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Level of Awareness of Social Studies Students On Marcos History RESEARCH PROPOSAL 1

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Level of Awareness of Social Studies Students

on Marcos History






May 2022

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

It is a Filipino trait to have long memories on the

mistakes one has done and have short memories on the good

one has accomplished. This axiom defines the invictus of

President Ferdinand Marcos. The fictioned awful acts

attributed to him and to his family shunned his achievements

and contributions to our country. (Sibay, 2010)

Ferdinand Marcos was a former Philippine lawyer and

politician who, as head of state from 1966 to 1986,

established an authoritarian regime in the Philippines that

came under criticism for his corruption and suppression in

democratic processes. (StudyMode, p.4.2014)

His history remains a subject to discussion especially

in subjects like Philippine history. Student’s perception

about Marcos is varied and their notion about him is half-

sided for some are against and others are on his side.

The researchers find this study as a way to determine

the level of awareness of Social Studies students of Bago

City College on Marcos history .It will also evaluate the

students on their awareness on the most controversial issues

of Marcos. This study will also reveal how and who made the

students know Marcos Account.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the Level of Awareness of

Social Studies Students on Marcos History.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following


1. What are the common attributes of Ferdinand Marcos Sr.

that you are aware of?

2. How well do you know these attributes that are

associated with Ferdinand Marcos Sr.?

3. What/who are your sources of information about

Ferdinand Marcos Sr.?

4. How aware are you to the most controversial issues

faced by Ferdinand Marcos?

5. What program/output can be made based on the findings

of the study?


This study is anchored on the Elaboration Likelihood

Model, is a twofold model that describes how people choose

to manage, either systematically or heuristically,

information they encounter. Specifically focused on

persuasion, the ELM argues that there are two routes to

persuasion: the central route and the peripheral route.

Central route processing is systematic and involves message

receivers’ scrutinizing the central, logical merits of a

persuasive message. The peripheral route is heuristic; it is

the means by which message receivers evaluate persuasive

messages when they are unmotivated and or unable to

elaborate on its logical merits. (H. Allen White, 2017)

Furthermore, this study is also rooted on the Social

judgement theory which claims that an individual’s position

on an issue depends on three things. First is how individual

prefer to place themselves on a certain issue. Second, their

position depends on alternatives, classified as acceptable,

rejected, or noncommittal. Finally, the third component of

someone’s position on an issue depends on their personal

ego-involvement. (Dr. Douglas Hawks, 2018).

Moreover, this study is affiliated with the Social

perception theory that says how people form impressions of

and make inferences about other people about other people as

sovereign personalities. People learn about others' feelings

and emotions by picking up information they gather from

physical appearance, verbal, and nonverbal communication.

Clear self-knowledge helps people to quickly decide and

express their views on issues such as capital punishment,

the ideal profession, or their tastes in music, whereas the

absence of clear self-knowledge can leave an individual

paralyzed by these decisions. Given the importance of self-

knowledge, psychologists have spent a great deal of time

attempting to understand how people come to know themselves.

(Thomson Gale, 2010).

In addition, Reception theory provides a means of

understanding media texts by understanding how these texts

are read by audiences. Reception theory argues that

contextual factors, more than textual ones, influence the

way the spectator views the film or television program. In

short, reception theory places the viewer in context, taking

into account all of the various factors that might influence

how she or he will read and create meaning from the text.

(Thomson, 2012)

Bachelor of Research-made Students’ Awareness
Secondary Education questionnaire Level on Ferdinand
Major in Social Marcos
Studies Students

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

Significance of the Study

This study is undertaken to determine the level of

awareness of Social Studies students on Marcos history.

This study is deemed beneficial to the following:

To the Teachers, the output of this study will aid teachers

in disseminating Marcos information with no personal biases

but rather allow them to share information that are laden

into recorded truth.

To the Students, this would benefit the students in a way

that they will be well-informed of the truth about Marcos

both as a person and as a well-known political figure and of

course the perception of the students will be clarified and

the misconstrued information of the students about Marcos

will be given clarity.

To the Future researchers, this would provide information

on what is the level of awareness of Social Studies

students on Marcos History. This would serve as a guide for

them to lay down the foundation of their future studies.

Scopes and Limitations of the Study

This study was conducted in Bago City College. The

respondents were the second year, third year and fourth year

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies

students. Apparently, in Bago City College there are (16)

second year students, (25) third year students and (40)

fourth year students excluding the researchers.

This study aimed to determine the Level of Awareness of

Social Studies Students on Marcos History.

The instrument used was a research-made questionnaire.

Definition of Terms

Dictator. Dictator is a single person or a clique that is

not elected through free and fair elections by the subject

population and not removable through popular election, with

direct control of a security apparatus that represses

political opposition. (Fathali M. Moghadam, 2013)

In this study, being a dictator is an attribute that is

widely associated with Ferdinand Marcos as a leader who

gained absolute power and ruled his people in a tyrant


Thief. Oxford Dictionaries (2017) defined thief as a person

who steals another person's property, especially by stealth

and without using force or threat of violence.

