Checklist - PQA Review

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KPA Practice Sub-practice Question

QM.G1 The project's software quality Are the project's software quality
management activities are management activities are planned in the
planned. project plan?
QM.G2 Measurable goals for Are the measurable goals for software
software product quality and product quality and their priorities are
their priorities are defined. defined?
QM.G3 Actual progress toward Is the actual progress toward achieving the
achieving the quality goals quality goals for the software products
for the software products is quantified and managed?
quantified and managed.

QM.C1 The project follows a written The project's software quality management How do the project's software quality
organizational policy for activities support the organization's management activities support the
managing software quality. commitment to improve the quality of the organization's commitment to improve the
software products. quality of the software product?

QM.C1 The project follows a written The project defines and collects the Does the project define and collect the
organizational policy for measurements used for software quality measurements based on the project's defined
managing software quality. management based on the project's defined software process?
software process.

QM.C1 The project follows a written The project defines the quality goals for the Are the quality goals for the software
organizational policy for software products and monitors its progress products defined in the project plan and is
managing software quality. towards them. the progress monitored ?

QM.C1 The project follows a written Responsibilities for software quality Are the responsibilities for software quality
organizational policy for management are defined and assigned to the management defined and to whom are they
managing software quality. software engineering group and other assigned?
software-related groups.

QM.B1 Adequate resources and Specialty engineers in areas such as safety Are specialty engineers in areas such as
funding are provided for and reliability are available to help set the safety and reliability available at need?
managing the quality of the software quality goals and review progress
software products. towards the goals.

QM.B1 Adequate resources and Tools to support predicting, measuring, Are all tools to support predicting, measuring,
funding are provided for tracking, and analyzing software quality are tracking, and analyzing software quality
managing the quality of the made available. available?
software products.

QM.B2 The individuals implementing Are the project teams received training in
and supporting software QPM, particularly in SPM?
quality management receive
required training to perform
their activities.

QM.B3 The members of the software Are the project teams received training in
engineering group and other QPM, particularly in SPM?
software-related groups
receive required training in
software quality

QM.A1 The project's software quality An understanding of the software quality Does the project plan creator grasp an
plan is developed and needs of the organization, customer, and end understanding of the software quality needs?
maintained according to a users is developed as appropriate.
documented procedure.

QM.A1 The project's software quality The software quality needs and priorities of Are the software quality needs and priorities
plan is developed and the organization, customer, and end user are of the organization, customer and end user
maintained according to a traceable to the system requirements traceable?
documented procedure. allocated to software and the software quality

QM.A1 The project's software quality The capability of the project's defined Is the capability of the project's defined
plan is developed and software process to satisfy the software software process to satisfy the software
maintained according to a quality goals is assessed and documented. quality goals assessed? Where is it
documented procedure. documented?

QM.A1 The project's software quality The software quality plan satisfies the quality Are the project quality objectives consistent
plan is developed and plans of the organization, as appropriate. with the quality objectives of the
maintained according to a organization?
documented procedure.

QM.A1 The project's software quality The software quality plan is based on plans Is the historical data used for the project
plan is developed and for and lessons learnt from previous or quality planning?
maintained according to a current projects in the organization, as
documented procedure. appropriate.

QM.A1 The project's software quality The software quality plan is updated at the Is the project plan updated at major project
plan is developed and start of the project, at major project milestones, and whenever the allocated
maintained according to a milestones, and whenever the allocated requirements change significantly?
documented procedure. requirements change significantly.

QM.A1 The project's software quality The software quality plan undergoes peer Is the project plan reviewed within the project
plan is developed and review. team?
maintained according to a
documented procedure.

QM.A1 The project's software quality The software quality plan is reviewed by Is the project plan reviewed with affected
plan is developed and affected groups and individuals. groups like SEPG, Operation, FIST, FWB
maintained according to a and the senior manager as appropriate?
documented procedure.

QM.A1 The project's software quality Senior management reviews the software Is the project plan reviewed with affected
plan is developed and quality plans. groups like SEPG, Operation, FIST, FWB
maintained according to a and the senior manager as appropriate? -> Is
documented procedure. the project plan reviewed by the senior

QM.A1 The project's software quality The software quality plan is managed and Are the changes to the project plan
plan is developed and controlled. recorded? Is the PP appropriately given the
maintained according to a version number?
documented procedure.

QM.A1 The project's software quality The software quality plan is available to all Is the project plan communicated to the
plan is developed and affected groups and individuals. affected groups and individuals like SEPG,
maintained according to a OPERATION, FIST, FWB, QAs?
documented procedure.

QM.A2 The project's software quality This plan cover Does the project plan cover:
plan is the basis for the - The points where the quality is measured - The points where the quality is measured
project's activities for and the activities to measure and the activities to measure
software quality - The quality objectives for the products and - The quality objectives for the products and
management. stages stages
- The actions will be implemented to achieving - The actions will be implemented to
the objectives achieving the objectives
- The action that will be taken when the - The action that will be taken when the
product quality is projected not to meet the product quality is projected not to meet the
objectives objectives

QM.A3 The project's quantitative Characteristics of product quality that Are the product quality characteristics like
quality goals for the software describe how well the software product will functionality, maintainability, usability,
products are defined, perform or how well it can be developed and reliability identified?
monitored, and revised maintained are identified.
throughout the software life

QM.A3 The project's quantitative The measurements used to quantify the Are the test criteria for the characteristics of
quality goals for the software characteristics of software product quality are product quality identified?
products are defined, identified.
monitored, and revised
throughout the software life

QM.A3 The project's quantitative For each characteristic of software product Are the measurable, numeric values selected
quality goals for the software quality, measurable, numeric values, based as quality objectives for the products
products are defined, on the required and desired values, are
monitored, and revised selected as quality goals for the product.
throughout the software life

QM.A3 The project's quantitative Quality goals for the software products are Are the quality objectives for the software
quality goals for the software documented in the project's software quality products like performance criteria defined in
products are defined, plan. the project plan?
monitored, and revised
throughout the software life

QM.A3 The project's quantitative Quality goals for each software life-cycle Are the quality goals for each stage defined
quality goals for the software stage are defined and documented. and documented?
products are defined,
monitored, and revised
throughout the software life

QM.A3 The project's quantitative Quality goals for the software products and Are the quality goals for the products and
quality goals for the software software life-cycle stages are revised as stages revised as the changes to user
products are defined, understanding of the products and requirements are required?
monitored, and revised understanding of the organization's,
throughout the software life customer's, and end users' needs evolve.

QM.A4 The quality of the project's The software tasks are planned and Are the tasks planned and performed to
software products is performed to address the project's software address the project quality objectives?
measured, analyzed, and quality goals. At the beginning of a software Are the technicalities included as part of the
compared to the products' task, the team performing the necessary design, testing to achieving such quality
quantitative quality goals on tasks objectives?
an event-driven basis.

QM.A4 The quality of the project's The quality of the software work products of Are the metrics of the software work product
software products is each software life-cycle stage are measured. quality calculated, analyzed and compared to
measured, analyzed, and the quality objectives at selected milestones?
compared to the products'
quantitative quality goals on
an event-driven basis.

