AGustin, Melissa M FS-2-LE-3-act1

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship

Learning Episode 3 Establishing Classroom Routines and Procedure in New Normal Learning

Date: October 28, 2022

School: Sto. Cristo Integrated School

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7

Subject Area: English

Resource Paul Marion Vallentos



To ensure that I can carry out/perform my tasks efficiently and effectively in participating
and assisting my cooperating teacher in establishing routines and procedures in the classroom
or in new normal learning, I must be guided by the following questions:
1. How will I gain student attention in the classroom/new normal learning?
To get the attention of students in the classroom or who are doing remote learning, you
should speak loudly and clearly. You can get their attention by talking about things that
are important to them. Try to be more trendy and up-to-date. For example, you can
connect the lesson by talking about love or by talking about idols and famous people.
2. What are the routines and procedures that I need to establish before, during and after my
classes whether on a face-to-face or new normal learning?

Before your class, you should look as good as possible, make sure you're in good shape
to teach, and think about how you'll talk about the lesson in a good way. During class,
keep your energy up, try to keep up, and make sure that what you're talking about is
relevant to your students. After the class, you should think about what you did well and
what you could do better. If you feel like you're missing something, think about how you
can improve the next day.
3. What verbal and non-verbal communication will use to signal that students need
help/attention in the classroom /new normal learning?
To verbally show your students that you can be in charge, don't let them get too
comfortable with you, since you are the Teacher. You can also get their attention by
telling them that you have a surprise or a reward for them. If you don't talk or do
anything, your students will eventually figure out why. You can also tap the desk or the
board to get their attention.

4. How must students get/secure the needed work materials and books and others in the
classroom /new normal learning?
As a teacher, you have to remind them what to do and make sure they have the books
and materials they need.
5. How will students transition to group work and other cooperative activities in the classroom /
new normal learning?
Make a plan for the student to follow, and give them enough time to try and learn about
each activity before moving on to the next.

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 3 Establishing Classroom Routines and Procedure in New Normal Learning

6. What procedures must be followed by students who need to attend to personal necessities in
the classroom classes?
First, the student must tell the Teacher in the right way that he or she needs to take care
of a personal matter. The student should show evidence that it's true, or the parent can
tell the teacher. Students should act nicely.
7. What rules must be set for students who finish task early and for those who cannot complete
work on time?
Students who finish their work early should have to follow some rules. For example, they
should be quiet and wait for the teacher to tell them what to do next. They also shouldn't
make noise or talk to other students in the class, and they shouldn't tell them the answer.
For students who don't finish their work on time, the rules should be that they lose
points or, worst case, the teacher won't accept their work. This will make the students
afraid and get their work done on time.
8. What procedures must be observed for tardiness / early dismissals?
The teacher can tell the student how to do his or her part. The teacher can also talk to the
students in a nice way to get their attention and make the class more active. There are
some things the teacher can do to get the students moving.
9. What procedures must be done when submitting homework / performance tasks in the
classroom /new normal learning?
Set a deadline for assignment, and deduct points for late submission depending on
whether or not students have a genuine cause to be late.
10. What procedures must be employed in movements into and out of the classroom/ new
normal learning?
Students should remain in the classroom during class unless they need to use the
restroom or leave for other reasons. If the kid is outdoors, he or she must return to the
classroom immediately.

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 3 Establishing Classroom Routines and Procedure in New Normal Learning

1. After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what you noticed
by answering the following questions:

 How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your
procedures in the new normal learning?
 How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures?
 Was there a change in the classroom environment/teaching-learning process after you
have implemented your classroom routines and procedures?
 What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and
2. Record your answers below

1. I felt relieved because the class flow is smooth

and well-organized. Students are engaged and
interactive. They ensure that they can comply and
adhere to the agreement.
2. Students demonstrate responsiveness,
activeness, and participative. They ensure that
everything is accomplished and ordered
3. As a result of the application of classroom
procedures, the classroom environment has
changed; class flow is somewhat more
streamlined, and I have observed that there is now
a connection with the students.
4. My Resource Teacher's feedback regarding the
classroom routines is to enhance them further and
maintain them. After the application of classroom
routines, there is a shift in the classroom
atmosphere, the class flow is smooth, and I have
observed a connection with the students.
My Resource Teacher's feedback regarding the
classroom routines is to enhance them further and
maintain them.

