FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 19

62089-01 ��������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Mtr, Srng, Encl,
Orange, 120/60, US Cord
62089-02 �������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Mtr, Srng, Encl,
Sil/Blu, 24/60, XFMR120/24
62089-03 �������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Mtr, Srng, Encl,
Sil/Blu, 120/60, US Cord
62089-04 �������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Mtr, Srng, Encl,
Sil/Blu, 24/60, No Cord
62089-05 �������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Mtr, Srng, "L",
Orange, 120/60, US Cord
62089-06 �������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Mtr, Srng, "L", POWERHEAD PROGRAM WHEEL
Sil/Blk, 120/60, US Cord
62089-07 ��������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Mtr, Srng, "L",
Sil/Blk, 24/60, No Cord
62089-08 �������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Mtr, Xrng, "L",
Sil/Blu, 120/60, US Cord
62089-09 �������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Mtr, Srng, "L",
Sil/Blu, 120/60, US Cord
62089-10 ��������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Mtr, Srng, "L",
Sil/Blu, 24/60, No Cord
62089-11 ���������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Mtr, Srng, "L",
Sil/Blu, XFMR120/24, No Cord
62090-01 ��������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Clk, 12D, Encl, Sil/Blu,
120/60, US Cord
62090-02 �������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Clk, 12D, Encl, Sil/Blu,
24/60, No Cord
62090-03 �������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Soft, Clk, 12D, Encl, Tan,
120/60, US Cord
62090-04 �������������������� Pwrhd, 4650/5600, Soft, Clk, 12D, "L",
Sil/Blk, 120/60, US Cord
62090-05 �������������������� Pwrhd, 4650/5600, Soft, Clk, 12D, "L",
Sil/Blk, 24/60, No Cord
62091-01 ���������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Filt, Clk, 12D, Encl, Sil/Blu,
120/60, US Cord
62091-02 ��������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Filt, Clk, 12D, "L", Sil/Blk,
120/60, US Cord
62091-03 ��������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Filt, Clk, 35D, "L", Sil/Blk,
120/60, US Cord
62091-04 ��������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Filt, Clk, 35D, "L", Sil/Blk,
24/60, No Cord
62091-05 ��������������������� Pwrhd, 5600, Filt, Clk, 35D, "L", Sil/Blk,
24/60, XFMR120/24

Program Wheels
60405-10 ��������������������� Program Wheel, w/3/4" Standard Label
(0-2,100 Gallons)
60405-11 ���������������������� Program Wheel, Extended Metric
(0 - 8 M3)
60405-15 ��������������������� Program Wheel, w/3/4" Standard Label
w/People Label
60405-20 �������������������� Program Wheel, w/3/4"Extended Label
(0-10, 500 Gallons)
60405-21 ��������������������� Program Wheel, Extended Metric
(0 - 40 M3)