QM.A4 The quality of the project's The quality measurements are analyzed and Are the metrics of the software work product
software products is compared to the software quality goals to quality calculated, analyzed and compared to
measured, analyzed, and determine whether the quality goals are the quality objectives at selected milestones?
compared to the products' satisfied.
quantitative quality goals on
an event-driven basis.

QM.A4 The quality of the project's Appropriate actions, consistent with the If the deviation is significant, or quality
software products is software quality plan, are taken to bring the objectives conflict, are the appropriate
measured, analyzed, and quality measures of the products in line with actions, consistent with the quality plan
compared to the products' the software quality goals. taken?
quantitative quality goals on
an event-driven basis.

QM.A4 The quality of the project's When it is determined that the software If the deviation is significant, or quality
software products is quality goals conflict (that is, one goal cannot objectives conflict, are the appropriate
measured, analyzed, and be achieved without compromising another actions, consistent with the quality plan
compared to the products' goal), actions are taken to resolve the taken?
quantitative quality goals on conflict.
an event-driven basis.

QM.A5 The software project's Are the quantitative quality objectives for the
quantitative quality goals for products allocated appropriately to the
the products are allocated subcontractors delivering products to the
appropriately to the project?
subcontractors delivering
software products to the

QM.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics for the quality management
used to determine the status activities calculated and analyzed?
of the software quality
management activities.

QM.V1 The activities for software Are the project activities periodically reviewed
quality management are with the senior manager at major milestones?
reviewed with senior
management on a periodic

QM.V2 The activities for software Are the project activities reviewed with the PL
quality management are and the project team?
reviewed with the project
manager on both a periodic
and event-driven basis.

QM.V3 The software quality The reviews and/or audits verify the Do the QA review/audits verify the
assurance group reviews preparation of the project's software quality preparation of the project plan
and/or audits the activities plan.
and work products for
software quality management
and reports the results.

QM.V3 The software quality The reviews and/or audits verify the process Do the QA review/audits verify the process
assurance group reviews for establishing and tracking the software for establishing and tracking the software
and/or audits the activities quality goals. quality goals
and work products for
software quality management
and reports the results.

QA.G1 Software quality assurance Are the quality activities planned?

activities are planned.

QA.G2 Adherence of software Is the conformity of the software products

products and activities to the and the activities to the applicable standards,
applicable standards, procedures and requirements objectively
procedures, and verified
requirements is verified

QA.G3 Affected groups and Are the affected groups and individuals
individuals are informed of informed of the quality assurance activities
software quality assurance and results?
activities and results.

QA.G4 Noncompliance issues that Are the noncompliance issues that cannot be
cannot be resolved within the resolved within the software project
software project are addressed by the senior manager?
addressed by senior

QA.C1 The project follows a written The SQA function is in place on all software Do the SQA cover all running projects?
organizational policy for projects. Does a reporting channel exist? Do the
implementing software The SQA group has a reporting channel to senior manager periodically review the SQA
quality assurance (SQA). senior management that is independent of activities and results?
the project manager, the project's software
engineering group, and the other software-
related groups.
Senior management periodically reviews the
SQA activities and results.

QA.B1 A group that is responsible Does a group responsible for coordinating
for coordinating and and implementing SQA for the project exist?
implementing SQA for the
project (i.e., the SQA group)

QA.B2 Adequate resources and A manager is assigned specific Is there a manager assigned for the project's
funding are provided for responsibilities for the project's SQA SQA activities?
performing the SQA activities.

QA.B2 Adequate resources and A senior manager, who is knowledgeable in Is a senior manager with mastery in SQA role
funding are provided for the SQA role and has the authority to take and relevant authority designated to act on
performing the SQA appropriate oversight actions, is designated to NCs
activities. receive and act on software noncompliance

QA.B2 Adequate resources and Tools to support the SQA activities are made Are tools to support the SQA activities
funding are provided for available. available?
performing the SQA

QA.B3 Members of the SQA group - Software engineering skills and practices Are the QAs trained to perform their QA
are trained to perform their - Roles and responsibilities of the software activities, the training like in Software
SQA activities. engineering group and other software-related processes, Quality processes, Quality
groups standards like ISO, CMM?
- Standards, procedures, and methods for the Check whether the QAs know what their jobs,
software project responsibilities are?
- Application domain of the software project
- SQA objectives, procedures, and methods;
- Involvement of the SQA group in the
software activities
- Effective use of SQA methods and tools
- Interpersonal communications

QA.B4 The members of the software Tools to support predicting, measuring, Are tools to support predicting, measuring,
project receive orientation on tracking, and analyzing software quality are tracking and analyzing software quality
the role, responsibilities, made available. available?
authority, and value of the
SQA group.

QA.A1 A SQA plan is prepared for The SQA plan is developed in the early Is the QA plan of the project developed,
the software project stages of, and in parallel with, the overall reviewed by the SEPG, and the PL?
according to a documented project planning. Are the changes incorporated in the QA
procedure. The SQA plan is reviewed by the affected plan? Are the change recorded? Are the
groups and individuals. review recorded?
The SQA plan is managed and controlled

QA.A2 The SQA group's activities - Responsibilities and authority of the SQA Does the QA plan cover:
are performed in accordance group. - Responsibilities and authority of the SQA
with the SQA plan which - Schedule and funding of the project's SQA group.
covers: group activities. - Schedule and funding of the project's SQA
- Evaluations to be performed by the SQA group activities.
group. - Evaluations to be performed by the SQA
- Audits and reviews to be conducted by the group.
SQA group. - Audits and reviews to be conducted by the
- Project standards and procedures to be SQA group.
used as the basis for the SQA group's - Project standards and procedures to be
reviews and audits used as the basis for the SQA group's
- Documentation that the SQA group is reviews and audits
required to produce. - Documentation that the SQA group is
required to produce.

QA.A3 The SQA group participates The SQA group provides consultation and Does the QA review of the project plan,
in the preparation and review review of the plans, standards, and standards and guideline?
of the project's software procedures.
development plan, standards, The SQA group verifies that plans, standards,
and procedures. and procedures are in place and can be used
to review and audit the software project.

QA.A4 The SQA group reviews the The activities are evaluated against the Are the project activities and products
software engineering software development plan and the evaluated by the QA?
activities to verify designated software standards and Are the deviation of the project's products,
compliance. procedures. activities documented and tracked to
- Deviations are identified, documented, and closure?
tracked to closure.

QA.A4 The SQA group reviews the Corrections are verified. Are the C&P actions verified by the QA?
software engineering
activities to verify

QA.A5 The SQA group audits The deliverable software products are Are the project deliverables evaluated before
designated software work evaluated before they are delivered to the they are delivered to the customer?
products to verify customer.

QA.A5 The SQA group audits The software work products are evaluated Are the project work products evaluated
designated software work against the designated software standards, against the standards, procedures and
products to verify procedures, and contractual requirements. contractual requirements by the QA?

QA.A5 The SQA group audits Deviations are identified, documented, and Are the deviation of the project's products,
designated software work tracked to closure. activities documented and tracked to
products to verify closure?

QA.A5 The SQA group audits Corrections are verified. Are the C&P actions verified by the QA?
designated software work
products to verify

QA.A6 The SQA group periodically Does the QA periodically reports the results
reports the results of its of its activities to the PL?
activities to the software Are the results of SQA's activities reported to
engineering group. the software engineering group?

