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Investiture Ceremony For KAB SECTION SHORT

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EQUIPMENT/PROPS NEEDED: Philippine Flag, Institutional Flag, Kawan Flag, USA Badge, Table, One (1) big candle
(with red, white and blue stripes) and six (6) small candles (4 white; 1 red and 1 blue) with holder (rustic logs).

I. Entry of Guests
II. Entry of KAB Scouts
III. Invocation
IV. Entry of Colors
Philippine National Anthem
V. Words of Welcome
VI. Investiture Proper

Note: (At the start of the ceremony, the KL holds the lighted candle which is wrapped in red, white and blue
paper. This candle will be handed from one selected KAB Scout to another in the course of the ceremony)

KAWAN LEADER: Today marks a memorable event in the lives of these boys. This ceremony leaves a deep
impression in their hearts and minds as it is in this moment that they pledge their love for God and their
Country, their love and respect for their elders, and their love for their fellowmen.

KAWAN LEADER: (KL lights the big candle with red, white and blue strips). This candle is a symbol of unity, with
this light we shall pledge our unending promise to the scouting Movement. He who lights from this candle shall
spread Scouting throughout the world.

(KL hands the lighted candle to the first KAB Scout)

1st KAB SCOUT: (lights the white candle). This white candle symbolizes purity – in thought, in word and in deed.
It stresses on the first point of the KAB Scout Promise. – As a KAB Scout I Promise to do my best to love God and
my Country, the Republic of the Philippines.

(Hands over the candle to the second KAB Scout)

2nd KAB SCOUT: (Lights the red candle). This candle symbolizes bravery. As a KAB Scout, I will do a good turn
everyday. I should be brave and do only the things that are good for my fellowmen.

(Hands over the candle to the Third KAB Scout)

3rd KAB SCOUT: (Lights the blue candle). This candle symbolizes truthfulness and obedience. As a KAB Scout, I
will obey the KAB Scout Law. I will obey my parents from whom I received life.

(Returns lighted candle to Kawan Leader)

KAWAN LEADER: We have just heard these KAB Scouts pledge their promise to the movement with great pride
and joy. We now come to the second part of our ceremony. We will now light these three candles representing
the 3 points of the KAB Scout Law.

KL: (Hands the lighted candle to the fourth KAB Scout)

4th KAB SCOUT: (Lights the candle). The first point in the KAB Scout Law is: THE KAB SCOUT FOLLOWS HIS
ELDERS, Our Kawan Leader serves as our parent in school. She guides us be to good and obedient boys. We
should do what our elders tell us.

(Hands over the lighted candle to the fifth KAB Scout)

5th KAB SCOUT: (Lights the candle). The second point of the KAB Scout Law is: THE KAB SCOUT HELPS HIS
KAWAN. The Kawan is our Scouting family. We should help each other in the Kawan to keep it alive always.

(Hands over the lighted candle to the last KAB Scout)

6th KAB SCOUT: (Lights the candle). The last point in the KAB Scout Law is: THE KAB SCOUT MAKES HIMSELF
USEFUL. A KAB Scout does not wait to be told what to do. We should use our free time wisely.

(Returns candle to the Kawan Leader)

KAWAN LEADER: Those were the points of the KAB Scout Law, KAB SCOUTS, try your best to live up to the ideals
in the KAB Scout Promise and Law.


KAWAN LEADER: Now request the parents to stand behind their boys to don their neckerchiefs.
(After donning of neckerchiefs the KAB Scouts will recite the KAB Scout Promise and Law in unison.)


I promise to do my best
to love God and my country
to do a good turn everyday, and
to obey the KAB Scout Law

The KAB Scout follows his edlers.

The KAB Scout helps his Kawan.
The KAB Scout makes himself useful.

KAWAN LEADER: Parents, let us hear your pledge of support for your boys.


PARENTS: We pledge our support to you in the upbringing of our sons. Feel free to inform us of any activity
involving our presence and our assistance. We promise to be an active part in the promotion of Scouting in the
lives of our sons. It is with great pride that we accept our sons to be members of the Scouting Movement.

KAWAN LEADER: Congratulations to all of you. Thank you very much, dear parents. I know with you beside me,
we will achieve our goal.

VII. Confirmation of Membership and Challenge by Council Chairman or Cebu Council Representative…

(Kawan Leader distributes the Membership cards to the Boys and congratulates and shakes hands with KAB
Scouts and their Parents.)

VIII. Retiring of Colors

IX. Scouts’ Benediction

May the great Scoutmaster/ of all good Scouts/ Be with us/ ‘til we meet again.

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