Microprogrammed Sequencer in CSA

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Roll No 2001006 Paper Code 11061/NI Page No_ 5 .

Ans: 2MiGrobrogram Sequen.cer

he basiG Combonents of a micyogrammed Control unit are fhe

Control m.emary and the circnit thot Select the next address.
Iheaddress selecion bart is calleda mitrabrog ram 5equen.cer.
he burboSe of a. microbrogram Sequenc.e.r is to hresent A.n
Address fo the Control mem.oru So that a micra-instrochOn_mau-
beread and execute.
henext addresslogic at the Sequencer dekermines the Shecipic-
address Source to be Joaded inta the Control address register
he block diagram of the microbrogram Seq11encer is as:


Io Logic 2 10
ILTnbu S13

Select CLK

Contto Memory
Micco-opS CD BR AD

Dedoak kumar
Roll No 2001006 Paper Code 11061/N1 Page No 6,

The Conhol memory is included in the diagram to Show iheinterac-

tion between the Sequencerand the memory ata.ched to i
here are tuo multiblexers in the circuit.
The first muliblexers (Mux1) Selects an_address from_one af
four Source.S and routes it into conttol_address_register CAR)
Lii The Second multHplexer (Mux2) tests Hhe value afa selected
Status hit and the restult of test is abblied to an Tnhut lagic
The outhut from_CAR LContral Address Register brovides the
Control memory.
The Content of CAR iS inc.re.mented and abplied to one or ihe
muliblexer inbuts and to the Suhrauine legister [SRR)-
The other three inhuts o the_muliblexer comes tram
The address tield of the þresent miccoinStruction.
Lii From the out of SBR.
LGtn From an ExBernal Source that mabs the InStruschion.
TheCD Cconditio.n)feld at the miom-instruction selects aneat
fhe status bits in the second multäblexer
f the bit Select iS equal n i the T yariable iS equal o 1, ather
-uiSe it 1s equal to 0.
The T value together Luith tuo bits from the BRCbroanch) fteld
gnes to the Inbut logic circuif
The inbut logic ina barkitular Sequencer uwill deter mine the
type0 operations that are Available_in the unit
The Tnbut Logio circuit has three_inhufs Inl andI and three
outtbuts Sn, Si and L
Variables So_and Si Sel ect one of the Source addresSes for CAR.
VariableL enables he load inbut in SBR.
The binary value of the Seleciom Vartables determines the
hathin the multiblexer.
Deepak lkumar
Roll No 12.001006 Paper Code iD61/N1 Page No

he Truth Table for the inbut Logíc Circuit is 9iven heloLu

BR Inbuts MUX1 Load SBR
Field I Ia S1 So
0 O1
1 0 10
0 1 O 1 1_ O1 1
1 0 10X 10
1 1 1 1 XK 11

Tnbuts Iand T ate identical to the bit values in theBR Reld

The bit value.s for Si and Sp are dekermined from the Sifated
tunction and the bath in the multislexer that establish the
required Transfer.
The Subrouine fegister ts loaded uith the Tncremented
Valve of CAR_cduring a call micro-inshuction LBR=o1) proÍ-
-ded that the Stratus bit Condilion is satiStied (T=1)._
K-mab SimbliPication:

T1IT o 1 ITT o IIT 0

00 00 0 I
11I IL
O 01 o1
11 11/1 11(1 1
O 10 I
kmab tor L_ I K-mah tor SA k-mab tor S
S1 I
S -Ti La tTT
Deebak kUmar

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