QA.A7 Deviations identified in the Deviations from the software development Are the deviations of the project's products,
software activities and plan and the designated project standards activities (NCs) resolved with the PL, the PD
software work products are and procedures are documented and resolved or the FSOFT manager, where possible?
documented and handled with the appropriate software task leaders,
according to a documented software managers, or project manager,
procedure. where possible.

QA.A7 Deviations identified in the Deviations from the software development Are the NCs that are not resolverable within
software activities and plan and the designated project standards the project, the group presented to the
software work products are and procedures not resolvable with the higher-up level manager?
documented and handled software task leaders, software managers, or
according to a documented project manager are documented and
procedure. presented to the senior manager designated
to receive noncompliance items.

QA.A7 Deviations identified in the Deviations from the software development Are the NCs that are not resolverable within
software activities and plan and the designated project standards the project, the group presented to the
software work products are and procedures not resolvable with the SEPG, and the higher-up level manager?
documented and handled software task leaders, software managers, or
according to a documented project manager are documented and
procedure. presented to the senior manager designated
to receive noncompliance items.

QA.A7 Deviations identified in the Noncompliance items presented to the senior Are the deviations periodically reviewed until
software activities and manager are periodically reviewed until they they are resolved? Verify the meeting
software work products are are resolved. minutes, records and find out whether the
documented and handled deviation issues are getting closed?
according to a documented

QA.A7 Deviations identified in the The documentation of noncompliance items is Check whether the quality control records,
software activities and managed and controlled. particular NCs records maintained in the
software work products are project folder?
documented and handled
according to a documented

QA.A8 The SQA group conducts Does the QA conduct periodic reviews of its
periodic reviews of its activities and finding with the PL?
activities and findings with
the customer's SQA
personnel, as appropriate.

QA.M1 Measurements are made and Are the QA's metrics periodically calculated
used to determine the cost and analyzed?
and schedule status of the
SQA activities.

QA.V1 The SQA activities are Are the QA activities periodically reviewed
reviewed with senior with the Group Leader, the FSOFT
management on a periodic managers?

QA.V2 The SQA activities are Does the QA conduct periodic reviews of its
reviewed with the project activities and finding with the PL?
manager on both a periodic
and event-driven basis.

QA.V3 Experts independent of the Are the QA &SEPG audited by the

SQA group periodically independent experts? check the audit
review the activities and records
software work products of the
project's SQA group.

PE.G1 The software engineering Are the software engineering tasks defined,
tasks are defined, integrated, integrated, and consistently performed to
and consistently performed to produce the software?
produce the software.

PE.G2 Software work products are Are software work products kept consistent
kept consistent with each with each other?
PE.C1 The project follows a written Appropriate methods and tools are used to Are the tools used in the project evaluated
organizational policy for build and maintain the software products. before using? -
performing the software Suggest question: Are methods and tools
engineering activities. used to build and maintain the software
product reviewed and approved by senior
manager ?

PE.C1 The project follows a written Appropriate methods and tools are used to If the test tool is firstly used, is it evaluated? -
organizational policy for build and maintain the software products. The above question covers this
performing the software
engineering activities.

PE.C1 The project follows a written The software plans, tasks, and products are Is the traceability matrix available ?
organizational policy for traceable to the system requirements
performing the software allocated to software.
engineering activities.

PE.B1 Adequate resources and Skilled individuals are available to perform the Are skilled individuals available to perform
funding are provided for different software engineering tasks, the different software engineering tasks,
performing the software including: software requirements analysis, including: software requirements analysis,
engineering tasks. software design, coding, testing, and software software design, coding, testing, and
maintenance. software maintenance.

PE.B1 Adequate resources and Tools to support the software engineering Are the methods and tools appropriate for
funding are provided for tasks are made available. use on the project selected?
performing the software Is the rationale for selecting the tool (method)
engineering tasks. documented? -
Suggest question: Are methods and tools
are used to build and maintain the
software product reviewed and approved
by senior manager ?

PE.B2 Members of the software Are the project team trained in the application
engineering technical staff domains, the technical skills, the use of tools
receive required training to and the software process? -
perform their technical Suggest question: Are team members
assignments. qualified by FIST or selected by senior
manager ?

PE.B3 Members of the software Are guidelines for requirements analysis,

engineering technical staff design, testing, project management,
receive orientation in related coding convention used to carry on
software engineering software engineering activities in
disciplines. project ?
PE.B4 The project manager and all
software managers receive
orientation in the technical
aspects of the software

PE.A1 Appropriate software The software engineering tasks are integrated Are the software requirements analyzed to
engineering methods and according to the project's defined software ensure they are feasible, clearly stated,
tools are integrated into the process. consistent, testable and complete?
project's defined software Are the problems with software requirements
process. identified? -
Software engineering tasks cover a lot of
activities, why the question mentions of
requirement analysis only ???
Suggest question: Does project plan
cover all software engineering tasks as
requirement analysis, design, coding,
testing, deployment, maintenance, ... with
detail and clearly schedule and
assignment ?

PE.A1 Appropriate software Methods and tools appropriate for use on the Are the methods and tools appropriate for
engineering methods and software project are selected. use on the project selected?
tools are integrated into the The rationale for selecting a particular tool or Is the rationale for selecting the tool (method)
project's defined software method is documented. documented?
process. Configuration management models Suggest question:
appropriate to the software project are 1. Are methods and tools are used to
selected and used. build and maintain the software product
The tools used to develop and maintain the reviewed and approved by senior
software products are placed under manager.
configuration management. 2. Project team uses the same version of
tools through project life cycle or not?
Are all changes to tools, version of tools
approved by senior manager ?

PE.A2 The software requirements The individuals involved in developing the Is the software requirement document
are developed, maintained, software requirements review the allocated reviewed and approved with the project team,
documented, and verified by requirements to ensure that issues affecting the PL, and other affected groups and
systematically analyzing the the software requirements analysis are individuals?
allocated requirements identified and resolved.
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A2 The software requirements Effective methods for requirements analysis Are the methods used for requirement
are developed, maintained, are used to identify and derive the software analysis effective? Is the prototype
documented, and verified by requirements. developed to identify and derive the software
systematically analyzing the requirements? - We may not use prototype
allocated requirements to conduct requirement analysis.
according to the project's Suggest question:
defined software process. Are methods and tools used to conduct
requirement analysis.
reviewed and approved by senior

PE.A2 The software requirements The results of the requirements analysis and Are the results of the user requirement
are developed, maintained, the rationale for the selected alternative are analysis documented?
documented, and verified by documented.
systematically analyzing the
allocated requirements
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A2 The software requirements The software requirements are analyzed to Are the software requirements analyzed to
are developed, maintained, ensure they are feasible and appropriate to ensure they are feasible, clearly stated,
documented, and verified by implement in software, clearly stated, consistent, testable and complete?
systematically analyzing the consistent with each other, testable, and Are the problems with software requirements
allocated requirements complete (when considered as a set). identified?
according to the project's Problems with the software requirements are
defined software process. idem

PE.A2 The software requirements The software requirements are documented. Are the software requirements documented
are developed, maintained,
documented, and verified by
systematically analyzing the
allocated requirements
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A2 The software requirements The group responsible for system and Are the testing criteria for verifying and
are developed, maintained, acceptance testing of the software analyzes validating each software requirement
documented, and verified by each software requirement to verify it can be identified and documented?
systematically analyzing the tested.
allocated requirements The methods for verifying and validating that
according to the project's each software requirement is satisfied are
defined software process. identified and documented

PE.A2 The software requirements The software requirements document Is the software requirement document
are developed, maintained, undergoes peer review before it is reviewed and approved?
documented, and verified by considered complete.
systematically analyzing the The software requirements document is
allocated requirements reviewed and approved.
according to the project's The software requirements document is
defined software process. reviewed with the customer and end users,
as appropriate.

