Rebound Phenomenon - Important and Ubiquitous in

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Review article UDC: 615.015.4:615.




Maja Koraćević1, Jelena Lalić1, Sonja Nedeljković2, Goran Koraćević3,4

The rebound effect represents a common characteristic of the numerous classes of

modern drugs and can result in serious and even fatal disorders. For example, prolonged admi-
nistration of proton pump inhibitor (PPI) leads to moderate hypergastrinemia in 20-25%. This
hypergastrinemia will result in rebound gastric acid hypersecretion in 30-40% of patients following
the abrupt PPI discontinuation. PPIs are among the most widely used drugs worldwide.
An abrupt cessation of chronic corticosteroid, beta blocker, or opioid treatment may
also provoke rebound phenomenon. Even in heart failure patients, beta blocker withdrawal on
admission resulted in a significant increase of the probability of in-hospital mortality. The inci-
dence of a rebound phenomenon depends on numerous factors, including the intensity and
duration of action of a particular drug and how long it has been applied; the susceptibility of an
individual patient (regarding the comorbidities and the severity of the primary disease) and the
related circumstances (e.g, co-therapy). The clinical importance of the rebound phenomenon
varies from academic to lethal. Even rare rebounds found for some classes of drugs are
becoming very important if the drug has been used often globally.
Acta Medica Medianae 2018;57(4):148-152.

Key words: rebound, proton pump inhibitor, corticosteroid, beta blocker, opioid

University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Department of sudden withdrawal of an efficacious medicament will
Pharmacy, Niš, Serbia allow the stimulant to act on increased number of
Pharmacy “Nevenpharm”, Niš, Serbia
University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Niš, Serbia receptors on target cells, resulting in the rebound of
Department for Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical Center Niš, symptoms and signs of the disease. This explains (in
Serbia a simplified way) how can symptoms and signs not
only return following the drug cessation, but become
Contact: Maja Koraćević even worse compared to pre-treatment period. De-
Adress: 9. brigade 53/50, 18000 Niš, Serbia pending upon the drug efficacy and eventual impor-
E-mail: [email protected] tant co-therapy on the one hand and severity of the
disease (among other factors) on the other hand,
the rebound effect can result in serious and even fa-
tal disorders (1).
The aim of the study is to give a short review
of the various examples of rebound phenomenon
and to illustrate how ubiquitous and important in
Introduction pharmacotherapy it is.

Rebound phenomenon is defined as a worsen- Literature overview

ing of symptoms even exceeding baseline levels
when the drug is abruptly discontinued or loses ef- A typical example of rebound phenomenon
fectiveness (1, 2). The rebound effect represents a occurs following a sudden proton pump inhibitors
common characteristic of the numerous classes of (PPIs) discontinuation. With commencing PPI, in or-
modern drugs. It is difficult to find a part of pharma- der to preserve homeostasis and to overcome the
cotherapy without a good example of rebound phe- gastric acid secretion blockade, numerous pathophy-
nomenon following sudden drug withdrawal. In order siological mechanisms change, including the stimu-
to preserve homeostasis, several pathophysiological lation of gastrin secretion, which becomes moderate
mechanisms become activated following the intro- in 20-25% of chronic PPI users (1, 3, 4). Namely, as
duction of a drug. For example, if a drug blocks a a result of prolonged PPI administration, gastric hy-
process for enough long period of time, the number poacidity ensues, resulting in the inhibition of the
of receptors on target cells will increase (up-regu- feedback mechanism initiated by antral mucosal acid
lation), aiming to overcome the blockade. Therefore, sensors. Therefore, antral G-cell release of gastrin is

Rebound phenomenon – important and ubiquitous in pharmacotherapy Maja Koraćević et al.

