Chatbot Research and Design

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The document appears to be about chatbot research and design. It discusses papers from the 5th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2021 Virtual Event.

The document is about papers presented at the 5th International Workshop on Chatbot Research and Design held virtually in November 2021.

Some of the main topics discussed in the papers include chatbot adoption in different industries, how to make conversations with chatbots more personalized, and factors that influence customer acceptance of chatbots.

Asbjørn Følstad · Theo Araujo ·

Symeon Papadopoulos · Effie L.-C. Law ·

Ewa Luger · Morten Goodwin ·
Petter Bae Brandtzaeg (Eds.)
LNCS 13171

Chatbot Research
and Design
5th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2021
Virtual Event, November 23–24, 2021
Revised Selected Papers
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13171

Founding Editors
Gerhard Goos
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Juris Hartmanis
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

Editorial Board Members

Elisa Bertino
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Wen Gao
Peking University, Beijing, China
Bernhard Steffen
TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany
Gerhard Woeginger
RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
Moti Yung
Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
More information about this subseries at
Asbjørn Følstad · Theo Araujo ·
Symeon Papadopoulos · Effie L.-C. Law ·
Ewa Luger · Morten Goodwin ·
Petter Bae Brandtzaeg (Eds.)

Chatbot Research
and Design
5th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2021
Virtual Event, November 23–24, 2021
Revised Selected Papers
Asbjørn Følstad Theo Araujo
SINTEF VU Amsterdam
Oslo, Norway Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Symeon Papadopoulos Effie L.-C. Law

CERTH-ITI Durham University
Thessaloniki, Greece Durham, UK

Ewa Luger Morten Goodwin

University of Edinburgh Center for Artificial Intelligence Research
Edinburgh, UK University of Agder
Kristiansand, Norway
Petter Bae Brandtzaeg
University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway

ISSN 0302-9743 ISSN 1611-3349 (electronic)

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
ISBN 978-3-030-94889-4 ISBN 978-3-030-94890-0 (eBook)
LNCS Sublibrary: SL3 – Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI

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Driven by the interest of commercial and public sector service providers, chatbots are
increasingly available as a user interface to information and services. Application areas
span from customer service and marketing on the one hand, to education, coaching, and
therapy on the other. Chatbots are also used as a channel for information support regard-
ing the COVID-19 pandemic by health authorities worldwide. The increased interest in
open domain chatbots, motivated by advances in natural language processing and large
language models, as well as strengthened capabilities of social or relational chatbots con-
tribute to making the scope of interest for chatbot applications truly broad. In response
to the current interest in chatbots, as well as the variety of chatbot application areas,
chatbot research is a growing academic field involving a wide range of disciplines.
The CONVERSATIONS workshop series was established to serve as a venue for
sharing and collaboration across researchers and disciplines identifying with the field
of chatbot research. Here, researchers and practitioners have enjoyed a yearly meeting
place, starting with the initial workshop organized as a full day event under the Interna-
tional Conference on Internet Science, INSCI 2017. Since 2019, the CONVERSATIONS
workshop has been organized as a two-day stand-alone event for cross-disciplinary shar-
ing and collaboration, involving researchers and practitioners from the humanities, social
sciences, management, design, technology research, and human-computer interaction.
Across the CONVERSATIONS workshop series, some key directions for chatbot
research have emerged. The continued development and improvement of chatbot applica-
tions clearly require research on enabling technologies, platforms, and systems. Success-
ful uptake and use of chatbots also require new knowledge on user needs and motivations,
chatbot user experience, and conversational design, as well as ethical considerations and
social implications. There is also emerging interest in how to design for collaboration
and service provision in networks of users and chatbots.
This year’s workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2021, was the fifth event in the series.
The workshop was arranged as an online event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was
hosted during November 23–24, 2021, by the University of Oslo in collaboration with
SINTEF, the University of Amsterdam, the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas,
Durham University, the University of Edinburgh, and the University of Agder. About
180 participants from 31 countries attended the workshop.

Paper Invitation, Review, and Revision

We developed the workshop Call for Papers based on key research directions identi-
fied over the workshop series. The Call for Papers was distributed to the network of
researchers and practitioners associated with the workshop series as well as relevant
general mailing lists within fields such as human-computer interaction, information
vi Preface

retrieval, communication research, and information systems research. Three submission

categories were allowed for the workshop: full papers, position papers, and groupwork
proposals. In total, we received 35 submissions: 25 full papers, five position papers, and
two groupwork proposals. All submitted full papers and position papers were subject to
a rigorous double-blind review process. Each paper was reviewed by three independent
reviewers drawn from the Program Committee. The review process of each submission
was led by one of the seven workshop organizers, i.e., each led three to five reviewer
processes. Acceptance decisions were made in a dedicated organizers’ meeting. Submis-
sions authored by a workshop organizer were reviewed and decided without involvement
of, and blind to, the authoring organizer.
Twelve submissions were accepted as full papers – one without changes, two after
minor revision, and nine after major revision. Revisions were accepted after a final
control for compliance with reviewer change requests and, when needed, additional
revisions were requested. The acceptance rate for full papers was 48%.

Workshop Outcomes
The workshop program spanned two days and included two keynote speakers, one
groupwork, and five paper sessions.
The workshop keynote speakers were Roger K. Moore, University of Sheffield, and
Ana Paiva, University of Lisbon. In his talk, Moore provided an overview of research
on embodied and disembodied conversational agents and discussed research themes
common to both. Paiva, in her talk, presented research advances and discussed challenges
regarding interaction in groups of humans and agents.
The workshop groupwork was organized by Giuseppe Aceto and Federica Tazzi,
Assist Digital, and involved a collaborative exercise applying a speculative design
approach to identify challenges and opportunities in future chatbots.
The paper sessions were constituted of full papers and position papers organized
in five topical clusters. As these proceedings only include the accepted full papers,
here these are organized in three themes: chatbot user insight, chatbots supporting
collaboration and social interaction, and chatbot UX and design.
The first theme, chatbot user insight, includes four papers on studies that provide
insight into users’ chatbot perceptions or preferences, addressing a varied set of appli-
cation domains. De Cicco et al. present a study on chatbot user acceptance, applying an
adapted technology acceptance model to understand the factors that impact intention to
use in the retail domain. Koebel et al. provide insight from domain experts to support
the design of chatbot applications to support older adults with cognitive impairments.
Félix and Ribeiro summarize findings from co-creation sessions to enable the design
of improved dialogues in chatbots for cancer patients. Hobert presents findings from a
longitudinal study of a chatbot for supporting students during a university course in com-
puter programming, identifying student needs and preferences based on their chatbot
The second theme, chatbots supporting collaboration and social interaction, con-
cerns how chatbots may support collaboration and how to design for social interaction
in chatbots. Taule et al. present a study on how chatbots supporting human resource man-
agement are taken up as part of the organizational interplay involving human resource
Preface vii

professionals, the chatbot, and the organization at large. Alves et al. contribute the
design and study of a chatbot to support newcomer participants in open-source software
projects. Yildiz et al. propose an approach for flexibly integrating social practices in
chatbot interaction, and Lobo et al. suggested how a cognitive frames model may be
applied to support chatbot adaptation to social context.
The third theme, chatbot UX and design, addresses different approaches to strengthen
chatbot UX through the design of chatbot interaction or appearance. Chaves and Gerosa
present a study on user perceptions of variation in conversational register, with implica-
tions for conversational design in chatbots. Kamoen et al. investigate different designs
for a voting advice chatbot, and how these impact user experience as well as the benefit of
the chatbot interaction to the user. Mooshammer and Etzrodt, in a study of relevance for
the design of voice interaction, address how gender-neutral voices impact user experi-
ence. Finally, Pawlik provides a study on the effect of gendered anthropomorphic design
clues on performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and, ultimately,
behavioral intention.
Three papers were nominated for the CONVERSATIONS best paper award. These
papers were those with the highest reviewer scores, excluding any organizer authored
papers. From the three highest scoring papers, the best paper was selected by the work-
shop organizers. The award for the CONVERSATIONS 2021 best paper was given to
Sandra Mooshammer and Katrin Etzrodt for their paper “Social Research with Gender-
Neutral Voices in Chatbots – The Generation and Evaluation of Artificial Gender-Neutral
Voices with Praat and Google WaveNet”. The other best paper nominees were Maria
Inês Lobo, Diogo Rato, Rui Prada, and Frank Dignum for their paper “Socially Aware
Interactions: From Dialogue Trees to Natural Language Dialogue Systems”, and Eren
Yildiz, Suna Bensch, and Frank Dignum for their paper “Incorporating Social Practices
in Dialogue Systems”.
The engaging paper sessions, keynote talks, and groupwork, along with a record
number of participants, enabled CONVERSATIONS 2021 to fill its purpose as a multi-
disciplinary venue for sharing and collaboration for chatbot researchers and practitioners.
These post-workshop proceedings are a key result of the workshop, as these make the
content of the workshop available for a broader audience, to support future chatbot
research. As organizers, we already look forward to the next CONVERSATIONS, to be
held in 2022.

November 2021 Asbjørn Følstad

Theo Araujo
Symeon Papadopoulos
Effie L.-C. Law
Ewa Luger
Morten Goodwin
Petter Bae Brandtzaeg

General Chairs/Workshop Organizers

Asbjørn Følstad SINTEF, Norway
Theo Araujo University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Symeon Papadopoulos Centre for Research and Technology Hellas,
Effie L.-C. Law Durham University, UK
Ewa Luger University of Edinburgh, UK
Morten Goodwin University of Agder, Norway
Petter Bae Brandtzaeg University of Oslo and SINTEF, Norway

Program Committee
Alexander Mädche Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Amela Karahasanovic SINTEF, Norway
Ana Paula Chaves Federal University of Technology – Paraná, Brazil
Carolin Ischen University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Christian Löw University of Vienna, Austria
Christine Liebrecht Tilburg University, The Netherlands
David Kuboň Charles University, Czech Republic
Despoina Chatzakou Centre for Research and Technology Hellas,
Eleni Metheniti CLLE-CNRS and IRIT-CNRS, France
Fabio Catania Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Frank Dignum Umeå University, Sweden
Fréjus Laleye CEA, France
Frode Guribye University of Bergen, Norway
Gaël de Chalendar CEA, France
Guy Laban University of Glasgow, UK
Jasper Feine Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Jo Dugstad Wake NORCE and University of Bergen, Norway
Jo Herstad University of Oslo, Norway
Konstantinos Boletsis SINTEF, Norway
Lea Reis University of Bamberg, Germany
Leigh Clark Swansea University, UK
Marcos Baez Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, France
Margot van der Goot University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
x Organization

Marita Skjuve SINTEF, Norway

Raphael Meyer von Wolff University of Göttingen, Germany
Rricha Jalota Saarland University, Germany
Sebastian Hobert University of Göttingen, Germany
Stefan Morana Saarland University, Germany
Stefan Schaffer DFKI – German Research Center for Artificial
Intelligence, Germany
Sviatlana Höhn University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Ulrich Gnewuch Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Zia Uddin SINTEF, Norway

Chatbot User Insight

Understanding Users’ Acceptance of Chatbots: An Extended TAM

Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Roberta De Cicco, Serena Iacobucci, Antonio Aquino,
Francesca Romana Alparone, and Riccardo Palumbo

Expert Insights for Designing Conversational User Interfaces as Virtual

Assistants and Companions for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairments . . . . . 23
Kathrin Koebel, Martin Lacayo, Madhumitha Murali,
Ioannis Tarnanas, and Arzu Çöltekin

Understanding People’s Expectations When Designing a Chatbot

for Cancer Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Beatriz Félix and Jorge Ribeiro

Individualized Learning Patterns Require Individualized Conversations –

Data-Driven Insights from the Field on How Chatbots Instruct Students
in Solving Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Sebastian Hobert

Chatbots Supporting Collaboration and Social Interaction

How Can a Chatbot Support Human Resource Management? Exploring

the Operational Interplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Tina Taule, Asbjørn Følstad, and Knut Inge Fostervold

How to Find My Task? Chatbot to Assist Newcomers in Choosing Tasks

in OSS Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Luiz Philipe Serrano Alves, Igor Scaliante Wiese, Ana Paula Chaves,
and Igor Steinmacher

Incorporating Social Practices in Dialogue Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Eren Yildiz, Suna Bensch, and Frank Dignum

Socially Aware Interactions: From Dialogue Trees to Natural Language

Dialogue Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Inês Lobo, Diogo Rato, Rui Prada, and Frank Dignum
xii Contents

Chatbot UX and Design

The Impact of Chatbot Linguistic Register on User Perceptions:

A Replication Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Ana Paula Chaves and Marco Aurelio Gerosa

Conversational Agent Voting Advice Applications: A Comparison

Between a Structured, Semi-structured, and Non-structured Chatbot
Design for Communicating with Voters About Political Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Naomi Kamoen, Tessa McCartan, and Christine Liebrecht

Social Research with Gender-Neutral Voices in Chatbots – The Generation

and Evaluation of Artificial Gender-Neutral Voices with Praat and Google
WaveNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Sandra Mooshammer and Katrin Etzrodt

Design Matters! How Visual Gendered Anthropomorphic Design Cues

Moderate the Determinants of the Behavioral Intention Towards Using
Chatbots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
V. Phoebe Pawlik

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Chatbot User Insight
Understanding Users’ Acceptance of Chatbots:
An Extended TAM Approach

Roberta De Cicco1,2(B) , Serena Iacobucci1,2 , Antonio Aquino1 ,

Francesca Romana Alparone1 , and Riccardo Palumbo1,2
1 Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences, University of Chieti-Pescara,
Chieti, Italy
[email protected]
2 CAST, Center for Advanced Studies and Technology,

University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy

Abstract. Chatbots represent a viable interaction layer between online retailers

and customers, however, when it comes to online purchases in the form of con-
versational commerce, customers’ resistance could turn out to be a big challenge
for marketers. This study provides a deeper understanding of how consumers per-
ceive chatbots and their intention to use them for online purchases. Based on an
extended Technology Acceptance Model, the study examines whether and how
the original TAM’s exogenous constructs combined with trust, compatibility, and
perceived enjoyment predict a positive attitude and, consequently, a higher inten-
tion to use chatbots for online shopping. A total of 208 respondents participated
in an online survey and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS) was applied
to test the hypotheses. Moreover, a qualitative textual analysis of participants’
answers was performed to dig deeper into users’ motives for developing positive,
neutral/ambivalent, or negative attitudes toward the chatbot. In doing so, the study
provides useful information to online businesses in electronic retail activities, as
the results highlight the importance of designing chatbots that fit both consumer’s
cognitive needs and affective desires.

Keywords: Chatbots · Conversational commerce · TAM · Compatibility · Trust ·

Perceived enjoyment · Textual analysis

1 Introduction
In their 2016 Annual Conferences, the world’s Tech Giants - Facebook, Google, and
Microsoft - announced the launch of their own bot platforms. This announcement moti-
vated a new generation of virtual assistants, specially designed to interact with users
through instant messaging apps: chatbots [10]. This news represented a big boost to
conversational commerce which allows consumers to make purchases over platforms
like Facebook Messenger [18]. Since their launch, an increasing number of firms have
started employing chatbots to deliver automated customer support, content, interactive
experiences, and potentially more convenient and personal ways to access content and

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 3–22, 2022.
4 R. De Cicco et al.

services [5] as − through the messaging platforms − chatbots are able to respond with
structured multimodal messages [59]. It comes as no surprise that, according to Research
and Markets, the chatbot market size is projected to grow from $2.6 billion in 2019 to
$9.4 billion by 2024. In fact, retail and e-commerce market segments are projected to
grow at the highest compound annual growth rate, owing to the increasing request to
provide customers with a consistent omnichannel experience [36]. However, although
being a promising marketing channel, the full potential of chatbots is still not realized,
in part due to challenges associated with changing user needs and motivations [5]. Past
studies have already started addressing the importance of chatbots for business purposes
[e.g. 2, 14]. Still, further research is required to understand the process by which chatbots
enhance customers’ experience in the online retailing context.
From a business perspective, ensuring a proper chatbot design is the key for avoiding
marketing pitfalls. We believe a key element for a successful implementation of chatbots
for online purchases relies on the understanding of the determinants of consumers’
attitudes and intention to use them. The Technology Acceptance Model is considered an
adequate starting point in providing a good and affordable way of gathering information
about individuals’ perception of a technology and determining behavioural intention
for technology usage [47]. Studies applying TAM have been carried out with different
research purposes, subjects, systems and tasks with diverse research methodologies and
under different environments such as online retailing [e.g. 8, 22]. There is no shortage
of studies applying TAM to chatbot acceptance, such as Rese et al. [44], Zarouali et al.
[59], Araujo and Casais [1], Kasilingam [28] who respectively extended TAM with
determinants such as enjoyment, affect, perceived risk, and trust. In this line, to respond
to the call for studies enhancing knowledge on the variables that count most in the
interaction with shopping chatbots, we contribute to the existing body of knowledge
on technology acceptance for chatbots in retail by integrating TAM [11] with three
context-specific factors of high relevance to online retail and human-chatbot interactions:
compatibility, trust, and enjoyment. While some of the above-mentioned constructs have
been mostly individually addressed also in other studies of chatbot acceptance [e.g.
44, 59], our study investigates these constructs as part of a single model to verify the
validity of the relationships proposed by TAM in a chatbot shopping context and to better
understand the role of the added constructs into this model. The final aim is to provide
a deep understanding of the aspects beyond the key TAM variables that could assist
managers and practitioners in their aim to implement an efficient and widely accepted
Furthermore, we address the need for triangulation-based methodological
approaches, introducing a qualitative textual analysis of participants’ answers to open-
ended questions related to their attitude. Our qualitative findings, although preliminary,
provide a deeper look into users’ motives for chatbots acceptance or rejection, and allow
us to examine and polish such motives with a greater level of sophistication compared to
what would have emerged from a pure quantitative approach. Digging deeper into textual
data, we were able to spot otherwise disregarded potential implications, thus underlining
how mixed methods could help us expand the evidence base in Chatbot research.
Understanding Users’ Acceptance of Chatbots 5

2 Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses Development

2.1 TAM

TAM [12] is a widely adopted theory in information systems research as well as in

other fields [31] for the study of the determinants of individuals’ technology usage
and acceptance. Studies applying TAM have been carried out with different research
purposes, subjects, systems, tasks, and methodologies. Recent research involves online
shopping in the form of mobile commerce such as Instagram commerce, Facebook
commerce [6] and chatbots [1, 44]. TAM is considered a flexible, parsimonious, and
widely applicable theory to examine technology use [47]. To increase the understanding
of research phenomen, relevant contextual constructs are usually incorporated depend-
ing on the technology of interest to offer more complete and conclusive findings [25].
Given these premises, we consider the TAM as an appropriate starting point in determin-
ing behavioral intention. However, although TAM can be considered a good model to
understand the adoption of a new technology, given the intrinsically interactive and inno-
vative feature of chatbots as well as the objective (conversational commerce), following
the need to add context-specific factors that could capture some criticality of online
purchasing through conversational platforms, further elaborate on TAM, by integrating
three additional and reasoned predictors: compatibility, trust, and perceived enjoyment.
Following Shi et al. [50], the study spotlights compatibility as an essential innovation
characteristic in omnichannel customer experiences, serving as an underlying mecha-
nism through which interactions with chatbots impact their usage intention for online
purchases. Second, due to the still low diffusion and the lack of familiarity with conver-
sational commerce, it is hard for customers to judge whether making purchases through
chatbot is safe and trustworthy, which makes trust a further factor in determining the
chatbot usage intention. Finally, when shopping via websites, consumers’ enjoyment
partially stems from balancing the utilitarian benefits of saving time and effort [29, 32]
with the process of personally browsing for information about products and transactions
through an active, first-person experience. Thus, the potential impact of the presence of
virtual salespersons on such perception of enjoinment is key for an all-encompassing
assessment of attitudes and purchasing behavioral intents in the chatbot domain [14].
The extension of the original model has here been designed to overcome some limits and
critics regarding the absence of contextual factors and measures intrinsically depending
on the individual personality and experience (compatibility and trust) or feelings and
emotions (perceived enjoyment) [21] that TAM has been put through over the years [20].
We believe the present study helps fill this gap by empirically testing an enriched TAM
including a set of variables whose relationships have never been tested together before
in a structural equation model approach to understand what variables contribute most
to explaining the intention to use chatbots. TAM consists of four principal constructs
predicting actual usage: Perceived Ease Of Use (PEOU), Perceived Usefulness (PU),
Attitude, and Intention to use. PU and PEOU are the two key exogenous constructs,
attitude and intention are key endogenous factors. PEOU is defined as “the degree to
which a person believes that using a particular system would be free of effort” ([11]
p. 320), where the effort represents the finite resources people can allocate to the activ-
ities they are dealing with. Studies in different domains, such as mobile commerce [9],
6 R. De Cicco et al.

and virtual reality [35], confirm that PEOU positively affects PU. The rationale is that if
a technology is perceived ease to use, users may operate with minimal effort and stress
during the same amount of time and therefore perceive the technology to be more useful
[52]. Research also confirmed the effect of PEOU on consumer attitudes toward the
adoption of new technologies such as mobile apps [40]. Generally, in online commerce
both PEOU and PU positively influence consumer attitude which in turn affects usage
intention [41, 53]. In the original TAM’s PU is defined as “the degree to which a person
believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance” ([11]
p. 320). By adapting PU in an online shopping context, a reasonable definition is given
by Ha and Stoel [22] who believe that this represents the final outcome resulting from a
chain of shopping activities [22]. PU is an extrinsic motivation [44]: chatbot’s users are
searching for furniture and want to obtain product ideas. The model also assumes that
users perceiving positive consequences of using a specific technology develop a positive
attitude toward using the technology. Studies confirmed the positive relation between
PU and attitude toward e-commerce [33] and more specifically, e-commerce through
mobile applications (i.e. mobile commerce [9]). As TAM suggests, besides a positive
effect on attitude, PU also directly affects behavioral intentions. Amongst others, the
effect of PU on intention to use was found in video-on-demand services [42] and mobile
wireless technology adoption [29]. Another important connection in TAM is between
attitude and behavioral intention. This part of the model, which has its roots in the The-
ory of Reasoned Action (TRA) [17] suggests that a favorable experience generates a
positive attitude, which enhances customers’ future intentions. Attitude refers to a per-
son’s feeling toward a specific object or behavior. This is supposed to enhance behavioral
intention, that is, the subjective probability that a person will engage in a certain behavior
[17]. Among others, research confirms attitude is a significant predictor of intention to
use information technologies [52], online shopping [7], and mobile commerce [9].

2.2 Compatibility, Trust, and Perceived Enjoyment

Compatibility, one of the constructs at the heart of Rogers’ Innovation Diffusion Theory,
refers to the degree to which a technology is consistent with users’ existing beliefs, habits,
present and prior experiences [46]. Research suggests that integrating TAM with other
acceptance and diffusion theories improves its predictive and explanatory power [8].
Online purchasing via chatbots represents an important innovation within the broader
framework of shopping modes. Compatibility could help explain how well such innova-
tion fits potential adopters’ lifestyle, needs, and shopping preference and give significant
insights on how this could affect crucial variables like perceived usefulness, attitude,
and intention. Previous studies found a positive link between compatibility and people’s
adoption of new information technology [49]. Compatibility turns out to be especially
relevant for technology innovations [58], since high compatibility of a technology speeds
up its adoption. Specifically, researchers found that compatibility has a direct positive
effect on perceived usefulness [38], attitude twd the technology [8], and intention to use
McKnight and Chervany [37] define trust as the extent to which one believes that
the new technology usage is reliable and credible. Beliefs about trust are a key factor
Understanding Users’ Acceptance of Chatbots 7

influencing consumer acceptance of online shopping [22]. Generally, the more con-
sumers trust a certain technology, the less they are worried about using it for shop-
ping. Trust has always played a crucial role in the business-to-consumer (B2C) relation-
ships, and with the emergence of virtual marketplaces, such role has become even more
relevant and demanding, as consumers operate in a more abstract and opaque space.
Empirical studies incorporated trust into TAM confirming its role as an antecedent of
attitude [3, 33]. Bashir and Madhavaiah [3] confirmed that trust is one of the most critical
factors of Internet banking. Generally, users perceive a lower level of trust when they
are explicitly disclosed about the virtual identity [13]. Thus, whether customers trust
chatbots constitute critical issues in understanding behavior, especially if we consider
that some consumers do not trust chatbots to provide them with the same level of service
as humans would.
TAM is dominated by variables reflecting rational and cognitive processes, as the
authors recognized that these variables should have a heavier weight than affective pro-
cesses in predicting intention to use. However, previous research suggests that consumers
adopt new technologies not just to enhance performance but also as sources of enjoyment
[13]. Many studies conceptualize such hedonic motivation as ‘perceived enjoyment’ [57]
which is considered a good predictor of information technology acceptance [53]. In the
present study, perceived enjoyment can be referred to the extent to which the shopping
experience with the chatbot is perceived to be enjoyable. Research identifies perceived
enjoyment as a significant positive predictor of attitude [15, 36], thus although positive
cognitive attributes are important factors to develop a favorable predisposition toward
new technologies or new applications of an existing technology, as posited in Van der
Heijden [54], the hedonic nature of a system is still a relevant boundary condition to the
validity of acceptance models.

2.3 Hypotheses
The following hypotheses are based on the literature review in the preceding sections:
H1. Perceived ease of use is positively related to perceived usefulness
H2. Perceived ease of use is positively related to and attitude toward using the chatbot
H3. Perceived Usefulness is positively related to attitude toward the using chatbot
H4. Perceived Usefulness is positively related to intention to use
H5. Compatibility is positively related to perceived usefulness
H6. Compatibility is positively related to attitude toward using the chatbot
H7. Compatibility is positively related to intention to use
H8. Trust is positively related to attitude toward using the chatbot
H9. Perceived enjoyment is positively related to attitude toward using the chatbot
H10. Attitude toward using the chatbot is positively related to intention to use

3 Research Method
3.1 Measurement Development, Procedure and Data Collection
To test the research hypotheses, a survey was administered to measure the constructs
in the model. The first part was designed to acquire demographic information and gain
8 R. De Cicco et al.

insights on gender, age, use of messaging apps, and online shopping experience; the sec-
ond part consisted of statements regarding the constructs of interest. Previous research
was reviewed to ensure that a comprehensive list of measures was included and a seven-
point Likert-scale was used to determine the extent to which a participant strongly
disagrees (1) or agrees (7) with all the statements. The list of items is reported in the
Appendix. Data for this study were collected via an online survey shared on social net-
works. After participants gave their explicit consent to voluntarily take part in the study,
they were instructed to interact with the chatbot and look for information about office and
home furniture and then virtually buy a desired product. The time for completing the task
and the survey was about 15 min. During the dialogues, users answered the chatbot’s
questions, and this, in turn, provided product recommendations based on consumers’
answers (Fig. 1). Chatfuel, one of the leading platforms for developing chatbots, was
used to create the chatbot. After participants completed the task, they were readdressed
to the questionnaire. 233 participants completed the questionnaire. 25 participants were
discarded since they did not meet the requirements to take part in the study, that is being
of full age and possessing a Facebook account. The final sample included 208 partici-
pants (Mage = 24.06, SD = 5.2), 94 males (45.19%) and 114 females (54.81%). The
survey recorded respondents’ online shopping behavior and chatbot experience. 63.0%
of the respondents indicated that they buy less than once on a monthly basis. 45.2% had
never used a chatbot before. 47.6% had never used it to look for information and 79.3
to make online purchases. These data witness the low penetration of chatbots for online

Fig. 1. Example of the interaction with the chatbot

Understanding Users’ Acceptance of Chatbots 9

4 Data Analysis and Results

4.1 Partial Least Square (PLS) Path Modeling
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using the Partial Least Square (PLS) technique was
applied in the current study to test the hypotheses. PLS-SEM is used in various fields
of academics, including consumer behavior as it provides less contradictory results than
regression analysis in terms of detecting mediation effects [43]. Moreover, when the
research objective is to explore theoretical extensions of established theories, this app-
roach provides higher reliability in causal explanations and overcomes the apparent
dichotomy between explanation and prediction, which is the basis for developing man-
agerial implications [24]. The PLS is usually analyzed and interpreted in two stages:
firstly, by assessing the reliability and validity of the measurement model; and sec-
ondly, by assessing the structural model through interpreting the path coefficients. The
following sections discuss the results of these two stages.

4.2 Measurement Model (Construct Validity)

The outer model was assessed through the validity and reliability of the measurement
scales to ensure psychometric properties. Validity was based on both convergent and
discriminant validity. Convergent validity was evaluated through the strength and sig-
nificance of the loadings. The results of the initial measurement model showed that four
items (PEOU 3, PEOU5, PU2, and PE2) were problematic due to low factor loadings, so
they were removed for subsequent analysis in line with Ha and Stoel [22]. The results of
the final outer model indicate that all the 25 remaining indicators had loadings exceed-
ing the satisfactory level of >0.7 [61]. Reliability and validity tests were conducted to
ensure that the measurements provided sufficient coverage of the investigative questions.
Cronbach’s Alpha assessed the consistency of the items measuring a particular concept.
According to Saunders et al. [48], a value of 0.7 and above indicates that the items
in the scale are measuring the same variable of interest. All the variables fulfilled the
requirements for internal consistency, item loading, AVE, and Composite Reliability (See
Table 1).
To assess discriminant validity, Fornell Larcker criterion-Latent Variable Correla-
tions and Cross loading (Discriminant Validity) were considered [19]. As shown in Table
2, the diagonals represent the square roots of AVE and the off-diagonals represent the
correlations. The diagonal values are higher than off-diagonals, thus meaning that dis-
criminant validity exists according to Fornell Larcker criterion. Likewise, loadings for
each item (bold values in Table 3), were above the recommended value of 0.5 and higher
than all its cross-loadings showing that discriminant validity.
The amount of variance explained by R2 provides an indication of the model fit
as well as the predictive ability of the endogenous variables [23]. According to Hair
et al. [24], the minimum level for an individual R2 should be greater than a minimum
acceptable level of 0.10. As reported in Fig. 2, the R2 values of all endogenous variables
‘Perceived Usefulness’, ‘Attitudes toward the chatbot’ and ‘Behavioral Intention to Use’
were higher than the threshold (56.2%, 79.8%, and 77.6% respectively). Overall, the
model is valid and proves to be a valuable approach to examine the significance of the
paths associated with the variables.
10 R. De Cicco et al.

Table 1. Construct validity

Research construct Item Item loading AVE CR α

Perceived ease of use PEOU1 0.839 .712 .937 .919
PEOU2 0.828
PEOU3 0.887
PEOU4 0.791
PEOU5 0.804
PEOU6 0.908
Perceived usefulness PU1 0.907 .797 .959 .949
PU2 0.828
PU3 0.885
PU4 0.926
PU5 0.878
PU6 0.927
Perceived enjoyment PE1 0.955 .907 .967 .949
PE2 0.955
PE3 0.947
Trust T1 0.896 .735 .893 .819
T2 0.867
T3 0.807
Compatibility C1 0.924 .855 .947 .916
C2 0.917
C3 0.933
Att. TWD using the chatbot A1 0.914 .853 .959 .942
A2 0.941
A3 0.906
A4 0.932
Intention to use BI1 0.939 .881 .937 .865
BI2 0.938

4.3 Structural Model

Once established the measurement model, we assessed the structural relationship. Before
the assessment of path coefficient, multicollinearity was inspected, and no issues were
found as an examination of the variance inflation factors (VIF) indicated that the values
were lower than the threshold of 5.0 [45]. As shown in Table 4, the bootstrap procedure
revealed that PEOU is positively related to PU, nevertheless it is not significantly related
to Attitude. In this case, we only found a slight tendency toward significance. PU is
Understanding Users’ Acceptance of Chatbots 11

Table 2. Discriminant validity – latent variable correlations


PEOU .844
PU .663 .893
PE .476 .674 .952
TRUST .476 .432 .504 .857
COMP .507 .638 .742 .572 .925
ATT .608 .757 .809 .615 .776 .924
INT .495 .666 .727 .571 .837 .822 939

positively related to Attitude, but not Intention to use. Compatibility is positively related
to PU, Attitude and Intention. Trust and attitude are positively and significantly related, as
well as PE and Attitude are. Finally, as expected, attitude is positively related to Intention
to use the chatbot. Table 4 highlights the hypotheses and shows the path coefficient
among the latent variables and bootstrap critical ratios. As specified by Hair et al. [23],
a bootstrap T-Statistics at 95% confidence interval using 5000 samples was assessed to
determine the stability of the estimates (acceptable values above 1.96).

4.4 Content Analysis of Consumers’ Attitudes Toward the Chatbot

To further investigate what contributes to shaping participants’ attitudes toward the chat-
bot, the relative items were followed by an open-ended question that asked participants
to motivate their scores. The qualitative analysis of participants’ answers, consisting in a
thematic synthesis, was guided by the work of Löfgren [34] and followed the guidelines
for Framing and Interpreting Qualitative data in Management and Business Research
[16]. Two researchers independently read the available textual data, labelled markers and
recurring patterns that would denote positive, negative or ambivalent/neutral sentiment.
Scores across raters were compared and, when divergent, a third researcher expressed
their opinion on the perceived tone. This procedure allowed us to split the sample into
three broad sentiment categories: positive (N = 92); neutral or ambivalent (N = 11)
and negative (N = 98). Seven answers were excluded as participants wrote random text.
Answers were then iteratively read, and coders were instructed to compare their annota-
tions and highlight the main themes raised from participants in different subgroups. To
remain as unbiased and open-minded as possible [27], a third researcher was included
when discussing the subcategories emerged, resulting in the scenario illustrated below.

Positive Sentiment. The majority (69) of the positive evaluations were motivated by
Chatbots’ “Efficiency and ease of use”, with typical answers stating that “Chatbots
allow you to save time and if you have any questions, you just press a simple button
and get the answer without having to wait”. The second topic emerging from positive
evaluations (8) is “Information Relevance and Availability”, with participants reporting
that Chatbots not only “(…) let you access much more information”, but also reduce the
12 R. De Cicco et al.

Table 3. Cross loadings (discriminant validity)


PEOU1 0.839 0.507 0.338 0.387 0.385 0.461 0.359
PEOU2 0.828 0.472 0.358 0.374 0.358 0.450 0.358
PEOU3 0.887 0.596 0.355 0.389 0.396 0.483 0.374
PEOU4 0.791 0.631 0.540 0.466 0.538 0.568 0.538
PEOU5 0.804 0.530 0.388 0.374 0.443 0.523 0.440
PEOU6 0.908 0.590 0.399 0.404 0.422 0.566 0.408
PU1 0.669 0.907 0.558 0.340 0.542 0.661 0.568
PU2 0.457 0.828 0.580 0.404 0.542 0.596 0.549
PU3 0.605 0.885 0.580 0.381 0.521 0.657 0.545
PU4 0.550 0.926 0.652 0.408 0.634 0.724 0.657
PU5 0.633 0.878 0.561 0.337 0.516 0.615 0.553
PU6 0.630 0.927 0.670 0.440 0.648 0.777 0.679
PE1 0.466 0.641 0.955 0.493 0.700 0.789 0.691
PE2 0.438 0.626 0.955 0.451 0.649 0.749 0.658
PE3 0.455 0.659 0.947 0.493 0.770 0.771 0.727
T1 0.471 0.401 0.470 0.896 0.523 0.573 0.548
T2 0.426 0.312 0.308 0.867 0.407 0.459 0.396
T3 0.325 0.387 0.496 0.807 0.526 0.537 0.506
C1 0.504 0.646 0.729 0.557 0.924 0.749 0.759
C2 0.461 0.516 0.653 0.506 0.917 0.662 0.738
C3 0.443 0.602 0.675 0.522 0.933 0.737 0.822
A1 0.591 0.709 0.684 0.607 0.735 0.914 0.777
A2 0.560 0.713 0.775 0.595 0.752 0.941 0.810
A3 0.568 0.692 0.720 0.537 0.658 0.906 0.708
A4 0.527 0.681 0.809 0.530 0.718 0.932 0.737
BI1 0.519 0.688 0.703 0.610 0.754 0.815 0.939
BI2 0.409 0.562 0.661 0.460 0.818 0.727 0.938
Understanding Users’ Acceptance of Chatbots 13

Fig. 2. PLS Algorithm results with R2

Table 4. Structural relationships and hypotheses testing

H Path Path coefficient Standard error T-statistics P value Decision

H1 PEOU - > PU 0.457 0.060 7.583 .000 Supported
H2 PEOU - > A 0.084 0.057 1.473 .070 NS
H3 PU - > A 0.253 0.062 4.084 .000 Supported
H4 PU - > BI 0.044 0.045 0.982 .163 NS
H5 C - > PU 0.406 0.055 7.350 .000 Supported
H6 C->A 0.212 0.062 3.410 .000 Supported
H7 C - > BI 0.495 0.065 7.655 .000 Supported
H8 T->A 0.164 0.049 3.369 .000 Supported
H9 PE - > A 0.358 0.064 5.618 .000 Supported
H10 A - > BI 0.404 0.070 5.798 .000 Supported

time needed by “(…) showcasing only relevant details” and providing further ones that
can be accessed “(…) with just one click and without waiting for customer service nor
manually browsing the website”.
A smaller subgroup of 5 participants was labeled as “Only for Specific Purposes
Users” as, although being extremely positive about the technology, they specified that
they deemed it suitable for purchases that do not require to go very deep into details,
14 R. De Cicco et al.

“(…) such as phone covers, or accessories in general that don’t need much explanation,
one picture is enough”, or in combination with other sources, e.g. “Usually I like to have
a broader look online, once I have an idea in mind I use a chatbot to ask for some further
details on the product and just buy it”.
Other miscellaneous worth reporting topics are linked to “Interactivity” and “Fasci-
nation for the Technology” with participants declaring a passion for interactive, lifelike
buying experiences over static ones, as well as Chatbots’ ability to “(…) mimic real-life

Negative Sentiment. The core category emerged from the negative sentiment group was
a clear “Preference for autonomous search” (44), with participants stating that they “like”
and “are able to” browse on their own. The recurrent use of keywords such as “alone”
and “on my own” in all categories in this group reveal a potential downside of perceived
social presence. In fact, participants tended to negatively connotate the perceived great
degree of presence and agency, to the point that Chatbots are even described as “(…)
able to influence your purchases”.
Further motives behind negative sentiment were the “Preference for Traditional
Online Purchasing Options” (16), a “Limited Amount of Information or Products Dis-
played” (10) and the “Need for human-human interaction” (9). Interesting patterns
emerge from both the “Preference for Traditional Online Purchasing Options” and “Need
for human-human interaction” categories, as they denote how participants with negative
scores were evaluating the Chatbot as an alternative for physical store shopping and
Human-Customer Service rather than as an alternative to online purchases. In fact, par-
ticipants’ negative responses were not motivated by the Chatbot’s inability to perform
its task compared to traditional eCommerce Purchases (e.g. proceed to check-out), but
rather by highlighting that “Interacting with humans is far way better than interact-
ing with machines” and that Chatbots “(…) cannot replicate an experience that entails
the human intuition”. As confirmed by these sparse examples of speciesism [45], that
emerged from other answers in this subset as well (e.g. “It is unethical to promote robots
that will be taking over human jobs”), it is possible that participants in their answers
were not evaluating the technology per se, but rather incorporating a general negative
attitude toward AI as a whole, specifically when comparing their performances with
those of human assistants.
Finally, smaller subgroups report a “Lack of trust” (3), not only related to privacy
concerns (e.g. “I don’t feel my data are protected”) but also toward the technology as
a whole (e.g. “It is too early to trust Chatbots”), as well as poor functionality, both
in terms of “Technical Issues” and “Chatbot’s lack of understanding”, even when they
succeeded in completing the simulated purchase.

Neutral Sentiment. Coherently with the expectations, participants in the subgroup tap
from both positive and negative motives and report that, despite Chatbots’ being “Effi-
cient and Easy to Use” (9) and satisfying their “Openness to New Technological Expe-
riences” (2), they have “Limited Amount of Information or Products Displayed” (4) and
still cannot completely make up for the “Need for human-human interaction” (4). The
main patterns that refrain ambivalent participants from fully appreciating Chatbots are
the following. First, unlike participants in the positive subgroup - they rarely acknowl-
edge or realize that Chatbots could work well in different contexts, such as those where
Understanding Users’ Acceptance of Chatbots 15

there is a limited choice available, or the purchase-decision making process has already
taken place. As happened in the negative subgroup, participants with neutral scores tend
to perceive Chatbots as substitutes, and not as complementary tools for eCommerce
stores, alleging that not enough information can be accessed (e.g. “Certainly easy and
quick in the wide web, but it cannot display all items and items’ information available”).
Secondly, as for participants in the negative subgroup - ambivalent users tend to con-
trast Chatbots with human-assisted service for purchasing rather than with websites (e.g.
“Easy to buy, but it’s not safe as with a real human being”).

5 Discussions and Implications

Given the increasing chatbot adoption by online retailers, this study offers a significant
contribution to research studying human-chatbot interactions in the context of online
retailing. Specifically, in the wake of those studies that applied TAM to investigate
chatbots acceptance, this study advances the state of the art in acceptance literature
on shopping chatbots [44, 59] by highlighting the role of both utilitarian and hedonic
factors and further identifying compatibility as an additional key predictor of perceived
usefulness, attitude, and intention to use.
Results − in line with Fishbein and Ajzen’s Theory of Reasoned Action [17] −
show that user intention to adopt a chatbot for online shopping is predicted by a pow-
erful mediator, that is users’ attitude toward using it. Consistently with prior research
[53] results also prove compatibility to be a strong positive predictor of perceived use-
fulness, attitude, and most important, intention to use. Interestingly, in line with Araujo
and Casais’s [1] study on shopping-assistant chatbots, this relation has even a larger path
coefficient than the attitude-intention relation, thus providing a better understanding of
the variables needing a major focus. It is important for companies to measure the extent
to which mobile messenger chatbots are perceived compatible with consumers’ believes,
lifestyle, needs and online shopping behavior by gathering user information and charac-
teristics to incorporate their preferences into chatbots and ensure that consumers consider
chatbots compatible with the way they like to purchase (for instance, by aligning the
conversational style to the user’s one, or learn about customers’ time preferences for
online shipping do deliver around-the-clock service and highlight specific products that
they may be interested). As in the original TAM [11] and consistently with the literature
on e-commerce systems [22, 33], virtual stores [8] and even chatbots [59], perceived
usefulness positively predicts the attitude toward using the chatbot. However, unlike
the original model, in this specific case, individuals do not directly associate utility to
intentions as perceived usefulness does not significantly influence the intention to use
chatbots. This result is in contrast with Rese et al.’s [44] study on chatbots acceptance.
The level to which individuals believe that interacting with the chatbot will help them
gain their performance, i.e. shopping goal, here does not represent a significant factor.
These results might be explained by the fact that participants were not particularly iden-
tified with the simulated purchase and the consequently simulated monetary expense,
which could also explain the limited effect of trust on attitude compared to compatibility
and perceived enjoyment. This result, in line with other studies on other emerging tech-
nologies [8], may suggest that utility has a remarkable influence on behavioral intention
16 R. De Cicco et al.

mainly in mandatory systems and less in voluntary contexts. On the other hand, in line
with Kim and Garrison [30], perceived ease of use strongly influences perceived useful-
ness, thus suggesting that if chatbots are difficult to use and confusing, it is less likely
that users will experience a convenient interaction and this, in turn, will cause a worse
evaluation of the technology. This means that those systems requiring little or no effort
and that can minimize mental anxiety in their use are more likely to enhance e-shoppers’
perceived utility, make the purchasing experience and the shopping task with the chatbot
more pleasant. The study confirms the controversial results about the impact of perceived
ease of use on attitude toward IT technologies [54]. As shown by the PLS path modelling,
the relation between perceived ease of use and attitude, although slight tending, is not
statistically significant. This result supports Zarouali et al.’s [59] findings in predicting
consumer responses to a chatbots on Facebook. So, as in Van der Heijden [54, 55], it
is reasonable to believe that perceived ease of use is a ‘threshold’ variable, meaning
that once a certain evaluation level is reached, the variable no longer contributes to a
favorable attitude. In few words, being the chatbot embedded in the messenger platform
which users are certainly familiar with (as confirmed by the content analysis, with partic-
ipants reporting “speed and ease of use as main motivation for their positive evaluation),
appeared to be such easy-going while offering efficient online purchasing facilities, that
probably PEOU reached threshold levels in most of the respondents’ minds and this
could explain why their evaluation did not generate any effect on their attitudes toward
the chatbot. Finally, in line with the literature about the variables that best account for the
online context and conforming to studies on chatbots where enjoyment was integrated to
TAM to measure acceptance [28–50], this study underlines the considerable importance
of enjoyment as a determinant of attitude toward using chatbots for online shopping.
Looking more closely at the path coefficients, perceived enjoyment has the strongest
relation with this attitude, even higher than perceived usefulness, thus indicating that
consumers seem to place a greater value on the hedonic and affective dimension when
using this system for their online shopping.

5.1 Theoretical Implications

This study investigates human-chatbot interactions in the context of online retailing

through the lens of TAM [11]. The model was here revised with the integration of new
constructs as further predictors of chatbot acceptance for online shopping to overcome
the limit of adopting the original model that, alone, would not have caught important
determinants of the adoption of the chatbot for online purchases.
Our results help to understand the relationships occurring among the seven con-
structs and to identify those variables that have a major impact on attitude toward using
the chatbot (i.e. compatibility, enjoyment, and usefulness) and on the intention to use
it (i.e. attitude and compatibility). Taken together, our findings complement technology
acceptance literature, showing that the theoretical underpinnings of the TAM may be
fruitfully combined with trust, compatibility, and perceived enjoyment to predict con-
sumers’ attitude and intention to use chatbots for online shopping [22]. Overall, our
findings also complement the literature on human-chatbots interaction in the business
domain suggesting that chatbots showing features that fit consumers’ lifestyles, that con-
vey characteristics related to amusement, fun as well as reliability are the most effective
to be used in the online shopping context.
Understanding Users’ Acceptance of Chatbots 17

5.2 Practical Implications

Overall, our findings provide several practical contributions for marketers dealing with
how to benefit from this new online commerce trend [4]. Practitioners should consider
enabling a more engaging conversational style with pictures, emoticons, and GIFs to
entertain the user (especially the younger cohorts). Similarly, boosting trust and confi-
dence in purchasing when using these conversational systems should be a key objective
for marketers. In this regard, when introducing themselves, chatbots could provide some
statements reassuring the user about the safety of the transaction and the sensitive infor-
mation disclosed, and the possibility to interact with a real human being in case of
failure. The chatbot should undoubtedly offer a useful service but even more demand-
ing is the need for the chatbot to fit the users’ lifestyle and the way they usually make
online purchases, as confirmed by the thematic analysis that showed how almost the
majority of negative sentiment is motivated by the preference to browse for information
autonomously or to purchase via more traditional tools, such as company website. This
is particularly relevant when the aim involves addressing more promising target groups.
Finally, we note that manually coded sentiment measures, in 62 out of 208 cases, showed
a different evaluation if confronted with the self-reported explicit scores. Although no
apparent directional pattern emerged from this change-of-mind (i.e. participants almost
equally shifted from positive to negative (or neutral) scores and vice versa) we believe
that this could be a potentially relevant insight for practitioners. With more and more
companies implementing post-chat surveys that require users not only to rate their pre-
vious interaction (e.g. via a star-rating systems), but also to back it up with textual
explanation, further studies are needed to clarify whether asking participants to moti-
vate their answers could mitigate emotional, impulsive guts responses and make sure to
obtain a more accurate, reasoned feedback.