PE.A2 The software requirements The software requirements document is Is the software requirement document
are developed, maintained, placed under configuration management. identified as a CI? Are the changes to the
documented, and verified by software requirement document recorded? Is
systematically analyzing the the documented given a version number
allocated requirements
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A2 The software requirements The software requirements are appropriately Are the software requirement appropriately
are developed, maintained, changed whenever the allocated changed whenever the user requirement
documented, and verified by requirements change. change?
systematically analyzing the
allocated requirements
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A3 The software design is Design criteria are developed and reviewed. Are the design criteria developed and
developed, maintained, reviewed as appropriate?
documented, and verified, Are they include:
according to the project's - Verifiability
defined software process, to - Adherence to design standards
accommodate the software - Ease of construction
requirements and to form the - Simplicity
framework for coding. - Ease of planning

PE.A3 The software design is The individuals involved in the software Is the software requirement document
developed, maintained, design review the software requirements to reviewed and approved with the project team,
documented, and verified, ensure that issues affecting the software the PL, and other affected groups and
according to the project's design are identified and resolved. individuals?
defined software process, to
accommodate the software
requirements and to form the
framework for coding.

PE.A3 The software design is Application standards are used where Are the application standards used? like:
developed, maintained, appropriate. - Standard for operating system interfaces
documented, and verified, - Standard for computer-human interface
according to the project's - Standard for networking interface
defined software process, to
accommodate the software
requirements and to form the
framework for coding.

PE.A3 The software design is Effective methods are used to design the Are the effective methods used to design the
developed, maintained, software. software? They are:
documented, and verified, - Structural model
according to the project's - Object-oriented
defined software process, to - Design reuse
accommodate the software - Prototyping
requirements and to form the - Essential system analysis
framework for coding.

PE.A3 The software design is The software architecture is developed early, Is the software architecture developed within
developed, maintained, within the constraints of the software life the constraints of the life cycle and
documented, and verified, cycle and technology being used. technology being used?
according to the project's Does the software architecture define the
defined software process, to internal and external interfaces?
accommodate the software
requirements and to form the
framework for coding.

PE.A3 The software design is The software architecture is reviewed to Is the software architecture reviewed? Are
developed, maintained, ensure that architecture issues affecting the the architecture issues affecting the detailed
documented, and verified, software detailed design are identified and design identified and resolved?
according to the project's resolved.
defined software process, to
accommodate the software
requirements and to form the
framework for coding.

PE.A3 The software design is The software detailed design is developed Is the detailed design developed based on
developed, maintained, based on the software architecture. the software architecture
documented, and verified,
according to the project's
defined software process, to
accommodate the software
requirements and to form the
framework for coding.

PE.A3 The software design is The software design (i.e., the software Are the software designs (i.e., the software
developed, maintained, architecture and detailed design) is architecture and detailed design)
documented, and verified, documented. documented?
according to the project's Do the design documents cover the software
defined software process, to components, the internal interfaces between
accommodate the software the software components and the software
requirements and to form the interface with other systems, hardware ...?
framework for coding.

PE.A3 The software design is The software design document undergoes Do the software design documents undergo
developed, maintained, peer review before the design is considered peer review?
documented, and verified, complete.
according to the project's
defined software process, to
accommodate the software
requirements and to form the
framework for coding.

PE.A3 The software design is The software design document is placed Are the software designs documents placed
developed, maintained, under configuration management. under configuration management
documented, and verified,
according to the project's
defined software process, to
accommodate the software
requirements and to form the
framework for coding.

PE.A3 The software design is The software design document is Are the software design documents changed
developed, maintained, appropriately changed whenever the software consistent with the changes of the software
documented, and verified, requirements change. requirements?
according to the project's
defined software process, to
accommodate the software
requirements and to form the
framework for coding.

PE.A4 The software code is The individuals involved in coding review the Are the developers involved in reviewing the
developed, maintained, software requirements and software design software requirements and software design?
documented, and verified, to ensure that issues affecting the coding are
according to the project's identified and resolved.
defined software process, to
implement the software
requirements and software

PE.A4 The software code is Effective programming methods are used to Are effective programming methods used to
developed, maintained, code the software. code the software?
documented, and verified,
according to the project's
defined software process, to
implement the software
requirements and software

PE.A4 The software code is The sequence in which code units are Are code units developed according to their
developed, maintained, developed is based on a plan that accounts priority?
documented, and verified, for factors such as criticality, difficulty,
according to the project's integration and test issues, and needs of the
defined software process, to customer and end users, as appropriate.
implement the software
requirements and software

PE.A4 The software code is Each code unit undergoes peer review and is Does the code undergo peer review and is
developed, maintained, unit tested before the unit is considered unit tested before the unit is considered
documented, and verified, complete. complete?
according to the project's
defined software process, to
implement the software
requirements and software

PE.A4 The software code is The code is placed under configuration Is the source code placed under
developed, maintained, management. configuration management?
documented, and verified,
according to the project's
defined software process, to
implement the software
requirements and software

PE.A4 The software code is The code is appropriately changed whenever Is the code changes consistent with the
developed, maintained, the software requirements or software design changes of the software requirements or the
documented, and verified, changes. software design
according to the project's
defined software process, to
implement the software
requirements and software

PE.A5 Software testing is performed Testing criteria are developed and reviewed Are the testing criteria developed and
according to the project's with the customer and the end users, as reviewed with the customer and the end
defined software process. appropriate. users?

PE.A5 Software testing is performed Effective methods are used to test the Are effective programming methods used to
according to the project's software. test the software?
defined software process.

PE.A5 Software testing is performed The adequacy of testing is determined based Does the test plan cover: the level of testing
according to the project's on: the level of testing performed, the test performed, the test strategy selected, and the
defined software process. strategy selected, and the test coverage to be test coverage to be achieved?

PE.A5 Software testing is performed For each level of software testing, test Is the test readiness criteria established and
according to the project's readiness criteria are established and used. used for each level of software testing
defined software process.

PE.A5 Software testing is performed Regression testing is performed, as Is the regression testing performed when the
according to the project's appropriate, at each test level whenever the software being tested or its environment
defined software process. software being tested or its environment changes?

PE.A5 Software testing is performed The test plan, test procedures, and test cases Do the test plan, test procedures, and test
according to the project's undergo peer review before they are cases undergo peer review before they are
defined software process. considered ready for use. considered ready for use?

PE.A5 Software testing is performed The test plans, test procedures, and test Are the test plan, test procedures, and test
according to the project's cases are managed and controlled. cases placed under configuration
defined software process. management?

