ERP System in The Logistics Information Management

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Mobile Information Systems

Volume 2021, Article ID 7423717, 11 pages

Research Article
ERP System in the Logistics Information Management System of
Supply Chain Enterprises

Qingping Li and Guoqiang Wu

School of Economics and Management, Huainan Normal University, Huainan 232001, Anhui, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Guoqiang Wu; [email protected]

Received 15 July 2021; Revised 4 September 2021; Accepted 11 September 2021; Published 13 October 2021

Academic Editor: Sang-Bing Tsai

Copyright © 2021 Qingping Li and Guoqiang Wu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
In the era of rapid development of information, with the popularization of computers, the development of science and technology,
and the continuous growth of IT technology and business, the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system has become a platform
and guarantee for the completion of business management processes after long-term operations. Establishing a logistics
management information system is an important means for Chinese companies to improve their logistics efficiency. This is the
prerequisite for modern companies to gain a competitive advantage in the management of logistics companies. Therefore,
organizations must adapt to different needs, fierce competition, and rapid strategic changes. This is a powerful supplement to the
nature of logistics companies. The logistics management information system has continuously experienced the processes of MRP,
MRP II, and ERP. This article aims to study how to use computers in logistics management to create an ERP system-based
enterprise logistics information management system. This article puts forward the development significance of logistics in-
formation management system, uses ERP system to analyze complex logistics business in detail, and designs the overall
framework, specific functions, and data model of the system in detail. The experimental results of this paper show that the ERP
system has important application value in the logistics information management system of supply chain enterprises, and it can
effectively increase the value of customer satisfaction by 86.7%.

1. Introduction chain is an object that enterprises need to pay special at-

tention to in supply chain management. Knowing the
With the rapid development of human society, people’s resources, information, and data of suppliers and cus-
social work isolation has improved, and the relationship tomers in a timely and accurate manner and extracting
between enterprises has become closer. In order to provide valuable information from relevant information to provide
more transportation and higher data management for customer service is an unparalleled effective support
cooperation between enterprises, especially with the rapid condition for enterprises in competition. Logistics services
development of the industry, logistics information man- are an indispensable part of corporate services. It is es-
agement based on information, automation, network, and sential to improve the competitiveness of the organization.
intelligent information is the most important feature of The development of science and technology has brought
modern logistics information management. With the about a fundamental change in the competition of tradi-
continuous development of logistics enterprises, the tional companies, which is no longer the traditional
company’s logistics information management has also competition of geographical regions. Good logistics
developed day by day, and related operators have become management methods can significantly reduce logistics
more and more important. At the same time, modern management costs and improve the value proposition of
business development is inseparable from many partners in the business. Today, economic globalization is growing
today’s business management. The entire business supply faster, and the depth and breadth of commercial product
2 Mobile Information Systems

