Employee Health and Safety: A Review of Recent Policies and Practices in Selected Garment Factories of Dhaka, Bangladesh

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Employee Health and Safety: A Review of Recent Policies and Practices in

Selected Garment Factories of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Article · December 2017

DOI: 10.21276/sjbms.2017.2.12.5


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Abdullah Mohammad Sharif

World University of Bangladesh


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Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies (SJBMS) ISSN 2415-6663 (Print)
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Employee Health and Safety: A Review of Recent Policies and Practices in

Selected Garment Factories of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abdullah Mohammad Sharif *
Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, World University of Bangladesh, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1205,

Abstract: It is widely accepted that a safe and healthy workplace is key to ensure
*Corresponding author employee engagement. As manufacturing organizations are more prone to industrial
Abdullah Mohammad Sharif accidents, the study focuses on the different employee health and safety initiatives
taken by several garment factories of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The study uses both
Article History primary and secondary data. A complete questionnaire was set for personal
Received: 06.11.2017 interview. OHS manual, audit reports, websites, journals, Labor Act 2006, text
Accepted: 27.11.2017 books, gov’t publications etc. are among secondary source used. Finding of the
Published: 30.12.2017 study does not portray something very good. Existence of short and poor quality
policy, unfurnished medical room, same happens with the first aid boxes, problems
DOI: with temperature, ventilation, noise and lighting etc. are most common
10.21276/sjbms.2017.2.12.5 complications. Although the government has taken several actions along with
international bodies, effectiveness of those activities is questioned. A unique
guideline for safety improvement, training arrangement for employees, close
monitoring of safety and health issues can prove very effective. There is urgent need
for consorted action in the sector that envisions a decent work environment.
Keywords: Safety, Health, Accident, Risk Assessment, Legal Compliance, Personal
Protective Equipment.