not suppressed, which leads to chronic hypergastri- at 1,5 month; after a three-month treatment with
nemia, gastric parietal, and ECL-cell hyperplasia (4, inhaled corticosteroids, the therapy should be com-
5). Among other consequences, hypergastrinemia pletely ceased (10, 12). For the whole period pati-
will result in rebound gastric acid hypersecretion in ents should receive tiotropium 18 mg QD and salme-
30-40% of patients following the abrupt PPI termi- terol 50 mg BID (12). Shortly after withdrawal, pati-
nation (1, 5). Due to cell hyperplasia (which is not a ents who have ceased to inhale corticosteroids sho-
short-time abnormality), rebound gastric acid over- uld be seen again (as outpatients). It is safe to stop
secretion may last for weeks. There is no consensus inhaled corticosteroids even in severe chronic obst-
how long this hypersecretion averages, but some ructive pulmonary disease patients. In order to pro-
estimates suggest 6-8 weeks, but < 26 weeks. ceed with step-wise dose reduction, it is important to
This becomes even more important if we have document the absence of decline in FEV1 after de-
in mind that PPIs are among the most widely used creasing the dose of inhaled corticosteroid from high
drugs worldwide, approximating US$13 billion in sa- to medium one (11).
les per year. Long-term usage of PPIs is not approv- 4. Due to high analgesic efficacy, opioid (e.g,
ed, but they became over-the-counter drugs in the morphine) is frequently the drug of choice for the
USA, leading to the lack of efficient control in the PPI treatment of severe pain. The number of young in-
administration (5). Therefore, sudden PPI withdrawal dividuals addicted to opioids has been increasing du-
occurs more often. Moreover, some authors estimate ring the past decade as well as opioid withdrawal
that 25-81% of PPI users lack valid indication. Ad- syndrome (recognized by respiratory depression,
ditionally, among patients with adequate diagnosis cramps, changes in body temperature, diarrhea and
requiring PPI (e.g, Helicobacter pylori eradication), vomiting, tachycardia, arterial hypertension, etc.)
many continue PPI utilization despite the reason for (13). Following a prolonged use of opioids, tolerance
it has disappeared meanwhile (6). Pharmacists sho- may occur decreasing their efficacy and patient re-
uld help to decrease the inappropriate medication quires higher doses to maintain pain control (14).
use. One cross-sectional study recommended pati- This dose escalation parallels a higher incidence of
ents education about the proper drug cessation (e.g. unwanted effects and eventual withdrawal syndrome
PPI), particularly because the dose tapering is re- may become more severe, too. In one study, all 35
quired to diminish the risk of rebound syndrome (6). patients had opioid rebound syndrome, which indica-
It has been suggested that PPI dose should be di- ted physical dependence (14). Endothelin-A receptor
minished before cessation. After the sudden PPI ce- antagonists may diminish the dose of opioids and
ase, rebound hyperacidity can occur resulting in the some of their adverse effects such as respiratory de-
worsening of symptoms; this can be easily misinte- pression (13). Rebound syndrome following the
rpreted as the disease relapse, leading to new whole abrupt discontinuation of opioid infusion after ≥ 5
-length course of PPI treatment, which is clearly un- days is found in > 30% in pediatric intensive care
necessary (6). A proper way to quit PPI therapy unit patients (15).
seems to be halving the PPI dose for a month or two 5. Rebound syndromes have been reported
and then ceasing PPI or to switching to a less ef- after a sudden withdrawal of various drugs used in
fective acid suppressant (H2 blocker). Indeed, an cardiology, starting from heparin rebound and beta
antacid should be prescribed to control dyspepsia blocker (BB) rebound (14, 17-25).
(6). If there is no contraindication (such as aller-
2. As for psoriasis, there is a clear definition of gy), it seems wise to use a selective and/or vaso-
rebound: it is present with either a flare-up > 125% dilatatory BB. The reason for such recommendation
of baseline Psoriasis Area and Severity Index or with is in the fact that selective BBs have less common
a morphological difference (for example, erythroder- unwanted effects and consequently higher complia-
mic or generalized pustular psoriasis) (7). Sudden nce, adherence and persistence. Therefore, it is logi-
withdrawal of a strong, efficient drug without taper- cal to expect fewer withdrawals and possible rebo-
ing might result in rebound of psoriasis (7, 8). The und phenomena (17). Moreover, chances to forget
incidence rebound phenomenon of drug should be to take a drug are higher if it is prescribed e.g., three
reported, such as in a study of etanercept (9). times daily (in comparison with once-daily. Thus,
3. It is well known that an abrupt cessation of long-lasting drugs (including BBs) have lower prob-
chronic corticosteroid treatment may provoke rebo- ability of dose omitting and can be recommended. It
und syndrome (10). Rebound syndrome following is also rational to pay attention to the price of parti-
sudden cessation of corticosteroids is very important, cular BB, because if it is currently or prospectively
particularly if intravenous route of administrative is too high for a given patient, it might favor patient’s
used. A recent consensus document on the appropri- decision to stop taking it. Indeed, patients will be
ate use of inhaled corticosteroids in chronic obstruc- more complaint to the prescribed BB regimen if they
tive pulmonary disease has also recommended that are informed about the risk associated with sudden
the dose of inhaled corticosteroids should be tapered BB withdrawal. It is particularly important for pati-
before stopping (10-12). ents on high BB daily dose as the chances for re-
A step-wise withdrawal of inhaled corticoste- bound rise in parallel with the dose (17). Common
roids is recommended based in part on the results of sense also suggests that proper BB should be ad-
the WISDOM (Withdrawal of Inhaled Steroids During ministered, which is evidence-based and recommen-
Optimized Bronchodilator Management) trial (2,027 ded in contemporary guidelines for this patient’s in-
patients finished the trial). The daily dose of an in- dication. For example, some BBs are recommended
haled corticosteroid should be gradually diminished for heart failure, while others are not. Prescribing
by approximately 50% at randomization and again one of adequate BBs for this particular indication
Acta Medica Medianae 2018, Vol.57(4) Rebound phenomenon – important and ubiquitous in pharmacotherapy