development are also increasing. This puts forward new The innovation of this article is as follows: (1) Due to the
requirements for organizational development, requiring drawbacks of the traditional logistics information system
organizations to meet their needs. At the same time, en- and ERP system, the logistics function of the ERP system has
terprises need to continuously improve, improve com- been strengthened, so that the logistics information man-
petitiveness, improve logistics management methods, and agement system based on ERP not only has strong logistics
improve logistics management levels [1]. processing capabilities, but also maintains the ERP system.
By studying the current status, existing problems, and Other information processing capabilities are as follows: (2)
actual needs of the current logistics management system, we The development and implementation of an ERP-based
design a management information system for logistics logistics information management system not only reduces
management. It helps to accelerate the automation of lo- the operating costs of the logistics business system, but also
gistics management, and the rapid development of computer reduces logistics costs.
applications leads to the development of business man-
agement. Increasing social competition and widespread use 2. Research Method of ERP System in Supply
of information force companies to adapt to social trends and Chain Enterprise Logistics Information
require management automation to improve the competi-
tiveness of industry organizations. With the development of Management System
China’s logistics industry and the development of traditional 2.1. ERP System. Enterprise resource planning is a combi-
self-recording methods that the company cannot cover, this nation of modern advanced information technology and
is also conducive to improving the efficiency of logistics systematic management concepts based on supply chain-
management business processing. The company’s business oriented management ideas (integrating relevant parts and
needs are increasing, and customers want speed and the their various links into its operations) [6–8]. By closely
most accurate service. It has also become a standard for integrating business and construction processes with the
customers to evaluate companies, so how to improve supply and demand system, plan, design, and control the
business processing efficiency and management has become company’s logistics, capital flow, work flow, and value-
a key issue hindering the development of manufacturing added flow, etc., and rationally arrange the organization’s
companies. The system can help organizations build a production, supply, and marketing activities, so that the
comprehensive logistics system, which plays an important organization can use all resources in a timely manner. It is an
role in improving employee productivity and managing integrated information management system and manage-
logistics automation. ment platform that supports the organization’s decision-
Jagoda and Samaranayake put forward the conceptual making, production, and operation [9].
framework of ERP system implementation by combining the
state gate method with the preimplementation roadmap. It is
found that an alternative integrated method based on the 2.1.1. The Definition and Development of ERP. In the early
phase gate method is proposed to implement the enterprise 1990s, Gartner Group Inc., a well-known American com-
resource planning (ERP) system, which will enhance the puter technology consulting and evaluation team based on
effectiveness of the ERP project [2]. However, it is far from the development of computer data processing technology
enough to build a conceptual framework. The theory and and the needs of enterprise supply chain management at the
practice should also be combined. At present, choosing the time, predicted this trend [10, 11]. In the information age,
right enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is the main the development of production management information
challenge facing business managers. Jafarnejad A proposes a systems and the upcoming changes make it possible for the
combined multicriteria decision (MCDM) method [3], concept of ERP and the planning of business resources.
which will determine the most important use of Shannon ERP is a complete system that can collect all internal
entropy technology for ERP selection standard. Through this resources of the organization and execute effective planning
method, the previous research results can be integrated, and and control to achieve maximum benefits [12]. Its goal is to
the judgment of industry experts or organizational managers improve information, logistics, capital flow, value flow, and
can also be integrated to select the appropriate ERP system business flow by using programming and control as a
[4]. However, this method only discusses the choice of ERP benchmark and using network and information technology
system and does not have an in-depth understanding of how as a platform to integrate marketing, sales, and customers
the ERP system is applied. Many researchers have studied and improve customer satisfaction [13]. Functions such as
various key success factors and different reasons for the market, planning, production, financing, quality, service,
failure of ERP implementation projects. Although there are data integration, and business process reengineering (BPR)
detailed literature forecasts, the purpose of this research by are combined to solve the concepts and methods of supply
Aleksander is to develop and evaluate the main human chain management (SCM) [14].
factor (PHF) model and confirm the significant impact of It can be divided into three levels: management ideas,
PHF on the success of traditional CSF and projects [5]. software products, and management systems [12].
However, the development of the main human critical (1) The standard business management system proposed
success factor model for the implementation of the ERP by Garter Group Inc. is developed based on MRPII
system is by no means simple, and the feasibility of the study (Manufacturing Resource Planning). This is a management
is not high. concept that supports the supply chain. (2) With integrating
Mobile Information Systems 3