INTRODUCTION zero tariff access to a number of developed country

Garment making is the most globalized markets and competitive labor costs gave Bangladeshi
industry. Almost every country, irrespective of its stage manufacturers a comparative advantage over other
of development, is involved in garment manufacturing countries.
and trading. Historically, almost without any exception,
textile/RMG was the first industry a country was able to The RMG sector has played a crucial role in
develop which eventually led to the development of earning foreign exchange for the country, improving the
other industries. This industry needs low level of balance of payments and alleviating poverty for a large
technology, and its investment requirement is relatively section of the population through employment
small. A garment factory can be started as a very small generation. The sector now employs about 4 million
unit; therefore, entry to this industry is within the reach workers compared to only 120,000 in 1985, and about
of many entrepreneurs. In terms of investment risks, 80 per cent of garment workers are women from poor
both entry into and exit from RMG industry are rural households.
relatively less expensive.
Bangladesh is now estimated to have between
Readymade garments are the most important four and five thousand garment factories, ranging from
export item from Bangladesh, yet the working large first tier suppliers to small factories largely
conditions and fire safety records in the factories are operating as subcontractors to bigger clients [3]. But in
often not up to the standard [1]. The ready-made recent few years this industry is facing threat by
garments (RMG) industry has made significant inadequate safety issue, bad working environment and
contributions to the country’s economic development demolishing workers’ rights [4].
over the last four decades. But this will come undone
unless Bangladesh can make progress on workplace Lack of safety measure causes catch fire in
safety compliance and labor rights [2]. In 2016, the garment factories which caused hundreds of workers
RMG sector earned about US$28 billion in export death in the recent years [5]. Each day there is some
income compared to only US$12,000 in 1978. Duty- news of industrial deaths but after an interval a massive
free market access under the Multi-Fiber Arrangement, loss is there. Accidents and ill health are costly to
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Abdullah Mohammad Sharif., Saudi J. Bus. Manag. Stud., Vol-2, Iss-12A (Dec, 2017): 1071-1078
workers and their families. They can also hurt harm. Imminent danger is a condition where an accident
companies because, in addition to the costs of personal is about to occur.
injuries, they may incur far greater costs from damage
to property or equipment, and lost production [6]. With The Bangladesh Ready-Made Garment
very few exceptions, employers have to have liability industry has grown over the space of a few short
insurance cover for injuries and ill health to their decades to become the second largest in the world [12].
employees. They will also have insurance for accidents The RMG sector has become a key driver of the
involving vehicles and possibly third-party and Bangladesh economy and the nation’s development.
buildings insurance. And all these have forced health RMG exports totaled USD 34.14 billion (2015-16)
and safety at workplace a burning issue at our garment accounting for over 80% of the nation’s export earnings
factories now a day. and employing around 4 million workers, an estimated
55-60% of whom are women [13]. Considering the
In order to regain reputation and enhance economic situation of the world, Bangladesh is still
investor confidence, multinational companies took the lying in the developing stage. So, it is predicted that by
lead in establishing their own codes of conduct [7]. far the occupational health and safety service in
Some survey shows at present there are more than 400 Bangladesh is in the developing situation [14]. Safety
social responsibility-related codes of conduct, standards lapses are serious matters and the authorities concerned
and systems worldwide, most of which are management are harshly punished by the safety regulatory
systems or codes of conducts established by authorities. Unfortunately in Bangladesh, state safety
nongovernment organizations, international buyers and regulation and intervention are extremely poor. Like
brand owners, including some third party certification everything else, it is also relegated more to a routine
systems[8]. than any prevention or inspection function - based only
on the whims and desires of the factory owner [5]. Over
Safety is a buzzword now a day. Many foreign decades, no worthwhile safety audit has been seen, not
buyers are now emphasizing more and more on health even any kind of investigation or positive measures
and safety of the workers [9]. But it is seldom found in from the RMG factory owners or inspection authorities
our country. Many factories feel reluctant to provide the who are primarily responsible for safety in the work
basic facilities. The study is intended to get a better place [15].
picture of employee health and safety in garment
factories. International Labor organization (ILO) [16]
estimates that over 11,000 employees agonize fatal
LITERATURE REVIEW accidents and an additional 24,500 die from work
Safe work is one of the central rights of the related illnesses across all segments each year in
workers. Work-related safety and health is an Bangladesh. It is also projected that more 8 million
imperative module of decent work agenda. It means the workers suffer wounds at work – many of which result
condition of workstation where workers work is free in perpetual disability [17]. Although little investigation
from all kinds of hazards and risks. Safe work has taken place in Bangladesh, it is internationally
environment confirms safety and health for everyone at recognized that most occupational deaths and injuries
work avoiding hazards and risks. Risk comes in many are entirely avoidable, and could be avoided if
forms—repetitive tasks, long hours of work, exposure employers and workers took simple initiatives to reduce
to harmful substances like gas and fumes, noise, hazards and risks at the workplace.
insufficient lighting, damage to equipment, and
psychological and physical oppression [10]. It is However, it should be noted that European
estimated that globally around 160 million people are brands and buyers formed the Bangladesh Accord on
affected by avoidable occupational diseases and more Fire and Building Safety while North American brands
than two million workers die from work related and buyers initiated a platform namely the Alliance for
accidents each year [11]. Bangladesh Worker Safety and National Tripartite
Action Plan for Building and Fire Safety was adopted
Health is defined as both physical and mental by the government of Bangladesh to ensure workplace
wellbeing while safety is the control of unplanned safety in RMG industry. Accord, Alliance and NAP
events. A risk is the chance of something happening completed inspection of around 3600 factories; of them
that will have an impact on objectives. It is measured in only around 1 percent were found vulnerable and shut
terms of consequences and likelihood. In the OHS down immediately. Moreover, remediation in the
context, risk should be thought of as the OHS factories which got Corrective Action Plan (CAP) from
consequence of a given severity, and the likelihood of the safety platforms is going on [18].
that particular consequence occurring. Risk is closely
associated with hazard. A hazard is a source of Objectives
potential harm or a situation with the potential to cause  To analyze the health and safety policy of selected

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Abdullah Mohammad Sharif., Saudi J. Bus. Manag. Stud., Vol-2, Iss-12A (Dec, 2017): 1071-1078
 To have an idea about different risk assessments have to wear scarf provided by the company. There will
made by the organizations for minimizing be a machine operating instruction with each and every
accidents machine. Before start working, workers must remind
 To examine the provisions of compliance those carefully. A checklist must be prepared for
requirements meet by the organizations regarding periodical update of different electrical goods. Every
occupational health and safety week the electrical installments are checked by
company electrician. They check, take corrective action
MATERIALS AND METHODS and sign on the pad.
The study is exploratory in nature. To find out
how the employees are being treated and get a real Spot removing
scenario, both primary and secondary data is needed. A separate room will be allocated for spot
The collection method for those two types of data was removing, there must be a good ventilation system,
different. A complete questionnaire was prepared for enough air passing capability and well lighted. For spot
personal interview. Each respondent were asked removing section, workers must use their personal
accordingly and the responses were gathered instantly. protective equipment, such as musk, hand gloves,
After personal interview is over, experience survey was apron, glass etc. Usage of safe chemical spot lift must
conducted. Consulting several officials like Chairman, be ensured to remove the spots.
Managing Director, Managers and the Departmental
Heads contributes significantly. For this research, Water facility
secondary data was collected from a variety of sources; Facility of potable drinking water is must.
such as, OHS manual, audit reports, websites, journals, Each floor will have two jars/containers of pure
Labor Act 2006, text books, gov’t publications etc. 150 drinking water. And the area will be marked both in
employees from 9 different factories were chosen using Bengali and English. The place should be kept clean
convenience sampling method. Tables and figures were and water must not fall down. Every day the glasses
made using MS Excel. will be cleared and washed.


