Cazane Fonta Cu Arzator Atmosferic Viessmann Vitogas 100 F 29 60 Carte Tehnica

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Low temperature gas fired boiler

29 to 60 kW



Low temperature gas fired boiler

For modulating boiler water temperature
With partially pre-mixing burner for natural gas and LPG
With gas pressure limiter for low supply pressures
Fully automatic
& Standard efficiency: 83 % (Hs) / 92 % (Hi)
& Atmospheric gas fired boiler with partially pre-mixing burner
& High operational reliability with severely fluctuating mains pres-
sures and mains power fluctuations, plus a long service life
because of heating surfaces made from special cast iron with
lamellar graphite and low heating surface load
& Partially pre-mixing stainless steel rod burner with Renox sys-
tem (may be retrofitted) for reducing NOx emissions
& Highly reliable and soft, low noise ignition through intermittent
ignition system
& With factory-fitted gas pressure limiter for automatic restart after
gas mains failure
& Easy installation because of low weight and compact design

Heating surface made from special cast iron for high opera-
tional reliability and a long service life

A Highly effective thermal insulation

B Heating surfaces made from special cast iron
C Partially pre-mixing stainless steel rod burner
D Digital Vitotronic boiler control unit

5822 390 GB



Gas fired boiler, type B11/B11 BS, category II2ELL3 P
Rated output kW 29 35 42 48 60
Rated thermal load kW 32.0 38.6 46.4 53.0 66.2
Heating surface m2 1.99 2.46 2.93 3.40 4.35
U-value of thermal insulation W/m 2 · K 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
Product ID CE-0085 AS 0297
Gas supply pressure (nominal pressure)
Natural gas mbar 20 20 20 20 20
LPG mbar 30 30 30 30 30
Max. permissible gas supply pressure
Natural gas mbar 25 25 25 25 25
LPG mbar 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5 57.5
Total dimensions (height is given incl. 13 mm
adjustable feet)
Length mm 580 580 580 580 580
Total length c mm 760 780 780 780 780
Width a mm 596 706 796 886 1076
Total width b mm 650 760 850 940 1130
Height without control unit mm 788 788 788 788 788
Height with control unit mm 890 890 890 890 890
Height with flue pipe bend d mm 1025 1025 1025 1095 1095
Plinth height mm 250 250 250 250 250
Total weight kg 142 164 188 211 257
Boiler with thermal insulation, burner and boiler con-
trol unit
Content Boiler water litre 11.7 13.8 15.9 17.9 21.9
Permissible operating pressure bar 3 3 3 3 3
Boiler connections
Boiler flow and return G 1½" 1½" 1½" 1½" 1½"
Drain R ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾"
Gas connection R ½" ½" ½" ½" ½"
Connection values
In relation to the max. load
Natural gas E m 3/h 3.39 4.09 4.91 5.61 7.01
Natural gas LL m 3/h 3.94 4.75 5.71 6.52 8.15
LPG kg/h 2.50 3.02 3.62 4.14 5.17
Flue gas parameters
(calculation values for sizing the flue gas system to
EN 13384)
Flue gas temperatures
(gross values, measured at 20 °C combustion air
50 °C boiler water temperature °C 102 101 114 114 109
(actual values are significant for the sizing of the flue
80 °C boiler water temperature °C 118 113 130 130 122
(actual values for determining the application range
of flue gas lines with max. permissible operating tem-
Mass flow rate
Natural gas kg/h 92 107 105 127 160
at CO2 content % 5.0 5.2 6.5 6.1 6.0
LPG kg/h 84 95 101 126 153
at CO2 content % 6.2 6.7 7.6 6.9 7.1
Required draught Pa 3 3 3 3 3
mbar 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Flue gas connection Ø mm 150 150 150 180 180
Standard efficiency % 83 (Hs)/92 (H i)
TV/T R = 75/60 °C
Standby heat loss at 60 °C boiler water temperature % 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8
Further connection dimensions
Internal diameter of pipe to expansion vessel DN 20 20 20 20 20
R ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾"
Safety valve DN 15 15 15 15 15
R ½" ½" ½" ½" ¾"
5822 390 GB

Blow-off line DN 20 20 20 20 25
R ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" 1"


Specification (cont.)