20 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual

Replace Time Brine Valve, Injectors and Screen Replace Timer
1. Unplug electrical cord from outlet. 1. Unplug electrical cord from outlet.
2. Turn off water supply to conditioner: 2. Turn off water supply to conditioner:
C. If the conditioner installation has a “three valve” bypass A. If the conditioner installation has a “three valve” bypass
system, first open the valve in the bypass line, then system, first open the valve in the bypass line, then close
close the valves at the conditioner inlet and outlet. the valves at the conditioner inlet and outlet.
D. If the conditioner has an integral bypass valve, put it in B. If the conditioner has an integral bypass valve, put it in the
the Bypass position. Bypass position.
E. If there is only a shut-off valve near the conditioner C. If there is only a shut-off valve near the conditioner inlet,
inlet, close it. close it.
3. Relieve water pressure in the conditioner by putting the 3. Relieve water pressure in the conditioner by putting the
control in the Backwash position momentarily. Return the control in the Backwash position momentarily. Return the
control to the In Service position. control to the In Service position.
4. Disconnect brine tube and drain line connections at the 4. Pull cable out of meter cover. Remove the control valve back
injector body. cover.
5. Remove the two injector body mounting screws. The 5. Remove screw and washer at drive yoke. Remove timer
injector and brine module can now be removed from the mounting screws. The entire timer assembly now lifts off
control valve. Remove and discard valve body O-rings. easily.
6. Replace brine valve. 6. Put new timer on top of valve. Be sure drive pin on main gear
A. Pull brine valve from injector body, also remove and engages slot in drive yoke (rotate control knob if necessary).
discard O-ring at bottom of brine valve hole. 7. Replace timer mounting screws. Replace screw and washer
B. Apply silicone lubricant to new O-ring and reinstall at at drive yoke.
bottom of brine valve hole. 8. Return bypass or inlet valving to normal In Service position.
C. Apply silicone lubricant to O-ring on new valve assembly Water pressure automatically builds in the conditioner.
and press into brine valve hole, shoulder on bushing NOTE: Be sure to shut off any bypass line.
should be flush with injector body. 9. Plug electrical cord into outlet.
7. Replace injectors and screen. 10. Set time of day, program wheel, and salt usage. Cycle the
A. Remove injector cap and screen, discard O-ring. control valve manually to assure proper function. Be sure to
Unscrew injector nozzle and throat from injector body. return the control valve to the In Service position.
B. Screw in new injector throat and nozzle, be sure they 11. Replace the control valve back cover. Be sure grommet at
are seated tightly. Install a new screen. cable hole is in place.
C. Apply silicone lubricant to new O-ring and install around 12. Make sure there is enough brine in the brine tank.
oval extension on injector cap. 13. Rotate program wheel counterclockwise until it stops at
8. Apply silicone lubricant to three new O-rings and install over Regeneration position.
three bosses on injector body. 14. Start regeneration cycle manually if water is hard.
9. Insert screws with washers through injector cap and 15. Plug cable into meter cover, rotate cable to align drive flat if
injector. Place this assembly through hole in timer housing necessary.
and into mating holes in the valve body. Tighten screws. (Be
sure to reinstall brass spacers with injector on model 4600
10. Reconnect brine tube and drain line.
11. Return bypass or inlet valving to normal In Service position.
Water pressure automatically builds in the conditioner.
NOTE: Be sure to shut off any bypass line.
12. Check for leaks at all seal areas. Check drain seal with the
control in the Backwash position.
13. Plug electrical cord into outlet.
14. Set time of day and cycle the control valve manually to
assure proper function.
A. Make sure control valve is in the In Service position.
15. Make sure there is enough brine in the brine tank.
16. Rotate program wheel counterclockwise until it stops at
Regeneration position.
17. Start regeneration cycle manually if water is hard.

FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 21

Replace Piston Assembly
1. Unplug electrical cord from outlet. 3. Relieve water pressure in the conditioner by putting the
control in the Backwash position momentarily. Return the
2. Turn off water supply to conditioner:
control to the In Service position.
A. If the conditioner installation has a “three valve” bypass
4. Pull cable out of meter cover. Remove the control valve back
system, first open the valve in the bypass line, then
close the valves at the conditioner inlet and outlet.
5. Remove screw and washer at drive yoke. Remove timer
B. If the conditioner has an integral bypass valve, put it in
mounting screws. The entire timer assembly now lifts off
the Bypass position.
easily. Remove end plug retainer plate.
C. If there is only a shut-off valve near the conditioner inlet,
6. Pull upward on end of piston rod yoke until assembly is out of
close it.
valve. Remove and replace seals and spacers with fingers.
3. Relieve water pressure in the conditioner by putting the
control in the Backwash position momentarily. Return the Replace Meter
control to the In Service position. 1. Unplug electrical cord from outlet.
4. Pull cable out of meter cover. Remove the control valve 2. Turn off water supply to conditioner:
back cover. A. If the conditioner installation has a “three valve” bypass
5. Remove screw and washer at drive yoke. Remove timer system, first open the valve in the bypass line, then close
mounting screws. The entire timer assembly now lifts off the valves at the conditioner inlet and outlet.
easily. Remove end plug retainer plate. B. If the conditioner has an integral bypass valve, put it in the
6. Pull upward on end of piston yoke until assembly is out of Bypass position.
valve. C. If there is only a shut-off valve near the conditioner inlet,
7. Inspect the inside of the valve to make sure that all spacers close it.
and seals are in place, and that there is no foreign matter 3. Relieve water pressure in the conditioner by putting the
that would interfere with the valve operation. control in the Backwash position momentarily. Return the
8. Take new piston assembly as furnished and push piston control to the In Service position.
into valve by means of the end plug. Twist yoke carefully 4. Pull cable out of meter cover.
in a clockwise direction to properly align it with drive gear.
Replace end plug retainer plate. 5. Remove two screws and clips at bypass valve or yoke. Pull
resin tank away from plumbing connections.
9. Place timer on top of valve. Be sure drive pin on main gear
engages slot in drive yoke (rotate control knob if necessary). 6. Remove two screws and clips at control valve. Pull meter
module out of control valve.
10. Replace timer mounting screws. Replace screw and washer
at drive yoke. 7. Apply silicone lubricant to four new O-rings and assemble to
four ports on new meter module.
11. Return bypass or inlet valving to normal In Service position.
Water pressure automatically builds in the conditioner. 8. Assemble meter to control valve. Note, meter portion of
module must be assembled at valve outlet.
NOTE: Be sure to shut off any bypass line.
9. Attach two clips and screws at control valve. Be sure clip legs
12. Plug electrical cord into outlet.
are firmly engaged with lugs.
13. Set time of day, program wheel, and salt usage. Cycle the
10. Push resin tank back to the plumbing connections and
control valve manually to assure proper function. Be sure to
engage meter ports with bypass valve or yoke.
return the control valve to the In Service position.
11. Attach two clips and screws at bypass valve or yoke. Be sure
14. Replace the control valve back cover. Be sure grommet at
clip legs are firmly engaged with lugs.
cable hole is in place.
12. Return bypass or inlet valving to normal In Service position.
15. Make sure there is enough brine in the brine tank.
Water pressure automatically builds in the conditioner.
16. Rotate program wheel counterclockwise until it stops at NOTE: Be sure to shut off any bypass line.
Regeneration position.
13. Check for leaks at all seal areas.
17. Start regeneration cycle manually if water is hard.
14. Plug electrical cord into outlet.
18. Plug cable into meter cover. Rotate cable to align drive flat
if necessary. 15. Set time of day.
A. Make sure control valve is in the In Service position.
Replace Seals and Spacers
16. Rotate program wheel counterclockwise until it stops at
1. Unplug electrical cord from outlet. Regeneration position.
2. Turn off water supply to conditioner. 17. Start regeneration cycle manually if water is hard.
A. If the conditioner installation has a "three valve" bypass 18. Plug cable into meter cover. Rotate cable to align drive flat if
system, first open the valve in the bypass line, then necessary.
close the valves at the conditioner inlet and outlet.
B. If the conditioner has an integral bypass valve, put it in
the Bypass position.
C. If there is only a shut-off valve near the conditioner inlet,
close it.

