Exergy Ecology and Democracy

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Michele TRANCOSSI *1, Jose PASCOA2, Tiziano CATELLANI3

Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, PT; Atlantic International University, Honolulu, HI, USA

Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, PT

Circolo Carlo Cattaneo, Parma, Italy

Corresponding author; E-mail: [email protected]

Thirty years ago, Goran Wall published “Exergy Ecology Democracy -

Concepts of a vital society or a proposal for an exergy tax”. This paper
discusses this milestone contribution by Wall. It has traced a path toward
economic, environmental and societal sustainability and proposed exergy as
a robust indicator for measuring progress. This paper is divided into two
parts. The first focuses on better understanding Wall’s role in today’s
scenario. This second part presents different methods that allow using
exergy to assess the sustainability of economic, industrial and societal
processes. First, it presents an example showing the inadequacy of domestic
material consumption (DMC) in evaluating the sustainability of import-
export operations. Second, how exergy can apply to increase the
significance of DMC has been discussed. A new indicator that allows
coupling with DMC has been defined to improve the information delivered
by DMC and make it a more effective sustainability indicator. Third, some
ecological indicators are discussed. The use of exergy to integrate DMC and
assess lifecycle and polluting emissions into the environment has been
discussed. Finally, an effective exergy tax proposal is presented as an
instrument for stimulating an effective transition toward sustainability of
consumption and people’s habits.

1 Introduction

Goran Wall presented “Exergy, ecology and democracy: concepts of a vital society or a
proposal for an exergy tax” [1] in 1993. It has defined a robust framework for sustainability. After
thirty years, it has maintained fundamental importance also in today’s scenario.
In light of Wall’s pioneering vision, Part 1 [2] of this paper evidences that the U.N. Sustainable
Development Goals [3] and Paris Agreement [4] are not declarations of principles but necessary and
demanding processes. In addition, the transition measures deployed by national governments and
industrial and commercial companies remain insufficient to create a sustainable society [5], which can
reduce the menaces for humankind caused by climate change and global warming. Sustainability
remains a problem that interferes with national and economic interests. Therefore, it is essential to
rethink and redefine economic models, globalization, agriculture, energetic and industrial production,
logistics and waste management [6, 7].
Bartelmus [8] has analyzed the indicators of prosperity and well-being and their effects on the
necessary measures for supporting the development of the economy, environment and society. He has
shown that the data and the consistency of indicators adopted by decision-makers present evident
problems. Societal and environmental indicators affect economic activity, quality of life and
environment, and prosperity of people and nations. U.N. SDGs and Paris Agreement require observing
that incomplete or inadequate information leads to insufficient estimations and limits the effects of
political decisions [9-10].
Bartelmus [11] has evidenced the need to improve policy guidelines and adopt effective and
coherent accounting methods to analyze and revise political procedures toward sustainable social and
economic development. The persisting polarization of the debate between environmentalists and
economists is often a misleading element in the path toward a more sustainable society with the
capability of integrating the principles from the environmental sciences and the economy.
Goran Wall [1] has demonstrated that Thermodynamics can define a third way in the debate
toward sustainability and reduction of climate change [12-14]. The thermodynamic way allows a
rigorous assessment of the impacts, which can be complementary to the economic analysis, and
provides the necessary elements usually neglected in governmental estimations [9, 10].
Part 1 of this paper [2] critically analyses SDG 12 Sustainable consumption and production and
the related indicators and, in particular, the resource productivity index (R.P.) introduced by the E.U.
[15]. It is the leading indicator toward a European “resource efficiency roadmap”. It evidences that
Material Consumption (MC) is the ratio between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Domestic
Material Consumption. It seems evident that this definition misses essential information that allows for
verifying the environmental footprint. DMC does not consider the resources and the impacts outside
the considered economy [21] (import and export). Hence, it leads the national governments to an
evident underestimation of the impacts that may affect footprint indicators, including material, energy,
and GHGs emissions.
This second part will verify the inconsistency of DMC in estimating the environmental impacts
and discusses a typical example related to globalized production. The example shows how different
production and logistic plans affect the environmental impacts of production. At the same time, DMC
misses any possibility of estimating the indirect effect caused by transport and misses the opportunity
of attributing a measurable value related to the environmental quality of the materials.
The limits in the analysis based on DMC are evident because it is limited to mass balance, and
mass is not a consistent sustainability indicator. On the other hand, exergy analysis can avoid these
limits [22, 23], according to the first part of this paper [2]. Hence, the samples determine how mass
balance can be integrated by energy and exergy, producing a valuable activity of analysis, design and
verification for the measures toward sustainability and reducing the effects of climate change.
Exergy analysis shows that social fluxes and processes (energy conversion systems, industrial
plants, transport systems, etc.) can be analyzed using the second law of thermodynamics [13, 14]. The
second law recognizes the irreversibility of real processes. In particular, it can be observed that
irreversibility depends mainly on the degradation of materials and energy over time. As Wall [1, 8, 9]
and Gaggioli [15] show that there is a scale of energy quality, which can be quantified in terms of
availability analysis (exergy), and this scale can be expressed both intrinsically and economically.
2 Materials and methods