PE.A5 Software testing is performed Test plans, test procedures, and test cases Are the test plan, test procedures, and test
according to the project's are appropriately changed whenever the cases changed consistent with the changes
defined software process. allocated requirements, software of the user requirements, software
requirements, software design, or code being requirements, software design, or code being
tested changes. tested?

PE.A6 Integration testing of the The plans for integration testing are Are the test plan, test case documented? Are
software is planned and documented and based on the software they consistent with the project plan?
performed according to the development plan.
project's defined software

PE.A6 Integration testing of the The integration test cases and test Are the test plan, test cases, test procedures
software is planned and procedures are reviewed with the individuals reviewed with the project team and customer
performed according to the responsible for the software requirements, as appropriate?
project's defined software software design, and system and acceptance
process. testing.

PE.A6 Integration testing of the Integration testing of the software is Is the integration testing of the software
software is planned and performed against the designated version of performed against the designated version of
performed according to the the software requirements document and the the SRS and the design documents?
project's defined software software design document.

PE.A7 System and acceptance Resources for testing the software are Are the resource for testing assigned enough
testing of the software are assigned early enough to provide for to provide for adequate test preparation?
planned and performed to adequate test preparation.
demonstrate that the
software satisfies its

PE.A7 System and acceptance System and acceptance testing are Are the test plans reviewed with, and
testing of the software are documented in a test plan, which is reviewed approved by the Project leader?
planned and performed to with, and approved by, the customer and end Do the test plan covers: the overall testing
demonstrate that the users, as appropriate. The test plan covers: and verification approach, responsibilities
software satisfies its the overall testing and verification approach;
requirements. responsibilities of the developing or

PE.A7 System and acceptance The test cases and test procedures are Are the test cases and test procedures
testing of the software are planned and prepared by a test group that is planned and prepared by a test group that is
planned and performed to independent of the software developers. independent of the software developers.
demonstrate that the
software satisfies its

PE.A7 System and acceptance Testing of the software is performed against Is the testing of the software performed
testing of the software are baselined software and the baselined against baselined software and the baselined
planned and performed to documentation of the allocated requirements user requirements and the software
demonstrate that the and the software requirements. requirements
software satisfies its

PE.A7 System and acceptance Problems identified during testing are Are defects detected during testing
testing of the software are documented and tracked to closure. documented and tracked to closure
planned and performed to
demonstrate that the
software satisfies its

PE.A7 System and acceptance Test results are documented and used as the Are test results documented?
testing of the software are basis for determining whether the software
planned and performed to satisfies its requirements.
demonstrate that the
software satisfies its

PE.A7 System and acceptance The test results are managed and controlled. Are the test results maintained?
testing of the software are
planned and performed to
demonstrate that the
software satisfies its

PE.A8 The documentation that will Appropriate methods and tools are used to Are appropriate methods and tools used to
be used to operate and develop the documentation. develop the documentation.
maintain the software is
developed and maintained
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A8 The documentation that will Documentation specialists actively participate Do documentation specialists actively
be used to operate and in planning, developing, and maintaining participate in planning, developing, and
maintain the software is documentation. maintaining documentation.
developed and maintained
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A8 The documentation that will Preliminary versions of the documentation are Are the user manual documents developed
be used to operate and developed and made available early in the and made available early in the life cycle for
maintain the software is software life cycle for the customer, end the customer and the project leader to review
developed and maintained users, and software maintainers, as and provide feedback
according to the project's appropriate, to review and provide feedback.
defined software process.

PE.A8 The documentation that will Final versions of the documentation are Are the final version of the user manual
be used to operate and verified against the software baselined for verified against the software baselined for
maintain the software is software acceptance testing. acceptance testing?
developed and maintained
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A8 The documentation that will Final versions of the documentation are Are the final version of the installation
be used to operate and verified against the software baselined for manual verified against the software
maintain the software is software acceptance testing. baselined for software acceptance testing?
developed and maintained
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A8 The documentation that will The documentation undergoes peer review. Does the installation manual undergo peer
be used to operate and review
maintain the software is
developed and maintained
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A8 The documentation that will The documentation undergoes peer review. Does the user manual document undergo
be used to operate and peer review
maintain the software is
developed and maintained
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A8 The documentation that will The documentation is managed and Is the user manual managed and controlled
be used to operate and controlled.
maintain the software is
developed and maintained
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A8 The documentation that will The documentation is managed and Is the installation manual managed and
be used to operate and controlled. controlled
maintain the software is
developed and maintained
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A8 The documentation that will The final documentation is reviewed and Is the final user manual documentation
be used to operate and approved by the customer, end users, and reviewed and approved?
maintain the software is software maintainers, as appropriate.
developed and maintained
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A8 The documentation that will The final documentation is reviewed and Is the final installation manual documentation
be used to operate and approved by the customer, end users, and reviewed and approved?
maintain the software is software maintainers, as appropriate.
developed and maintained
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A9 Data on defects identified in Are the data on defects identified in testing
peer reviews and testing are collected and analyzed?
collected and analyzed
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A9 Data on defects identified in Are the data on defects identified in peer
peer reviews and testing are reviews collected and analyzed?
collected and analyzed
according to the project's
defined software process.

PE.A10 Consistency is maintained Software work products are documented, and Are software work products documented and
across software work the documentation is readily available. readily available.
products, including the
software plans, process
descriptions, allocated
requirements, software
requirements, software
design, code, test plans, and
test procedures.

PE.A10 Consistency is maintained The software requirements, design, code, and Is the traceability matrix established and
across software work test cases are traced to the source from updated appropriately?
products, including the which they were derived and to the products
software plans, process of the subsequent software engineering
descriptions, allocated activities.
requirements, software The documentation tracing the allocated
requirements, software requirements through the software
design, code, test plans, and requirements, design, code, and test cases is
test procedures. managed and controlled.

PE.A10 Consistency is maintained As understanding of the software improves, Whenever the change is proposed, Is the
across software work changes to the software work products, impact analysis performed before the change
products, including the plans, process descriptions, and activities are is made?
software plans, process proposed, analyzed, and incorporated as Are the changes to the user requirements
descriptions, allocated appropriate. approved before any work products or
requirements, software activities are changed?
requirements, software Are the changes to plan, work products and
design, code, test plans, and activities coordinated?
test procedures. Are the changes negotiated with and
communicated to affected groups and

PE.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics for functionality and quality of
used to determine the the software products calculated and
functionality and quality of the analyzed?
software products.

PE.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics for product engineering
used to determine the status activities calculated and analyzed?
of the software product
engineering activities.

PE.V1 The activities for software Are the project activities reviewed with the
product engineering are PD?
reviewed with senior
management on a periodic

PE.V2 The activities for software Are the project activities reviewed with the
product engineering are PL?
reviewed with the project
manager on both a periodic
and event-driven basis.