client/server systems, relational database structure, object-

oriented technology, graphical user interface, fourth-gen-
eration language (4GL), network communication software
products, another success in the information industry is
based on the idea of ERP management [2, 15]. (3) A business
management software ERP management thought
resource management system combines corporate man- system products
agement concepts, business processes, basic information,
human resources and materials, computer hardware and
software. The internal and external resources of the enter-
prise organization are managed and optimally configured
through the network. The conceptual hierarchy of a new
generation of management information system [16] ERP Figure 1: The conceptual hierarchy of ERP.
that manages information at the enterprise level can be
shown in Figure 1:
The development of ERP has gone through four main the general trend of the organization and main-
development stages [5, 17]: taining the unity of the system.
The first step: MRP (Material Requirements Design) (3) Better analysis and planning capabilities: ERP sys-
was created in the 1960s and is mainly used for pro- tems can make full use of various decision support
curement management and inventory control. Its main systems and decision simulation functions to com-
function is to use BOM, inventory information, and prehensively use relevant business data in real time,
main production plan to calculate material so that decision makers have strong support, can
requirements. ensure the correctness of decisions, and make de-
cisions. The correct strategy leads the development of
The second stage: Closed-loop MRP was created based
the enterprise.
on MRP in the 1970s. It combines original capacity
planning, capacity demand planning, production, and (4) Ability to apply the latest and most advanced
procurement, creating feedback and creating a closed technology: In order to benefit from the new de-
loop. velopment of technology, ERP suppliers must
quickly adjust their ERP systems, because ERP
The third stage: MRPII.
systems can adapt to today’s fast-developing tech-
The fourth stage: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) nology and gain in the information age. Operation
was born in the early 1990s. On the basis of MRPII, enables companies to better adapt to the ever-
functions such as distribution management, human changing business environment.
resource management, logistics management, quality
management, and decision support systems were
added. Everything is an extension from supplier to 2.2. B/S Architecture and C/S Architecture. My country’s
customer. ERP uses advanced information technology, software development industry has gone from the initial
such as network technology, Internet, graphical in- workshop slash-and-burn development to the current
terface, fourth-generation computer language, rela- iterative development method of prototypes using ad-
tional database, distributed database processing, and vanced UML development concepts. During this period,
open client/server system. As a result, the integration many detours have been taken and many advanced
capabilities are enhanced and the organization’s global concepts have been introduced from abroad [20]. After
operations can be supported. getting rid of the initial low-efficiency standalone oper-
ation mode, software development has gradually devel-
oped toward network interconnection. From local area
2.1.2. Superiority of ERP System. ERP system will bring networks to metropolitan area networks to the Internet,
direct and indirect benefits to enterprises; the following are the impact of software on our lives and the promotion of
its advantages [18, 19]: productivity have become more and more significant.
Among them, the more representative software developed
(1) Business integration: At this time, it is the most with C/S architecture model are QQ, Fox-mail, antivirus
advantageous point of all the advantages, because the software, input method, mobile phone APP, etc., while the
ERP system can realize the promotion of group application system built using B/S architecture includes
business. e-mail system, personnel management system, CMS
(2) It is highly adaptable: This is the second important system, etc. [21, 22].
advantage of the ERP system. The ERP system can
handle different currencies and accounting stan-
dards as a whole and at the same time carry out the 2.2.1. The Difference between B/S and C/S Architecture
execution of different functions and assign them to (1) Difference in hardware environment:
different departments for implementation. This The C/S architecture uses special software to be
adaptability is the basic prerequisite for adapting to placed on the client side and the server side. The
4 Mobile Information Systems

operation of the special software takes up a lot of organization, and the relevant protocols need to be
server resources and requires more server hardware identified during the research and development
[23]. Its professional application software requires process.
no small server data occupancy space, server (5) Differences in database connection methods:
memory resources, and controller clock resources.
The client side of the C/S architecture requires rel-
The B/S architecture uses the browser-side software
atively short data flow display and storage time. The
and Web-logic middleware software that most
communication between the client side and the
people have and uses the HTTP network inter-
server side is very frequent, so the C/S architecture
working protocol, which has less restrictions on
server and the client are always connected. As long as
hardware and is suitable for large-scale crowd use
there is a data request demand, it can be responded
to immediately, although this will consume a lot of
(2) Difference in safety requirements: database resources, but because the architecture
The C/S architecture is mainly used in small-scale generally has a relatively small number of terminals
enterprises and institutions with high security re- and high real-time performance of the business,
quirements. It has relatively high security require- most of them adopt this method. For example, a
ments for data transmission security, terminal access typical case of C/S architecture often linking is the
server authentication, and user-side filling-in in- banking system business.
formation security. The B/S architecture is mainly
oriented to a wider range of user groups. Although
encrypted transmission can be carried out through 2.2.2. Advantages of B/S and C/S Architecture.
HTTPS protocol and other methods, it has lower Advantages of B/S architecture: (1) Wide range of applica-
requirements for security and higher requirements tions: OS systems with browsers such as Chrome and Firefox
for user experience and ease of use [25]. can access the server-side application part according to
(3) Difference in system operation and maintenance: established specifications, and the server-side application part
can also provide on-demand services anytime, anywhere. (2)
The C/S architecture is more complicated for the
Low operation and maintenance costs: The architecture
system operation and maintenance level. Since its
server-side maintenance or function update client does not
architecture is inseparable as a whole, it is necessary
need to cooperate, so that what you see is what you get is
to update the other end correspondingly to achieve
synchronized. (3) Low R&D cost and high efficiency: The
the interconnection of data transmission on both
TCP/IP protocol suite of the Internet contains many sub-
sides when upgrading and updating on the server
protocols, and the use of these protocols is the basic of B/S
side or the client side. The system operation and
architecture communication [27].
maintenance work of this information system ar-
Advantages of C/S architecture: (1) There is fast re-
chitecture is relatively complicated, and the system
sponse speed. (2) Strong transaction processing capabil-
operation and maintenance cost will be relatively
ities: Application system development with targeted and
higher. The coupling of the B/S architecture is very
dedicated personnel is the main advantage of the C/S ar-
loose. The server end is upgraded and the client end
chitecture, which can be customized very personally for
does not need to be upgraded. The B end of the B/S
users. (3) The interface is highly friendly and can meet the
architecture can use the user’s browser to compete,
unique needs of users. The client software is developed
and the B end of the B/S architecture can be in
completely according to user needs. (4) High security: For
multiple. The system uses a browser to access, the
client-side management and control, the client side can be
operation and maintenance cost of this architecture
accompanied by a security scanning function, and a ded-
is not high, and the operation and maintenance will
icated transmission protocol is used in the transmission
be enhanced day by day [26].
process. The transmission protocol can use either an in-
(4) Differences in interface modes: ternationally accepted encryption protocol or an encryp-
The access mode of the C/S architecture is based on tion method set by yourself to ensure the security of the
the Internet protocol suite, and some special ap- transmitted data. Since the server side of the C/S archi-
plication business requirements are built on the tecture is developed by enterprises and institutions, in-
network layer or data link layer. The application formation leakage caused by backdoors of foreign service
system server will select the most suitable develop- software can be basically eliminated. (5) High data scal-
ment language protocol according to a variety of ability: Most of the C/S architecture systems use large
situations, and the meaning of each byte of data is databases such as Oracle and DB2. This kind of database
clearly regulated. The interface protocol of the B/S has strong data scalability in terms of subdatabase, query,
architecture basically uses the HTTP protocol, and and analysis of massive data. (6) Massive computing power:
the interface method uses the Web-Service interface. Most of the work that consumes server-side system re-
The specifications of its data packets have been sources, such as data calculation and information pro-
clearly stipulated by the international ISO cessing, can be placed on the client side [28].
Mobile Information Systems 5