2.1 Resource productivity and domestic material consumption

Resource productivity (R.P.) underpins the economic productivity of domestic material
consumption (DMC). It is defined as the gross domestic product (GDP) divided by DMC [11]:
Where DMC is the amount of resources directly used by an economy:
where M.D. is the total raw materials extracted from the domestic territory, MI represents all physical
imports and M.E. exports. In Newtonian physics, the mass balance cannot describe the problem
entirely. However, DMC misses information in terms of masses and their impacts. In addition, when a
transformation occurs, it is necessary to apply the laws of thermodynamics to the problem.

2.2 Material flow analysis

More rigorous computations of the principle of conservation of mass have been formulated by
Hendriks et al. [16], Brunner and Rechberger [17] and Baccini and Brunner [18]. They have
formulated the concept of material flow analysis (MFA). It is the “systematic assessment of the flows
and stocks of materials and their societal pathways within a system defined in space and time.”
Therefore, MFA is a tool that applies the principle of conservation of mass to complex physical
processes. It describes the flows of materials considering inputs, stock transports, and outputs. It is
then evident that it provides an accurate analysis of the flows and stocks of substances.
MFA identifies inputs and outputs inside the relevant societal, industrial and biological
processes. The MFA method produces an inventory analysis for the material flows and stocks of the
system. It produces an effective mass balance of the anthropogenic processes and systems intricately
linked to time and space. It can be associated with information, energy, exergy, environmental and
societal impacts. Brunner and Rechberger [17] define the following terms and procedures:
1. Systems are the thermodynamic domain in which natural, industrial and societal processes occur.
They are limited portions of the physical universe characterized by material and energy flows
entering, exiting, passing through, transforming, or stocking;
2. System boundaries for real irreversible processes must be discussed in detail, with particular
reference to the time boundary that describes the time the system of interest needs to be studied. It
is highly variable depending on the nature of the process ranging from milliseconds to thousands
of years. In addition, the spatial boundaries are highly variable, from the dimension of a cell up to
the ones of the entire planet;
3. Materials are the resources, substances, goods and products characterized by uniform properties
(or units) and economic values (positive or negative);
4. Processes relate to material changes, including transport, transformation, or storage of materials.
They are considered black boxes, so the relevant information regards only the inputs and outputs
from the box. Any process can be subdivided into any arbitrary number of subprocesses (black
boxes) to describe the evolution of a system with the desired level of detail;
5. Flows connect the sources and the processes and are described by mass flow through the process;
6. Transfer Coefficients (T.C.) describe the amount of a material or a substance within a process.
They are defined as the amount of each material or substance necessary to produce the final
products of the process. Transfer coefficients are substance-specific values and give the amount
of a substance (percentage) transferred to a product or the waste for its production. They can be
extended to account for energy, exergy, emissions and wastes.
Fig. 1 presents a sample of the flows in the city of Vienna.

Fig.1 – Schematics of material flow analysis for the city of Vienna (flows in tonnes per capita/year) from
Hendricks et al. [15]

Fig. 1 clearly shows that MFA could be a precious instrument for sustainability analysis because
it presents the schematic representation of the relevant flows that feed the city of Vienna.

