Isolated Background

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Background: Isolated Suggested Characteristics

You grew up in a situation where you had very little contact Isolated characters are often naive to the outside world and
with the outside world—or with anyone, for that matter. You find many parts of it alien or confusing. They may approach it
can count on one hand the number of people you interacted with enthusiasm, wishing to become a part of society, or they
with regularly during a large portion of your early life. While may be resistant and regard the world with fear and
you are not totally uncivilized, having so few points of contact suspicion.
with the outside world has left odd marks on your behavior. d8    Personality Trait
Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth 1 I'm always amazed when I see things I've only ever
read about in books.
Tool Proficiencies: Choose two from gaming sets, musical
instruments and artisan tools 2 I've been isolated so long that I rarely speak,
Equipment: A set of common clothes, a set of bone dice or preferring gestures and the occasional grunt.
playing cards, a comfort item to fidget with (a very smooth 3 I'm oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.
stone, a useless metal contraption, a worn piece of cloth, or
something similar), 5 candles, and a pouch of 10 gp. 4 When I find someone who resembles a person I
knew from back home, I get quickly attached.
A Lonely Life 5 I find comfort in cramped, enclosed spaces.
Something that happened in your childhood or early life 6 Never underestimate how easily I can be entertained.
resulted in an extended period of isolation from society and
confinement in a small area. Choose one of the following 7 I treat every new place I set foot in like it's some
magnificent ancient wonder.
options or roll on the table to determine the situation you
developed in. Also consider what changed in your life that 8 I have proved time and time again that there is such
motivated you to leave the place you were so accustom to and thing as a stupid question.
set out on adventures.
d8 Reason For Isolation
1 I was taken by a dragon or other intelligent creature
and kept in their lair as a trophy or pet.
2 I am an illegitimate child of an important family, and
my parents hid me away to protect their reputation.
3 A kidnapper, mad magical scientist, or abusive family
kept me locked away and did horrible things to me.
4 A disease kept me bedridden for a long time.
5 I was raised in an isolated monastery or cult with very
few members.
6 I suffer from extreme agoraphobia and refused to leave
my home for a good part of my life.
7 I was a social outcast, and decided I was better off
keeping to myself and not leaving home.
8 My family lived in the middle of nowhere, and I was
never one for exploring the surrounding area.

Feature: Boredom Resistance

Having grown accustom to an environment where excitement
is hard to find, you handle boredom and tedium far better
than most. You are able to perform exceptionally boring or
infuriatingly repetative tasks an ordinary person would not
have the patience for, as long as you are otherwise
comfortable and not in danger. For example, you can wait in
the same place for a week without feeling the need to wander
as long as you have enough supplies, or you can listen to a
stranger ramble on for hours about a topic you have no
interest in while pretending to be engaged the whole time.
d6    Ideal
1 Stability. I want my life to be predictable and safe.
2 Change. I've had far too much sameness in my life.
3 Revenge. I hate that I'm so disconnected, and I will
make the one who did this to me pay. (Evil)
4 Connection. I crave meaningful friendships and want
to attract others with kindness. (Good)
5 Assimilation. I'd do anything to integrate into society
for real. (Lawful)
6 Aspiration. I've been nobody my whole life, I want to
make myself somebody. (Any)

d6    Bond
1 I desperately want to return to my old life.
2 I owe everything to those who rescued me from my
previous lonely existence.
3 The one who raised me decided it was best for me to
finally go free. I want to make them proud.
4 It is my dream to visit one spectacular place I have
only heard about in books and stories.
5 I left the closest thing I had to a friend back home. I
hope to convince them to leave with me someday.
6 I throw everything I have into my new friendships.

d6    Flaw
1 I'm not familiar with a lot of basic concepts normal
people take for granted. What is this "spoon" of
which you speak?
2 I'm terrified of crowds and can't handle too many
people at once.
3 Everyone says I'm rude and offensive, but I don't
know what I'm doing wrong.
4 I spend so much time on my own that it's nearly
impossible to get to know me.
5 Now that I'm a part of the world, I enjoy its delights a
little too much.
6 I have a hard time accepting that trustworthy (or
untrustworthy) people exist.

Art Credit
Art by Askhat Mizambekov on Artstation

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