PE.V3 The software quality The reviews and/or audits verify that: the Does the QA verify that
assurance group reviews software requirements are reviewed to ensure - The software requirements are reviewed
and/or audits the activities that they are: complete, correct, consistent, - The readiness and completion criteria for
and work products for feasible, and testable. each software engineering task are satisfied
software product engineering - The software products comply with the
and reports the results. standards and requirements specified for

PE.V3 The software quality The reviews and/or audits verify that: the Does the QA verify that
assurance group reviews software requirements are reviewed to ensure - The required testing is performed
and/or audits the activities that they are: complete, correct, consistent, - The system and acceptance testing of the
and work products for feasible, and testable. software are performed according to
software product engineering documented plans and procedures
and reports the results. - Tests satisfy their acceptance criteria, as
documented in the software test plan.
- Tests are satisfactorily completed and
- The problems and defects detected are
documented, tracked, and addressed.

PE.V3 The software quality The reviews and/or audits verify that: the Does the QA verify that
assurance group reviews software requirements are reviewed to ensure - The tracing of the allocated requirements
and/or audits the activities that they are: complete, correct, consistent, through the work products is performed.
and work products for feasible, and testable. - The documentation is verified before they
software product engineering are released
and reports the results.

RM.G1 System requirements Are system requirements allocated to

allocated to software are software controlled to establish a baseline for
controlled to establish a software engineering and management use?
baseline for software
engineering and
management use.

RM.G2 Software plans, products, Are software plans, products, and activities
and activities are kept kept consistent with the system requirements
consistent with the system allocated to software.
requirements allocated to

RM.C1 The project follows a written The allocated requirements are documented. Are the user requirements documented?
organizational policy for
managing the system
requirements allocated to

RM.C1 The project follows a written The allocated requirements are reviewed by Are the user requirements document
organizational policy for the software managers, and other affected reviewed with the project team, the Operation
managing the system groups. and approved by the PD?
requirements allocated to

RM.C1 The project follows a written The software plans, work products, and Check whether the project plans, products,
organizational policy for activities are changed to be consistent with and activities are changed to be consistent
managing the system changes to the allocated requirements. with changes to the user requirements?
requirements allocated to

RM.B1 For each project, responsibility covers: Are the responsibilities for the project defined
responsibility is established - Managing and documenting the system and assigned appropriately? Check whether
for analyzing the system requirements and their allocation throughout the individuals profoundly understood their
requirements and allocating the project's life. task
them to hardware, software, - Changes to the system requirements and
and other system their allocation.

RM.B2 The allocated requirements The no technical requirements (i.e., the Are the agreements, conditions, and/or
are documented. agreements, conditions, and/or contractual contractual terms ( date,
terms) that affect and determine the activities milestone, product to be delivered)
of the software project. documented

RM.B2 The allocated requirements The technical requirements for the software. Are the user requirement documented?
are documented.
RM.B2 The allocated requirements The technical requirements for the software. Are the acceptance criteria documented?
are documented.
RM.B3 Adequate resources and Tools to support the activities for managing What tools are in use for requirement
funding are provided for requirements are made available. management
managing the allocated

RM.B3 Adequate resources and Tools to support the activities for managing Are the tools for requirement management
funding are provided for requirements are made available. used? Have the project team been trained in
managing the allocated using the tools

RM.B4 Members of the software Are the project team trained in requirement
engineering group and other management methods and standards?
software-related groups are
trained to perform their
requirements management

RM.A1 The software engineering Incomplete and missing allocated Are the incomplete and missing user
group reviews the allocated requirements are identified. requirements identified
requirements before they are
incorporated into the
software project.

RM.A1 The software engineering Incomplete and missing allocated Are the incomplete and missing user
group reviews the allocated requirements are identified. requirements are identified
requirements before they are
incorporated into the
software project.

RM.A1 The software engineering The allocated requirements are reviewed to Check if SRS prepared and reviewed
group reviews the allocated determine whether they are: feasible and
requirements before they are appropriate to implement in software, clearly
incorporated into the and properly stated, consistent with each
software project. other, and testable

RM.A1 The software engineering Any allocated requirements identified as Are the unclear requirements clarified with
group reviews the allocated having potential problems are reviewed with the customer, and/or reviewed with the
requirements before they are the group responsible for analyzing and Operation group?
incorporated into the allocating system requirements, and
software project. necessary changes are made.

RM.A1 The software engineering Any allocated requirements identified as Are the unclear user requirements clarified
group reviews the allocated having potential problems are reviewed with with customer and/or reviewed with the
requirements before they are the group responsible for analyzing and Operation group?
incorporated into the allocating system requirements, and
software project. necessary changes are made.

RM.A1 The software engineering Commitments resulting from the allocated Are the user requirements reviewed and
group reviews the allocated requirements are negotiated with the affected negotiated with the project team, the
requirements before they are groups. Operation group and customer as
incorporated into the appropriate?
software project.

RM.A1 The software engineering The allocated requirements are managed and Whenever new requirements come or the
group reviews the allocated controlled. changes to the existing, are they recorded?
requirements before they are
incorporated into the
software project.

RM.A1 The software engineering The allocated requirements are the basis for Check if URD prepared
group reviews the allocated the software development plan.
requirements before they are
incorporated into the
software project.

RM.A1 The software engineering The allocated requirements are the basis for Check if URD prepared
group reviews the allocated developing the software requirements.
requirements before they are
incorporated into the
software project.

RM.A2 The software engineering The allocated requirements Are the allocated requirements
group uses the allocated - Are managed and controlled - managed and controlled?
requirements as the basis for - Are the basis for the software development - the basis for the software development
software plans, work plan plan?
products, and activities - Are the basis for developing the software - the basis for developing the software
requirements requirements?

RM.A3 Changes to the allocated The impact to existing commitments is Whenever the user requirement is changed,
requirements are reviewed assessed, and changes are negotiated as is the change recorded?
and incorporated into the appropriate - Is the impact analysis performed?
software project. Changes that need to be made to the - Is the change reviewed with the project
software plans, work products, and activities team, the PD and negotiated with customer
resulting from changes to the allocated as appropriate?
requirements are: identified, evaluated, - Are the affected items of the change
assessed for risk, documented, planned, identified, evaluated, assessed for risk,
communicated to the affected groups and documented, planned?

RM.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics for requirement management
used to determine the status activities calculated and analyzed?
of the activities for managing
the allocated requirements.

RM.V1 The activities for managing Are the project's activities reviewed with the
the allocated requirements PD? Is the soft meeting minutes available?
are reviewed with senior
management on a periodic

RM.V2 The activities for managing Are the project's activities reviewed within the
the allocated requirements project team? Is the soft meeting minutes
are reviewed with the project available?
manager on both a periodic
and event-driven basis.