6 Limits and Future Research

Although this study provides interesting insights into the factors affecting the intention
to use chatbots for online shopping, it is not free from some limitations. The sample
is limited mainly to a younger cohort, older or less digitally proficient audiences could
provide different results. Although the study was carried out in a realistic and ecological
environment, consistent with what consumers normally do in their day-to-day lives,
because this study focuses on intentions and not actual use, future research could collect
usage and purchase data from real companies to verify whether intentions truly lead
to actual behavior. Another potential limitation of the study is the simulated purchase
situation. Even though this method has shown good results in studies on online shopping
[51], future research could offer credits that allow participants to truly complete the
transaction. Future studies may consider additional constructs in the model such as
perceived risk, resistance toward the technology, or social presence.
Moreover, as emerged from our qualitative analysis, future studies are called to
disentangle the dynamics between participants’ perception of the limited information
accessible via Chatbots (e.g. in terms of product reviews and characteristics) and the
reported skepticism toward the authenticity of Chatbot-mediated content. These appar-
ently contradictory issues raised by participants open interesting research opportunities
18 R. De Cicco et al.

on how enriching Chatbots with further information available around offered products
and services might hamper rather than necessarily increase users’ attitudes, depending on
the perceived reliability and genuineness of such information. Finally, summing up the
main topics emerged from our brief qualitative analysis, we raise the need to better inves-
tigate how to a) frame Chatbots as complementary tools along the whole online purchase
funnel; b) reassure that Chatbots leverage similarities with human-human interaction in
order to improve the purchasing flow in already automated purchases, but are not nec-
essarily substitutes of human-human interactions; c) disambiguate and define specific
context and products where the limited information displayable in typical conversational
interfaces does not hamper users’ purchase intention.


Construct/items Loadings M(SD)

Perceived Ease of Use (Davis 1989) [12] 5.51(.99)
1. Is it easy to understand how the chatbot works? 0.839
2. Is it easy to remember how to easily interact with the chatbot? 0.828
3. Is it frustrating to use the chatbot to shop online? R* 0.479
4. Is the interaction with the chatbot clear and comprehensible? 0.887
5. Does the interaction with the chatbot require an excessive 0.473
mental effort? R*
6. Is it easy to find the information you are looking for with the 0.791
7. Do you think you could easily become skilled using the ch. for 0.804
online shopping?
8. Do you find the messenger chatbot overall easy to use? 0.908
Perceived Usefulness (Davis 1989) [12] 4.83(1.29)
1. Does the chatbot facilitate the online shopping experience? 0.907
2. Is the chatbot effective for online shopping?* 0.516
3. Does the ch. allow users to have a higher control on the online 0.828
shopping process?
4. Does the chatbot provide support to the online shopping 0.885
5. Does the chatbot improve the online shopping experience? 0.926
6. Does the chatbot speed up the online shopping experience? 0.878
7. Do you find the chatbot overall useful for online shopping? 0.927
Compatibility (Hsu et al. 2007) [26] 3.98(1.74)
1. Using a chatbot for online shopping is compatible with all 0.924
aspects of life-style
Understanding Users’ Acceptance of Chatbots 19

Construct/items Loadings M(SD)
2. I think using a ch. for online shopping fits well with the way I 0.917
like to shop online
3. Using a chatbot for online shopping fits into my life-style 0.933
Trust (Van Pinxteren et al. 2019) [56] 4.63(1.43)
1. I feel like the chabot has my best interest at heart 0.896
2. The chatbot provides accurate information 0.867
3. I feel I can rely on the chatbot to do what was supposed to do 0.807
PERCEIVED ENJOYMENT (Moon and Kim 2001) [39] 3.93(1.56)
1. Using the chatbot gives enjoyment to me while shopping online 0.955
2. Using the chatbot keeps me engaged while shopping online * 0.446
3. Using the chatbot gives fun to me while shopping online 0.955
4. Using the chatbot stimulates my curiosity while shopping online 0.947
ATTITUDE (Manis and Choi 2018) [35] 4.64(1.45)
1. My overall impression of using chatbot for online shopping is 0.914
2. My overall impression of using chatbot for online shopping is 0.941
3. My overall impression of using chatbot for online shopping is 0.906
4. My overall impression of using chatbot for online shopping is 0.932
INTENTION TO USE (Caprara and Barbaranelli) [7] 3.89(1.73)
1. I would probably use the chatbot for online shopping in the next 0.939
6 months
2. I plan to use the chatbot for online shopping in the next 6 months 0.938
Note. R = reversed items. * denotes items that were removed from CFA.

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Expert Insights for Designing
Conversational User Interfaces as Virtual
Assistants and Companions for Older
Adults with Cognitive Impairments

Kathrin Koebel1 , Martin Lacayo1 , Madhumitha Murali1 ,

Ioannis Tarnanas2 , and Arzu Çöltekin1(B)
Institute of Interactive Technologies, University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Brugg-Windisch 5210, Switzerland
[email protected]
Altoida Inc., Houston, TX 77027, USA

Abstract. In this paper, with the overarching goal to make new tech-
nologies more useful and usable to older adults, we examine the benefits
and shortcoming of conversational user interfaces (CUIs) for older adults,
including those with mild cognitive impairment, and dementia-family
diseases. We focus on virtual assistants and companions, and approach
the question based on in-depth expert interviews we have conducted with
eight experts who have first hand insights from working with older adults
in varying settings combined with evidence in empirical studies and meta
analyses we found in the literature. These rare expert insights suggest
that CUIs have considerable merit as virtual assistants and companions,
i.e., more advantages than disadvantages for this specific demographic
group, but they need to be designed carefully to function. Based on a
qualitative evaluation, we outline specific design recommendations we
gathered based on the literature and the featured interviews.

Keywords: CUI · Chatbots · User acceptance · Cognitive training

and interventions · Dementia · Alzheimer’s

1 Introduction and Background

Globally, the number of people over 60 is nearly one billion today [2]. This num-
ber has doubled since 1980, and it is predicted to double again in 2050 [2]. These
demographic trends are also reflected in the increasing number of cognitive dis-
orders such as in dementia family diseases, i.e., according to the international
federation of Alzheimer and dementia associations, “every 3 s, someone in the
world develops dementia” [1]. Taking these aging and cognition facts along with
how rapidly technology evolved in the last decades and continues to evolve, as

Supported by Innosuisse grant 39337.1 IP-ICT.

c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 23–38, 2022.
24 K. Koebel et al.

well as the well-documented age-related accessibility issues to technology solu-

tions [3,19], a pressing need emerges to optimize technologies for older adults.
These technologies govern our lives, and making them accessible for older adults
would mean helping people function independently as long as possible.
In this paper, we focus on a specific computational solution that is becoming
viable in recent years due to the advances in machine learning supported natu-
ral language processing (NLP): Conversational user interfaces (CUIs). Boradly,
CUIs aspire to mimic human-human interaction by means of adding verbal abil-
ities (text or speech) as an interaction modality when humans interact with
machines, often in combination with others such as manual or gesture-based
interactions [4,5]. As most technologies, CUIs are under-studied for older adults
and even less so for older adults with cognitive impairments. This is an impor-
tant research gap: It is well documented that spatial memory is impaired with
aging [9], and thus CUIs are promising complementary interaction methods that
might compensate against this impairment.
Furthermore, CUIs could potentially provide a sense of companionship to
those who suffer from age-related cognitive decline or cognitive impairments
because people around them might find it difficult to keep up a conversation with
less and less coherence in speech with advancing dementia [8]. In this paper, we
focus on the specific question of if CUIs might be particularly useful for older
adults, especially those with cognitive impairments, via a concise review of the
literature and interviews we conducted with a selected group of experts who
work with cognitive aging. Our objective is to obtain and offer a better under-
standing how to design CUIs, specifically, virtual assistants and companions,
especially those on the cognitive impairment spectrum. Our approach is moti-
vated by the fact that those with cognitive impairments might also suffer from
poor metacognition, people who work with them (the experts we interviewed)
will have important insights that they may not be able to communicate.

1.1 Related Work

Even in healthy-aging, humans experience a decline in physical, perceptual,
motor and cognitive abilities [9], which are inevitably amplified if the person
has a cognitive impairment. These abilities all matter in human computer inter-
action (HCI) research and applications, but software systems are not always
optimized to take the weakening abilities into account. Digital technologies are
rarely tested with (or adapted to the needs of) older age groups, even though
optimizing technological solutions to cognitive aging is becoming entirely pos-
sible: Advances in digital health solutions and availability of personal mobile
devices offer exciting new opportunities to assess and monitor a person’s cogni-
tive state and abilities fairly easily, and even predict cognitive impairment [6,7].
Once we are able to assess a person’s cognitive state reliably, we can optimize
interfaces and interactions, and design cognitive interventions accordingly.
It is important to remember that cognitive health interventions for older
adults target some of the most vulnerable people. Because these interventions
are sensitive, many people are involved in the care pipeline which can be costly,
Expert Insights for Designing CUIs for Older Adults 25

and logistically difficult to deliver. Leveraging digital technologies, especially

those based on smartphones which are already relatively commonplace, is an
obvious approach to address this shortfall. However, issues of design effectiveness,
particularly in the areas of usability, desirability, and adherence appear to be
forming barriers to adoption [10,17].
Even though digital cognitive interventions and training paradigms are sub-
ject to much debate with contradictory outcomes [10,11], this line of thinking
has been pursued successfully to some degree with visuospatial interfaces [12–14].
Based on such earlier work, we believe addition of a CUI as virtual assistants of
companions can be a scalable solution to engage older adults and patients, which
can infer the context and intent of their messages, and provide personalized feed-
back in a natural way minimizing additional cognitive demands. Computerized
cognitive therapies (CCT) are typically provided through structured top-down
interfaces, i.e., without a CUI, as evidenced by a lack of studies on CUIs for older
adults [29]. However, when CCT are designed and applied properly [11,17,20],
they are effective, and in some cases could be delivered via a CUI. For example,
Khosla and Chu [15] designed multi-question quizzes to instill a sense of useful-
ness, increase self-confidence, and build resilience for accepting cognitive decline.
A similar approach could be adapted to a CUI. In this vein, for example, Sansen
et al. [26] proposed a robotic companion for the older adults to engage them
in conversations, Laban et al. [5] similarly discussed social robots for support-
ing post-traumatic stress disorder, while Ho et al. [16] demonstrated that the
emotional response to a CUI can be (depending on the application and design)
comparable to interacting with a human, and at times might even be superior
to it.
It appears, however, some HCI approaches and design decisions may be over-
all more usable and desirable, and may lead to higher adherence levels than
others in our context with older adults [10,17]. If a specific design choice leads
to higher adherence to physical of cognitive exercises, this can have implications
in the context of health and behavioral change; for example, increased adher-
ence may have an even greater impact than improved treatments [18]. Even
though new technologies can be challenging to learn and use effectively for older
adults [19], it has been shown that chatbots and messaging applications, even
in the form of simple text exchanges, are highly effective in encouraging behav-
ioral changes, and especially in increasing treatment adherence [20], where the
framing of the message is of high importance [21]. The benefits of simple text
messaging have been demonstrated in various domains, e.g., antiretroviral treat-
ment for HIV/AIDS [22], and medication after coronary heart disease [23]. It
appears that the simplicity and familiarity of messaging platform renders them
easier to use than other applications [24]. It is also possible that relatively sim-
ple CUIs (as virtual assistants) can help keep track of a patient’s medications,
motivate them to follow their schedule, inform them about side effects, or simply
enable them to search for information that they need.
At the moment, it is clear for technical, medical, and legal reasons that
CUIs cannot, and arguably should not, attempt to replace healthcare personnel
and real human contact, but they can be of great value in assisting patients,
26 K. Koebel et al.

monitoring their vitals (e.g., medication, sleep, diet, etc.) and alert professionals
when necessary, relieving some of the demands on medical professionals and
caregivers [25]. They can also be of value as they can keep company and entertain
[15,16], similarly as how humans find engaging online content that fits their own
tastes, but delivered in a more proactive, verbally driven manner to those who
may not be able to follow the latest trends online.
In sum, CUIs might offer high levels of usability and usefulness for people
with cognitive decline or impairments, and given that verbal communication
is deeply embedded in human nature, this is not surprising. In this vein, a
specific type of conversation, i.e., the solicitation of stories from a user’s own
life appear to help exercise their speech and memory capabilities, and stands
out as an especially promising approach for cognitive interventions [26]. Such
an approach, if recorded, also builds knowledge about the individual, thus can
eventually afford personalizing the dialog facilitated by a CUI, and, non-verbal
communication could be a part of an animated onscreen or augmented reality
assistant. However, how these CUIs are designed is critically important. Previous
research demonstrates that incorporating gamification and personalized interac-
tions can further improve adherence to chatbots, thus to the goals of underlying
software, such as a prescribed cognitive training, e.g., by displaying customized
reminders, encouraging messages, by enabling chat for keeping the users com-
pany, and adding careful use of playfulness to entertain them [27,28]. These
measures can go a long way in ensuring user uptake, engagement and retention,
and they can be provided by artificial intelligence (AI) powered CUIs especially
if we can personalize the CUI based on individual observations over time.
Given the above, we believe CUIs as virtual assistant/companion apps are
promising and viable solutions to make digital health applications more accessi-
ble (usable, learnable, and thus desirable) for older adults, and may have value
especially for those with age-related cognitive decline or impairments. We specif-
ically focus on mild cognitive impairment (MCI), which can be seen in post-
operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD), and/or early stages of dementia-family
diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Although empirical evidence is only
accumulating at this point in time, there are promising signs that CUIs may
increase adherence (a well-known, unsolved behavioral problem) of older adults
to helpful software such as e-coaches and other cognitive and/or physical training
interventions, keep them company and entertain them when social interactions
are hindered by e.g., cognitive issues, and simply be more usable for older adults.
We present more specific arguments and our findings below, after outlining our

2 Methods
We chose to interview experts instead of the patients themselves, mainly because
metacognition also gets difficult with cognitive impairment, therefore it might
not be straightforward to interview people in varying brain health conditions.
Experts who work with them, and directly observe them, thus, are an extremely
valuable source of information. Although we interviewed a small number of peo-
ple (n = 8), each of them have years (taken together, 119 years) of experience
Expert Insights for Designing CUIs for Older Adults 27

working with older adults with varying cognitive health conditions. These experts
can imagine the implications of placing a CUI in front of a patient in a much
more grounded way than most of us who develop software, and thus the inter-
views provide us with rare and unique insights from their encounters with older

2.1 Participants
We conducted semi-structured interviews with eight aging and cognition experts
(age range 25–55) in various domains that represent clinical, day-to-day care, and
research perspectives. An overview of the professional expertise (domains, years)
of our participants can be found in the Table 1 below.

Table 1. Professional background of the experts we interviewed.

# Background (experience in years)

E1 Neuroscientist, cognitive training, brain disorders (13)
E2 Neuroscientist, brain injuries, geriatric rehabilitation (16)
E3 Neuroscientist, cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative markers of AD (9)
E4 Psychologist, dynamics of healthy aging (15)
E5 Neurologist, brain health and computational biomarkers (21)
E6 Developer of computer games for older people (19)
E7 General practitioner, including experience with older patients (20)
E8 Nurse with work experience in a dementia ward (6)

2.2 Materials
We conducted the interviews remotely using a video conferencing app (Zoom).
An informed consent document was prepared on an online word editing software
(Google docs) and delivered electronically by email before the interviews. No
other specific software or hardware was needed besides a computer with an
Internet connection.

2.3 Procedure and Analysis

We recruited the experts from our professional network based on their publica-
tions, conference presence and activities in other areas that had a focus on older
adults both healthy-aging and those with brain-health issues, and scheduled the
sessions by email. An informed consent form was delivered in the same email
for them read before joining the session. Once they joined the session, they gave
their consent verbally in recorded video. The interview duration was about one
hour (50 mins, with a 10 min buffer). Since the interview was semi-structured, we
asked all our interviewees the same questions. A selection of these questions are
28 K. Koebel et al.

presented in the Table 2 below. We also allowed them time to offer insights based
on what the conversation inspired, or if there were important issues we did not
think to ask. Participants were not monetarily compensated, and sessions were
recorded based on their consent for internal use. We then transcribed the record-
ings selectively based on an audio content analysis, i.e., we identified the relevant
keywords and themes that were mentioned by the interviewees using an induc-
tive approach. We open-coded the interview data qualitatively broadly following
the discourse analysis methods [36]. We analyzed the words, phrases and sen-
tences in the interviews to capture the main messages within the verbal data. We
then summarized the feedback into categories in a close-coding session, grouping
the open-coded themes. Two researchers from the authoring team were involved
in the coding process, which resulted in dozens of codes which was reduced to
30 codes covering the most repeated/emphasized words (role, friend, compan-
ion, assistant, caregiver, coach, personality, adaptive, personalized, individual,
loneliness, social, patient, comforting, neutral, non-patronizing, agreeable, ACT,
empower, animate, encourage, suggest, acceptance, feedback, self-reflect, stories,
exercise, dancing, routine, adherence) and grouped under 5 overarching themes
(level of expertise, emotional intelligence, personalization, practical features, user
acceptance). The analysis was presented and discussed by the authoring team
in internal meetings. Below, We detail the most important findings in relation
to these themes, embedded with a literature review, in a narrative summary.

Table 2. Example questions used in the interviews. Each category had 3-10 questions
some of which involved rating on a 6-point Likert scale. Open comments were always
invited. Full list of questions are available upon request.

Introduction, Interviewee’s domains of expertise, experience with CUIs,

briefing inviting them to think about their interactions with MCI patients
Potential and Do you think a CUI would be of use for a patient with MCI?
usefulness of CUIs [yes/no, why]
Personality What characteristics should the ‘personality’ of the CUI possess,
of the CUI particularly with regard to the target population (seniors,
POCD/MCI/AD patients)?
Capabilities On what topics should the user be able to chat with the CUI?
of the CUI What should the CUI NOT do? (actions or topics to be avoided)
Habit What type messages would foster good habits? (specific examples)
building What should the CUI NOT do? (actions or topics to be avoided)
Usability, UX, What interaction paradigms would enhance the CUI’s usability?
user acceptance What features might help that the patient will enjoy or look forward
to using the app without getting bored or too “stressed”?
MCI, POCD, Problems for POCD/MCI/AD patients that a CUI could help?
AD patients Requirements that are specific to this group?
Wrap up If you were designing a CUI assistant/companion app,
final comments functionalities and content would you prioritize? Can you recap your
vision of a personal assistant for MCI patients?
Expert Insights for Designing CUIs for Older Adults 29

3 Results: Pros and Cons of CUIs for Older Adults

Although CUIs as virtual coaches or cognitive training apps are shown to help
increase human well-being different domains and might be more usable for older
adults than other interfaces [24,29], there are also valid arguments against them.
Some of these arguments focus on technological factors e.g., limits in a CUI’s
operational capacity, others on psychological matters e.g., lack of user accep-
tance. Below we highlight concerns as well as opportunities pointed out in pre-
vious research and in our expert interviews, based a narrative that contains our
own position embedded in it.

3.1 CUI’s Level of Expertise

Even though there is evidence that AI can outperform physicians in certain
tasks (e.g., diagnostics benefit quantitatively comparing large data), people
trust human counterparts more than digital solutions [30]. Our experts [E1–
8] observed that current CUIs can come off unnatural as they cannot properly
interpret emotional and non-verbal components of human interactions. Impor-
tantly, the domain is loaded with ethical and legal questions which are still
mostly open. For example, should humans always be aware that they are talking
to a machine? Who would be responsible for the mistakes an algorithm would
make? An in-depth treatment of these questions are beyond the scope of this
paper, however, a carefully designed helper CUI, i.e., an assistant or companion,
can provide a relatively uncomplicated and cost-effective solution with unique
strengths. Several experts [E3, E7] commented that due to its constant avail-
ability, a CUI can continuously monitor and analyze conversation content, thus
pick up subtle changes much earlier than a physician using traditional methods
capturing patient data at a particular moment in time, and the data produced
by a CUI may be considerably richer than other that of other apps if it improves

3.2 CUI’s Emotional Intelligence/Importance of Personalization

Many current CUIs are based on decision tree models, and thus can only inter-
act with the user based on predefined questions and answers. Those can be
perceived as incompetent, boring, rigid, impersonal, and can frustrate users.
However, there may be a positive side to this simplicity [E7]: A structured,
somewhat predictable conversation can support patients with cognitive issues
such as mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or post-
operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD), as structure and repetition can make
them feel secure. For example, E7 said:
“Structure is exactly what people need. They like to hold on to structure [...]
I can imagine that even someone with [only] slight cognitive deficits would
like structure, because structure means security [...], what you ultimately
strive for. So I see a benefit.”
30 K. Koebel et al.

Also importantly, our expert interviews revealed that many older adults with
cognitive issues might be embarrassed by their condition, and may be more will-
ing to ask and accept help from an anonymous, machine-like device than from
a human. It has indeed been demonstrated that in some cases (e.g., depressive
disorder), the use of chatbots result in a higher rating of therapeutic alliance
between patient-and-chatbot than between patient and clinician [31]. Future
CUIs based on machine learning (ML) and AI will be smarter than their coun-
terparts today, especially given the unprecedented progress in natural language
processing (NLP). These next generation CUIs will understand a user’s context,
behavior patterns and preferences, thus can tailor content and timing of pre-
scribed interventions or necessary assistance in a personalized manner. An ideal
CUI should be configured to be discreet and respect user’s privacy, automati-
cally adapt to the user’s needs and mood (e.g., through sentiment detection) as
this might give a stronger feeling of being understood and increase adherence
[E2], and offer options to manually adjust settings. This would enable both
user-driven personalization (i.e., user configured) and an AI-driven one (i.e., AI
learns and proposes or imposes adaptive changes). Personalization is also rele-
vant to caregivers and family members (not only the older adults and MCI/AD
patients) as the CUI can be configured to facilitate the communication in a cus-
tomized manner as well as learn the communication patterns of the caregivers
and family members with the older adults around them and lead to insights into
a patient’s experience. In our interviews, experts expressed contrasting views
on what level of personal rapport between patient and chatbot is desired: some
believe that emotional connection strengthens adherence to interventions [E4],
while others expressed concerns about emotionally loaded conversations, as a
machine is likely not able to respond to human emotions appropriately, which
can lead to frustration and other negative emotions in the human counterpart
[E6, E7, E8]. This is also an ethical quagmire in terms of human connection. For
example, one of the experts said:

“[...] when you talk about a caregiver and friend, an emotional and social
component comes into the game, the chatbot cannot do that. It would even
be pathological if someone said “The chatbot is my friend”. It must never
become a friend, it would already draw or entail a part of the social isola-
tion.” [E7].

Similarly, E6 stated that:

“From an ethical perspective, chatbot should not pretend to be a human, it
has to be clear that the user is interacting with a computer [...] user should
agree if he/she wants to get “manipulated/deceived” with such a device as
long as he/she can still decide for themselves” [E6].

3.3 Most Promising CUI Features as Expressed by Experts

In our expert interviews, functionalities such as encouraging patients, reminding
them of tasks such as following prescriptions and exercises, and animating or
Expert Insights for Designing CUIs for Older Adults 31

nudging them to engage in activities stood out as the most promising features.
Below we elaborate on a few of these.
First and foremost, encouraging patients, and rewarding them for their
efforts was mentioned by all experts. It is crucial though that messages are
not too repetitive nor patronizing, and a variety of sincere and specific motiva-
tional messages and compliments are configured, worded to reassure and foster
a sense of self-efficacy. Similarly, acceptance commitment therapy (ACT) mes-
sages have great potential, which have improved treatment outcomes in various
chronic conditions [32], and lend themselves well for digital interventions. Sec-
ondly, several experts [E2, E3, E6, E8] mentioned integrating social features
as human interactions can feel much more authentic and rewarding than e.g.,
a compliment given by a chatbot. Also, psychological mechanisms involved in
interaction with machines can be complex; e.g., a simple algorithmic rewards in
computer games can be addictive (as in gambling), and people can ‘humanize’
robots and software, and feel affection or attachment for them. The key is design-
ing an appropriate reward system, and for that, it is important to understand
what motivates the individual user [33]. Additionally, for many chronic health
issues, adherence to prescribed protocols (e.g., medication, exercise, nutrition,
cognitive interventions) appears to be a difficult problem. In the context of older
adults’ adherence to digital interventions, we must also consider memory lapses.
Experts expressed that even the simple, customizable reminder functionalities
aligned to a patient’s daily routines (to support building new habits) bear great
potential. It is important that the user does not feel controlled by the bot in
general, nor this feature in particular, as negative feelings can lead to a decline
in user acceptance. The third highly recommended CUI feature is to animate
or nudge patients (plus caregivers, family members) to e.g., contact others, play
an active game, go for a walk or initiate dancing. Such prompts could be aligned
to some predefined targets (e.g., social engagement, cognitive training, physical
activities) and the degree of challenge should adapt to the user’s current social,
mental and physical fitness level, context and capabilities. Combining physical
and cognitive exercises (as in exergames and multi-domain training) have pos-
itive effects as well [34], and experts posited that adding social components in
such interventions may have an even greater effect [E3, E6]. Plus, explaining why
a particular activity is beneficial also increases adherence [E4, E5, E8]. These
insights overlap substantially with a recent meta analysis study [29].

3.4 Factors of User Acceptance

User acceptance of CUIs surfaced as an important theme in our interviews, for
which practical, social and psychological reasons were mentioned. Several experts
mentioned the technology acceptance models (TAM) [35]. Specifically, a senior
TAM (STAM) adaptation [37] (see Fig. 1), which specifies similar variables and
system characteristics, e.g., facilitating conditions and social influence impact
perceived usefulness and ease of use, and lead to user acceptance (or rejection).
On the practical side, adoption of new technologies, including smartphones, is
generally lower in older adults [19]. User interfaces are not customized to the
32 K. Koebel et al.

Fig. 1. Senior technology acceptance & adoption model (STAM) by Renaud and Van
Biljon [37]. Figure redrawn and emphasis added by the authors.

specific needs of this demographic group, making operation of applications and

devices unnecessarily difficult for older adults, especially for those with cognitive
impairments. CUIs aimed at older adults should be subjected to high usability
standards, and tested in carefully designed experiments.
Privacy and security issues may also require special attention with older
adults to prevent exploitation, specifically of people in more vulnerable states
(e.g., MCI, AD, POCD). Less tech-savvy users may not feel confident about
configuring a device listening to them, and speech can contain sensitive informa-
tion. Evidently, there are large individual differences in technology competence
depending on e.g., level of education [38]), type of technology [20], incentive [39],
or if it enhances engagement with family [E2]. Furthermore, social context and
Expert Insights for Designing CUIs for Older Adults 33

subjective norms are important aspects for older adults’ acceptance of CUIs as
assistants of companions. Many questions are raised in this context from various
social and cultural groups: Is it respectful and dignified that a patient is cared
for or treated by a CUI? To what degree can a chatbot help against the issue
of loneliness that many older adults experience? Is it (un)ethical if the chatbot
would provide a (fake) sense of companionship to a patient? While some resist
such technology-driven solutions due to their potentially deceptive nature, oth-
ers, who are more optimistic about technology, may encourage its use and be
early adopters themselves. Linked to these issues, some experts consider lone-
liness as one of the biggest problems of MCI patents [E3, E8], for which CUIs
can help, i.e., they might not only assist and entertain, but also reinforce social
contact with other humans.
Another dimension of user acceptance of any technology is its perceived use-
fulness. In the case of CUIs for people with cognitive deficiencies, this starts with
psychological aspects, notably that patients must first of all accept their need for
support [E8]. Some patients try to mask the cognitive decline and reject inter-
ventions, others (mainly advanced AD) may not be aware of their condition and
thus may not cooperate. CUIs (or machines in general) offer great potential in
these situations as they can support patients in an unobtrusive manner, bypass-
ing some of the social anxieties cognitive impairments can cause. If patients feel
empowered through the CUI, if it increases their independence and if it helps
them to better achieve their goals, acceptance will certainly increase. Experts
recommend framing interventions around one’s personal well-being [E1], patients
should be explained why CUIs in general and specific exercises in particular are
beneficial for them [E4, E5, E8]. Also feedback mechanisms add value, as this sup-
ports self-reflection and offers a sense availability to the patient. Also, CUIs do
not get impatient, they are never tired or under stress, which brings up the ques-
tion of how the ‘personality’ of a CUI should be designed to increase user accep-
tance. In response to this question, experts mentioned attributes such as friendly,
helpful, patient, empathetic, comforting, reassuring, encouraging, and motivat-
ing, but all emphasized the importance of personalization, and fine-tuning for
cultural differences.
If patients like the personality of the CUI, they are likely to feel more comfort-
able than if they did not, and their anxiety levels might thus be reduced [E3].
This is extremely important, as anxiety can have negative impacts on treat-
ment outcomes. Empathetic CUIs that display a positive tenor can increase
adherence [40], however, CUI’s messaging should not downplay severeness of a
patient’s condition [E3], rather, CUI should offer coping strategies that support
the patient as well as the caregivers and family members in dealing with the
condition. Last but not least, we cannot overstate the importance of usability
when designing CUIs for this target group. Aging can come with reduced visual
ability, hearing difficulties, decrease of fine motor skills, attention and memory
glitches and consequently, a decline in learning speed. All experts emphasized
carefully considering structure, language, UI and interaction design (Table 3),
which also appear in related literature [41].
34 K. Koebel et al.

Table 3. Practical advice by our experts concerning ease of use of CUI/chatbot.

Content and structure To accelerate adaptation, the CUI must be

clearly structured and self explanatory, not
overloaded with many features or sensory
stimuli, and should not intimidate the user.
Language Messages must be simple and unambiguous,
complex syntax should be avoided and the
wording should never make the patient feel
‘talked down’ or unintelligent.
Interface and interaction design Beyond the obvious (e.g., large font and target
size, high contrast), the application should be
characterized by high fault tolerance (for touch
and voice interaction).
Voice Although voice interaction causes less friction
than a visuospatial interface, a combination of
text and voice might increase intelligibility for
patients with visual or hearing impairments

While CUIs are considered more intuitive and manageable than visuospatial
interfaces by many, it is important to remember that e.g., voice interfaces have
their own unique usability challenges. For example, privacy issues arise when
other people can hear the conversation, thus, an option to switch to headphones
and to another interaction modality should be provided. Also, patients might
speak a lesser-studied language or dialect, use or pronounce words in unexpected
ways, have a soft voice, and as such, the CUI needs to be trained for the indi-
vidual user’s speech patterns. Another issue is that the speech might be directed
to someone else, thus unintended conversations might be initiated and generate
confusion. More pragmatically, if the patients depend on the CUI and do have
have access to it because they lost their device or forget to charge it etc., it is
important have built-in monitoring functions and prompts that prevent serious
negative side effects. All these concerns requires that the CUI should be able to
learn and adapt, otherwise they will not live up to their potential.

4 Discussion and Conclusions

Given that there are signs of promising digital cognitive assessments running on
a smartphone or a tablet that enable precise, sensitive and long-term monitoring
of human cognitive health [6,7], it is more imaginable now than ever that we
can deliver timely digital interventions that might help ease patients’ troubles,
keep them company and possibly protect their cognitive reserve. Such digital
interventions, however, seem to be out of reach for many older adults due to a new
form of digital divide [42] ignited by lack of usability stemming from an awareness
and understanding of barriers to technology adoption among older age groups.
Motivated by filling this gap, specifically, the current lack of understanding and
Expert Insights for Designing CUIs for Older Adults 35

awareness of the needs of patients with cognitive impairments, and to eventually

find ways to optimize technology solutions for them and their caregivers/family
members, we interviewed eight experts who worked with older patients, each in
a different capacity.
Usability concerns when designing for older adults are discussed in related
research communities, however, arguably, not much of this knowledge is imple-
mented in practice given the low levels of technology adoption among older
adults. Importantly, psychological aspects, for example, embarrassment people
feel about having a cognitive impairment is rarely taken into account. Such
feelings are very common due to stigma around dementia, and affect people’s
behavior deeply. When software are designed by technologists without psycho-
logical insights, important mishaps can occur, e.g., a CUI might make the patient
uncomfortable because it would have the wrong tone, reveal too much to oth-
ers, or might create high cognitive load, preventing technology acceptance and
use. In this vein, a key finding in our interviews was that CUIs can be desirable
for people with cognitive impairments given that they might allow bypassing
social anxieties (feeling embarrassed about the condition), if message framing is
right. Message framing appears to be of utmost importance not only to prevent
a CUI from belittling or patronizing the users; but to reduce anxiety, moti-
vate, encourage and reward them. While personalized and sophisticated systems
can increase benefits in monitoring and managing the disease, even simple text
based solutions, if message framing is right, offer important benefits and should
be exploited. For this ACT messaging seems to be a promising concrete lead
to explore. On the other hand, for CUI apps aiming at behavior change, details
matter: CUI should encourage the patient but should not mislead them, it should
offer rewards but do not overdo it not to lead a negative, addiction-like behav-
ior, it should explain the user why and exactly how the suggested behaviors will
improve their lives. As such, these observations stimulate dozens of new research
questions to find the right message framing both those that are generalizable,
and those that are personalized for individual cases with the help of AI-based
solutions. Another important insight, also well documented in the literature, is
that in connection to feeling the stigma as well as struggling with processing
information, people with cognitive impairments tend to withdraw, and loneli-
ness is a major issue. Such social isolation leads to much needed stimulation for
the brain and affects people’s motivation to fight the disease, creating a neg-
ative loop: they withdraw because of the disease, disease gets worse because
they withdraw. This line of thinking brings up the companion apps. Virtual
companions that provide (proactive) stimulation -from simply entertaining the
user to prompting/nudging towards social behavior- may have much value in
protecting cognitive reserve. A successful CUI, however, must present the right
’personality. It appears that the level of realism creates a host of issues. If the
CUI is too mechanical, people may be reluctant to trust it (humans still trust
humans more than machines), but if it is too realistic, it might generate a false
sense of friendship which does not exist. If the patient perceives the CUI as a
friend (to replace a real friend), it might have negative consequences in terms
of already impoverished human connections, and it might upset the user when
36 K. Koebel et al.

the friend does not come through. Thus, the level of realism is a very important
factor and must be delicately designed, specifically challenging to get it right for
people with cognitive impairments not to add further to their confusion. Per-
haps a solution to this is to enable social features integrated within the CUI
app to ensure connections to other humans are regularly provided. Similarly as
the behavior change related notes above, the companion apps are also in their
early days and more experiments are needed to find the most effective solutions
that pose no harm to the patients. Simpler CUIs, i.e., the assistants rather than
companions, are less complicated as they would most likely increase effectiveness
of people in following any prescribed medical procedure, e.g., before and after
surgery, following an exercise plan at home, or taking one’s medication timely,
and in the right doses, etc. In all cases, even in the simplest for of assistance,
though it is necessary to remember that speech can contain sensitive, private
information and there is not only a risk of making people uncomfortable but can
open up a risk of exploitation. Security and privacy, again, especially given the
vulnerabilities of this group, should be taken very seriously.
We believe this qualitative evaluation, coupled with quantitative evidence
in literature from empirical studies gives us unique insights in designing CUIs,
especially for older adults. Based on consolidating results from the literature and
the expert interviews, we are convinced that CUIs –given that they are designed
with a user-centric approach, personalized as much as possible, and any hearing
loss issues are accounted for– may be a very good interaction alternative that is
well suited for older adults, especially for those with cognitive impairments such
as MCI, POCD or AD. Whether as assistants or companions, carefully designed
CUIs that are adjusted to users’ context and needs are useful, and can become
effective means to increase adherence to cognitive training and lifestyle interven-
tions for this demographic group. However, we believe that user acceptance of a
CUI will increase, only if the design is adjusted specifically for this demographic
groups (healthy-aging adults, MCI, POCD and AD patients), making the ben-
efits of the CUI apparent for the user, and as the interface is personalized over
time, we expect that a CUI will be easier to use than a visuospatial interface
for this age group. While the messages we take from these interviews are largely
positive with specific design recommendations, it is important to remember that
a qualitative interview with only eight experts might not reflect the global real-
ity. Our observations in this paper thus should be taken as a starting point for
design recommendations and be validated with the target user group for the
goals of each CUI implementation. Similarly, we plan to follow the key ideas
in this paper with a series of CUI prototypes, and user experiments for better
understanding the limitations of CUIs and specific CUI designs.

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Understanding People’s Expectations
When Designing a Chatbot for Cancer

Beatriz Félix(B) and Jorge Ribeiro

Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS, Porto, Portugal


Abstract. With the overall increase of cancer patients, there is a grow-

ing demand for better healthcare services, more patient-centred care,
and more user-centred eHealth tools. Chatbots are great tools to bridge
communications between health providers and patients and have already
been used with success in healthcare.
In the present study, we set out to explore how people perceive a
cancer chatbot and to understand preferences and expectations concern-
ing the communication between a chatbot and newly diagnosed cancer
patients. The insights from the remote co-creation sessions will enable us
to design better chatbot dialogues, with human-like characteristics, that
communicate with appropriate content and tone of voice.

Keywords: Chatbots · Co-design · Conversational agents · Cancer

patients · Healthcare

1 Introduction

Cancer is expected to affect one in three people in the next two decades. Accord-
ing to the World Health Organization (WHO), 19.3 million people were diag-
nosed with cancer in 2020 and this number is expected to increase to 30.2 million
in 20401 . These growing numbers will strain the current health systems, lead-
ing to increasing demand for more efficient communication channels between
patients and healthcare providers. eHealth systems are being used with success
to improve health management and patient involvement [42]. Moreover, health-
care systems are moving to more patient-centred care. Patients increasingly seek
more control over their health and to do so they need to be well informed [2].
Cancer patients undergo treatments and long-term care in hospitals. Pro-
viding them with reliable information facilitates decision-making and treatment
adherence, which may have an overall effect on the progression of the disease [1].
The lack of reliable information about the disease, treatments or symptoms is
one of the most common unmet needs of an oncology patient [16]. Consequently,

Cancer Fact Sheets:
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 39–54, 2022.
40 B. Félix and J. Ribeiro

user-friendly tools should be created to empower cancer patients by addressing

their concerns.
Conversation is one of the preferred coping mechanisms used by cancer
patients [36] but engaging in a conversation with them can be challenging.
According to Brandtzaeg and Følstad [8], people have a predisposition to adhere
to behaviours that mimic human-to-human interaction. However, knowing they
are interacting with a robot, they feel more at ease to ask questions they might
not otherwise feel comfortable asking a healthcare professional [6,11]. Conver-
sation has been recognized to facilitate the success of certain healthcare inter-
ventions. Talking through the process, receiving information and understanding
procedures helps boost patients’ confidence [20]. Chatbots offer an interface that
simulates human-like conversations through text or speech by using artificial
intelligence (AI) algorithms and natural language [41], and have been used with
success to facilitate communication in healthcare [21]. Knowing there is always
an accessible connection, with a short timespan between questions and answers,
motivates users to engage in conversations and makes virtual agents a feasible
tool to hold users’ attention [19]. Moreover, we found that not much research
has been carried out to understand how users prefer to communicate with health
The aim of this work was to explore how to design a conversational agent
targeted at recently diagnosed cancer patients to support them and their care-
givers during the onboarding process at a hospital. For this purpose, we con-
ducted three remote co-creation sessions with people without cancer and asked
the participants to put themselves in the position of cancer patients. The goal
was to understand people’s preferences and expectations with regards to com-
munication with a healthcare chatbot. The contribution of this work lies in the
understanding of how to design a conversational agent in the healthcare field
that caters to the needs of cancer patients.

2 Background

2.1 Chatbots for Cancer Patients

Chatbots in healthcare have been emerging during recent years. Healthcare ser-
vices have been using these systems to improve communication between patients
and their institutions, designing them with different purposes such as diagnosis,
prevention and therapy [21].
In the oncology field, chatbots are assisting patients in three main areas: men-
tal health, follow-up, and self-management. Regarding mental health, chatbots
like Vivibot [15] and VIK [7,9] are helping cancer patients deal with the disease
and its associated stress and anxiety. Chatbots are helping collect patients’ data
in follow-up by patients, either for studies [30] or after treatments and surgeries
[32]. The self-management area focuses on helping patients with more practical
questions on the illness and with self care [6,22].
Designing a Chatbot for Cancer Patients 41

All of these studies focus on the adoption and engagement of these chatbots
by the patients, while studies that seek to find what patients actually look for
in a chatbot are very limited.

2.2 Attribution of Human Characteristics to Chatbots

When discussing the use of chatbots, one of the key questions is whether they
should have human characteristics such as gender, race or even personality.
Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits to non-human entities and
is used in conversational agents to make them more accessible and familiar to
users [33,39]. Trust is one of the most discussed personality traits regarding bots,
especially from the designer’s point of view. According to McDuff and Czerwinski
[26], people are not willing to trust a machine with important decision-making
in spite of the fact that the machine performs certain tasks, such as planning
and numeric analysis, better than humans. Rapp et al. [35] states the chatbot’s
ability to interpret users’ requests correctly and reply with useful information in
a human-like manner, which helps users gain more trust in the machine. Empa-
thy is also a very important trait for users. This sentiment can be two-fold: the
feeling of concern for other people’s emotions or the emotional response deriv-
ing from other’s emotions [35]. Having unrealistic expectations of the bots and
their intelligence can lead to frustration when patients feel their concerns are
not understood and addressed [18].
Research has shown that it is possible to design these systems with emotional
intelligence and human traits to render them more trustworthy and reliable to
users. There is, however, no simple and effective universal rule. According to
Hwang et al. [17], by studying dialogues between humans and the interaction
between a human and a chatbot, we can create a personality with the help of
linguistic markers. The choice of words and linguistic patterns can reveal a great
deal about a person’s emotional state. Therefore, if the designer can match the
linguistics of the user to the chatbot’s persona, it is more likely that the user
will create an emotional connection with the system and consequently establish
more rapport. Kate Moran [27] presents a framework of four dimensions based
on 4 primary tones of voice. With this, Moran [28] concluded that the tone of
voice affects user perception of the brands.
Regarding the use of emojis in health services, Fadhil et al. [13] noticed low
engagement in conversations about the user’s condition as opposed to when the
topic was mental health. Smestad and Volden [39] studied the importance of
personality in a chatbot and concluded that people interacted more with the
chatbot with a pleasant personality and not so much with the chatbot that did
not express emotions. Additionally, Thies et al. [40] concluded that personality
type depends on the kind of interaction the user seeks with the bot. Finally, Lucas
et al. [25] achieved positive results when using chatbots in a clinical context.
Under similar circumstances, people showed more willingness to dialogue with
machines than with other humans.
42 B. Félix and J. Ribeiro

2.3 Participatory Design in Chatbots

Participatory design, more commonly known as co-design, is a study methodol-
ogy maxim of “knowing by doing”, that is, the manner in which people perform
their tasks and how they can be studied to enhance them [3]. Through group
interactions, participants are provided with tools and techniques to design a
solution by bringing in their expertise and sharing their knowledge with the
designers [4].
Co-design has been used in the design of chatbots to increase their value and
bring them closer to their users [47]. This methodology has been used to design
several chatbots in different areas such as social integration [10], education [31],
to combat online harassment in young adults [31], or to promote life skills [14].
In healthcare, [29] and [38] promote the use of participatory design for design-
ing chatbots. This methodology has been used by [5], who used workshops to
create journeys and sketch their own ideas for possible solutions for a chatbot
that would coach adolescents with special health needs through transitions of
care. Easton et al. [12] used their workshops to choose from several chatbot’s
personalities, from their appearance to sound and format. They also designed
scripts and performed adapted wizard of oz experiences. Xu et al. [46] explained
how the stakeholders of an app for caregivers with atopic dermatitis helped in the
creation of the user’s interface and in determining the knowledge of the chatbot.
Another topic worth mentioning is the selection of personality traits by par-
ticipants in the design of chatbots. Through different activities, [10,12,34,39]
these authors address the chatbot’s personality and discuss how the chosen traits
influence the way users perceive the chatbot.

3 Methodology
In preparation for the co-creation sessions, we developed exploratory research
to determine the main problems and concerns of patients and workers at the
Portuguese Oncology Institute - IPO-Porto. We started by conducting semi-
structured, individual, interviews with twelve participants - four administrative
workers from the institution, five patients and three caregivers. We asked par-
ticipants to share their personal experiences and introduced the idea of having a
conversational agent to help them in their journey. We concluded that the chat-
bot should be targeted at new cancer patients and their process. Patients tend
to feel most disoriented and confused at the beginning, where they mentioned
the need for additional help. While many mentioned their expectations in terms
of the chatbot’s knowledge, participants did not disclose what they imagined
the chatbot to be. The insights from this initial work were used to design the
activities of the co-creation sessions.

3.1 Participants
In total, eight people participated in this study, of which five were female and
three were male. The participants were selected by convenience sampling. Since
Designing a Chatbot for Cancer Patients 43

cancer incidence is higher in patients over 50, we aimed to recruit older par-
ticipants and people who had had some contact with cancer patients. However,
we were unable to recruit enough participants who met all the requirements
and included additional participants outside these criteria. Participants were,
on average, 46.25 years old, six of whom were over 42. Six participants had, or
have had, a close relative or friend with cancer. Only one participant worked in
healthcare as a nurse. Regarding chatbot experience, only half the participants
(4) knew the term ‘chatbot’. However, when the term was explained and a few
examples were given, 50% of participants said they had never used one, 25%
used a chatbot once and the other 25% use chatbots once a month.

3.2 Study Design

Due to the COVID pandemic, the co-creation sessions were carried out online. A
total of three co-creation sessions were conducted. The participants were asked
to participate in a video call on the Microsoft Teams2 platform and while on
the call they were asked to access a link to the MURAL3 app. The consent
forms were e-mailed to the participants prior to the session along with a short
questionnaire with demographic requests and questions about their experience
with chatbots. All of the activities were conducted in this web application. The
video call was recorded for additional analysis. The sessions were held with
two to three participants per session with an approximate duration of 50 min.
Initially, the participants were explained the purpose of the research and, in
particular, the purposes of the session. Afterwards, the platform was explained
and a tutorial was presented on how to work with the different tools in MURAL.
Prior to the co-creation sessions, a test session was performed with two persons
under the circumstances described above to validate the protocol. Data from the
test session was not used in this analysis.
The co-creation session consisted of three activities:

Activity 1. Intended to understand what participants imagined behind

the chatbot. Inspired by the activities performed by Easton et al. [12] and
Khasnabish et al. [23], we wanted to explore the features of the chatbot and
we tried to get users to explain the importance of the chosen traits. We also dis-
cussed how participants imagined the chatbot’s personality [43]. At first, they
would individually pick a set of characteristics, either psychological or physical,
to describe the chatbot. The participants were asked to write down words or sen-
tences on post-its and, in addition, had the opportunity to pick pictures or icons
to assist with their ideas. After five minutes, the participants were asked to stop
the activity and the moderator initiated a brainstorming session to understand
the reason behind those choices. With this exercise, we sought to understand the

MURAL is a digital work space for visual collaboration where participants can inter-
act with each other:
44 B. Félix and J. Ribeiro

most important characteristics in a chatbot for cancer patients and what made
participants feel more comfortable while talking to the conversational agent.

Activity 2. Aimed to look into the participants’ approach to the chatbot.

We also wanted to get training phrases for the chatbot framework, similar to
[44], on the roleplay activity performed in their study. Because the co-creation
sessions were carried out remotely, we had to adapt the exercise. Participants
were given three different scenarios and were asked, based on the scenarios,
how they would ask the chatbot for help. They proceeded to write down their
responses individually.

