Paper Fajar Suryono Usim - I-Stet-2022 - Slide
Paper Fajar Suryono Usim - I-Stet-2022 - Slide
Paper Fajar Suryono Usim - I-Stet-2022 - Slide
(Matric No: 3011018)
Faculty of Dakwah and Islamic Management
• Education is an effort to change students' thinking patterns, attitudes, and behaviors from negative ones to positive
ones. These changes can be observed in everyday life to the extent that a person can think, behave and behave
positively in solving life's problems and his presence can benefit as many people as possible, He not only lives but
lives moving and moving to fight and fight (Abdulllah Syukri Zarkasyi, 2011)
• Educational institutions that play their role in Indonesia, when viewed from the internal structure of Islamic
education and educational practices carried out, there are four categories. First, pesantren education, which is
traditionally organized as Islamic education, starts from the teaching of the Qur'an and Hadith and designs every
educational activity to teach Islamic students a way of life. Second, madrasa education is Islamic education which
is held in Western-style institutions that use classical teaching methods and try to instill Islam as the foundation of
life into students. Third, Islamic-based Public Education is Islamic education that is carried out through the
development of an Islamic educational atmosphere in educational institutions that carry out general education
programs. Fourth, Islamic religious studies are held in general education institutions only as a subject. (Yasmadi,
This research was motivated by the writer's anxiety about the weaknesses of pesantren
institutions in educating successive leaders, because pesantren rarely survived more than a
century. And the practical way practiced by pesantren is to develop a tradition that their
immediate family must be a strong candidate to replace the pesantren leadership. But in
reality there is a lot of gap between the expectations and the reality that there are some
cadre leader candidates who are unable to fulfill these expectations so that the longer the
quality of the pesantren decreases along with the new cadre relay. As a form of effort in
realizing ideal leadership regeneration, the writer chose pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta as a
subject of research. The reason is that Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta is a pesantren
institution that has a strong cadre of leaders in developing the pesantren they lead.
Based on the background and the statement of the problem as described above, the formulation of the
research questions is as follows:
• RQ1: How is the concept of leadership caderization development at Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta?
• RQ2: How Pesantren Darunnajah build a Leadership Caderization Development system in its
• RQ3: How is the implementation of leadership caderization development at Pesantren Darunnajah
• RQ4: How Pesantren Darunnajah build leadership caderization development through delegation and
transformative leadership?
This research aims to describe, understand and analyze several things and it is significant for some reason.
1) This study contributes to an understanding of the model of leadership development at Pesantren
Darunnajah Jakarta through data collection by using Documentation, Interview, and Observation.
2) This study contributes an understanding of how Pesantren Darunnajah builts a leadership
development system in its organization
3) This study contributes to an understanding of the implementation of leadership development at
Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta
4) This study contributes an understanding of how Pesantren Darunnajah builts a leadership
development in its organization through delegation and transformative leadership
• The place of research in this thesis was Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta, which
was carried out on asatidz and santri. Research sites are determined to avoid an
ecological fallacy in research. So there is no mistake in the research
conclusions process.
• This study uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Purposive sampling is
used to assist researchers in deciding on research samples independently with logical
considerations. The snowball sampling is used to get data rolling so that the research
data obtained by the author is saturated. This sample is intended to obtain in-depth
data and it is hoped that the sample that has been determined is a sample that truly
understands, experiences, and participates in the process of leadership in the Pesantren
Darunnajah Jakarta.
• This population is all employees or employees of the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding
School Foundation in Jakarta, which total of 377 people. While the sample (informant)
is a portion of the population who are considered competent in their duties, both as
owners, leaders, managers, branch managers, and Kyai which amount to + - 100
• Data collection methods in this study are in-depth interviews, observation, and
documentation. In-depth interviews or interviews are used by researchers to
obtain in-depth data related to leadership development and its implementation
in the Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta.