leads rationally to the expectation of an improve- should be > 100 mmHg (26). Recommendation that
ment in symptoms (which will enhance the persis- the dose of propranolol should be carefully tapered
tence and diminish the dose omission and resultant before its discontinuation (together with diminished
BB rebound). Moreover, patients should be instruct- physical activity) has been adequate for four decades
ed to take BB as soon as possible in the morning in (24).
order to cope with early morning sympathetic activa-
tion and subsequent morbidity and mortality risk. Conclusions
Namely, the risk of major adverse cardiac and cere-
bral events is several-fold higher in the first hour(s) 1. Rebound symptoms and signs following the
after awaking and it is not rational to raise this risk abrupt discontinuation of the drug use have been re-
even more with BB rebound. gistered in numerous (almost all) areas of medicine.
BB rebound has been well-known. Patients 2. The incidence of a rebound phenomenon
might even misuse this knowledge to induce facti- depends on numerous factors, including the intensity
cious hypertension (16). Yet, in heart failure patients and duration of action of a particular drug and how
with BB withdrawal at admission to hospital, the OR long it has been applied; the susceptibility of an in-
was 1.77 (1.09–3.26) for in-hospital mortality in the dividual patient (regarding the comorbidities and the
BETAWIN-AHF study. It is consonant previous studi- severity of the primary disease) and the related cir-
es including a recent meta-analysis: a risk ratio of cumstances (e.g, co-therapy).
1.59 (1.03–2.45) for death or rehospitalization (18). 3. The clinical importance of the rebound phe-
In numerous patients with arrhythmic events, nomenon varies from academic to lethal, depending
despite therapy, non-compliance may be responsible on the drug and clinical scenario.
with the resulting BB rebound phenomenon (22). 4. Even rare rebounds found for some classes
Moreover, in order to avoid BB rebound, BB should
of drugs are becoming very important if the drug has
not be stopped in the perioperative period. The dose
been often used globally.
of BB should be adjusted to achieve the heart rate
60-70 beats per min, and systolic blood pressure


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Acta Medica Medianae 2018, Vol.57(4) Rebound phenomenon – important and ubiquitous in pharmacotherapy

Revijalni rad UDC: 615.015.4:615.2




Maja Koraćević1, Jelena Lalić1, Sonja Nedeljković2, Goran Koraćević3,4

Univerzitet u Nišu, Medicinski fakultet, Odsek za farmaciju, Niš, Srbija
Apoteka „Nevenpharm“, Niš, Srbija
Univerzitet u Nišu, Medicinski fakultet, Niš, Srbija
Klinika za kardiovaskularne bolesti, Klinički centar Niš, Srbija

Kontakt: Maja Koraćević

9. brigade 53/50, 18000 Niš, Srbija
E-mail: [email protected]

Efekat nagle obustave leka (“rebound efekat”) predstavlja čestu karakteristiku brojnih
klasa savremenih lekova i može dovesti do ozbiljnih, pa čak i fatalnih poremećaja. Na primer,
produžena primena inhibitora protonske pumpe (PPI) dovodi do umerene hipergastrinemije
kod 20-25% bolesnika. Ova hipergastrinemia će rezultirati znatnim porastom sekrecije želu-
dačne kiseline kod 30-40% bolesnika nakon naglog prekida uzimanja PPI, koji su među naj-
češće korišćenim lekovima u svetu.
Nagli prestanak hroničnog tretmana kortikosteroidom, beta blokatorom ili opijatom
može takođe izazvati “rebound fenomen”. Čak je i kod bolesnika sa srčanom insuficijencijom
obustava beta blokatora na prijemu rezultirala značajnim porastom verovatnoće za intra-
hospitalnu smrtnost.
Učestalost pojave “rebound fenomena” zavisi od brojnih činilaca, uključujući jačinu i
trajanje dejstva određenog leka i koliko dugo je primenjivan; podložnost pojedinačnog bo-
lesnika (u vezi komorbiditeta i ozbiljnosti osnovne bolesti) i povezanim okolnostima (npr, ko-
terapija). Klinički značaj “rebound fenomena” varira od akademskog do smrtonosnog. Iako su
retki, “rebound fenomeni” nekih klasa lekova postaju veoma važni ukoliko se lek koristi često i

Acta Medica Medianae 2018;57(4):148-152.

Ključne reči: rebound, inhibitor protonske pumpe, kortikosteroid, beta blokator,



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