Fig. 1. Tones of voice created for the co-creation sessions. Adapted from [27]

Activity 3. Aimed to understand the preferred tone-of-voice in a chatbot for

cancer patients. We were inspired by Kucherbaev et al. [24] and Khasnabish et
al. [23], and carried out an adaption of their roleplay exercise. Since the number
of participants was small and, in most sessions, made up of odd numbers, we
created eight chatbot mockups with different discourses. The dialogues were
created based on Kate Moran’s framework of four dimensions of the tone of
voice [27]. Three types of tones were created as presented in Fig. 1. To these
three tones, we added variants such as emojis or predefined answer options.
Finally, we added one more chatbot dialogue that had no introductory message,
with the user initiating the dialogue. Participants had to choose the two chatbots
they liked most and the two they liked least by putting green circles (for the
Designing a Chatbot for Cancer Patients 45

ones they preferred) or red circles (for the ones they disliked), as can be observed
in Fig. 3. When the voting was completed, we initiated a brainstorming session,
inspired by Wiratunga et al. [44], where the moderator asked questions on the
reasons behind the voting to better explore their points of view on the chatbot’s
user interface.

4 Results and Discussion

In our study, we found that participants preferred a chatbot with human charac-
teristics, that mimics a human and does not have robot-like features. Similarly,
Brandtzaeg and Følstad [8] mentioned that people feel more at ease with human-
like systems. Smestad and Volden [39] studied the importance of personality in
a chatbot and concluded that users were more satisfied with the chatbot with
the most pleasant personality as opposed to the one that did not mimic human
traits. The dialogue and chatbot’s introduction to users were also discussed in
these activities. According to Rozga et al. [37], the chatbot must present itself as
a robot to let users know upfront who they are dialoguing with. However, con-
trary to what was expected from [6,11,25], participants felt more comfortable
when the chatbot did not mention, directly that it was a robot. With respect to
the dialogue, we discovered that users prefer a more formal and respectful tone
of voice, similar to [45], and also in agreement with the findings from [28]. It is
very important for the participants that the chatbot understands their requests
correctly and answers in a non-condescending manner, which is highly desirable
with these types of systems, in line with the findings by Rapp et al. [35]. The
same author mentions that human-like behaviours increase users’ trust, which
is consistent with the insights from our study. Additionally, participants were
not pleased with the use of emojis, stating they were not essential and can be
misinterpreted as playful, which is consistent with the work of Fadhil et al. [13].
In their work [34], Potts et al. found that participants preferred a mid-thirties
female or gender-neutral chatbot. In our study, most participants chose female
avatars to represent the virtual assistant as well. However, when discussing this
answer, participants mentioned that it was not intentional, thus further research
is needed. Moreover, contrary to other co-designed chatbots [10,14,43], in our
study, participants found it unnecessary to attribute a name to the chatbot.
While we focus on cancer patients, we believe that these findings could be
especially useful for the design of chatbots for patients with long-term illnesses,
or even for healthcare in general. Patients with long-term illnesses like cancer
receive a large amount of information and must deal with a turmoil of emo-
tions that can influence their decision-making process. A chatbot can help these
patients navigate through the onboarding at the hospital, as well as access and
manage information during their journey.

4.1 Activity 1
Participants were asked the following question: “What do you imagine behind the
chatbot?”. Different perspectives were brought up. Most participants imagined
46 B. Félix and J. Ribeiro

how they wanted the chatbot to be while others, who had a more technologi-
cal background, already had a mental model of the chatbot, both in terms of
development and operation modes.
The responses were then divided into five categories, as presented in Table 1:
avatars, speech-related, knowledge, psychological traits, and other traits that did
not fit the psychological realm but are related to physical and personality traits.
Participants were presented with three types of avatars: human-like, robots,
and the institution’s logo. Additionally, they had the opportunity to choose an
avatar beyond the options presented. Participants were more prone to choose a
human-like avatar as opposed to robots or the logo - the latter with one vote
each. The reasons given are related to a feeling of comfort. P3: “I know it’s a
computer-based system, however, I feel more comfortable thinking there is a per-
son behind it (. . . )”. Even though they were aware it is a computer-based system,
they preferred to imagine it as a human being with human characteristics. We
found that the avatars of healthcare professionals were preferred due to having
“knowledge of the disease” (P7) and being “the right fit to help them” (P2).
Four of the six participants who chose the human avatars stated that gender did
not matter and that their choice was based on the avatar they liked the most
or the first they saw. But two participants justified their choice. P3, male, chose
the female avatar explaining he would place more trust in a female character,
probably because of a maternal affinity, as opposed to P4, female, who chose the
male avatar due to male objectiveness. These opinions can be related to previous
experiences and, although most participants selected a female avatar, according
to the results we cannot reach any conclusions regarding the choice of avatars
based on gender. Moreover, other participants, with more technical background,
had some difficulties in overlooking their previous knowledge and experiences
and creating empathy with the presented human-like avatars, P5:“I am aware it
is a computer-based system that we are interacting with, but that system was cre-
ated by programmers from the institution and the information that the program
will have available and the interaction it will carry out will be in representation
of the institution (...)”.
Considering speech, we found that people prefer simple, explanatory, and
clear language. They underscored being able to “talk to anyone” (P3), meaning
the bot should not use medical jargon but, rather, explain what certain terms
mean. All participants were Portuguese speakers and, as such, they find it impor-
tant that the chatbot speak the same language and not English, the universal
language for computer-based systems. In the Portuguese language, there is a
clear distinction between the 2nd person singular and the 3rd person singular,
the latter being more formal/respectful and preferred for this system. P1:“Always
formal, in my opinion, this can all be done being formal. (. . . ) There needs to
be a certain formality.”. They want the chatbot to be friendly, such as calling
them by their name, but also keeping a respectful distance. Another aspect that
was mentioned was the oral speech. Many participants stated they would prefer
a bot with oral speech to understand emotions through different tones in the
voice. This is a validation of the findings from the interviews, where participants
Designing a Chatbot for Cancer Patients 47

Table 1. Characteristics presented by participants in activity 1.

Speech related Psychological traits Knowledge Other traits

Amiable speech Calm Detailed information Always answer, even if it takes time
Call people by their Calming Expert on the subject Available
name but with
formal speech
Clarity Cold FAQs Average height
Clear and efficient Considerate Have alternatives if it Clarifier
communication doesn’t know the
Concise Cooperative Information from Feeling heard
institution’s staff
Explanatory Fond Not being vague Lets people be at ease
Have a formal speech Friendly Programmed answers Middle age
Knows how to talk Gentle Relevant information Resolutive
with any person
Multilingual Good listener Solutions Uncomplicated
Portuguese speaker Interested Useful
Preferred oral speech Kind Who knows how to
over written speech accommodate
because it has
intonation and it’s
easier to tell if it is
more friendly
Simple conversation Not intimidating Who knows how to
answer to what was
Simplicity Polite
Talk in the third Receptive
person (in
To not speak with
medical terms
without explanation

mentioned that the speech should allow everyone to understand and, preferably,
they would like to choose between written and oral communication.
Considering the knowledge of the chatbot, all participants considered it
should have extensive knowledge on the disease and everything related to it,
but the aspect they focused on most was the way the bot presents the infor-
mation. Participants emphasized the bot should offer precise answers, and not
state everything about that subject. P7:“Smart as in it knows how to answer
the question I asked and nothing less. (. . . ) It needs to know, should know, that’s
why it is a robot: it is prepared to always have an answer.” The information pre-
sented should be helpful, detailed, and relevant. Having their questions properly
answered is of great importance to the participants and it matches the findings
by [35].
Regarding the chatbot’s traits, some adjectives were presented. They char-
acterized the bot as “caring” (P2) and “interested in the patient” (P4). It should
48 B. Félix and J. Ribeiro

be a good listener and always offer a kind word. They presented many human
characteristics which match the findings from [33,35,39]. P4:“(. . . ) to get as close
to a human as possible, with the following characteristics: be thoughtful, know
how to accommodate and give a word of hope (. . . )”. People feel more comfort-
able talking if the other side is responsive and takes into consideration/validates
their feelings. Some interesting findings were the use of physical traits. One par-
ticipant mentioned the age and height of the person behind the chatbot and said
he was looking for someone who would not intimidate him and would make him
feel more at ease to share his concerns. P3: “If I imagine I’m talking to a person
that’s much taller than me, maybe I won’t feel as comfortable. (. . . ) If they are
average height, we’re looking at each eye-to-eye, and the conversation might run

4.2 Activity 2

In this activity, we were looking to understand how participants initiate the con-
versation with the bot. Although participants suggested in the first activity that
the chatbot should have human-like qualities, most of the questions presented
in this activity were more detached than if the participant was speaking to a
person. The majority did not greet the bot and only three of eight participants
used “please” and “thank you” in their questions, as can be observed in Fig. 2.
The results obtained are to be used as intents in the building of the chatbot.

Fig. 2. Example of activity 2 on MURAL

Designing a Chatbot for Cancer Patients 49

4.3 Activity 3
Different themes emerged during the discussions of this activity such as tone of
voice, the name of the chatbot, the use of emojis, and the attribution of human
traits to the chatbot.
According to the participants’ votes, the tone of voice preferred was a com-
bination of serious, respectful, casual and matter-of-fact. Enthusiasm was also
appreciated, especially the bot that sent an additional message reminding them
of things they had not asked but the bot felt were important. Participants found
it very reassuring and that it “transmitted a sense of interest that everything
runs smoothly” (P3). These results are in line with those found by [28] which
showed that people prefer a more empathetic form of speech from a healthcare
institution. The speech that gathered the most dislikes was the one with no
introduction. This made participants feel it was not listening and showed a lack
of availability as they, as users, want to feel heard and understood.
It is a common practice in chatbot design to introduce the bot by men-
tioning that the participants are speaking to a robot [37]. People want this
information so they can manage their expectations accordingly and, in some

Fig. 3. Example of activity 3 on MURAL

50 B. Félix and J. Ribeiro

cases, make them feel more at ease [6,11,25]. However, we were unable to con-
firm this statement, and our results diverge from this theory: participants in all
three sessions mentioned that they did not like when the chatbot presented itself
as a robot using that term. The reasoning is that, although they know they are
talking to a machine, they prefer not to be informed of such. P1:“Even though
I know there is a robot on the other side, I would rather not be informed of
it.” They prefer that it introduce itself as a virtual agent or a virtual assistant,
which indirectly informs them that they are chatting with a bot. P8:“When it
says “I’m the virtual assistant”, we already know it’s a robot”.
According to [13], participants, the majority of which were under 30 years
old, were welcoming of emojis when discussing mental health and private infor-
mation, but not when discussing daily activity or other information. However,
in this study emojis were not at all appreciated. Only one participant out of
eight said she enjoyed having the emojis because it “breaks the ice” (P4). The
majority stated they did not vote for that chatbot due to the emojis and some
considered that using emojis was “too playful” (P3). Interestingly, participants
also showed concern that not using emojis might not please other users.
As opposed to what would be expected given that the results from the first
activity concluded that people would prefer a more natural, human-like chatbot
with human characteristics and not robotic, participants enjoyed having options
to reply. The most voted chatbot had options with different topics that the
chatbot could be helpful with. Only one participant disliked this chatbot, saying
“it feels like it is not listening to what I’m saying, and I have to choose one of
those five options” (P4). The remaining participants were extremely pleased to
have options other than writing. They found it to be helpful in case they were
stuck, not knowing how to start the conversation, or even for “yes” or “no”
questions. However, when presented with a chatbot where they could only reply
with options, they had very different opinions. Participants felt that, although
the options are very helpful, it is essential to be able to write their questions
themselves. P7:“(. . . ) the person might not able to express himself through the
options and want something besides what is presented. It might be easier in
Participants were not pleased with the choice of the chatbot’s name. Given
that it was a health-related bot, we decided to introduce it, in some cases, as
HealthyBot. This caused a lot of resistance from the participants. Some men-
tioned reluctance because it was in a foreign language. Others said it was imper-
sonal. This led to an insightful discussion as to whether it was important for the
chatbot to even have a name, which in all sessions we concluded that it was not.
People did not feel the need to give the chatbot a name, let alone that it use a
name to introduce itself. P3:“Just virtual assistant is enough”. They only find a
name relevant if it is the mascot of the institution, otherwise, the name should
be omitted.
Designing a Chatbot for Cancer Patients 51

5 Limitations of the Study

This was a small, qualitative study performed with predominantly well-educated
participants of Portuguese nationality. One of our main limitations was the fact
that we could not conduct the co-creation sessions with actual cancer patients or
caregivers. Nevertheless, we believe that these findings will help us design better
chatbots for healthcare.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

The aim of this study was to create a chatbot to help cancer patients navigate the
onboarding process at the hospital. In this paper, we described the co-creation
sessions in detail, as well as the major findings from these sessions. The insights
from the co-creation sessions enabled us to better understand people’s expec-
tations and preferences with regards to the tone of voice, content, and human
characterization of the chatbot. Our goal was to contribute to the community
with our insights regarding the design of chatbots for cancer patients, as well as
the use and adaptation of remote tools in the co-creation process.
For future work, we would like to proceed with the design of the chatbot,
incorporating all of the findings from both the interviews and the co-creation
sessions. Additionally, we would like to consider the possibility of adapting the
conversational agent into a voicebot, allowing users to choose between texting or
speaking, something that was mentioned during the sessions. We also believe the
co-creation sessions should be carried out with actual cancer patients, to further
validate the results found.

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Individualized Learning Patterns Require
Individualized Conversations – Data-Driven
Insights from the Field on How Chatbots
Instruct Students in Solving Exercises

Sebastian Hobert1,2(B)
1 University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany
[email protected]
2 Campus Institute Data Science, Goettingen, Germany

Abstract. Chatbots can foster the learning success of students in educational set-
tings. This has been shown in prior research studies, e.g., using laboratory studies
in online learning settings. Actual evaluations of using educational chatbots in the
field are nevertheless rarely reported. Thus, insights into the students’ interactions
with chatbots in long-term field settings are missing. In this research study, we aim
at gaining insights into the students’ interactions with an educational chatbot in a
programming course. To this aim, we follow an explorative data-driven discourse
analysis approach and show how students interacted with the chatbot during a
field study lasting several months. We ground our analysis on a dataset from 54
students interacting with a chatbot while working on programming exercise tasks.
We reveal how students interact with the chatbot and identify different types of
usage patterns. The results imply that adaptive learning paths are one of the most
important aspects of educational chatbot design for dealing with heterogeneous
usage patterns.

Keywords: Educational chatbots · Digital tutors · Learning process · Field

study · Evaluation

1 Introduction

Prior laboratory studies have shown that educational chatbots can improve learning in
online-based education [1]. In educational settings, chatbots have the possibility to sup-
port learners individually in personalized conversations. Thus, they have the possibility
to overcome resource constraints in teaching settings (e.g., a limited number of instruc-
tors or teaching assistants) [2]. Independently of the specific type of an educational
chatbot (e.g., a chatbot as a lecturer or as a tutor), its representations or implementation
(e.g., voice-based or text-based input and output), the overall aim of most educational
chatbots is to foster the learners’ learning outcome [3].
Many prior research studies in educational settings focus on design and evaluation
studies that are not researched in the field but only in limited laboratory settings [4].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 55–69, 2022.
56 S. Hobert

Due to this, we know only little about the actual learning processes of students and
their interactions with chatbots in the field. In many other application domains like in
business settings, this does not seem to be a problem as laboratory studies are perfectly
useable to simulate a realistic usage setting. In educational settings, however, this seems
to be problematic, especially when educational software is not only used during a short
timeframe but during a whole lecture term of several months. In laboratory studies,
such a long usage term of several months can usually not be simulated. To address this
gap, we particularly focus on the long-term use of educational chatbots during a multi-
month lecture term in this research study. To actually get insights into how students
interact with chatbots in the long term, we conducted an explorative discourse analysis
and followed a data-driven approach using field data. Using this approach, we focus on
the first research direction identified by Følstad et al. [5], who demand “[…] to move
from studies of chatbot users in general to studies of chatbot users and behaviours for
particular demographics, domains, or contexts.” [5] Following this direction, we aim at
answering the following research question:
RQ: How do students interact with chatbots in long-term educational settings?
To address this research question, we rely on data from a field study in which we
introduced an educational chatbot [6] into a programming course. We analyzed the
discourses from approximately 50 novice programmers who worked in more than 1,000
sessions on solving programming tasks. While solving these tasks, the students were
supported by the educational chatbot who discoursed with them and instructed them
how to solve the task. Additionally, the chatbot is able to analyze the students’ source
code to provide personalized feedback automatically. By analyzing the approximately
30,000 chat interactions, we aim at contributing to the design of educational chatbots by
outlining first insights into how students interact with educational chatbots.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Subsequently, we briefly present
related research on educational chatbots and outline the theoretical foundations of
chatbot-based instructions in Sect. 2. This forms the basis for our research design in
Sect. 3, in which we describe the field setting and the demographic background of the
study participants, briefly present our chatbot used in the study, and summarize how
we preprocessed the data and conducted the analysis. In Sect. 4, we present the results
of our explorative data-driven research approach, focus on aggregated statistics on the
students’ interaction with the chatbot, and compare the interactions in easy and diffi-
cult exercises. Finally, we identify different types of interaction groups and outline that
students interact differently with the chatbot. In Sect. 5, we discuss the results to derive
implications and summarize our findings.

2 Theoretical Background

2.1 Related Research on Educational Chatbots

Chatbots have been used in educational settings for many years [7]. For instance, Tegos
et al. [8] developed MentorChat, a chatbot that aims at supporting collaborative learning
tasks in discussions. Graesser et al. [9] developed the AutoTutor software that focused
on complex problems, and Winkler et al. [1] developed Sara, the lecturer that is able to
Individualized Learning Patterns Require Individualized Conversations 57

interact with students in video-based settings [1]. It has also been used to support skills
of learners – like verbal communication [10] or argumentation [11].
Like in other application domains, chatbots in educational settings can be defined
as software-based agents that interact with learners using natural language conversation
in dialogs [3, 12–15]. For instance, they use this form of human-computer interaction
to mimic a natural language conversation between a learner and either a human teacher,
instructor, tutor, or fellow student [3, 12–15].
In prior years, multiple literature reviews [3, 7, 16] have analyzed how chatbots have
been researched in educational settings. Prior research indicates the potentials of utilizing
chatbots for improving teaching and learning. It seems particularly useful as an additional
tool for fostering learning support. For instance, it has been shown that chatbots are
capable of (1) supporting video-based teaching in voice- or text-based conversations
[1], (2) helping students to work on programming exercises [6], and (3) training factual
knowledge using quiz bots [17]. These use cases in educational settings often differ from
use cases in business settings (see [18] for exemplary use cases): In classical business use
cases, like in customer support, users interact with chatbots typically with a particular
goal or problem in mind. The aim of the conversations is usually to solve user needs
as quickly as possible. In typical learning settings, chatbots are, however, usually not
solely designed to improve the efficiency of the learning processes. Instead, increasing
the effectiveness of skill improvement is often the main focus [3]. Thus, educational
chatbots are usually used over a much more extended period of time. For instance, if
teaching tasks are supported, the usage period may range up to a complete lecture term of
several months in which the learners interact with the chatbot. Insights into educational,
chatbot-enabled learning processes are still a research gap. To this aim, we focus on how
a chatbot supports learners in a long-term educational setting in this explorative study.

2.2 Theoretical Foundations of Chatbot-Based Instruction

For designing educational chatbots, defining proper learning paths for enabling interac-
tions are essential. Adaptive learning paths, as described by the Scaffolding concept [19,
20], enable chatbots to provide individual learning support. By adapting the conversa-
tions based on the students’ individual needs, the chatbot is able to mimic the behavior
of lecturers or tutors who also try to respond to each student individually. Adapting the
conversations based on the learners’ needs seems also be useful for creating meaningful
discussions about learning content. The learners usually do not only want to get general
learning support but also want to get individual help on their specific challenges. This
seems also be useful as proposed by the ICAP framework [21]. The ICAP framework
proposes that and increased learning engagement results in increased learning success.
According to the framework, the highest engagement can be reached in interactive learn-
ing scenarios. As examples for such interactive learning, Chi and Wylie [21] propose
conversations and discussions. Thus, educational chatbots should focus on offering stu-
dents individualized learning paths to create rich and interactive conversations to foster
learning success. In this study, we build upon the Scaffolding concept as well as the ICAP
framework and introduce a chatbot in a field setting to observe the students’ interaction
with it in a long-term learning setting.
58 S. Hobert

3 Research Design
In the following, we outline the research design of our field study. To this end, we briefly
describe the field setting and the demographic background of the study participants
before we present the chatbot implementation. Finally, we provide an overview of the
data preprocessing and data analysis for answering our research question.

3.1 Field Setting

In this study, we report the findings from a field setting, in which we implemented a
chatbot in an online programming environment for a full lecture period of approxi-
mately 14 weeks. During the lecture period, the students of a programming course at
a larger German university had to work on programming exercise tasks on a weekly
basis. Each week, the students should solve two to three exercises that were aligned to
the course’s schedule. The exercises were addressed to novice programmers and started
with very simple tasks like programming a Hello World program in Java. During the
lecture term, the difficulty of the tasks increased, and students needed to work on Itera-
tors, user interface implementation, or implementations of more complex algorithms like
the Euclidean algorithm for calculating the greatest common divisor of two numbers.
The students should work on the provided exercise tasks as homework. To support the
students while working on the exercise tasks, we implemented a chatbot in the course’s
web-based coding platform (see Subsect. 3.3).

3.2 Demographic Background of Study Participants

During the field study, 54 students of the programming course attended the course
and agreed to participate in the study. Participation in the study was voluntary, and no
incentives were provided. The vast majority of the students were enrolled in a Bachelor’s
program on information systems in their study entry phase. Most of the students were
in their second to fourth semester, with only a few exceptions. Based on an anonymous
self-evaluation at the beginning of the course, the sample can be classified with a novice
level. With only a few exceptions, the students had only limited prior programming
experience in Java. Nevertheless, basic computer science concepts were known to them
as most of them passed a class on fundamentals in computer science before.

3.3 Chatbot Software Integrated into the Programming Course

During the field study, all 54 students participating in the study got access to the course’s
online programming environment. The online programming environment is based on the
Coding Tutor system introduced in [6]. Within the online programming environment,
the students got access to the course’s programming task. For each programming task,
a detailed task description and a web-based coding editor were provided. In addition to
that, a chatbot was integrated into the programming interface as a popup overlay. As
visualized in Fig. 1, the chatbot introduces itself at the beginning of each exercise task
as a digital tutor before focusing on supporting the students.
Individualized Learning Patterns Require Individualized Conversations 59

Fig. 1. Exemplary screenshot of the chatbot at the beginning of an exercise task.

The digital tutor has the aim to support the students while working on the exercise
tasks. To this end, the digital tutor offers the students multiple opportunities for support-
ing their learning processes: In the beginning, the chatbot introduces itself and explains
the exercise task. The chatbot further offers the students individualized guidance on a
step-by-step basis or on-demand help based on the students’ individual requests. Suppose
students would like to get individualized guidance. In this case, the chatbot is capable
of explaining the theoretical background of the exercise task (e.g., the algorithm under-
lying the task) and guiding the students step-by-step (e.g., by outlining which methods
are needed and which functionalities should be implemented).
An exemplary chat dialog showing the chatbot’s capabilities in terms of individual-
ized guidance and on-demand help is visualized in Fig. 2.
Additionally, students may always ask the chatbot to evaluate their code. In this case,
the chatbot automatically analyzes the code using unit tests and provides individualized
feedback. For instance, the chatbot reports the results of compiling and executing the
source code and the unit tests. Based on this dynamic code analysis, the chatbot can
provide individualized feedback to the students. Finally, the chatbot can proactively
offer help to the students based on a background static code analysis. To this end, the
chatbot automatically analyzes the students’ written source code on a timely basis (i.e.,
several times per minute). If the static code analysis repeatedly reports coding errors,
the chatbot proactively offers help and hints the students at the identified error.
An exemplary chat dialog showing the chatbot’s capabilities in terms of individual-
ized feedback based on dynamic code testing and proactive help based on static code
analysis is visualized in Fig. 3.
To summarize, the chatbot offers (1) step-by-step guidance, (2) on-demand help
based on students’ questions, (3) individualized feedback based on dynamic code testing,
60 S. Hobert

Fig. 2. Exemplary chat dialog showing (1) individualized guidance on a step-by-step basis and
(2) on-demand help.

and (4) proactive help based on automated static code analysis. We summarize the first
two types of interactions in the following as instruction and the last two as feedback.
To offer these conversation-based possibilities of learning support, the chatbot is
theoretically grounded on the ICAP framework [21] and the scaffolding concept [19,
20] as outlined in the theoretical foundation in Sect. 2.2. To implement these concepts,
the chatbot combines typical intent recognition techniques known from natural lan-
guage processing with complex learning paths implemented using finite state machines
that enable adaptive responses to the students’ individual state of knowledge and their
demands. Further information on the chatbot’s architecture and the initial implementation
is available as a separate conference paper, see [6] for further information.
Individualized Learning Patterns Require Individualized Conversations 61

Fig. 3. Exemplary chat dialog showing (3) individualized feedback based on dynamic code testing
and (4) proactive help based on automatic static code analysis.

3.4 Data Preprocessing and Analysis

During the field study, we collected pseudonymized usage data from the students’ inter-
action with the chatbot. The usage data only contains data from students who gave their
informed consent. It is linked to the exercise tasks and includes a timestamp and the tex-
tual conversations between the students and the chatbot. We labeled each interaction (a
message from the user and a response from the chatbot) based on the intent classification
and assigned it to two types of learning-related interactions: instruction and feedback
(see Sect. 3.3).
We aggregated the usage logs by time and type of interactions to analyze the data.
Additionally, we include the perceived difficulty of the exercise tasks in our analysis.
The difficulty was measured by surveying the students and allowing them to rate each
62 S. Hobert

exercise task on a Likert scale from very easy to very hard. The details of the analysis,
including the results, are outlined in the subsequent section.

4 Results
4.1 Aggregated Chatbot Interaction Statistics
During the field study, the students worked on approximately 20 programming tasks.
On average, each student worked for approximately 13.5 h (median value) with the
system, and we recorded approximately 30,000 chat interactions in total. Each of these
interactions usually consists of one question-answer pair (e.g., one question by a student
and the chatbot’s answer). Thus, each student interacted with the chatbot in more than
550 chat interactions on average.
We coded the interaction into two types to further analyze the chat interactions:
(1) instruction and (2) feedback as outlined in Sect. 3.4. Those two types are the main
learning-related forms of interaction that the chatbot focuses on. We removed other – not
learning-related – interactions like small talk [22] from our analysis, as those are not
directly related to solving the exercise tasks. After coding the interactions, we can see
that according to the median value, the students almost equally often discoursed about
instruction-related topics and feedback topics (medianinstruction = 250,5; medianfeedback
= 252,5). As visualized in Fig. 4, we can see that the deviation of the number of interac-
tions related to instruction is greater compared to the number of interactions related to
feedback. Particularly noteworthy is that one student focused mainly on instruction with
more than 1200 interactions (more than five times the median value), whereas another
student interacted in almost 1000 feedback interactions (almost four times the median

Fig. 4. Boxplots for comparing the distribution of instruction and feedback interactions.

For a more detailed analysis of the timing of the students’ interactions with the
chatbot, we mapped every single interaction to the relative timing in the processing of
Individualized Learning Patterns Require Individualized Conversations 63

the task. To this end, we divided the time each student worked on each exercise into
ten equally sized timeslots and counted how many interactions occurred (a value of 0
on the timeline means that a student just started to work on the exercise; a value of 100
means that a student finished her or his work on the exercise). The result visualized
in Fig. 5 reveals that the students mainly interacted with the chatbot at the beginning
of the exercises and at the end. In the beginning until approximately 10% of the task
processing was completed, almost 15% of all interactions occurred. Most of them were
related to instruction. The dialog analysis revealed that many students discoursed with
the chatbot about the theoretical background and asked for more information on the
algorithm required for solving the task. Afterward, the number of interactions dropped
substantially and started increasing again after approximately 70% of the task processing
was completed. This increase at the end of the task processing can be explained by a
substantial increase in the interactions related to feedback. This does not seem surprising.
After working on a solution for a given exercise task, the students asked the chatbot to
test their solution and to provide feedback. Interestingly, this also resulted in an increase
in the number of instruction-related messages. A close analysis of these dialogs shows
that some students requested help to fix errors in their solutions. Thus, they asked the
chatbot for guidance.


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Timeline of task processing in percent
Total Instruction Feedback
Fig. 5. Timeline of the chat interactions

Based on these observations, the interactions over time can be divided into three

1. Instruction phase: The first phase in which students mainly focus on conversations
related to instructions, i.e., students ask the chatbot for explanations of the theoretical
background, the algorithm, or how to start the coding process.
2. Coding phase: In the second phase, the number of interactions decreases, and students
mainly work on their solutions. This is the phase in which most of the source code
is written.
3. Testing phase: In the last phase, the number of interactions related to feedback
increases. The students aim at finalizing their source code and ask the chatbot for its
assessment and feedback.
64 S. Hobert

4.2 Comparing Interactions by Task Difficulty

To further investigate the students’ interactions with the chatbot, we compared the num-
ber of interactions of easy exercise tasks to difficult exercise tasks. To determine which
exercise tasks were perceived as easy or difficult, we asked each student to rate the exer-
cises’ difficulty. For the subsequent analysis, we selected the five easiest and the five
most challenging exercise tasks as comparison groups.
The comparison visualized in Fig. 6 indicates that the interaction patterns differ
substantially. The visualization of the interactions while working on easy exercise tasks
shows that the total amount of interactions remains relatively constant during the whole
time. In the beginning, the majority of interactions were related to instructions. Later,
most interactions were related to feedback as the amount of instruction-based interactions

Easy exercise tasks


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Difficult exercise tasks


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Total Instruction Feedback
Fig. 6. Comparison of the timelines of chat interactions: easy exercises vs. difficult exercises

The interaction of the students while solving difficult tasks differs substantially from
the easy ones. In the beginning, huge amounts of instruction-based interactions occur.
This indicates that the students ask the chatbot for instructions on how to solve the task.
Even if the number decreases after 10% of the task processing time, it remains higher
Individualized Learning Patterns Require Individualized Conversations 65

than the maximum value for easy tasks at all times. Further, an almost monotone increase
in the number of feedback-based interactions can be observed. It reaches its maximum
at the end of the task processing time.
A comparison of Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 reveals that the aggregated timeline of all chat
interactions (Fig. 5) is mostly dominated by the huge amount of interactions in difficult
exercise tasks. This is reflected in the fact that both charts have an almost similar shape.

4.3 Identifying Different Types of User Groups

We have already shown that the amount of interactions depends largely on the difficulty
of the exercise tasks. To further investigate the nature of the interactions, we now focus
on the users. To this end, we aim at identifying different types of user groups.
As we have seen in Fig. 5, the students’ interaction can be divided into three major
parts: (1) instruction phase, (2) coding phase, and (3) testing phase. Due to this obser-
vation, we also split the timeline into three phases in the following, covering one-third
of the timeline each. For each student, we analyzed the discourse log and labeled for
each phase whether they performed above average in the phase. If this was the case, we
coded this phase with +1, otherwise with −1. If a student interacted almost equally
much in all phases, we coded this with 0. After labeling the phases for each student, we
aggregated them and resulted in four distinct phases (see Table 1 and Fig. 7).

Table 1. Resulting groups after coding (+1: no. interaction above 1/3 of all interactions; −1 below
1/3 of all interactions; 0 approximately 1/3 of all interactions)

Group No. students Instruction phase Coding phase Testing phase

G1 Code on your own 13 (24%) +1 −1 +1
G2 Feedback-driven 25 (46%) −1 −1 +1
G3 Instruction-driven 10 (19%) +1 −1 −1
G4 Balanced interaction 6 (11%) 0 0 0
All students could be assigned to these groups. We could not identify other combinations of +
1/0/−1 in the three phases, even though they would be theoretically possible.

Group 1: Code on Your Own. The first group consists of 13 students (24%) and is
characterized by many interactions in the instruction phase (approximately 200 interac-
tions per student) as well as in the feedback phase (approximately 195 interactions). In
the coding phase, the number of interactions is substantially lower (approximately 77
interactions). Thus, students in group 1 focus on interactions at the beginning and the
end of the task processing time. In total, each student was involved in approximately
471 interactions.
66 S. Hobert

#1 Code on your own

350 #2 Feedback-driven
#3 Instruction-driven
300 #4 Balanced interaction
Interactions per student






t1: Instruction phase t2: Coding phase t3: Feedback phase

Fig. 7. Visualization of the amount of interaction per student in each identified group

Group 2: Feedback-Driven. In contrast to the first group, the 25 students in the second
group mainly focus on interactions in the feedback phase (approximately 268 interac-
tions). In the other two phases, the number is comparably low (approximately 134
resp. 137 interactions). Thus, the students in this group mainly interact with the chatbot
to ask it to test their source code to receive feedback. The total number of messages in
this phase is slightly larger compared to group 1 (approximately 539 interactions per

Group 3: Instruction-Driven. The third group can be defined as the opposite of group
2. The ten students in this group mainly interact with the chatbot to get instructions in
each phase. This is represented in approximately 464 interactions related to instructions
compared to only approximately 230 related to feedback. In contrast to group 2, we can
see that the number of messages reaches a minimum in phase 2 and slightly increases
in phase 3. In total, the students in this group interacted with the chatbot at most, with
approximately 694 interactions per student.

Group 4: Balanced Interaction. The last group consists of only six students (11%).
As visualized in Fig. 7, the amount of interactions is almost similar in all three phases.
The number of interactions vary only slightly in the phases between approximately 184
and approximately 228.

5 Discussion and Implications

Evaluations from actual field data in educational settings rarely exist in current educa-
tional chatbot research. In this initial exploratory, data-driven study, we analyzed how
approximately 50 students interacted with educational chatbots in approximately 30,000
interactions. The analysis of the field data allowed us to get first insights into how learn-
ers interact with educational chatbots in long-term educational settings. This allows us
to address our research question:
Individualized Learning Patterns Require Individualized Conversations 67

RQ: How do students interact with chatbots in long-term educational settings?

The results of our explorative analysis of field data suggest that the students interacted
in extensive discourses with the provided chatbot. We were particularly able to show
that students interacted with the chatbot most often at the beginning and at the end of
the processing time of solving given exercise tasks. Thereby, the interaction patterns
differ depending on the perceived task difficulty: Easy tasks result in low, unvarying
interactions. Difficult tasks result in a large number of interactions with a particular
demand on instructions at the beginning and individualized feedback at the end of the
task processing time.
We could further reveal that the learners do not interact homogenously. Instead, we
could identify four different usage patterns that we labeled as (1) code on your own, (2)
feedback-driven, (3) instruction-driven, and (4) balanced interaction.
These identified groups among the students reveal that there is no one size fits all
approach for educational chatbots. Instead, educational chatbots need to be able to adapt
to the students’ desired interaction patterns. With these results, we were able to show
that adaptive learning paths are essential when educational chatbots should adapt to the
students’ individual learning patterns. The Scaffolding concept [19, 20] seems to be a
suitable approach for us for adapting the learning paths.
Further, the results suggest that the chatbot created an interactive learning setting,
which seems desirable as recommended by the ICAP framework [21].
Overall educational chatbots might not be a one size fits all approach to instruct all
students. Instead, educational chatbots might be one additional, promising educational
technology that can be integrated into learning settings to foster learning success.
We argue that educational chatbots should not be used as the only tool or method to
support learners. Using educational chatbots as a supplementary tool in in-class, blended,
or online teaching settings seems most promising to us. In doing so, it would be possible
to offer the students multiple different types of learning support (e.g., an in-class lecture
for instructing the students at the university combined with an educational chatbot for
answering on-demand questions at home). Nevertheless, as our initial study is explorative
in nature, further field studies are needed to validate and extend the results. This seems
particularly useful to get an in-depth understanding of chatbot users in the educational
domain (see [5]). Additionally, it would be worth comparing in detail whether similar
interaction patterns and user groups can be found when using other sophisticated learning
support software systems in similar settings.

6 Conclusion

With our study, we contribute to the current educational chatbot research stream by
providing data-driven insights into the interactions of students with chatbots in a long-
term educational setting. Our results suggest that students request the individualization of
learning paths as their way of interacting differs substantially. Focusing on the adaption
of teaching and learning strategies seems to be a promising future research direction to
us. Additionally, it would be interesting to get further insights into actual field data from
other educational learning settings. As we only analyzed field data from one university
course in this study, further case studies might help to validate or supplement our findings.
68 S. Hobert

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Chatbots Supporting Collaboration
and Social Interaction
How Can a Chatbot Support Human Resource
Management? Exploring the Operational

Tina Taule1 , Asbjørn Følstad2(B) , and Knut Inge Fostervold1

1 Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
[email protected], [email protected]
2 SINTEF, Oslo, Norway

[email protected]

Abstract. Chatbots are increasingly taken up to support organizational functions

and processes, particularly in support of the Human Resource Management (HRM)
function. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the organizational implications
of this support – in particular the operational interplay between the chatbot, the
HRM function, and the organization at large. In this study, we contribute knowl-
edge to the fields of chatbot research and digital HRM support through interviews
with 13 HRM practitioners in organizations that had implemented chatbots to
support their function. The findings show that a chatbot may support the HRM
function through handling of repetitive inquiries and tailoring of HRM support in
response to insights from analysis of chatbot use. At the same time, the chatbot
impacts the HRM function in terms of new tasks and competence requirements.
The findings also provide insight into characteristics of the organization and the
chatbot which may impact uptake and effective use. Based on the findings, we
suggest implications for theory and practice and point out future research needs.

Keywords: Chatbot · Human resource management · Work support

1 Introduction

In recent years there has been an emerging interest in chatbots as support of functions
and processes internal to organizations, such as Human Resource Management (HRM)
[23]. Specifically, chatbots are thought to support the HRM function in areas such as
recruitment and selection, onboarding and training, automation of routine processes and
answering employees’ frequently asked questions [31].
Authors note an increased focus on employee experience and the use of consumer-
oriented technologies, such as chatbots, to raise employee engagement and increase task
efficiency in daily work [9, 10, 32]. To illustrate this trend, Gartner [17] predicted that
in the near future, it will be common among white-collar workers to interact with con-
versational platforms on a daily basis, and organizations such as IBM have successfully
applied chatbots for purposes internal to the organization [19, 21].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 73–89, 2022.
74 T. Taule et al.

However, as the application of chatbots for organizational purposes is relatively

new, there is a knowledge gap concerning the way in which the chatbot currently sup-
ports internal functions such as HRM [26]. Furthermore, there is a lack of research on
chatbot implementation from an organizational perspective [29]. This knowledge gap is
problematic, as a successful continued uptake of chatbots for organizational purposes
depends on insight into how this technology may support and impact existing internal
functions. Furthermore, there is a need to understand the resulting operational interplay
between the technology and the functions it is intended to support, that is, their resulting
distribution of tasks and responsibilities.
In response to this gap in current knowledge, we conducted a qualitative exploratory
study, involving 13 HRM practitioners from 10 different organizations which all
had implemented chatbots for HRM purposes. The study was conducted by semi-
structured interviews allowing for needed exploration of the HRM perspective on chatbot
The study contributes to the existing state of the art in two main ways. First, by
empirically exploring chatbot implementation and use from an organizational perspec-
tive, this study provides insight into a viable chatbot use area as well as factors that may
prove to have significant impact on successful implementation and use. Second, taking a
starting point in the assumption that chatbots are expected to support the HRM function
in various ways, this study contributes insight into chatbots as a specific and relatively
new HRM technology and empirically explores what characterizes the interplay between
the HRM function and such chatbots. By empirically investigating the lived experiences
of HRM personnel managing and working with the chatbot, this study sheds light on
how HRM personnel experience the implementation of an internal chatbot, how this
affects HRM work tasks and roles, as well as how this new interplay is perceived by
HRM practitioners and the organization at large.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. First, we provide an overview
of relevant background before detailing the research questions and methods. We then
present study findings and discuss these relative to the current state of the art, addressing
implications for theory and practice.

2 Background

2.1 Human Resource Management

HRM concerns organizational activities related to the management of people at work

[30, 34]. This includes external activities such as recruitment and selection, and internal
practices related to training and development, motivation, employee wellbeing, and
design of work. The HRM department can also be a part of strategic and operational
managerial activities such as change management and employee branding [28, 34].
One of the main concerns of the HRM function is to deliver value to key stakeholders,
including employees, line managers, external customers and investors [30]. Due to the
demands of both strategic contributions and cost-effectiveness, the HRM department
is now seeking to reduce time spent on administrative tasks and strengthen the role as
strategic business partner and change agent [34].
How Can a Chatbot Support Human Resource Management? 75

To support transition towards strategic HRM, routine HRM tasks are increasingly
supported by digital solutions and automation [24, 34]. Digital HRM solutions are also
held to potentially improve HRM service provision [4]. However, there may also be
challenges in implementing digital HRM solutions; such solutions do not necessarily
lead to a positive change for HRM [24] and HRM departments may experience difficulties
in adopting new technologies [4]. Hence explorations of chatbots in support of the HRM
function will need to consider both potential benefits and challenges.

2.2 Chatbots for Organizational Purposes

Chatbots have been described as the artificial intelligence (AI) application with the
broadest set of potential uses for HRM [19].
There are several reasons why chatbots are seen as interesting to organizations.
Chatbot may be convenient and efficient interfaces to information and services [6] and
have also been marketed as “inexpensive to design, and quick to train” [19]. Due to
the increasing volume of information, communication channels and applications, an
essential advantage of chatbots for internal purposes, is the improvement of information
management along with the automation of administrative and routine tasks [26, 32].
Furthermore, the conversational interface may be seen as aligned with employee
expectations of user experience and contribute positively to collaboration in the work-
place [17]. Self-service through chatbots internal to the organization is also suggested to
contribute to higher employee engagement [11, 14, 23], and is seen in relation to orga-
nizational reputation and employee branding where investment in modern technology is
key to attracting the right knowledge and sustain employee engagement [1, 23].
Although practitioners point to potential benefits of chatbots for organizational pur-
poses, others note that the technology is still in an early stage and that uptake of chatbots
for internal purposes is not yet widespread in organizational settings [1, 5, 26]. For exam-
ple, some note that such chatbots need continuous training and human supervision, and
output is limited to available content [1]. Furthermore, implementing a new technology
is not only dependent on the system or tool itself; ‘people factors’ such as organizational
culture, habits and attitudes are shown to have significant impact on the adoption of
technologies [4]. Similarly, it has been argued that chatbots possess specific and special
characteristics and that therefore it is important to gain understanding of their acceptance
in the organizational context, as well as an understanding of the employee needs and
expectations [5].

2.3 An Organizational Perspective on Chatbots?

Chatbots have been studied extensively from the perspective of user needs, behaviour
and experiences [e.g. 15, 22], from the perspectives of design and implementation [e.g.
2, 18], and with regard to technology underpinnings such as dialogues systems and
natural language processing [25]. However, while an important aspect of successful
chatbot uptake is their organizational implementation and maintenance [20, 35], there
is a surprising lack of research on the organizational aspects of chatbot.
76 T. Taule et al.

Syvänen and Valentini [29] accentuated this point in their state-of-the-art analysis
covering more than 60 articles on chatbot research. They found studies on implementa-
tional, marketing-oriented, and interactional aspects of chatbots to be dominating, and
studies of organizational aspects of chatbot implementation to be remarkably absent.
Meyer von Wolff et al. [26] made a complementary observation in their literature
review of chatbots in support of the digital workplace. Emerging research on work-
oriented use of chatbots was found mainly to concern information acquisition, self-
service, and the use of chatbots for education and training tasks. The authors pointed
out as important future research challenges the need to understand the application areas
viable for chatbots at the digital workplace, the need to understand prerequisites for such
application areas, and factors supporting and inhibiting workplace use of chatbots.
Drawing on the field of digital HRM support, an organizational perspective on new
technologies to support digital work may enable insight into the consequences of the
technology. Research indicates that operational (cost savings and efficiencies) and rela-
tional (HRM service quality) consequences of digital HRM support is more steadily
obtained [3, 13, 27], while several authors point to a lack of evidence concerning trans-
formational consequences [4, 13]. Research addressing the organizational perspective
of chatbots may benefit from addressing consequences at all three levels.

3 Research Questions

In order for chatbots to provide support and create value for the HRM function as well
as the organization as a whole, it is important to study the interplay between the chatbot
and the HRM personnel and gain empirical insights into central factors in this organi-
zational change initiative. In response to the identified gap in the literature concerning
organizational use of chatbots in general, and chatbots supporting the HRM function in
particular, the following research questions were formulated:

1. How can a chatbot support the HRM function?

2. How does the implementation of a chatbot affect the HRM function?
3. How does organizational characteristics impact the implementation and use of the
chatbot to support the HRM function?

Given the limited research available on chatbots as HRM technology, the research
questions were set up so as to encourage an exploratory investigation.

4 Method

4.1 Research Design

While previous work has suggested potential benefits of chatbots to the HRM function,
there is a lack of empirical knowledge on how chatbots actually support and affect this
function, and the resulting interplay between the technology and the HRM practitioners.
In consequence, the study applied a qualitative exploratory approach. The data-driven
How Can a Chatbot Support Human Resource Management? 77

investigation afforded by this approach is valuable to investigate new areas of interest

where there exists little prior knowledge.
Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews with HRM prac-
titioners who held a role connected to an HRM chatbot. Semi-structured interviews are
particularly suitable when the research focus concerns experiences connected to the
phenomenon under study [33]. To gather the needed insights, data was collected from
organizations that had already implemented a chatbot to support the HRM function.

4.2 Participants and Recruitment

Ten organizations that had implemented a chatbot for internal purposes were onboarded
for the study through two collaborating chatbot providers. The organizations were all
Norwegian, which is beneficial as Norway has relatively high levels of digitalization and
findings here may also be relevant for other digitally advanced markets [12]. Neverthe-
less, the organizations represented a broad spectrum of enterprises across several market
sectors and with varying size – from a few hundred to several thousand employees. The
criteria for onboarding were that (1) the organization had already implemented or in
the process of implementing a chatbot and (2) the chatbot was implemented for internal
purposes and mainly belonged to the HRM function.
From the participating organizations, 13 participants were sampled through email
with an invitation to participate in the project, based on their role in the organization
and their role connected to the chatbot. The participants represented a broad range of
experiences with the HRM chatbot, which was regarded as beneficial for data saturation
considering the general exploratory approach of the study.
Ten of the participants worked directly with the chatbot at the time of the interview,
three of them had worked with it previously. Seven of the participants reported that they
had been involved with the chatbot project from the beginning, and some had held the
role of project leader or driver of the chatbot initiative. The remaining six participants
had not been involved in the early implementation phase and had only received chatbot
responsibilities at a later point in time.
The participants represented organizations with different maturity in their chatbot
implementation. For most, the chatbot had been implemented for one year or more – for
a few, the chatbot had been implemented only months prior to the interview.

4.3 The HRM Chatbots

The chatbots in the participating organizations were retrieval-based, able to identify

and respond to several hundred user intents on topics such as employment policies and
regulations, aspects of the organization, and – in some – also facility management. By
AI-based natural language processing, the chatbots predicted user intents from users’
free text messages. Chatbot conversations could involve one or more user messages and
chatbot answers could typically be refined through buttons with response alternatives.
In terms of chatbot implementation, the participating organizations had taken one
of two different approaches. Although based on the same conversational platform, one
approach was bespoke development of chatbot content, training, and integrations within
78 T. Taule et al.

the organization, the other approach was to get the chatbot provided as a service from a
third-party vendor. The first approach will be referred to as inhouse chatbot, the second to
chatbot as a service respectively. It is worth noting that these different types of chatbots
account for parts of the variations observed in the participants’ reports.

4.4 Interview Guide and Process

The interviews were conducted by the first author by way of video meetings. All inter-
views were recorded and transcribed prior to analysis. Participation in interviews fol-
lowed only after informed consent, data were treated confidentially and anonymized
following analysis, and the study was cleared by the relevant privacy regulatory body.
The interview guide consisted of four main topics with more detailed follow-up
questions belonging to each of these.