A. The Concept of Caderization Development at Darunnajah
• KH. Abdul Manaf Mukhayyar in his speech on the Pledge of Waqf handover of land
and buildings to the Dewan Nadzir Darunnajah Council conveyed the concept of
leadership caderization of the Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta. Several points regarding
the development of Darunnajah's leadership cadre that he conveyed were as follows:
• First, KH. Abdul Manaf Mukhayyar has aspirations to build a school that can provide
scholarships to Muslims to study Islamic law. This is the vision of the Darunnajah
Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta, which is to produce cadres of mutafaqqih fiddin
community leaders. This ideal is based on the Qur'an Surah At-Taubah verse 122:
• اM َفلَ ْواَل نَ َفَر ِم ْن ُك ِّل فِْرقٍَة ِّمْن ُه ْم طَا ِٕى َفةٌ لِّيََت َف َّق ُه ْوا ىِف الدِّيْ ِن َولُِيْن ِذ ُرْوا َق ْوَم ُه ْم اِذَا َر َجعُ ْٓوMَوَما َكا َن الْ ُمْؤ ِمُن ْو َن لَِيْن ِف ُرْوا َكافَّ ۗ ًة
١٢٢ - ࣖ اِلَْي ِه ْم لَ َعلَّ ُه ْم حَيْ َذ ُرْو َن
• And the believers should not all go out to fight. Of every troop of them, a party only
should go forth, that they (who are left behind) may gain sound knowledge in religion,
and that they may warn their folk when they return to them, so that they may beware.
• Second, Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School is an Islamic boarding school that has
formally donated its land and buildings to the Ummah, lillahi ta'ala to be a place to
fight and foster cadres of Islamic fighters. The land and buildings are owned by
Muslims and are not owned by the heirs, children of the founders, grandchildren of the
founders, or only one group of Muslims. This land becomes an Islamic waqf, meaning
that it has been released or the date of ownership of the person who is waqf. The
descendants of the founders are not entitled. This is in line with the guidance of the
Qur'an which was exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim a.s in the verse:
• ٧٤ - اج َع ْلنَا لِْل ُمت َِّقنْي َ اَِم ًاما – الفرقان
ْ َّو ٍ ب لَنَا ِم ْن اَْزو ِاجنَا وذُِّرٰيّتِنَا ُقَّرةَ اَ ْعنُي
َ َ ه اَنبر
َّ ن
َ ول
ْ َ َ ْ ْ َ َْ َُ ي ن يذِ َّوال
• And who say: Our Lord! Vouchsafe us the comfort of our lives and our offspring, and
make us patterns for (all) those who ward off (evil).
ٓواِ ِذ ابت ٰل
• َ ال َع ْه ِدى ال ٰظّلِ ِمنْي
ُ َال اَل َين َ ََّاس اَِم ًاما ۗ ق
َ َال َوِم ْن ذُِّريَّيِت ْ ۗ ق ِ ك لِلن ل ِ
اعج يِّنِا ال
َ ق ۗ نهَّ اف ٍ
ت مِل ك
َ ِ
َ ُ َ ْ َ َّ ُ َ َْ ْ ٰ َ َُّ ٰ َ َمَت ه ب
ر هيمر بِ
ا ىM
١٢٤ - – البقرة
• And (remember) when his Lord tried Abraham with (His) commands, and he fulfilled
them, He said: Lo! I have appointed thee a leader for mankind. (Abraham) said: And
of my offspring, (will there be leaders)? He said: My covenant includes not
• Third, the formation of the Nadzir Council to manage the land and buildings that are
waqf. Members of the Nadzir Council are people who are trusted and appointed by the
wakif to manage, develop and realize the ideals of the wakif and founders. The purpose
of holding the Nadzir Council is so that if the kyai (wakif) dies, this institution, the
pesantren that have been initiated, do not die and disband, because no one continues,
and also with the aim that the successors do not deviate from what the wakif ideas.
• Fourth, prepare cadres to succeed the pesantren struggle. This is KH. Abdul Manaf did
this by sending his cadres, namely his second son Saifuddin Arief and his younger
siblings to deepen Islam at Pondok Modern Gontor. From here, KH. Abdul Manaf
Mukhayyar with KH. Imam Zarkasyi and KH. Ahmad Sahal as the founder of Gontor
is more closely intertwined. Even Pondok Modern Gontor sent a cadre of teachers who
graduated from KMI and IPD to help pioneer the history of the Darunnajah Islamic
Boarding School in Jakarta.
B. The System of Caderization Development at Darunnajah
• The development of the leadership cadre at the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School
in Jakarta has taken place in all the dynamics and activities of education and teaching
of students and teachers in Islamic boarding schools. The development of a leadership
cadre is inherent in every activity and existing dynamics. The steps for developing a
leadership cadre include Uswah hasanah, direction, approach, motivation, assignment,
debriefing, evaluation, and physical and spiritual development given to teachers and
students of grades 1 to 5 TMI and new teachers and old teachers. This is expected to
be able to form trained and tested cadres.
