Focus2 2E Vocabulary Quiz Unit6 GroupA

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Name: _____________________________________
3 If the company isn’t profitable at the end of the year,
Class: _____________________________________
Total: _________/20 everyone will _____ the sack!
A do B get C have
4 The success of a company depends on how people
Just the job
1 Read the descriptions and write the names of the _____ it.
jobs. The first letters are given. A run B worked C done
0 This person works in an office and makes phone 5 As an employee here, you can _____ four weeks of
calls. secretary paid holiday every year.
1 This person can construct or repair buildings. A be B take C work
b_______________ 6 Last month we had to _____ overtime to finish an
2 This person looks after passengers’ on a plane. important project on time.
f_______________ a_______________ A be B get C do
3 This person welcomes hotel guests and gives them 7 Tina _____ long hours because she has her own
a key to their room. r_______________ business.
4 This person can repair a sink or a toilet. A works B makes C takes
__ /7
5 This person will cut your hair and make it look
attractive. h_______________ 3 Complete the sentences. There is one space for
each missing letter. The first letters are given.
6 This person studies things like chemistry and
physics. s_______________ 0 Unfortunately, many college graduates are
7 This person is a member of a local or national u n e m p l o y e d, because there aren’t enough
government. p_______________ jobs.
8 This person teaches you something practical 1 Rob is a gardener. He works o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in all
(e.g. driving) or a sport. i_________________ kinds of weather.
__ /8 2 A lot of university students have a p _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
job to earn a bit of money.
2 Choose the correct option.
3 We have to c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a great idea for
0 This is Mark; he _____ responsible for organizing
the new advertising campaign.
special campaigns and events in the company.
4 I am writing to you because I would like to
A is B takes C works
a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a job in your office in London.
1 I believe that only people who _____ well-paid can
5 Rule number one at this company is, ‘Do not
work efficiently and feel motivated.
t _ _ _ _ _ late for work!’
A take B are C work
2 Glen _____ from his job because he didn’t get on with __ /5
his boss!
A left B resigned C fired
© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)

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