• Topic 1: The participant’s role and experiences connected to the chatbot. The purpose
of this topic was to make the participant confident in the interview setting and share
openly and generally about chatbot experiences.
• Topic 2: The operational interplay between the HRM function and the chatbot. These
questions sought to explore the interplay between the HRM practitioner and the chat-
bot in greater detail. This included past and current experiences, as well as perceived
possibilities and limitations.
• Topic 3: How the implementation of an HRM chatbot affects the HRM function. The
purpose of this topic was to explore how the chatbot affects the HRM function. This
included ways in which the chatbot has altered HRM work and how the chatbot
is perceived by users in the organization, along with expectations regarding future
chatbot impact.
• Topic 4: Organizational conditions that can promote or inhibit successful implemen-
tation. This topic addressed what the participants perceived to be relevant or impactful
organizational aspects for a successful implementation of the chatbot.

4.5 Analysis

The qualitative data were made subject to a reflexive thematic analysis [7, 8]. In this
approach to thematic analysis, the researcher’s subjectivity is an important analytical
resource, as is reflexive engagement with theory, data and interpretation. Coding is open
and organic, and themes are developed iteratively throughout the process [8].
The analysis was conducted by using the analysis software Nvivo12 and was
completed in a six-phase process detailed in Table 1.

5 Results
In the results section, we first provide an overview of findings concerning organizations’
motivation for HRM chatbot implementation, before detailing findings related to the
three research questions.
How Can a Chatbot Support Human Resource Management? 79

Table 1. Phases of the thematic analysis employed, including details and selected examples

Phase Details Examples

1. Familiarizing with the data Transcription and initial An early theme idea
review. Ideas for themes concerned the allocation of
tasks between HRM and
information technology (IT)
2. Generate initial codes Initial coding. Revision of An initial code concerned
codes in several iterations experiences with the chatbot,
and was split into several
more detailed codes
3. Search for themes Codes systematized in themes Codes concerning tasks
associated with chatbot
implementation grouped in
overarching theme
4. Review themes Review and reworking theme A theme concerning tailoring
conceptualizations information support was
reconceptualized as
concerning chatbot support,
rather than experience
5. Define and name themes Labelling of themes to reflect Theme labels changed from
data-driven conceptualization concerning chatbot
characteristics to concern
impact of characteristics
6. Produce the report Rich description of the themes Themes and findings provided
and findings provided in report and condensed in
this paper

While the study is purely qualitative, it may be useful to the reader to get an indication
of the prevalence of the different themes within the participant sample. To facilitate this,
the following phrases are used when reporting the findings: a few (reported by 2–3),
some (reported by 4–5), many (reported by 6–8), most (reported by 9–12).

5.1 Organization’s Motivations for Taking up a Chatbot for the HRM Function
The organization’s motivations for taking up an HRM chatbot were reported to concern
both strategic and operational aspects.
Key strategic motivations concerned the internal users and their experiences when
approaching HRM information services. Many of the participants noted that the user
perspective was central when considering how the HRM function supports the organi-
zation and the employees, and that information regarding employment conditions and
relationships should be easily accessible and available. Furthermore, many of the par-
ticipants expressed that the implementation of a chatbot can contribute to HRM being
perceived as technologically advanced, which ultimately may establish an experience of
80 T. Taule et al.

the HRM function as modern and user-oriented. Many of the participants also noted that
by reducing the amount of routine and administrative tasks for HRM personnel, they
may contribute more to developmental activities and other strategic initiatives.
Key operational motivations concerned administrative efficiency and automation to
free up time for value-adding tasks for HRM personnel as well as employees and leaders.
Many participants reported to see the chatbot as a tool to relieve the HRM function of
high volumes of inquiries and increase self-service in the organization.

5.2 How the Chatbot Supports the HRM Function

Throughout the interviews, the participants reported on how the chatbot supports the
HRM function in their daily tasks and routines, by relieving HRM workload and enabling
HRM to provide better service to the organization.

Relieving the HRM Function. All participants reported relieving HRM workload to
be a key benefit of the chatbot, and the most important way in which the chatbot support
the HRM function. Such relief may manifest in reduced volume of inquiries and more
time for HRM personnel to focus on more complex, human matters.
Most of the participants noted that the chatbot has a visible effect on the volume
of common requests received by HRM personnel. The participants pointed out that all
questions and queries answered by the chatbot represent a phone call, email or knock
on the door that the HRM function do not have to engage with or get interrupted by.

“[the chatbot] answers questions [...] that have a concrete answer. For example
vacation, salary, so things that are regulated. That’s a big area that he can answer.
And then those routine questions, right. Overtime and flexible working time and
home office, for example” (P10).

Some made a particular note that the chatbot allows the HRM function to formulate
a good answer to a question once, instead of repeatedly answering the same question.

“[...] I also feel that it saves a lot of time for us in HRM, because we get a lot of
inquiries. That we instead of spending a lot of time on formulating an answer, we
can just refer to the chatbot. Or you can find the answer there” (P9).

The participants also found the chatbot to be a potential support tool for them. Some
reported that they frequently use the chatbot to quickly find needed information. A few
also noted that the chatbot’s assistance during the first period as an employee in HRM
had been helpful for learning about the organization and finding needed information.

“Yes, I use chatbot a lot myself. If I want some simple information that I’ve for-
gotten, whether it’s a post address or organization number [...]. These standard
things that you don’t have written down anywhere” (P7).

Enabling the HRM Function to Provide Better Service. Although much emphasis
was put on how the chatbot may relieve HRM work, it was also evident that the chatbot
may support the HRM function by strengthening their service offering to employees.
How Can a Chatbot Support Human Resource Management? 81

Participants reported the chatbot to enable them to better tailor information to

employees, as users’ interactions with the chatbot provides rich insight into questions
the employees have and how these are phrased. Some specifically noted that the chatbot
logs offer insights into employees’ actual needs for information and support.

“And we go in and analyze what people actually ask about. Because we thought
that everybody asked very generally. But people ask very concretely. [...] Ask about
different things than we thought that they ask about” (P6).

A few participants reported on how the chatbot can be used in a proactive manner.
For example, based on insights from previous seasonal questions in the chatbot, HRM
can prepare answers for the coming season in advance.
The chatbot may also enable the HRM function to have increased focus on value-
adding services. Specifically, participants reported that the chatbot makes it possible to
do more of the core HRM work, including employee follow-up and increased attention
to those in need of more in-depth assistance.

“[...] we can deliver better quality on the services to those who really need our
help. Because those who really just wondered about something simple, they can
get help from the chatbot” (P10).

Such core HRM work was sometimes referred to as a reason why a chatbot can never
fully replace HRM personnel. The participant’s considered the professional guidance
and support that may be provided by the HRM function to be too complex to be provided
by chatbot technology alone.

5.3 How the Chatbot Affects the HRM Function

Throughout the interviews, the participants described various ways in which the chatbot
affects the HRM function. This concerned development of competences and skills, novel
tasks, and the operational interplay between the HRM personnel and the chatbot.

Implications for Needed HRM Competences. The participants reported that the
chatbot requires HRM personnel to acquire knowledge and different technological
competences to be able to implement and manage the chatbot.
Specifically, the participants noted a need to learn the basics of the chatbot tech-
nology. That is, to acquire sufficient understanding and knowledge of how the chatbot
learns to understand the user’s intentions, as well as how to train and test the chatbot. In
addition, some participants had undertaken courses to become ‘AI trainers’ – to take on
the role of maintaining the chatbot content and prediction capabilities.

“[...] one took all the courses that were needed to both be a content designer and
also really train the chatbot, because HR decided that we would do everything
ourselves” (P4).

The degree to which the chatbot required HRM personnel to develop new techno-
logical competences varied between the participants. Some of the participants who work
82 T. Taule et al.

with an inhouse chatbot reported the acquisition of new knowledge and skills through
courses as an essential part of the chatbot project. Conversely, some of the participants
who work with a chatbot as a service reported the need to have an initial understanding
of how the chatbot technology works to be able to test the chatbot and update the replies.
As such, the different ways of implementing a chatbot may pose different requirements
with regards to the skills and competences needed.

Implications for HRM Work Tasks. Key tasks associated with implementing a chatbot
involved preparations for the implementation, training and testing of the chatbot, along
with continuous updating and improvements of the content and answers. For example, all
participants reported that the chatbot implementation implied some level of involvement
in building or training and testing the chatbot. Some of the participants who work with a
chatbot as a service reported most of the needed intents already to be pre-trained by the
vendor and described their involvement in the training of the chatbot as mainly limited
to the implementation phase, as well as when the vendor creates new intents that need
to be trained. Conversely, some of the participants who work with an inhouse chatbot
reported training as a continuous task requiring substantial effort.

“[...] And not only are you supposed to train the chatbot, but it also needs to be
maintained. [...] So that people don’t get the wrong answer” (P1).

Many of the participants noted that the chatbot needs to correspond with personnel
handbooks or other forms of documents and web pages. Because of this, it is necessary
to update chatbot answers whenever there are changes in organizational regulations,
systems or handbook content.

“[...] it is a bit of extra work in terms of that I have to, if we are to update the
personnel handbook, we also have to in parallel update his answer. [...] So that is
something that I had to start doing. [...]” (P12).

Another new task associated with the chatbot implementation is the promoting of
chatbot use. Most of the participants reported that a central part of working with the
chatbot concerns the organization-internal communication about the chatbot and its
content. This was also expressed as an essential success factor. Continuous promotion
regarding the chatbot and the types of inquiries that it can fulfil were noted as crucial to
change employees’ habits and to realize the full potential value of the chatbot.

“It is often nice and great if you implement it and then there is a ‘oh, how fun to
use’, and then it’s maybe especially HR’s responsibility to make sure that people
keep using him. [...]” (P13).

The Operational Interplay Between the Chatbot and the HRM Function. Through
the interviews, notions emerged regarding the participants’ perceptions of a desired and
functional distribution of tasks and roles between the HRM function and the chatbot.
Some of the participants noted that the chatbot typically answers easy, rule-based
inquiries and, hence, serves as complementary support for employees to find information
or complete specific routine tasks. Some described this as a service architecture with the
How Can a Chatbot Support Human Resource Management? 83

chatbot as first line of support and where humans may provide support for more complex
matters as second line.

“the chatbot becomes some kind of first line, and then HRM can become more of
a second line […] that answers more thoroughly regarding regulations and how
we do things here then, maybe” (P8).

Building on this, some of the participants emphasized that the chatbot is intended as
a supplement and not as a replacement of the HRM function. The still maturing chatbot
technology and the human aspect of employee relations were noted as reasons for this.
As such, the participants differentiated between answering routine questions, which the
chatbot can do, and providing nuanced and tailored guidance to leaders and employees,
for which human personnel is needed.

“There is always a need for someone who can give advice […] the chatbot can
present the alternatives, but we can give the advice, what is smart” (P10).

Some of the participants expressed this interplay in terms of future-oriented states, or

what they wish to achieve with a full integration of the chatbot within the organization.
The suggestive formulations may reflect an early stage of chatbot adoption, and the fact
that such an interplay may take some time to establish.

“[...] I’m sure there is a lot that he can contribute with. And then I also think that
you will never be able to replace the one-to-one dialogue with the employees, with
a human. But I think that there are no limitations regarding different work tasks,
it’s just a matter of where you are in the development” (P7).

5.4 The HRM Chatbot in the Wider Organizational Context

The participants were also asked to report on their experiences regarding chatbot uptake,
experiences of positive impact of the chatbot, along with perceived challenges.

Chatbot Uptake and Emerging Patterns of Use. Most of the participants reported a
general positive reception when deploying the chatbot in the wider organization and expe-
riencing how the internal users responded to the new tool. However, some participants
noted a form of reluctance or resistance among some employees.

“[...] I experience it to be a bit divided. That many are satisfied and think that
the chatbot is a resource, and some are a bit frustrated because they have higher
expectations (to the chatbot)” (P9)

In terms of emerging patterns of chatbot use, the participants in particular reported

on use for information on organizational policy and conditions of employment. This
could include both general employee regulations as well as agreements and policies
specific to the organization. The participants also reported on use for questions regarding
holidays and vacations, different types of leave, work time, compensation, and company
internal practices like insurances and pension – all considered typical high-volume HRM
inquiries. Most of the participants also reported the chatbot to receive a high volume of
84 T. Taule et al.

questions regarding facility management (i.e., parking spaces, canteen, meeting rooms,
etc.), other practical details connected to employment conditions (computers, access
details, credit cards, etc.), IT, as well as where to find certain information.

“[...] topics connected to facility management, the facilities, premises, there are
often a lot of questions from employees in a company there. How do I apply for a
parking space? Questions about locker rooms [...] and access cards and canteen
information, everything like that. [...]” (P2).

Some noted that employees often ask concrete questions about personal details like
salary, a reported case in the case management system, or how many vacation days they
have left. These typically are questions that the chatbot currently cannot answer.

Experiences of Positive Impact of the HRM Chatbot. Most of the participants

reported that the chatbot contributes to HRM and other personnel related information
being perceived as more available and easily accessible, as the chatbot is available day
and night. The participants pointed out that this had a positive impact on the employees’
experiences with HRM in terms of lessening frustrations associated with HRM personnel
being in meetings or out of office.

“[...] And what is so good about the chatbot, is that [...] it is available twenty-four
hours, not all people are. We have different countries, right, that people ask from,
right. So when we’re off, somebody else goes to work. [...]” (P4).

The chatbot was also seen as motivating fair and just treatment of employees. Specif-
ically, many participants noted that the chatbot functionality promotes a consistent and
identical answer to every employee. The participants considered this to facilitate a
consistent practice and an experience of the HRM function as modern and professional.

“[...] All employees in the whole organization get the same answer. And that this
is, in a way, perceived as a unified practice. [...] So that is important. That there
are no different answers to questions [...]” (P8).

Perceived Challenges During Chatbot Deployment. The participants also expressed

challenges concerning the interaction between the chatbot and the internal users.
Most participants reported that different expectations of the chatbot and understand-
ings of the chatbot technology could impact chatbot use in the organization. Such expec-
tations concerned three different aspects. First, many noted employees to experience
limitations in the chatbot scope, that is, to make inquiries the chatbot cannot answer.
For example, that employees might ask questions concerning highly individual matters,
suggesting their expectations may not fully be in line with the chatbot capabilities.

“The downside is that people expect him to be able to answer personal things. [...]
This he won’t be able to do. So we’ve received some feedback on that now after
the launch, that ‘but he couldn’t answer for example how many vacation days I
have’.” (P11).
How Can a Chatbot Support Human Resource Management? 85

Furthermore, many participants pointed to differences between employee groups,

and how different groups may hold preferences or habits that impact the use of the
chatbot. For example, the participants noted that they to a certain degree perceive older
employees to prefer interacting directly with HRM personnel, and that this employee
group may be less accustomed to chatting as a way of acquiring information.

“We have a pretty high average age. So I think there are very many employees
who might not use chat functions as much as maybe the younger part does.” (P1).

Finally, some participants expressed that the high frequency of changes in both
systems and ways of working and communicating, can act as fatiguing factors that
contribute to some employees being more hesitant about using the chatbot.

“It’s tiring for employees that there are new computer systems arriving all the
time. [...] people can get kind of digitalization fatigue” (P10).

6 Discussion
This study aimed to explore the operational interplay between the HRM function and a
chatbot implemented for internal purposes. In the following we first discuss key findings
relative to previous research, structured according to our three research questions, before
detailing implications for theory and practice. Finally, we discuss limitations and avenues
for future research.

6.1 The Operational Interplay Between the Chatbot and the HRM Function
How Can a Chatbot Support the HRM Function? (RQ1). Our findings suggest sev-
eral ways in which the chatbot is perceived to currently support the HRM function,
in particular concerning accessible support for repeated inquiries. This corresponds to
assumptions from the literature on digital HRM support, where operational outcomes of
such support is typically reported [3, 4]. However, the HRM chatbots were also found to
provide relational outcomes, as the chatbot could enable the HRM function to provide
better services for the organization. Additionally, factors such as the placement of the
chatbot, the 24/7 availability of the chatbot, updated and right answers based on sta-
tistical insights, as well as equal treatment through standardized answers, were noted
to contribute to improved communication and perception of HRM information and ser-
vices. This corresponds to the general notion that digital HRM support should provide
simplification of processes, provision of accurate data, and enhance the perceptions of
the organization in order to positively impact HRM service quality (3, 13).

How Does the Implementation of a Chatbot Affect the HRM Function? (RQ2). The
findings show how the chatbot requires the building of internal competences, skills, and
knowledge regarding the chatbot technology. This echoes literature on adoption of AI
technology, where it is noted that development and upskilling of employees are essential
to work successfully with AI [9, 31].
The findings of the current study indicate that a potential interplay between the HRM
function and the chatbot can be characterized by the chatbot managing routine employee
86 T. Taule et al.

inquiries, and HRM professionals keeping the chatbot relevant and valuable as well as
counselling employees and leaders in non-routine and complex cases.
It is also interesting to note the need for HRM personnel to serve as internal marketers
of the chatbot. In the literature, internal marketing in terms of system functionality,
positive word of mouth and a system advocate that maintains enthusiasm for the new
implementation is seen as critical for implementation success [4].

How Does Organizational Characteristics Impact the Implementation and Use

of the Chatbot to Support the HRM Function? (RQ3). The organizational character-
istics may impact how a chatbot supporting the HRM function is received. One example
of this from the findings is the reported variation between employee groups in terms
of enthusiasm for the chatbot. Another, the concern for fatigue when having too many
digital change projects internally. Managing ‘people factors’ was considered essential
for successful digital HRM support [4]. The findings also resonate with the chatbot liter-
ature, as user acceptance and managing user expectations are considered fundamental to
successful chatbot use [16, 22]. Furthermore, Bondarouk et al. [4] proposed that length
of employment can impact willingness to take up new technology. Similarly, different
demographic groups have been found to perceive chatbot user experience differently

6.2 Implications

Several implications may be drawn from the findings. We consider the following key.

Implications for Theory. The findings contribute to reducing the knowledge gap con-
cerning chatbots in the enterprise context, specifically concerning the operational inter-
play between chatbots and the HRM function. Furthermore, chatbots have been reported
to have various potential areas of use within the HRM function, and this study expands
the literature by providing empirical insights regarding experienced chatbot support,
challenges, and opportunities from the perspective of the HRM function. Lastly, the
findings of this study also contributes insight into the importance of people factors in
chatbot implementation and use.

Implications for Practice. The insights provided by this study may contribute to a
better understanding of the factors that need consideration when an organization or
HRM function seeks to adopt a chatbot. The findings may inform project planning and
adoption of future chatbot implementation, as the study gives an overview of what it
requires in terms of time, resources, as well as the scope of the chatbot content. This
includes concrete tasks associated with the chatbot, where key takeaways concern the
importance of internal marketing and sensitivity to user demographics. Other useful
findings relate to how the chatbot is being used, and how many employees seek to use
the chatbot in a way that is not yet realized (e.g. for concrete and personal inquiries).
How Can a Chatbot Support Human Resource Management? 87

6.3 Limitations and Future Work

A key limitation in the study is that it is conducted within one country, Norway, and
mainly with organizations already having substantial experience with chatbots at the time
of the study. The benefit of this study context is that there is a relatively high acceptance
of new technology, and the participating organizations were mostly well-established
users of HRM chatbots. However, findings in this study context may not be transferred
directly to contexts that are highly different, for example in terms of technology uptake
and use. Future research could therefore explore HRM chatbots in other contexts and
types of organizations.
Furthermore, the study is based on interviews with HRM personnel only. Hence,
it does not provide direct access to the perspectives of other users and stakeholders,
something that limits the findings on the organizations’ motivations for taking up a
chatbot and on its wider organizational reception. Future research may benefit from
including other users and stakeholders to gain a more comprehensive understanding of
different factors affecting the implementation of the chatbot, and further explore how
the chatbot can support the HRM function. Such studies could benefit from including
data both on actual chatbot conversations, as well as data from users and stakeholders
through interviews or questionnaire surveys.
Finally, this study only represents a single point in time for each of the participating
organizations. Because of this, there is limited insight into any long-term developments
of relevance for chatbot impact and use. Therefore, we foresee future research to include
longitudinal studies investigating how the operational interplay between the chatbot and
the HRM function develops over time.
Our study contributes an initial exploration of an important topic. We hope the
findings encourage future work in this increasingly important area of chatbot research.

Acknowledgements. The work of the second author was supported by the Research Council of
Norway, Grant No. 270940.

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How to Find My Task? Chatbot to Assist
Newcomers in Choosing Tasks in OSS

Luiz Philipe Serrano Alves, Igor Scaliante Wiese, Ana Paula Chaves,
and Igor Steinmacher(B)

Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campo Mourão, Paraná, Brazil

[email protected], {igor,chavesana,igorfs}

Abstract. Open Source Software (OSS) is making a meteoric rise in the

software industry since several big companies have entered this market.
Unfortunately, newcomers enter these projects and usually lose interest
in contributing because of several factors. This paper aims to reduce the
problems users face when they walk their first steps into OSS projects:
finding the appropriate task. This paper presents a chatbot that filters
tasks to help newcomers choose a task that fits their skills. We performed
a quantitative and a qualitative study comparing the chatbot with the
current GitHub issue tracker interface, which uses labels to categorize
and identify tasks. The results show that users perceived the chatbot as
easier to use than the GitHub issue tracker. Additionally, users tend to
interpret the use of chatbots as situational, helping mainly newcomers
and inexperienced contributors.

Keywords: Chatbots · Open source software · Software engineering ·

Onboarding · Skills · Barriers · Newcomers

1 Introduction
Open Source Software (OSS) projects are open collaboration communities in
which geographically distributed people develop software. To remain sustainable
and grow, several of these communities rely on volunteers [13]. However, it is
known that newcomers often face barriers during the joining process, which may
lead them to give up on contributing [27]. Among these barriers, the difficulty to
find a task to work on is a crucial one [3,26] since newcomers have a hard time
attempting to match their interests and skill set to the community needs [34].
Still, the communities often expect new members to find their tasks instead of
giving them specific work to do [33].
The literature [28] suggests that newcomers need specific guidance since
finding the first task depends on the difficulty level, technology and modules
affected. To help newcomers find tasks, social coding platforms, such as GitHub
encourage the project maintainers to label the issues according to the difficulty
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 90–107, 2022.
Chatbot to Assist Newcomers in Choosing Tasks in OSS Projects 91

level or required skills. However, the labeling process may be complex and time-
consuming [4]. To mitigate this problem, Santos et al. [25] proposed an app-
roach that automatically labels the tasks by predicting the potentially required
libraries for each task.
Still, newcomers are unfamiliar with the OSS tools and infrastructure, which
bring many challenges when navigating the tasks on a traditional issue tracker
interface [16]. Dominic et al. [9] suggests that a conversational interface may help
engage the newcomers fully by recommending projects, artifacts, and experts as
well as choosing an appropriate task. However, chatbots are not yet common
in the OSS domain. A large number of GitHub projects adopt bots that assist
contributors by performing repetitive tasks [35], such as quality assurance tasks
(e.g., automating code reviews, assigning reviewers, reporting failures, etc. [35])
and artifacts recommendation [21]. Although these bots, in some sense, com-
municate with the community by, for example, posting comments or acting on
mentions to them, they are not designed to hold interactive conversations with
the community members.
In this paper, we walk toward using a conversational, interactive interface
to support newcomers when finding the first task. We developed a chatbot that
assists the users in navigating their skill set to select an appropriate task. We
evaluated the acceptance of the before-mentioned chatbot by performing a user
study that compares this tool to the traditional GitHub issue tracker. Our study
focuses on answering the following research question:
RQ. How does using a chatbot to find tasks compare to the use of the GitHub
issue tracker?
We conducted a survey-based within-subject study with 40 participants,
including graduate students and industry practitioners that may or may not have
previous experience with GitHub and OSS. Participants assessed each task-finder
tool (chatbot vs. GitHub issue tracker) individually and comparatively, in the
latter case, by informing which one they preferred. We compared the perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use of the tools according to the Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) [8]. Additionally, we analyzed the participants’ qual-
itative feedback through a thematic analysis.
Our results show that participants perceive both the search feature and the
chatbot as similarly useful, but the chatbot as easier to use. This result indicates
that chatbots could be an effective way to help newcomers navigate through and
find appropriate tasks. The qualitative analysis revealed positive aspects of the
chatbot compared to the GitHub issue tracker and improvement opportunities.
Our findings demonstrate that using a chatbot to find a task, as proposed by
Dominic et al. [9], is feasible and relevant to support newcomers in OSS.

2 Related Work

Advances in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML)

increased the adoption of chatbots in numerous applications. In the past decades,
many companies have developed chatbots to the many existing messaging tools,
92 L. P. Serrano Alves et al.

such as Facebook Messenger, Skype, Telegram, and Slack. The website BotList1
shows chatbots that are currently available in domains such as entertainment,
education, games, leisure, culture, and sports.
The partnership between humans and chatbots makes it possible to create
interactions around the activities performed by both [10]. Chatbots have shaped
the interaction between companies and customers [5,19], teachers and learners [6,
37], patients and healthcare providers [12,17], among many other applications.
These examples show that using a chatbot’s interactive capabilities is useful for
supporting users in their tasks.
In software engineering, chatbots are often called only “bots”, regardless of
their ability to hold an interactive conversation. Many of the bots for the software
engineering domain are “non-conversational,” in the sense that their focus is task
automation [29,35]. Even though they often post messages and comments they
are not able to respond to the users in a conversational style [36].
Chatbots have been used in OSS projects, especially on GitHub2 , but they
appear more timidly than the task-automation bots. The literature presents a
couple of examples of chatbots in OSS. For example, Abdellatif and Shihab [2]
developed a chatbot called MSRBot that supports users finding answers to ques-
tions about specificities of software repositories. They argue that the conversa-
tional nature of chatbots potentially lowers barriers that newcomers face when
first contributing to a project.
Dominic et al. [9] raises a discussion about the ways that newcomers may ben-
efit from interacting with chatbots during the onboarding process. The authors
envision the creation of a chatbot to help newcomers find projects and tasks to
contribute and provide guidance throughout their first contributions by playing
the role of a mentor. Since these claims have not yet been further investigated
in the literature, we have hypothesized that a chatbot would increase users’
ease of use and perceived usefulness. Therefore, we opted to use an already val-
idated instrument that covers these two constructs, the Technology Acceptance
Model [8] (more details in Sect. 3.1).

3 Method
To conduct this research, we first set up the necessary tools and materials for the
study; then, we collected the data through a within-subject study and analyzed
the outcomes using mixed methods. The research steps are summarized in Fig. 1
and detailed below.

3.1 Materials
Task Classifier: finding an appropriate task requires ways to filter the available
tasks according to the user’s expectations. Labeling issues is a way to make it
easier for users to find tasks according to their interests. In this study, we used the
Social Coding Platform, available at
Chatbot to Assist Newcomers in Choosing Tasks in OSS Projects 93

Fig. 1. A summary of the method followed in this study.

task classifier created by Santos et al. [25] that predicts labels to GitHub issues.
We have chosen this task classifier because of its assertiveness when predicting
and relevance for newcomers. We used this task classifier to generate the labels
used in the GitHub mock and filter the tasks in the chatbot interface.
GitHub Project JabRef: to evaluate whether a chatbot help developers find
tasks, it is necessary to choose a project which contains a history of open and
closed issues. We chose the JabRef project [18], which is an open-source bibliogra-
phy reference manager developed by a diverse community, including contributors
that are not familiar with computer science. Also, the project is mature (created
in 2003) and active on GitHub (migrated in 2014) with a large number of com-
mits (15.7k+), 42 releases, 337 contributors, 2.7k closed issues, and 4.1k closed
pull requests. JabRef is frequently investigated in other scientific studies [11,22]
and it interacts conveniently with the task classifier used in this study [25] since
the classifier was trained with issues extracted from this project.
GitHub Mock: since we are not authorized to add labels to JabRef issue tracker
on GitHub, we developed two tools that consume the output produced by the
task classifier. The first tool is a mock of JabRef’s issue tracker page. We used
the mock to control the task labels that a participant sees on the issue tracker
page to match with the task labels used in the chatbot environment. To build
the mock, we first forked the JabRef project to a new repository. In this new
94 L. P. Serrano Alves et al.

project, we copied all the issues found in the Santos et al.’s dataset of issues [25]
(the same dataset of issues that was used to train the classifier). Before including
the issues in the new project, we labeled them with the categories predicted by
the task classifier. Figure 2 show the GitHub mock-up resulting from this step.

Fig. 2. Labels put on the GitHub cloned project.

Chatbot: besides the GitHub mock, we also developed the task-finder chatbot
(in Brazilian Portuguese) using the Watson Assistant platform3 . We designed the
conversational flow based on the hierarchical categorization proposed in Santos
et al. [25] (Fig. 3), which is based on JabRef’s source code and was specifically
generated for that project. The chatbot’s conversation, as shown in Fig. 4, is
based on clickable predefined answers (buttons instead of free text) and aims to
deliver a link to a task as soon as possible. The chatbot starts the conversation
by introducing itself and asking whetherif the user has collaborated on an OSS
project before. This question works to acclimate the respondent to the click-
able answers. After that, the chatbot asks about the contributor’s preference
regarding the following possible options: development, systems integration, and
user interface. Depending on the chosen option, the chatbot may follow up with
options to filter the subcategories. Categories and sub-categories are organized in
three layers (User Interface, Development and System Integration), as presented
in the Fig. 3. The categories and subcategories are specific to this project and
were generated automatically by the task classifier. The options were purposely
generated to fit the suggested layers and end up one in each layer level.

Chatbot to Assist Newcomers in Choosing Tasks in OSS Projects 95

Fig. 3. Mind map of sub-categories that the tasks were categorized.

Fig. 4. Chatbot interaction, sub-categories as defined on Table 3 and predefined

answers. The last level of the interaction is the same labels as put on Fig. 2. The
tasks link will conduce to GitHub.

Questionnaire: To answer the question How does the use of a chatbot to find
tasks compare to the use of the GitHub issue tracker?, we conducted a ques-
tionnaire study using Google Forms, divided into three sections. The first two
sections contain the instructions to interact with each tool (chatbot or GitHub
issue tracker), along with questions about their experience. The experience of
the participants was measured using a questionnaire based on version 1 of the
TAM instrument [8] followed by open-ended questions aiming to capture general
feedback about the pros and insights on how to improve each tool. We present
the items in Table 1. The TAM items were measured using a 5-points Likert
scale. We evaluated two factors: perceived usefulness (PU—the degree a person
believes that the tool would enhance their job performance); and perceived ease
96 L. P. Serrano Alves et al.

of use (PEOU—the degree to which a person believes that using the system
would be free from effort).

Table 1. Items adapted from the Technology Acceptance Model [8] about perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use.

Factor ID. Item description

Perceived usefulness PU1. Using [tool] would enable me to accomplish tasks more
PU2. Using [tool] would improve my job performance
PU3. Using [tool] in my job would increase my productivity
PU4. Using [tool] would enhance my effectiveness on the job
PU5. Using [tool] would make it easier to do my job
PU6. I would find [tool] useful in my job
Perceived ease of use PEOU1. Learning to operate [tool] would be easy for me
PEOU2. I would find it easy to get [tool] to do what I want
it to do
PEOU3. My interaction with [tool] would be clear and
PEOU4. I would find [tool] to be flexible to interact with
PEOU5. It would be easy for me to become skillful at using
PEOU6. I would find [tool] easy to use

Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics for each of the factors, and each
treatment, which demonstrates the consistency of the instrument and that the
scales found are reliable (Cronbach’s α ≥ 0.8). It is important to note that the
participants answered the same questions just after interacting with each tool. In
the third part of the questionnaire, we included one question to ask the preferred
tool (GitHub issue tracker, Chatbot, or Any) followed by demographics questions
(presented in Fig. 5).

Table 2. Descriptive statistics for the Likert Items

Factor Tool Mean Median SD Cronbach’s α

Perceived usefulness (PU) Chatbot 4.19 4 0.94 0.88
GitHub search 4.18 4 0.95 0.83
Perceived ease of use (PEOU) Chatbot 4.55 5 0.78 0.92
GitHub search 4.18 4 0.97 0.93
Chatbot to Assist Newcomers in Choosing Tasks in OSS Projects 97

Fig. 5. Demographics of respondents.

3.2 Procedures
Participants: We used a convenience sampling approach and openly invited
prospective participants from the university where the research has been con-
ducted and from the authors’ contacts, kindly asking them to spread the word
in their companies. Participants received the invitation link by email and volun-
tarily responded to it. We received 40 responses to the study, including under-
graduate and graduate students as well as software developers. As depicted in
Fig. 5, 75% of the respondents are men, 50% are between 26–30 years old, and
the majority of them have more than 3 years of industry experience and less
than 2 years of OSS experience.
Study Task: When the participants clicked on the invitation link, they were
redirected to the Google Forms page with the study description. Participants
were invited to simulate the scenario of choosing an issue from the JabRef project
that they would like to work on. Since we performed a within-subject study, each
participant had to complete this scenario twice, using each of the two provided
tools: once using the mock of the GitHub issue tracker (control condition) and
once using the chatbot (experimental condition). Before each scenario, the par-
ticipants were introduced to the task they had to perform, followed by the sen-
tence “Now you are requested to interact with the [TOOL] available at the link
below until you find an issue you consider suitable for you”—replacing [TOOL]
with “chatbot” and “GitHub Search.” After completing each scenario, partici-
pants answered the TAM questionnaire for the ease of use and usefulness of the
tool they had just used, along with the two open-ended questions about their
98 L. P. Serrano Alves et al.

impressions of the tool. This portion of the questionnaire was the same for both
conditions. To avoid biases, we randomized the order in which the conditions
were presented to the participants through a simple redirecting script. Almost
half of the participants (19) used the chatbot first, and the remaining 21 used
the GitHub issue tracker interface first.
After concluding both scenarios, the participants answered the comparative
and demographics questions and submitted the forms, which concluded their
participation in the study.
Data Analysis: The last step was to analyze the collected data to understand
how using a chatbot to find a task compares to using the GitHub issue tracker
and whether the chatbot is useful for supporting newcomers on OSS projects.
We first analyzed the participants’ answers to the TAM questionnaire using a
Cumulative Link Mixed Model (CLMM) for ordinal data [7]. We fitted a model
with the rates for each Likert item as the dependent variable, the tool as the
independent variable (GitHub mock vs. chatbot), and a factor representing the
measured construct (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use). We also
included the individual Likert item as a random effect.
Moreover, we evaluated whether the participants’ profiles influence their pref-
erences for one or another condition. To achieve that, we fitted a Generalized
Linear Model [14] with binomial class, where the dependent variable is the partic-
ipant’s preferred tool (chatbot vs. GitHub mock), and the independent variables
are the participant’s age, gender, years of industry experience, and years of OSS
experience. The results of the quantitative analysis can be found in Sect. 4.1.
We also analyzed the open-ended questions through a thematic analysis
method [31]. We inspected the answers to identify themes and assigned codes
that summarize the key points. By constantly comparing the codes [30], we
grouped them into categories to give a high-level representation of the codes.
This coding process was conducted by one researcher and constantly discussed
with two experienced researchers until reaching a consensus on the codes and
categories. These findings are presented in Sect. 4.2.

4 Results

In this section, we present the results of our study. Firstly, we focus on the
quantitative analysis, which compares the use of a chatbot to find a task to the
use of the traditional GitHub issue tracker. After that, we present our findings
related to the qualitative analysis, pointing out the pros and cons of each tool
according to the participant’s feedback.

4.1 Quantitative Analysis

Figures 6 and 7 depict the results for the TAM questions regarding the perceived
usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU), respectively. Participants
rated both tools positively for their ease of use and usefulness. PU2 and PU3
Chatbot to Assist Newcomers in Choosing Tasks in OSS Projects 99

received the highest number of negative scores. These questions focused on job
performance and productivity, which were not sufficiently explored in the study
since participants were not required to solve the selected task.
Although participants were mostly positive about both tools, Fig. 7 suggests
that there is a trend toward the chatbot receiving higher scores than the GitHub
mock for the perceived ease of use factor. The results of the CLMM analysis
confirmed this inference, as the estimated contrast (chatbot − GitHubmock ) is

GitHub search 3% 10% 87%
Chatbot 3% 8% 90%
GitHub search 15% 36% 49%
Chatbot 18% 23% 59%
GitHub search 13% 36% 51%
Chatbot 10% 33% 56%
GitHub search 0% 10% 90%
Chatbot 3% 13% 85%
GitHub search 0% 10% 90%
Chatbot 3% 13% 85%
GitHub search 3% 10% 87%
Chatbot 3% 3% 95%
100 50 0 50 100

Response Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Fig. 6. Perceived usefulness: chatbot vs. GitHub issue search tool

GitHub search 5% 15% 79%
Chatbot 0% 8% 92%
GitHub search 5% 15% 79%
Chatbot 3% 10% 87%
GitHub search 5% 21% 74%
Chatbot 5% 3% 92%
GitHub search 0% 18% 82%
Chatbot 0% 5% 95%
GitHub search 10% 33% 56%
Chatbot 3% 33% 64%
GitHub search 3% 18% 79%
Chatbot 3% 10% 87%
100 50 0 50 100

Response Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Fig. 7. Perceived ease of use: chatbot vs. GitHub issue search tool
100 L. P. Serrano Alves et al.

0.42 (SE = 0.13, p-value < 0.001, α = 0.05), which means that one-unit increase
in the GitHub mock score would result in exp(0.42) = 1.52-unit increase in
the chatbot score (odds ratio of higher scores equals to approximately 52%).
The contrast per factor showed that the perceived ease of use influenced this
difference (estimate = 0.92, SE = 0.19, p-value < .0001), while we found no
difference in the perceived usefulness (estimate < −0.001, SE = 0.18 p-value =
0.99). Therefore, we concluded that although participants perceived both tools
as similarly useful, they perceived the chatbot as easier to use.
When we look at the participant’s choice for their preferred tool, half of the
respondents (50%) chose the chatbot, 35% chose the GitHub issue tracker, and
15% did not have a preference. The results of the Generalized Linear Model,
presented in Table 3, did not identify a particular demographic characteristic
that statistically explains the participant’s choice. Therefore, we do not have
evidence to support that the participant’s profile influenced their preference for
one interface, which needs further investigation.

Table 3. Table of profile correlation.

Estimate Std. error z-value Pr (> |z|)

Intercept 6.0068 3.9115 1.536 0.1246
Age −0.2828 0.1601 −1.766 0.0774
Gender 0.1608 1.0647 0.151 0.8800
Industry experience 0.3152 0.2041 1.544 0.1226
Open source experience −0.1330 0.1468 −0.906 0.3650

4.2 Qualitative Analysis of the Open-Questions

As revealed in our quantitative work in Sect. 4.1, our participants perceived the
chatbot as easier to use than the GitHub search. Table 4 summarizes the results
of the thematic analysis, which shows that some codes confirm this inference. We
split the codes uncovered by the analysis categories that cluster similar concepts.
The category UI design refers to the way the tool was designed and built-in
terms of user interaction. We further classify the findings under this category into
six topics which clearly shows why chatbots are perceived as easier to use. Users
found the chatbot has intuitiveness because “the chatbot uses my answers to
find what best fits my expectations and abilities” [P21]. Regarding the interac-
tion mode, one participant stated that he “missed interaction with my answers
and not the defined by the options box, the chatbot should not have the text entry
box” [P11]. GitHub high complexity was highly commented, as in the quotes:
“people would need to understand the GitHub interface previously because it is
not newbie friendly” [P02] and “it is complex the search for issues, there are
labels that do not show any related issue” [P11]. In contrast, one participant
dropped a comment on the chatbot’s user friendliness: “as a newcomer to the
programming environment, the chatbot was more user-friendly” [P02]. We also
Chatbot to Assist Newcomers in Choosing Tasks in OSS Projects 101

Table 4. Thematic analysis from user’s open answers about negative and positive
aspects about both tools

Categories Chatbot GitHub

Negative Positive Negative Positive
Communicability Context recovery 7
Lack of information on how to interact 7 4
Better options to filter 1
Search efficiency 6 1
UI design Intuitiveness 2
Interaction mode 1
High complexity 10
User friendliness 1
Tool limitation 5
Ease to use 10 4
Maxim of quantity Information overload 4
Too few recommendations 6
Lack of information preview 4
More information about the task 7
Profile dependency Personal choice 2 1 1
Situational use 1
Side results Lack of prioritization 2 1
Categorization dependency 2 11

found some comments regarding tool limitations. Some participants mentioned

the advanced search options (on GitHub) (e.g., “there is no way to search using
the asterisk as a wildcard” [P27] and “I can not store my searches even logged
in, I wanted to save predefined filters”). Participants reported the ease of use
as a positive aspect for both tools. For example, [P32] reported that the chatbot
was “easy to use, it is prepared to give results directly following the user’s profile,
probably inexperienced users can not do an open search”. Regarding the GitHub
issue tracker, a participant mentioned that “the tasks are already on GitHub, so
it is easier to use GitHub to filter than a redirecting chatbot” [P23].
The Grice’s maxim of quantity defines the informativeness of a contribu-
tion and states that a message should be as informative as required [15]. Four
codes are grouped under this category, but we highlight the first one because it
shows a negative aspect of GitHub that may have influenced our quantitative
result. Some participants found that GitHub’s information overload leads to
a time-consuming experience. For example, one participant complained: “I had
to analyze all the tags to find one that fits my profile” [P18].
In contrast to what we found so far, our study revealed other aspects of the
interaction that may not have influenced the quantitative results. Participants
reported that the chatbot had too few recommendations and they wanted
more (e.g., “it limits the task options. Using the chatbot, I cannot explore all
open issues or choose to detail an issue that already has a discussion” [P25].
Participants reported lack of information preview as a negative aspect of
102 L. P. Serrano Alves et al.

the chatbot, as in the following quote: “the chatbot does not provide a task
preview, so the developer needs to click suggested links to verify” [P31]. GitHub,
on the other hand, offered more information about the task: “in the GitHub
search, I have a broader view for a search. Some tasks complement each other,
and with the search, it is possible to visualize this. In the chatbot, I had to follow
the GitHub link” [P06].
Communicability, the ability of a tool to communicate, is subdivided into
four codes. Users from the chatbot did not like that they could not recover
the context of the conversation. For example, one participant said that “the
chatbot should have an option to go back to previous questions in the middle of a
conversation without the need to finalize the whole selection flow” [P15]. Another
participant commented that “changing this path is not easy as going back to the
previous question” [P20]. Besides, there are negative aspects of both chatbot and
GitHub interfaces about the lack of information on how to interact with
the tool. The following quotes demonstrate this need:
“At first I thought I would need to use the keyboard to interact with the
chatbot and it gave me no answer at all, I had to ask how to interact to know
that I needed to click on options” [P19].
“I would like a basic introduction, few words or images, where the basics of
how to use the search tool are shown” [P02].
One participant mentioned that the hierarchical structure of the chatbot
conversation provided more options to filter and classify the tasks helped
him: “I had the impression that the fact of the chatbot had levels (network,
databases) has helped me to identify the tasks according to my interests” [P11].
Regarding search efficiency, [P04] mentioned that “using the chatbot, I could
abstract tasks that would not have caught my attention and choose only among
the ones I really would like to do”. In contrast, another participant reported “I
believe that the search from GitHub is way faster and easier to find my task”.
We found some topics that depend on the user’s personal choice and situa-
tional use, so we categorized them as profile dependency. We evidenced that
participants who had a negative experience with chatbots before the study leaned
toward a traditional interface, as reported by one participant: “I particularly do
not like to use chatbots because my experiences were the worst” [P36]. Other
participants just prefer to search on their own (e.g., “I prefer search engines to
chatbots. Normally until it gives me what I need, I have already found a simple
search query.” [P40]), and there were those who just think chatbots are more
practical. Regarding the situational use, a participant stated that the chatbot
would only be useful for a newcomer: “As I am a newcomer to Open Source
Software, the chatbot would be great, but I do not believe I would use this for a
long time because the search engine visualization gives me a sense of responsibil-
ity and ownership” [P30]. Another participant explained that choosing between
the tools would “depend on the intention of the moment if it is to explore the
tasks or find the task easily” [P25]. These statements complement what we have
found on the quantitative analysis since newcomers would benefit more from a
tool easier to use.
Chatbot to Assist Newcomers in Choosing Tasks in OSS Projects 103

Side results correspond to the answers that are not directly related to the
research goal but can also help improve its outcome. When talking about the
chatbot, participants reported that there is a lack of prioritization when dis-
playing the tasks: “I missed other categories or subcategories like priority and
difficulty” [P11]. While this is related to the lack of information about tasks
(under “Maxim of quantity”), it is a problem related to how the development
team labeled the tasks. We point out that this is a more general problem related
to the project’s information architecture rather than the chatbot design. Par-
ticipants also mentioned issues with the categorization dependency. They
reported that “if the categorization is wrong, the search using labels would be
ruined” [P20], and “the contributor may give up if the task is not categorized
correctly.”. This concern is important and should be taken into consideration.
However, it goes beyond the scope of the study, which only used the task classifier
as a tool to set up the environment.

5 Discussion

This section provides additional insights on our results and how they impact
practice and improve the existing state-of-the-art.
As our quantitative results showed, the chatbot interface was perceived as
easier to use. When analyzing the reasons for choosing the preferred tool, the
thematic analysis revealed a pattern for those who chose chatbot along the lines
of being “simpler, easier, more intuitive.” This outcome is clearly evidenced in
Table 4, in which user friendliness, intuitiveness, and ease of use are
heavily reported as chatbot’s positive aspects. Going in-depth, we learned that
the design of the search engine may negatively affect the perception of ease of
use of people who are not used to the tools. As some participants mentioned,
“[GitHub engine] has too much information to process and decide” [P8] and “it
is complex to understand the issue list” [P14]. We learned that the simplicity of
the chatbot using predefined answers (buttons) makes it intuitive and easy to
use, as compared to the UI offered by GitHub.
The results show the benefits of a chatbot for newcomers, supporting the
insights from Dominic et al. [9] by showing that chatbots support these new-
comers in the process of choosing an appropriate task [26]. This was evidenced
by several participants who mentioned that “As a newcomer, I preferred the
chatbot because it is simpler” [P26]. The thematic analysis also revealed that
the complexity of the GitHub search engine gives the user more control over
the search, but this same characteristic is overwhelming for someone who is not
familiar with the issue tracker interface, as reported by [P31]: “for a newcomer,
the chatbot helps a lot...while GitHub tends to facilitate the work of more expe-
rienced developers.” As an implication, we suggest that the effort should lay on
designing the chatbot to increasingly unveil complexity so that the users can
move slowly from the chatbot to the issue tracker interface.
Regarding the usefulness, our quantitative results indicate that both the
chatbot and GitHub search engine are not perceived differently. Both of the
104 L. P. Serrano Alves et al.

approaches supported our participants in their tasks. However, the thematic

analysis revealed some chatbot negative aspects related to the efficiency in find-
ing appropriate results. This is noticeable in Table 4, when we look at the men-
tions to too few recommendations and lack of information preview as
negative aspects of the chatbot versus the more information about the task
as a positive aspect of the GitHub search. At the same time that this is a poten-
tial improvement to the chatbot, previous discussions regarding conversational
search [20] have already pointed out that an effective result from a conversa-
tional search cannot be as rich as the augmented results from a traditional web
search. Furthermore, this may be related to personal preferences or the diversity
of information processing styles [23], which deserves further investigation.
The recent research on chatbots for software engineering has mainly focused
on exploring the intent discovery [2] and the precision of the information
returned [1,24,32] rather than looking at the interaction aspects. This study
complements the existing literature, shedding light on the importance of under-
standing not only the precision of the information provided by the chatbots, but
also focusing on how the users perceive their usefulness and ease to use.

