Derivatives Exotic Path Dependent Options

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An Introduction to Exotic and Path-dependent Options 1 In this lecture. . .


how to classify options according to important features how to think about derivatives in a way that makes it easy to compare and contrast different contracts the names and contract details for many basic types of exotic options

2 Discrete cashflows
Imagine a contract that pays the holder an amount 6 at time 96 . The contract could be a bond and the payment a coupon. If we use ' 9 to denote the contract value and 9> and 9 to denote just before and 6 6 just after the cashflow date then simple arbitrage considerations lead to
' 96

' 96  T 

This is a jump condition. The value of the contract jumps by the amount of the cashflow. The behaviour of the contract value across the payment date is shown in the figure.


drop in contract value





discrete cashflow

0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

1.A discrete cashflow and its effect on a contract value. If the contract is contingent on an underlying variable so that we have 9 6 W then we can accommodate cashflows that depend on the level of the asset 6 i.e. we could have T 6 .

3 Early exercise
Early exercise is a common feature. For example, the conversion of convertible bonds is mathematically identical to the early exercise of an American option.

The key point about early exercise is that the holder of this valuable right should ideally act optimally, i.e. they must decide when to exercise or convert. In the partial differential equation framework that has been set up, this optimality is achieved by solving a free boundary problem, with a constraint on the option value, together with a smoothness condition. American options are path dependent.

4 Weak path dependence


Options whose value depends on the asset history, but can still be written as 9 6 W are said to be weakly path dependent. After early exercise, the next most common reason for weak path dependence in a contract is a barrier. Barrier (or knock-in, or knockout) options are triggered by the action of the underlying hitting a prescribed value at some time before expiry. For example, as long as the asset remains below 150, the contract will have a call payoff at expiry. However, should the asset reach this level before expiry then the option becomes worthless; the option has knocked out.







0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

2.Two paths having the same value at expiry but with completely different payoffs.

5 Strong path dependence

Of particular interest, mathematical and practical, are the strongly path-dependent contracts. These have payoffs that depend on some property of the asset price path in addition to the value of the underlying at the present moment in time; in the equity option language, we cannot write the value as 9 6  W . The contract value is a function of at least one more independent variable. The Asian option has a payoff that depends on the average value of the underlying asset from inception to expiry. We must keep track of more information about the asset price path than simply its present position. The extra information that we need is contained in the running average. This is the average of the asset price from inception until the present, when we are valuing the option.

6 Time dependence
Here we are concerned with time dependence in the option contract. We can add such time dependence to any of the features described above. For example, early exercise might only be permitted on certain dates or during certain periods. This intermittent early exercise is a characteristic of Bermudan options. Similarly, the position of the barrier in a knock-out option may change with time. Every month it may be reset at a higher level than the month before.

These contracts are referred to as time inhomogeneous.

7 Dimensionality
Dimensionality refers to the number of underlying independent variables.

The vanilla option has two independent variables, 6 and W, and is thus two dimensional.

The weakly path-dependent contracts have the same number of dimensions as their non-path-dependent cousins, i.e. a barrier call option has the same two dimensions as a vanilla call. For these contracts the roles of the asset dimension and the time dimension are quite different from each other. This is because the governing equation, the BlackScholes equation, contains a second asset-price derivative but only a first time derivative.

10 We can have two types of three-dimensional problem.


The first occurs when we have a second source of randomness, such as a second underlying asset. We might, for example, have an option on the maximum of two equities. In the governing equation we will see a second derivative of the option value with respect to each asset. We say that there is diffusion in both 6  and 6  . The other type of problem that is also three dimensional is the strongly path-dependent contract. The new independent variable is a measure of the path-dependent quantity on which the option is contingent. The new variable may be the average of the asset price to date, say. In this case, derivatives of the option value with respect to this new variable are only of the first order. Thus the new variable acts more like another time-like variable.


8 The order of an option

The basic, vanilla options are of first order. Their payoffs depend only on the underlying asset, the quantity that we are directly modeling. Other, path-dependent, contracts can still be of first order if the payoff only depends only on properties of the asset price path.

Higher order refers to options whose payoff, and hence value, is contingent on the value of another option. The obvious first-order options are compound options, for example, a call option giving the holder the right to buy a put option. The compound option expires at some date 7  and the option on which it is contingent, expires at a later time 7  . Technically speaking, such an option is weakly path dependent.

12 From a practical point of view, the compound option raises some important modeling issues.

The payoff for the compound option depends on the market value of the underlying option, and not on the theoretical price. If you hold a compound option, and want to exercise the first option then you must take possession of the underlying option. High order option values are very sensitive to the basic pricing model and should be handled with care.