2.3. Multiple Linear Regression Then the multiple linear regression model can be written
in matrix form:
2.3.1. General Form. Multiple regression analysis is one of
the methods to quantitatively predict the development and W � Xβ􏽢 + ε. (5)
change of things based on social economic phenomena.
Quantitatively analyze the reasons for growth and the
2.3.2. Least Squares Estimation Method. The least squares
motivation of things, obtain the quantitative relationship
between the variables of things, and then predict their estimation takes the minimum sum of squared errors as the
growth and motivation [29]. Suppose that the predicted condition of the accuracy of the linear regression model; that
object is w and the factor that affects the predicted object is is, for a given linear regression model W � Xβ􏽢 + ε, the
xi , where i � 1, 2, 3, . . . is the number of influencing factors. variance σ 2 of the random error εi is the smallest; that is, the
influencing factors other than the considered predictive
xi are independent of each other, and you should not choose
factor are minimal, recorded as
too many factors that affect w; otherwise there will be
problems such as multilinearity and heteroscedasticity, 􏽢
􏽢ε � W − Xβ. (6)
which will affect the accuracy of the prediction results. In
order to avoid the collinearity problem in the prediction It is the residual vector of the prediction model; then the
process in advance, the correlation coefficient L can be used residual sum of squares is
to detect the correlation of the independence.
􏽐ni,j�1,i≠j xi − x􏼁􏼐xj − x􏼑 S2E � 􏽘 􏽢ε2 , (7)
L � 􏽱����������������������������2 . (1) i�1
􏽐ni�1,i≠j xi − x􏼁 􏽐nj�1,j≠i 􏼐xj − x􏼑
and then
Among them, xi is the selected predictor, the average 􏽢 ′ (W − Xβ)
􏽢 � W′ W
value is x � 􏽐ni�1 xi /n, and the general correlation coefficient S2E � 􏽢ε′􏽢ε � (W − Xβ)
L < 0.3 considers that there is no correlation between the − β􏽢′ X′ W − W′ Xβ􏽢 + β􏽢′ X′ Xβ,
predictors; that is, the predictors are independent of each
other. and among them,
After the correct selection of influencing factors, we
assume that there is a linear correlation between the pre- β􏽢′ X′ W � 􏼐β􏽢′ X′ W􏼑′ � W′ Xβ.
􏽢 (9)
dictor and the predicted object; that is,
w � f(x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xk ) is a linear function, and the Regarding the residual 􏽢ε as a function of β,􏽢 due to the
multiple regression model is established as 􏽢 so
nonnegativity of the residual, it can be seen that there is β,
wi � β0 + β1 xi1 + β2 xi2 + · · · + βk xik + εi . (2) that z􏽢ε′􏽢ε/zβ � 0; then there is