In this study, thief is another characteristic that is

relatively given to Ferdinand Marcos who was known to steal

and loot Nation’s treasury through his corrupt practices and

his family.

Torturer. Torturer belongs to an ostracized group,

experiences of violent "deculturation" (attacks on internal

or external cultural objects) and difficult, conflictual or

unsuccessful acculturation when two cultural worlds meet

(e.g. through migration or a long-term post-colonial

consequence). (Francoise Sironi, 2016)

In this study, torturer is also an adjective best known

for Marcos who inflicted different types of tortures for

those who were against his governance.

President. President is the chief executive and commander in

chief of the armed forces, and has the responsibility for

national security. (Steven Aftergood, 2011)

In this study, President is another title that is tied

to Ferdinand Marcos who was well known to rule the

Philippines for two decades.

Oppressor. Oppressors are people who believe that their way

of acting and being is the “best way,” the “appropriate

way,” the “cultured” or “intelligent” way. (Charlotte Baker-

Shenk, 2014)

In this study, oppressor is also a quality that is

connected to Ferdinand Marcos who was known for his abusive

and violent attacks towards the people who were his


Corrupt. People can be corrupt because of: extreme poverty

and opportunity, poor leadership, greed and dishonesty, lack

of ethical standards and lastly competition for insufficient

goods and services. (Botswana’s Directorate on Corruption

and Economic Crime, 2018)

In this study, corrupt is another attribute that is

linked to Ferdinand Marcos who is widely labeled as someone

who used money to gain more money.

Veteran. A veteran (from Latin vetus meaning “old”) is a

person who has had long service or experience in a

particular occupation of the field. (Michel Drapeau, 2014)

In this study, veteran is another feature of Ferdinand

Marcos known to be an expert in the field of Law, who by all

circumstances aced the bar examination.

Violator. A violator is a powerful creative element that can

be used across channels to violate natural eye flow and pull

a scanner into reading your messages. (Pat Friesen, 2014)

In this study, violator is a characteristic of Marcos

for having a man who caused tragic harm and violence towards

the people who had opposed to his favors.




This chapter contains literature and studies related to

the History of Ferdinand Marcos Sr.

Ferdinand Marcos ruled the Philippines with an iron

fist from 1966 to 1986. Critics charged Marcos and his

regime with crimes like corruption and nepotism. Marcos

himself is said to have exaggerated his role in World War

II. He also murdered a family political rival. Marcos

created an elaborate cult of personality. When that state-

mandated adulation proved insufficient for him to maintain

control, President Marcos declared martial law. (Kallie

Szczepanski, 2018)


In addition, Nicole CuUnjieng, a researcher of the

University of Pennsylvania (2009) in her personal interview

with Atty. Ricardo J. Romulo, one of the framers of the 1987

Philippine Constitution and a leading Philippine lawyer,

describes Ferdinand Marcos as both “riding the course of

history quite well and manipulated it to his advantage.” He

thinks that Marcos both look at the trends and maneuver some

of it to his advantage.

Francisco (2018) stated that through various general

orders, Marcos effectively put the entire power of

government under the rule of one man: his own. He was the

primary person to lead the nation and direct the operation

of the entire government. He ordered the armed forces to

prevent or suppress any act of rebellion. Curfew hours were

enforced; group assemblies were banned, privately-owned

media facilities shuttered.

Apparently, The Haunting of Martial Law: Records from

the Marcos Regime (Cachola,E.R, 2017) tries to quantifies

the numbers of people tortured, executed, disappeared, or

arrested between 1972-1986. The researcher find out through

a Statistical Summary of Human Rights Abuses and Public


Order Violation Arrests in the Philippines, that the year

1978 has a massive number of people killed by tortured with

about 822 persons. The year 1984 has the most number of

people killed by summary execution with 538 persons. Many

individuals have disappeared on the year 1985 with about 189

persons. Lastly, the year 1973 has posted a large number of

individuals who were arrested because of Public Order

Violation Arrests with 29,500 persons.

Moreover, Ramon Casiple (as cited by Simone Orendain,

2016) noted that some young adults see the dictatorship as a

“paradise” and other view is that of the young people, “who

knew their proper history” whose parents lived through some

of the practices during Martial Law.

Lastly, the National Historical Commission of the

Philippines (as cited by Koji Arsua, 2016) in their study

entitled: “Why Ferdinand E. Marcos should not be buried at

Libingan ng mga Bayani”, the study concluded that First,

Marcos lied about his 3 medals received (U.S. Medal of

Honor, Silver Star and Order of the Purple Heart). Second,

His guerrilla unit, the Ang Mga Maharlika, was never

officially recognized and neither was his leadership of it.


Third, U.S. officials did not recognize Mr. Marcos’s rank

promotion from Major in 1944 to Lt. Col. by 1947. Lastly,

Some of Mr. Marcos’s actions as a soldier were officially

called into question by upper echelons of the U.S. military.