If the gas supply pressure exceeds the maximum permitted value, install a separate gas pressure governor upstream of the system.

A Plinth (accessories) KR Boiler return

E Drain and diaphragm expansion vessel KV Boiler flow
GA Gas connection SSI Draught hood

Rated output kW 29 35 42 48 60
a mm 596 706 796 886 1076
b mm 650 760 850 940 1130
c mm 760 780 780 780 780
d mm 1012 1012 1012 1082 1082
e mm 359 403 449 495 586
f mm 291 357 401 445 544

5822 390 GB


Specification (cont.)

GA Gas connection
KR Boiler return
KV Boiler flow
SSI Draught hood

B Vitocell 100-H/300-H; only possible for those combinations

specified in the pricelist (for further specifications, see sepa-
rate datasheet in register 17).
E Drain and diaphragm expansion vessel

Minimum clearances
Observe the given dimensions to ensure easy installation and maintenance.

Positioning Otherwise, the system may suffer faults and damage.

& Avoid air contamination through halogenated hydrocarbons (e. In rooms where air contamination through halogenated hydro-
g. as in sprays, paints, solvents and cleaning agents) carbons may occur, install the boiler only if adequate measures
5822 390 GB

& Avoid very dusty conditions can be taken to provide a supply of uncontaminated combustion
& Avoid high levels of humidity air.
& Protect against frost and ensure good ventilation


Specification (cont.)

Pressure drop on the heating water side

The Vitogas 100-F is only suitable for fully pumped hot water heat-
ing systems.

A Rated output 29 kW
B Rated output 35 and 42 kW
C Rated output 48 and 60 kW

Delivered condition
& Boiler with fitted thermal insulation and atmospheric premix & 1 product pack (boiler coding card and Vitogas 100-F technical
burner for natural gas and LPG according to DVGW Code of documentation)
Practice G 260 or local regulations. & 1 carton containing the boiler control unit and 1 bag with techni-
& Transport handles are available for easier transportation, see cal documentation
pricelist & Possible boiler/DHW cylinder combinations, see pricelist
& The boiler is factory-fitted for natural gas E.
& A conversion kit for natural gas LL or LPG is supplied to order.
The conversion kit for LPG includes a gas pressure limiter

Control unit versions

& Vitotronic 100 (type KC3 or KC4)
for constant boiler water temperature
& Vitotronic 150 (type KB2)
for modulating boiler water temperature
& Vitotronic 200 (type KW4 or KW5)
for modulating boiler water temperature, with or without mixer
5822 390 GB


Design information

Selection of rated output

Select a boiler according to the required heat demand including The efficiency of low temperature boilers remains constant over a
DHW heating. wide range of boiler loads. It remains almost unchanged even if
The rated output for low temperature boilers, condensing boilers the output is twice as high as the heat demand.
and multi-boiler systems may be higher than the calculated heat
demand of the building in question.

System design
The boiler water temperature is limited to 75 °C.
The boiler water temperature and the flow temperature can be
raised by adjusting the thermostat.
To minimise distribution losses, we recommend that you size the
heat distribution system and the DHW heating system for a max.
flow temperature of 70 °C.

Flue gas system

With draught in the flue gas system exceeding 10 Pa, we recom-
mend the installation of a Vitoair combined draught stabiliser (for
chimney installation) near the ceiling (see the separate datasheet
in register 19).

Safety equipment
Equip these boilers with a type-tested safety valve in accordance & "H" up to 3.0 bar permissible operating pressure and max. 2700
with EN 12828 for DHW heating systems with a safety tempera- kW rated output
ture of up to 110 °C. & "D/G/H" for all other operating conditions
This must be identified in accordance with TRD 721:

Heating circuits
For heating systems with plastic pipes, we recommend the use of Underfloor heating circuit
impermeable pipes to prevent the infusion of oxygen through the Install a temperature limiter into the flow of the underfloor heating
pipe walls. Provide system separation in heating systems with circuit to limit the maximum temperature.
permeable plastic pipes (DIN 4726). We supply a separate heat The underfloor heating circuit should be connected via a mixer.
exchanger for this. For this see the Vitoset technical guide, chapter "Control of under-
floor heating systems".
Observe DIN 18560-2.