Among them, β1 , β2 , . . . , βk is called regression coeffi- z􏽢ε′􏽢ε

� −2X′ Xβ􏽢 + 2X′ Xβ.
􏽢 (10)
cient, β0 is a constant term, both can be called regression zβ
parameters, and εi is residual error. The regression coeffi-
cient reflects the degree of influence on the predicted object Let F > Fα (k, n − k − 1), available
when the predictive factor x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xk changes.
When given n observations of (w; x1 , x2 , . . . , xk ), a X′ Xβ􏽢 � X′ W. (11)
multiple linear regression prediction model is obtained:
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
From the assumption of the rank of the matrix X, it can

wi � β0 + β1 xi1 + β2 xi2 + · · · + βk xik + εi . (3) be seen that X′ X is invertible; that is, there is (X′ X)−1 , and
Among them, xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xik is the i observation value,
∧ ∧ ∧ ∧
β􏽢 � X′ X􏼁 X′ W, (12)
β0 , β1 , β2 , . . . , βk is the regression estimation parameter,
and εi is the i observation residual item, denoted as follows: β􏽢 is the least square estimate of parameter β, and it is easy to
1 x11 ··· x1k prove that β􏽢 is an unbiased estimate of β.
⎡⎢⎢⎢ 1 x ··· x2k ⎤⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥
X � ⎢⎢⎢ ⎢
⎢ 21 ⎥,
⎣··· ··· ··· · · · ⎥⎥⎦
1 xn1 ··· xnk 2.3.3. Coefficient Test of Regression Model. The significance
β0 of the regression model coefficient β is verified by the test of

⎜ ⎟
β1 ⎞

β􏽢 � ⎜ ⎜ ⎟
⎟ (4) the statistic d, and the statistic d � bj /S(bj ) is tested. Among

⎜ ⎠,

ε1 􏽰���

⎛ ⎟ S􏼐bj 􏼑 � aij S. (13)

⎜ ε2 ⎞

ε �⎜ ⎜ ⎟
⎜ ⎠.

It is the sample standard deviation, aij is (X′ X)−1 , and
the main diagonal element, S, is the standard error:
6 Mobile Information Systems

􏽴 the encapsulation of some general classes, as well as the
1 service classes commonly used in the system, providing
S� 􏽢 i 􏼁2 .
􏽘 wi − w (14)
n − k − 1 i�1 transaction control, data query, security control, system
management, and other aspects of interacting data with the
bottom layer of the data. The business logic layer is mainly
Under the condition of a certain significance level α and
for handling various logistics-related business processes. The
degree of freedom f � n − k − 1, if |t| > tα (n − k − 1), it means
business logic layer performs data operations by calling each
that xi has a significant influence on the predicted object; if
package class of the service layer. The presentation layer is
|t| < tα (n − k − 1), it means that xi has an insignificant in-
the layer where the user touches the system and displays the
fluence on the predicted object.
corresponding system functions most intuitively to the user.