5.1 Limitations
Participants may be subject to learning effects since they have evaluated two
tools to perform the same task. To mitigate that, we designed our experiment
to follow a within-subject approach. In this case, the participants assessed the
tools in random orders and answered the questionnaires in different orders, thus
reducing potential biases by learning effect. Moreover, this enabled us to analyze
the tools separately to understand if there is any chance of learning bias that
may have caused any impact on the data collected.
Although we used strategies to avoid learning bias, we are still vulnerable to
the selection bias since we did not actively search OSS contributors or potential
contributors or selected only newcomers. In fact, we selected people randomly
in a non-probabilistic way. There was no specific characteristic that we were
looking for when selecting participants; the only crucial thing was the software
development background.
We have not deployed the chatbot on a server, and we did not track all
the paths users used to decide their tasks. We may have missed some important
information in this process. Also, the chatbot was outside of GitHub, which does
not simulate the real environment that we expect to use, which is the corner of
the GitHub official platform. This might have led users to face difficulties that
would not be a problem if the chatbot had been deployed inside GitHub.
The GitHub labeling system is not capable of reproducing the hierarchical
structure that we created for the chatbot. This may have influenced the par-
ticipants’ experience. However, this is an issue with the GitHub search feature,
which we could not change. Thus, we interpret this as a chatbot differential.
We cannot claim that our work is generalizable. We built our experiment con-
sidering specific variables: project, label classifier, and GitHub environment. To
seek generalizability, other studies need to be conducted with different projects
Chatbot to Assist Newcomers in Choosing Tasks in OSS Projects 105

in different domains. Moreover, all participants of this study are Brazilian, which
may have introduced a cultural bias. We encourage replications of this study with
participants from other countries to assess how it may affect the perception of
the chatbot.

6 Conclusion
Our paper proposed a new way to interact with OSS projects. Since there are
no studies evaluating chatbots in software engineering, we used the technology
acceptance model to understand whether users would find it easy to use and
useful. Our results showed that a chatbot could help newcomers to find their
first task to work on. This is the first step towards solving this problem already
discussed by the literature.
As the chatbot was perceived as easier to use, we claim that this interface
would be more appropriate for the newcomers, who may find it harder to onboard
with little experience with the GitHub issue tracker interface. Although we could
not evidence an association between the participants’ choice and their profile,
we understand that having a chatbot that helps newcomers filter their interests
and deliver a small number of options is a good starting point, which we also
evidenced in the qualitative analysis. In short, to answer our research question,
we conclude that a chatbot is as useful as the GitHub issue tracker to find a
task. Still, the chatbot is easier to use, which primarily benefits the newcomers.
As a future avenue, we will use the results of the qualitative analysis to
improve the chatbot design, which may lead to a new round of studies to address
the problems we found and mitigate the potential biases that we missed in this
research. Another potential future direction is to analyze the preference of people
with different learning styles and cognitive facets and explore other aspects of the
user’s profiles that could influence their preference for one or another interface.

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information acquisition at universities – a student’s view on the application area.
In: Følstad, A., et al. (eds.) CONVERSATIONS 2019. LNCS, vol. 11970, pp. 231–
244. Springer, Cham (2020). 16
Incorporating Social Practices
in Dialogue Systems

Eren Yildiz(B) , Suna Bensch , and Frank Dignum

Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden


Abstract. Current dialogue management systems do not take social

concepts such as norms, conventions, roles etc. into account when man-
aging dialogues. Neither do they keep track of the personal (mental) state
such as goals, needs, etc. While the data-driven approaches work quite
well in some cases, they are usually domain/user dependent and not
transparent. On the other hand, the rule-based methods can only work
on the predefined scenarios and are not flexible in that sense. In addition,
these approaches are limited to modeling only the dialogue system and
do not include the human participant as part of the overall dialogue. This
makes the current dialogue systems not well suited for complex and nat-
ural dialogues. In this paper, we present a dialogue management system
framework that incorporates the notion of social practices as a first step
to extend the type of dialogues that can be supported. The use of social
practices is meant to give structure to the dialogue without restricting it
to a fixed protocol. We demonstrate the use of the proposed system on a
scenario between the doctor and patient roles where the doctor is a med-
ical student and the patient is simulated by the dialogue management

Keywords: Dialogue systems · Social AI · Conversational AI · Social

practices · Chatbots

1 Introduction
Dialogue management is a component in a dialogue system that controls the flow
of conversations between the participants or actors. It decides on the next step
(i.e., system response) taking into account the user utterance, user intention,
current state, dialogue history, context, and purpose of the dialogue [3]. In gen-
eral dialogue management systems perform a syntactic, semantic and intention
analysis to determine what an utterance means and what purpose it has. The
context and purpose of a dialogue are the specific settings in which a dialogue
occurs, for example, sales or information gathering. They can limit the search
space to those utterances, intentions, etc. that are relevant in that particular
Existing approaches for dialogue management are rule based [32], machine
learning based [20] or hybrid ones that combine both rule and learning
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 108–123, 2022.
Incorporating Social Practices in Dialogue Systems 109

based approaches [1,16]. The machine learning and information retrieval based
approaches have the disadvantage of requiring huge amounts of data sets to work
[22], which is not available for domains such as doctor-patient interactions. The
rule based systems are too restricting in terms of utterance-response selection.
Moreover, it is difficult for the dialogue systems to manage when the utterances
become more realistic and natural [30]. This is of utmost importance in many
domains such as communication training, teamwork, and service provision.
In order to start supporting more natural dialogues, we should include aspects
such as social conventions and knowledge (i.e., social practices). Social prac-
tices [7] belong to the foundation of natural and efficient interaction between
humans and we introduce a dialogue management framework that incorporates
social practices for more natural and efficient dialogue systems.
Social practices which are defined as accepted ways of doing things enclose
the components of the social context [7]. Social practices not only influence but
to a large degree create expectations on the character of a dialogue, in particular
what, when, and how we say things.
Incorporating social practices allows us to build dialogue management sys-
tems that
– encode all dialogue participants’ perceptions and expectations rather than
only modeling the system’s (i.e., Theory of Mind),
– are transparent and make it easier to find unwanted discriminatory social
practices [9],
– make it possible to incorporate reasoning capabilities,
– accommodate non-identical educational or cultural backgrounds of users (e.g.,
utterances are influenced by the experiences and social environment),
– model the interdependence of separate aspects of social practices, which, for
example, can dictate when and how to say things during a dialogue,
– explain dialogue phenomena such as turn-taking, misunderstanding or non-
understandings as deviations from social practices.
We argue that the problem of generic responses and the requirement of
pre-training the system can be solved to some extent by utilizing social prac-
tices. Data-driven systems are weak against new interactions since they are only
trained to match the same patterns they have faced in the data. On the con-
trary, our system is able to deal with unexpected interactions (i.e., the ones that
the DMS has not seen before), since social practices do not expect a fixed type
of interaction but give handles to the dialogue system to search for an alterna-
tive one that is flexible yet still related to the practice based on the capabilities
and the knowledge of the roles, available resources, personal traits of the actors,
norms based on different cultures, etc. The system uses social practices to create
states (i.e., slots) and rules that are loosely coupled. In general, a social practice
will state that a conversation will start with a greeting, but does not prescribe
exactly how the greeting is done. It also will indicate in a doctor-patient anam-
nesis dialogue that first the symptoms of the patient are discussed and only
after that possible causes and finally the remedies are discussed. This is different
than the current rule based systems where the intent extraction fills the slots
110 E. Yildiz et al.

that are isolated whereas in our case, the dialogue management system uses the
components of social practices to have slots that are connected.
We show the validity of our ideas by implementing the proposed dialogue
management system in a project with the purpose of training the communication
skills of medical students with patients. The dialogue system simulates different
virtual patients with whom the medical students engage in conversation. The
dialogue system incorporates social practices of common doctor-patient interac-
tions and focuses on creating challenging dialogues including a variety of patient
behaviors (still fitting the practices).
The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2 we give an overview of other exist-
ing approaches and identify that most of the existing dialogue systems overlook
to incorporate social practices. In Sect. 3 we explain in more detail social prac-
tices and in Sect. 4 we discuss how to incorporate social practices into dialogue
management. We draw some conclusions about our approach in Sect. 5.

2 Related Work
First versions of the dialogue management systems were based on hand-crafted
rules such as ELIZA which simulates a psychotherapist [29], PARRY which acts
like a paranoid patient, and ALICE which uses pattern-matching algorithms
to generate a response. The rule-based systems utilized variations of Markov
decision processes [12,31] to track the states of dialogue and generate responses
more accurately, which were then succeeded by the recent neural network models
that are often called neural belief tracking systems [20,21,23]. Although they
perform well in some contexts [8], due to the black-box nature of neural models,
the intentions of users are not interpretable and become vague behind the deep
neural layers. Generic responses such as “I don’t know”, or “Okay” are still
common in these systems and remain a challenge [25,27,28]. Furthermore, data-
driven approaches require a large set of data [4] to work, and even then, responses
of these chatbots are too general despite the recent work on speaker consistency
and meaningful responses [13–15].
In recent studies, it has become apparent that social intelligence is needed
to have engaging dialogues [6]. There were various attempts to construct social
intelligence for robots. For example, in order to make users feel comfortable and
trust the robot, social talk (i.e., small talk) can be used [2] by utilizing specific
dialogue acts and sequences [10]. In another related work, researchers synthe-
sized speech cues to dialogues such as; filled pauses, word repetitions, silences,
explicit acknowledgments [19], and with different social cues such as; greetings,
self-disclosure elicitation, self-disclosure, suggestions, general statement, simple
yes/no answers, acknowledgments, praises, and terminations [11] with the aim
of improving the naturalness of the dialogues for more social conversations. In
addition, researchers also use the terminology trust and rapport alongside social
dialogues. For example, one of the previous works found that social dialogues
can help with recovering from agents’ conversational mistakes if it is designed
carefully [18]. In another work, researchers investigated the effects of the cul-
ture of social dialogue’s capability of mitigating trust loss when the agents make
Incorporating Social Practices in Dialogue Systems 111

errors [17]. Their results showed that culture has crucial role on repairing trust
and social dialogue can mitigate the negative effects of conversational errors
depending on the culture.
The previous works on social dialogues (i.e., socially aware dialogues) accu-
mulated mainly around enhancing the dialogues by either adding some rules or
cues to them. These approaches are not based on any sociological theory which
makes them very specific and context-dependent solutions. In order to have
social dialogues, we first need to understand how conversations really work. For
example, in [5], conversations are defined as socially joint activities (i.e., joint
projects) where joint action is performed by one actor and taken up by the oth-
ers. Social practices which are defined as accepted ways of doing things that
are routinized over time [24] encapsulate this definition and extend it to include
various other social concepts such as norms and conventions.

3 Extending the Dialogue Management Systems

Social practices consist of both physical and mental routinized activities which
are performed between participating actors in a specific context [24]. They are
the patterns we apply in our daily lives [7].
For example, when we go to the hospital when we get sick is a social practice.
Firstly, we check ourselves on whether we really feel bad enough to need to go
to the hospital. If the pain does not go away, we leave the house and either
call a taxi or drive by ourselves if the pain is manageable. Then we tell our
problem to the hospital receptionist and wait for our turn. Finally, we enter the
doctor’s office and explain to her our problem. Although different actions can
be taken (e.g., calling a taxi or driving by ourselves), overall the pattern of the
social practice would be the same. The power of the social practice is, it does
not only give the necessary information to perform a sequence but also grants
the flexibility that is necessary to handle unexpected and unknown events when
they occur. For instance, for the same social practice, a person without a driving
license would consider taking different paths because he cannot drive.
We use the formalized version of a social practice [7] for dialogue systems
which explains each component of social practice in detail. These components
are as follows:
– Context is composed of roles, actors, resources, affordances, places, time
• Roles define the type of actor that is necessary to deliberate about expec-
• Actors are the participating humans and agents who fulfill the roles in
the interaction that is specific to the social practice they are being part
• Resources are the objects used in the interaction
• Affordances are the features that allow certain resources to be used inter-
changeably in a specific context
• Places are the locations where the social practice happens or are related
to it
112 E. Yildiz et al.

• Time is the component that provides temporal information about the

social practice
– Meaning is composed of purpose, promoted values, and counts-as
• Purpose is the component that indicates the state wanted to be achieved
with the social practice
• Promoted values is the component that highlights the values which can
be promoted or demoted by certain actions of the actors.
• Counts-as are the relations that connects certain speech acts to other acts
by the actions of actors.
– Expectations is composed of plan patterns, norms, strategies, start condi-
tion, and end condition
• Plan patterns are the action patterns that are expected to occur in the
practice with a particular order
• Norms are the deontic rules of obligations, prohibitions, and permissions
• Strategies are the triggers that start certain action sequences for interac-
tion without having an explicit thought behind
• Start condition is the condition of the states where the scenario is ready
to start
• End condition or duration is the component that indicates in which con-
ditions the social practice ends. It can be either temporal (e.g., 10 min,
2 h, etc.) or static (e.g., the fire alarm went off) values
– Activities is composed of possible actions, and competences
• Possible Actions are both verbal and non-verbal actions that often occur
during the social practice
• Competences are the skills that the actors are expected to have in order
to perform certain actions

In the following sections, we describe what each of these components encap-

sulate in an interaction and explain how the dialogue management system we
propose utilizes it.

3.1 Context

Context provides the necessary information about the materials of the social
practice. It has roles, actors, resources, affordances, places, and time.
Roles come with predefined sets of expected actions. The role of the user
defines the general goal of the role, its norms, and other behaviours that we
expect to see in that role. E.g., we expect the doctor (i.e., one of the roles of the
social practice) to know about medical practices. Our proposed dialogue man-
agement system uses this information to parse the utterances from the dialogue
based on the roles as some of the actions are expected to occur (e.g., CHECK
(“eye”) from the doctor role, SIT (place = “chair”) from the patient role). More-
over, the roles information also allows the dialogue management system to track
the flow of dialogue as there are expected set of action sequences from each role.
E.g., the dialogue system expects the doctor to calm the patient down after the
patient starts worrying about something.
Incorporating Social Practices in Dialogue Systems 113

Actors is used to track the specifics of the actor in the dialogue system. E.g.,
if an actor is a human, the dialogue management system stores information about
this actor such as; sex, age, personal goals, beliefs, etc. This information is used
to track expectations in a scenario where an actor may perform an action that
does not come from its role. E.g., a patient may be uncooperative and therefore
may not follow the directives of the doctor. If the actor data is hidden to the
dialogue management system (e.g., when parsing from a new scenario), instead
of breaking apart, the proposed dialogue management system allows agents to
take different (i.e., unseen) routes in a scenario. This is one of the benefits of
using social practices in dialogue management systems as it does not strictly
follow a set of rules but uses handles that are provided by social practices to
keep continue doing its tasks. This means that the actors are not forced to follow
the rules of their roles but may perform different actions which are based on their
beliefs and personal goals.
Resources are the objects used in the interaction like a chair to sit or a
medical tool to check the patient’s eye. Every social practice has a unique set
of resources that are relevant to that particular social practice. Every actor in
the interaction has different types of access to resources at certain times. E.g.,
medical tools are only accessible to the doctor, and only after the patient has
presented his problem. The dialogue management system uses this component
to have expectations of which resources may be used with the combination of
what actions in which phases and creates the repository of available objects for
each agent.
Affordances component is used, for example, when the doctor uses an “oph-
thalmoscope”, the dialogue management system can parse the resource as a
“medical tool” because it affords to be a medical tool. The affordances compo-
nent of a social practice especially helps to build diverse dialogues and make
them parsable since the system does not look for a specific resource but an
affordance of a resource.
Places component is used by the dialogue management system to know
whether the actors are in the expected places during the interaction at certain
times. E.g., it is expected to see the patient sit on the chair (i.e., one of the
places) during the first phase (i.e., opening phase) and then switch to the exam-
ination chair (i.e., one of the places) during the physical examination phase. This
component also provides information about which resources are expected to be
used at which places.
Time component is used by the dialogue management system to handle the
expectations of the time-specific interactions (e.g., the doctor expects to check
the patient’s eye not more than 5 min) and the expected duration of the phases
are expected to happen at certain times (e.g., it is expected move on to problem
presentation phase after 2 min maximum which is enough for the opening phase
to be completed).
114 E. Yildiz et al.

3.2 Meaning

Meaning is about how we perceive the social practice, i.e., how the social practice
functions as intermediation between the participants. It describes the role of the
practice. E.g., doctors wearing white coats and sitting behind a desk give them
a place of authority, which makes it easier to accept their judgement and advice.
It has purpose, promoted values, and counts-as components.
Purpose is used by the dialogue management system to look into the states
of the actors to check whether the social practice has already finished and the
goals are accomplished. E.g., for the doctor’s visit (i.e., social practice) to end
as expected; (i) the patient has to know the name of his problem, (ii) the reason
why it has happened, and (iii) what is the treatment for it. Knowing the purposes
of the social practice, the dialogue management system can check at every step
whether the purpose is still achievable or is already achieved. E.g., if the patient
has a serious problem that cannot be treated at the current hospital due to
lack of medical expertise, then the purpose of knowing the treatment will never
be achieved, thus the possible actions of the actors will change accordingly in a
way that the system will no longer expect to see the actions related to previously
achievable phases. The dialogue management system that utilizes social practices
can create different plans which aim to reach the new purpose and expect to see
the actions which align with it. Moreover, the purpose of a social practice does
not necessarily have to be the same as the goals of the actors. For example,
while it is expected to see a patient goes to the hospital to get treatment, it is
also possible that the patient might have a different goal like wanting to get a
prescription for antibiotics. This means that the purposes of actors may differ
from the purposes of the social practice, and the dialogue management system
can use this information to create new plans and thus expect different action
sequences throughout the dialogue.
Promoted Values component exists in the dialogue management system
to handle the unexpected interactions. For instance, patients are expected to
wait for their turn in the waiting room. Any patient who does not follow this
rule (e.g., cutting in line) would face its consequences like getting a warning.
Here, the dialogue management system keeps track of the values such as cour-
tesy in the aforementioned example which is demoted due to the patient’s action.
The dialogue management system we propose keeps track of not only the values
themselves but also when and how they are promoted or demoted. This makes it
possible for the dialogue management system to create a different set of expec-
tations which enables continuous monitoring of the dialogue. Promoted values
in this case help the dialogue management system to handle the unexpected
interactions by adapting the system to the new plan accordingly.
Counts-As component makes it possible for the dialogue management sys-
tem to refer one interaction to others that are based on the same intention
and meaning. E.g., the patient nodding counts as acknowledging the doctor’s
speech whereas the doctor nodding counts as showing that the patient is being
listened to. These links allow our proposed dialogue management system to be
Incorporating Social Practices in Dialogue Systems 115

flexible when parsing and monitoring the dialogue as the system treats different
interactions equally which perform the same task in the same context.

3.3 Expectations
Expectations hold the necessary information about the sequential behaviours
and their conditions of social practice. The relevant components are plan pat-
terns, norms, strategies, start condition, and duration.
Plan Patterns component helps with managing the phases and the expected
actions for each interaction. For example, in a typical doctor’s visit the phases
are; opening, problem presentation, history taking, physical examination, diag-
nosis, treatment and recommendations, and closing [26]. In this social practice,
each phase yields different plans and thus interaction sets. The dialogue man-
agement system uses this information to prioritize the relevant interactions over
others while parsing and monitoring the dialogue. For instance, in the doctor’s
visit social practice, the dialogue management system expects to see introduc-
tory interactions at the greeting phase and valedictory interactions at the closing
phase. Plan patterns also serve as back-chain planning in a way that it sets up the
expectancy of the dialogue management system for the most favourable outcome
(i.e., purpose or desired state) before the plan is initiated.
Norms should be performed by its actor in its relevant phase and role.
Otherwise, it will be a violation and would result in either punishment or recon-
sideration of the interaction. Punishment happens when the actor unreasonably
does not perform the expected action, and thus gets an unfavourable outcome as
a result. On the other hand, if the actor has a good reason for not executing the
norm, then it triggers the reconsideration of the interaction. E.g., it is expected
that the patient follows the doctor’s directives. If the patient violates this norm,
for example, the patient does not listen to the doctor telling him to stop touch-
ing the medical tools, then the punishment for this particular norm would be
the doctor calling the security to deal with the patient’s vulgar behaviour. On
the other hand, if the patient has a good reason to violate this norm such as
being deaf, instead of punishing the patient for it, the doctor will reconsider her
action to accommodate the patient’s disability such as approaching the patient
with a physical language (i.e., gestures and facial expressions). This also means
that there are certain actions that are either permitted or forbidden to be exe-
cuted by the actors of the practice at the specific times of each plan. E.g., the
norm “Doctor notifies the patient before having physical contact with him” is
permitted to be executed by the doctor only at the physical examination phase.
If the doctor is to perform this norm in the opening phase, for example, it is nec-
essary to interpret the action differently (e.g., the patient may need the doctor’s
assistance to sit on a chair). The permitting and the forbidding features of the
norms create handles for the dialogue management system so that it does not
fall apart when an unexpected event happens. It uses all of this information to
set up the expected interactions set of the actors.
Strategies component is used in the dialogue management system to set
rules for basic interactions that always occur when they are triggered. For
116 E. Yildiz et al.

instance, when a person calls someone and says hello, the other person would
reply with hello immediately without thinking. Strategies serve as basic dialogue
building blocks and combined with other action sequences like norms, they com-
plete the dialogue. There are different strategies planned for each phase and they
are only triggered when certain conditions are met. This means that not every
single strategy needs to happen in the dialogue but they are always triggered
when their conditions are met. Unlike norms, strategies do not have any violation
rules since they are always executed when triggered.
Start Condition component describes a condition or a set of conditions
that are necessary for the dialogue to start. It uses resources, actors, roles and
other components that are available.
End Condition component signals dialogue management system that the
scenario is expected to be finished.

3.4 Activities

Activities give us the repository of available actors’ actions. It has possible

actions, and competences.
Possible Actions is the repository of actions for the actors. Basically, this
repository is checked when a plan has to be made to execute (parts of) the social
practice and it is used to generate expected actions from other participants.
Competences component in the dialogue management system provides cru-
cial information about the roles’ and actors’ skills which consist of abilities (e.g.,
the doctor can use the medical tools) and knowledge (e.g., the doctor knows eye

4 Exemplifying the Usage

In this section, we briefly describe the example scenario first and then explain
the settings for the dialogue management system before the scenario starts and
how it is used in the example scenario.

4.1 An Example Scenario with Alternative Dialogues

The following scenario takes place between a patient who seeks treatment for his
eye problem and a doctor who is responsible of treating the patient’s problem
and informing him about the problem. The social practice of “doctor’s visit”
starts from the point that the patient enters the doctor’s office and continues
until the patient leaves. Due to the page limits, we only share a part of the
dialogue in Fig. 1, its alternative version in Fig. 2, and its states in Fig. 3. We
discuss how the dialogue management system handles the flow of the dialogue
for that part specifically in the following subsections.
Incorporating Social Practices in Dialogue Systems 117

1 Patient: Ah, my eye burns very bad doctor.

2 Doctor: That sounds painful. Let me see.
3 Doctor: When did it start?
4 Patient: Last night. I could not sleep from the pain.
5 Doctor: Hm hmm.
6 Patient: I mean, I was able to still sleep but it wasn’t comfortable.
7 Doctor: Why is that so?
8 Patient: Because it kept getting watery.
9 Patient: Has it ever happened to you, doctor?
10 Doctor: Don’t worry.
11 Doctor: It isn’t uncommon to see that in the spring season.

Fig. 1. A part of the dialogue between the patient Alex and the doctor Helena from
the doctor’s visit social practice where the patient is cooperative and calm

In the first dialogue presented in Fig. 1, the patient Alex is a calm person
and follows the doctor’s directives. The patient reveals some of his symptoms
during the dialogue and the doctor acknowledges them by sympathizing with
the patient’s pain (i.e., that sounds painful) or back-channelling (i.e., by saying
hm hmm). The dialogue in Fig. 1 starts with the problem presentation phase
(lines 1–2) and quickly moves to history taking phase (lines 2–11) shown in
Fig. 1 where the doctor asks questions about the patient’s problem. The doctor
Helena tries to create a comfortable environment for the patient by letting him
talk and taking the passive role in the interaction by mostly listening to what
the patient has to say about his problem. This encourages the patient to share
more about his eye problem and results in revealing more symptoms of it. At the
end of the dialogue, the patient asks the doctor whether she has experienced the
same eye disorder before (line 9). The doctor acknowledges the patient’s state-
ment but does not answer the question that is directed to her (lines 10–11).
Instead, she shares general information about the eye disorder to make the
patient feel that the problem is not to be worried about. If the doctor were
to answer this question (line 9), it might give a wrong impression to the patient,
or the patient may think that it is okay to have certain things because his doctor
has it too. The medical social practice here highlights that the doctor’s action of
keeping her personal life to herself promotes the value professionalism in Fig. 3
and therefore the dialogue continues to reach the most favourable outcome as
118 E. Yildiz et al.

1 Patient: Ah, my eye burns like hell doctor.

2 Doctor: That sounds painful. Let me see.
3 Doctor: When did it start?
4 Patient: I don’t know. Why does it matter anyway?
5 Patient: Look, it hurts. Just give me some medicine and let me go.
6 Doctor: I have to know about the details first.
7 Doctor: That way, we can find the appropriate treatment for your problem.
8 Patient: Okay, but can’t you be faster? This pain is terrible.
9 Doctor: I promise we will go over it quickly.
10 Doctor: Now tell me please, when did it start?
11 Patient: Last night.

Fig. 2. A part of the dialogue between the patient Jack and the doctor Helena from
the doctor’s visit social practice where the patient is uncooperative and impatient

In the second dialogue shared in Fig. 2, the patient Jack is an uneasy person
and does not want to bother with the whole process of the treatment. He aims
to get a prescription for a medicine that will ease the pain of his eye. The
doctor starts speaking the same as in the first dialogue but changes the way
she talks after recognizing the patient’s unorthodox goal and his uncooperative
behavior (lines 4–5) shown in Fig. 2. In order to cope with the situation, the
doctor explains that she needs to more about the patient’s problem first before
prescribing a medicine for his treatment if it is necessary (lines 6–7). The patient
understands that the doctor has to follow certain procedures first to grant his
desire and asks for quicker treatment (line 8). The doctor acknowledges the
patient’s request, finds it reasonable, and informs the patient that she will be
faster (lines 9–10). At the end of the dialogue, we see that the patient starts
answering the doctor’s questions again (line 11).

4.2 Setting up the System for the Scenario

In this section, we explain how the dialogue management system is configured

before the scenario starts. In Fig. 3 we show how all the aspects of the social
practice are filled in. Note that the aspects in the dialogue management system
are not configured for the example scenarios only, but overall for the social
practice of doctor’s visit. This shows that the proposed system is not only capable
of managing a single scenario but many other possible ones as well. Note that the
social practice does not contain information about the actual actors of a scenario.
That information is kept by the dialogue management system in an actor base
and merged with the social practice information whenever it is known that a
particular actor plays one of the roles of the practice.
The active roles of the social practice which are the doctor and the patient
are selected. The actors for each role, Alex for the patient and Helena for the
Incorporating Social Practices in Dialogue Systems 119

Fig. 3. The aspects of a dialogue management system that incorporates social practices
120 E. Yildiz et al.

doctor are chosen. Using the roles we create the first subset of the possible actions
repository for each role. For example, it is possible for the patient to execute SIT
action to sit on the chair and for the doctor to execute WRITE action to write a
prescription for the patient. These actions are created by taking the other context
aspects into account as well. For example, the action WAIT exists because the
place state has a waiting room and the patient is capable of performing that
action. The resources with their affordances and the places of the social practice
are decided depending on the social practice. For the time state, it is set to
between 08:00 am and 05:00 pm assuming that patients are accepted during
these hours. The other time state used by the dialogue management system is
the time that the scenario happens (e.g., 02:45 pm). All of the contextual aspects
together help with creating the starting state of the dialogue.
For the meaning aspects, the general purpose of the social practice is selected
as “The patient knows the name, the cause and the treatment of his problem”
because it is the desired state that the system expects to see at the end of the
social practice. It is important to mention that the scenario does not have to
end with this state necessarily. For example, the doctor may forget to mention
the name of the disorder or the patient may leave the doctor’s office before
understanding the treatment fully. For the promoted values courtesy, punctuality
and professionalism, we indicate which actions are relevant for them.
For the expectations, we started with building the general phases that are
expected to be seen in this type of medical social practice. For the doctor’s visit,
the dialogue management system expects to see the opening phase, followed by
the problem presentation phase, history taking phase, physical examination phase,
and diagnosis phase which then might fork into 2 different branches in which
the first one continues with the treatment and the recommendations phase and
the closing phase and the second branch of the fork goes on with the redirection
phase and the closing phase. In the given plan pattern these phases are not
further specified. However, each of the blocks can have another plan pattern
inside refining the order and types of actions that are expected there. E.g. in the
opening phase, the patient and doctor greet each other and prepare themselves
for the rest of the interaction. In the problem presentation, the patient talks
about the reason for his coming and the symptoms he has been facing. Then, in
the history taking phase, the doctor asks questions such as the ones which are
asked to every doctor’s visit like “Do you have any allergies?” and the ones which
are specific to the patient’s problem like “When did your eye become red?”. After
the history taking phase ends, the physical examination phase starts in which
the doctor checks the patient’s body for the purpose of finding the cause of
the problem. Followed by the diagnosis phase, the doctor shares her findings of
the problem and shares them with the patient. From this point, if the doctor
decides that the patient needs higher care, the redirection phase starts in which
the doctor prepares the patient for the redirection and then the dialogue ends
with a simple closing phase. In the other branch, if the doctor believes that
the patient’s problem is treatable at the current hospital or family care, then
the doctor explains the treatment to the patient. The patient also may ask for
Incorporating Social Practices in Dialogue Systems 121

possible changes in the treatment due to his lifestyle (e.g., the patient is a night
worker and cannot take drugs in the morning as he sleeps during that time). After
both the patient and the doctor agree on the treatment, the social practice ends
with the closing phase. In each phase, actors are expected to conform to certain
norms and strategies which are specific to that phase. For example, the norm
“doctor tells and shows the patient where to sit” only happens in the opening
phase explicitly. The expected norms and strategies also determine which actions
are expected to be used with the combination of which context states. E.g., the
resource ophthalmoscope can be used in the CHECK action by Helena who is
the doctor during the physical examination phase.
For the activities, we listed the possible capabilities and knowledge as com-
petences which are the requirements for the roles to be able to perform a certain
action. For example, the capability of using the medical tools belongs to the doc-
tor role. As for the knowledge part of the competences, it is a requirement for the
doctor to know the eye disorders to fulfill the role. Therefore, the requirements
which are expected from the roles are written in this state.
It is important to mention that the aspects which the proposed dialogue
system uses for management are interconnected. Therefore, when we design the
dialogue management system using social practices, we take all of its components
into account at the same time.

5 Discussion and Conclusion

In this paper, we introduced a dialogue management system that incorporates
social practices and uses their components to manage the dialogue states. Each
component captures a different aspect of the dialogue yet they are interconnected
under the same practice which allows the dialogue management system to deal
with unexpected interactions. Our proposed dialogue management system has
the advantage over traditional rule-based systems by not strictly expecting one
interaction, but having the repository of possible interactions that are transpar-
ent both in the selection and the utilization processes meaning that the system
knows why and how they are used. Moreover, our system also puts the model
of the other persons into the deliberation process. In contrast to other studies
where the focus is solely on enhancing the dialogue by adding various rules,
our system is based on a sociological theory (i.e., Social Practice Theory) and
aims to add a deliberation process that deals with human behavior. This means
that it is possible to use our system alongside others to achieve social dialogues.
For example, for the slot-filling approach where each slot (i.e., state) represents
a certain value in the dialogue such as location or room number, our system
can add social slots such as norms, conventions, rituals, etc. to track the social
behavior of the actors. As the chatbots are used in a domain that is known to
its developers, some of these social slots can be configured before the dialogue
begins. Furthermore, more social slots can be created dynamically (i.e., during
the dialogue) based on, for example, the definition of norms. For data-driven
approaches, our system can be used to annotate the data using the components
122 E. Yildiz et al.

of social practices. We believe that the presented framework will be useful for the
implementation of not only the medical chatbots but all socially aware chatbots
as the components of the social practices such as norms, competences, etc. can
be transferred to other cases.

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Socially Aware Interactions:
From Dialogue Trees to Natural Language
Dialogue Systems

Inês Lobo1(B) , Diogo Rato1 , Rui Prada1 , and Frank Dignum2

INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
[email protected]

Abstract. In this paper, we present a prototype of a human-agent dia-

logue system, in which the scenarios are easy-to-author, as in tree-based
dialogue tools. These, however, only allow for scripted and restricted dia-
logues. For this reason, we focused on developing a flexible and robust
deliberation mechanism as well, based on the Cognitive Social Frames
model and the theory of social practices, so that the conversational agent
could provide acceptable responses according to different social contexts.
Having access to sequences of frames containing small dialogue trees, the
agent activates the most salient frame to reply appropriately to the user’s
input. As a proof of concept, we designed a medical diagnosis scenario
between a doctor and a patient in which the agent could play both roles
given different settings of the scenario. In this prototype, the user had to
choose from a limited set of alternatives, based on the current context, in
order to respond to the agent; however, in the future, we intend to allow
users to write freely, expecting to be able to map their utterances to the
appropriate context.

Keywords: Conversational agent · Context-aware dialogue · Social

context · Dialogue authoring · Dialogue training · Medical diagnosis

1 Introduction
There is a growing demand for realistic social behaviour of agent systems in a vari-
ety of computational fields [7]. In this document, we will focus on dialogue sys-
tems. These systems should be aware of their social context in order to cooperate
effectively with humans and other AI systems, meaning that social aspects of the
context should be considered to manage interactions between these systems and
other entities. This will allow for an efficient and focused dialogue aimed towards
a specific goal that is endorsed by all participants of a given interaction.
In tree-based dialogue tools, the social context is taken into consideration
solely through the authors of the dialogue, meaning that the conversation lacks
flexibility. For instance, the Dialogue Trainer software1 is a system that allows
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 124–140, 2022.
Socially Aware Interactions 125

for authoring very simple yet directed dialogues, with limited choices available,
to train medical students throughout the process of an anamnesis. In this tool,
the responses of the conversational agent are scripted by an author in a large
dialogue tree, so the agent does not need to adapt to changes in the context,
displaying a restrictive and unrealistic behaviour [17]. Natural language dialogue
systems, on the other hand, are flexible and capable of managing user errors,
but their authoring mechanisms are typically not intuitive or general enough,
preventing authors from easily configuring dialogue data for different settings.
With this in mind, we would like to address the following research question:
Is it feasible to create a flexible and robust dialogue system that adapts to
changes in the social context, while maintaining the authoring property of
tree-based dialogue tools?
Our main goal will be to find a middle ground between the identified dia-
logue systems or tools, in order to model and develop a system that meets the
requirements of flexibility, robustness and authoring. Then, we will be required
to use the social context to manage a dialogue between a user and an artificial
agent, based on defined social practices and identities, norms, conventions and
values. This will enable us to build flexible and robust dialogue management sys-
tems that take the human as a starting point and that are necessary to create a
human-based user interface. Moreover, we will have to ensure that the authoring
property of the system is maintained, since it is essential for the quick set up of
the domain knowledge and resources required to support the agent.
Considering the prior statements, we designed and implemented a dialogue
system’s software prototype based on the Cognitive Social Frames model [12],
as well as the theory of social practices [13]. The key contribution of our work
was how we decided to organize the data in the system to enable authorable
socially-aware dialogues. We attempted to make it intuitive, controllable and
general, so that dialogue scenarios could be easy-to-author and, simultaneously,
be given as input to a conversational agent that deliberates and exhibits an
appropriate behaviour according to different social contexts. These could vary
based on location, time, conversation state, type of relation, and many other
factors. For example, it could be as simple as saying “good morning” or “good
afternoon” depending on the time of the day, or, in an anamnesis setting, being
more formal to an unfamiliar doctor as opposed to being more friendly to a
doctor the agent already knows and trusts. Additionally, we selected Twine2 , a
widely known authoring tool, to configure the dialogue scenarios of the system.
Finally, we defined a medical diagnosis scenario to demonstrate how the system

2 Background
The human-agent interaction field, where agents should operate as partners to
humans, as well as serious games and social simulations, all require more believ-
able social behaviour of agent systems [7].
126 I. Lobo et al.

Dignum et al. [7] proposed five key ingredients to generate realistic social
behaviour in agents: social motives, identity, skills, values and social reality. In
essence, social agents should have personal goals and preferences, while abiding
by the norms and values of the social group to which they belong. Moreover,
they should have their own knowledge and beliefs about the world, as well as the
ability to recognize and understand other agents. Given these components, the
main idea is to design believable social agents that have sociality at the centre
of their reasoning, rather than simply adding “a few social modules” to their
We will start this section by outlining the social context and its dimensions.
Following that, we will introduce social theories based on social identities and
practices, which support the development of agents that adapt to the social
context. Additionally, we will go over a few models and architectures inspired by
these theories, culminating in a section on the Cognitive Social Frames model.

2.1 Social Context

Dey reviewed former attempts of defining context within the field of computer
science, finding that previous definitions were extremely challenging to apply
in the context-aware computing area [5]. As a result, Dey proposed a generally
accepted definition of context, aiming to help software developers easily outline
the context for a specific application scenario:

“Context is any information that can be used to characterise the situation

of an entity. An entity is a person, place, or object that is considered
relevant to the interaction between a user and an application, including
the user and applications themselves.”

Zimmermann et al. found the prior definition to be too general, deciding to

enclose this same concept “by a formal and an operational part” [20]. In regards
to its formal extension, they identified five fundamental categories to classify the
context information:
– Individuality: Includes the characteristics of the entity to which the context
is associated.
– Activity: Entails the entity’s current and future goals, tasks and actions.
Tasks are goal-oriented and can comprise operation sequences with concrete
– Location: Describes an entity’s physical or virtual location, and other spatial
details, such as speed and orientation.
– Time: Describes an entity’s time information, like the user’s time zone, the
current time, any virtual time, time intervals, and so on.
– Relations: Depicts the relations of an entity with other entities. Depending
on the relation, each entity plays a particular role.
In terms of the context’s operational extension, Zimmermann et al. high-
lighted its dynamic properties, caused by context transitions (e.g., changes in the
Socially Aware Interactions 127

relevance or accessibility of context attributes), or by sharing contexts between

multiple entities (e.g., establishment of new relations or knowledge exchange).
Context is then defined using a structured approach, with the goal of “bridging
the user-developer gap” - giving users an intuitive understanding of this concept
and facilitating developers’ implementation of a context model for context-aware
Based on this understanding of context, Zimmermann et al. highlighted a
few context-aware applications in [21]. These included a museum guide system
that provided personalised audio information to users regarding the exhibitions,
based on their location, head rotation, interest, among other factors, as well as an
advertising board system that changed its content based on the noise level, time
of day, or whether or not people were paying attention. These contextualized
and personalized systems adapted not only to the current environmental state,
but also to the user’s needs and preferences, being able to support and relate
to the humans who surrounded or used them. Nevertheless, we can assume that
the described context categories are suitable to describe the agent of a system
as well.
There is also an ongoing concern about establishing trustworthy relation-
ships between agents and users in these types of systems. Zhao et al. [18,19], for
example, developed a rapport management model, tying conversational strate-
gies, associated with verbal and non-verbal cues, to specific goals that, when
achieved, resulted in rapport. This model was eventually incorporated into a
socially-aware virtual assistant.

2.2 Social Identity Theory and Social Practice Theory

Social Identity Theory (SIT), formulated by Tajfel and Turner [14], relies on “the
group in the individual” [15]. It proposes that people exhibit all sorts of “group
behaviour”, such as cooperation, within their in-group and prejudice against out-
groups. Individuals identify with groups or social categories for self-reference,
following the prototypical behaviour of the group to which they belong [9]. As a
result, the group’s social status and prestige will influence the self-esteem of its
members. Therefore, as an attempt to increase the reputation of their in-group,
they will engage in a “process of social comparison with relevant out-groups”.
Self-Categorization Theory also shares the concept of social identity, however
it proposes that personal and social identities represent distinct levels of self-
categorization, depending, respectively, on whether a person is in the presence
of only their in-group or if more social categories are available [15]. Then, when
a shared social identity becomes more salient, people start perceiving themselves
as representatives of a shared social category membership rather than distinct
individuals with their own personality [16].
These two theories have inspired various models for designing and developing
social agents, such as the Dynamic Identity Model for Agents [8] or the Cogni-
tive Social Frames framework [12], explained in depth in Sect. 2.3. In addition,
Dignum et al. developed an abstract architecture for social reasoning [6], using
not only the Social Identity Theory, but also the Social Practice Theory.
128 I. Lobo et al.

Practice Theory is a type of cultural theory, in which social order is rooted

in collective cognitive structures - a “shared knowledge” - allowing to ascribe
meaning to the environment in a socially shared manner [13]. Its “smallest unit
of social analysis” is the practice, a “routinized type of behaviour” constituted by
various interlinked and mutually dependent elements: physical and mental activ-
ities, resources and their use, and background knowledge required to understand
the world’s objects and agents.
Holtz [10] applied this theory in an agent-based model aimed at generating
social practices to understand resource consumption behaviours. In this app-
roach, social practices were viewed as independent social structures useful to
provide valuable insights into a range of social behaviours, however they can
also be used as “input and filter on the individual’s deliberation process” [6], as
in Dignum et al.’s previously mentioned architecture.

2.3 Cognitive Social Frames

Cognitive Social Frames (CSFs) is defined by Rato et al. [12] as “a framework

that enables the adjustment of the agent’s cognition” depending on the social
context. The agent’s cognition is enclosed into abstract blocks known as Cog-
nitive Resources, which can hold knowledge and processes used to guide the
agent’s behaviour.
According to the model, the agent has to follow specific steps. The agent
starts by observing the environment with its sensors, resulting in a set of per-
ceptions that are sent to the agent’s Sensory Memory. Then, the agent filters the
previous perceptions given the salient CSF, transforming them into social per-
ceptions and constructing the Social Context, which is transferred to the agent’s
Working Memory. Following this, the agent updates the previous salient CSF,
selecting the CSF with the highest salience - computed as a balance between
fitness to the social context and personal preferences of the agent - from the set
of CSFs in the agent’s Long-Term Memory. So, the salient CSF in the Working
Memory is updated, meaning that the set of deployed Cognitive Resources, asso-
ciated with the salient CSF, is also modified. Finally, the updated collection of
deployed Cognitive Resources is executed, and the agent will now reason, decide
or interact with the environment in accordance with the social context.

3 Related Work

Dialogue training tools are widely used in a variety of fields, existing a particular
interest in tools to train medical students, as we will see along the following para-
graphs. In this section, we will start by discussing the benefits and drawbacks of
using tree-based dialogue training tools. Then, we will describe natural language
dialogue systems that seek to address the problems associated with scripted dia-
logues. Lastly, we will highlight ongoing concerns about these systems.
Socially Aware Interactions 129

3.1 Scripted Dialogues

Communicate! [11] is a serious game for developing social skills, in particular for
training health-care professionals - players - in their interactions with patients
- agents - with the goal of improving the communication between them. These
entities will be required to speak in a scripted dialogue, such as a tree-like struc-
ture, and players will be given options for each utterance. Furthermore, when a
scenario ends, feedback is given. Agents’ emotions e.g., facial expressions, pro-
vide immediate feedback as well. In addition, scenarios can be authored, meaning
that utterances, feedback, emotional reactions, scores and other parameters can
be configured in an editor. With that said, the Dialogue Trainer Software, men-
tioned earlier, shares the same attributes of the prior game, being a commercial
tool for communication training.
Nevertheless, as identified by Weideveld, there are a number of problems
in using the previous tools to teach adequate communication skills [17]. From
the user’s standpoint, since the dialogue is not self-made, players will be unable
to properly apprehend relevant communication abilities such as clarity, under-
standing and appropriateness. Furthermore, in the agent’s perspective, given
that their responses are scripted, the dialogue ends up being predetermined,
implying that the agent does not need to adapt to changes in the context, or,
better yet, the “adaptive” behaviour of the agent is controlled by the editor
of the scenario, which results in a lack of authenticity and flexibility. Finally,
from the viewpoint of the editor, while the dialogue content is easy to author,
managing a big dialogue tree may be challenging and repetition is prone to hap-
pen - the same utterances may have to be specified more than once in distinct
conversation paths.

3.2 Context-Aware Conversational Agents

Inspired by the Communicate! tool, the Social Agents for Learning in Virtual
Environments (SALVE) [1] game was developed. SALVE is a dialogue-based
serious game in which players can experiment various scenarios and act in dif-
ferent roles, while communicating with an agent, whose avatar is shown in a
graphical interface. The agent expresses emotions and reactions in response to
the user’s inputs, detecting also repetition during the conversation. In addition,
the game allows to evaluate the player’s abilities, scoring their empathy, social
interpersonal behaviour, and communication skills, among others.
In SALVE, the agent interprets the players’ utterances using AIML and a
rule-based approach, together with the concept of Social Practices, as a way of
restricting the scope of the dialogue [17]. Then, the game scenarios will follow
predefined social practices (e.g., the practice associated to an anamnesis scenario,
as seen in Table 1 [2]), and the agent will be able to appropriately respond to
the user, due to its pattern matching mechanisms.
In relation to the previous scenario, a dialogue system including a vir-
tual patient was recently developed by Campillos-Llanos et al. [4], using a
“knowledge-based and rule-frame-based approach”. A medical instructor could
130 I. Lobo et al.

Table 1. Example of a social practice in an anamnesis scenario [2]

Abstract social practice Doctor patient dialogue

Physical context
Resources Current time, Medical instruments
Places Hospital, Office
Actors User, Agent
Social context
Social interpretation Consulting room, Consulting time
Roles Doctor, Patient
Norms Patient is cooperative (gives truthful and complete answers),
Doctor is polite
Activities Welcome, Resentation, Data gathering, Symptom description,
Speech acts
Plan patterns Welcome, Presentation, Data gathering, Symptom description,
Meaning Support the patient, Create trust, Eliciting patient’s problems
and concerns, Empathic response
Competences Listening effectively, Being empathic, Use effective explanatory
skills, Adapt conversation

edit the patient’s medical record in a simple interface, allowing the system to run
multiple medical cases by modifying the agent’s health state (e.g., symptoms,
lifestyle). The user of this system, commonly a medical student, could type text
to the agent, which would consequently be processed by a natural language
understanding module. The dialogue manager would then receive a semantic
frame containing information about the dialogue state and context information
of the user’s input, querying this to find the appropriate answer. According to
this answer, the agent selected relevant information from the patient’s record,
replying to the user using a template-based generator.
These systems are clearly an improvement compared to scripted dialogues: not
only do they allow users to enter their own input with the keyboard, but they are
also more flexible and capable of handling errors in the conversation. Authoring
new or existing scenarios, on the other hand, becomes more difficult, especially if
no authoring tool is available, as in SALVE. Regarding the second system, while it
is possible to author different health states for the agent, the system is still limited
to the domain of a medical diagnosis. As a result, no new scenarios can be created;
instead, only the content of an existing one can be altered. Given these examples,
what is lacking is an efficient method of structuring dialogue data so that it can be
easily configured and controlled by its authors in a variety of settings, while also
being accepted as input by the deliberation process of a socially-aware agent. Then,
we will need to search for a compromise between scripted and rigid dialogue tools
- where authoring is usually simple, enabling for different scenarios to be config-
ured - and natural language dialogue systems - where flexibility and error handling
are present, however intuitive authoring methods that can be used across different
domains are absent.
Socially Aware Interactions 131

4 Dialogue System
We considered flexibility, robustness, and authoring to be the most important
requirements for modelling and implementing this prototype of a dialogue sys-
tem. Tree-based dialogue tools restrict the flow of the conversation by preventing
it from taking various alternative paths. A flexible dialogue system, on the other
hand, will adapt to changes in the conversation’s context, allowing it to be less
rigid and, consequently, more natural to the user. This adaptation mechanism
should be robust, meaning that the system should be able to generalize to dif-
ferent contexts without collapsing. Robustness also includes the system’s ability
to handle user errors or unexpected actions. Moreover, it should be possible to
create new dialogue scenarios or edit existing ones in a simple and controllable
manner, given that the easier it is to author, the more people will be able to use
the system, not being required to have any particular technical skill to do so.
An additional requisite we considered was for users to be able to easily play
different roles in a conversation, allowing them to experience the same scenarios
from multiple perspectives.
We applied the Cognitive Social Frames model, combined with Social Prac-
tices, in order to achieve these goals. Regarding the Social Context components,
we followed Zimmerman’s definition of context and its five fundamental cate-
gories. The following sections detail the agent’s deliberation cycle, as well as our
implementation and authoring process. In addition, we specified an anamnesis
scenario to demonstrate an application example of the developed tool.