Plastic pipework for radiators

We also recommend the installation of a temperature limiter to
limit the maximum temperature of plastic pipes in heating circuits
with radiators.

Additional requirements for boilers with liquid gas operation when installed below ground level
According to TRF 1996 Vol. 2 – valid as of 1 September 1997
[Germany] – an external safety solenoid valve is no longer
required when installing the Vitogas 100-F below ground level.
However, the high safety standard derived from the use of an
external safety solenoid valve has proved to be valuable. We
therefore recommend the continued installation of an external
safety solenoid valve when installing the Vitogas 100-F in rooms
below ground level.

Flue gas monitor

The EC Gas Equipment Directive specifies the installation of a This does not apply if the installation room is separated from other
flue gas monitor for gas fired boilers between 29 and 50 kW, if the rooms through thick walls and tightly fitting, self-closing doors or
installation room is not sealed against other rooms of the accom- is adequately ventilated according to the "ventilation require-
5822 390 GB

modation or utility area and is not provided with adequate ventila- ments" specified by the TRGI [Germany or by local ventilation reg-
tion. ulations].


Design information (cont.)

The flue gas monitoring system can also, e.g. on request of the
building owner, be retrofitted in non-living spaces after the instal-
lation of the boiler.

Low water indicator

According to the EN 12828, special low water level protection can
be omitted for boilers up to 300 kW, as long as heating can be reli-
ably prevented when the water level is too low.
Viessmann Vitogas 100-F boilers are equipped with type-tested
control thermostats and high limit safety cut-outs. Tests have veri-
fied that the burner will be automatically switched OFF in the
event of water shortage due to a leak in the heating system and
simultaneous burner operation, before the boiler or the flue gas
system reach unacceptably high temperatures.

Application examples

Install a check valve as a gravity brake into the heating flow, to

prevent uncontrolled heat entering the central heating system
through gravity, if DHW heating has priority or during summer

Without mixer
e.g. with Vitotronic 100, 150 or 200

C Circulation pump
D Safety equipment block, incl. air vent valve, safety valve and
pressure gauge
E Expansion vessel

A Heating circuit
B Spring-loaded check valve
5822 390 GB


Application examples (cont.)

A Heating circuit D Safety equipment block, incl. air vent valve, safety valve and
B Spring-loaded check valve pressure gauge
C Circulation pump E Expansion vessel
F DHW cylinder (indirect coil)

With four-way mixer for heating circuit control

e.g. with Vitotronic 200, type KW5 with extension kit for one heating circuit with mixer

C Circulation pump
D Safety equipment block, incl. air vent valve, safety valve and
pressure gauge
E Expansion vessel
F Mixer-4
G Bypass
Only required for underfloor heating systems or low tempera-
ture heating systems where the heating circuit/heating circuit
temperature is designed for a temperature differential of
< 15 K.

A Heating circuit
B Spring-loaded check valve
5822 390 GB


Application examples (cont.)

A Heating circuit G Bypass

B Spring-loaded check valve Only required for underfloor heating systems or low tempera-
C Circulation pump ture heating systems where the heating circuit/heating circuit
D Safety equipment block, incl. air vent valve, safety valve and temperature is designed for a temperature differential of
pressure gauge < 15 K.
E Expansion vessel H DHW cylinder (indirect coil)
F Mixer-4

Underfloor heating with system separation

A Underfloor heating circuit E Expansion vessel

B Spring-loaded check valve F Mixer-3
C Circulation pump for underfloor heating circuit G Circulation pump for heat exchanger
D Safety equipment block, incl. air vent valve, safety valve and H Heat exchanger
pressure gauge K Flow temperature sensor

Tested quality

VDE assessment with production monitoring

CE designation according to current EC Directives

5822 390 GB


5822 390 GB


Printed on environmentally friendly,
chlorine-free bleached paper


Str. Progresului nr. 30-40, sector 5, Bucuresti

tel: 021.411.44.44, fax: 021.411.36.14 - [email protected] -


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