• The cadre development system of the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School Jakarta is
integral, namely the integration of curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular
education patterns in an educational environment that can consistently integrate the
family education environment, school education environment, and community
education environment as three educational centers that do not can be separated. In
addition, the leadership cadre development system is also comprehensive, which is
comprehensive and complete, honing all human potential, namely intellectual
potential, spiritual potential, mentality potential, and physically towards perfection.
This is expected to be able to produce superior cadres. So that cadres who are
recruited to occupy institutional posts both structurally and functionally are taken from
the best cadres who have been educated and developed by the Pesantren itself.
• The focus of the development of the leadership cadre carried out by Pesantren
Darunnajah Jakarta is all students, teachers, and resources who fight directly at
Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta. People who fight directly in Darunnajah and fully
understand the principles, values , and philosophy of Islamic boarding schools are
referred to in the Darunnajah Standards as the Darunnajah Family. The Darunnajah
family does not have to be from those who have blood relations with the founders of
the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School. Even families that genealogically have
descendants of the founders of the Islamic boarding school, but do not directly help,
defend, and fight for the pesantren, are not included in the Darunnajah Family
There are two types of cadres in the rules of the leadership cadre development system in
• Darunnajah Cadre (Kader Darunnajah)
Darunnajah cadres are people who are prepared and appointed by the Darunnajah
Foundation to continue the interests and continuity of educational institutions under
the auspices of the Darunnajah Foundation.
• Ummah Cadre (Kader Umat)
Ummah Cadre Are People who are prepared by the Darunnajah Foundation or
representatives of other institutions for the benefit of the people, in general, are
obliged to return and serve the institution that sent them.
C. The Implementation of Leadership Caderization Development through Delegative Leadership
• Team members are deemed experts in their fields and the leader trusts them to carry
out their roles correctly. However, the leader is still the head of the team and accepts
full responsibility for the team’s decisions and actions. In other words, the leader still
shoulders the responsibility although team members act independently. Not all leaders
can handle being this trusting.
• Based on research conducted by researchers. The leadership of Darunnajah gives
confidence to the cadres to carry out their duties in managing Islamic boarding
schools. This is done with several stages of the approach, namely;
• First, giving direction to students, teachers, or other resources before carrying out
Islamic boarding school activities is absolute and important to do. The briefing aims to
make students and teachers who carry out these activities understand the substance of
these activities. Knowing what to carry out the activity, how the implementation
technique is, why it must be carried out, and what is the basis and philosophy of the
activity to be carried out.
• Second, training that aims to provide skills and broad insight as well as a lot of
experience. So that students, teachers, and other supporting resources have leadership
skills and can face life's challenges. With this training, it will also form a mindset of
good attitude and behavior as capital to become a leader. The forms of various training
at the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School Jakarta are skills training, organizational
training in dormitories, OSDN, and teachers, community training, leadership, and
training in the sacrifice of time, energy, mind, patience in educating, simplicity in life,
and practicing live together.
• Third, assignment. This is a very effective means of leadership development, with
assignments to students, teachers, and other resources, they will be trained to do everything,
controlled and motivated.
• Fourth, is habituation. Habituation at the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta is
a means of education and enforcement of discipline as capital for leadership development.
Examples of habituation at the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta, among
others: The habit of going to the mosque on time with absent discipline, the habit of reading
the Koran, the habit of living together by helping each other, and getting used to the culture
of queuing.
• Fifth, control. The escort at the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta is assistance
and guidance. So that all activities, both academic activities, and non-academic activities,
get control and evaluation that can be directly identified. For example, all student activities
in the dormitory receive a 24-hour escort from the dormitory administrator, OSDN
administrator, and teachers, both learning activities, language activities, as well as sports,
and so on.
• Sixth, uswatun hasanah. This is a very important matter, starting with the kiai, Islamic boarding
school leaders, deputy caregivers, teachers, and even fellow students giving examples to each
other. Exemplary in all things good in attitude, behavior, deeds, even in terms of sacrifice.
• Seventh, approach. There are three kinds of approaches that are taken in the implementation of
the education and learning process at Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta 1) Humane approach. This
is an approach that is taken to find out more about thoughts, attitudes, and behavior in depth.
