AY2020-21 - CBR PROJECT PROPOSAL Instructions

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Dear CBR Learners',

Kindly submit here your final project proposal. (Note: must follow written submission policy and assignment
protocol). The project had to be focused on your CBR core component, and based on the result of an evidence-
based needs assessment conducted during week/s of field observations. The project proposed must be meaningful
activity and must address an area of need of a person living with a disability, group, or organization and with
discussion and collaboration with the disability group or organization leader. Every CBR core group must work
alongside each other and assign a team leader and submit to the lecturer.

Note: Prior to a week/s of observation kindly secure and submit information to the course lecturer for approval
on the observation venue. Students may start submission of the venue in weeks 3 or 4, and a discussion with
Course Lecturer and finally secure a letter from Programme Coordinator to visit sites. In implementation always
invite your course lecturer.

Submission of project proposal and all attachments in week 24th February (Week 6)
1. Submit the PowerPoint presentation of the project proposal, including the evidence-based needs
assessment result and resources used in the completion of the assigned task. Record group presentations
using Zoom and send the link/password via Moodle.
2. The project must indicate the following.
a. Title of the Project
b. Aim and goals of the project, target audience, location, and detailed contact information of the group
or organization.
c. Steps of the proposed implementation protocol (what is expected to happen), who is assigned to
what task, and how you will know if the project has achieved its intention.
d. Set the time frame (not beyond the end of the semester).
e. Indicate what resources are needed if any budget or in kind.
f. Measurable to know if the project achieves its goals and target.
g. Ensure to submit in Turnitin for word or PowerPoint before final submission in Moodle week.

Deadline of submission: 24th February 2023. Presentation of proposal 27th March and 6th April 2023.

Preparation Instruction

1. Each group of students will survey persons with disabilities in their community and understand the effects
of disability on their health access, education, livelihood, security, and empowerment. Each group will focus on
one CBR component as indicated in the list.

2. Students either design their own questionnaire or adopt from available resources. The group must submit
all reference documents, along with the submission of the PowerPoint presentation.

3. Data gathered will be compared to data from other countries where the community-based rehabilitation
model is in effect or active.
4. Students will present based on information gathered in the PowerPoint presentation, and address the key
findings and recommendations in the class.

5. Submit a written presentation, advocacy material, and oral presentation in the class. The written
submission is no later than 24th February 2023, while the oral presentation of the project proposal date is
from 27th March & 6th April 2023.

6. Kindly ensure all outcome must follow the academic presentation protocol and guidelines in all

Dr. Villareal

All the best!

Dr. Villareal

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