2.3 Evolved societal metabolism model

A system can be modelled as a coupled socio-economic and thermodynamic system which can
be formulated by considering the societal metabolism models by Fischer-Kowalski [19, 20] and
Bringezu et al. [21]. By considering Trancossi et al. [22] and Wang et al. [23], the societal
metabolism model can be extended by the thermodynamic laws involved in the processes (Fig. 2),

Fig. 2 - Basic scheme of the socio-economic system exchanges.

According to Wall [1, 23, 24], Fig. 1 has introduced solar radiation and Earth radiation, which
are often not introduced in analogous schemes from sociotechnical engineering. Solar radiation allows
accounting for solar-derived renewable sources, including photovoltaic, thermal, and wind energy,
which would otherwise be excluded. This scheme applies to different scale problems. Otherwise,
information from mass balance is limited and does not give an accurate snapshot of the considered
system’s sustainability and environmental impacts.
2.4 Cumulative exergy consumption and societal metabolism thermodynamics
Szargut [26] and Szargut and Morris [27] have introduced the concept of cumulative exergy
consumption (CExC). The sum of the exergies dissipated inside a process or a physical system is a
fundamental indicator for impact assessment. It describes how a process reduces the quality of the
available resources [28]. CExC includes all the necessary exergies for assessing the quality of energy
demand and includes both the exergy from energy carriers and materials. Bösch [29] has defined
cumulative exergy demand (CExD) as a valuable indicator of exergy and the quality of the
environmental resources extracted to produce a particular product.
Furthermore, CExD quantifies the total depletion of resources and exergy and related
environmental impacts. In particular, it is measured in MJ and is expressed by the following equation:
h ,i ⁄ ( ) (3)
where mi is the mass of material resource i (kg); B(ch),i is the chemical exergy per kg of substance i
(MJ-eq/kg); ej- is the amount of energy from energy carrier j (M.J.); βex/e(k,p,n,r,t),j is exergy factor (or
exergy to energy ratio) of energy carrier j and are reported in Part 1 Table 3. Cumulative exergy
consumption can be referred easily to Fig. 2 and societal metabolism.

3 Results

3.1 Effect of localization of production facilities on the environmental impacts

An industrial case is considered. It is the production and transport of one-litre bottles made of
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) lids and polypropylene
(P.P.) labels. Different cases are considered for a functional unit of 1,000 one-litre still water bottles: -
- local production;
- plastic granulates for the bottle, lid and label produced in China and bottling operations locally;
- plastic granulates for the bottle, lid and label made in China, transported to Turkey along different
paths, and bottling operations are performed in Turkey.

Fig. 2 – Map of different logistic cases

Identical bottles are considered. Two transport scenarios are analyzed for plastic granulates
from China: train and ship. In cases 1 and 4, bottles are formed and filled in the same country in which
they are sold. Local transport is assumed by road transport. In cases 2 and 3, filled bottles are
transported from Turkey by road transport. It is possible to assume and evaluate the problems related
to materials accounting evidenced by Wiedmann et al. [9] and how exergy allows avoiding them. The
mass of the plastics is supposed to be 0.065 kg (0.05 kg in the PET bottle, 0.01 in the HDPE cap, and
0.005 kg in the PP lid). The mass of the filled bottle is 1.065 kg.
Exergy analysis extends to the impacts over the entire lifecycle. The consequences regard
exergy disruption and consequent climate change contribution, resource depletion, water acidification
and eutrophication, human toxicity, and ozone layer depletion. The entire production chain for PET,
HDPE and PP is considered. In addition, the transport processes are analyzed because they have a
variable impact dependent on the different means of transport and distances. Papong et al. [32] have
compared the lifecycle impacts of PLA and PET drinking water bottles. In addition, Russo et al. [33,
34] have produced the exergy analysis of multiple plastic materials. They have verified that exergy is a
helpful instrument for measuring resource consumption during the life cycle of polymers. In
particular, they have analyzed the production chains of different polymers.
The production cycle is represented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Process schematics derived from Papong [32].

