Chapter 16 Green Chemistry

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Chapter 16:

and Green
Treat the earth well: it was not given
to you by your parents, it was loaned
to you by your children. We do not
inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
we borrow it from our Children.

~ Ancient American Indian Proverb

Is the goal

• Meeting the needs of the present generation without

compromising the needs of future generations
is the means

• Green chemistry: technologies of the invention, design and

application of chemical products and processes to reduce or to
eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances.

Primary pollution prevention not remediation

Use of chemistry for improved environmental performance
Sustainable Consumption and

Figure 16.01: The years to depletion

of known reserves of metals and
energy feed stocks.
Five Axioms of Sustainability
• Axiom 1: Any society that continues to use critical resources
unsustainably will collapse.
• Axiom 2: Population growth and/or growth in the rates of
consumption of resources cannot be sustained.
• Axiom 3: To be sustainable, the use of renewable resources
must proceed at a rate that is less than or equal to the rate
of natural replenishment.
• Axiom 4: To be sustainable, the use of nonrenewable
resources must proceed at a rate that is declining, and the
rate of decline must be greater than or equal to the rate of
• Axiom 5: Sustainability requires that substances introduced
into the environment from human activities be minimized
and rendered harmless to biosphere functions.
Life-Cycle Thinking
Life Cycle Thinking is a systemic framework that takes a holistic view of the
production and consumption of a product or service and assesses its impacts
on the environment through the entire life cycle.

Figure 16.04: The elements of a product’s life cycle.

ELEMENTS OF STEEL: Iron, Carbon, Manganese, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Chromium, Vanadium
Leapfrog Technology

Figure 16.06: Leapfrogging means abandoning traditional development steps to get to

advanced technology faster.

Green Chemistry is the utilisation of a set of principles that reduces

or eliminates the use or generation of hazardous substances in the
design, manufacture and application of chemical products.


• Waste Minimisation at Source

• Use of Catalysts in place of Reagents
• Using Non-Toxic Reagents
• Use of Renewable Resources
• Improved Atom Efficiency
• Use of Solvent Free or Recyclable Environmentally Benign Solvent
Green Chemistry Is About...


Why do we need Green Chemistry ?

• Chemistry is undeniably a very prominent part

of our daily lives.
• Chemical developments also bring new
environmental problems and harmful
unexpected side effects, which result in the
need for ‘greener’ chemical products.
The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry (1-6)

1. Prevention
It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it has been created.

2. Atom Economy
Synthetic methods should be designed to maximise the incorporation of all materials
used in the process into the final product.

3. Less Hazardous Chemical Synthesis

Wherever practicable, synthetic methods should be designed to use and generate
substances that possess little or no toxicity to people or the environment.

4. Designing Safer Chemicals

Chemical products should be designed to effect their desired function while minimising
their toxicity.

5. Safer Solvents and Auxiliaries

The use of auxiliary substances (e.g., solvents or separation agents) should be made
unnecessary whenever possible and innocuous when used.

6. Design for Energy Efficiency

Energy requirements of chemical processes should be recognised for their environmental
and economic impacts and should be minimised. If possible, synthetic methods should be
conducted at ambient temperature and pressure.
The 12 Principles of Green Chemistry (7-12)

7 Use of Renewable Feedstocks

A raw material or feedstock should be renewable rather than depleting whenever technically and
economically practicable .
8 Reduce Derivatives
Unnecessary derivatization (use of blocking groups, protection/de-protection, and temporary modification of
physical/chemical processes) should be minimised or avoided if possible, because such steps require
additional reagents and can generate waste.

9 Catalysis
Catalytic reagents (as selective as possible) are superior to stoichiometric reagents.

10 Design for Degradation

Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of their function they break down into innocuous
degradation products and do not persist in the environment.

11 Real-time Analysis for Pollution Prevention

Analytical methodologies need to be further developed to allow for real-time, in-process monitoring and
control prior to the formation of hazardous substances.

12 Inherently Safer Chemistry for Accident Prevention

Substances and the form of a substance used in a chemical process should be chosen to minimise the
potential for chemical accidents, including releases, explosions, and fires.
“It is better to prevent waste than to treat or
up waste after it is formed”

“A raw material of feedstock should be
rather than depleting wherever technically and
economically practical”

Non-renewable Renewable
Resource Depletion
• Renewable resources can be made
increasingly viable technologically
and economically through green

Biomass Nanoscience

Solar Waste utilization

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA’s )
The major uses of GREEN CHEMISTRY

• Energy
• Global Change
• Resource Depletion
• Food Supply
• Toxics in the Environment
uThe vast majority of the energy
generated in the world today is from
non-renewable sources that damage
the environment.

n Carbon dioxide
n Depletion of Ozone layer
n Effects of mining, drilling, etc
n Toxics
u Green Chemistry will be essential in
n developing the alternatives for energy
generation (photovoltaics, hydrogen, fuel
cells, biobased fuels, etc.) as well as
n continue the path toward energy efficiency
with catalysis and product design at the
Global Change
§ Concerns for climate change, oceanic
temperature, stratospheric chemistry
and global distillation* can be
addressed through the development
and implementation of green chemistry

* Global distillation is the geochemical process by which certain chemicals, most

notably persistent organic pollutants (POPs), are transported from warmer to colder
regions of the Earth.
Resource Depletion
uDue to the over utilization of non-
renewable resources, natural
resources are being depleted at an
unsustainable rate.
uFossil fuels are a central issue.
Resource Depletion
u Renewable resources can be made
increasingly viable technologically and
economically through green chemistry.
n Biomass
n Nanoscience & technology
n Solar
n Carbon dioxide
n Chitin
n Waste utilization
Food Supply
u While current food levels are sufficient,
distribution is inadequate
u Agricultural methods are unsustainable
u Future food production intensity is
u Green chemistry can address many
food supply issues
Food Supply
u Green chemistry is developing:

n Pesticides which only affect target

organisms and degrade to innocuous by-

n Fertilizers that are designed to minimize

usage while maximizing effectiveness.

n Methods of using agricultural wastes for

beneficial and profitable uses.
Figure: Schematic representation of recycled value-added applications of agro-industrial wastes
Toxics in the Environment
u Substances that are toxic to humans, the
biosphere and all that sustains it, are
currently still being released at a cost of life,
health and sustainability.

u One of green chemistry’s greatest

strengths is the ability to design for reduced

Green chemistry Not a solution

to all environmental problems But
the most fundamental approach to
preventing pollution.
End of Chapter

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