Activity 5 From DNA To Protein

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• Recognize the molecules involve in protein synthesis
• Sequence the events in protein synthesis


You probably noticed that you have plenty of similarities with your parents than people who are not related to
you. The reason behind it is because you inherited their traits thru the stored information on their DNA. Have you ever
wondered how the stored information in your own DNA determines your hereditary characteristics?
The answer can be summarized using the diagram below.


The type, structure and function of protein

produced by your cells determine your
hereditary characteristics.

In a cellular process called Protein Synthesis (process of making protein), the stored information in your DNA is
converted into RNA through the process is known as Transcription. The information in the RNA molecule will then be
used to create proteins through the process known as Translation. The type, structure and function of protein produced by
your cells determine your hereditary characteristics like skin, eye & hair color, height, body built and all other
characteristics that you have in your body. Do the succeeding activities to know more.


Part A. Who are the characters in protein synthesis?

1. For you to know

how all your
characteristics are
decoded from your
DNA, you must
become aware first
with the molecules
that play a role
during protein
synthesis. These
important molecules
are DNA, RNA &
2. Differentiate DNA
from RNA using a
Venn Diagram. You
may refer to the

Video #1 -
Video #2 -

1. single-stranded molecule 3. contains nitrogenous bases like Adenine (A), Thymine (T),
1. double-stranded molecule Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G)

2. contains ribose sugar 3. contains nitrogenous bases like Adenine (A), Uracil (C),
Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G)
2.contains deoxyribose sugar





Figure 1. DNA vs. RNA

3. Aside from DNA and RNA, the third character in protein synthesis are the Proteins. These are diverse group of
large molecules that play many critical roles in the body. They are made of smaller molecules called amino acids
that forms a chain that eventually folds into itself to creates a fully function 3D protein.

Part B. Protein Synthesis

4. Watch the detailed process of how each of our cells are creating proteins needed to build your entire body using
the information stored in the DNA on this video about Protein Synthesis.

Video #3 -
5. Protein synthesis can be divided into two processes, the transcription and translation. Base on your understanding,
supply the needed information on the table below.

Processes of Product or output of Template or source Enzyme initiating the Parts of the cell
Protein the process information used to process where the process
Synthesis create a product takes place

Transcription mRNA RNA Polymerase

Translation mRNA Cytoplasm

6. Arrange the following items to form the proper sequence of events in protein synthesis.

Protein Synthesis – The Cell’s Way of Making a Protein

Step by step Process Illustration

(A) The resulting messenger RNA or mRNA shall be processed by adding or removing
some of its parts before it exits the nucleus and go into the cytoplasm.

(B) Inside the nucleus of the cell, the enzyme called RNA polymerase binds to start of
the gene (short segment of a DNA that codes for a particular protein).

(C) The RNA polymerase moves along the DNA making a strand of messenger RNA out of free nucleotides
floating inside the nucleus. The DNA code determines the order in which the free nucleotide bases
are added to the messenger RNA. The A=U, C=G nitrogenous base pairing is followed.

(D) A long chain of amino acid is gradually forming as the ribosome moves along the mRNA. Once the last
amino acid has been added, the amino acid chain folds into a complex 3D shape to form the protein.
The proteins produced by your cells shall determine your physical characteristics.

(E) The finished mRNA in the cytoplasm shall bind to a ribosome. The ribosome reads the
code in the messenger RNA 3 bases at a time. These triplets of bases are called mRNA

(F) As each triplet of mRNA codon is read by the ribosome, free floating tRNA molecules
with a matching anticodons pair with mRNA codon. The tRNA delivers an amino acid
before leaving the ribosome.

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