Biology DSE Answer Key

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2012 年 香 港 中 學 文 憑 考 試

生物 試卷一乙

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2012-DSE-BIO 1B–1

只限教師參閱 FOR TEACHERS’ USE Provided

Paper 1 Section B
Questions 1 to 5 are common items. Bio and CS Bio share the same MS.

1. C (1)
A (1)
B (1)
3 marks

2. Method How it works Comment (advantage or disadvantage)

Spraying of Directly kill the larvae / Pros: quickly put mosquito population down
pesticides or adult mosquitoes (1) so in short term (1)
larvicidal oil to that they cannot serve as Cons: mosquitoes may develop resistance to
mosquito’s habitat vector the pesticides (1) / environmental
contamination when pesticides leak to water
bodies / pesticides are toxic to humans
Clearance of Eradicate the breeding Pros: does not have adverse impacts on
accumulated water places of mosquitoes (1) environment (1)
in the Cons: it is vritually impossible to clear up all
neighbourhood stagnant water (1)
4 marks

3. (a) ü the cell wall of cell type Q is much thicker than that of cell type P (1) (1)
(¸ accept other answers such as spiral thickening or thickened with ring structures)
(˚ cell type Q being hollow not accepted)

(b) ü when there is ample supply of water (1) (1)

ü cell type P provides turgidity to the plant (1) (1)
ü cell type Q has thickened cell wall (1) (1)
ü which provides rigidity to the plant (1) (1)
5 marks

4. (a) ü Class A (1) (1)

(b) ü the light intensity of the habitat is very low / the habitat is completely dark (1) (1)
ü as organism X does not have eyes to survive in the habitat (1) (1)

(c) ü the key is constructed based on the morphological characteristics of exisiting organism
found (1) / not all the morphological characteristics of the phylum are listed in the key (1)

(d) ü carry out a comparative study about the amino acid sequence of similar proteins / base
sequence of DNA template / mRNA of similar proteins found in organism Y and other
organisms in this phylum (1) (1)
(¸ accept comparison of developmental process / cellular structure / chemical
composition )
ü to establish the phylogenetic relationship between them (1) (1)
6 marks

5. (a) ü 7:00 and 18:00 (1) (1)

(b) ü shorter light period (1), overall rate lower (1) (1,1)

(c) ü the area below the line showing oxygen production rate represents the food production
in 24 hrs (1) (1)
ü whereas the area below the line showing carbon dioxide production rate represents the
food consumption in 24 hrs (1) (1)
ü it is therefore important for food production to be greater than food consumption such
that there is a net amount of food produced (1) (1)
ü as a result, this provide energy for the plant to survive, grow and produce fruits (1) (1)
7 marks
2012 DSE BIO 1B 2

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Question 6 is a common item which is equivalent to CS Bio question 7.

6. (a) (10 000 000 – 1 000 000) / 10 000 000 x 100% = 90% (Remark: accept -90%)
Method / equation 1 mark (1,1)
Correct answer 1 mark

(b) ü some energy is not obtained by the organisms of higher trophic level as part of the body
of prey is not consumed (1) / part of the food is not digestible or is egested (1) (1)
ü some energy is lost by the organisms at the higher trophic level through excretion (1) /
respiration (1) / in the form of heat (1) (1)
- Any two of the above.
- The words “higher trophic level” are not required. However, if the wrong trophic
level is mentioned, the mark will not be awarded.
- some individuals escape from predation is not accepted.

(c) ü the percentage decrease in energy content is greater (1) (1)

ü as caterpillars mainly feed on leaves of trees, leaving most of the part of the biomass of
tress unconsumed (1) / lignin is not consumed (1)
6 marks

This is an item for Biology only.

7. (a) ü despite the high blood glucose level detected in his blood, his fasting blood insulin level (1)
was lower than that of the healthy person (1)
ü although there is an increase in blood glucose level, the insulin level only shows little (1)
change (1)
ü this shows that Tom failed to produce the normal amount of insulin (1) (1)
ü therefore, Tom suffered from insulin-dependent diabetes (1) / type I diabetes (1)

(b) ü with insufficient insulin, his body cells will not take up extra glucose from the blood
as efficiently as the healthy person (1)
ü as a result, the blood glucose concentration rised to a higher level (1) after glucose
ü and remains high for a longer time / decreases slower than the healthy person (1)
Remarks: conversion of glucose to glycogen by insulin is not acceptable

(c) ü by injection of insulin (1) / aerosal spray of insulin applied to nasal cavity (1)
8 marks

2012-DSE-BIO 1B–3


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Question 8 is a common item which is equivalent to CS Bio question 6.
8. (a) ü soluble sugars lower the water potential of the kernels (1) while (1)
ü starch, being insoluble in water, does not affect the water potential of the kernels (1) (1)
ü during development, kernels of sweet corns draw in a larger amount of / more water by
osmosis than those of starch kernels (1) (1)
ü later on, when the kernels dry up, kernels of sweet corn shrinks as a result of lossing
large amount of water (1) (1)
ü as the skin is not elastic (1), thus the kernels of sweet corns become wrinkled (1)
max. 4

(b) (i) ü as both parents are pure-bred plants, the F1 produced are all heterozygous (1) (1)
ü in heterozygous condition, dominant alleles will be expressed while recessive
alleles will be masked (1) (Remark: gene instead of allele is not accepted.) (1)
ü therefore, purple colour and smooth surface are the dominant phenotypes (1) (1)
(Remark: allele instead of phenotype is not accepted.)
If symbols are used in the explanation, the symbols must be defined at the very

(ii) ü as the individuals in F1 generation are heterozygous with and the genes for the two (1)
traits are located on different chromosomes, the alleles for the traits are assorted
independently (1)
ü only one type of gametes for the pre-bred corn plant with yellow and wrinkled (1)
kernels (1)
ü and four different types of gametes will be resulted from the F 1 generation (1)
ü after random fertilisation, zygotes with four different combinations of genotypes
will be produced (1) (max. 2)
ü leading to the expressions of all the possible phenotypes (A, B, C and D) in the F2
generation (1) (Remarks: This answer cannot get 1 mark if it is mentioned that the
ratio is 9:3:3:1.)