22 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual

Replace Meter Cover and/or Impeller
1. Unplug electrical cord from outlet.
2. Turn off water supply to conditioner:
A. If the conditioner installation has a “three valve” bypass
system, first open the valve in the bypass line, then
close the valves at the conditioner inlet and outlet.
B. If the conditioner has an integral bypass valve, put it in
the Bypass position.
C. If there is only a shut-off valve near the conditioner inlet,
close it.
3. Relieve water pressure in the conditioner by putting the
control in the Backwash position momentarily. Return the
control to the In Service position.
4. Pull cable out of meter cover.
5. Remove four screws on cover.
6. Lift cover off of meter module, discard o-ring.
7. Remove and inspect impeller for gear or spindle damage,
replace if necessary.
8. Apply silicone lubricant to new o-ring and assemble to the
smallest diameter on meter cover.
9. Assemble cover to meter module. Be sure impeller spindle
enters freely into cover. Press firmly on cover and rotate if
necessary to assist in assembly.
10. Replace four screws and tighten.
11. Return bypass or inlet valving to normal In Service position.
Water pressure automatically builds in the conditioner.
NOTE: Be sure to shut off any bypass line.
12. Check for leaks at all seal areas.
13. Plug electrical cord into outlet.
14. Set time of day
A. Make sure valve is in the In Service position.
15. Rotate program wheel counterclockwise until it stops at
16. position.
17. Start regeneration cycle manually if water is hard.
18. Plug cable into meter cover. Rotate cable to align drive flat
if necessary.

FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 23

Problem Cause Correction
1. Softener fails to A. Electrical service to unit has been interrupted. A. Assure permanent electrical service
regenerate. (check fuse, plug, pull chain or switch).
B. Timer is defective. B. Replace timer.
C. Power failure. C. Reset time of day.
2. Softener delivers A. Bypass valve is open. A. Close bypass valve.
hard water.
B. No salt in brine tank. B. Add salt to brine tank and maintain salt level
above water level.
C. Injectors or screen is plugged. C. Replace injectors and screen.
D. Insufficient water flowing into brine tank. D. Check brine tank fill time and clean brine line flow
control if plugged.
E. Hot water tank hardness. E. Repeated flushings of the hot water tank is
F. Leak at distributor tube. F. Make sure distributor tube is not cracked. Check
O-ring and tube pilot.
G. Internal valve leak. G. Replace seals and spacers and/or piston.
3. Unit uses too much A. Improper salt setting. A. Check salt usage and salt setting.
B. Excess water in brine tank. B. See problem number 7.
4. Loss of water A. Iron build-up in line to water conditioner. A. Clean line to water conditioner.
B. Iron build-up in water conditioner. B. Clean control and add resin cleaner to resin bed.
Increase frequency of regeneration.
C. Inlet of control plugged due to foreign material C. Remove piston and clean control.
loose from pipes by recent work done on
plumbing system.
5. Loss of resin A. Air in water system. A. Assure that well system has proper air
through drain line. elimination control, Check for dry well condition.
6. Iron in conditioned A. Fouled resin bed. A. Check backwash, brine draw and brine tank fill,
water. increase frequency of regeneration, increase
backwash time.
7. Excessive water in A. Plugged drain line flow control. A. Clean flow control.
brine tank.
8. Salt water in service A. Plugged injector system. A. Clean injector and replace screen.
B. Timer not cycling. B. Replace timer.
C. Foreign material in brine valve. C. Clean or replace brine valve.
D. Foreign material in brine line flow control. D. Clean brine line flow control.
9. Softener fails to A. Draw line flow control is plugged. A. Clean drain line flow control.
draw brine.
B. Injector is plugged. B. Clean or replace injectors.
C. Injector screen plugged. C. Replace screen.
D. Line pressure is too low. D. Increase line pressure (minimum 20 psi (1.3 bar)
at all times).
E. Internal control leak. E. Change seals, spacers and/or piston assembly.
10. Control cycles A. Faulty timer mechanism. A. Replace timer.
11. Drain flows A. Foreign material in control. A. Remove piston assembly and inspect bore,
continuously. remove foreign material and check control in
various regeneration positions.
B. Internal control leak. B. Replace seals and/or piston assembly.
C. Control valve jammed in Brine or Backwash C. Replace seals and/or piston assembly.
D. Timer motor stopped or jammed. D. Replace timer.
24 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual

Problem Cause Correction

1. Softener delivers A. Reserve capacity has been exceeded. A. Check salt dosage requirements and reset
hard water. program wheel to provide additional reserve.
B. Program wheel is not rotating with meter B. Pull cable out of meter cover and rotate
output. manually, program wheel must move without
binding and clutch must give positive "clicks"
when program wheel strikes regeneration stop
(if not, replace timer).
C. Meter is not measuring flow. C. Check output by observing rotation of small gear
on front of timer (program wheel must not be
against regeneration stop for this check) each
tooth to tooth is approximately 30 gallons (113.5
L) (if not, replace meter).


Problem Cause Correction

1. Filter fails to A. Electrical service to unit has been interrupted. A. Assure permanent electrical service (check fuse,
backwash. plug, pull chain or switch).
B. Timer is defective. B. Replace timer.
C. Power failure. C. Reset time of day.
2. Filter "bleeds" iron. A. Bypass valve is open. A. Close bypass valve.
B. Excessive water usage. B. Reduce days between, backwashing (see timer
instructions), make sure that there is not a
leaking valve in the toilet bowl or sinks.
C. Hot water tank rusty. C. Repeated flushings of the hot water tank is
D. Leak at distributor tube. D. Make sure distributor tube is not cracked, check
O-ring and tube pilot.
E. Defective or stripped filter medium bed. E. Replace bed.
F. Inadequate backwash flow rate. F. Make sure filter has correct drain flow control,
be sure flow control is not clogged or drain
line restricted, be sure water pressure has not
dropped, increase backwash flow rate according
to specifications for your unit, see your dealer for
3. Loss of water A. Iron or turbidity build-up in water filter. A. Reduce days between backwashing so filter
pressure. backwashes more often, make sure filter is sized
large enough to handle water usage.
B. Inlet plugged due to foreign material broken B. Remove piston and clean control.
loose from pipes by recent work done on
plumbing system.
4. Loss of filter A. Broken or missing top screen. A. Replace top screen, must have 0.020" wide slots.
medium through
drain line.
5. Drain flows A. Foreign material in control. A. Remove piston assembly and inspect bore,
continuously. remove foreign material and check control in
various cycle positions.
B. Internal control leak. B. Replace seals and/or piston assembly.
C. Control valve jammed in rinse or backwash. C. Replace piston, seals and spacers (and drive
motor if necessary).
FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 25

26 • FLECK 5600 Service Manual


FLECK 5600 Service Manual • 27

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