Health & Safety Policy Each floor will have sufficient toilets. Male
Physically and mentally healthy workers can and female toilets will be different and marked. Toilets
pay their full concentration to work. As a result they are will be cleaned thrice a day. Supply of water in
happy with their productivity and management. It adequate will be there. For each toilet, a pair of sandal
becomes a moral duty of the management to ensure a should be given. A sweeper will be responsible to
safe and healthy work place. That is why there are maintain and check the toilet.
several policies followed by the companies regarding
workers’ safety and health aspects of the workplace. Medical center
Common policies followed by most of the companies Each floor will have at least one first aid box.
are given bellow. Company doctor and nurse facility will be made
available. In each floor there will be a number of
Fire and machine safety certified first aiders. They may be called any time if
There will be two emergency exit/emergency anyone is wounded at the factory. There shall be a
evacuations way in each and every floor. At least one medical room at convenience floor where a doctor and a
fire evacuation drill will take place in a month. Fire nurse will sit during office hours. Some medicine will
alarm switch must be posted in every floor. So also be provided to workers for free. An agreement will
whenever there is an emergency, workers can come out be made with local standard hospital for treatment at
safely. During the drill, workers are told to maintain lower cost.
discipline and fire evacuation plan posted on the floor.
No one is permitted to stay inside the factory during the Risk Assessment
evacuation drill. Fire extinguishers will be checked It is good news that many of the companies
monthly by the supplier and refilled once a year. The have the risk assessment. For the purpose of compliance
extinguishers should be placed in such a place that it they have done that. Besides for each section different
can be reached easily. assessment is posted on walls. But the posted papers are
so small that they cannot get the attention of the target
Each cutter man must wear metal hand gloves; group. Risk assessment for different sections is as
cutter and scissors should be tied with tables. However, follows
mask is must for all the workers. Female employees

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Abdullah Mohammad Sharif., Saudi J. Bus. Manag. Stud., Vol-2, Iss-12A (Dec, 2017): 1071-1078
Table-1: Risk Assessment for Finishing Section
Machine Possible Risk Person at risk Prevention
Rubber mat under iron
Iron Heat from Iron Ironman
Spray may touch hand or hand gloves for spray gun
Spray Gun Tag man
other parts of body operators
Finger cut from the Use scissor, cutter, knife
Tag Gun Spot remover
needle of tag gun etc. tying it with a string
Respiratory problem Put standard operating
Spot remover Boiler operator
because of spot remover procedure at boiler room.
All workers of the
Thread sucker Electric shock
Falling of Scissor, cutter
or knife from table

Table-2: Risk Assessment for Cutting Section

Machine Possible Risk Person at risk Prevention
Ensure the use of hand
Cutting Machine Finger Cutting, Cutting Man
gloves and mask
Falling of Scissor Use scissor tying it with a
Scissor Cutting supervisor
from table string
Ensure the use of hand
Lay-clip Electric Shock All workers
gloves and mask

Table-3: Risk Assessment for Sewing Section

Machine Possible Risk Person at risk Prevention
Operators of sewing
Sewing Machine finger cut by needle Use of needle guard
needle may hurt eye if it
Electric Motor Assistant operator Use of eye guard
is broken
finger cut by the knife of
Sewing Iron Maintenance people Cover motor pulleys
overlock machine
finger may get smashed Rubber mat under iron
by snap machine operators
clothes may go inside Use scissor, cutter, knife
the motor pulley etc. tying it with a string
Knife electric shock from iron
Heat of iron
Others Falling of Scissor, cutter
or knife from table

Legal Compliance The next stage they have done is that whether
The first step to comply with legal they are fulfilling the applicable laws and regulations or
requirements is to screen local laws and regulations. In not. In some areas like overtime and welfare facility,
our country the Chapter 5, 6 and 8 of Labor Law 2016 they are facing some problem. Sometimes the overtime
[19] is all about health, safety and welfare activities. exceeds the limit by almost double. Besides, the child
They have sorted it out. Moreover another requirement care facility is not up to the mark. It was found that
from the buyers is to hang relevant Code of Conduct organizations were doing well in terms of First aid and
like Business Social Compliance Initiatives (BSCI) at Medical room, Lighting, Spot removing, Safety for
the factory premises. Some of the factories surveyed ironman etc. Areas like Dining room, sanitary facility,
have also done that. At the entrance of each floor there, Temperature and ventilation, Noise, usage of Personal
on the wall, is a signed copy of the code. protective equipment (PPEs) needs improvement.
Firefighting equipment, drill, evacuation plan etc. are in
serious state.

