Kaustbh Project

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Vidyavardhini's College of Engineering & Technology

Department of Information Technology

This is to certify that the following students


have submitted mini project report entitled


as a part of their mini-project in partial fulfillment of

III semester
academic year 2022-2023.

Supervisor : Mr. Sainath Patil ( )

Internal Examiner : ____________________________ ( )

External Examiner : ____________________________ ( )

Sanket patil
Sumit Barkade Atharva patekar Kaustubh bankar
Technology Department of Information Technology Department of Information Technology
Vidyavardhini’s College Of
Vidyavardhini’s College Of Vidyavardhini’s College Of Vidyavardhini’s College Of
Engineering & Technology Engineering & Technology Engineering & Technology
Vasai, India
Engineering & Technology Vasai, India Vasai, India
[email protected]
Vasai, India [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]

Aditya salkar
Department of Information Technology
Vidyavardhini’s College Of
Engineering & Technology
Vasai, India
[email protected]

With the growing technology,people are admire to use this technology with more
effectively and efficiently and thus this makes work easy. Therefore,CGPA
calculator helps students and staff members to calculate CGPA and thus our
application can store the records of calculated cgpa by implementing firebase
It usually useful to both colleges and schools for calculating CGPA .

Keywords: CGPA, system ,computerized, any time

I. Introduction
The full form of CGPA is Cumulative Grade Point
Average. To calculate your grade point average first
multiply the number or credit in each class is worth by
The point value for the letter grade that you earned in
the class.Next total the grade points of all of your
classes for that semester and divided by number of
credit hours that you attempted
Our code should be designed to calculate CGPA for
any student. The code should work for any number
of semesters by user, and for different number of
II. Problem Statement courses taken in each semester.
Formula for calculating the CGPA Calculator is
The code should be designed by asking the user for
no of semester that he/she completed, then number
of courses taken in each semester and based on
that user will start to enter is grade in each course
along with number of credits for that course.
Therefore, the above formula should be
taken in consideration for calculating
the CGPA.

III.System Requirement: ● Apply changes to the resource

Android studio: Androiod studio is the official code of our running app without
integrated development environment (IDE) for
restarting the app.
android application deveiopment
● Android Studio provides

features that enhance our productivity extensive testing tools and

while building Android apps. frameworks.

● It supports C++ and NDK.

● It has a fexible Gradle-based build system.
● It provides build-in supports for Google
● It has a fast and feature-rich emulator for
app testing. Cloud Platform. It makes it easy to

● Android Studio has a consolidated integrate Google Cloud Messaging and

App Engine.
environment where we can develop for

all Android devices.

Firebase: store and sync data with our NoSQL

cloud database. Data is synced across all
clients in real time, and remains available when
your app goes ofine. VI. Methodology
The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-
As per approach , we have made use of Java and SQL
hosted database. Data is stored as JSON and
synchronized in realtime to every connected for development of CGPA calculator. We use netbeans
client. When you build cross-platform apps with IDE for Java. To create user interface we have used
our Apple platforms, Android, and JavaScript Java swing.
SDKs, all of your clients share one Realtime
Database instance and automatically receive
updates with the newest data.

IV. Features of the project

VII. Results
Login page: In this, page user will provide with
login id and password option along with this user As a result application is created. The glimpse of the
will provide an sign up option too. For new users generated result are as follows:
he/she have to create an account to sign up and
for already existing account he/she have to enter
user name and password such that it provides
an security to project and no one can operate
CGPA database.

Calculate:This is an important feature

which calculates the student CGPA by
entering his/her grades and the total
credits of the course.

Records:Now, the calculated CGPA stores in

the database or it save the records of the
student in this features.

Add:In this feature we can add or

store student CGPA directly into the
database by entering the semester
no.and its CGPA.

V. Approach towards the idea

Initially we looked towards the project idea that will
help us to understand real life applications . Then we
research towards this with the help of internet.
Also, we talked with different project guides and we
reach to this idea.
VIII. Conclusion

Hence, we have successfully implemented the

CGPA calculator application and the future
scope of this application is to find CGPA easily
and store the data.

IX. References
● https://github.com/about
● youtube

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