Table 2. Embodied exergy of materials for 1,000 bottles (Russo et al. [33] and Ortego et al. [34] )
Embodied Embodied
Exergy for
Commodity exergy* exergy*
Production Process production*
Plastics Raw material Used Material
MJ./kg MJ./kg MJ./kg
Addition polymerization of ethylene gas from cracking
HDPE 74,00 77-85 ≈ 35-45
of petroleum
Addition polymerization of propylene (C3H6) from
P.P. 72,30 75-83 ≈ 35-45
cracking of naphtha
Polymerization of terephthalic acid (PTA) or dimethyl
PET 101,64 79-88 ≈ 60-64
terephthalate (DMT) and ethylene glycol (E.G.)
* at standard atmospheri onditions 15°C, P0=100315 Pa).
Accurate verifications have been performed. The exergy requirements and exergy content of
raw and used materials have been estimated according to Vučković [35].
Table 2 estimates the exergy needed for producing 1000 bottles and the embodied exergy in
standard atmospheri onditions 15°C, 100315 Pa). They are obtained by multiplying the obtained
values by the mass of bottles, lids, and caps.
Osterroth et al. [36] and Osterroth and Voight [37] have experimentally assessed the energy
consumption of industrial electrical bottling machines. Coupling these results with the ones by
Trancossi et al. [38, 39], the exergy disruption of the bottling plant can be calculated. The four
hypotheses described in Fig. 4 and detailed in Table 3 have been estimated. Cases 3 and 4 are identical
but differ because of the location of operations.
The exergy requirements for production and exergy content of the materials of raw and used
materials have been estimated. In addition, the exergy consumed by transport has been calculated,
according to Trancossi (2016). Therefore, the ideal hypothesis of the maximum payload on the
transport vehicles has been assumed for this evaluation. Therefore, a ULCC class tanker, a dense
freight electric train and an average intercity truck are assumed from Trancossi (2016).
Table 3 - Sample cases studied
Unitary Mass Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
Activity Kg Vehicle Km Vehicle Km Vehicle km Vehicle km
Granulate Production 0.065 - - - -
Granulate transport 0.065 Lorry 200 Lorry 300 Lorry 300 Lorry 300
Train 5000 Ship 13000 Ship 13000
Preform, lid and cap prod. 0.065 - - - -
Preform lid and cap transport 0.065 Lorry 200 Lorry 200 Lorry 200 Lorry 2600
Filling, labelling and capping 1.065 - - - -
Transport to the point of sale 1.065 Lorry 200 Lorry 2600 Lorry 2600 Lorry 200
Exergy disruption by transport in the different cases is presented in Fig. 5. In addition, the total
estimated exergy disruption is shown in Fig. 6. It is essential to observe that the exergy for production
and bottling is almost constant, with low variability. In particular, they can be considered equal if the
plants are identical.
Table 4. Critical data of the estimated vehicles
Mass Exergy Emissions
Vehicle Exergy Emissions
at full charge per ton per ton
MJ/km Kg(CO2)/km T MJ/t km g(CO2e)/t km
Tanker, ULCC class 59404.28 5650.41 419200 0.173 0.016
Train, Dense freight 177.16 16.85 1300 0.236 0.022
Truck, avg. intercity 108.98 10.37 55.00 2.79 0.266

Table 5. Exergy estimation for transport of 1000 bottles

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
Activity Kg Vehicle M.J. Vehicle M.J. Vehicle M.J. Vehicle M.J.
Lorry 0,065 Lorry 36,27 Lorry 54,41 Lorry 54,41 Lorry 54,41
Train 76,7 Ship 146,19 Ship 146,19
Preform lid and
Lorry 0,065 Lorry 36,27 Lorry 36,27 Lorry 36,27 Lorry 471,51
cap transport
Transport to
Lorry 1065 Lorry 594,27 Lorry 7725,51 Lorry 7725,51 Lorry 594,27
point of sale
Transport Total 666,81 Total 7892,89 Total 7962,37 Total 1266,37

The difference in exergy disruption depends mostly on transport. The considerations by

Wiedmann et al. [9] allowed for verifying the inconsistency of DMC estimations. Case B and C,
which require the transport of filled bottles by lorries, are the one that produces the maximum impact
in term of transport. A similar analysis can be performed in terms of the different effects. However, for
brevity, the study is limited to GHGs emissions. The results are reported in Fig. 6 and 7.

