CLJ6 Second Grading Exam

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Cordillera Career Development College

College of Criminal Justice Education

Buyagan, Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet

Second Grading Examination

First Semester SY 2022-2023

Name: __________________________ Date: __________ Section:_______

(no need for the name and date here if they will use a separate answer sheet)

Instructions: Use a black or blue pen only. No erasure. No superimpositions

I. Multiple Choice (1 point per item) – Choose the best answer. Write the letter of
your answer in the space provided.

___1. These are addressed to the senses of the court

A. Real Evidence B. Documentary Evidence
C. Testimonial Evidence D. Conclusive evidence
___2. This is considered as evidence of the highest order
A. Real Evidence B. Documentary Evidence
C. Testimonial Evidence D. Conclusive evidence

___3. The articles used in starting the fire, and burned objects are considered:
A. Documentary Evidence B. Object Evidence
C. Testimonial Evidence D. Conclusive evidence

___4. In theft cases, the stolen goods, burglars’ tools, other objects which help accomplish the theft
are considered:
A. Documentary Evidence B. Object Evidence
C. Testimonial Evidence D. Conclusive evidence

___5. In bouncing check case, the check containing the name of the accused offered to show it was
used by the latter is considered:
A. Documentary Evidence B. Object Evidence
C. Testimonial Evidence D. Conclusive evidence

___6. In a murder case, the picture of the accused killing the victim offered to show it was the
accused who stabbed the victim is considered:
A. Documentary Evidence B. Object Evidence
C. Testimonial Evidence D. Conclusive evidence

___7. Courts may refuse the introduction of object evidence and rely on testimonial evidence alone
A. it is too expensive B. It will lead to the acquittal of the accused
C. It will humiliate the victim or accused D. it is contrary to public morals

___8. Courts may refuse the introduction of object evidence and rely on testimonial evidence alone
A. it is difficult to understand B. it involves minors
C. it will lead to conviction D. evidence already presented is enough

___9. Courts may refuse the introduction of object evidence and rely on testimonial evidence alone
A. it would be confusing or misleading B. it requires an expert to interpret
C. it is no longer part of the testimony D. it will cause the court to inhibit

___10. Object evidence automatically leads to a:

A. Conviction of the accused B. Acquittal of the accused
C. Conclusive presumption D. None of the above

___11. Object evidence is also known as:

A. Physical Evidence B. Direct Evidence
C. Automatic Preference D. None of the above

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___12. When the object produced as evidence is indecent, or improper, it should be excluded,
A. It is only a copy of the original B. accompanied by an expert testimony

C. it is required to show the date D. it is necessary for ascertaining the truth

___13. For object evidence to be admissible in evidence it must be:

A. Inspected by the police B. determined to be an object not a document

C. Formally offered in evidence D. None of the above

___14. This means to show that the object is the very thing that is either the subject matter of the
lawsuit or the very one involved to prove an issue in the case.
A. Competence B. Adjudicate
C. Authenticate D. Investigate

___15. Who can perform the answer to the above question?

A. Expert witness B. Counsel or lawyers
C. Competent witness D. None of the above

___16. A witness can testify only to those facts which he/she knows of on his/her____________?
A. Private capacity B. own expense
C. personal knowledge D. None of the above

___17. These are objects that have readily Identifiable marks:

A. Non-Unique objects B. objects made unique
C. Unique objects D. Identified objects

___18. These are objects with no unique Characteristic but are made readily identifiable by law
enforcers upon retrieval or confiscation.
A. Non-Unique objects B. objects made unique
C. Unique objects D. Identified objects

___19. A sachet of shabu with the initials of the police officer who retrieved it is considered as:
A. Non-Unique objects B. objects made unique
C. Unique objects D. Identified objects

___20. An unmarked gun with no serial number is marked by the police officer is considered as:
A. Non-Unique objects B. objects made unique
C. Unique objects D. Identified objects

___21. Objects with no identifying marks and cannot be marked are considered:
A. Non-Unique objects B. objects made unique
C. Unique objects D. Identified objects

___22. Blood found on the crime scene not yet examined is considered as:
A. Non-Unique objects B. objects made unique
C. Unique objects D. Identified objects