These reasons made NHCP opposed to the idea of Marcos’

burial in the Libingan ng mga Bayani.



This chapter includes the Research Design, Research

Respondents, Research Environment, Research Instrument,

Research Procedure and Statistical Data Analysis.

Research Design

This study used a descriptive research design.

According to Ritchie et. al. (as cited by Rudison, 2015) in

using the descriptive method, the researchers will be able


to observe a large mass of target population and make

required conclusions about the variables. This research

design is used to observe and describe a research subject or

problem without influencing or manipulating the variables in

any way.

The researchers used this research design to determine

the level of Awareness of Social Studies Students on Marcos

History with the use of research-made survey questionnaire

as the main instrument for the data collection.

h Respondents

The respondents of the study were the BSED Social

Studies students who were officially enrolled in A.Y. 2021-

2022 in Bago City College. Specifically, Bago City College

has sixteen (16) second year students, twenty-five (25)

third year students and forty (40) fourth year students.

The researchers used the purposive sampling, using the

eighty-one (81) students as the respondents of the study.

Table 1: The Respondents of the Study

Research Respondents Bago City College


Second Year students 16

Third Year students 25

Fourth Year students 40

Research Environment

Bago City College is a local funded tertiary

institution which is located at Barangay Balingasag, Bago

City, Negros Occidental. This institution offers tertiary

education and technical preparation to the youth of Bago

City and those of the neighboring cities, towns and

municipalities. The institution has achieved educational

goals as it produced education graduates who passed the

board examination for teachers. This bears the school a good

rating of board passers. This is apparent that Bago City

College substantiates to its vision and mission. Truly, this

educational setting is a venue in producing skilled

individuals. Apparently, Bago City College has its own

college of Education that has two tracks, the Bachelor of

Elementary Education and Bachelor of Secondary Education.

The Bachelor of Elementary Education includes General

Education and Pre-School Education, while the Bachelor of


Secondary Education is divided into majors; Social Studies,

Mathematics, T.L.E, MAPEH and Filipino.

Research Instrument

A research-made questionnaire was engaged in this study. The

survey material is composed of 4 pages. The first and the

third pages were in checklist form in which attributes of

the subject are attached and on the other page contained the

references that were potential sources of students in their

knowledge formation pertaining to the topic. The second and

fourth part utilized the Likert scale in which respondents

have to rate in accord to the level of their familiarity on

the following attributes and controversial issues contained

by the instrument.

In interpreting the results, the researchers used the

Likert Scale.

Scale Interpretation

4 To a great extent
3 Somewhat
2 Very little
1 Not at all


Mean Scale Score Interpetation

3.26-4.00 To a great extent

2.51-3.25 Somewhat
1.76-2.50 Very little
1.00-1.75 Not at all

Scale Interpetation

4 Very Aware
3 Aware
2 Slightly aware
1 Not aware

Scale Interpetation

3.26-4.00 Very Aware

2.51-3.25 Aware
1.76-2.50 Slightly Aware
1.00-1.75 Not Aware

Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument


The research instrument that was utilized by the

researchers was checked by the adviser and was validated by

three instructors.

In the validation process, copies of the research-made

questionnaire and the statement of the problem were given to

the validators. The research made questionnaire is valid

since the result obtained is 3.70 which is interpreted as

‘’Very Good’’.

Having validated the questionnaire, the reliability

test was carried out to 30 AB History students in different

year levels in Bago City College. The result of the test was

subjected to Cronbach's Alpha Formula. Thus, the result

obtained was 0.74 and 0.81 which means that the instruments

were reliable for the conduct of study.

Research Procedures

The following procedures were applied by the

researchers for the accomplishment of the research study. A

letter of Permission was sent to the Dean of the College of

Education to conduct the study to the students of Bago City

College taking Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in


Social Studies. The researchers did the distribution of the

research-made questionnaires to the respondents and

explained the purpose of the study. The data gathered were

analyzed by the researchers which gave answers to the

statement of the problem.

Statistical Data Analysis

In analyzing the data collected, the researchers used

frequency in answering the statement of the problem number 1

which seeks to identify the common attributes that

respondents are aware of about Ferdinand Marcos and

statement problem number 3 which seeks to determine the

different sources of information about Ferdinand Marcos

while the researchers used mean with the following

interpretation; 1.00-1.75 – Not at all, 1.76-2.50 – Very

little, 2.51-3.25 – Somewhat and 3.26-4.00 – To a great

extent for statement of the problem number 2 which seeks to

determine how well the respondents know the attributes that

are associated to Ferdinand Marcos and for statement number

4 which seeks to determine the level of awareness of the

respondent pertaining to the issues faced by Ferdinand

Marcos, the researchers used mean with the following


interpretation; 1.00-1.75 – Not Aware, 1.76-2.50 – Slightly

Aware, 2.51-3.25 – Aware, and 3.26-4.00 – Very Aware.



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