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Abdullah Mohammad Sharif., Saudi J. Bus. Manag. Stud., Vol-2, Iss-12A (Dec, 2017): 1071-1078
Usage of PPE not monitored

Fig-1: Employees’ usage of PPEs

A large number of candidates were found not like no one is really aware of what is going on around.
to use PPE. Some were not at all eager to wear masks They just come and go finishing their work. What is
while it was a burdensome for cutting assistant to wear health and what is safety they don’t really care. From
hand gloves. Impact of those is very much harmful for the questionnaire it is found that only 23% of the
health. The survey reveals 46 % employees use no PPE, employees think of their health at workplace, 41% said
33% have single PPE and 21% use several PPEs. they have not thought of that before, 30% were totally
ignoring the issue while other 6% refused to answer. It
No awareness indicates that there is a lack of arrangements regarding
Health and safety is a matter which needs the awareness. They should really think of this issue
attention of everyone [20]. The managers, supervisors while considering recruitment and training
and workers all are responsible to do that. But it seems

Fig-2: Employees’ awareness status regarding their safety

Minimum training he/she is asked to go to HR department. Then the
A rule exists there in our labor code that officer briefly tells about some rule and disciplinary
employees must be trained in time of recruitment about procedures and that’s all. It is not acceptable. The
the machines they will be handling [21]. The training survey reveals that only 24 says they were given
will include detailed description, possible risks, means instruction about safety, 59 says they had a minimum
to avoid the accident and standard operating procedure instruction, 46 had no training at all, 21 cannot
[22]. But there is a minimum training. In reality it remember exactly what happened then.
cannot be called training. When a worker is selected,

Fig-3: Employees’ training status regarding their safety

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Abdullah Mohammad Sharif., Saudi J. Bus. Manag. Stud., Vol-2, Iss-12A (Dec, 2017): 1071-1078
Unsafe sitting arrangement be safe and free from obstacle. The workers at many of
Evacuation during an emergency is very the factories are blocked by pile of goods in many
important. Within a very short time all the workers must times. They have a poor sitting arrangement.
move to an assembly point. For this workplace needs to

Fig-4: Employees’ response regarding their sitting arrangement

The operators can work sitting but the helpers necessary. Toilets and washing facilities are the most
have to keep standing all day long. Sometimes they get common amenities. Companies surveyed have a good
stuck in time of lunch. If it happens during normal time number of toilets and wash rooms, but their
then what might happen is easily understood. When management is not good enough. Often spills are beside
they were asked about this matter they gave varying the places. In front of the drinking water taps it is also
answers. Among the respondents 87 agreed that they seen. There is a possibility of slip. Besides, the inside
face difficulty in escaping, 36 replied they have a little condition of the facility is not appropriate. Basins are
difficulty, 18 had no problem and other 9 had no reply. not functioning properly, no sandal is provided, and
odor is coming and so on. Most of the respondents
Poor management of amenities agreed about the poor condition of toilets and wash
Workplace amenities are must for any kind of rooms (108). 27 told it is found clean seldom and 15
factory. Employer cannot avoid his responsibility just other did not care of what is going on.
making those facilities, proper management is also

Fig-5: Employees’ response regarding amenities management

CONCLUSION with positive ones too. But major finding is that the
There is a clear disparity between the policies employers are more liable for poor condition in their
prepared by the companies and actual practice. Some of factories. With very few exceptions, employers have to
the factories were doing better while others lack have liability insurance cover for injuries and ill health
noticeable improvements. There is no doubt that health to their employees. Bangladesh having regard to the
and safety matters. We can’t think of ignoring it now a ILO Conventions, ratified 35 Conventions including
day. Accidents and ill health are costly to workers and seven Core Conventions [22]. The existing labor law of
their families. They can also hurt companies because, in the country is exhaustive and it covers different fields
addition to the costs of personal injuries, they may incur of employment and occupations. The Bangladesh Labor
far greater costs from damage to property or equipment, Act, 2006 has been enacted by the Parliament after
and lost production. Although the study cannot be taken repealing twenty-five age-old labor laws.
as fully representative to reveal current practices
throughout the country, it shows practices happening in The government of Bangladesh needs to fully
many of the factories. There are negative findings along implement the commitments to improve factory safety

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