9 Decisions, decisions
Holding an American option you are faced with the decision whether and when to exercise your rights. The American option is the most common contract that contains within it a decision feature. Other contracts require more subtle and interesting decisions to be made. Well be seeing several examples of these later.

For example, the passport option is an option on a trading account. You buy and sell some asset, if you are in profit on the expiry of the option you keep the money, if you have made a loss it is written off. The decisions to be made here are when to buy, sell or hold, and how much to buy, sell or hold.


10 Compounds and choosers

Compound and chooser options are simply options on options. The compound option gives the holder the right to buy (call) or sell (put) another option. Thus we can imagine owning a call on a put, for example. This gives us the right to buy a put option for a specified amount on a specified date. If we exercise the option then we will own a put option which gives us the right to sell the underlying. This compound option is second order because the compound option gives us rights over another derivative.

15 It is possible to find analytical formul for the price of basic compound options in the BlackScholes framework when volatility is constant. These formul involve the cumulative distribution function for a bivariate Normal variable.

However, because of the second-order nature of compound options and thus their sensitivity to the precise nature of the asset price random walk, these formul are dangerous to use in practice.

16 Chooser options are similar to compounds in that they give the holder the right to buy a further option. With the chooser option the holder can choose whether to receive a call or a put, for example.


11 Range notes
Range notes are very popular contracts, existing on the lognormal assets such as equities and currencies, and as fixed-income products.

In its basic, equity derivative, form the range note pays at a rate of / all the time that the underlying lies within a given range, 6 O 6 6 X. That is, for every G W that the asset is in the range you receive / G W. Introducing , $ as the function taking the value 1 when $ O T $ T $ X and zero otherwise, the range note satisfies
' 9 

# 9  #6


#9 #6

> U 9  / , 6

Preliminary and Indicative For Discussion Purposes Only

6 Month In-Out Range Accrual Option on MXN/USD FX Rate

Settlement Date Maturity Date Option Premium Option Type Option Payment Date Option Payout Where Index
One week from Trade Date 6 months from Trade Date USD 50,000+ In MINUS Out Range Accrual on MXN/USD FX rate 2 business days after Maturity Date USD 125,000 * Index
FX daily In MINUS FX daily Out (subject to a minimum of zero) Total Business Days

FX daily In FX daily Out Range Spot MXN/USD Exchange Rate Current Spot MXN/USD

The number of business days Spot MXN/USD Exchange Rate is within Range The number of business days Spot MXN/USD Exchange Rate is outside Range MXN/USD 7.7200-8.1300 Official spot exchange rate as determined by the Bank of mexico as appearing on Reuters page BNMX at approximately 3:00 p.m. New York time. 7.7800

This indicative termsheet is neither an offer to buy or sell securities or an OTC derivative product which includes options, swaps, forwards and structured notes having similar features to OTC derivative transactions, nor a solicitation to buy or sell securities or an OTC derivative product. The proposal contained in the foregoing is not a complete description of the terms of a particular transaction and is subject to change without limitation.


12 Barrier options

Barrier options have a payoff that is contingent on the underlying asset reaching some specified level before expiry. The critical level is called the barrier, there may be more than one. Barrier options are weakly path dependent. Barrier options come in two main varieties, the in barrier option (or knock-in) and the out barrier option (or knock-out). The former only have a payoff if the barrier level is reached before expiry and the latter only have a payoff if the barrier is not reached before expiry. These contracts are weakly path dependent, meaning that the price depends only on the current level of the asset and the time to expiry. They satisfy the BlackScholes equation, with special boundary conditions.


13 Asian options

Asian options have a payoff that depends on the average value of the underlying asset over some period before expiry. They are strongly path dependent because their value prior to expiry depends on the path taken and not just on where thay have reached. The average used in the calculation of the options payoff can be defined in many different ways. It can be an arithmetic average or a geometric average, for example. The data could be continuously sampled, so that every realized asset price over the given period is used. More commonly, for practical and legal reasons, the data is usually sampled discretely. We shall see how to derive a partial differential equation for the value of this Asian contract, but now the differential equation will have three independent variables.


14 Lookback options

Lookback options have a payoff that depends on the realized maximum or minimum of the underlying asset over some period prior to expiry. An extreme example, that captures the flavour of these contracts is the option that pays off the difference between that maximum realised value of the asset and the minimum value over the next year. Thus it enables the holder to buy at the lowest price and sell at the highest, every traders dream. Of course, this payoff comes at a price. And for such a contract that price would be very high. Again the maximum or minimum can be calculated continuously or discretely, using every realized asset price or just a subset.

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