___23. Re-enactment of the crime is:

A. Documentary Evidence B. Object Evidence
C. Testimonial Evidence D. Conclusive evidence

___24. A person who hears a man cat-call a woman, and mimics the cat-call in court is considered:
A. Documentary Evidence B. Object Evidence
C. Testimonial Evidence D. Conclusive evidence

___25. These have a direct relation or part in the fact or incident sought to be proven and those
brought to the court for personal examination by the presiding magistrate.
A. Direct Evidence B. Autoptic Evidence
C. Automatic Evidence D. Aesthetic Evidence

___26. This is the duly recorded authorized movements and custody of seized drugs or controlled
chemicals or plant sources of dangerous drugs or laboratory equipment of each stage, from the time
of seizure/confiscation to receipt in the forensic laboratory to safekeeping to presentation in court for
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A. Chain of custody B. Chain of Command
C. Drug enforcement D. Inventory

___27. Who shall take charge and have custody of all dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous
drugs, controlled precursors and essential chemicals, as well as instruments/paraphernalia and/or
laboratory equipment so confiscated, seized and/or surrendered, for proper disposition?
C. NBI D. Court

___28. What should be done by the apprehending team having initial custody and control of the
drugs immediately after seizure and confiscation?
A. Physical inventory B. Photograph
C. Call the DOJ and PDEA D. Physical inventory and photograph

___29. Within twenty-four (24) hours upon confiscation/seizure of dangerous drugs, plant sources of
dangerous drugs, controlled precursors and essential chemicals, as well as instruments/paraphernalia
and/or laboratory equipment, the same shall be submitted to the:
A. PNP Cybercrime division B. Courts
C. Department of Justice D. PDEA Forensic Laboratory

___30. The physically inventory and taking of photograph of the seized evidence must be done in the
presence of the following witnesses, except:
A. Accused B. representative from the media
C. any elected public official D. a member of the NBI

___31. DNA means?

A. Deoxyribonucleic acid B. Dioxyribonucleus acid
C. Dioxideribonucleid acid D. Deoxyribonucleic Algorithm

___32. The fourth and last link in the chain of custody of illegal drugs is:
A. Seizure and marking
B. turnover and submission of the marked illegal drug seized from the forensic chemist to the
C. turnover by the investigating officer of the illegal drug to the forensic chemist for laboratory
D. turnover of the illegal drug seized by the apprehending officer to the investigating officer

___33. The third link in the chain of custody of illegal drugs is:
A. Seizure and marking
B. turnover and submission of the marked illegal drug seized from the forensic chemist to the
C. turnover by the investigating officer of the illegal drug to the forensic chemist for laboratory
D. turnover of the illegal drug seized by the apprehending officer to the investigating officer

___33. The second link in the chain of custody of illegal drugs is:
A. Seizure and marking
B. turnover and submission of the marked illegal drug seized from the forensic chemist to the
C. turnover by the investigating officer of the illegal drug to the forensic chemist for laboratory
D. turnover of the illegal drug seized by the apprehending officer to the investigating officer

___34. What does PDEA stand for?

A. Philippine Drug Enforcement Authority B. Philippine Department Enforcement Agency
C. Philippine Drug Evasion Agency D. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency

___35. This constitutes the totality of the DNA profiles, results and other genetic information directly
generated from DNA testing of biological samples.
A. DNA Evidence B. Identical DNA
C. Dioxideribonucleid acid D. Biological evidence

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___36. Post-conviction DNA testing may be available, without need of prior court order, to the
prosecution or any person convicted by final and executory judgment provided that one of the
following must comply:

A. The Court agrees B. A biological sample exists

C. The accused is not a twin D. DNA is necessary

___37. Post-conviction DNA testing may be available, without need of prior court order, to the
prosecution or any person convicted by final and executory judgment provided that one of the
following must comply:
A. The DNA is found on the scene B. The accused is not guilty
C. The biological sample is relevant to the case D. DNA is only corroborative

___38. Post-conviction DNA testing may be available, without need of prior court order, to the
prosecution or any person convicted by final and executory judgment provided that one of the
following must comply:
A. The accused must first plead guilty to the case
B. The accused did not appeal his case
C. The biological sample must be in the form of bodily liquids
D. the testing would probably result in the reversal or modification of the judgment of