RM.V3 The software quality These reviews and/or audits verify that the Does the QA verify that:
assurance group reviews allocated requirements are reviewed, and - The user requirements are reviewed, and
and/or audits the activities problems are resolved before the software problems are resolved before the project
and work products for engineering group commits to them. commits to them
managing the allocated The plan, work products, activities are - The plan, work products, activities are
requirements and reports the appropriately revised when the user appropriately revised when the user
results. requirements change requirements change
Changes to the commitment resulting from - Changes to the commitment resulting from
changes to the user requirement are changes to the user requirement are
negotiated to affected groups negotiated to affected groups

SM.G1 The prime contractor selects Are qualified software subcontractors

qualified software selected?
SM.G2 The prime contractor and the Are commitments agreed to by senior
software contractor agreed to management and the software contractor?
their commitment to each

SM.G3 The prime contractor and the Are ongoing communications with the
software contractor maintain software contractor maintained?
ongoing communications

SM.G4 The prime contractor tracks Are the software subcontractor's actual
the software subcontractor's results and performance tracked against its
actual results and commitments?
performance against its

SM.C1 The project follows a written This policy specify that It’s the written policy specifying that
organizational policy for - Documented standards and procedures are - Documented standards and procedures are
managing the software used in selecting software subcontractors and used in selecting software subcontractors
subcontract. managing the software subcontracts and managing the software subcontracts

SM.C1 The project follows a written This policy specify that It’s the written policy specifying that
organizational policy for - The contractual agreement form the basis - The contractual agreement form the basis
managing the software for managing the subcontract for managing the subcontract

SM.C1 The project follows a written This policy specify that It’s the written policy specifying that
organizational policy for - Changes to the subcontract are made with - Changes to the subcontract are made with
managing the software the involvement and agreement of both the the involvement and agreement of both the
subcontract. prime contractor and the subcontractor prime contractor and the subcontractor

SM.C2 A subcontract manager is The subcontract manager is knowledgeable Is the subcontract manager knowledgeable
designated to be responsible and experienced in software engineering or and experienced in software engineering or
for establishing and has individuals assigned who have that has individuals assigned who have that
managing the software knowledge and experience knowledge and experience

SM.C2 A subcontract manager is The subcontract manager is responsible for Is the subcontract manager responsible for
designated to be responsible coordinating the technical scope of work to coordinating the technical scope of work to
for establishing and be subcontracted and the terms and be subcontracted and the terms and
managing the software conditions of the subcontract with the affected conditions of the subcontract with the
subcontract. parties affected parties

SM.C2 A subcontract manager is The subcontract manager is responsible for Is the subcontract manager responsible for
designated to be responsible - selecting the software subcontractor - selecting the software subcontractor
for establishing and - managing the software subcontract - managing the software subcontract
managing the software - arranging the post-subcontract support of - arranging the post-subcontract support of
subcontract. the subcontracted products the subcontracted products

SM.B1 Adequate resources and Software managers and other individuals are Are software managers and other individuals
funding are provided for assigned specific responsibilities for assigned specific responsibilities for
selecting the software managing the subcontract managing the subcontract
subcontractor and managing
the subcontract.

SM.B1 Adequate resources and Tools to support managing the subcontract Are necessary tools to support managing the
funding are provided for are made available subcontract made available
selecting the software
subcontractor and managing
the subcontract.

SM.B2 Software managers and Are software managers and other individuals
other individuals who are who are involved in establishing and
involved in establishing and managing the software subcontract are
managing the software trained to perform these activities.
subcontract are trained to
perform these activities.

SM.B3 Software managers and Do software managers and other individuals

other individuals who are who are involved in managing the software
involved in managing the subcontract receive orientation in the
software subcontract receive technical aspects of the subcontract.
orientation in the technical
aspects of the subcontract.

SM.A1 The work to be The software products and activities to be

subcontracted is defined and subcontracted are selected based on a
planned according to a balanced assessment of both technical and
documented procedure. no technical characteristics of the project.

SM.A1 The work to be The specification of the work to be

subcontracted is defined and subcontracted and the standards and
planned according to a procedures to be followed are derived from
documented procedure. the project's:
- statement of work
- the allocated requirements
- the software requirements
- the software development plan
- the standards and procedures

SM.A1 The work to be A subcontract statement of work is Is the subcontract statement of work
subcontracted is defined and - prepared prepared, reviewed and agreed to by the
planned according to a - reviewed, and affected groups and individuals?
documented procedure. - agreed to
- revised when necessary
- managed and controlled

SM.A2 The software subcontractor is The procedure cover the evaluation of Is the evaluation the subcontractors
selected, based on an - Proposal submitted conducted?
evaluation of the subcontract - Prior performance record on similar work What is criteria for selecting the
bidders' ability to perform the - The capabilities of the bidder on technical subcontractor? Is the evaluation based on
work, according to a and management skill - Proposal submitted
documented procedure. - Staff available to perform the works - Prior performance record on similar work
- Prior experience in similar applications - The capabilities of the bidder on technical
- Available resource and management skill
- Staff available to perform the works
- Prior experience in similar applications
- Available resource

SM.A3 The contractual agreement The contractual document Is the contractual agreement between the
between the prime contractor - The terms and conditions prime and the subcontractor documented?
and the software - The statement of work Does it cover:
subcontractor is used as the - The requirement for the products to be - The requirement for the products to be
basis for managing the developed developed
subcontract. - The dependencies between both sides - The dependencies between both sides
- The subcontracted products to be delivered - The subcontracted products to be delivered
to the prime contractor to the prime contractor
- The acceptance procedure and criteria to be - The acceptance procedure and criteria to
used in evaluating the subcontracted products be used in evaluating the subcontracted
before they are accepted by the prime products before they are accepted by the
contractor prime contractor
- The procedures and evaluation criteria to be - The procedures and evaluation criteria to be
used by the prime contractor to monitor and used by the prime contractor to monitor and
evaluate the subcontractor's performance evaluate the subcontractor's performance

SM.A4 A documented Is the documented subcontractor's

subcontractor's software management plan reviewed and approved?
development plan is
reviewed and approved by
the prime contractor.

SM.A5 A documented and approved Is status of the subcontractor's activities

subcontractor's software communicated and tracked?
development plan is used for
tracking the software
activities and communicating

SM.A6 Changes to the software Are the changes to the software

subcontractor's statement of subcontractor's contract and other
work, subcontract terms and commitments reviewed, approved and
conditions, and other resolved?
commitments are resolved
according to a documented

SM.A7 The prime contractor's - The subcontractor is provided with visibility Does the prime contractor's manager
management conducts of the needs and desires of the product's conduct periodic reviews with the software
periodic status/coordination customers and end users, as appropriate subcontractor's manager? Are the
reviews with the software dependencies, risks, conflicts or issued
subcontractor's management. between both sides addressed
Are the action items assigned, reviewed and
tracked to closure?

SM.A7 The prime contractor's The subcontractor's technical, cost, staffing, Does the prime contractor's manager
management conducts and schedule performance is reviewed conduct periodic reviews with the software
periodic status/coordination against the subcontractor's software subcontractor's manager? Are the
reviews with the software development plan. dependencies, risks, conflicts or issued
subcontractor's management. between both sides addressed
Are the action items assigned, reviewed and
tracked to closure?

SM.A7 The prime contractor's Computer resources designated as critical for Does the prime contractor's manager
management conducts the project are reviewed; the subcontractor's conduct periodic reviews with the software
periodic status/coordination contribution to the current subcontractor's manager? Are the
reviews with the software estimates are tracked and compared to the dependencies, risks, conflicts or issued
subcontractor's management. estimates for each software component as between both sides addressed
documented in the subcontractor's software Are the action items assigned, reviewed and
development plan tracked to closure?