The human approach at Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta is carried out by fostering, providing
direction, and in-depth evaluation to students, teachers, and other supporting resources. 2)
Program approach. The approach is taken by giving assignments, both to students, teachers, or
support resources. This approach is carried out to determine the extent of the work ethic in
carrying out the tasks given. Besides that, it also provides a lot of experience, so that it can train
and grow the spirit of sincerity, militancy, and trust in doing various jobs. 3) The idealistic
approach. The purpose of this approach is to provide understanding, spirit, philosophy, and
teachings of Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta behind all the activities carried out. With an idealistic
approach, it is hoped that students, teachers, and supporting resources will know the substance
of the work and the values and wisdom in it.
• Before giving trust to the cadres to carry out the duties of the pesantren. The leadership of
the Islamic Boarding School also provides the stages of Darunnajah's features in carrying
out their duties so that they are by the vision, mission, and values of the Darunnajah Islamic
Boarding School. Darunnajah features as follows:
• First, Fikrah (Idea). This is the initial basis for all the implementation of Islamic boarding
school activities. The cadres must first understand what the basis is and why the activity
must be carried out. Must understand the intent and purpose of the activity. So that in its
implementation it will be by the vision, mission, and values of the Darunnajah Islamic
Boarding School and by the initial goals that have been determined.
• Second, Sibghah (Form/concept). Every activity in the Islamic boarding school should be
by the culture and culture of the pesantren. Existing activities should be a reinforcement of
all educational and teaching activities at the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in
Jakarta. This is because the education and coaching curriculum at Darunnajah Jakarta is
integral, meaning that it is interrelated between one activity and another.
• Third, Ansyithah (Program). Cadres in carrying out the duties of the pesantren should
understand the program well. This is because every program implemented in Islamic
boarding schools should be continuous and uninterrupted. Each activity must be by the
pesantren program in the form of Five Term namely: Education Quality Improvement,
Physical Development, Fundraising, Cadreization, Community Service
• Fourth, Khutuwat (Stages). The activities that will be carried out by the pesantren
should be understood by the steps and stages by the cadres. By understanding the
stages and steps of each activity, it will be easy to control and evaluate the activities
carried out. With this control, it is hoped that there will be continuous improvement.
• Fifth, Tatbiq (Evaluation). Evaluation is important and absolute for all activities
carried out by cadres. With a good evaluation, the quality of its implementation will be
measured. That way it can be easily upgraded from time to time. This evaluation will
be the basis for improving the quality of future activities.
2. The Leader remains responsible for providing resources
• All leaders are expected to provide resources for their teams. However, the delegation
leader’s role is relegated almost exclusively to that function. The leader doesn’t
pretend to know what the team needs and the team isn’t forced to make do with
whatever is provided. Instead, the team tells the leader exactly what they need and the
leader either uses his or her resourcefulness to find ways to use what the organization
already has or quickly identifies where the resources can be procured. Again, in the
unintentional version of Delegative Leadership, I doubt the leader will truly handle the
resources needs.
• Based on research conducted by researchers. In the system of approach to education
and development of cadres of Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta, All students and teachers
are trained to regulate and organize the life of the Islamic boarding school as a whole
"self-government" without involving other people. It is also a means of developing an
effective leadership cadre for students and teachers.
• The task of the pesantren leadership, in this case, is to provide as many resources as
possible for students, teachers and all pesantren resources to be maximized in realizing
pesantren activities. With this self-government approach, it will be able to provide a
large space for cadres to improve the skills, insights, and experiences gained and felt
directly in all activities.
3. All decision-making is left to the team
• Team members essentially lead themselves. There is no deferral to the leader for
decisions to be made. Therefore, decisions are often made quickly and depend solely
on the team member’s level of expertise. Team members are expected to solve
problems on their own. A better approach would be democratic leadership which
involves the team making decisions together with the leader.
• Based on research from researchers. It can be concluded that the Darunnajah Islamic
Boarding School Jakarta gives authority to its cadres to contribute to making the
decisions of the Islamic Boarding School. This is done by involving an institutional
team called Team 19 which consists of Directors and Heads of Departments and
institutions of the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School. Team 19 is the one who
provides input to the leadership and is involved in deciding the policy of the
• Apart from that, the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta also implements
semi-decentralization in decision-making and institutional policies. This semi-
decentralization is related to decisions that are of course measurable and coordinated
with the Pesantren Leaders.
