Migration SQL Vers AWS Offer EN

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2022 l Claranet – Practice Data

Migration & Data

Optimize the migration of your SQL server to
Are you aware of the value
of a strategy to migrate
your data to AWS ?

• Do you have the means to leverage the quantity and quality of your data securely?

• What are you doing to leverage your data?

• How do you build a strategy around analytics in a complex ecosystem (private cloud, local,

• What strategy should I put in place to govern my data?

• How can I fully exploit my data when it is dispersed in different data centers?

• How can I benefit from a data cloud solution that supports the entire data lifecycle?
Optimize your SQL Server migration to AWS

• AWS Application Migration Service

reduces time-consuming and error- AWS Cloud
prone manual processes by
automatically converting your source
servers from physical, virtual and cloud
infrastructure to run natively on AWS. On premises Cloud

AWS Site-to-Site VPN

• Migrate data from one or more SQL
or AWS Direct Connect
Server database instances using AWS
DMS to any supported target database SQL Server Amazon DMS Amazon RDS

AWS Site-to-Site VPN

• Configure, manage, and scale a
or AWS Direct Connect
relational database in the cloud in a few Amazon EC2
clicks with Amazon RDS. AWS Application Migration Service for SQL Server
More than just a migration offer

Resilient, scalable Interoperability An accessible Performance not Expert Support

and independently native with solutions and scalable limited by AWS/CLARANET
deployable developed for the exploitation of workload
architecture cloud your data
Migration and Data Modernization offer

+ +
A step-by-step migration A fully managed A measurement of your
outsourcing performance and a follow-up of
• Strategy your costs throughout the
• Iteration 24/7 process
• Application and data failover

Discovery & Architecture, Design & Implementation & Run & Outsourcing
Assessment Migration strategy migration package

Workshops Segmentation iterative migration 24/7 Managed services

SQL migration Assessment Downtime Management Data synchronization Follow-up
Claranet Technical Migration Application and software Application failover Performance Audit and Consulting
Assessment companies ecosystem Performance testing on data set FinOps
Tecnical and functional validation


Discovery & Assessment

Understand your challenges and master your migration


Identify the competency profiles and expertise required for the migration

Understand the business challenges and build the map of your technical environments

Evaluate your functional and technical constraints

Determine time and adjustement variables as well as financial items

Define the criteria of your migration success

Architecture, design & migration strategy

Define your strategy and migration architecture

Define the target architecture according to technical constraints and business

Identify and create functional and technical batches for migration

Develop the batch migration methodology

Identify the associated risks and the roles of the stakeholders

Define the expected milestones and deliverables

Implementation and migration

Configure the target platform and migrate your data

Develop infrastructure scripts as Code and implement the architecture of the target platform

Configure the migration environments

Perform the technical migration on the target platform

Set up supervision and backup elements

Run and outsourcing package BO

Entrust the execution of your services and be

accompanied by business experts
Incident and problem management
Supervision / alerting • Detecting, investigating
• Monitoring and adusting thresholds • Addressing, correcting & optimizing
• Metrics correlation
• Sharing dashboard
• Alerting customer / Claranet
Capacity management
• Maintaining scaling policies
• Horizontal or vertical scaling on monitoring trigger
Back-up management
• Performing backups
• Supervising backups
• Investigating failures Change management
• Restoring • Modifying an existing service
• Improving an existing service

Patch management
• Watching vulnerabilities Information management
• Scheduling • Incident information
• Patching • Project documentation
• Validating and accepting • Request for information
Business Model

Discovery & Architecture, Design & Implementation & Run & Outsourcing
Assessment Migration strategy migration packagée

Workshops Segmentation Iterative Migration 24/7 Managed services

SQL migration Assessment Downtime management Data synchronization Audit and performance consulting
Claranet Technical Migration Application and Software Application failover FinOps
Assessment companies’ ecosystem Performing Tests on data set
TecHnical and Functional Validation

10 – 15 days
Depends on the assessment stage
From $10 118 to $15 255
Benefits of the offer

Reduction, Automated and Governance & data Availability Improvement in your

Rationalization full-managed securization & accessibility to operational efficiency
& cost optimization maintenance your data
CASE STUDY– Real Estate – SQL migration

Nexity builds its digital future on the cloud
Case study : Nexity
In the context of the company's transformation towards digitalization, Claranet is helping this French leader in construction and real
estate development to implement public cloud and DevOps services for its entire information system (IS).

Challenge Results

• Migrate SQL Server databases hosted on On Premise VMs to AWS

RDS on target with minimal effort and time • 244 databases migrated in 2 phases (production +
• Free internal teams from the daily tasks of maintenance /
administration / database management • Rationalization of costs compared to SQL Server machines
on AWS EC2 and associated licenses

• Consolidation of servers by environment on AWS RDS

Solutions Move to a PaaS model to reduce the impact of
maintenance tasks
• Inventory of the existing SQL server and associated applications
• Reduce maintenance tasks and manage high availability
• Definition of the migration strategy through the intrinsic features of AWS RDS
• Migration in 2 phases: IaaS to EC2 + SQL server then to RDS Support
from cloud experts + AWS data
They trust us
Tani NGUYEN – Data Sales Specialist
M: +33 7 81 55 56 24
[email protected]

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