Fig. 5 - Exergy dissipation by transport in the different cases, calculated from Trancossi [40, 41]

Fig. 6 - Total exergy disruption in the different Cases

Fig. 7 – CO2 emissions in the considered transport cases

3.2 Exergy consumption in the food preservation industry

In this second part, the production of jam marmalade is considered [45] a fundamental food
conservation technique for elongating the shelf life of fruits. Different sub-processes will be estimated,
such as fruit drying, canning and processing.
The material should be composed as follows: fruit (~9% dry matter), sugar syrup and water are
mixed to dissolve the sugar. Then it is heated up to around 65 °C under a 0.0866 – 0.9 Mpa vacuum
for 15 min to achieve the final marmalade (65 - 70% dry matter). Before adding pectin and acid, a
final heating process brings the product to 85-90°C before adding pe tin and a id.
Conventional systems consume fuel or electricity to produce the required thermal energy. As
demonstrated later, these processes have low second law efficiencies in heat transfer. These losses
depend on inefficiency and irreversibility. The production and pasteurization of jam marmalade
require the dehumidified fruit to be agitated and heated inside a vacuum vessel at an average
temperature of 65°C. The vessel an be heated through water or heating oil (heat transfer fluid - HTF),
which is electrically inside the jacket of the vessel or an electrical inductive heater.

Fig. 8 – HTF jacket vessel and induction coil vessel.

The exergy disruption of the two systems has been derived from Tsatsaronis [46], Yilmaz et al.
[47] and Wang et al. [48]. The results are in line with Todorović [45] et al. One-ton marmalade unit
has been considered. In particular, the equations of the system are reported in Table 6.
Table 6 – Equations of the considered system
Liquid Induction
conservation of mass mp=const; ml=const mp=const
conservation of energy ˙ (˙ ) ˙ ˙ ( )
exergy disruption ˙ ˙ (˙ ˙ ) (˙ ˙ ) ˙ (˙ ˙ ) ˙ ( ⁄ ) ˙
exergy efficiency ˙ ⁄[( ˙ ˙ ) (˙ ˙ ) ] (˙ ˙ )⁄ ˙

Table 7 – Thermodynamic states of considered materials

Water HTF Induction
Material m [kg] T [°C] P [bar] u [kJ/kg] b [kJ/kg] u [kJ/kg] b [kJ/kg] m [kg] u [kJ/kg] b [kJ/kg]
Fluid 157 25 1 104.9 - 104.9 - 0 104.9 -
Jam 547 25 1 1107.7 - 1107.7 - 547 1107.7 -
Jam 547 25 - 1107.7 0 1107.7 0 547 1107.7 0
Jam 547 110 - 1256.4 208 1256.4 208 547 1256.4 208
Fluid 157 25 1 105.0 0 105.0 0 0 105.0 -
Fluid 157 90 1 377.0 26 377.0 9.9 0 377.0 -
HTF energy efficiency has been calculated between 82.5% (HTF) and 93.5% (water). In
addition, with induction heating and energy efficiency is around 95%.
Considering the different cases, comparable results in energy consumption (Fig 8) and energy
efficiency lead to very different results regarding exergy disruption (Fig. 9 and 10). In particular, it is
determined that the batch system with an induction heater needs lower energy than conventional ones.
In particular, it destroys less exergy input than traditional electrical heater systems to provide the same
desired output. It is evident by considering the exergy efficiencies (Fig. 10).
Fig. 8 – Energy provided to different plants

Fig. 9 – Exergy disruption expressed in terms of exergy input and output of the process

Fig. 10 –Exergy efficiency

The induction heating process has several advantages against conventional fluid heating by H 20
and HFCs. In particular, it lowers energy and exergy losses for a specific production.