___39. After examination, the DNA collected from the murder weapon matched the DNA collected
from Mr. A. Is this enough to convict Mr. A?
A. Yes, the DNA Test is enough because only the killer will have his blood on the murder
B. No, the DNA Test is not conclusive to say Mr. A killed the victim
C. Yes, the DNA Test is enough because the DNA is conclusive to prove the guilt of Mr. A

D. No, the DNA Test is not a scientific test

___40. This consist of writings, recordings, photographs, or any material containing letters, words,
sounds, numbers, figures, symbols, or their equivalent, or other modes of written expressions offered
as proof of their contents.
A. Object Evidence B. Documentary evidence
C. Testimonial Evidence D. Electronic evidence

___41. A photograph offered to show its contents is considered:

A. Object Evidence B. Documentary evidence
C. Testimonial Evidence D. Electronic evidence

___42. A CCTV footage offered to show that it was taken from the barangay hall and not as a proof
of its contents is considered as:
A. Object Evidence B. Documentary evidence
C. Testimonial Evidence D. Electronic evidence

___43. A private document is considered as object evidence when it is:

A. Addressed to the senses of the court B. as proof of its contents
C. taken from the crime scene D. notarized

___44. A private document is considered as documentary evidence when it is offered as:

A. proof of its contents B. proof of its existence
C. proof of the claim of the accused D. counter to the claim of the accused

___45. The following are the requisites for admissibility of documentary evidence except:
A. document must be relevant B. evidence must be authenticated
C. document must be formally offered in evidence D. document must be notarized

___46. The Original Document Rule was formerly known as:

A. Registered Document Rule B. Original Case Rule
C. Notarized Document Rule D. Best Evidence Rule

___47. When the subject of inquiry is the contents of a document, writing, recording, photograph, or
other record, no evidence is admissible other than the:
A. Witness of the document B. Notarized document
C. Photocopy of the document D. original document
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___48. The original document rule does not apply when:
A. Photographs are shown B. to show the contents of a love letter
C. to prove the contents of a video clip D. to prove the existence of a letter

___49. The original document rule does not apply in what instance:
A. To prove the contents of a love letter B. to show what was captured in a video
C. to illustrate the contents of a picture D. in the testimony of the accused

___50. This term includes the document itself or any counterpart intended to have the same effect
by a person executing or issuing it.
A. Duplicate B. Document
C. Original D. Evidence

___51. This is a counterpart produced by the same impression as the original, or from the same
A. Duplicate B. Document
C. Original D. Evidence

___52. A duplicate is admissible to the same extent as a/an:

A. Duplicate B. Document
C. Original D. Evidence

___53. This is a counterpart produced by means of photography, including enlargements and

A. Duplicate B. Document
C. Original D. Evidence

___54. If data is stored in a computer or similar device, any printout or other output readable by
sight or other means, shown to reflect the data accurately, is a/an:
A. Duplicate B. Document
C. Original D. Evidence

___55. This is a counterpart produced by mechanical or electronic recording:

A. Duplicate B. Document
C. Original D. Evidence

___56. When a general question is raised as to the authenticity of the original is raised, this is an
exception to the rule that a duplicate is admissible to the same extent as a/an:
A. Duplicate B. Document
C. Original D. Evidence

___57. Which is an exception to the original document rule:

A. When the original is unavailable
B. When the duplicate is more convenient
C. When both parties agree to use duplicates
D. When the court resolves that the parties are already done in presenting evidence

___58. What should be presented first if the original document is considered lost:
A. Testimony of a witness B. the CCTV footage
C. A recital of its contents in some authentic document D. copy of the document

___59. The due execution of a document should be proved through the testimony of:
A. The Judge B. A barangay official
C. a competent and independent lawyer D. the one who executed it.