4.1 Deliberation Cycle

The agent’s architecture is depicted in Fig. 1 and it was greatly inspired by the
Cognitive Social Frames model. The key elements of the agent’s deliberation
cycle are the social practices, the frames, the cognitive resources, the context
and the knowledge base.
Both the agent and the user have access to a “shared knowledge”, in the
form of social practices, conventions and values, aiming to limit the scope of
their interaction. In a dialogue, social practices include collections of interlinked
frames, whose connections convey expectations on how the conversation should
follow, just like the “plan patterns” in Table 1. Then, for a particular scenario, we
assume that one or more social practices are available. Concerning the frames,
they are composed by a set of cognitive resources, which represent dialogue pieces
- small dialogue trees with one or more utterances - created given the norms,
motivations and beliefs of the dialogue’s entities.
Regarding the context, as mentioned before, we considered Zimmerman’s five
dimensions of context. Then, in a human-agent dialogue, we propose that the
context presents itself like this:

– Time: time of the day (e.g., morning, night)

– Location: physical location (e.g., university, hospital)
132 I. Lobo et al.

Fig. 1. Agent’s architecture in the dialogue system

– Activity: state of the conversation (e.g., greeting, farewell), as well as goals,

which, in this case, are associated with specific information that the entities
of the conversation want to acquire (e.g., name, age, particular symptoms if
in a medical scenario)
– Relation: social roles (e.g., doctor/patient, teacher/student), and type of
relation (e.g., formal, friendly)
– Individuality: emotional state (e.g., being happy, being angry) - physical
features were not yet considered given that we are only using written dialogue
These components of the context will work as a “filter”, which means that,
by mapping a given input to a context, the agent will be able to filter the most
relevant frames that are appropriate for that same context, providing an accept-
able response. As for the knowledge base, it simply represents the information
(e.g., name, age, symptoms) that the agent manages to obtain throughout the
As shown in Fig. 1, the user starts by sending their input to the agent (1).
After receiving it, the agent is able to translate this input into the relevant
dimensions of the context (2), updating it accordingly - Context Management.
Having access to sets of interconnected frames and considering the updated
context, the agent computes the salience of each frame (3). The most salient
frame (4) is then selected and its cognitive resources are deployed (5). The
agent proceeds to identify the salient cognitive resource (6) from the collection
of deployed resources, so that an appropriate response can be given - Identity
Management. Finally, given this resource, the agent responds to the user (8). In
addition, the context will be updated again (7) based on the salient frame. The
Socially Aware Interactions 133

knowledge base may be modified throughout this cycle as well (9), depending on
whether relevant information is provided by the user or agent in their dialogue.

4.2 Application

The dialogue system application, implemented in Python, comprises the dialogue

interface and deliberation cycle of the agent. In the dialogue interface, we list the
sentences - associated with the cognitive resources - that the user can select at
a specific step of the conversation, given the current context. In its deliberation
process (Algorithm 1), the agent will receive the user’s input and deliver an
appropriate response, meeting the system’s flexibility requirement.
The agent begins by updating the current context and the knowledge base,
repeating this update close to the end of the algorithm as well. If the agent
detects that the current dialogue tree has not been visited all the way through, it
will continue on the current tree, following its course. Otherwise, it will calculate
the salience of the frames in order to determine the resources that the agent could
use as a response. The salience of a frame is calculated by the following formula:

Saliencef rame = F requencyf rame + KnowledgeBaseM atchf rame (1)

The frame frequency corresponds to the number of times the frame appears
after the current frame, which is the one associated with the current context.
The resulting set of salient frames will have to be filtered to select the ones whose
resources can be used by the agent, according to its role. If no frames are found,
the agent will stay in the current frame. Therefore, the agent may be able to
move through the practices, by altering the frame, or simply follow the lead of
the user, by remaining in the same frame. In addition, if more than one frame is
salient, the agent will randomly select the most salient frame, the same applying
to the resources’ selection. In the end, the agent returns the sentence associated
with the most salient resource.
Following this cycle, the agent’s response appears in the dialogue interface,
and the user’s possible inputs are updated based on the agent’s response, using a
reasoning process similar to the agent. There is no need to randomize the frames
and cognitive resources in this case, since the user should have all the possible
options, given the current context, available.
Besides being flexible, the dialogue system also demonstrates robustness, by
being able to handle different contexts and dialogue scenarios without breaking,
due to its general and simple deliberation mechanism. We also took into consid-
eration the possibility of user error, which is quite common in dialogue systems.
Thus, the system should include an error management mechanism that can per-
form error detection and recovery, i.e., the ability to recognize and respond to
At the moment, we only implemented the “timeout error”: if the users take
an unusually long time to answer, the agent should acknowledge that it is wait-
ing for their response. Having access to a timeout frame that is not linked to
other frames, the agent can activate the respective frame at any time during
134 I. Lobo et al.

Algorithm 1. Agent’s Deliberation Cycle

1: function AgentDeliberation(U serInput) (1)
2: CurrentSocialContext = U serInput.T ags (2)
3: KnowledgeBase.Add(U serInput.Knowledge) (9)
4: P ossibleResources = U serInput.N extResources
5: if Length(P ossibleResources) = 0 then
6: CurrentF rame = FindFrame(CurrentSocialContext)
7: SalientF rames = ComputeSalientFrames(CurrentF rame) (3)
8: P ossibleF rames = CheckFramesRole(SalientF rames, AgentRole)
9: if Length(P ossibleF rames) = 0 then
10: P ossibleF rames.Add(CurrentF rame)
11: end if
12: SalientF rame = Random(P ossibleF rames) (4)
13: CurrentSocialContext = SalientF rame.T ags (7)
14: P ossibleResources = CheckResourcesRole(SalientF rame.Resources,
AgentRole) (5)
15: end if
16: SalientResource = Random(P ossibleResources) (6)
17: KnowledgeBase.Add(SalientResource.Knowledge) (9)
18: return SalientResource.Sentence (8)
19: end function
The right-aligned comments correspond to the numbered steps in the agent’s architec-
ture (Fig. 1)

the conversation. This enables the agent to manage errors in the conversation
in a robust and flexible manner. Then, when it is the user’s turn in the conver-
sation, the agent begins counting the time until the user responds. If the user
does not say anything within the timeout value defined in the timeout frame
(error detection), the agent will enter this frame and select one of its cognitive
resources’ utterances to say, checking if the user is still present (error recovery).
The user’s options will be updated based on the agent’s utterance. Finally, once
the user replies, the agent will repeat what it said before entering the timeout
frame, restarting the conversation from where it was left (error recovery).
This same mechanism of having one general, unconnected frame, that deals
with a single unexpected event, could be applied to other errors in the user’s
discourse, such as repetitions, contradictions, providing insufficient or excessive
information in their utterances or switching to topics unrelated to the current
context [3].

4.3 Authoring
The data that the agent requires to manage a dialogue with a user is organized
in the system’s architecture in such a manner that configuring it in an authoring
tool is fairly straightforward, thereby satisfying the authoring requirement men-
tioned earlier. For this purpose, we selected Twine as an authoring tool, given
that it is an easy-to-edit storytelling platform that enables us to represent all of
Socially Aware Interactions 135

the architecture’s elements. A Twine add-on allowed us to export the data from
the editor to a JSON file, which was then imported and read by the system’s
application, in order to store the frames, cognitive resources, and social roles.
Twine allows editors to create graphs divided into passages. A passage may
include a title and tags, which are useful to categorize it, as well as a content
and links to other passages. In Twine, we structured the passages as follows:
– Social Practices and Frames: a frame is defined as a passage tagged with
context tags (e.g., greeting, morning, formal, hospital) and tags of knowledge
acquired during the conversation. As previously stated, connected frames rep-
resent the plan patterns of a social practice, which means that frames tagged
with the same context tags might appear in different social practices.
– Cognitive Resources: a cognitive resource is linked to a frame by its tags
(e.g., if a frame is labelled with “greeting, formal”, all cognitive resources
tagged with these two tags belong to that frame). The title of a cognitive
resource passage represents the associated utterance. These passages can be
labelled with a role tag based on whether their utterances work for both social
actors (no role tag necessary) or just one of them. Cognitive resources can
be connected or not to other cognitive resources, being part of small dialogue
trees with one or more elements. We can also specify knowledge base updates
in these passages.
– Roles: the social roles of the user and the agent can be easily switched in a
predefined passage tagged with “roles”.
Further details on how to edit the dialogue data can be seen in the dialogue
system’s GitHub page3 . It is worth noting that we modelled the social practices,
frames and cognitive resources ourselves in Twine, tags included, aiming to verify
if the dialogue system worked for a specific example (as seen in Sect. 4.4).

4.4 Anamnesis Scenario

We created a short anamnesis scenario in Twine, inspired by the social practice
in Table 1, defining the roles of the user and the agent (doctor or patient), the
timeout variable (30 s), the frames (“greeting friendly or formal”, “introduction”,
“gather info”, “ask symptoms”, “diagnosis”, “ask fever or cough”, ...), their
connections (practices), and their associated dialogue trees (cognitive resources).
Then, we ran the dialogue system using this scenario as input.
In Fig. 2, the user plays the “patient” role, while the agent plays the “doc-
tor” role. In this case, it is possible to observe the agent changing the frame
according to the received user input. For example, when the user reports hav-
ing a fever (U1), the agent will progress from frame “Fever” to frame “Cough”
(A3), following the conclusion of the “Fever” dialogue tree path. As seen in the
practices represented in Twine, there are two frames linked after “Fever”: “Diag-
nosis” and “Cough”. These have the same frequency, implying that the choice
of the salient frame should be, presumably, random. However, the agent added
136 I. Lobo et al.

to its knowledge base the information that the user had a fever, so, given that
the frame “Cough” has a “fever” knowledge tag, its knowledge base match and,
consequently, its salience, will be higher.

Fig. 2. Chat interface and twine - anamnesis scenario: agent (red labels) is doctor and
user (green labels) is patient (Color figure online)

In Fig. 3, the roles of the dialogue entities switch. In this situation, we can
see the agent following the user’s lead, continuing on the same frame as the user
input frame. Moreover, we can verify that the user options always adapt to the
context. For instance, once the dialogue tree associated with the frame “Gather
Info” finishes (A4), the options given for the user input are associated with the
frames following this frame, such as “Ask Symptoms” (U5a, U5b) or “Diagnosis”
(U5c, U5d). Regarding the timeout error (highlighted in blue), there is a moment
in which the user is not saying anything, so the agent activates the “Timeout”
frame, stating “Is everything okay? You are not replying...”. When the user
finally replies, the agent proceeds to repeat the previous utterance, making the
conversation return to its previous state, in this case, the frame “Gather Info”.
Socially Aware Interactions 137

Fig. 3. Chat interface and twine - anamnesis scenario: agent (red labels) is patient and
user (green labels) is doctor (Color figure online)

5 Discussion
The proposed dialogue system is a hybrid of scripted dialogue tools [11] and nat-
ural language dialogue systems [1,4,17], with certain similarities and differences,
aiming to address the key concerns of these approaches, while considering their
In tree-based dialogue tools, authoring dialogue scenarios is very intuitive.
A minor issue, however, is that authors must configure a single dialogue tree,
which may be overwhelming in large scenarios. On the other hand, natural
language dialogue systems lack good authoring mechanisms and thus do not
allow scenarios to be easily edited or created for new domains. As a result,
authoring was one of the system requirements we addressed, meaning we had to
ensure that the dialogue data was structured in an intuitive and easy-to-manage
manner, in contrast with the natural language dialogue systems we presented.
We illustrated this using Twine, a well-known story-telling tool, in which an
author can create and modify dialogue scenarios by altering the context tags and
138 I. Lobo et al.

utterances associated with small dialogue trees, as opposed to having one big
dialogue tree like in scripted dialogue tools. These trees belong to a collection of
tagged frames, which are then organized in practices. Some of these frames and,
by extension, their associated dialogue trees, are transversal, in the sense that
they can be applied and reused in different scenarios (e.g., greeting, farewell,
error handling).
In natural language dialogue systems, users can write their own input, and
the agent will respond appropriately, using, for example, a rule-based approach.
Contrastingly, in tree-based dialogue tools, users have limited options available.
Also, the dialogue is predefined by its author, meaning that the agent does not
adapt to changes in the context and instead simply follows the dialogue tree’s
course. Then, returning to our system, we considered flexibility to be relevant
as well, requiring the agent to deliberate on top of the context to exhibit a
flexible and appropriate behaviour, like in natural language dialogue systems.
Thus, with the agent’s knowledge structured as previously described, the agent
has to identify the most salient frames, based on the current context, in order to
reply appropriately to the user with one of their associated resources. Similar to
tree-based dialogue tools, user inputs in our system are not self-made. However,
in addition to the agent responses, user options also adapt to the context of the
conversation, allowing the roles of the dialogue entities to be easily switched.
Finally, our agent’s deliberation mechanism presents robustness as well,
another requirement we considered, meaning that the system is able to manage
a variety of scenarios and contexts without collapsing, as opposed to natural lan-
guage dialogue systems, which typically adapt well in one domain, but struggle
with new scenarios. On the plus side, natural language dialogue systems usually
include mechanisms to detect and handle user errors in the conversation. Con-
sidering this, we are also in the early stages of dealing with user errors, but so
far we have only handled the “timeout error”. Our approach is based on having
general frames that deal with unexpected events and that can be activated at
any time during the conversation.
In essence, the existing contrast between tree-based dialogue tools and natu-
ral language dialogue systems has led us on the search for a compromise between
the two. In our system, this middle ground relies on the fact that we have small
easy-to-author dialogue trees grouped in tagged frames that can, in turn, be acti-
vated according to the context of the conversation, using a general and static
deliberation mechanism that functions in a simple, flexible, and robust man-
ner. The presented work, therefore, adds to the development of context-aware
conversational agents by proposing a novel approach to organizing the agent’s
knowledge that meets the requirements of authoring, flexibility, and robustness.
One of our system’s main limitations is the fact that it was not tested with
users, not only those interacting with the agent, but also the ones configur-
ing the agent’s knowledge, being this an essential step for the future. Further-
more, user inputs should be self-made to ensure that they acquire the necessary
communication skills for a specific scenario. Consequently, by allowing users to
enter their own input, more errors will occur, such as contradictions, repetitions,
Socially Aware Interactions 139

unrelated information, among others, which will have to be identified and man-
aged by an improved error handling mechanism. Moreover, the structure of the
conversation, in terms of its speaking turns, requires more flexibility and should
allow dialogues to present not only a simple turn-taking behaviour, but also
interruptions and no specified turns to speak.

6 Conclusion
Our work began with the following research question: “Is it feasible to create
a flexible and robust dialogue system that adapts to changes in the social con-
text, while maintaining the authoring property of tree-based dialogue tools?”.
Based on the Cognitive Social Frames model and the theories of Social Practices
and Social Identities, we then developed a prototype of a dialogue system that
contributes to the creation of context-aware conversational agents. We deemed
authoring, robustness, and flexibility to be the most relevant system require-
ments, having small dialogue trees arranged into interconnected frames, which
can be activated by the agent to give an appropriate response according to the
current context. With the mentioned requirements met, new scenarios, such as
the anamnesis scenario we provided as a demonstration, can be easily configured
and played, allowing users to go through a variety of conversation paths. There-
fore, this method of structuring the conversational agent’s knowledge allows
dialogues to be intuitive to configure, while also enabling the agent to adapt
to context changes. As future steps, we would like to include users in the sys-
tem evaluation, translate user inputs to context tags, handle additional dialogue
errors, support conversations with unspecified speaking turns, and, finally, create
richer scenarios using crowd-sourced data.

Acknowledgement(s). The presented work was funded by the European Commis-

sion as part of the Humane-AI-net project, under grant agreement number 952026.
It was supported by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnolo-
gia (FCT) with reference UIDB/50021/2020. Diogo Rato acknowledges his FCT grant
(SFRH BD/131024/2017).

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Chatbot UX and Design
The Impact of Chatbot Linguistic
Register on User Perceptions:
A Replication Study

Ana Paula Chaves1(B) and Marco Aurelio Gerosa2

Federal University of Technology - Parana, Campo Mourão, PR, Brazil
[email protected]
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA
[email protected]

Abstract. Chatbots often perform social roles associated with human

interlocutors; hence, designing chatbot language to conform with the
stereotypes of its social category is critical to the success of this technol-
ogy. In a previous study, Chaves et al. performed a corpus analysis to
evaluate how language variation in an interactional situation, namely the
linguistic register, influences the user’s perceptions of a chatbot. In this
paper, we present a replication study with a different corpus to under-
stand the effect of corpus selection in the original study’s findings. Our
results confirm the findings in the previous study and demonstrate the
reproducibility of the research methodology; we also reveal new insights
about language design for tourist assistant chatbots.

Keywords: Chatbot · Register · User perceptions

1 Introduction

Many companies have adopted chatbots to offer 24/7 customer support [20] and
to reduce the need for human support for several domains. Accordingly, chatbots
often assume social roles traditionally associated with a human service provider,
for example, a tutor [46], a healthcare provider [34], or a tourist assistant [42].
Human interlocutors usually have a mental model of the interaction with a
representative of these roles. Grounded in the media equation theory [18,40],
which states that people respond to communication media and technologies as
they do to other people, it is reasonable to assume that chatbot users project
expectations in their interactions with chatbots.
One way to enhance a chatbot’s impersonation of a social role is to care-
fully plan their use of language [23,33]. When a chatbot uses unexpected lev-
els of (in)formality or incoherent language style, the interaction may result in
frustration or awkwardness [33]. Previous research has analyzed user prefer-
ences regarding chatbot language use [1,17,43,45]; however, these studies focus
on varying levels of formality or style, which is often disassociated from the
c Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022
A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 143–159, 2022.
144 A. P. Chaves and M. A. Gerosa

particular interactional situation. Similar consideration can be made for some

commercially available chatbots. For example, Golem1 , a chatbot designed to
guide tourists through Prague (Czech Republic), utters sentences extracted from
an online travel magazine2 without any adaptation to the new interactional
In sociolinguistics, the concept that defines how humans adapt their language
use depending on the interactional situation is called “register” [4,8]. Register
consists of the relationship between the occurrences of core linguistic features
in a conversation given the context. For example, the core linguistic features a
person uses when writing an email to their supervisor are different from those
used when texting a friend due to variation in the situational parameters (e.g.,
a supervisor vs. a friend; email vs. chat messaging tool). The linguistic features
are the grammatical characteristics in the conversation (e.g., nouns, personal
pronouns, or passive voices). The context is determined by a set of situational
parameters that characterize the interactional situation (e.g., the participants
and the relationship between them, channel, production circumstances, topic,
and purpose) [8]. Despite being considered as one of the most important predic-
tors of linguistic variation in human-human communication [5], register has not
yet been widely explored as a theoretical basis for chatbot language design.
Previous studies [11,12] explored language variation in the context of
tourism-related interactions. The results confirmed that the core linguistic fea-
tures vary as the situational parameters vary, resulting in different language
patterns. A more recent study identifies whether register influences the user’s
perceptions of their interaction with chatbots [13], based on a corpus analysis
approach. The findings show an association between linguistic features and user
perceptions of appropriateness, credibility, and overall user experience, which
point to the need to consider register for the design of chatbots.
The study presented by Chaves et al. [13] is grounded on corpus analysis.
Although corpus analysis is a powerful approach to detect register character-
istics [15], it may also bring a limitation: the nature of the corpus may influ-
ence how extreme the study’s participants perceived the register differences. For
example, if the register of the selected corpus is too far away from the expected
language patterns, then the likelihood that participants perceive it as uncanny
may increase. Therefore, the question remains whether the conclusion presented
in that study is supported if a different corpus is selected.
In this paper, we present a methodological replication study of [13], as we
applied the same methods as the original study but used a different corpus of
conversations in the tourism domain. Our goal is to investigate the effect of
corpus selection on the previous outcomes and demonstrate whether the rela-
tions between linguistic features and user perceptions still stand for the new
setting. According to [16], replication is a valuable scientific resource as it allows
methodological enhancement and improves confidence in the scientific findings.

Available at Last accessed: November, 2021.
The Impact of Chatbot Linguistic Register on User Perceptions 145

2 Background
Chatbots are disembodied conversational interfaces that interact with users in
natural language via a text-based messaging interface [14,25]. Human-chatbot
interactions are built upon the use of language. Therefore, scholars have put
effort into improving chatbot conversational skills on several fronts. Research
on natural language generation has heavily focused on ensuring that chatbots
produce coherent and grammatically correct responses and on improving func-
tional performance and accuracy (see e.g. [31,38]). Other studies have focused
on comparing how humans adapt their language when interacting with chatbots,
for example, by matching with the chatbot vocabulary [30] or with the language
style [26]. However, the literature has overlooked how the chatbot should sound.
In the chatbot field, language often complies with the individual charac-
teristics of one intended persona [24,27], which fits the definition of style [8].
Recent studies have focused on evaluating the effect of language style on the
user’s perceptions [17,37,43,44], many of them comparing different levels of for-
mality. However, the formality of a chatbot should depend on how much the
human interlocutors associate formality to the social category that the chatbot
represents. The association between one’s language use and the interactional sit-
uation goes beyond the scope of language style, inviting designers to account for
As introduced in Sect. 1, the linguistic register consists of the functional asso-
ciation between the occurrences of linguistic features and a given context. Reg-
ister has not been widely investigated in the context of chatbots, with only a
few studies pointing to its relevance [2,22,35]. As an effort to introduce the
linguistic register as a theoretical basis for chatbot’s language design, Chaves
et al. [13] performed a study to evaluate how human interlocutors perceive reg-
ister differences in a chatbot’s discourse. The authors concluded that register
could work as a tool to define what language pattern is appropriate for a given
context, encapsulating the varying language styles that a persona-based chatbot
might have. We are not aware of other studies that evaluate the influence of
register on user experience with chatbots or the effect of corpus selection on the
outcomes of register analysis. Thus, this paper presents a replication study to
understand the influence of corpus selection on the study performed by Chaves
et al. [13].

3 User Perceptions of Register: the Original Study

This section summarizes the method applied in [13], which we replicate in this
study. In Sects. 4 through 7 we detail these steps for the replication study.
Chaves et al. [13] explored the extent to which behavioral aspects of user
experience (namely perceived appropriateness, credibility, and user experience)
relate to the register a chatbot uses. The authors invited participants to com-
pare excerpts of conversations expressed in two different registers. To isolate the
effect of register, the content of the conversation needed to be equivalent, which
146 A. P. Chaves and M. A. Gerosa

means using parallel data–natural language texts with the same semantic con-
tent, but expressed in different forms [41]. Since this kind of data is rarely avail-
able, the study’s approach includes the production of parallel corpora. Actual
conversations were carefully manipulated to mimic the register characteristics of
a different corpus. The research methodology followed the steps outlined below
(see [13] for details):
Step 1–Data collection: the baseline corpus, named F LG, consists of text-
based interactions between three human tourist assistants and tourists from
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. The corpus comprises 144 interactions with about
540 question-answer pairs. A second corpus is used for comparison purposes.
In that study, the authors extracted this corpus from a larger one named
DailyDialog [36].
Step 2–Register characterization: this step consists of the characterization
of the registers present in each corpus through register analysis [4]. The authors
first identified the situation in which the conversations occur and then defined the
prevailing linguistic features in each corpus. The analysis relied on information
from the Biber’s grammatical tagger [6] and the linguistic features were analyzed
both individually and aggregated into five dimensions according to the text-
linguistic register framework [4].
Step 3–Text modification: this step aims at producing a new, parallel corpus,
named F LGmod . For every answer provided by a tourist assistant in the F LG
corpus, the authors produced a corresponding answer that portrays the register
characteristics of DailyDialog. F LG and F LGmod fulfill the requirement of
parallel data for user studies on register differences.
Step 4–The study: finally, the authors performed a user study to evaluate the
impact of register on user experience. Participants were presented with individual
questions and pairs of answers (from F LG and F LGmod ) and, for each, were
asked to choose which answer they preferred based on three measures of quality:
appropriateness, credibility, and user experience. The analysis included fitting a
statistical learning model to identify the linguistic features that best predict the
user choices.
All the research materials related to Chaves et al.’s study are available on
GitHub [10]. The following sections present how we apply this methodological
approach in our replication study.

4 Data Collection

In Chaves et al. [13], the situational parameters of DailyDialog have a large vari-
ability, particularly for the interlocutor’s role and relationship among them. For
example, DailyDialog includes conversations between travelers and immigration
control personnel, guests and hotel concierge, tourists and tour guides, among
many others. For the replication, we want to select a corpus with less variability
of situational parameters within the corpus. We chose the F rames [3] dataset,
The Impact of Chatbot Linguistic Register on User Perceptions 147

which is a corpus of 1349 human-human, text-based interactions3 within the

context of booking travel packages. We followed the situational analytical frame-
work [8] to identify the situational parameters in comparison to F LG (Table 1).
The purpose of this situational analysis is to characterize the interactions using
a conversational taxonomy based around seven parameters (Table 1). The vari-
ation in the situational parameters between F rames and F LG is mainly in the
purpose and topic parameters; F rames focuses on pre-travel decision-making,
while F LG focuses on en-route information search.

5 Register Characterization

We characterized the register of the F rames corpus as presented in [13]. In a nut-

shell, we submitted the conversations from F rames to the Biber’s grammatical
tagger [6], which tags and counts linguistic features. The features are also aggre-
gated into dimension scores using a factor analysis algorithm [6] to reveal the
prevailing characteristics of the register (i.e., the levels of personal involvement,
narrative flow, contextual references, persuasion, and formality) [4].
We applied a one-way MANOVA to generate a statistical comparison of
the dimension scores across corpora (F rames and F LG), where the dependent
variables are the values of the five dimension scores. The independent vari-
ables are the F rames (control group) and the three tourist assistants from
the F LG corpus, namely T A1, T A2, and T A3 (experimental groups). We
considered each tourist assistant as a group to account for stylistic variation
among them. The MANOVA revealed that the dimension scores for F LG’s
tourist assistants significantly differ from the dimension scores for F rames
(W ilks = 0.95, F = 5.71, p < 0.0001). We also performed a one-way univariate
analysis (df = 3, 1489) for each of the five dimensions to identify the individual
dimensions that influence the prevailing register characteristics (Table 2).
The dimension score reveals that the purpose (decision-making vs. informa-
tion search) likely impacted the narrative flow (dimension 2) and the persuasion

Table 1. Situational analysis (F rames vs. F LG).

Situational parameter Frames FLG

Participants Tourist and travel assistant Tourists and tourist assistants
Relationship Tourist assistant and tourist, the Tourist assistant and tourist, the
former owns the knowledge former owns the knowledge
Channel Written, instant messaging tool Written, instant messaging tool
Production Quasi-real-time Quasi-real-time
Setting Private, shared time, virtually Private, shared time, virtually
shared place shared place
Purpose Decision-making; book travel Information search
packages; user’s constraints
Topic Travel packages reservation Local information (e.g., attractions)

Download and more details at
148 A. P. Chaves and M. A. Gerosa

(dimension 4) since the tourist assistant in F rames focused on describing the

options rather than arguing on what were the best deals. The variation within
the T As suggests the influence of stylistic preferences [11].

Table 2. Univariate analysis of dimension scores (df = 3, 1489). For each dimension,
the table shows the estimated dimension score ± the standard error per group (F rames,
T A1, T A2, T A3), and the corresponding F- and p-values.

Frames TA1 TA2 TA3 F p-value

Dim. 1: Involvement 13.18 ± 0.68 14.73 ± 3.62 5.69 ± 3.66 –5.02 ± 3.48 10.07 <0.0001
Dim. 2: Narrative flow –4.94 ± 0.04 –4.45 ± 0.20 –4.31 ± 0.21 –4.79 ± 0.20 4.47 0.0040
Dim. 3: Contextual ref –1.06 ± 0.16 –3.33 ± 0.87 –1.75 ± 0.88 –2.65 ± 0.83 3.42 0.0166
Dim. 4: Persuasion –0.09 ± 0.15 1.98 ± 0.81 –0.02 ± 0.82 1.93 ± 0.78 4.12 0.0064
Dim. 5: Formality –0.49 ± 0.14 –0.81 ± 0.74 –1.70 ± 0.75 –2.10 ± 0.71 2.42 0.0642

Contraction 2nd person pronoun Emphatic 1st person pronoun It pronoun Causative subord.
0 5 10 20 30 40 50 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 10 20 30 40 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 0.0 0.5 1.0
Discourse particle Amplifier WH− question Coord. conj. (clause) Final preposition Nouns
0 2 4 0 1 2 3 0 2 4 6 8 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 280 300 320 340
Prepositions Attributive adjective Past tense verbs 3rd person pronoun WH−rel. cl. (subject) Coord. conj. (phrasal)
90 100 110 12020 30 40 50 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.00 5 10 0 1 2 0 1 2
Nominalization Adverb Infinitive Prediction modal Suasive verb Conditional subord.
20 25 30 35 4020 30 40 503 6 9 12 10 15 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6
Necessity modals Split auxiliary Adverbial−−conj. Passive voice Predicative adjective
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.50 2 4 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 4 6 5 10 15

FLG FLG_mod Frames

Fig. 1. Visualization of ANOVA results for individual features (Color figure online)

Figure 1 depicts the linguistic features that vary significantly between the two
corpora (F LG and F rames), as revealed by the ANOVA analysis per feature.
The Impact of Chatbot Linguistic Register on User Perceptions 149

The figure shows the estimates for F rames (control group, in blue) and each
tourist assistant in F LG (T A1, T A2, and T A3, in red). The horizontal line
represents the standard error. We found that 29 out of 48 linguistic features
were significantly different across corpora. The next step was to modify the
conversations to produce another parallel corpus.

6 Text Modification
Text modification process followed the same procedures as described in [13].
Firstly, we cloned the F LG corpus to create the initial F LGmod2 . Then, we
inspected the F rames corpus to understand how one particular feature is used
in F rames. Then, we reproduced the use in F LGmod2 using a Python script
(see [10]). Figure 1 shows the comparison between F rames and F LGmod2 after
performing a sufficient number of modifications to substantially reduce the F-
values. The figure shows the estimates for F rames (control group, in blue) and
each tourist assistant in F LG (T A1m od, T A2m od, and T A3m od, in green). The
horizontal line represents the standard error. Table 3 shows an example of a
modified answer, where modified words are highlighted in bold, and the tags
attributed to the words are between square brackets.

Table 3. Example of a modified answer (F LG vs. F LGmod2 ).

Original answer (F LG corpora) Modified answer (F LGmod2 corpora)

There is a self-guided Rte 66 tour that starts We [first person pronoun] offer [present
in the Historic Train [attributive adjective] verb] a self-guided Rte 66 tour for you
Center on 1 E. Rte. 66. In the visitor’s cen- [preposition, second person pronoun] that
ter there is a self-guided map [attribu- starts in the Train Center on 1 E. Rte.
tive adjective] that shows the original align- 66. In our [first person pronoun] visitor
ment through the redeveloped Southside His- center, a map has [present verb] the
toric District and passes by classic drive-in original alignment through the
[attributive adjective] motels and Flagstaff redeveloped Southside Historic District
[noun] landmarks of old. Let me know if [con- and passes by motels and landmarks of
ditional subordination] you have further ques- old. Tell me your other questions

Once the F LGmod2 parallel corpus was developed, we perform the user study
on the impact of linguistic register on user perceptions.

7 User Perceptions Study

Following the procedures described in [13], we ranked the question-answer pairs
in our parallel corpora based on the Levenshtein distance [32] between the pairs
of original (F LG) and modified answers (F LGmod2 ), and selected the top 10%
(54 question-answer pairs) for evaluation.
150 A. P. Chaves and M. A. Gerosa

Fig. 2. Example of a question. The participant was invited to select the answer that
portrays the most appropriate language.

We recruited participants to answer an online questionnaire, where they

chose, given a question, which answer would better represent a tourist assistant
chatbot. For each tourist’s question, presented on the screen one at a time, par-
ticipants could choose one out of three options: the original answer (from F LG),
the modified version (from F LGmod2 ), or “I don’t know” (see an example in
Fig. 2). Original and modified answers were presented in a randomized order. In
total, participants answered 27 questions, nine for each of the constructs (per-
ceived language appropriateness, perceived credibility, and user experience).

7.1 Participants

Participants were recruited through Prolific4 in September 2020. We received

a total of 174 submissions, 29 of which were discarded due to either technical
issues in the data collection or failure to answer the attention checks (N = 145).
All the participants claimed English as their first language and were located in
the USA. Additionally, we configured Prolific to recruit only participants who
did not participate in the previous study, to avoid biases in the data collection.
Most participants had a four-year bachelor’s degree (49) or some college, but
no degree (42). Twenty participants graduated from high school, and 17 had
Master’s degrees. Common educational backgrounds were STEM (34), Arts and
Humanities (28), and others (29). Three participants had non-binary gender; 70
declared themselves as female, and 72 as male. The age range is 18–60 (μ = 30.77
years-old, σ = 10.32).

The Impact of Chatbot Linguistic Register on User Perceptions 151

7.2 Analysis of the Linguistic Features

We fitted the generalized linear model (GLM), using the glmnet package in
R [21], using the same cross-validation algorithm presented by [13]5 . For com-
parison purposes (to determine an upper bound on prediction accuracy), we
also fitted two non-linear learning models: random forest and gradient boosting,
as performed in [13]. The prediction variables include (i) the difference between
original and modified counts per linguistic feature; (ii) variables representing the
participant who answered the question; (iii) the participants’ self-assessed social
orientation; and (iV) the author of the answer in F LG (T A1, T A2, T A3).
The evaluation dataset started with 3,915 observations (145 participants, 27
evaluations per participant). We discarded blank answers and the “I don’t know”
option, resulting in a dataset with 3,858 observations. Each question-answer pair
was evaluated from 22 to 26 times per construct. As in the original study [13],
participants overall preferred the answers from the original corpus, although the
modified version was sometimes chosen.
Figure 3 shows the prediction accuracy and AUC plots for the four fitted
models. Since participants generally preferred the original F LG corpus answers,
the prediction threshold is close to always predicting the most frequent class
(original). The prediction accuracy of glmnet and xgboost are only slightly
better than the baseline. Nevertheless, the AUC values are consistently better
than the baseline. As in the original study [13], the non-linear models are not
considerably more accurate than the linear model, which justify the use of the
glmnet model.

baseline ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● baseline ●

glmnet ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● glmnet ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ●

rf ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● rf ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●

xgboost ● ● ● ●● ● ●● xgboost ● ● ●● ●
● ●● ● ●

baseline ● ● ● ● ● ● ● baseline ●



glmnet ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● glmnet ●● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ●

rf ● ● ● ● ● ● ● rf ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ● ●

xgboost ●● ● ● ● ● ● xgboost ● ●
● ● ●●● ● ● ●

baseline ●● ● ● ● ● ● baseline ●

glmnet ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● glmnet ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●● ●


rf ●● ● ● ● ● ● rf ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ●●

xgboost ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● xgboost ● ● ● ● ● ●●
● ●●

0.65 0.70 0.75 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70

accuracy.percent auc

(a) Accuracy (b) AUC

Fig. 3. Accuracy (a) and AUC (b) results per model for each construct (appropriate-
ness, credibility, and user experience). The baseline represents a model that always
predicts the most frequent class (original).

Table 4 presents the coefficients of the linguistic features selected in six or

more folds. The first and second columns indicate, respectively, the linguis-
tic feature of interest and the sign of original − modified calculation, which
The R code and datasets are available on GitHub [10].
152 A. P. Chaves and M. A. Gerosa

Table 4. Coefficients and standard deviation of the non-zero variables per construct.
The dots indicate that the corresponding feature was not selected for that particular

Mean of coefficients ± Std. Deviation

Linguistic features orig. − mod. Appropriateness Credibility User experience
Split auxiliary (+) –0.010 ± 0.003 –0.027 ± 0.004 –0.017 ± 0.007
Adverbs (+) –0.009 ± 0.001 –0.002 ± 0.001 –0.005 ± 0.001
Nouns (+) –0.001 ± 0.000 –0.003 ± 0.001 -0.001 ± 0.001
Contractions (+) –0.003 ± 0.001 · –0.007 ± 0.002
Causative subordination (+) –0.011 ± 0.012 · ·
Predicative adjective (+) · –0.003 ± 0.001 ·
Agentless passive (+) 0.002 ± 0.001 0.006 ± 0.001 0.005 ± 0.003
Third-person pronoun (+) 0.006 ± 0.001 0.005 ± 0.000 0.005 ± 0.001
“It” pronoun (+) 0.004 ± 0.002 0.003 ± 0.001 ·
Conditional subordination (+) · 0.002 ± 0.002 0.004 ± 0.002
Attributive adjective (+) · 0.006 ± 0.001 0.001 ± 0.001
Emphatic (+) · · 0.007 ± 0.004
Preposition (–) –0.003 ± 0.000 –0.001 ± 0.001 –0.002 ± 0.001
Infinitive (–) –0.002 ± 0.001 –0.012 ± 0.001 ·
Nominalization (–) · –0.003 ± 0.001 –0.003 ± 0.002
Prediction modal (–) 0.008 ± 0.002 0.008 ± 0.002 0.014 ± 0.002
Adverbial–conjuncts (–) · 0.004 ± 0.004 ·

indicates whether one particular feature was increased or decreased in the

text modification process. A positive sign (+) for a feature fi indicates that
countoriginal (fi ) > countmodified (fi ), while a negative sign (–) indicates the oppo-
site (countoriginal (fi ) < countmodified (fi )). The following three columns present
the mean of the coefficients and the standard deviation for each construct. Fea-
tures with negative coefficients increase the likelihood of the model predicting
the original class, while features with positive coefficients increase the likelihood
of the model predicting the modified class.
Original answers have significantly more split auxiliaries, nouns, and adverbs
than the modified versions. These features have a negative coefficient for all
the three constructs, which indicates that frequent occurrences of these features
increase the likelihood of original answers being chosen; participants are more
likely to prefer answers in which these features are more frequent. The same con-
clusion applies to contractions, causative subordinations, and predicative adjec-
tives, although contractions show up as relevant for appropriateness and user
experience only, causative subordinations are relevant only for the appropriate-
ness construct, and predicative adjective predicts credibility only.
Original answers also have significantly more agentless passives and third-
person pronouns. These features have a positive coefficient for all three con-
structs, indicating that frequent occurrences of these features increase the likeli-
hood of modified answers being chosen. This outcome suggests that participants
The Impact of Chatbot Linguistic Register on User Perceptions 153

are more likely to prefer answers in which these features are less frequent. The
same conclusion applies to “it” pronouns, conditional subordinations, attributive
adjectives, and emphatics, but these features are not relevant for all constructs.
“It” pronouns did not show up as relevant for user experience, conditional sub-
ordinations and attributive adjectives did not influence appropriateness, and
emphatics show up as relevant only for user experience.
Modifications have significantly more prepositions than the original answers.
This feature has a negative coefficient for all three constructs, which indi-
cates that frequent occurrences of prepositions increase the likelihood of orig-
inal answers being chosen. This outcome suggests that participants are more
likely to prefer answers in which these features are less frequent. The same infer-
ence applies to infinitives and nominalizations, although infinitives did not show
up as a relevant feature for user experience, and nominalizations did not pre-
dict the appropriateness. Modifications also have a larger number of prediction
modals. This feature has a positive coefficient for all three constructs, which
indicates that increasing their occurrences increased the likelihood of modified
answers being chosen. This outcome highlights the preferences for answers in
which these features are more consistently present. The same conclusion applies
to adverbial–conjuncts, although this feature shows up as relevant only for cred-
ibility. Noticeably, when we aggregate the estimate to the standard deviation for
this feature, it sums up to zero, suggesting that this outcome may be noise.
In summary, the outcomes confirm the association between the use of register-
specific language and the user perceptions of appropriateness, credibility, and
user experience. In accordance with the original study’s outcomes, linguistic fea-
tures are stronger predictors than variables that indicate individual character-
istics of either participants or assistants, suggesting that adopting the expected
register influence positively the user perceptions of the interaction.

7.3 Discussion

Chaves et al. from [13] showed that using language that fits to a particular con-
text, i.e., that is register-specific, has a significant impact on user perceptions of
their interaction with chatbots. In this study, we replicate that study’s method-
ology to investigate whether this conclusion is supported if F LG is compared
to a different corpus. Our results supported the insights from the original study.
The study strengthens the conclusion that the chatbot’s language–characterized
under the lens of register–can impact the user perceptions, which, ultimately,
may result in increased quality, acceptance, and adoption [19,29,39].
Secondly, the analysis of individual linguistic features supports the previous
inferences for at least four linguistic features, namely preposition, causative sub-
ordination, third-person pronoun, and conditional subordination. In this repli-
cation study, preposition was selected for all the constructs, and participants
preferred answers in which this feature is less frequent. Prepositions (e.g., at,
in, of, etc.) in our study were often used to provide an extra piece of informa-
tion (e.g., in Flagstaff, at 4am). Many occurrences of this feature may reduce
154 A. P. Chaves and M. A. Gerosa

the efficiency, violating the maxim of quantity that states that a sentence in a
conversation should have just the right amount of content [28].
Conditional subordination is negatively associated with credibility in both
studies, which supports the inference that when the chatbot gives options, it
sounds as it is not confident about the information provided [13]. Using less
conditional subordination requires more personalization so that the chatbot is
assertive when offering a suggestion or recommendation, instead of offering a list
of options (i.e., if you like hiking, then check [...]; otherwise, check [...] ).
Regarding causative subordination (e.g., because), participants are more likely
to prefer answers in which this feature occurs. Noticeably, this feature is a fairly
uncommon feature (mean of 1 per 1,000 words [4]) when compared to others
such as nouns (mean of 180 per 1,000 words [4]). Our result indicates that,
when this feature occurs, it is preferred over receiving the information without
the subordination. This preference can be associated with human-likeness since
the absence of the causative subordination results in a broken discourse, which is
associated with robotic sounding (e.g., [...] it was used as a major trading hub,
because there are artifacts that were found there [...] vs. [...] it was used as a
major trading hub. There are artifacts that were found there [...] ).
Participants preferred less frequent occurrences of third-person pronouns in
all three constructs in the current study. Third-person pronouns are used in F LG
to add details about business or attractions (e.g., “they have public restrooms”),
which may reduce efficiency. Additionally, by using third-person pronouns, the
assistant provides the information from an external standpoint, which results in
a more impersonal tone [9] (e.g., “they [the museum community] have musi-
cal performances” vs. “we [the assistant as part of the museum community]
have musical performances”). These results suggest that reinforcing the tourist
assistant chatbot as a representative of its social category by using (plural) first-
person pronouns would be preferable over the impersonal third-person pronoun.
On the other hand, this study shows conflicting outcomes regarding the lev-
els of prediction modals and contractions. In [13], participants preferred lower
levels of these features, whereas the current study indicates a preference for
higher levels of these features in all the three constructs. This dissonance can be
explained by the differences in how F rames and DailyDialog use these features.
In DailyDialog, would is the most common prediction modal, which mostly co-
occurred with first-person pronouns (i.e., “I would”, “I’d”). As discussed in [13],
the co-occurrences with first-person pronouns may have influenced the outcomes
for prediction modals and contractions, as these co-occurrences cause uncanny
effects due to excessive personification. In contrast, F rames has more frequent
occurrences of other forms of prediction modals, such as shall and will. Will is the
most frequent modal and it often co-occurs with nouns (e.g., “campgrounds will
open” or “downtown will have vegetarian options”) instead of personal pronouns.
As a consequence, the negative effect was flattened and the frequent occurrences
of prediction modals and contractions resulted in a positive effect.
This study allowed us to observe inferences about features not manipulated
in the original study. Split auxiliaries are likely influenced by the preferences for
The Impact of Chatbot Linguistic Register on User Perceptions 155

frequent occurrences of adverbs, as split auxiliaries occur when adverbs are placed
between auxiliaries and their main verb [4] (e.g., “will obviously limit”). Many
adverbs are used in F LG to indicate the tourist assistant’s stance (e.g., “Abso-
lutely!” and “there are definitely some,” which indicate assurance, or “you’d
probably be fine,” which indicates uncertainty). These features emphasize the
level of confidence that the assistant has about the information, which posi-
tively affects the user perceptions of all the evaluated constructs. The same con-
clusions apply to predicative adjectives, which is also frequently used for marking
stance [4]. This feature was selected as a predictor of credibility, which clearly
relates to the ability to express opinion (e.g., “That would be difficult.” “the
sandwiches are delicious,” “the restaurant is good ”).
In contrast, results show that participants are more likely to prefer answers
in which the occurrences of agentless passives, infinitives, nominalizations are
less frequent. These features are, in general, uncommon in conversations [4,9],
which may justify the user’s negative impressions about higher frequencies of
these features. Emphatics and “it” pronouns are rather frequent in conversations.
However, emphatics are characteristic of informal, colloquial discourse, whereas
“it” pronouns indicate limited informational content [4]. In this research, the
tourist assistant chatbots are representatives of a professional category special-
ized in providing information, which may increase the user’s expectations for
formal and specialized discourse. This results contradicts the results presented
by [37], which showed that customers may not assign different roles to chatbots
as communication partner in a human-chatbot customer service setting.
Contributions and Implications. The results presented in this paper, com-
bined with the findings from [13], emphasize that there is more to chatbot lan-
guage variation than the dichotomy of formal vs. informal language. Previous lit-
erature that focuses on the spectrum of formality has found inconsistent results
about whether chatbot language should sound (in)formal (see, e.g., [37]). [37]
even suggested that different perceptions of formality may have been influenced
by the function which some linguistic features perform in the utterances. Our
results reinforced that disregarding register may overshadow language variation’s
nuances and result in an overly simplified model for chatbot language. Research
on sociolinguistics has long stressed the role of register in predicting language
variation in human-human conversations [7]. Our findings demonstrate that this
role can be stretched to include human-chatbot conversations and that register
analysis is a powerful tool for characterizing the patterns of language that a
chatbot would be expected to use within a particular domain.
Additionally, this paper brings insights on the user expectations about chat-
bots’ language use in the context of tourism information search. Firstly, it rein-
forces the need for language efficiency; as the authors point out in [13], efficiency
is crucial in information search scenarios, which makes detailed descriptions
unnecessary in many cases. Thus, filling words or expressions, and additional
pieces of information should be avoided. Secondly, it provides understanding
on possible linguistic features that (overly) convey human-likeness. The study
showed that users prefer fluid, connected sentences (“and”, “or”, “because”)
156 A. P. Chaves and M. A. Gerosa

rather than several simple utterances; and that positioning the chatbot as part
of a social group (e.g. using “we”, but not overusing “I”) is preferred over imper-
sonal tone and external standpoint (“they”, “there are”). Finally, it is important
that the chatbot has the ability to express opinion by using predicative adjectives
(e.g. “is good”) and make it clear the level of confidence about the information
(even when the assistant is not so sure), which can be expressed with specific
adverbs (e.g. “absolutely”, “probably”).

