PVT Termal Panel Genel Bilgi (Photovoltaic - Thermal - PVT - Solar - Panels)
PVT Termal Panel Genel Bilgi (Photovoltaic - Thermal - PVT - Solar - Panels)
PVT Termal Panel Genel Bilgi (Photovoltaic - Thermal - PVT - Solar - Panels)
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Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Solar Panels
Figure 2 a) Band gap energies of solar cell materials and b) utilizable level of
sunlight spectrum fort he Si sample [6]. Figure 3 Classification and Implementation of PV/T systems [14].
Air, water and air-water hybrid systems have been used to
As can be seen in Figure 2 (b), the band gaps of materials
cool the system or in other words to transfer out the heat
used in solar cells are of different values, and it is not possible
energy away from the PV module.
for the valence band threshold energy to exactly coincide with
While PVT-air systems are more developed, a rapid
the photon energies in the solar spectrum (Figure 2a). The
development in PVT-water systems has recently been
portion of the photon energies that is higher than the band gap
recorded. Concentration on the water systems and the rapid
energy is wasted and converted into heat energy. This waste
progression in these systems can be attributed to the fact that
heat causes the solar cells to heat up and negatively affect
the specific heat capacity of water is higher than that of air
electrical efficiency of the cells and reduce their lifetime due
and the need to and usage areas of hot water are higher than
to thermal fatigue.
Although solar cells and solar collectors, with a wide
There are many alternatives for photovoltaic-thermal
application area, are used for different purposes, they are not
integration. Whether the cells are mono-crystal,
inconsistent when compared in terms of installation and
polycrystalline, amorphous silicon (c-Si / pc-Si / a-Si) or thin-
usage areas, market and end-user needs. Thus, the idea of
film, the cell being glazed or unglazed, circulation being
obtaining both heat and electricity (PV / T) [7] from the same
natural or forced, the system being discrete or integrated are
system by combining these two systems can’t be said to be
among options. Much of the research and development work
new, but it is also true that it has generated limited interest for
on PVT technology has been carried out in the past few years,
a long time so far.
and gradual increase in practice has been observed.
Researches, especially focused on solar cells as a result of
Attractive features of PV/T systems [15] include but not
increasing interest in new and renewable energy sources and
limited to:
after the rapid growth of the solar energy market with a rate of
• Multi-purpose: Both the electricity and heat energy can be
30% per year [8], have shown thermal fatigue and excessive
obtained from the same system;
cell temperature cause accelerated degradation of solar cells.
• Flexible and efficient: Efficiency is higher than those of
The findings that suggest, by combining the solar cell and
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International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR)
ISSN:2454-4116, Volume-2, Issue-12, December 2016 Pages 13-16
two systems when used separately. Also, when the roof area and collective PV / T collectors.
is unfavorable or limited, the integrated systems of the
building are quite attractive;
• Has wide application area: The heat energy obtained can
be used for heating and cooling depending on the season and
is suitable for domestic applications;
• Inexpensive and convenient: Buildings can be added or
integrated without the need to make major changes. Also,
replacing roofing materials with PV / T systems can
significantly shorten the cost-recovery period of the system.
The PV / T application of both cell types, which is more
common in polycrystalline cell solar cells than in the
polycrystalline solar cells, shows that PV / T application
improves significantly in the case of the amorphous and Figure 5 Classification of PV/T collectors [19].
polycrystalline silicon solar cells in the detection light [16].
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Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Solar Panels
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