Detailed Lesson Plan - English 3 Final

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Republic of the Philippines

Palawan State University

Coron Campus
Coron, Palawan

Name of Teacher: Rubielea Felice R. Hebres Section Argentina

Leaning Area: English Time
Grade Level: 3 Date: July 11,2022

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of grammatical structures of English to be
able to communicate effectively in oral and written forms.
B. Performance Standards The learner shows proficiency in constructing grammatically correct sentences in
varied theme-based oral and written activities.

C. Learning Competencies The learners can use common and proper nouns.
D. Learning Objectives
a. Identify the Common Noun and Proper Noun.
b. Illustrate the Common Noun and Proper Noun.
c. Adopt the use of Common Noun and Proper Noun in our daily life.


A. References Lesson guide in Elementary English Grade 3,, Pinterest
1. Teacher’s Guide pages EN3G-If-2.2
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Picture, Visual Aid
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
Preparatory Activities
Good morning, Teacher.
Good morning class!

a. Greetings Pupils will pick up the trashes and

Kindly pick up the trashes under your chairs
throw it in the trash can, arrange
and throw it in our trash can then arrange
their chairs properly.
your chair properly.

The assigned pupil will lead the

Class, remain standing for our prayer. Sarah, prayer.
b. Prayer
kindly lead the prayer for today.
c. Action Song

Is everybody’s present today? Yes, Teacher.

d. Checking of

A. Reviewing previous lesson Before we start our new lesson today, do Yes, Teacher.
or presenting the new you recall on what you had learned
lesson yesterday?
 The Noun Teacher.
 What part of speech tells the name of
a persons, things, places, events, and

I have here the 5 ice cream cones (persons,

places, things, animals, events). Besides the
ice cream cones are list of words. If you
believe that this word is a name of person,
place, thing, animal, or event then place this
to its ice cream cones (persons, places,
things, animals, events).

B. Establishing a purpose for

the lesson The teacher will post an example of
Common Noun and Proper Noun words and
teacher will present pictures then pupils will
tell what is in the picture.

Class, I prepare some pictures and you will

tell me what it is.
Motorcycle, Teacher.
What does the first picture shows?


motorcycle- Rusi
Now, what did you observe about the words

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new Look at the table we make a while ago, Any - Noun- is the name of
lesson idea what is the meaning of noun? persons, places, things,
animal, and events.
Noun- is the name of persons, places,
things, animal, and events.

Very Good!

There are many kinds of nouns, but today

let’s focus on the first two kind of nouns.
Common Nouns and Proper Nouns.
- Common Nouns and Proper
What do you think our lesson for today? Nouns.

Now, let’s define what is Common Noun? Common Noun- is used to name
persons, places, things, animals and
Very Good!

Common Noun- is used to name persons,

places, things, animals and events.

 It is usually not capitalized unless it

begins in a sentence or part of a title.

Examples: man, teacher, doctor, pencil,


Common Noun 1. glass

2. brother
1. I accidentally broke the glass.
2. My brother was promoted today.

Proper Noun- are used to name

How about Proper Noun? Everybody read. specific persons, places, things,
animals and events.
Proper Noun- is used to name specific
Persons, Places, Things, and Animals and

 Begins with Capital letter.

Examples: Jupiter, Mt. Pinatubo, Dr. Cruz,

Brgy. San Jose, Juan Dela Cruz 1. Japan
2. Saturday

Proper Noun
1. Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
2. Tomorrow is Saturday.

D. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills #1 The teacher will show an example.

Types Common Noun Proper NOUN

Noun Types Common Proper
Person Girl Amber Noun Noun
Place Street Rizal St. Person
Thing Cellphone Iphone Place
Animals Bird Eagle Thing
Events Holiday New Year Animals

Common Noun or Proper Noun. Write CN

if the noun is Common Noun and PN if it is
Proper Noun.

Ex: cat- Common Noun

Eagle- Proper Noun 1. PN
2. CN
1. New York 3. CN
2. television 4. PN
3. subject 5. PN
4. Converse 6. CN
5. Manny Pacquio 7. PN
6. soap 8. PN
7. Independence Day 9. CN
8. Bear Brand 10. CN
9. pants 11. CN
10. store 12. PN
11. doctor 13. PN
12. Crayola 14. CN
13. Toyota 15. CN
14. watch
15. roses

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills #2 Class, kindly prepare your crayon or any Pupils will prepare their coloring
coloring materials and get the color red and material (red and blue).
blue only.
Pupils will listen carefully to the
Direction: Color the noun pencil with the teacher’s instruction.
correct color.

F. Developing Mastery

Before we start, what are the rules to follow

in group activity?

1. Listen Attentively to the

1. Listen Attentively to the instruction instruction
2. Be careful in using and handling 2. Be careful in using and handling
materials. materials.
3. Follow the time allotment for the given 3. Follow the time allotment for the
activity. given activity.
4. Be cooperative in a group work. 4. Be cooperative in a group work.
5. Maintain cleanliness and orderliness of 5. Maintain cleanliness and
the classroom orderliness of the classroom
6. Return the materials used properly. 6. Return the materials used
7. Enjoy. properly.
7. Enjoy.

The pupils will be divided into two groups

for the activity.

Ask for group representative to pick an


Group 1: Put the fries noun words into

correct kinds of noun, Common Noun and
Proper Noun.
Group 2: Put the popcorn noun words into
correct kinds of noun, Common Noun and
Proper Noun.
G. Finding practical Everything around us is a noun, and so
applications of concepts and learning to identify common and proper
skills in daily living noun is important in;

- Writing- it will be easier for us to

determine a noun should be

- Language-Common and Proper

nouns are really important part of
every language.

- Identifying Objects- Help with

identifying the entire object around

H. Making generalizations What is noun again class? - Noun- is the name of
and abstractions about the persons, places, things,
lesson animal, and events.
- Common Noun and Proper
What are the two kinds of nouns that we Noun
discussed today?
Common Noun- is used to name
What is common noun? persons, places, things, animals and

Proper Noun- is used to name

What is proper noun? specific persons, places, things,
animals and events.

Proper Nouns are always begins with

Capital Letter.

Direction: Encircle the Common Noun in

I. Evaluating learning the sentence and underline the Proper Noun.
Pupils will answer the given
1) I love mango. activity.
2) My mother enjoys cooking.
3) Dr. Jill checkup her patient.
4) My favorite flavor is Vanilla.
5) I like watching television.
6) My brother bought a new
7) Bongbong Marcos is the new
8) My province is Palawan.
9) My favorite milk is Bear
10) I love celebrating Christmas

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation Direction: Write at least 3 Proper Noun for
Pupils will copy the given
each Common Noun in the Square.

1. flower

2. 1.

3. 2.


toys bird

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.





A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative

B. No. of learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I use
/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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