EF3 e UPPINTTBcontents
EF3 e UPPINTTBcontents
EF3 e UPPINTTBcontents
Grammar Vocabulary
4 A Questions and answers question formation working out meaning from context
14 A Call the doctor? present perfect simple and continuous illnesses and injuries
24 A The truth about air travel narrative tenses, past perfect air travel
continuous; so / such…that
34 A Eco-guilt future perfect and future continuous the environment, the weather
38 B Are you a risk taker? zero and first conditionals, future time expressions with take
42 REVISE AND CHECK 3&4 Short film The British and the Weather
44 A The survivors’ club unreal conditionals feelings
friendly intonation,
Q&A interviews Strange questions in job interviews Q&A
showing interest
Extreme interviews Extreme interviews
intonation and
sentence rhythm What do you think? The coffee cup reading Hard to believe? But it
Paranormal experiences What your signature says happened to me…
Signature analysis about you
Song: Unbelievable
vowel sounds Teenagers and elderly people Radio programme about dressing your Trading ages
Clothes – do you agree with the age
vowel sounds How Eco-Guilty are you? Extreme weather experiences in the How Eco-Guilty are you?
questionnaire Extreme UK Don’t know what to say?
weather Song: Heatwave Talk about the weather!
sentence stress
Taking risks Are you a risk taker? I’m John, a speedaholic
and rhythm
The risks of diving
64 A Don’t argue! past modals: must, might/ may should, can’t, verbs often confused
couldn’t + have, etc.; would rather
74 A Beat the robbers… the passive (all forms); it is said that…, he is crime and punishment
and the burglars thought to…, etc.; have something done
84 A Truth and lies clauses of contrast and purpose; advertising, business
whatever, whenever, etc.
88 B Megacities uncountable and plural nouns word building: prefixes and suffixes
94 A The dark side of the moon quantifiers: all, every, both, etc. science
102 REVISE AND CHECK 9&10 Short film The Museum of the History of Science
word stress How you find out about news Radio news 24 hours in journalism
Discussing how news is produced Jennifer Buhl interview
Song: News of the World
changing stress on
nouns and verbs Advertising and marketing Radio programme about the tricks Four of the most misleading
The economic situation in your of advertising adverts of all time
country Paul Feldman’s experiment What the Bagel Man Saw
Song: The truth
word stress with
What is a ‘megacity’? Interview with Miles Roddis Andrew Marr’s Megacities
prefixes and suffixes
Cities or regions in your country
Asking and answering questions about
where you would like to travel