D. The Implementation of Leadership Caderization Development through Transformative Leadership
• Charisma is traditionally seen as inherent and only owned by world-class leaders. A leader who
has these characteristics shows his vision, abilities, and expertise as well as actions that
prioritize the interests of the organization and the interests of others (society) rather than
personal interests.
• Based on research conducted by researchers. Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta uses several
approaches to build leadership regeneration through understanding and transforming the vision
and mission as well as institutional values.
• The vision and mission of the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School as stated in the AD/ART of
the Darunnajah Foundation are: To become an institution that produces human beings who are
muttafaqah fiddin to become a cadre of leaders of the people/nation. The mission of the
Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School is: To prepare/educate human beings who; are (1) Faithful
and devoted, (2) noble character, (3) knowledgeable, (4) healthy and strong, (5) skilled and
tenacious, (6) independent, (7) able to compete, (8) critical, ( 9) Problem solver, (10) Honest,
(11) Communicative, and (12) Fighting spirit
• The philosophical values of the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta are
Five Souls (Spirit of Sincerity, Spirit of Simplicity, Spirit of Independence, Spirit of
Ukhuwah Islamiyah, and Spirit of Freedom), Panca Bina (Faithful to Allah SWT,
Noble Morals, Healthy Body, Knowledgeable, Creative and Skilled), Panca Dharma
(Worship, Knowledge that is useful in society, Da'wah Islamiyah, and Love for the
homeland and with an archipelago perspective), Panca Term (Improving the Quality of
Education, Infrastructure Development and Maintenance, Funding and Funding, Cadre
and Placement, Community Development).
The transformation of the vision and mission of this institution is carried out by the
leadership to cadres in routine agendas, both meetings at Islamic Boarding Schools,
namely Weekly Meetings (Thursdays, Team 19/Departmental Directors Meetings, and
Saturday Morning Ceremonies), Monthly Meetings (Musyrif Evaluation Meetings
(Advisors) Room, Homeroom Evaluation Meeting, Semester (Messages and Advice
Ahead of the Holidays), Annual (Khutbatul Arsy/Introduction Week, Leader's Speech
at PORSEKA Ceremony, Annual Work Meeting)
• This is important to do so that the cadres of leaders who are educated and fostered in
Islamic boarding schools understand the philosophical values of Islamic boarding
schools and understand the goals of Islamic boarding schools. (M. Sofwan, personal
communication, June 29, 2022)
2. Idealized Influence
• Includes leadership that stimulates followers to be creative and innovative and to challenge their
own beliefs and values as well as those of the leader and the organization. This type of
leadership supports followers as they try new approaches and develop innovative ways of
dealing with organizational issues. It encourages followers to think things out on their own and
engage in careful problem-solving.
• Based on research conducted by researchers. The leadership of Darunajah Jakarta provides a
great space for creativity and innovation for the development of existing cadres. The existing
cadres are given the authority to carry out their duties in the structural and functional posts of
the pesantren. This is an effort to encourage new ideas and ideas for the progress of the
pesantren. By the philosophy of the Darunnajah Islamic boarding school in Jakarta, namely
"Freedom of Freedom". This means that cadres are given the freedom to express ideas in the
form of educational and teaching activities at Islamic boarding schools as long as they are in
harmony with the values of the lodge.
5. Individualized Consideration
• This factor is representative of leaders who provide a supportive climate in which they
listen carefully to the individual needs of followers. Leaders act as coaches and
advisers while trying to assist followers in becoming fully actualized. These leaders
may use delegation to help followers grow through personal challenges (Peter G.
Northouse, 2010).
• Based on research conducted by researchers. The leadership of the Darunnajah Islamic
Boarding School Jakarta runs a communication pattern that supports leadership
support to the cadres so that good organizational communication can be established as
an effort to progress the pesantren. Communication is carried out formally, namely in
coordination meetings and informally outside coordination meetings.
• In addition to opening a communication room, the leadership of Darunnajah Jakarta
also provides intense supervision and supervision to the cadres, either directly or
indirectly. The leadership directly supervises the department and branch boarding
schools by coming and discussing together at the location. Indirectly, the leadership
provides supervision and direction through electronic media such as Telephone or
Whatsapp Group.