___60. Secondary evidence may be presented when the original is in the custody or control of the
adverse party OR original cannot be obtained by?
A. Notice and collection B. the party presenting the evidence
C. the court D. local judicial processes or procedures

___61. For the original document to considered lost, there must be?
A. reasonable search shall be made for it in the place where it was last known to have been
B. Admission by the person who lost the same
C. court order issued by the court
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D. police blotter or report

___62. This shall apply whenever an electronic document or electronic data message is offered or
used in evidence:
A. Original Document rule
B. The Rules on Electronic Evidence
C. The Revised Penal Code
D. RA no. 9165

___63. This means evidence from another source or from elsewhere.

A. Inadmissible evidence B. evidence alternative
C. substitute evidence D. evidence aliunde

___64. This is the rule that states when the terms of an agreement (including wills) have been
reduced to writing, it is considered as containing all the terms agreed upon and there can be, as
between the parties and their successors in interest, no evidence of such terms other than the
contents of the written agreement.
A. Parol Evidence Rule B. Parole Evidence Rule
C. Best Evidence Rule D. Original Document Rule

___65. This forbids any addition to or contradiction of the terms of a written instrument by testimony
or other evidence purporting to show that, at or before the execution of the parties' written
agreement, other or different terms were agreed upon by the parties, varying the purport of the
written contract.
A. Parole Evidence Rule B. Parol Evidence Rule
C. Best Evidence Rule D. Original Document Rule

___66. The above stated rule does not apply when:

A. The original document is present and available
B. Only the original exists
C. the best evidence rule was replaced
D. there an intrinsic ambiguity, mistake or imperfection in the written agreement

___67. In a will, there is a provision that says “I bequeath this land to my cousin George.” However,
the testator has two cousins named George, this is an example of:
A. Intrinsic ambiguity B. Fraud
C. Validity of the written agreement D. a copy

___68. This is a deed, instrument or other duly authorized paper by which something is proved,
evidenced or set forth.
A. Record B. Document
C. Notary public D. a copy

___69. A registered deed of sale is an example of a:

A. Public document B. Private document
C. Commercial document D. Notary public

___70. This applies only to documents contractual in nature and to wills.

A. Parol Evidence Rule B. Parole Evidence Rule
C. Best evidence Rule D. Original Document Rule

II. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. (1
point each)

___71. Courts may refuse the introduction of the picture of a dead body of the victim.
___72. The original document rule applies in cases where the witness testifies that he is innocent.
___73. DNA Evidence alone can immediately show who committed the crime.
___74. Real evidence automatically leads to a conclusive presumption.
___75. Parol evidence rule applies to all kinds of writings.
___76. A public document enjoys the presumption of regularity
___77. Evidence must be authenticated
___78. As a general rule, four links in the chain of custody of the confiscated item must be
___79. A private document can be authenticated by any person who was present and saw it
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___80. Post-conviction DNA testing may be available without need of prior court order.
___81. Mistake, in relation to parol evidence, refers to mistake of fact which is only limited to one of
the parties.
___82.CCTV footage offered to show its contents is considered real evidence.
___83. Photographs must be shown in court to be authenticated.
___84. The person seeking to introduce an electronic document in any legal proceeding has the
burden of proving its authenticity in the manner provided in this Rule
___85. Telephone conversations are not considered ephemeral electronic communication.
___86. When original is outside the jurisdiction of the court the parties may not present secondary
___87. When more than one original copy exists, it must appear that all of them have been lost,
destroyed, or cannot be produced in court before secondary evidence can be given of anyone.
___88. All letters are considered documentary evidence.
___89. A rock used to kill the victim is considered object evidence.
___90. A duplicate is admissible to the same extent as an original if it is notarized by a notary public.
___91. The witness must have the capacity to identify the object as the very thing involved in the
___92. Photocopies are considered duplicates.
___93. The parol evidence rule does not apply when third parties are involved or those not privy to
the written instrument in question and does not base a claim or assent a right originating in the
___94. A will is covered by the parol evidence rule.
___95. A contract is covered by the parol evidence rule.
___96. A car with the plate number ABC123 is a non-unique object.
___97. A passport is a private document.
___98. The original document rule applies to the rock used to kill the victim to show it was the
murder weapon.
___99. The original document rule only applies to wills.
___100. The negative of a photograph is not considered an original.

Prepared by: Noted:

Atty. Nat Bernard G. Eming DENNIS M. BUTAG

Faculty, CCJE Dean, CCJE

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