8 Conclusions

This paper presented a methodological replication study that aims at demon-

strating the reproducibility of the methodology proposed by Chaves et al. [13]
to characterize the register of chatbot discourse. Additionally, this replication
helps understand the effect of corpus selection in previous findings. Our results
confirmed the influence of using register-specific language in user perceptions
of their interactions with chatbots and reinforced the need to consider register
when designing chatbot language. Since we performed a methodological repli-
cation, the limitations discussed in [13] also applies to this study, including the
subjectivity introduced by the semi-manual text modification and the choice
of the linguistic features submitted to the glmnet model for feature selection.
Additionally, we emphasize that the conversations in the F rames corpus were
collected in a lab setting, so the language expressed in the corpus reproduces the
expectations of the users regarding the tourist assistant’s patterns of language.
Our findings open a wide range of new research opportunities in chatbot
language design. Given the identified relevance of linguistic register for user
experience, the next natural step is to walk toward building computational mod-
els to perform register adaptation, enabling the future development of chatbot
conversational engines both tailored to the target context and able to adapt reg-
ister to the specific communicative purpose dynamically. Additionally, we need
to develop efficient frameworks to automate the steps of this methodology to
facilitate the register characterization and linguistic feature selection for partic-
ular contexts. We invite the research community to embrace these challenges
to increase chatbots’ acceptance as online service providers and improve user
experiences with this technology.

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Conversational Agent Voting Advice
Applications: A Comparison Between
a Structured, Semi-structured,
and Non-structured Chatbot Design
for Communicating with Voters About Political

Naomi Kamoen(B) , Tessa McCartan, and Christine Liebrecht

Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, Department of Communication

and Cognition, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Abstract. Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) are online survey tools that inform
voters about political parties and their standpoints. Recent research shows that
these tools may be improved by integrating a chatbot function that can provide on
demand background information about the political issues. This new goal-oriented
tool for information-seeking tasks is called a Conversational Agent Voting Advice
Application (CAVAA). In an experimental study (N = 185) during the Dutch
national elections of 17 March 2021, three CAVAA designs (a structured design
with buttons, a non-structured design with a text field, and a semi-structured design
with buttons and a text field) have been compared on tool evaluation measures (ease
of use, usefulness, and playfulness), and political measures (perceived political
knowledge and voting intention). Also, a comparison has been made between
users with a high or a low educational level. Results show that the structured
design is perceived to be more playful than the non-structured design. Moreover,
lower educated users rate the structured and the semi-structured design as easier
to use than the non-structured design. Finally, lower educated users also report
higher levels of political knowledge after using a CAVAA than higher educated
users. This suggests that CAVAAs can be a valuable tool to inform voters.

Keywords: Voting Advice Applications · Conversational agents · Chatbot

design · Usefulness · Ease of use · Playfulness · Voting intention · Political

1 Introduction
In times of the national elections, citizens face the difficulty of deciding which political
party to vote for. Over the years, the number of political parties and candidates to choose
from has increased in many European countries, making it more difficult for voters
to stay informed about the political parties and their standpoints (see [11, 26]). In the

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 160–175, 2022.
Conversational Agent Voting Advice Applications 161

Netherlands, for example, voters had no less than 37 political parties to choose from
during the last national elections of March 2021 [21].
While voters struggle to make choices, Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) offer a
possible solution. VAAs are survey-like tools in which voters can state their opinion on
a set of political attitude statements (e.g., ‘Dog tax should be increased’). Their answers
are then compared to the political viewpoints of the parties running in the elections, and,
based on this comparison, a personal voting advice is generated [7]. In many European
countries VAAs attract a large audience [11]. In the Netherlands, for example, where
VAAs find their origins, the two most popular VAAs were consulted more than 10 million
times during the Dutch Parliamentary Elections of 2021 [30].
Not only do VAAs attract a wide audience, research also shows that VAAs have
many beneficial effects: they increase their user’s political interest [25, 27] and politi-
cal knowledge [17, 32], leading to a higher turn-out at the ballots [10, 12]. While this
sounds promising, research shows at the same time that VAA users frequently experi-
ence comprehension problems when responding to the political attitude statements, as
no less than one in every five VAA statements causes a comprehension problem [16].
These problems are sometimes related to a user’s lack of semantic knowledge about,
for example, the political jargon used in the questions (e.g., ‘What is dog tax?’), or they
may relate to users lacking pragmatic knowledge about the current state of affairs with
respect to the political issue (e.g., ‘How high is the dog tax currently?’).
While one might expect that VAA users would make an effort to solve their compre-
hension problems so as to receive a valid voting advice, research shows that only a small
portion of VAA users (about 1.4%) search the internet to find information to resolve
their comprehension problems [16]. Users hence seem to expose satisficing behavior
(see [22–24]), which means that they make only a very minimal effort to respond to
the statements in the tool. Instead of looking up information on the internet (e.g., via a
search engine), users have been shown to make assumptions about the meaning of the
terms in the statement and to provide an answer based on these assumptions [16]. This
obviously hampers the validity of the voting advice, which is based on the answers to
the attitude statements.
An earlier study [18] suggested that implementing a chatbot into a Voting Advice
Application is a promising way to provide users with relevant additional information
when responding to political attitude statements in a VAA. Chatbots (or conversational
agents) are helpful tools that may provide assistance in performing information-seeking
tasks through interaction with users in everyday language [28]. In a VAA designed as a
chatbot (hereafter referred to as a CAVAA, which is an abbreviation for Conversational
Agent Voting Advice Application), users can request additional political information
on demand when responding to a political attitude statement. It is exactly this “on
demand” aspect (see [28]) that makes a chatbot-functionality a promising way to provide
information in a VAA context where users only make a minimal effort to solve their
comprehension problems. One advantage of a CAVAA is that users do not have to
switch between channels (e.g., the VAA and a search engine) to look up information.
Second, a CAVAA can tailor the information to the specific needs of the user, while
general search engines such as Google provide information that is not structured to
meet the users’ demands, which means that users have to extract information from a
162 N. Kamoen et al.

larger document themselves. Third, the conversational nature of chatbots enables users
to ask multiple questions about one political statement (e.g., both semantic and pragmatic
information), while at the same time users that do not require any additional information
are not confronted with additional ballast when responding to a political statement.
Consequently, these characteristics of chatbots reduce the effort VAA users have to make
to inform themselves. Therefore, a CAVAA seems to respond well to the processing mode
of low elaboration users are in.
In an experimental study [18], a comparison between a CAVAA and a regular VAA
showed that indeed the CAVAA performed better with respect to a broad measure for
tool evaluation. Moreover, users of the CAVAA were also able to answer more questions
about political issues at hand correctly. A second experimental study reported in [18]
focused on the specific CAVAA design, comparing a structured version where users
could access additional information via buttons, a non-structured version in which users
could access information by typing their questions themselves, and a semi-structured
version that combined these functionalities. Results show that users experienced the
structured version more positively than the non-structured version. Moreover, users
answered more knowledge questions about politics correctly when they had worked with
the semi-structured version rather than the fully structured version, but no differences
were observed with respect to the perceptual knowledge indicators.
While these results provide first evidence that chatbots have potential for information
retrieval in a political context, there is a need for a further understanding of what specific
chatbot design is most suitable. To the best of our knowledge, there is only one study on
this specific topic [18], and a drawback of that study was its limit ecological validity as
is was conducted outside of a real-life election context. Moreover, the respondents were
always higher educated, whereas lower educated voters are most in need of additional
information about politics [34]. Within the broader domain of chatbot research, efficiency
effects were found for button designs [15], but there is still a general call for more
systematic research about how specific chatbot designs affect users’ chatbot experience
[28]. The current study therefore set out to examine the effect of the three CAVAA designs
(structured, semi-structured, and non-structured) again, but this time amongst both higher
and lower educated voters, and during a real-life political election: the Dutch national
elections of 17 March 2021. Moreover, the current study used an improved version of
the chatbots used in [18] to avoid miscommunication with the non-structured bot as
alternative explanation for the findings. Finally, the current study investigated the effects
of the three chatbot designs on a broader range of dependent variables as compared
to [18], as in the current study the three CAVAA designs are compared with respect
to three specific tool evaluation measures (perceived usefulness [6], ease of use [6]
and playfulness [1]), as well as two political measures (perceived political knowledge
and voting intention). In this way, the current study will not only add to knowledge
about the design of CAVAAs specifically, but it will also contribute to the larger field
of chatbot research as there is a clear need (see [9]) for studies in specific real-life user
contexts, focusing on a broad range of user experience measures and a varied sample of
Conversational Agent Voting Advice Applications 163

2 Related Research
2.1 Effects of the Chatbot Design
Perceived Ease of Use. If people are confronted with a new technology, such as a
CAVAA, there are several factors that affect the decision as to whether the technol-
ogy will be used again. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM; [6]) describes two
such factors: perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness.
Perceived ease of use refers to the extent to which users perceive working with a
tool as simple and intuitive [6]. In a chatbot-context this measure has been frequently
applied, as these tools are usually employed to offer specific information in an efficient
and productive manner [3].
A chatbot’s interface can stimulate the ease of use of a chatbot application. In a survey
study, it has been shown that an interface with controlled conversation elements, like the
presence of buttons in a structured design, is easy to use, and, at the same time, removes
the limitations, such as miscommunication, that might play a role in a non-structured
chatbot interface [20]. What is more, buttons in chatbots are considered as natural and
efficient [15]. Because of the presence of buttons, a structured or a semi-structured
chatbot design may therefore be perceived as easier to use than a non-structured design.
In the specific context of CAVAAs, it has indeed been shown that a structured CAVAA
is experienced to be more user-friendly than the other two CAVAA designs [18]. In that
study, however, a broad measure for user experience was reported instead of distin-
guishing between the TAM [6] sub dimensions of perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness. In the current research, we will investigate these aspects separately. Based
on the literature discussed, the hypothesis to be tested with respect to perceived ease of
use is:

H1: A structured and a semi-structured CAVAA lead to a higher ease of use evaluation
than a non-structured CAVAA design.

Perceived Usefulness. Perceived usefulness describes the degree to which users prac-
tically benefit from working with a tool [6]. This evaluation is oftentimes related to
enhancing or improving one’s job performance [4], which can be translated to the con-
text of CAVAAs as the extent to which the tool helps them to obtain relevant political
information necessary for making a vote choice.
The chatbot’s design could impact on users’ evaluation of perceived usefulness. On
the one hand, according to earlier research [28], a structured design could result into
users losing awareness of alternative information and develop a narrow understanding
of the topic. In the case of a CAVAA, this would imply that users will gather more useful
information from the non-structured design, which gives them the absolute freedom to
ask any question they like.
On the other hand, one could also argue that users probably gain more useful infor-
mation when working with a structured CAVAA that – because of its button structure –
drives users down the path of clicking on additional information [28]. Given the low
elaboration mode VAA users are generally in [16], one could reason that guiding users
to request additional information helps them to actually access additional information
in the tool. In case users are confronted with a non-structured CAVAA, they could more
164 N. Kamoen et al.

easily decide to not request information at all, and simply answer the VAAs attitude
statements without any additional information. This behavior could result into lower
perceptions of the tool’s usefulness, compared to a CAVAA design with clickable but-
tons. This line of reasoning is in accordance with [3], who state that chatbots that help to
obtain information in an effective and efficient manner will be perceived as more useful
as users consult the tool with a productivity goal.
Considering the above arguments, the semi-structured CAVAA is expected to con-
tribute most to the perceived usefulness, as this design both contains predefined buttons
that match with the users’ need for an effortless processing of information, and a text
entry-functionality that enables them to obtain more information than the information
that is available via the predefined buttons. It is therefore expected that:

H2: A semi-structured CAVAA leads to higher perceived usefulness than a structured

or a non-structured CAVAA design.

Perceived Playfulness. Over the years, several constructs have been suggested that
could also predict the usage and adoption of new technologies (e.g., [14]), in addition
to ease of use and usefulness described in the TAM [6]. One of these factors is related
to experiential and hedonic aspects of technology and called perceived playfulness of
the new technology. Playfulness is defined as “a short-term system-specific trait or state,
because an individual can feel more or less playful at various times during his or her
visit” ([1]: p. 267). This construct is relevant in the context of VAAs, as research has
demonstrated that many VAA users use the tool for entertainment purposes [33]. Also
in chatbot research, “entertainment” appeared to be one of the key motivations to use
these interactive tools [3].
With regard to the chatbot’s design, chatbot research shows that the entertainment
value of a chatbot is high if a chatbot meets the expectations of users and people expect
they can ask their questions to a chatbot themselves [13]. Moreover, getting a suitable
answer to a self-formulated question is also more personal, which people also enjoy
more in a conversation [3]. Therefore, one may expect that the non-structured version
and the semi-structured version would score higher on perceived playfulness than the
fully structured version.
Contrary to this expectation based on the literature, however, it has been observed
that the structured CAVAA design was perceived as more, rather than less, playful com-
pared to the other two designs [18]. The authors formulated two explanations for this
unexpected difference. First, it could be that the structured design was more entertain-
ing because miscommunication between the user and the bot could have been occurred
more frequently in the other versions (this is a risk of an open chat function, see [20]).
In the prior CAVAA study [18], however, the chatbot conversations themselves were not
analyzed and therefore there is no empirical evidence available about the functioning of
the bots. Another explanation for the unexpected difference is that the structured version
is found more playful because it gives people a direction about the type of questions that
can be asked.
Although we are uncertain about the reason for the observed differences for perceived
playfulness in earlier research, we will formulate our hypothesis based on the findings
in [18], since any other research of chatbots in the field of VAAs is lacking:
Conversational Agent Voting Advice Applications 165

H3: A structured CAVAA design leads to a higher playfulness evaluation than a semi-
and a non-structured CAVAA design.

Perceived Political Knowledge. Like a regular VAA [32], a CAVAA in general is

expected to have a positive influence on increasing political understanding. Research
shows that a VAA is used as a quick-and-dirty aid in the sense that users are only willing
to make a little effort [16]. Because users are in a mode of low elaboration, a structured
CAVAA design may be most beneficial for increasing the user’s political knowledge,
as this design requires the lowest effort; people just have to click a button to access
relevant information. On the other hand, a non-structured design has more information
programmed, so one could also argue that this design allows users to ask a broader range
of questions and consequently obtain more political knowledge. The prior CAVAA study
[18] compared the three designs with respect to perceived political knowledge and found
no differences. As no differences were observed there, and, based on the literature, an
argument can be made for two contrasting hypotheses, we will set out to explore the
differences between the three designs with respect to this measure.

Voting Intention. Since the current study was conducted during real-life elections, it is
relevant to examine whether the three CAVAA designs impact users’ voting intentions
too. Previous research [5] states that people who possess more political knowledge, are
more likely to vote. Hence, one can say that if the political knowledge of voters increases,
their intention to vote goes up too. As our hypotheses for the differences between designs
for perceived knowledge lacks a direction, and as voting intention was not measured in
a previous comparison of the three designs [18], we will also just explore the differences
between the three conditions for voting intention.

2.2 The Users’ Level of Education

VAAs are used by different ‘types’ of users, for instance people with a high or low level
of education [33]. Generally, voters with a lower level of education have less political
knowledge, and have a lower political interest than VAA users with a high level of
education [19]. In addition, the low-educated have more difficulty understanding politics
and are less involved and less interested in politics than the highly educated. As the 2017
Dutch National Election Survey suggests [34], a well-designed VAA could therefore,
in addition to being of great importance for all VAA users, be even more important for
VAA users with a lower educational level. Therefore, the current study examines the
effects of the three CAVAA designs for users with a higher and lower level of education
Since users can request political information in different ways for each CAVAA
design, the effects of the three CAVAA versions may be different for people with a
high or low level of education. Dual process models of information processing (e.g.,
[22, 31]) state that people who have higher cognitive capacities (for example, the higher
educated) tend to process information about that subject more deeply. Moreover, it has
been shown that people who have a lower level of education experience more difficulty
expressing themselves in clear words [8]. Therefore, formulating correct questions in
166 N. Kamoen et al.

a non-structured CAVAA can be challenging for this particular group. Finally there is
research indicating that lower-educated find templated webpages more user-friendly [2].
In light of these findings, we expect that:
H4: The differences as they were formulated in H1, H2 and H3 will be larger for lower
than for higher educated users.

3 Method
3.1 Design
To test the hypotheses, an experiment has been conducted with a 3 (CAVAA design:
structured, semi-structured, or non-structured) × 2 (level of education: high or low)
between-subject design. Each participant has been randomly assigned to one of the
three CAVAA designs; the level of education was operationalized as a quasi-experimental
variable. In a subsequent questionnaire, participants assessed the dependent variables
of this study: ease of use, usefulness, and playfulness of the CAVAA, as well as their
perceived political knowledge, and voting intention. This study has been approved by
the Research Ethics and Data Management Committee of Tilburg University, REDC
2021.9. All experimental materials can be accessed via Dataverse (

3.2 Participants
A total of 185 participants completed the full study, of which 62 men (33.5%) and
123 women (66.5%). Their age ranged between 17 and 62 years, with a mean age of
21.53 years (SD = 5.27).
It was checked whether the participants in the three CAVAA conditions were com-
parable with regard to gender, age, level of education and whether the current election
was the first time they could express their vote. Since no significant differences were
observed between the three groups (gender (χ2 (2) = 3.40, p = .183), age (F(2, 182) =
0.79, p = .454), level of education (χ2 (10) = 16.76, p = .080), and first time voting (χ2
(2) = .07, p = .964)), there is no reason to assume that there were a priori differences
between the three conditions.
To distinguish between lower and higher educated users, we made a classification
in two groups on the basis of a question about educational level (see
34894/49FZYF for the exact question asked). A total of 77 participants were categorized
as lower educated (senior secondary vocational education level, or lower) and 104 as
higher educated (higher vocational, i.e., HBO or university level). We checked whether
there were a priori differences between the group of higher and lower educated users.
While no differences were observed for gender (χ2 (1) = 1.45, p = .229), the higher
educated appeared to be older on average age (F(1, 183) = 10.71, p < .001), and (hence)
they also indicated more frequently that the upcoming elections were not the first that they
could express their vote in (χ2 (1) = 56.52, p < .001). To account for these differences,
we performed all main analyses twice: once without any corrections and once with age
and first time voting as covariates.
Conversational Agent Voting Advice Applications 167

3.3 Materials

Political Statements. A structured, semi-structured and a non-structured version of a

CAVAA for the Dutch National Elections of 17 March 2021 were developed to test the
hypotheses. At the heart of these three tools was a set of 20 political attitude statements
that users had to answer in order to receive a voting advice. These 20 political statements
were based on statements in existing Dutch VAAs (Kieskompas and Stemwijzer) and
already used in an earlier CAVAA study [18].
Statements were deliberately selected that could cause comprehension problems,
such as ‘The scheme for the deduction of mortgage interest should be abolished’ and
‘The Netherlands must allow the cultivation of genetically modified crops (GMOs)’.
The terms ‘mortgage interest deduction’ and ‘GMOs’ are terms for which CAVAA users
can experience comprehension problems [16].
In total, 18 out of the 20 statements were taken from [18]; 2 statements from that
study were no longer topic of the debate at the time we developed the materials for the
current research and these statements were therefore replaced with new statements about
the Corona crisis.

CAVAA Versions. To develop the three CAVAA versions, we started out from the
CAVAAs used in [18]. These chatbots have been developed using software from
(see Before using these bots again for the purposes of the current study, we
first conducted a qualitative content analysis of 90 conversations (with a user respond-
ing to 20 political attitude statements in each conversation). In this qualitative study,
we coded, among other things, (a) whether the user terminated the conversation early,
(b) whether miscommunication between the user and the bot occurred, and if so, (c)
the cause for the miscommunication. Results showed that miscommunication between
the chatbot and the user hardly ever appeared. When miscommunication did occur, it
happened mostly in the open design because the bot was not trained for certain con-
cepts (e.g., ‘mortgage interest reduction’ instead of ‘deduction’), or because it did not
recognize certain ways of asking for the advantages of a policy change (e.g., what is an
advantage of X). On the basis of these observations, we improved the existing chatbots
by adding more relevant words and synonyms to the intent recognition module. Below
we will discuss the three CAVAA versions in more detail.

Structured CAVAA. The structured CAVAA displayed three buttons below each state-
ment. The first button was labelled as ‘What does X mean?’, in which X was replaced
for a specific term in the statement. Clicking this button would lead the user to semantic
information. The second button was displayed as: ‘What is the current state of affairs?’,
and this button lead to pragmatic background information about the political issue in
the statement. With the third button (‘I have no need for additional information’), users
could indicate that they had no need for information.
When users clicked on the semantic button to access the explanation of a term in the
statement, the two remaining buttons with the current state of affairs and the choice not
to obtain more information were displayed again, and the other way around for when
users clicked on the pragmatic button.
168 N. Kamoen et al.

Non-structured CAVAA. In the non-structured design, users only had the option to type
in questions themselves, without the presence of buttons. The CAVAA was trained on
the meaning of difficult words in the statements (i.e., semantic information), questions
about the current state of affairs (i.e., pragmatic information), and about the advantages
and disadvantages of the policy in the statement (i.e., other information). Instead of
displaying three buttons for each political statement, the CAVAA displayed after each
political statement: ‘You can ask me a question about this statement, but you can also
answer the statement directly’ followed by the button ‘I want to answer the statement’.
This way, it was made explicit that users were allowed to ask a question themselves,
but that they could also answer the statement immediately. In order to avoid irritating
repetition in the CAVAA, from the fourth statement onwards only a button was added
to the statement with ‘I have no question about this statement’, which enabled users to
directly answer the statement.

Semi-structured CAVAA. In the semi-structured design, the functionalities of the struc-

tured and non-structured design were combined. As in the structured design, users could
use the three buttons offered, and the CAVAA was also trained to answer user questions,
so that users could also type in a question themselves. Figure 1 shows an example of the
semi-structured version of the chatbot and via this link
an mp4-clip can be accessed in which the functionalities of the chatbot are demonstrated.

3.4 Instrumentation and Procedure

The study has been conducted online between 3 and 17 March 2021 (Election Day).
Participants were contacted partially through the Human Subject Pool of Tilburg Uni-
versity and partially through the researchers’ own networks. Participants were asked to
open a link to Qualtrics, which automatically led to one of the three CAVAA versions. In
each version, participants were given an introduction to the topic and an instruction on
how to use the CAVAA. After this introduction, the participants were asked to provide
informed consent. The text stated that participation in the study was completely volun-
tary and anonymous, that participants could stop at any time, and that the study had been
approved by the Research Ethics and Data Management Committee of the university.
As soon as the participants had given informed consent, a number of questions about
the demographic characteristics of the participants followed. Next, participants could
click on a link that directed them to one of the three CAVAA versions. After having
answered all 20 political statements in the CAVAA, the user obtained a voting advice.
Thereafter, the user was redirected to the survey in Qualtrics to evaluate the CAVAA
with respect to the five dependent variables.

Ease of Use. Ease of use was operationalized with 5 items based on [1] and adapted to
fit the purposes of the current study. An example of this is: ‘It is easy for me to use the
chatbot voting aid. Disagree 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Agree’. The scale had a good reliability (α =
.73, M = 5.39, SD = 1.55).

Usefulness. Usefulness was operationalized with 5 items also based on [1] and adapted
to fit the purposes of the current study. An item example is: “By using a chatbot voting
Conversational Agent Voting Advice Applications 169

Fig. 1. Example of the semi-structured CAVAA showing the first question (We will start with
statement 1. There should be a binding referendum with which citizens can stop laws being
implemented), three buttons (What is a binding referendum, What is the current state of affairs, and
I do not need additional information), and a text-entry functionality to request specific information.

aid, I can answer the statements more easily than in a regular voting aid. Disagree 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Agree”. The reliability of the scale was good (α = .87, M = 4.62, SD = 1.72).
Playfulness. Playfulness was measured with 5 items based on [29]. An example is:
‘The chatbot voting aid gave me pleasure filling in the voting aid. Disagree 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 Agree’. Again, questions were adapted to fit the current context. The scale showed a
good reliability (α = .88, M = 5.32, SD = 1.43).
Political Knowledge. Perceived political knowledge was measured with 3 items based
on [27]. An item example of this is: ‘By using a chatbot voting aid, I gain more insight
into the positions of political parties. Disagree 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Agree’. The scale had a
good reliability (α = .78, M = 4.39, SD = 1.73).
Voting Intention. Voting intention was measured by one question, asking participants
whether they had the intention to vote during the upcoming national elections of 17
March 2021. Participants answered this question by indicating either ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘I
do not know yet’. For the analysis of voting intention, the latter two categories were
grouped together. Hence, we evaluated the proportion of voters who would certainly
vote in the upcoming elections relative to the proportion of voters who were either not
sure or indicated they were unlikely to go voting.
170 N. Kamoen et al.

4 Results1
Participants evaluated the CAVAA on its ease of use, usefulness and playfulness, and
they indicated whether they believed they had obtained more political knowledge by
using the tool, as well as whether they were likely to vote in the upcoming elections. The
means and standard deviations of all dependent variables can be found in Table 1. For
each dependent variable, a Factorial ANOVA was conducted to examine whether these
perception scores were affected by the CAVAA design and participants’ education level.
Ease of Use. For perceived ease of use a main effect of educational level was observed
(F(1, 179) = 39.70, p < .001, η2 = .18), showing that the higher educated found all
three CAVAA versions easier to use as compared to the lower educated. In addition,
both a main effect of CAVAA version (F(2, 172) = 6.36, p = .002), and an interaction
effect between educational level and CAVAA version (F(2, 172) = 4.05, p = .019, η2
= .04) were found. These results can be interpreted such that for the higher educated
there are no clear differences in ease of use depending on the CAVAA version (F(2,
105) = 0.31, p = .738), whereas for the lower educated a difference can be found (F(2,
74) = .243 p = .003). For the lower educated, the structured version is evaluated better
with respect to the ease of use than the non-structured version (p = .002) and also the
semi-structured version receives marginally better evaluations than the non-structured
version (p = .063). Hence, a structured or semi-structured design is evaluated better in
terms of ease of use, but this only holds true for the lower educated.
Usefulness. For perceived usefulness results show no main effect of level of education
(F (1, 179) = .47, p = .496), no main effect of CAVAA version (F(2, 179) = 1.32, p =
.270) and also no interaction effect (F(2, 179) = 1.26, p = .286).
Playfulness. As was the case for ease of use, the results for playfulness show a main
effect of the level of education but this time lower educated perceived all three CAVAA
designs to be more entertaining than the higher educated (F (1, 179) = 27.33, p < .001,
η2 = .13). The analysis also showed a main effect of CAVAA version (F(2, 179) =
4.90, p = .008). Post-hoc analyses indicate that the structured version receives higher
playfulness evaluations than the non-structured version (p = .015), but that no differences
are observed between the other versions (semi-structured versus structured: p = .75;
semi-structured versus non-structured: p = .29). The interaction between the level of
education and CAVAA version was not significant (F(2, 179) = .90, p = .409, η2 =
Political Knowledge. Similar to the results for playfulness, a significant main effect of
level of education was observed for perceived political knowledge (F(1, 179) = 19.67,
p < .001, η2 = .09): lower educated users indicated to have obtained more political
knowledge than higher educated users. The analysis showed no significant main effect
of the CAVAA version (F(2, 179) = 2.56, p = .080), nor an interaction effect between
CAVAA version and level of education (F(2, 179) = .20, p = .823).
1 All analyses were ran a second time with age and first time voting as covariates. For none
of the DVs did this change the interpretation of the results. Hence, results are robust
for correction on initial differences with respect to these variables.
Conversational Agent Voting Advice Applications 171

Table 1. Means (M) and standard deviations (SD) between brackets per dependent variable and
per experimental condition.

Educ. Ease of Usefulness Playfulness Pol. Voting

level use knowledge intention
Structured High 5.86 4.70 (1.51) 5.16 (1.08) 4.23 (1.49) .86 (0.34)
Low 5.37 4.98 (0.85) 6.25 (0.71) 5.19 (0.87) .71 (0.46)
Total 5.67 4.81 (1.29) 5.59 (1.09) 4.61 (1.35) .80 (0.40)
Semi structured High 5.74 4.39 (1.36) 4.96 (1.17) 4.02 (1.39) .91 (0.29)
Low 4.99 4.85 (1.35) 5.87 (1.28) 5.05 (1.16) .59 (0.50)
Total 5.40 4.59 (1.36) 5.36 (1.29) 4.48 (1.38) .77 (0.42)
Non-structured High 5.72 4.58 (1.45) 4.80 (1.00) 3.79 (1.45) .86 (0.35)
Low 4.27 4.27 (1.63) 5.36 (1.20) 4.53 (1.61) .50 (0.51)
Total 5.12 4.45 (1.52) 5.03 (1.12) 4.10 (1.55) .71 (0.46)
Total High 5.77 4.56 (1.44) 4.97 (1.08) 4.02 (1.44) .88 (0.33)
Low 4.86 4.69 (1.34) 5.82 (1.15) 4.92 (1.27) .60 (0.49)
Total 5.39 4.62 (1.40) 5.32 (1.18) 4.39 (1.44) .76 (0.43)
Note. All dependent variables were measured on a 7-point Likert scale, with the exception of
voting intention (which was coded as 0 or 1).

Voting Intention. Yet again a main effect of level of education was found for voting
intention (F(1, 179) = 21.47, p < .001): higher educated respondents indicated more
frequently that they had the intention to go voting in the upcoming elections. No main
effect of CAVAA design was observed (F(2, 179) = 1.03, p = .359), and also the
interaction between CAVAA version and educational level failed to reach significance
(F(2, 179) = 1.08, p = .341).

5 Conclusion
Since VAA users frequently experience comprehension problems when answering polit-
ical attitude statements and only a very small portion of them search for additional
172 N. Kamoen et al.

information on the internet to resolve these problems [16], chatbot technology has been
implemented to create Conversation Agent Voting Advice Applications (CAVAAs) that
can provide additional political information on demand [18]. This study aimed to exam-
ine the influence of three CAVAA designs (structured, semi-structured, or non-structured)
on tool evaluation measures (perceived usefulness, ease of use, and playfulness), and
political measures (political knowledge and voting intention), for both higher and lower
educated users.
Results show that the CAVAA design influences both the playfulness and the ease
of use of the tool. First, a structured design is perceived to be more playful than a
non-structured design. Second, both the structured and the semi-structured design are
evaluated better in terms of ease of use than a non-structured design, but this only holds
true for the lower educated users. In addition, results show that regardless its design,
differences between higher and lower educated users are observed. After using a CAVAA,
lower educated participants assessed the tool’s playfulness more positively than higher
educated participants, they indicated to have obtained more political knowledge, but, at
the same time, they were less likely to go voting in the upcoming elections.

6 Discussion

Ease of Use and Usefulness. In the earlier study [18], one broad measure of user friend-
liness was reported, combining aspects related to the simplicity of the design (ease of
use) and the practical benefit of the tool (usefulness). In that study, the structured design
scored better on this overall measure of user friendliness as compared to both other
versions. In the current research, we separately analyzed two sub dimensions of user
friendliness according to the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM, [6]; also see [1]):
ease of use and usefulness. Results for ease of use are somewhat comparable with the
earlier findings [18], as the structured version received the highest scores, but this effect
was only observed for lower educated users. By contrast, in the current study no dif-
ferences between CAVAA designs were observed for usefulness. This implies that the
primary added value of a structured or semi-structured design lies in its simplicity, rather
than in its practical benefit. The finding that the structured version scored better on ease
of use for lower educated users, matches with research showing that an interface with
buttons is simpler than an open interface with a type function [20].

Perceived Playfulness. While previous chatbot research from other domains demon-
strated that users find a non-structured chatbot design more playful [3, 13], the study
in [18] reported the highest playfulness scores for the structured CAVAA version. The
current study observed a similar effect with the structured version being rated higher on
playfulness compared to the non-structured CAVAA. We think that this finding is due to
the fact that in a VAA setting users are in such a mode of low elaboration [16] that they
only experience joy in playing with the CAVAA if is offers easily accessible informa-
tion via buttons. It would be interesting to test this explanation further in a qualitative
think-aloud study; such a study can provide an insight into how users use a tool and why
they evaluate it positively or negatively.
Conversational Agent Voting Advice Applications 173

Political Knowledge. The present study showed no differences between the CAVAA
designs for perceived political knowledge. This is in line with the findings of [18], where
also no differences for that measure were observed. In the current study, as well as in
[18], perceived knowledge was only measured after working with the CAVAA. For a
future study it would be interesting to measure the same perceptions both beforehand and
afterwards so that a difference score can be calculated and compared between versions.
Moreover, it would be interesting to include a factual measure of political knowledge
and compare that between versions (compare [18]); perhaps such an indicator would
be more sensitive of demonstrating knowledge differences related to the design of a
Voting Intention. No differences were found between the three CAVAA versions for
the intention to go voting in the Dutch national elections that were upcoming at time of
conducting the experiment. There is no comparison to be made between this finding and
the earlier study on CAVAAs [18], as in that study voting intention was not measured.
In the current study, the overall percentage of voters that indicated that they would
probably go voting was 76%. Interestingly, this percentage comes very close to the overall
actual turn-out rate in the Dutch 2021 national elections (78%; see [35]). Therefore,
overreporting is unlikely to be the cause of the results obtained. To better understand
the results for voting intention, it would be interesting to measure voting intention both
before and after tool usage and compare that between CAVAA versions; such a delta
score might be a more sensitive indicator of possible differences caused by CAVAA
Level of Education. Only for one of our dependent variables, ease of use, did we
observe an interaction between CAVAA version and the user’s level of education. This
interaction was in the expected direction such that the differences between CAVAA
versions were larger for the lower educated than for the higher educated users. This
illustrates the usefulness of investigating CAVAA effects for different sub groups (also
see [9]) and to include sub groups that are in special need of additional information about
political issues.
Besides this interaction effect, quite some main effects of educational level were
shown: the lower educated value a CAVAA’s playfulness more positively, they indicated
to have obtained more political knowledge, but, at the same time, they were less likely
to go voting in the upcoming elections. These findings illustrate that a CAVAA as a new
election tool could really be beneficial for lower educated voters, potentially contributing
to a decrease of the knowledge gap.
As for the specific design of a CAVAA, and arguably also other chatbots that provide
assistance in information-seeking tasks, we recommend chatbot developers and clients to
use a structured set-up of the chatbot. A structured chatbot with only buttons scores better
on ease of use (for lower educated users) and playfulness (both lower and higher educated
users). This is probably because the design gives a hint about what kind of information
can be accessed, and also because this version better responds to the processing mode
of low elaboration users are in. A structured chatbot design thus enables both lower and
higher educated users to inform themselves about complex topics in a fun and rather
effortless way.
174 N. Kamoen et al.

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Social Research with Gender-Neutral Voices
in Chatbots – The Generation and Evaluation
of Artificial Gender-Neutral Voices with Praat
and Google WaveNet

Sandra Mooshammer(B) and Katrin Etzrodt

TU Dresden, 01069 Dresden, Germany

[email protected]

Abstract. Artificial voice generation enables the creation of gender-neutral voice-

based chatbots, such as “Q”, and with this, new possibilities for social scientists
to investigate effects of gender in chatbots on users. However, for this research,
gender-neutral and matching male and female voices are necessary. This paper
aims to match this need by providing a method for the creation of acoustically
gender-neutral voices which can serve as a base for further investigation. The
method requires less technical knowledge than most other approaches while, at
the same time, theoretical assumptions about gender perception and neutrality
can be modeled into the voices. Specifically, fundamental frequency and formant
frequencies are outlined as major influences and subsequently included in voice
production. In addition, an efficient two-step test for assessing gender perception
is demonstrated. Applied to the produced voices, the test proved to be successful in
determining gender-neutral variants. In sum, the paper shows that the production
method and underlying theory are suited to create gender-neutral voices as well
as matching male and female variants.

Keywords: Voice-based chatbots · Gender neutrality · Voice production

1 Introduction
To this day, voices in voice-based chatbots are predominantly female. Sey and Fesalbon
found that out of 70 different voice-based chatbots, 68% solely had a female voice, 13%
sounded exclusively male, and another 13% offered different genders as options to choose
from [1]. Among those offering different genders are also the most widely spread voice-
based chatbots, such as Siri, Amazon Alexa, or Google Home. However, in addition to
standard male and female voices, other possibilities are being explored. For example,
in 2019, a cooperation of Danish organizations produced “Q,” an attempt to create a
gender-neutral chatbot voice [2]. Q’s fundamental frequency is located between 145 and
175 Hz (Hz), a region between typical male and female frequencies [2]. About 50% of
the participants found the voice to be gender-neutral, while the other 50% perceived the
voice as male or female in equal proportions [3].

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 176–191, 2022.
Social Research with Gender-Neutral Voices in Chatbots 177

A crucial issue concerning “genderless” voices in chatbots is their impact on the

users. The effect of gender in computer systems has been researched extensively, with
fundamental works stemming from the research group around Clifford Nass and Byron
Reeves (e.g., [4–6]), who demonstrated that computers and technical systems sometimes
are perceived as social actors. Thus, also gender in technical systems may elicit social
(and often stereotype-driven) responses. The creation of gender-neutral voices adds new
questions: How is the voice perceived? Under which circumstances does the perception
change? Are social roles and gender stereotypes applied? And how does neutrality affect
the users’ attitude towards the technical system?
Some attempts have been made to hypothesize about the perception of such voices
and their effects [7, 8]. It is clear, however, that in continuation of theoretical discussions,
these questions and their derivatives can only be investigated by using an actual gender-
neutral voice. Moreover, to make reasonable inferences, the neutral voice should be
compared to male and female voices in the analysis. These should also be, apart from
their gender, as similar as possible to the investigated neutral voice.
This paper aims to enable investigations on phenomena that may arise from artificial
gender-neutral voices by providing an approach for social scientists to generate gendered
and gender-neutral voices – which fulfill the conditions mentioned above – economically
and without becoming computer scientists. Hence, it becomes possible to comparatively
investigate gender effects exclusively due to acoustic parameters and not to other linguis-
tic properties that can, for example, occur when using different human speakers. For this
purpose, we will first elaborate on the primary characteristics of gender-neutral and gen-
dered voices from a theoretical and practical perspective. Second, we will describe the
production and evaluation of these voices. Subsequently, we will discuss the approach
for its applicability to social sciences.

2 Literature Review
2.1 Perception and Properties of Gender-Specific Voices
Gender is usually assigned intuitively to a voice. Whether a voice is perceived as male or
female is based on the combination of various physical acoustic parameters determined
by the vocal tract as well as psychological and social aspects. Gender neutrality, however,
has received less attention in research. The basics of gender perception will be examined
in the following.

The Fundamental Frequency “F0”. The sound of speech is produced in the vocal tract
by forcing air through the vocal folds so that they begin to vibrate, which is specified in
the unit Hz (Hertz), referring to the number of vibrations of the vocal folds per second.
Male vocal folds are, on average, thicker and vibrate slower than those of women. As
a result, the fundamental frequency of the voice (F0) differs between men and women.
According to Simpson [9] and related studies [10–12], F0 is on average between 100 and
120 Hz in men and between 200 and 220 Hz in women, whereby the use of pure vowels
tends to elicit higher F0 in contrast to connected speech [10] and the length and nature
of speech samples also has an impact [12]. However, this is only true for the languages
studied in each case (German, English): In other languages, for example in Asian ones,
178 S. Mooshammer and K. Etzrodt

F0 differs less significantly, which suggests that differences between male and female
F0 could be partly culturally learned [9]. In addition, Berg, Fuchs et al. [13] indicate
that F0 of women in German and English has decreased compared to older studies; they
found a new mean value of 168.5 Hz for women, whereas men remained within the
known range at 111.9 Hz. Furthermore, F0 is often lower for older than younger women
and can rise slightly for older men [12, 14].

The Formant Frequencies “FF”. Another difference is the length of the vocal tract,
referring to the space from vocal folds to lips. The average is 14 to 14.5 cm for females
compared to 17 to 18 cm for males [9]. In vowel production, resonances, called formant
frequencies (FF), occur in this area. Vowels have several formants with an individual ratio
for each vowel (the first “e” in “ever” is linguistically described as [e] and has a slightly
different formant ratio from the second “e”; this sound is the vowel [] in linguistic
terms) [15]. Usually, the lowest two or three formants are regarded in research. Due to
the greater length of the vocal tract, FF are deeper in male than female voices. Even
similarly sized males and females differ in formant height [11].
Studies by Hillenbrand et al. [16] and Peterson and Barney [17] on the English
language indicate that formants of males and females differ by factors of 1.17 ([17], own
calculation) or 1.15 ([16], own calculation – other studies report differences of factors
from 1.17 to 1.2 [18]). However, the average over the first three formants (F1, F2, F3) for
individual vowels differs between the two studies of [16, 17], sometimes by more than
100 Hz, and the values for the individual formants differ even more. Furthermore, no
ranges or standard deviations are given. Meanwhile, although males and females differ
significantly, the formants of both genders show an overlap: The highest formants [11]
or quartiles [19] for F1, F2, and F3 in male speaker groups are mostly higher than the
lowest corresponding formants/quartiles in female groups.
However, vowel formants may differ between languages. Thus, the previous findings
may not be easily transferred to the German language, which also uses more different
vowels than English [20]. Pätzold and Simpson [19] examined 19 (out of 24) German
vowels and umlauts in their study. Their findings indicate that German vowels may
have lower values than the English ones for both genders; namely a primary differ-
ence of 100 Hz for men and 200 Hz for women in comparison to the results described
above. However, these results have to be relativized. The researchers reported the median
(whereas the other studies used the arithmetic mean), and measured spoken sentences
instead of vowels, which makes the differences difficult to interpret. If F0 differs between
vowels and connected speech (see above), it is possible that this effect also occurs for for-
mants. Hence, the difference that [19] found may not be due to the investigated language
but the used sentences and the different reporting.
Since there is a lack of further studies, we can only conclude that there is a difference
in the fundamental frequency between genders, but it remains uncertain which exact
formants are typical for men and women. Evidence only exists for a significant difference
and its approximate magnitude.

Influences of F0 and FF on Gender Perception. The majority of existing studies

identified F0 as the primary parameter for gender assignment in isolated vowels and
syllables [21–24]. If F0 of a vowel or syllable is raised from masculine to feminine while
Social Research with Gender-Neutral Voices in Chatbots 179

the masculine formants remain constant, a feminine voice is predominantly recognized,

and vice versa. In connected speech, FF become more influential [11, 22]. However,
additional criteria which are only present in connected language may also play a role
[11]. Assmann et al. [25] demonstrated that sentences initially spoken by a man and then
raised to a medium level of F0 and FF tended to be perceived as more masculine than
a woman’s sentences raised to the same level. This suggests that other factors besides
F0 and FF have an effect on gender perception. Skuk and Schweinber-ger, for example,
verified that the gendered perception of a voice could be achieved by combining changes
in FF and spectrum level [23]. Furthermore, men tend to have a creakier and less breathy
voice quality than women [9] – possible gender indicators.
Nonetheless, the simultaneous manipulation of F0 and FF of a voice, while neglecting
other parameters, is sufficient for a convincing change in the perceived male or female
gender of a voice [11, 23]. As a result, the intended gender is correctly identified with a
minimal probability of 80% after the change [22, 24].

2.2 Gender Neutrality

As shown above, there are ranges in both F0 and FF in which male and female voices
average. Between these ranges lies a span where high male and low female values
overlap. Here, the gender is less clear and harder to assign. Gallena et al. identified
pitches between 156 and 165 Hz as the neutral range of F0 [15]. Gelfer and Bennett
found a similar ambiguous middle range between 145 and 165 Hz [11]. The state of
research on formants and their gender-neutral ranges is less clear, yet it can be assumed
that such a range exists because formants differ for males and females and overlap in a
middle range as described above. Therefore, it can be considered acoustically ambiguous
if a voice lies within the middle ranges in both parameters.
However, whether and to what extent voices are attributed gender neutrality cannot
be clearly answered on the basis of previous research. In the gender-neutral range of F0
and FF, other acoustic parameters like the ones described above, which are otherwise
masked by the effect of the two large factors, could contribute more to gender identi-
fication. Also, the match or mismatch of F0 and FF may be influential for perceiving
ambiguity. Whereas a match – if F0 and FF lie within a gender-typical range – results in
a voice perceived as more natural and gendered, a mismatch leads to a less clear gender
assignment of the voice, i.e., it is perceived as more gender-neutral [25]. Apart from
acoustic parameters, identifying perceived gender neutrality in a voice by hearing (in
comparison to classifying a distinct gender) is influenced by the way of measurement
and becomes complex by additional influences like the naturalness of the voice, other
cues such as embodiment, or social and cultural norms.
How gender is measured has a tremendous impact on the detection of neutrality.
Mullennix et al. [26] indicated that the gender perception of voices is not fundamen-
tally categorical, but runs along a continuum that depends on the level of F0 and FF.
Vowels located in a gender-neutral region were also ranked in the middle region of a
scale representing a continuum between male and female. However, a second study
in the same article [26] demonstrated that the same voices are predominantly classi-
fied as male or female when the three categories “male,” “female,” and “other” are
180 S. Mooshammer and K. Etzrodt

given. Hence, from the designation of the categories, people may not have assumed
that “other” was intended as an intermediate level between the two genders. Although
the study is 26 years old, and nowadays, “other” may be recognized as an intermediate
level, it demonstrates socio-cultural influences on the measurable recognition of gender
and neutrality. Another example for measurement effects occurred in a study concern-
ing transgender people who received voice training to change from a masculine to a
feminine voice [27]. Participants were asked to classify the voices as male or female
and to rate their masculinity/femininity in relation to the chosen gender on a 7-point
scale. The authors identified a F0 of 150–160 Hz that they considered a threshold for
a consistently female rather than male perception. However, the lack of a category for
neutrality forced people into the two gender categories, which prevents inferences about
the classification as distinctly male or female. The non-gradual measurement neglected
that voices categorized as male but very feminine (or vice versa) could also be (but are
not automatically!) gender-neutral, resulting in possible overestimations of masculin-
ity/femininity. This assumption is supported by results of Bralley et al. [28], who used
a seven-point scale from masculine to feminine. They found that a trans-gender person
scored 3.7 before and 4.6 after voice training. Both scores are close to the scale midpoint,
which can be interpreted as neutrality, but a change into the feminine direction was made
visible – Gelfer and Schofield’s [27] approach would not display this nuance adequately.
Subsequent studies with transgender persons have confirmed that ambiguous voices may
well be rated as approximately neutral [29, 30].
However, whether and to what extent gender neutrality is attributed to voices depends
on further factors. For natural speech, the perception of gender neutrality mainly occurs
when acoustic parameters are ambivalent. For example, single acoustically gender-
neutral vowels may well be explicitly perceived as gender-neutral [15, 26]. In the context
of artificially generated speech, Behrens et al. [31] incidentally recognized that three out
of six participants perceived a robot that had either a male or a female voice as gender-
less. It is possible that this happened due to the use of a text-to-speech software which
(deliberately, according to the researchers,) produced a very mechanical-sounding voice.
Some studies with Pepper [32, 33] confirm this sensitivity to the voice type. Although
the robot has an androgynous [34] (or possibly slightly more female [35]) appearance
and was equipped with a gender-neutral voice by the researchers, it was primarily rated
male in these studies, whereas only one third assessed it as “neither male nor female.”
Thus, gender assignment in artificial voices may work differently than in natural ones.
However, it is possible that this voice was not entirely neutral: The authors explained that
Pepper’s voice was generated using different F0 values (which they did not explicitly
define). Yet, they ignored that formants and other acoustic parameters can play a role
in gender identification with a neutral fundamental frequency. But even if these aspects
are considered in an artificial, disembodied voice, gender-neutrality is not assigned con-
sistently. Although the chatbot “Q” appears gender-neutral, only 50% of 4500 subjects
explicitly judged it as neutral on a five-point scale with male and female poles, with
the other half evenly split between an attribution to both genders [3]. In this respect, the
acoustical gender-neutrality of a voice does not guarantee a gender-neutral classification.
Social Research with Gender-Neutral Voices in Chatbots 181

The aforementioned issues bring social and psychological factors to the fore. Sutton
lists three possible influences on the gender perception of neutral voices: “This cate-
gorisation may be influenced by other gendering elements of the design such as, but not
limited to, the physical appearance of the product and product branding, specific pro-
nunciations in the speech rather than the overall voice quality, and the activity or activity
related topic that the VUI is performing” [7]. As these factors might be influential, they
were considered for the gender-neutral voice-based chatbot of the paper at hand. Details
are addressed in the “Method” section when applicable.