4 Discussion

4.1 Critical analysis of the obtained results

The proposed cases have been presented to explain the effects of energy and exergy analysis.
The first one studies a product for which transportation impacts are much higher than any other.
Therefore, optimizing the production cycle requires assessing the optimal locations for industrial
activities. The example shows the evident effects of transportation on the final products.
The transportation of the filled bottles causes higher energy consumption, exergy disruption and
environmental impacts. The result demonstrates the findings by Trancossi [40, 41], who analyzed the
impacts of transport by considering the ones which can be attributed to the vehicle and the ones
attributed to the payload for different vehicles. The energy consumption and exergy disruption depend
on the weight transported, the vehicle used and the distance. A heavier payload transported for a long
distance (i.e. in cases B and C) produces a higher impact. For the specific product, the effect of the
manufacturing process is very low, but the transport impacts assume fundamental importance. In this
case, increasing the efficiency of the process requires acting on the transport. For example, importing
materials from China has a low impact on the process, while the bottling process in Turkey generates a
very high impact on the final product.
The analysis demonstrates that DMC accounting (as evidenced by Wiedmann et al.[9]) cannot
estimate the impacts of transport operations. Therefore, this indicator must be supplemented by the
implications for producing and transporting the masses of materials. The process efficiency can be
improved, and the environmental impacts can be reduced by exergy analysis. However, the
investigation has been limited to Exergy disruption and GHG emissions. More accurate ones may also
be extended to other critical environmental indicators.
These considerations may benefit by considering the end of life of the products. The reuse and
recycling processes can be evaluated in the proposed elementary case. Considering Table 4 and
Schmidt et al. [42], it is evident that used bottles keep a consistent exergetic value. The complete
lifecycle must be considered. It includes the end-of-life collection, reuse and recycling process. It
could be interesting to extend this study to complete the end of the PET life cycle by having the
recycling process chain. For example, the model adopted in Germany for PET bottles could be
sounding [43]. The PET bottles produced in Germany are charged by a refundable deposit which will
be given back when the used bottle is given back. Therefore, the environmental impacts of the bottles
coming from Turkey would be even higher than those produced locally with materials from China.
The second example shows a process that may be substantially improved in production
technologies. It clearly shows that the industrial process may change in terms of both energy and
exergy analysis depending on technological choices. It shows evidence that traditionally fluid-heated
vessels have much higher energy consumption and exergy disruption than vessels with induction
heating coils. It is also evident that the requirement for mechanical energy necessary for agitating the
product is nearly independent of the adopted heating technology.
The example shows the influence of the different technological choices on the environmental
impacts. In particular, it suggests the opportunity of renewing the existing plants by adopting induction
heating because of the much higher efficiency. This second example could be further developed by
improving traditional fluid heating with thermal solar plants, even if it is outside the scope of the
actual research. Solar energy plants could be interesting for similar productions, such as concentrated
tomatoes and sauces, which use similar operating temperatures.
This case is much more efficient from an exergy point of view. Commercial tomato paste plants
with a double-effect evaporator show that the critical element of the production plant is the boiler.
82% of the total destroyed exergy in the plant occurred in the boiler combination as the main
component wasting exergy. In particular, exergy analysis also effectively optimizes the performance
of multiple-effect evaporation systems employed in the food industry.
4.2 Definition of new sustainability indicators that couple with today’s economic indicators
Over time many scientists have worked on economically based sustainability indicators and
methods for sustainability assessment. However, the results, as we have seen in both the first part [2]
and this second part of the present paper, may produce results missing a realistic estimation of the
environmental and climate change impacts.
Therefore, some further consideration can be developed by assuming as a reference the
preliminary discussion as introduced in Fig. 1 and 2. In particular, the balance expressed in Fig 2 can
be modified to consider the different categories that Wall defines [1]. Finally, the results have been
presented in Fig. 11.

Fig. 11 – Revised scheme of the socio-economic system exchanges.

The different inputs and outputs can be expressed in terms of conservation equations and second
law inequality:
1. Conservation of mass:

∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ (4)

where Min are the input masses, Mout are the exiting masses, Mw are the masses of wastes, and Mst are
the masses stocked.
2. Conservation of energy:
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ (5)

3. Second law inequality:


where CExD is defined in equation (3).

Therefore, equation (6) becomes
h ,i n ⁄ > h ,out ⁄
⏟ ⏟ ⏟ ⏟

h, ⁄ h ,st ⁄
⏟ ⏟ ⏟ ⏟

where b is the specific exergy [b=B/m].