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 3 Establishing Classroom Routines and Procedure in New Normal Learning

What factors/conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines and procedures?

Because it is their first time meeting me as their field study instructor cooperating teacher, there is
a lack of connection between the students, and I want to create a relationship with them while we
spend 5-7 weeks with them.

Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing your classroom

The classroom management has improved significantly, and as the class progresses, everything is
well-organized and the students have become more engaged.

Did the teaching-learning process improve? Justify your answer.

Yes, the teaching-learning process has improved due to the organization, order, and participation
of the students.

What insights have you gained?

The ideas I got throughout this learning session originated from my Resource Teacher's
comments on classroom procedures. It is my intention to continue enhancing classroom
procedures because it will be beneficial for my future. It also provides me with a general
understanding of how to engage with my kids while applying the established routines and
processes. In addition, I acquired some strategies for catching students' attention in person and

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 3 Establishing Classroom Routines and Procedure in New Normal Learning


The problems/challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routines

Were minimal, and with the help of my cooperating teacher and the participating students,
everything ran successfully.


I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by

enhancing more and bringing the best ideas of the students and to develop organizational skills.


Some strategies/ways which I can employ to improve my classroom routines are

I may improve the classroom routine by providing entertaining and engaging activities to
maintain the students' interest and enthusiasm as the class progresses.


The possible title of my action research on this episode is

“Establishing of Classroom Routines to the Learners”
To further enrich my knowledge on establishing classroom routines and procedures in
new normal learning, these are some of the resources which will help me in these
activities books, websites, and YouTube videos, and distribute them to your classmates.

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 2, Episode 3: Establishing Classroom Routines and
Procedure in New Normal Learning

Name of FS Student: Melissa Meneses Agustin

Year & Section: BSED ENGLISH 4C
Date Submitted: October 29, 2022

Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

5 4 3 2
Accomplished All observation One to two observation Three observation Four or more

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EDUC 302- Field Study 2 Participation and Assistantship
Learning Episode 3 Establishing Classroom Routines and Procedure in New Normal Learning

Observation question/tasks questions/task not questions/tasks not observation

Sheet completely answered/ answered/ answered/ questions/ task not
accomplished. accomplished. accomplished. answered/
Analysis and All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four or more
Reflection answered completely; answered completely; answered completely; observation
answers are with depth answers are clearly answers are not clearly questions were not
and are thoroughly connected to theories; connected to theories; answered; answers
grounded on theories; grammar and spelling one (1) to three (3) are not connected to
grammar and spelling are free from errors. grammatical/ spelling theories; more than
are free from errors. Clear but lacks depth; errors. four (4) grammatical/
Profound and clear; supported by what Not so clear and spelling errors.
supported by what were observed and shallow; somewhat Unclear and shallow;
were observe and analyzed supported by what rarely supported by
analyzed were observed and what were observed
analyzed and analyzed.
Action Research All questions were All questions were One or two questions Three or more
Prompts answered completely; answered completely; were not answered; questions were not
Answers are reflected Answers are reflected Answers are not answered; Answers
in the context of the in the context of the reflected in the context are not reflected in
action research; action research; of the action research; the context of the
complete, well- complete, well- complete, not action research; not
organized, highly organized, relevant to organized, relevant to complete, not
relevant to the learning the learning outcome. the learning outcome. organized, not
outcome. relevant.
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2)
deadline deadline the deadline days or more after
the deadline
Comments: Total Score:


_____________________________________ ___________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

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