3. The Research Experiment of ERP System in

3.2. Physical Architecture of the System. According to the
the Logistics Information Management
description of the architecture, the realization of the physical
System of Supply Chain Enterprises architecture of the system is divided into three layers based
3.1. System Architecture of System Implementation. The on the B/S structure, which are the view layer, the business
system mainly solves the following problems: the process of layer, and the data layer in turn.
information transmission is not smooth, the efficiency of the The workflow of the logistics system is as follows: First, the
delivery process is too low, the ability to integrate resources user may have multiple browsers. When the user’s browser
is weak, and the efficiency and service level cannot meet the sends a request to the middleware, the system judges whether
general standards required by the enterprise. the user has the authority to perform the corresponding
In view of the development requirements of logistics operation according to the current user’s login information
informatization and the development trend in the trans- session. If it meets the requirements, the web application
portation management process, advanced logistics infor- server will process the browser-side request, find the corre-
mation technology must integrate advanced logistics sponding processing method, start the data layer service,
management concepts, and the combination of practice and process the data, and return the processed data and results to
theory promotes the smooth completion of research and the web server container, and the web server container returns
development. Aiming at the system architecture, the logistics to the web server container. Request support for concurrent
company transportation management system is a platform operations. From the above operations, the network topology
with great advantages. It is oriented to multiparty logistics of the logistics system is shown in Figure 3.
transportation and belongs to the multidimensional logistics ERP-based enterprise logistics systems have certain
transportation business at the management business level. characteristics, such as consistency and convenience of
The system needs to face different enterprise customers in projects, unification and sharing, decision-making flexibility,
specific operations and meet the different needs of cus- unification of advanced simulation and forecasting, capital
tomers, which requires the system to achieve complex flow and information flow, etc. These functions indicate
functions in business. Therefore, the logistics and trans- business logistics based on ERP. The information system is a
portation information management system must realize the complete pillar logistics management system. Realize the
multidimensional architecture of the system, so the system is overall benefits of production and logistics services in effective
divided into a multilayer structure, and each level has an management, and enhance the company’s overall competi-
interactive relationship. The development and design of this tiveness. Several experienced consultants talked about their
system mainly adopt the B/S structure. The specific structure experience in implementing IT logistics systems for ERP-
is shown in Figure 2. based companies and said that, to successfully implement an
System layer: It provides software support for users’ ERP system, three points depend on technology, seven points
normal operating system, including the system platform on talents, and twelve points on data. Although this statement
installed by the user, the database system installed by the is a bit exaggerated, computers can only function if the in-
user, and the corresponding software, which are the basics of formation is correct, complete, and timely; otherwise they will
the system. Service layer: It is the part that is built on the produce wrong results. In other words, the product database
application basic platform and provides services for the is the basis for the operation of enterprise logistics IT systems
system. The application basic platform integrates the de- with ERP capabilities. The application scope and depth of the
velopment of the logistics transportation system, the inte- ERP-based business logistics system depend on the com-
gration of various applications, and the foundation of pany’s needs, coverage, and information content. Therefore, it
e-commerce. The platform provides corresponding services is very important to prepare and maintain a product database.
for the system, helping the system to exchange data at the
bottom, relying on the system layer to share data, exchange 3.3. System Detailed Design
data with different applications, and provide system log
services, catalog management, development frameworks, 3.3.1. Code Design. There are the following principles in
user permissions, etc. It provides an excuse for daily work code design: (1) The design code must be optimized to meet
and general applications, and it is a portal for external the needs of users. When designing the code, pay attention
systems to access the system. The service layer also provides to whether the loop condition is an infinite loop. When
Mobile Information Systems 7

User login

Presentation User information Order information Logistics company

layer modification added query
Order information
User information query Logistics company query

User Management Logistics company

System Management
Business management
layer Order management Vehicle management Financial Information

Standards Safety
and management
agreements system

Data exchange Data query Data control
service service service
Service layer service

Application base platform

Operating platform

System layer Database platform

Operating system platform

Figure 2: Logistics system implementation framework.



Database server

Firewall application server
Figure 3: The network topology of the logistics system (this picture is borrowed from baidu encyclopedia).

updating the database, you must close the connection and 3.3.2. Database Design. Database design refers to the pro-
close the read and write stream when reading and writing cess of establishing a database that meets business needs
files. (2) A class represents a method, trying to put some after the system implementer has selected specific database
common methods and common constants into the common software. When designing a database, three stages are re-
class. (3) When designing the code, write enough comments quired: conceptual design, logical design, and physical
so that the maintenance personnel can directly understand design.
the specific meaning of the written code and quickly locate
(1) Database conceptual structure design
the code that needs to be modified. (4) The writing of the
code must conform to standardization. If it is a constant, it The database conceptual structure design is a con-
must be static. If the parameter passed by the method it is a ceptual model designed according to the needs of the
static parameter. enterprise. It is an abstract expression of a concrete
8 Mobile Information Systems

Table 1: System function table.