4.3 Exergy and economy

Economic issues have a fundamental role in assessing and developing economic and industrial
systems. Designing successful and efficient products and industrial production plants requires a
significant multidisciplinary effort. The design activity requires combining fundamental physical
disciplines (in particular thermodynamics), specific technical fields related to the specific sector, and
the economy to optimize the system effectively.
As noticed by van Gool [51] and Wall [52] and exhaustively formulated by Rosen [53], today's
energetic consumptions are not formulated appropriately. Today's accounting system is based on
energy, which makes no sense because energy is not fully available. Hence, it does not refer to the
useful part of the energy, which can be transformed effectively but to a theoretical amount that does
not refer to the effective work it may produce. Exergy is fundamental if applied to economic systems
because it allows accounting for the measure of energy that can be utilized. Scientific literature
presents several methods for exergy accounting as identified by Tsasaronis [54]. In particular,
Tsatsaronis determines four primary methodologies for exergy-based cost accounting. They are
exergy-economic cost accounting, exergy-economic calculus analysis, exergy-economic similarity
number, and product/cost efficiency diagrams.
Referring to scientifically correct models, the exergo-economic methods assume exergy as the
commodity value to be accounted for rather than energy because final users could effectively
transform only exergy. Therefore, they determine costs and/or prices for exergy. The main result of
such accounting methods would encourage the economic system to effectively optimize the financial
resources to optimize system design and operations and obtain the system's highest possible
profitability while respecting the environment.
Jaber et al. [55] advance the hypothesis of using exergy as the commodity in a price-driven
economic model, which is respectful of thermodynamic laws and the environment. In particular,
exergy allows a more effective cost and benefit analysis. It will enable to distribute better the costs of
the inputs among the outputs and benefits produced. Therefore, exergy is a consistent measure of
economic value. Usually, this is not true for energy because some of it is not useful (entropy) and
cannot be used.
Rosen and Dincer [56] analyze the possible general relations between thermodynamic losses
and capital costs. They analyzed economic and thermodynamic data related to mature devices and
determined that empirical correlations exist between capital costs and exergy losses for devices. Such
a correlation has been verified for energy conversion power plants. Rosen and Dincer have also
determined that the fundamental mature subsystems in power plants respect a particular value of the
exergy loss rate to capital cost, reflecting that they have approached a high degree of optimization and
technological maturity.

