Grammar Booster

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A. Choose an answer for each question

_____ 1 What´s your name? a. Scotland, actually. She´s British.

______ 2 Where is she from? b. He´s the CEO of BRC incorporated.

______ 3 Where´s her father from? c. Kim´s father? Seoul, I think.

______ 4 Who is Bernard Udall? d. Eighteen and ten.

______ 5 How old are your cousins? e. Ivan. But everyone calls me Vanya.

B. Complete each sentence with a possessive form the noun.

1. _____________ (Dean) father is an engineer.
2. What is _____________ (Janec) e-mail address?
3. The book is___________ (Kayla).
4. __________________ (Nicole and Sean) class is at eight.
5. What are your_____________ (brothers) occupations.

C. On a separate sheet of paper, write a question for each answer, using What and
a possessive adjective.
1. My occupation? I´m a student.
2. Lin and Ben´s? It´s 2 Bay Street.
3. His phone number? It´s 21-66-55.
4. Dave´s last name? It´s Bourne.
5. Sandra´s nickname? It´s Sandy.
6. My e-mail addresses? It´s [email protected].
7. Ray´s? His address is 456 Rue Noire.

D. Complete each sentence with a possessive adjective.

1. This is my sister. _________________ husband is from Ecuador.
2. Robert is a new student here. _________________ nickname is Bobby.
3. My friends live in London, but _______________ hometown is in Scotland.
4. My husband and I live in Chicago, but _________________ children don´t.
5. I´d like you to meet __________________ colleague Sam. He works with me at
the bank.
6. I like that picture _________________ colors are very nice.

A. On a Separate sheet of paper, rewrite the sentences, using contractions. Then

practice saying each sentence aloud.
1. She is an opera singer 4. Bart is from Australia.
2. They are managers. 5. My mother is late.
3. I am a student. 6. Your father is nice.
B. On a separate sheet of paper, write a short answer for each question.
1. Is New York in Russia?
2. Are you a scientist?
3. Are Korea and Japan in Asia?
4. Is Italy a city?
5. Is it 3:00 right now?
6. Are you a student?
7. Are you Canadian?
8. Is your father a manager?
9. Is English difficult?

A. Complete the sentences with on, in or at.

1. A: When´s the movie?
B: The movie is ______________ Friday _____________ 8:30.
2. A: Where is he?
B: He´s not here right now. He´s _______________ work.
3. A: Where´s his office?
B: It´s ______________ the center of town.
4. A: When was her mother born?
B: She was born ________________ January 1.
5. A: When does the movie take place?
B: It takes places ________________ the 19th century _____________ Africa.
6. A: _______________ the weekend, I´m going to the concert ______________
the public library.
7. The park opens ________________ 6:00 ______________ the morning and
closes ________________ dusk.
8. Is the concert hall________________ Grove Street?
9. I think the theater is _______________ the right side of the street.
10. Let´s go to the evening show. The concert is outside, and the weather is really
hot _________________ the afternoon.
11. This concert occurs every second year __________________ November.
12. I´ll see you ____________________ Thursday morning in front of the theater,

B. Complete the conversations with would like to + a verb. Use contractions when
1. A: ____________________ (see) Frozen this evening?
B: Sorry. No, I _________________ . I´m not an animated movie fan.
2. A: ____________________ (go) to the concert with us?
B: Yes, they ___________________.
3. A: Who _____________________ (eat) dinner at Mario´s Restaurant?
B: We ___________________!
4. A: ___________________ you __________________ (download) a music video?
B: Sounds good! Yes, I ______________________.
5. A: What _________________ your sister ___________________ (do) this
afternoon after class?
B: She_________________ (hang out) with her friends for an hour before dinner.
6. A: When ______________ your teacher _______________ (show) the video?
B: He ________________ (show) the video tomorrow morning in class.