D. The Implementation of Leadership Caderization Development through Total Quality Management
• Related to that, the researcher will provide several explanations about the principles of
Total Quality Management (TQM) in developing leadership regeneration as follows:
1. Focus on internal and external customers
• Sixth, uswatun hasanah. This is a very important matter, starting with the kiai, Islamic boarding school leaders,
deputy caregivers, teachers, and even fellow students giving examples to each other. Exemplary in all things good
in attitude, behavior, deeds, even in terms of sacrifice.
• Seventh, approach. There are three kinds of approaches that are taken in the implementation of the education and
learning process at Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta 1) Humane approach. This is an approach that is taken to find out
more about thoughts, attitudes, and behavior in depth. The human approach at Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta is
carried out by fostering, providing direction, and in-depth evaluation to students, teachers, and other supporting
resources. 2) Program approach. The approach is taken by giving assignments, both to students, teachers, or support
resources. This approach is carried out to determine the extent of the work ethic in carrying out the tasks given.
Besides that, it also provides a lot of experience, so that it can train and grow the spirit of sincerity, militancy, and
trust in doing various jobs. 3) The idealistic approach. The purpose of this approach is to provide understanding,
spirit, philosophy, and teachings of Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta behind all the activities carried out. With an
idealistic approach, it is hoped that students, teachers, and supporting resources will know the substance of the
work and the values and wisdom in it.
2. Obsession with quality
• Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta is very concerned about the quality of its education and
learning services. Among these quality improvements, among others: 1) Improving the
quality of learning activities, namely by controlling learning activities in classes so that
learning activities run optimally, then supervision and evaluation of teachers are held
regarding learning methods and materials being taught, conducting deepening of some
materials lessons to teachers, control the cleanliness and readiness of learning instruments.
2) Improving the quality of coaching, namely by improving the quality of control, both for
students, teachers, and other supporting resources. 3) Improvement of facilities and
infrastructure to support education and learning, namely by adding classrooms and rooms
for every additional number of students and teachers, equipping tools and materials that
support education and learning, such as benches and tables, blackboards, student
cupboards, 4) Improving the environmental quality of Islamic boarding schools, namely by
painting buildings, sidewalks in the Islamic boarding school area, cutting grass.
3. Using a scientific approach in decision making
• Based on the theory of total quality management (TQM) that decision-making and
problem-solving must be based on data. At the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in
Jakarta, the leadership of the pesantren as well as the deputy caregivers, in deciding
the problem is always done using deliberation. Decisions are not dominated by the
will of the leadership, but by empowering students and teachers to have opinions
which are then discussed. The purpose of the deliberation carried out is to provide
space to increase self-potential, and to train oneself to be able to tolerate and respect
the opinions of others in an open and generous togetherness.
4. Long Term Commitment
• Since the founding of the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School, Jakarta, it has
established a Panca Term or long-term commitment which is the operational
foundation of the Islamic Boarding School and provides direction and guidance to
realize the devel
A. Education Quality Improvement
• All academic and non-academic activities are regulated by daily, weekly, monthly,
mid-year, and annual schedules. This schedule is made by formulating and discussing
it through deliberation and mutual agreement. It is intended that educational and
learning activities run effectively and efficiently and optimally to improve the quality
of pesantren education.
B. Physical Development
• Physical development and building facilities are primary needs. Pesantren Darunnajah
Jakarta has a long-term program called a master plan, this is a design and development
plan for the future. This is an effort from the leadership to improve the quality of
facilities and buildings so that students are comfortable in learning.
C. Fundraising
• The funding system at the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta uses the
independent business method (protection economy) by creating pesantren economic
business units. Among this business, units are student cooperatives, canteens, bakeries,
laundry, travel, and plantations. All of these Business Units are managed by teachers
and OSDN administrators. The principles in managing business units include the
principles of religious management (honesty, sincerity, and responsibility, the
principles of education, the principles of administrative order, and the principle of
independence in togetherness).
D. Cadreization
• Kaderisari is a very important thing that is the vision of the Darunnajah Islamic
Boarding School in Jakarta. The coaching methods in preparing cadres, both cadres of
dormitory management organizations, OSDN, and Islamic boarding school cadres
include direction, assignment, habituation, training, evaluation, approach, and
ukhuwah hasanah.