4.4 On the proposal for an exergy tax

The above considerations on the economic value of exergy open a discussion scenario related to
the national taxation criteria. Taxes are inevitable because they allow the survival of the States and the
necessary services to be delivered to the citizens. Therefore, what governments tax is only a
convention and can be moved from one asset to another. Today, the national government
conventionally relies mainly on the taxes imposed on three simple assets: personal and corporate
income taxes; payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare); taxes on sales, excises, and properties.
Such structured taxes can affect the economy by discouraging work, savings, entrepreneurship
and investment. Moreover, Repetto et al. [57] show that taxes distort the market, the general economy
and economic decision-making.
Today emergencies caused by climate change and global heating open multiple questions on the
conventional way of applying taxes. They reduce to one only. Can tax revenues be generated in a more
ethical and valuable way? Repetto et al. recommend adopting “green fees” su h as pollution, aste,
and congestion charges. In today's scenario, shifting existing taxes to green fees would positively
affect society by producing a cleaner environment, increasing the transition to a greener economy and
reducing the economic disincentives reated by today’s taxes on income, profits, and work and
entrepreneurship. Such paradigm change could make the economy more robust and socially
responsible. Su h a taxation model an generate an effe tive paradigm shift from taxing “goods” to
taxing “bads”, as auspicated by Repetto et al.
The very first model of exergy tax has been defined by Hirs [58]. He introduced exergy loss or
entropy added as a basis for energy taxing because it can be accounted objectively for all energy and
materials input and output in its different forms and qualities: electricity, fuel, feedstock, product and
heat of high as well as low temperature. Hirs has hypothesized the name Entropy Added Tax (EAT)
and discussed its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of EAT is that it could be a
strong incentive for investors to operate toward increasing sustainability and reduce the consumption
of energy resources without any interference with free markets. On the other hand, the main
disadvantage is supposed to be might be the risk that governments use EAT to increase the total tax
burden instead of substituting existing taxes.
In line with energy-economic modelling, Wall [1] has formalized the hypothesis of introducing
a tax on exergy disruption. The cases analyzed in this paper evidence clearly how they can be applied.
The first paradigmatic case shows that the localization of production for the final market is a
fundamental element of exergy disruption. Therefore, the exergy tax could be computed by
considering the dissipation of exergy between the case of water bottling coincident with the final point
of sale and the excess of exergy caused by transport. Furthermore, this case shows that remote import-
export of products with a low exergy (or human creativity) value is environmentally detrimental.
The second case shows how the industrial plants' efficiency differences cause exergy
dissipation. In this case, the exergy tax could be applied to the difference of exergy destroyed between
the real process and the best possible theoretical case (the Carnot cycle operating between the same
As Wall [1] stated, the exergy tax can be fundamental in promoting sustainable choices and
more sustainable globalization. Therefore, an exergy tax can be computed by accounting for the
exergy dissipated by the complete industrial process (including transport).
Typical results of the Exergy tax and the consequent paradigm shift from taxing “goods” to
taxing “bads” could lead to significant advantages:
- an effective improvement of the efficiency of the industrial processes, a reduction of costs and
encouraging process improvements in terms of a substantial reduction of environmental impacts;
- massive adoption of renewable energy sources.
- Encouraging environmentally friendly behaviour in both nations, industry, services, and transport.
- a more robust and attractive economy which increases its competitiveness and its sustainability;
- attracting investments, intelligence, and skilled workers.
However, the excess exergy depletion against the one corresponding to the best practices can be
carefully verified for the relevant processes. In particular, it focuses on the relevant environmental
impacts, including wastes and emissions in the environment, which must be necessarily accounted for
in any process.
As Wall [1] states, “an exact relation is impossible to find for all substances and all
environmental conditions, but a simple exergy estimation could be one to tax pollution”.
Therefore, more accurate exergy tax computation methods have been proposed by several
authors, including Gong and Wall [24], Dincer [59], and Traverso et al. [60].
The definition of an exergy tax as a substitute for personal taxes has been performed by
Szargut [61]. He clearly states that taxes should not be a kind of penalty for positive effects of
human activity (productivity, invention) but should burden adverse effects, like the
production of dangerous wastes and the depletion of natural resources, and harmful impacts
on society and the environment. In particular, he defined a rigorous method that accounts for
the detrimental effects on the societal and natural environment. It includes accounting for
maintenance of the instruments and buildings and the impact of importing foreign
manufactured products. Stanek et al. have commented on and explained the model [62].

5 Conclusions

This paper aims to discuss the thirty-year-old milestone paper by Goran Wall [1], “Exergy
Ecology Democracy - Concepts of a Vital Society or A Proposal for An Exergy Tax”, according to
today's scenario. Wall’s work has been a fundamental step in analyzing relevant environmental
impacts and abuse of resources. Today, it is much more actual in the light of U.N. Sustainable
Development Goals. After analyzing shortly the path toward U.N. SDGs and some inherent
inconsistencies of the currently adopted indicators to measure the progress toward the realization of an
effective transition toward a more sustainable society. This transition requires solving the three
societal dilemmas enunciated by Wall [1]: misuse of physical resources, the environment, and the
abuse of human intelligence.
Despite the increasing mitigation actions, climate change and the continuous growth of the
effects of global heating show the limits and inconsistencies of economically based sustainability
accounting. It evidences the necessity of introducing more objective parameters that can effectively
describe the resources wasted in our society. A helpful parameter is proposed. Exergy describes the
maximum useful work produced by a process, a flux of matter, energy, and any substance in nature.
Dissipating exergy means reducing the potential of Earth to produce useful work and causing a
depletion of available energy [62].
From this consideration, Abu-Rayash and Dincer [63] have proposed adopting exergy analysis
as an effective instrument for accounting for sustainability and understanding and compensating for
the damages that anthropic processes produce to the ecosystem.
The exergy disruption by different processes differing only for production location must be
considered. It relates to water bottles in four different cases. The example has demonstrated that the
amount of exergy dissipated by industrial processes is often much lower than the one related to
transport. In particular, it has been evidenced that the distance between the bottling plants and the final
point of sale is an important cause of unneeded exergy dissipation. In addition, the economic value of
exergy and the possible introduction of an exergy tax are considered substitutes for the existing
economically deleterious taxation system.


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Submitted: 07.09.2022
Revised: 01.10.2022
Accepted: 15.12.2022

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