3 Method

3.1 Choice of Production Methods

The first commercially oriented gender-neutral voice-based chatbot was Q. At first, the
developers had planned to create Q by recording the voices of “24 people who identified
as male, female, transgender, and gender fluid, and attempted to layer their voices, and
then find an average” [3]. Due to technical difficulties, however, the voice was finally
created from one base voice with a fundamental frequency in a neutral range where
various parameters, such as the pronunciation of the consonant “s,” were modified [3].
Further details were not specified – neither the specific parameter values nor the used
parameters per se – making the process irreplicable.
Scientific research uses approaches that range from the mere manipulation of F0 [32,
33] to the artificial vocoder generation of spoken syllables and their manipulation on a F0
and FF continuum [23] to the application of “novel heterodyning along with formant band
shaping filters” on prerecorded generic human voices [15]. However, while the majority
of studies stem from linguistics and regard the contribution of acoustic factors to gender
perception, only a few can be located in the area of social science due to a focus on the
effects on gender-neutral voices (e.g., [32, 33]). Moreover, whereas linguistic studies
are characterized by high technical knowledge and detailed work (a short overview of
methods used in such studies is provided by [15]), research with a social scientific focus
relies on more basic production techniques.
However, the study at hand aimed at a straightforward approach that is at the same
time easy to use and able to manipulate more parameters than just F0, but in contrast refine
the voice’s fundamental and formant frequencies. Thus, following Gelfer and Bennett
[11] the Praat program ( from Paul Boersma and David Weenink was
chosen for analysis and manipulations of voices. Praat is openly accessible, provides
numerous commands for the analysis and editing of sound samples, is well documented,
and its use does not require an elaborated technical knowledge.

3.2 Production of the Voices

Specification of Acoustical Parameters and Generating the Root Voice. Since F0,
FF, and their interplay were identified as the key parameters for the perceived gender of
a voice, only these two factors were manipulated. Because aspects of spoken language
such as vocal range, accents, intonation, loudness, and speed can enter into the perception
182 S. Mooshammer and K. Etzrodt

of voices and their personality [6, 36], which could influence ratings of the voices in
later use cases, these parameters had to be kept comparable. To achieve this, an audio file
of an artificial, approximately neutral root voice was produced using Google’s WaveNet
technology, which generated an audio file from written text. All manipulated voices were
derived only from this audio file (all voices can be accessed at our OSF repository1 ).
Google WaveNet employs a technology that generates artificial voices based on real
voice recordings and is therefore perceived as more natural than other text-to-speech
systems [37]. Since Gelfer and Bennett [11] demonstrated that artificial gender-related
changes of a voice are more convincing if the root voice is male, “de-DE-Wavenet B” –
the highest of the male German voice profiles offered – was chosen as the basis for
the present study. By using the highest available option, the female frequencies were
reached with less loss of quality.
First, the desired level of F0 was determined. For men who speak English or German,
this is on average between 100 and 120 Hz, for women between 200 and 220 Hz [9].
Therefore, the male voice was given a F0 of 110 Hz, the female a F0 of 220 Hz, setting the
perceived frequency exactly an octave apart. With higher Hz values, a greater difference
between the frequencies is needed to perceive a change, so the neutral voices could
not be calculated as the mean between F0male and F0female . (For example, the distance
between 110 and 220 Hz is perceived by the ear the same as the distance between 220
and 440 Hz. Therefore, other units (e.g., logarithmic scales like the semitone scale)
are often used to better represent the perceived change [9].) Voices that are artificially
averaged on the Hertz scale between masculine and feminine F0 tend to be perceived as
feminine, whereas slightly lower ones tend to be perceived as androgynous [23]. Thus,
the perceived mean between F0male and F0female differs from a computed mean and must
be calculated as follows, using a logarithmic approach:

e(ln(110)+ln(220))∗0,5 ≈ 156 Hz (1)

156 Hz is, thus, the perceived average between the typical male and female frequencies.
However, as this procedure has not been scientifically documented before, several vari-
ants of possible gender-neutral voices with different F0 values should be tested against
each other to find the “most neutral” voice. Considering this, three neutral variants were
produced with an F0 of 140, 156 and 172 Hz, respectively.
To create the voices, (1) the text read by “de-DE-Wavenet B” was recorded and
(2) its fundamental frequency was fine-tuned with the Praat program to reach the pre-
determined 156 Hz. (3) A formant analysis in Praat on the processed voice identified
the formants (F1, F2 and F3) for every vowel occurring in the text, with formants being
analyzed at the center of the vowels. From this, the median values for each vowel were
calculated to control for outliers and the results were compared with previous formant
analyses of male and female voices [16, 17], and [19]. Although we mentioned that an
exact range for the genders cannot be determined for formants and with this no exact
mean value between such ranges, we found that the formants were neither significantly
below the male nor significantly above the known female formants, but in most cases
in a middle range. The exact values can be found in the OSF (A1). Compared with

Social Research with Gender-Neutral Voices in Chatbots 183

the values reported in [17] and [16], F1 is lower than the average male voice, but the
effect balances out over the height of the other formants. In relation to [19], some vowel
formants are slightly lower than the reported male values and others are slightly higher
than the female values, but the effect also balances out. The comparisons proved that the
formants of the produced voice can be considered approximately gender-neutral, so this
voice was subsequently used as a neutral basis for the production of all other voices.

Manipulation of Fundamental Frequency and Formant Frequencies. For voice

manipulation, the Praat “Change gender” function was used. With this function, F0
of a voice can be determined by entering the desired Hertz value and the formants can be
changed by a factor which is freely specifiable [38]. Using this function, the remaining
voices were generated: F0 values as specified above were combined with the desired fac-
tors. For the difference between male and female formants, average factors of about 1.15
to 1.20 are given (see above). Since the neutral voice should represent a middle value
and the formants of the other voices should be clearly assignable, the formants from the
neutral to the male voice were changed by a factor of 0.9, to the female voice by a factor
of 1.1. With the latter, however, undesirable distortions in the sound appeared, which
could be controlled by using the factor 1.08 as the highest possible change. The differ-
ence between male and female formants was thus ultimately exactly 1.2. The formants
for the neutral voices were initially not altered.
The voices created by this method (one male “M2”, one female “F2”, three neutral
“N2”, “N5”, and “N8”) were further manipulated in their formants to obtain three formant
heights for each F0 value. In contrast to F0, less is known about the typical FF ranges for
male, female and neutral voices. Thus, this step was necessary to create a higher number
of variants for the subsequent determination of the optimal voices via a more elaborated
analysis. For this purpose, a lower (factor 0.95) as well as a higher version (factor 1.05)
with the same F0 was generated from each source voice. This way, three female, three
male, and nine neutral voices were produced (Table 1).

Table 1. Acoustic parameters of the generated voices

Voice M1 M2 M3 Voice F1 F2 F3
F0 110 110 110 F0 220 220 220
FF 0.855 0.9 0.945 FF 1.026 1.08 1.134

Voice N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9
F0 140 140 140 156 156 156 172 172 172
FF 0.95 1 1.05 0.95 1 1.05 0.95 1 1.05

Notes: Fundamental frequencies (F0) and formants (FF) of all generated voices are shown. All
data of the fundamental frequency are in Hertz (Hz). FF are shown in relation to the voice N5,
since this is the root for all other voices and FF of the other voices were manipulated by means
of the respective factor. Male voices are denoted by M, neutral ones by N, female ones by F.
184 S. Mooshammer and K. Etzrodt

3.3 Evaluation of the Voices

Design. The voices were tested in an online quasi-experiment. Participants did not hear
all the voices – partly to avoid lengthening the survey, and partly because small differ-
ences might be missed due to a large number of voices in a row. To ensure nevertheless
sufficiently different assessments for each voice, eight out of the 15 variants were ran-
domly assigned to the participants. All voices presented a 30-s stimulus text about a
gender-neutral topic to exclude possible context effects. Various papers address stereo-
typical connections of topics [6], hobbies or occupations [39–42] with a certain gender.
Additionally, context has been shown to have effects on the perception of other neutral
or ambiguous things and persons [43, 44] Moreover, children speak in higher or lower
voices when they are asked to talk like a gender-stereotypic profession, e.g., “nurses” or
“mechanics”, which shows an unconscious connection between stereotypical occupa-
tions and associated voices [45]. In sum, these findings indicate that the context impacts
gender perception. Especially with ambiguous stimuli, other information might uncon-
sciously be considered in order to sort the stimulus into pre-existing categories. Thus,
the topic about which the voice-based chatbot talked about had to be chosen carefully.
Occupations such as author, journalist, accountant or various nature sciences are mainly
perceived as gender neutral [39–42] (although they may still be assigned to a gender
subconsciously [42]). Corresponding to the occupation “biologist”, an informative text
about penguins was used (see OSF – A2).
The voices were presented via a grey audio player on the survey page. The simple
design was chosen to eliminate influences of visual stimuli: Explicit elements such as
hairstyles [46], but also body posture, or ratio of chest, waist and hip [47] can be crucial in
gender assignment to robots. This effect extends to simple shapes, when round, slender
objects and curved lines are perceived more female than edged, bulky ones with straight
lines [48–50]. Furthermore, aspects like texture [50] and color (“blue vs. pink”) [51, 52]
may affect an object’s gender assignment.
According to the before mentioned graduality of a voice’s gender classification,
participants rated each voice on a 7-point scale from “male” (1) to “female” (7). The
middle category (4) was labeled “neither/I cannot judge”. In addition, they assessed
the sound characteristics ‘naturalness’ and ‘pleasantness’ on a 5-point Likert scale:
Technologies perceived as “technical” are rated differently than those containing more
natural, “human-like” characteristics, which becomes visible, e.g., in trust measurement
[53, 54]. As shown above, naturalness can also have an impact on neutrality perception.
Moreover, it is conceivable that the question of how pleasant a voice sounds contributes
to their perception and rating. Thus, it is important to choose similarly pleasant voices
to prevent the disapproval of a single voice in later investigations, which would distort
results. Finally, participants’ open-ended comments and socio-demographic data (gen-
der, age, nationality, level of education, and field of occupation) were taken into account
when interpreting the ratings and choosing the most suitable and comparable voices.
Gender perception of the three ultimately selected voices was controlled in a follow-
up study which served as a second testing step. Participants were randomly assigned
one voice and after a short greeting by the voice, they heard one of three different texts
(stereotypically male and female ones about airplanes and love were added to the penguin
Social Research with Gender-Neutral Voices in Chatbots 185

text). Next, they rated gender perception on a scale from 1 (male) to 5 (female). Again,
comments and socio-demographic data were recorded.

Sample. A total of 31 participants completed the quasi-experiment. The sample was

young (M = 29.33, SD = 11.96), predominantly female (55%) and inhabited a high
level of education (32% had a high school degree, 42% a Bachelor’s degree). Nine
persons were from a field associated with humanities, six were from nature and com-
puter sciences. The rest of the participants stemmed from various other occupational
backgrounds. The sample mainly consisted of Germans, with the exception of two US-
Americans and an Italian. As these persons reported fluency in German and were all
living in Germany, they were considered experienced enough with the language and
thus included in the study.
The sample of the follow-up study was bigger (N = 343), but otherwise similar:
Participants were young (M = 30.04, SD = 11.84), female (58%) and highly educated
(36% owned a high school degree, 52% a university degree). They worked or studied in
the fields of commerce (22%), social and health occupations (20%), humanities (18%)
or nature and computer science (15%) and were mostly German (97%). For a visual
overview of the testing process, see our OSF (A3).

4 Results

4.1 Gender Perception

The evaluation of the perceived gender revealed two voices as predominantly male (in
the range of 1 and 2), two were rated in the distinct gender-neutral/ambiguous range
(3.5–4.5), and six were perceived as clearly female (6–7, Table 2). This imbalance can
be explained by the greater manifoldness of the female voice: Older women tend to
have a lower F0 than younger ones and F0 in female speaking voices has generally been
decreasing for decades [12–14]. Therefore, some of the voice variants intended to be
neutral also possibly fell into a range that could be interpreted as female due to high
formants and fundamental frequency.
Additionally, ANOVAs were conducted to compare gender assessments (see OSF –
A4). These analyses uncovered that the formants had a visible influence on gender
perception of neutral voices. For those with a constant F0, increasing heights of FF
increased the perception of femaleness (see Table 2). The perception at the low and high
formants differed by more than one scale point each, and the differences between the
voices were significant (for N1–N3: F(2, 47) = 5.64, p = .006; for N4–N6: F(2, 44)
= 20.87, p < .001; for N7–N9: F(2, 45) = 8.37, p < .001). Although similar effects
appeared in the male voices, they were not significant (F(2, 46) = 0.84, p = .437) and
even the highest male voice M3 was still perceived as “rather masculine”. The female
voices were not affected by the formants either. This result confirms the findings of the
studies reviewed above: If F0 can be clearly assigned to a gender, formants have less
influence on gender perception than in the case of ambiguous values of F0.
186 S. Mooshammer and K. Etzrodt

Table 2. Evaluations of the voices

Perceived gender Naturalness Pleasantness

Voice Number of M SD M SD M SD
M1 17 1.65 0.86 3.82 1.74 4.82 1.59
M2 16 1.88 1.02 5.19 1.72 5.63 1.02
M3 16 2.13 1.26 4.25 1.77 4.19 2.07
N1 17 4.12 0.99 3.76 1.79 4.00 1.41
N2 16 4.69 1.45 3.88 2.00 4.38 1.45
N3 17 5.53 1.23 3.65 1.62 4.35 1.46
N4 15 3.73 1.03 4.53 1.36 4.60 1.30
N5 16 5.00 1.26 4.38 1.36 5.25 1.34
N6 16 6.13 0.72 4.00 1.71 4.69 1.35
N7 16 4.88 1.09 3.31 1.74 3.81 1.47
N8 16 6.00 0.97 4.25 1.61 4.94 1.12
N9 16 6.31 1.08 4.50 1.83 4.87 1.25
F1 17 6.71 0.59 2.71 1.79 3.23 1.71
F2 15 6.86 1.06 3.6 1.92 4.07 1.49
F3 18 6.22 0.94 2.11 1.37 2.22 1.22
White = not usable as the perceived gender does not lie between 1-2, 3.5-4.5 or 6-7
Light gray = Gender perception in a suitable range
Medium gray = Gender perception in a suitable range, F0 according to theory
Dark gray, bold = Gender perception in a suitable range, F0 according to theory, finally
selected voices

4.2 Naturalness and Pleasantness of the Voices

Interestingly, all female voices were below the neutral and male voices in terms of
naturalness and pleasantness (Table 2). This may be caused by the originally male root
voice, which had to be altered more to achieve the desired female pitch than for the
neutral and male voices. This may have resulted in stronger sound distortions.
It should therefore be noted that with regard to naturalness and pleasantness, there
are in part considerable differences between the three selected voices. However, since the
voices that will be used in an experimental setting should only differ in their gender, male,
neutral, and female voice had to be as close as possible to each other in these assessments.
Therefore, M1, N4, and W2 were selected: W2 had the most positive ratings of the female
voices and was therefore closest to the appropriate male and neutral voices. M1, in turn,
was closer to the female voice than M2. Finally, N4 and N1 were almost equally good
fitting, but N4’s gender neutrality was better grounded in theory: F0 was exactly at the
156 Hz level originally assumed to be gender neutral. (To keep the neutral F0 between
male and female ones (as predicted based on theory), voices that were perceived as
female but had been produced as neutral versions were excluded from the final choice).
Social Research with Gender-Neutral Voices in Chatbots 187

4.3 Confirmation of the Assessments

In the follow-up study described above, randomly using one of the chosen voices W2,
M1, and N4 in the same form of presentation, and one out of three texts, gender perception
was confirmed on a 5-point scale with 3 as the ambiguous rating. M1 was perceived as
male with a rating of 1.22 (SD = 0.69, n = 112), N4 as mainly neutral with 2.82 (SD
= 1.27, n = 113) and F2 as female with 4.9 (SD = 0.34, n = 118). To control for
possible distortions in the ratings which could be caused by the stereotypically male and
female texts, the rates were analyzed again, solely for the neutral text. The results of the
present study were confirmed again: The gender of M1 was perceived as 1.18 (SD =
0.76, n = 38), N4 as 3.05 (SD = 1.26, n = 38), and F2 as 4.93 (SD = 0.36, n = 42).
Thus, gender assignment and especially gender neutrality of N4 could be confirmed in
two studies, albeit with a larger standard deviation in the second study, indicating the
participants’ higher uncertainty regarding their perception of the acoustically neutral
voice. The difference might be due to the larger number of participants in the second
study and the assessment of only one voice instead of eight.

5 Discussion and Conclusion

The paper has three methodological contributions. First, we provide a gender-neutral
voice and matching male and female variants for social scientists. The presented voices
proved to fit theoretically and empirically to known perceptions of voice gender: Drawing
on F0 ranges and FF difference factors from linguistic literature while controlling for
psychological and social influences suggested in social science research, we succeeded
in creating voices respectively perceived as male, female and neutral. Hence, they are
suitable for investigating the perception of gender-neutral approaches as well as the
effects of gender neutrality in voice-based chatbots compared to distinctly gendered
voices. Second, the paper enables social scientists to design similar voices with the Open
Access program Praat. The main advantage of the presented method is its simplicity.
Once a root voice is available, desired variants can be derived without much technical
knowledge. However, whereas a high male voice would conceivably be a good root voice,
it seems crucial to conduct a formant analysis on the voice first to enable researchers
to apply standardized, scientifically grounded formant ratios as shown above. Third,
the two-step evaluation process allowed in the first step to efficiently identify the most
suiting variants and eliminated context effects of multiple previously presented voices
in the second step. The small sample of the first step appeared to be sufficient, regarding
the confirmation in the larger sample. In future research, more control variables can be
regarded in addition to pleasantness and naturalness, depending on the specific aspects
in which comparability is desired.
Moreover, we substantially contributed to the research on gender-neutral voices by
uncovering that the proposed changes of F0 and FF are sufficient to evoke convincing
changes in perceived gender and to enable the creation of variants which are perceived
as gender-neutral. This is in line with linguistic research on gender-specific properties
of voices as we discussed in Sect. 2, as well as with the conclusions about neutrality that
we drew from these results. We confirmed that gender perception in voices is variable
enough to be measured on a continuum instead of using gender categories, as Mullennix
188 S. Mooshammer and K. Etzrodt

et al. [26] proposed, and that neutral voices are indeed in the realm of the perceived
mean which is slightly lower than the calculated mean on the Hertz scale. Moreover, we
confirmed formants’ importance for gender assignment.
In sum, the presented method offers the opportunity to create comparable voices for
further investigation of gender effects. Predominantly, it requires less technical knowl-
edge than most other approaches, while, at the same time, more theoretical assumptions
beyond the difference of F0 can be modeled into the voices. We demonstrated an effi-
cient two-step test for the produced voices, which accounted for the known effect, yet
unknown ranges of differing male and female formants. Finally, we demonstrated that
without testing the created voices, gender perception may be skewed even when F0 and
FF are at a theoretically gender-neutral level.

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Design Matters! How Visual Gendered
Anthropomorphic Design Cues Moderate
the Determinants of the Behavioral Intention
Towards Using Chatbots

V. Phoebe Pawlik(B)

Technical University of Munich, 80333 Munich, Germany

[email protected]

Abstract. The design cue gendered anthropomorphism plays an important role

in tailoring chatbots towards customers’ design preferences. Yet, it still remains
unexplored if this design cue affects the determinants of the behavioral intention
towards using chatbots as moderating variable. Therefore, this paper investigates
the moderating influence of gendered anthropomorphic design cues on the key
determinants of the behavioral intention that are defined by the Unified Theory
of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). For this purpose, three chatbot
design groups have been created and compared: a female and a male designed chat-
bot with gendered anthropomorphic design cues, as well as one chatbot without
gendered anthropomorphic design cues. A sample of 209 participants is randomly
assigned to each design group. The PLS-SEM multigroup analysis shows gendered
anthropomorphic chatbot design cues yield significant positive impact of the per-
formance expectancy towards the behavioral intention to use chatbots. This was
not the case for the design group without gendered anthropomorphic design cues.
Also, in contrast to the male anthropomorphic chatbot design, the female anthro-
pomorphic chatbot design yields significant positive impact of social influence on
the behavioral intention.

Keywords: Chatbot · Anthropomorphism · Gender · Design cues · Behavioral

intention · UTAUT · Post-purchase customer service

1 Introduction

Whenever the potential of artificial intelligence or automation in customer service is dis-

cussed, chatbots are usually talked about in the same breath [e.g. 3, 24, 40, 48]. Chatbots
are virtual interfaces that interact with users in natural language [12]. This characteristic
makes them valuable for a wide range of applications at different stages of customer
service [23, 40]. In the pre-purchase stage, chatbots are e.g. useful information providers
for customers [40]. In the purchase stage, chatbots are predicted to become a negotiation
counterpart to the customer and obtain e.g. digital pricing functions [23]. Such functions
might be especially useful in industries with dynamic demand and supply changes, such

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022

A. Følstad et al. (Eds.): CONVERSATIONS 2021, LNCS 13171, pp. 192–208, 2022.
Design Matters! 193

as mobility services (e.g. Uber) [23]. In the post-purchase stage, chatbots are considered
to take over customer recommendation and follow-up tasks [23]. Correctly deployed,
chatbot applications in customer service cannot only increase customer-brand connec-
tion [11] and personalized customer interaction, but also improve company finances [42].
According to a recent report, $11 billions of cost savings are expected through chatbot
deployments in the three main application areas of health care, banking and retail by
2023 [25].
However, the critical issue is not the deployment of chatbots in customer service,
rather the behavioral intention of customers to use them [41]. Without customer’s inten-
tion to use chatbots, they cannot provide value, neither for the customer, nor for the
company [37]. Determinants define the behavioral intention towards using a chatbot
[37, 47]. Previous studies investigated the impact of design cues as direct influence on
the behavioral intention [e.g. 35, 41]. Technology acceptance research has investigated
the impact of design cues as influences of the determinants of the behavioral intention
[13]. Remaining unexplored is an investigation of design cues as moderators of the
behavioral intention [46].
Therefore, the objective of this paper is to investigate how visual design of chat-
bots act as moderators and affect the determinants of the behavioral intention to use
chatbots. For this purpose, gendered anthropomorphism in its three categories female,
male and absent is identified as relevant visual design cue. These are applied on the
key determinants of the behavioral intention of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and
Use of Technology (UTAUT). The key UTAUT determinants serve as basis for this
study’s investigation because the UTAUT is a highly validated and popular model used
for behavioral intention assessments [49]. Also, following a recent call of Venkatesh
[46], the first author of the UTAUT, it requires validation in the field of AI-based tech-
nologies. For achieving the objective of this study, a vignette survey has been chosen as
ideal study design to eliminate bias occurring from errors of actual chatbot interactions.
The vignette has been created for an advanced post-purchase customer service situation
in form of three design groups: female, male (gendered anthropomorphic), as well as
non-gendered anthropomorphic and compared. The survey data is analyzed using partial
least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM).
As a result, multiple contributions are provided by this paper: First, the moderating
impact of gendered anthropomorphism as design cue on the determinants of the behav-
ioral intention, performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence, derived
from the key UTAUT determinants, is investigated. The results provide an empirical
contribution to chatbot acceptance research in the gap of post-purchase customer ser-
vice. Second, this is an early study investigating the UTAUT in the field of AI-based
technologies and proposes an extension of the UTAUT through the moderating impact of
gendered anthropomorphic design cues. Finally, practical implications for suitable chat-
bot design in post-purchase customer service settings that match customer expectations
are derived.
194 V. P. Pawlik

2 Theoretical Background and Hypotheses Development

2.1 Chatbot Acceptance Research and Definition of the Key UTAUT

The major stream of chatbot acceptance research stems from the profound field of tech-
nology acceptance research that is motivated by understanding users’ perceptions of new
technologies and subsequently proposes validations or extensions of existing technol-
ogy acceptance models [29]. Grounded in the Theory of Planned Behavior [2] multiple
technology acceptance models have been derived [29]. Among them, the Unified Theory
of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) by Venkatesh et al. [47] is regarded as
robust and popular acceptance model [49]. The UTAUT [47] explains three key variables
that contribute towards the behavioral intention to use a technology: the performance
expectancy, the effort expectancy and the social influence. The performance expectancy
refers to “the degree to which an individual believes that using the system will help him
or her to attain gains in job performance” [47, p. 447]. The effort expectancy describes
the physical or mental effort that a person believes to require for using the technology.
The social influence explains the impact that other people want a potential user to use the
technology. Thereby, only people who are important to the potential user are relevant.
These key variables have been tested using different technology acceptance models
in various chatbot application contexts [29]. A qualitative study of Amelia et al. [4],
structured according to the UTAUT and the service robot acceptance model (SRAM)
[50], found indication that the three key variables are impacting the behavioral intention
to use chatbots in the field of retail baking. However, Sugumar and Chandra’s [43]
quantitative application of the UTAUT2 [45] found no proof for significant impact of
the factors effort expectancy and social influence in the field of financial service chatbots.
For a chatbot application in the pre-purchase customer service of an online shopping
setting, the variable performance expectancy was found to be a strong indicator towards
the behavioral intention to use chatbots [37]. This was tested using the technology
acceptance model (TAM) [13]. As these findings show, the determinants explaining
the behavioral intention to use chatbots are not consistent across different application
contexts. Rese et al. [37] even highlighted potential differences resulting from different
application stages of customer service which leads to the conclusion that each context
has to be investigated individually in order to derive accurate results.
This research provides a chatbot acceptance validation in the field of post-purchase
customer service. Also, due to a missing quantitative validation of the UTAUT on an
elaborated, AI-based chatbot, the key UTAUT variables are chosen for investigation.
Therefore, the following hypotheses for the AI-based chatbot application context of
post-purchase customer service are derived:

H1: The behavioral intention to use chatbots in the post-purchase customer service
phase is positively impacted by a) performance expectancy, b) effort expectancy and c)
social influence.
Design Matters! 195

2.2 The Role of Gendered Anthropomorphic Chatbot Design Cues

As stated in the Computers are Social Actors paradigm (CASA) [31, 32], humans inter-
act with chatbots in a similar way they interact with humans if the chatbot applies
attributes that are perceived to be human-like [5, 16]. Thus, human-like chatbot design
cues yield higher levels of anthropomorphism [5]. Adam et al. [1] observed that partici-
pants were more likely to accept a request made by a chatbot if anthropomorphic design
cues were applied. Also, Rhim et al. [38] revealed significantly higher satisfaction rates
in the context of survey chatbots that resulted from the application of anthropomorphic
design cues. In line with these findings, anthropomorphism has found to have a direct
positive influence on the behavioral intention towards using chatbots, as Sheehan et al.
[41] and Blut et al. [7] derived. Sheehan et al. [41] found that miscommunication in a
human-chatbot interaction leads to lower levels of anthropomorphism and subsequently
to lower behavioral intentions towards using chatbots in customer service. However, in
the field of financial service chatbots, Sugumar and Chandra [43] could not find anthro-
pomorphism to have a significant influence on the behavioral intention to use chatbots.
Besides different chatbot application contexts, differences regarding the exact type of
influence anthropomorphic design cues have on the behavioral intention to use chatbots
could account for such research finding differences. Venkatesh [46] provides a concep-
tual argumentation that explains technology design characteristics to act as moderators,
rather than direct influences on the behavioral intention to use AI-based technologies.
This study builds on previous research that proved anthropomorphic design cues to be a
driver of the behavioral intention to use chatbots and the yet unconfirmed concept that
anthropomorphic design cues serve as moderator in determining the behavioral inten-
tion. Therefore, the hypothesis that anthropomorphic design cues act as moderator of
the behavioral intention determinants is investigated.
The discussion of the impact of anthropomorphic chatbot design also addresses the
role of gender as subcategory of anthropomorphic design cues [9]. In the decisive study
of Nass and Moon [32] that derived the CASA paradigm, also gendered anthropomor-
phic design cues were applied onto the computers. They then showed that participants
assigned stereotypes they have regarding a certain gender to the computer that they inter-
acted with. Grounded on this finding, Brahnam and De Angeli [9] replicated the study
with chatbots and validated this relationship between gendered anthropomorphic design
cues and the assignment of stereotypes. Also, Dingler et al. [14] further emphasized
that biased chatbot design impacts human perception. Ultimately, different types of gen-
dered anthropomorphic design cues show different effects on the behavioral intention
towards using chatbots [7, 8]. Blut et al. [7] revealed that female chatbot design posi-
tively moderates the effect of the factor anthropomorphism on the behavioral intention.
Borau et al. [8] highlighted higher behavioral intentions if female chatbots are applied.
One can argue that these relationships hold true for the context of post-purchase cus-
tomer service. Therefore, in order to include the assessment of the effects of gendered
anthropomorphic design cues, this study is designed as an investigation of the variable
anthropomorphic design cues in all three categories relevant in related research: female,
male (gendered anthropomorphism) and absent gendered anthropomorphic design cues.
196 V. P. Pawlik

H2: Gendered anthropomorphic design cues moderate the relationship between perfor-
mance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence on the behavioral intention to
use chatbots.

Figure 1 shows the resulting research model. As methodical related work shows
[e.g. 6, 18, 51], the assessment of moderating effects of a categorical variable requires
an analysis for each defined category: female, male and absent.

Fig. 1. Research model

3 Research Design and Data Collection

The data was collected via a vignette survey for multiple reasons. In the critical post-
purchase stage of customer service in which effective customer support yields customer
engagement, intelligent and elaborated chatbots that are capable of taking over service
tasks are expected [23]. Despite “[…] fast-paced advances in artificial intelligence, con-
versations with text-based chatbots often reach their limits and do so relatively quickly.”
[37, p. 11]. Since currently available chatbots show limited capabilities of intelligence,
previous research investigating the behavioral intention of chatbots used experimental
conditions [e.g. 41]. This option leads to experimental investigations of chatbots in very
narrow use cases that lack the generalizability towards complex service scenarios [41].
A vignette study enables to overcome this obstacle and to observe customers’ behavioral
intention towards using intelligent chatbots in a rather complex service interaction. Fur-
ther, vignette studies have been found to be a valid study approach for observing customer
perceptions and intentions in the context of chatbots in the field of finance, pre-customer
service of luxury products and social media [11, 16, 33]. Applying a vignette survey
Design Matters! 197

design to the context of a post-purchase customer service setting provides a further val-
idation of this approach. Additionally, vignette studies contribute to the internal validity
of the results [16].
The participants in this study received a survey in which they first read a short text
introducing them into a customer service situation in which they use a chatbot in order
to fulfill a customer service task in the post-purchase context (Fig. 2). They then saw a
screenshot of the chatbot conversation. The screenshot contained either non-gendered
anthropomorphic design cues, as shown in Fig. 2 or the screenshot contained gendered
anthropomorphic design cues. These gendered anthropomorphic design cues were either
female (Fig. 3) or male (Fig. 4). The content of the conversation in the screenshot was
the same across all design groups. Afterwards, they answered the questions of the survey
(Table 1).
The aim was to create a post-purchase customer service situation the participants
can relate to. Therefore, the customer requests about product availability and delivery
time were derived from the FAQ section of a German drug store [15]. In addition, the
disinfectant was chosen because due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this is a basic product
almost everyone can relate to. Since the goal was to test an advanced chatbot, the chatbot
was designed to be intelligent. In the conversation screenshot the user asks if there is
still disinfectant left and the chatbot recognizes that the customer just placed an order.
The chatbot then assumes that the customer might want to add the item they just asked
the availability for.
Also, this research focuses on visual chatbot design cues. As anthropomorphic design
cues, the visual cues of Araujo’s [5] and Go and Sundar’s [19] studies have been applied.
In Araujo, the anthropomorphic chatbot was given a human-like name. Accordingly, the
anthropomorphic chatbots of this study received human-like names. Also, in order to
measure differences between differently gendered anthropomorphic chatbots, the male
chatbot was called Daniel and the female chatbot was called Daniela. The name similarity
was chosen in order to avoid bias. The chatbot without gendered anthropomorphic design
was called Chatbot. In Go and Sundar [19], a picture of a human was used as visual design
cue for the anthropomorphic chatbot and no picture for the non-anthropomorphic one.
Accordingly, a picture of a woman was taken from the license free platform Pixabay [36]
and applied onto the female anthropomorphic designed chatbot of this study. In order to
avoid bias triggered through different attractivity of the pictures, the picture for the male
anthropomorphic chatbot was created through the gender swap function of FaceApp.
This approach to avoid attractivity bias through applying gender swap was taken from
Toader et al. [44].
A five points Likert scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree was
included for the answer of each survey question. The survey questions are modifications,
adapted from Brauer [10]. The questions for the construct behavioral intention were
derived from Venkatesh et al. [47]. In order to avoid repetitive, redundant questions
that mislead the actual measurement of the construct behavioral intention due to survey
fatigue [18] of the participants, the first indicator question for behavioral intention (BI1)
was formulated in a more general way. This approach has been adapted from a related
vignette study [11] in which it was used for the factor communication competence.
198 V. P. Pawlik

Fig. 2. Survey design for the group with absent gendered anthropomorphic design cues

Fig. 3. Female anthropomorphic chatbot design

Fig. 4. Male anthropomorphic chatbot design

Design Matters! 199

Table 1. Questionnaire

Also, the indicator question EE3 was address towards the effort expectation of cus-
tomer perceptions in general. Since the participants, however, were assigned into a
customer role through the vignette description, they were indirectly intended to infer
about their of own perception and subsequently create a more reliable construct of effort
Altogether, 209 persons from Germany participated in the survey. 86 participants
saw the chatbot with the female anthropomorphic design, 60 the male anthropomorphic
chatbot design and 63 the non-gendered anthropomorphic chatbot design. The partici-
pants were recruited via network sampling [28] through Facebook and Survey Circle.
The dataset was collected as part of the author’s Master’s Thesis [34] that distinctively
focused on the UTAUT application, but not on the moderating effect of gendered anthro-
pomorphic design cues. The participants were randomly assigned to one chatbot design
group. The statistical power of each group was validated with G*Power and higher than
the threshold of 0.8 (alpha = 0.05, f2 = 0.2). To be precise, the statistical power of the
male chatbot group was 0.81, the one of the female chatbot group was 0.94 and the one
of the non-anthropomorphic chatbot group was 0.83. 56% of the overall participants
were women and 44% men. Most of the participants, 85.2%, were in the age group
between 20–35 years and can therefore be assigned to the generation millennials [30].
The precise gender and age distribution of the participants in each group is shown in
Table 2. As in related studies [e.g. 43, 47], this study controls the effect of the variables
gender and age on the decisive construct behavioral intention.

Table 2. Gender and age distribution of survey participants

200 V. P. Pawlik

4 Results
For testing H1a, H1b and H1c of the research model, partial least squares structural
equation modelling (PLS-SEM) has been applied to each chatbot design group. PLS-
SEM is especially suitable for the assessment of latent constructs, such as performance
expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and behavioral intention [20]. Due to the
robustness of PLS-SEM towards relatively small sample sizes and the ability to evaluate
complex relationship models, its application became quite famous over the last years
[21]. For evaluating H2, the analysis proceeds with a multigroup analysis (MGA). The
software SmartPLS 3.3.3 [39] was used for the calculations.
The impact of the control variable age on the decisive factor behavioral intention was
found to be insignificant across all chatbot design groups: β = −0.083; p = 0.210 for
the female anthropomorphic design group, β = −0.073, p = 0.265 for the male anthro-
pomorphic design group and β = 0.040, p = 0.362 for the non-anthropomorphic chatbot
design group. The impact of gender was also insignificant for the female anthropomor-
phic chatbot design group (β = −0.058, p = 0.262) and for the male anthropomorphic
chatbot design group (β = −0.1, p = 0.162). For the non-anthropomorphic design group
the effect of gender was significant (β = 0.272, p < 0.01), but the effect size was weak
at f2 = 0.128. Due to the insignificant effects of age on the behavioral intention and the
merely small effect of gender in the non-anthropomorphic design group, the effects of
the control variables can be neglected. Thus, they are not part of the further evaluation.
PLS-SEM requires an evaluation of the outer model in order to assess the reliability
of the construct measurements and the assessment of the inner model which reveals
the significance between the construct relationships [20]. The inner research model,
the impact of performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence on the
behavioral intention, is described as formative construct, whereas each latent variable is
reflectively measured. As elaborated in Hair et al. [20], the evaluation of the reflectively
measured outer model requires the investigation of the internal-consistency reliability,
convergence validity, as well as the discriminant validity.
The internal-consistency reliability is measured through the composite reliability
which is above the threshold 0.7 for all constructs. The convergence validity is assured
through the assessment of the average variance extracted which is above 0.5 in all
cases (Table 3). Also, the indicator loadings should be regarded in order to assess the
convergence validity (Table 4). With one exception of the factor loading of SI2 with
the value of 0.412, all loadings are above 0.6. Since 0.4 is regarded to be the minimum
acceptable threshold for the indicator loadings [21], convergence validity is ensured. The
Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) criterion is recommended as measure for the assessment
of the discriminant validity [20]. All of the HTMT criteria of the three models are below
the strict threshold of 0.85 (Table 5). Thus, discriminant validity is proven.
For the evaluation of the inner, structural model, the value inflation factor (VIF) is
regarded first. Table 5 also shows the VIF values for each chatbot design group. Since
all of the VIFs are above the minimum threshold of 0.2 and below the threshold of five,
no collinearity problems exist for the structural model. Therefore, the structural model
provides a valid basis for testing the hypotheses through the path coefficients.
Design Matters! 201

Table 3. Internal-consistency reliability and convergence validity

Table 4. Indicator loadings

Table 5. Discriminant validity and value inflation factor

202 V. P. Pawlik

For evaluating the significances of the path coefficients, the data for each chatbot
group has been bootstrapped 5.000 times (one-tailed t-test, p < 0.01). The path coeffi-
cient of performance expectancy on the behavioral intention is significant at p = 0.01
for the female anthropomorphic designed chatbot group, as well as for the male anthro-
pomorphic designed chatbot group at p < 0.001. Thus, H1a is accepted for the female
and male anthropomorphic design group. For the non-anthropomorphic designed chat-
bot group the performance expectancy path coefficient does not significantly impact
the behavioral intention, therefore, H1a has to be rejected for the group with absent
anthropomorphic design.
Both path coefficients for the effort expectancy on the behavioral intention in the
female and male anthropomorphic designed group are not significant which leads to a
rejection of H1b for those two design groups. In contrast, in the non-anthropomorphic
designed group, the influence of the effort expectancy on the behavioral intention is
significant at p < 0.01. Therefore, H1b can be accepted for the non-anthropomorphic
designed chatbot group.
Also, the path coefficient of the social influence on the behavioral intention is signif-
icant (p < 0.01) for the female anthropomorphic designed and the non-anthropomorphic
designed chatbot group (p < 0.001). Therefore, H1c is accepted for the group with female
and absent gendered anthropomorphic design. For the male anthropomorphic designed
group, H1c has to be rejected because no significant impact of the social influence on
the behavioral intention was found. Figure 5 summarizes the path coefficient values and
their significances at each design group.

Fig. 5. Path coefficients and determination coefficients

Q2 for the behavioral intention of the female chatbot model is 0.195. For the male
chatbot model Q2 is 0.264 and for the non-anthropomorphic chatbot model Q2 is 0.224.
These Q2 values are calculated using blindfolding with an omission distance of eight
and indicate that all of the models have a prognostic relevance [21].
As structured in Table 6, the MGA shows that the performance expectancy coefficient
of the female and the non-gendered anthropomorphic design group show a difference
Design Matters! 203

of 0.224 which is significant at p < 0.1. A significant path difference of 0.358 is also
found between the male anthropomorphic chatbot and the non-gendered anthropomor-
phic chatbot group at p < 0.01. Therefore, both gendered anthropomorphic chatbot
design groups significantly differ from the non-anthropomorphic design group which
indicates a moderating influence of the variable gendered anthropomorphic design cues.
The MGA shows no significant differences across the design groups regarding the impact
of the effort expectancy on the behavioral intention. However, the social influence which
the structural model found to be significant for the female and non-anthropomorphic
group, significantly differs from the path coefficient of the male design group. These
results show that the different categories of the variable gendered anthropomorphism
yield significant differences on the determinants of the behavioral intention. Therefore,
gendered anthropomorphic design cues moderate their impact and H2 can be accepted.

Table 6. Multigroup analysis result

Female Male Diff. (Female vs. Male)

PE -> BI 0.260*** 0.394*** -0.134
EE -> BI 0.086 0.159 -0.073
SI -> BI 0.419*** 0.105 0.313**

Female Absent Diff. (Female vs. Absent)

PE -> BI 0.260*** 0.036 0.224*
EE -> BI 0.086 0.269*** -0.183
SI -> BI 0.419*** 0.495*** -0.079

Male Absent Diff. (Male vs. Absent)

PE -> BI 0.394*** 0.036 0.358***
EE -> BI 0.159 0.269*** -0.110
SI -> BI 0.105 0.495*** -0.392**

Diff. = difference, *p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01

5 Discussion

The results show that performance expectancy influences the behavioral intention
towards using chatbots only for the gendered anthropomorphic designed chatbot groups.
This relationship is significant, regardless if the designed type of gender is female or
male. This result implies that people who face a visually gendered anthropomorphic
designed chatbot might be influenced by the performance they expect from using the
chatbot in the post-purchase stage of customer service. This finding is in line with the
CASA paradigm [32] that highlights the positive effects of human-like attributes on how
humans perceive chatbots [27].
Second, social influence has been found to have a significantly positive impact on
the behavioral intention to use chatbots in the female anthropomorphic designed chat-
bot group, but not in the male anthropomorphic designed chatbot group. This adds to
prior research that found female chatbot design to be superior in customer’s perception
204 V. P. Pawlik

[8, 44]. This might be one reason why female chatbot design is predominant in practice
[17]. Therefore, if people talk with their social network about chatbots which creates
social influence towards using chatbots, they might talk about chatbots in their female
anthropomorphic design associations. To give an example, the chatbot of Zalando is
called “Emma” or the chatbot of Lufthansa is called “Mildred” [26].
Third, this paper provides a contribution to the call for applications of the UTAUT
for AI-based technologies [46]. The three key UTAUT variables explain approximately
30% of the variance of the behavioral intention. This is an adequate explanation for
an early-stage behavioral investigation [21]. Also, the simplicity of the model, describ-
ing the behavioral intention through three variables, already makes it possible to reveal
significant differences in the determinants of the behavioral intention triggered by dif-
ferently gendered anthropomorphic chatbot design cues. However, this study also shows
that the UTAUT should be applied under the consideration of gendered anthropomor-
phic design cues as moderators. Therefore, an extension of gendered anthropomorphic
design influences in the investigation context of chatbots is recommended.
Finally, these findings generate design implications useful for practice in the field
of post-purchase customer service. Since companies applying chatbots usually aim high
chatbot usage, the determinants of the behavioral intention should be regarded under
considerations of moderating gendered anthropomorphic design effects. If companies
apply a chatbot that’s performance is not very elaborated yet (e.g. for testing reasons),
it could be advisable to apply a chatbot with absent gendered anthropomorphic design
because the findings suggest that for absent gendered chatbots, performance expectations
will be less determining for behavioral intention than for gendered chatbots.
However, if the chatbot performance is more elaborated and even able to perform ser-
vice tasks, as it was the case in this study, gendered anthropomorphic designed chatbots
might be the right choice. In order to additionally reach customers that are impacted by
their network, companies should stick to the currently predominant choice of designing
their chatbot with female gendered anthropomorphic design cues.

6 Limitations and Further Research Implications

This study does not come without limitations. As emphasized in the study design section,
the vignette study design was reasonable for assessing existing moderating effects of
gendered anthropomorphic design cues on the behavioral intention determinants. How-
ever, future research should address the limitations of vignette studies. Vignette studies
are suitable to reveal existing user attitudes, but these results need to be verified through
observations of actual chatbot interactions [11, 16]. While chatbots are gradually becom-
ing more advanced in their communication capabilities, it can be assumed that as soon as
an actual chatbot exists in a post-purchase customer service setting that’s capabilities are
on the same level as the ones mocked in the vignette of this research, similar results are
expected. Thus, replicating this study in such an actual chatbot setting would be of inter-
est. Also, while the participants of this study mostly consisted of millennials, the results
should only be used for behavioral generalizations among millennials. Further studies
that target an older age group cannot only achieve higher generalizability but might
also find additional variables that are affected by the moderating impact of gendered
Design Matters! 205

anthropomorphic design. Since elder people were found to be particularly influenced

by their perceived enjoyment regarding their behavioral intention to use robots [22],
the moderating effect of gendered anthropomorphic chatbot design might affect this
additional variable as well. Furthermore, the results of this study hold for an intelligent
chatbot applied in the post-purchase customer service context. Applications of intelligent
chatbots in other contexts, such as the purchase phase, might conclude different results
because the customers might have e.g. different performance expectations towards a
chatbot at this stage. Finally, practical implications derived from chatbot design studies
stress the need for investigating ethical topics around chatbot design [8].

7 Conclusion
To utilize the huge potential of chatbots in customer service automation, companies
are in need to assess their customer’s behavioral intention to use chatbots. This assess-
ment requires the investigation of visual design influences as moderators of the behav-
ioral intention. Especially, gendered anthropomorphic design cues impact performance
expectations and social influence towards using chatbots. The UTAUT offers suitable
guidance for the assessment of the behavioral intention towards using AI-based chatbots
and the investigation of their moderating design influences.

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Author Index

Aquino, Antonio 3 Lacayo, Martin 23

Liebrecht, Christine 160
Bensch, Suna 108 Lobo, Inês 124

Chaves, Ana Paula 90, 143 McCartan, Tessa 160

Çöltekin, Arzu 23 Mooshammer, Sandra 176
Murali, Madhumitha 23
De Cicco, Roberta 3
Dignum, Frank 108, 124 Palumbo, Riccardo 3
Pawlik, V. Phoebe 192
Etzrodt, Katrin 176 Prada, Rui 124

Rato, Diogo 124

Félix, Beatriz 39
Ribeiro, Jorge 39
Følstad, Asbjørn 73
Romana Alparone, Francesca 3
Fostervold, Knut Inge 73
Serrano Alves, Luiz Philipe 90
Gerosa, Marco Aurelio 143 Steinmacher, Igor 90

Hobert, Sebastian 55 Tarnanas, Ioannis 23

Taule, Tina 73
Iacobucci, Serena 3
Wiese, Igor Scaliante 90
Kamoen, Naomi 160
Koebel, Kathrin 23 Yildiz, Eren 108

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