E. Community Service
• Community service is one of the important goals of the vision of the Darunnajah
Islamic Boarding School. Santri who have been educated and fostered at the
Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School are expected to be able to become cadres who
move back to the community to preach and realize the broadest benefit.
5. Teamwork
• In line with the theory of Total Quality Management (TQM), and to achieve the
expected educational goals, as well as the implementation of long-term programs in
terms of leadership cadre development. Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta always makes
improvements to the process. Efforts made for these improvements include guiding
the implementation of all activities, both academic and non-academic activities. It is
intended that the activities be carried out run by the values and teachings of
Darunnajah's education. In addition, regular meetings are also held every Thursday
afternoon (Kamisan) which aims to evaluate the pesantren program carried out by
students and teachers for one week and convey the program for the next week.
7. Organizing education and training
• Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School Jakarta, with various activities that are routinely
carried out, always provides opportunities for students, teachers, and supporting
resources to contribute to these activities, either as committee members or others.
Santri and teachers are given the freedom in these opportunities to improve their
quality and broaden their horizons and experience. In this case, it is based on the five
souls of the Islamic Boarding School, namely the spirit of freedom, and also
Darunnajah's educational philosophy, namely "As big as your Insanity is as big as
your profit". This confirms that, whoever takes the initiative in many activities, it is he
who will get more education and learning. This is a big asset in the development of the
leadership cadre in Islamic boarding schools because it opens up space for students'
creativity in fostering and training themselves to prepare for future leadership
9. Have unity of purpose
• Based on research and document deepening, the unity of purpose at the Darunnajah
Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta adheres to the Vision and Mission of the
Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta which has been laid down since the
beginning of this institution.
• The vision of the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School in Jakarta is to produce
Mutafaqqih fiddin Humans to become cadres of community/nation leaders.
Meanwhile, the mission of the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School is to produce
people who; are faithful and devoted, noble character, knowledgeable, healthy and
strong, skilled and tenacious, independent, able to compete, critical, problem solver,
honest, communicative, and fighting spirit.
10. There is involvement and empowerment
• Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta is a cadre Islamic boarding school as stated in its vision,
namely to produce cadres of mutafaqqih fiddin ummah leaders. Based on research
conducted by researchers, all students, and teachers, as well as Islamic boarding
school support resources are involved in all Islamic boarding school activities. They
are given the freedom to improve their quality and act based on the values and
teachings of the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School Jakarta.
• The implementation of education and learning at Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta is
entirely based on the values and teachings of Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta. These
values are the spirit and soul that can move these activities of high value. So students
and teachers are not just doing routines.
• From the description of the analysis and discussion, in this study based on the theory
of Delegative Leadership, Transformative Leadership, and Total Quality Management,
it can be concluded that the Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School Jakarta can develop
leadership regeneration through delegative leadership, transformative leadership, and
Total Quality Management.
• In the aspect of delegation leadership, Pesantren Darunnajah approaches three things:
first, gives trust and assignments to cadres to participate in managing the pesantren
with the following approaches: Direction, Training, Assignment, Habituation, Control,
Uswatun Hasanah, and a humane and programmatic approach. Second, build self-
government in carrying out Islamic boarding school activities both by students and
teachers. Third, giving authority to cadres to make decisions and policies through the
mechanism of deliberation and consensus.
• Aspects of transformative leadership carried out by the leadership of the Darunnajah
Islamic Boarding School Jakarta in developing leadership regeneration can be found
in the following approaches: first, Transformation of the philosophy and values of the
Islamic boarding school through the dynamics of activities in the pesantren. Second,
build commitment and role models in educational and teaching activities in Islamic
boarding schools to create a cadre of reliable leaders. Third, giving assignments for
pesantren cadres to manage pesantren activity posts as a form of motivation and
building commitment to struggle for pesantren cadres. Fourth, provide a large space
for cadres of leaders to be creative and innovate for the progress and development of
Islamic boarding schools. Fifth, build organizational communication both formally
and informally and provide supervisory supervision for cadres.
• As for the Total Quality Management aspect to develop a leadership cadre,
Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School takes the following approach: First, education
services in dormitories with a character-building model. Second, education services in
the classroom with the direct method model. Third, educational services in the Islamic
boarding school community with the model of creating an educational and
independent milieu. Fourth, educational services in extracurricular activities with a 24-
hour totality model of life. Fifth, educational services within the organization with a
self-governance model. Sixth, service facilities, and infrastructure with a centralized
management model.