A. Write negative statements.

1. The café closes at 6:00. (The bookstore) ________________________________
2. Neal lives in Quito. (His sister) _____________________________________
3. Miles works in an office. (His brother) _________________________________
4. I have a big family. (My husband)
5. My younger brother speaks Chinese. (I) ________________________________
6. Kiko´s Nephew likes hip-hop. (Her niece)

B. Write yes / no questions.

1. A: Does your sister live near you?
B: No, she doesn´t. She lives in another city.
2. A: _________________________________ drink coffee?
B: No, he doesn´t. My brother drinks tea.
3. A: _________________________________ children?
B: No. we don’t have any yet?
4. A: _________________________________ in Mexico?
B: No. My in-laws live in chile.
5. A: _________________________________ English?
B: Yes, she does. My niece speaks it well.
6. A: _________________________________ work here?
B: Yes, they do. My cousins work downstairs.
7. A: _________________________________ early?
B: No. The bookstore opens late.

Complete the information questions.

1. A: ________________ your uncle _________________?

B: He´s a doctor.
2. A: ________________ your in-laws ________________?
B: They live in Seoul.
3. A: _________________ cousins _________________?
B: I have ten of them.
4. A: ___________________ your parents?
B: I visit them every weekend.
5. A: ___________________ your stepsister ___________________?
B: She lives across the street.
6. A: ___________________ speaks Russian?
B: My brother in-law does.
7. A: ___________________ your niece ___________________ with?
B: She lives with my aunt.
8. A: ___________________ you ___________________?
B: I study late at night.

9. A: ___________________ has three kids?

B: My younger sister does.
10. A: ___________________ your older brother __________________?
B: He studies in London.

A. Complete each statement with a countable quantity. (NOTE: More than one
phrases of quantity may be possible.)

1. This soup is so creamy. It has two ___________________ milk in it.
2. She must be very thirsty. This is her third_______________________ water.
3. My car has a big gas tank. It holds ________________________ gas.

4. I ate ____________________ cheese, and now I feel sick.
5. A club sandwich doesn´t have two _________________ bread. It has three
______________________ bread.
6. I like my tea sweet. Please put in ______________________ sugar.

B. Change the sentences from affirmative to negative.

1. There are some onions on the table. ___________________________________
2. We have some cookies. _____________________________________________
3. They need some onions four the soup. _________________________________
4. She´s buying some fruit at the market. _________________________________
5. The reeds want some eggs for breakfast _______________________________
6. I want some butter on my sandwich ___________________________________
7. There is some chicken in the fridge ____________________________________
8. They need some cheese for the pasta __________________________________

C. Complete each sentence with some or any.

1. I don´t want ____________________ more coffee, thank you.
2. There isn´t _____________________ salt in this soup.
3. We don’t see ___________________ sandwiches on the menu.
4. They need _____________________ sugar for their tea.
5. The restaurant is making ________________ pies for the party.
6. It´s too bad that there isn’t ____________________ soup.
7. I don’t see ____________________ menus on those tables.
8. There are ____________________ eggs for the omelet.

D. Complete each question with How much or how many

1. __________________ bread do we need?
2. __________________ salt did you put in the beef stew?
3. __________________ hot pepper do you like?
4. __________________ spoonful’s pf sugar do you want in your tea?
5. __________________ oil should I put in this salad?
6. __________________ cheese is there in the fridge?
7. __________________ slices of bread do you want?
8. __________________ cups of coffee did you think?

E. Write the plural form of each count noun

1. Clam ________________ 6. Pear _________________
2. Snack _______________ 7. French fry __________________
3. Cup _________________ 8. Sandwich ___________________
4. Olive ________________ 9. Vegetable __________________
5. Spoonful _____________ 10. Potato ____________________

A. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb.

1. Coffee _______________ (be) my favorite beverage.
2. Rice _________________(be) very good for you, even when you are sick.
3. Mathematics __________________ (create) problems for many students, but
not for me!
4. Influenza ____________________ (cause) pain and fever.
5. Darkness ____________________ (frighten) some people, but I don’t know
6. Medical advice ________________ (help) people decide what to do about their

B. Complete the sentences with a or an. If the noun is a non-count, write an-x.
1. He has __________________ diabetes.
2. She would like to eat ____________________ banana.
3. *____________________ apple a day keeps the doctor away*
4. Would you like ______________________ appetizer?
5. There´s _______________________ egg on the shelf.
6. Does the restaurant serve ____________________ rice with chicken?
7. He always gives _____________________ good advice?
8. My family loves _____________________ music.

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