(c) ü Mendel collected a large amount of experimental evidence (1) (1)

ü and based on his observation on the number of offspring with different phenotypes (1) (1)
ü he worked out a possible explanation for the observation by logical deduction (1) (1)
- The first mark is given to the point that a large number of experiments on different
traits were conducted.
- The second mark is given to the observation of the ratio of different phenotypes.
- The third mark is given to the reasoning of the experimental results.
14 marks

This is an item for Biology only.

9. (a) ü drug X inhibits glycolysis (1) (do not accept more than 1 process) (1)
ü as glycolysis is the first step in the respiratory pathway, the inhibition of glycolysis will
halt the processes that follow, i.e. Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation (1) (1)
ü hence, the overall production of pyruvate, ATP and NADH are greatly reduced, showing
that the whole respiratory pathway was jeopardized (1) (1)
- No mark will be given to bullet point 1 when minor steps in each process instead of
the key process are mentioned.
Alternative answer:
ü Pyruvate is the product of glycolysis (1)
ü As the production of pyruvate is greatly reduced after treating with drug X (1)
ü Glycolysis is inhibited in this case (1)

2012-DSE-BIO 1B–4


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(b) ü drug Y inhibits Krebs cycle (1) (do not accept more than 1 process) (1)
ü when the respiratory pathway is halted at Krebs cycle, pyruvate would not be
metabolised (1) (1)
ü but glycolysis still proceeds as usual and produce pyruvate (1), as a result, pyruvate will (1)

(c) ü in anaerobic conditions, muscle cells undergoes anaerobic respiration and produce less
ATP (1) and less NADH (1) than aerobic respiration (1,1)
ü at the same time, lactic acid level rises as it is produced (1) as a result of incomplete (1)

(d) ü glycolysis: cytoplasm (1) (1)

ü Krebs cycle: mitochondrial matrix (1) (1)
ü oxidative phosphorylation: mitochondrial inner membrane (1) (1)
- if the key processes are not mentioned but the three cellular components are
mentioned in the correct sequence, 3 marks will be given
- if only two or one cellular component(s) are mentioned, no mark will be scored
12 marks

This is an item for Biology only.

10. (a) ü bile salts emulsify fat into droplets (1) (1)
ü such that there is an increase in surface area for the action of the lipase / enzyme (1) (1)

(b) ü as the bile supplementation increased, the fat content of the faeces decreased (1) (1)
ü this indicates increased digestion of fat (1) (1)
Remarks: If absorption instead of digestion is mentioned, no mark will be given

(c) ü to show that the addition of bile supplementation does not adversely affect the growth of
the pigs (1) / indicate the effectiveness of the bile supplementation on promoting piglets’ (1)
growth / effectiveness of fat absorption

(d) Concept for mark award:

ü 1st pt: suitable substrate and correct enzyme used in the experiment
ü 2nd pt: the identification of parameter for meausring the dependent variable
ü 3rd pt: provide expected results
e.g. ü prepare a mixture of lipase, (bile salts) and oil (1) (1)
ü add pH indicator into the mixture / use a data logger with pH sensor/ pH meter to show
the change in pH of the mxiture (1) (1)
ü the faster the drop in the pH of the mixture, the faster the digestion of fat (1) (1)

Accept other reasonable experiments

8 marks

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Question 11 is a common item which is equivalent to CS Bio question 8.

11. Differences Significance

ü Pairing of homologous chromosomes ü Such that the daughter cells formed
along the equatorial plane in first division contain the whole set of chromosome /
of meiosis but no such process in mitosis one member of each homologous pairs
(1) (1) after meiosis
ü The pairs of homologous chromosomes ü Random segregation of homologous
segregate into the daughter nuclei during chromosomes results in variations (5)
the first meiotic cell division (1) between gametes formed in meiosis (1)
ü Crossing over may occurs, the exchange
of genetic materials between non-sister
chromatids gives rises to new genetic
combinations (1)
ü Mitosis involves one division only but ü The daughter cells resulted from mitosis
meiosis involves two divisions (1) are genetically identical to the parent cell
(1) which is important for growth of the
organisms (1) / asexual reproduction
ü The daughter cells / gametes formed in
resulted from meiosis contain half /
haploid the genetic content of the parent
cell (1) such that the amount of genetic
content can be restored after fertilisation
D = (3) S = max.5 Max. 8

Communication C = max.3
11 marks

Mark award for communication:

Mark Clarity of expression and relevance to the Logical and systematic presentation
3 ü Answers are easy to understand. They ü Answers are well structured showing
are fluent showing good command of coherence of thought and
language. organisation of ideas.
ü There is no or little irrelevant material.
2 ü Language used is understandable but there ü Answers are organised, but there is
is some inappropriate use of words. some repetition of ideas.
ü A little relevant material is included, but
does not mar the overall answer.
1 ü Markers have to spend some time and ü Answers are a bit disorganised, but
effort on understanding the answer(s). paragraphing is evident. Repetition
ü Irrelevant material obscures some minor is noticeable.
0 ü Language used is incomprehensible. ü Ideas are not coherent and
ü Irrelevant material buries the major ideas systematic. Candidates show no
required by the question. attempt to organise thoughts.

2012-DSE-BIO 1B–6


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