IMG - 0121 PSME Code 2008 112

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(c) Pipe Supports. Piping shall be so more than 6 Years beYond

supported as to eliminate undue the installation date'
stresses at ioints and flttingS,
particularly at any section of the (2) Flexible couplings shall be so
line subject to vibration. designed and constructed thd.
failure of the sealing elemeril
(d) Flexible Hydraulic Connections. will not Permit seParation d
Ftexible hose and fitting the Parts connected.
assemblies, and flexible
coup\ings, may be used tot $.5I f Rs\ei and Gheck\ a\rres
hydraulic connections. Where
installed between the check valve (a) PumP Relief Valves. Eadt
pump or groqp of PumPs shatl be
or control valve and the cYlinder,
they shall conform to the tollowing
,bquiilped- with a
relief valve
requirements: conforming to the
(1) Flexible hose and fitting
assemblies shall: (1) Type and Location. TtE
relief valve shall be located
(a) not be installed within the between the PumP and the
hoist-waY, hot Project into check ,valve and shall be d
or through any wall. such a tyPe and so installed in
lnstallation shall be the by-pass connection thd
accomPlished without the valve cannot be shut d
intro-ducing twist in the from the hydraulic sYstem.
hose, and shall conform
with the minimuni bending (2) Setting, The relief valve shd
radius of SAE 100 R2 be Preset to open at a
tyPe, High Pressure, Steel pressure not greater than
Wire Reinforced, Rubber 125% of working Pressure.
Covered HYdraulic Hose
sPecified in SAE J517D. (3) Size. The size of the relief
valve and bY-Pass shall be
(b) have a bursting strength sufficient to Pass the
sufficient to withstand not maximurn rated caPacitY
'd less than 10 times the pump without raising tlc
working Pressure. TheY pressure more than
shall be tested in the above that at which the valle
factory or in the field Prior opens. Two or more
to installation at the valves may be used to obtah
pressure of not less than the required caPacitY.
5 times working Pressure
and shall be marked with (4) Sealing. Relief valves
daie and Pressure oftest. exposed
adjustments, ifused,
(c) be comPatible with the have their means
fluid used; adjustments sealed
being set to the
(d) be of non-reusable tYPe pressure.
Exception [Sec.
(e) be PermanentlY marked No relief valves is required
with the SAE hose tYPe centrifugal pumps driven
identification and the induction motors, Provided
required rePlacement shut-off, or
date which shall not be pressure which the PumP can
develop, is not greater than


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