Serial number Field name Types Constraint Field description
1 ID int Primary key, automatic growth Serial number
2 GNDM Varchar Cannot be empty Function code
3 URL integer Cannot be empty Link address
4 GNMC Varchar Cannot be empty Function name
5 GNMS Varchar Can be empty Function description
6 DKWZ Varchar Can be empty Open position
7 IMGURL Varchar Can be empty The map’s address
8 LEVEL int Cannot be empty Node level
9 SJDM Varchar Cannot be empty Superior code
10 XSSX int Cannot be empty Display order

relationship. It embodies the connection between

virtual life and reality, and it does not require 20
hardware and software environmental support. 100
(2) Database logical structure design 20
Logical structure design is to convert the conceptual

Field length
model completed in the conceptual structure design
stage into a data model that can be supported by the
selected database management system (DBMS).
4. Experimental Results and Analysis 100
4.1. Database Design Analysis. The conceptual design of the 20
database is only a simple description of the system database 8
design, and it does not describe the system data require-
ments in detail. In the logistics information management 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
system, the database uses SQL Server 2008, and the physical GNDM DKWZ JSDM URL LEVEL
model of the system’s database is shown below. The function IMGURL JSMC GNMC SJDM ID
information of this system is embodied in a tree structure, JSMS GNMS XSSX GNDM
and the subordinate relationship is established in the da-
Figure 4: Schematic diagram of the field length of each field name
tabase mainly through function codes and superior function
of the system module.
The field length of each field name of the user module is
4.1.1. System Module. The structure of the system function shown in Figure 5:
table is shown in Table 1.
The field length of each field name is shown in Figure 4. 4.2. Summary Analysis of Order Information. The order
For different system users, users are classified and re- information summary is used to record the information of
flected by system roles. A system role is represented as a type each commodity warehousing, including the warehousing
of system user. The system role information mainly includes order number, handler, warehouse, supplier, etc. The length
the code of the role, the name of the role, and so on. The of each field name in the order table structure is shown in
structure of the system role table is shown in Table 2. Figure 6.
In order to distinguish the system operation authority of
different system roles, the relationship between roles and 4.3. Realization of Main Functional Modules
functions is expressed by establishing roles and functions,
which mainly include role codes, function codes, and the 4.3.1. Login Interface. In this interface, users can log in to the
structure of the role function table as shown in Table 3. system. The user can enter the main page of the logistics
management system through the login interface. If the
username or password is incorrect, the system will auto-
4.1.2. User Module. There are different access users in the matically jump to the login interface.
system. In order to distinguish the system users, a user
information table is created in the system to store the user’s 4.3.2. Order Query Interface. In this interface, the user can
login information, including user code, username, user query the specific information of the logistics order
password, etc. The structure of the user information table is according to the query conditions, and the warehouse ad-
shown in Table 4. ministrator can check the corresponding data.
Mobile Information Systems 9

Table 2: System role table.

Serial number Field name Types Constraint Field description
1 ID int Primary key, automatic growth Serial number
2 JSDM Varchar Can not be empty Role code
3 JSMC Varchar Can not be empty Role name
4 JSMS Varchar Can be empty Role description

Table 3: Role functions.

Serial number Field name Types Constraint Field description
1 ID int Primary key, automatic growth Serial number
2 JSDM Varchar Foreign key Role code
3 GNDM Varchar Foreign key Function code

Table 4: User information.

Serial number Field name Types Constraint Field description
1 ID int Primary key, automatic growth Serial number
2 NAME Varchar Can not be empty Username
3 XB Varchar Can not be empty Gender
4 PW char Can not be empty User password
5 LX char Can not be empty User type
6 CANTACT Varchar Can not be empty Contact address
7 BZ text Can be empty Remarks


20 20
Field length


40 11
10 10

20 6 6 6
3 1 1 2 1


−2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Serial number
Serial number
length Field length
Figure 5: Schematic diagram of the field length of each field name Figure 6: Schematic diagram of field length of each field name of
of the user module. order information.

4.3.3. Warehouse Information Query. The warehouse man-

ager can query the specific information of the warehouse, 5. Conclusions
including location, warehouse code, contact person, etc. This paper proposes that the development of an ERP-based
enterprise logistics information system is not a pure logistics
4.3.4. Order Management Interface. Order administrators information system. The idea is to integrate the logistics
can manage orders and make order summaries according to function modules of ERP on the basis of ERP and add
the delivery requirements of users. appropriate other modules. After analyzing the current ERP
system and based on the logistics system, an enterprise
4.3.5. Warehouse Information Interface. Users can view and logistics information system based on ERP is designed in
modify the information of each warehouse. detail.
10 Mobile Information Systems

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