SM.A7 The prime contractor's Critical dependencies and commitments Does the prime contractor's manager
management conducts between the subcontractor's software conduct periodic reviews with the software
periodic status/coordination engineering group and other subcontractor subcontractor's manager? Are the
reviews with the software groups are addressed dependencies, risks, conflicts or issued
subcontractor's management. between both sides addressed
Are the action items assigned, reviewed and
tracked to closure?

SM.A7 The prime contractor's Critical dependencies and commitments Does the prime contractor's manager
management conducts between the prime contractor and the conduct periodic reviews with the software
periodic status/coordination subcontractor are addressed. subcontractor's manager? Are the
reviews with the software dependencies, risks, conflicts or issued
subcontractor's management. between both sides addressed
Are the action items assigned, reviewed and
tracked to closure?

SM.A7 The prime contractor's Nonconformance to the subcontract is Does the prime contractor's manager
management conducts addressed conduct periodic reviews with the software
periodic status/coordination subcontractor's manager? Are the
reviews with the software dependencies, risks, conflicts or issued
subcontractor's management. between both sides addressed
Are the action items assigned, reviewed and
tracked to closure?

SM.A7 The prime contractor's Conflicts and issues not resolvable internally Does the prime contractor's manager
management conducts by the subcontractor are addressed conduct periodic reviews with the software
periodic status/coordination subcontractor's manager? Are the
reviews with the software dependencies, risks, conflicts or issued
subcontractor's management. between both sides addressed
Are the action items assigned, reviewed and
tracked to closure?

SM.A7 The prime contractor's Action items are assigned, reviewed, and Does the prime contractor's manager
management conducts tracked to closure conduct periodic reviews with the software
periodic status/coordination subcontractor's manager? Are the
reviews with the software dependencies, risks, conflicts or issued
subcontractor's management. between both sides addressed
Are the action items assigned, reviewed and
tracked to closure?

SM.A8 Periodic technical reviews These reviews Are the periodic technical reviews and
and interchanges are held - Provide the subcontractor with visibility of interchanges held with the subcontractor?
with the software the customer's and end users' needs and
subcontractor. desires, as appropriate
- Monitor the subcontractor's technical
- Verify that the subcontractor's interpretation
and implementation of
the technical requirements conform to the
prime contractor's requirements
- Verify that commitments are being met.
- Verify that technical issues are resolved in a
timely manner

SM.A9 Formal reviews to address This procedure typically specify that Are the subcontractor milestone review
the subcontractor's software - Reviews are preplanned and documented in conducted?
engineering the statement of work Are the significant issues, decisions, action
accomplishments and results - Reviews address the subcontractor's items identified and documented? Are the
are conducted at selected commitments for, plans for, and status of the risks addressed?
milestones according to a software activities Is the subcontractor plan revised as
documented procedure. - Significant issues, action items, and appropriate?
decisions are identified and documented
- Software risks are addressed
- The subcontractor's software development
plan is refined, as

SM.A10 The prime contractor's The procedure specify that Does the QA conduct regular reviews the
software quality assurance - The subcontractor's plans, resources, subcontractor's QA activities and records to
group monitors the procedures, and standards for software assess how well the defined plans,
subcontractor's software quality assurance are periodically reviewed to procedures and standards are being
quality assurance activities ensure they are adequate to monitor the followed?
according to a documented subcontractor's performance
procedure. - Regular reviews of the subcontractor are
conducted to ensure the approved procedures
and standards are being followed.
- The subcontractor's records of its software
quality assurance activities are periodically
audited to assess how well the software
quality assurance plans, standards, and
procedures are being followed

SM.A11 The prime contractor's Does the CM verify the subcontractor's

software configuration products before they are integrated or
management group monitors incorporated into the project? Are the
the subcontractor's activities baseline libraries of the subcontractor
for software configuration periodically audited?
management according to a
documented procedure.

SM.A12 The prime contractor Are acceptance test criteria defined, and
conducts acceptance testing accepted by both sides prior to the test?
as part of the delivery of the Are the results of the acceptance test
subcontractor's software documented?
products according to a Is the action plan for any products that does
documented procedure. not pass its acceptance test established?

SM.A13 The software subcontractor's Is the subcontractor's performance

performance is evaluated on periodically evaluated? Is the evaluation
a periodic basis, the reviewed with the subcontractor?
evaluation is reviewed with
the subcontractor

SM.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics for the subcontractor
used to determine the status management activities calculated and
of the activities for managing analyzed?
the software subcontract.

SM.V1 The activities for managing Are the activities for managing the
the software subcontract are subcontract reviewed with the PD as
reviewed with senior defined?
management on a periodic

SM.V2 The activities for managing Are the activities for managing the
the software subcontract are subcontract reviewed with the Project leader?
reviewed with the project
manager on both a periodic
and event-driven basis.

SM.V3 The software quality Does the QA verify

assurance group reviews - the activities for selecting the
and/or audits the activities subcontractor?
and work products for - the activities for managing the
managing the software subcontractor
subcontract and reports the - the activities for coordinating CM activities
results. of both sides
- the conducts of planned reviews with the
- the conduct of reviewed that establish
completion of key milestone of the
- the acceptance process for the
subcontractor's product

TP.G1 Training activities are Has there been a plan for training activities?
TP.G2 Training for developing the Has the training for developing the skills and
skills and knowledge needed knowledge needed to perform software
to perform software management and technical roles been
management and technical provided
roles is provided.

TP.G3 Individuals in the software Do the individuals receive the training

engineering group and necessary to perform their roles?
software-related groups
receive the training
necessary to perform their

TP.C1 The organization follows a The needed skills and knowledge for each Are the needed skills and knowledge for each
written policy for meeting its software management and technical role are software management and technical role
training needs. identified. identified?
TP.C1 The organization follows a Training vehicles for imparting skills and Are the training vehicles for imparting skills
written policy for meeting its knowledge are identified and approved. and knowledge identified and approved?
training needs.
TP.C1 The organization follows a Training is developed within the organization Is the training supplier evaluated prior to the
written policy for meeting its or obtained from outside the organization training?
training needs. when appropriate.

TP.B1 A group responsible for Is there a group responsible for realizing the
fulfilling the training needs of training needs of the organization?
the organization exists.
TP.B2 Adequate resources and A manager is designated to be responsible for Is a manager designated to be responsible
funding are provided for implementing the organization's training for implementing the organization's training
implementing the training program. program.

TP.B2 Adequate resources and Tools to support the training program Are appropriate tools to support training
funding are provided for activities are made available. program activities such as workstations,
implementing the training instructional design tools, database
program. programs, and packages for developing
presentation materials made available.

TP.B2 Adequate resources and Appropriate facilities are made available to Are training places separated from work
funding are provided for conduct training. environment to eliminate interruptions?
implementing the training

TP.B3 Members of the training Do members of the training group have the
group have the necessary necessary skills and knowledge to perform
skills and knowledge to their training activities?
perform their training

TP.B4 Software managers receive Do the projects received orientation on the

orientation on the training training from FIST?
program. Is the training plan of the projects reviewed
by FIST?

TP.A1 Each software project The set of skills needed and when those skills Are the training needs for the project
develops and maintains a are needed. identified? Are they specified in the training
training plan that specifies its The skills for which training is required and plan? Does the training plan cover:
training needs. the skills that will be obtained via other - The skills for which training is required, for
vehicles. whom and when it is required
The training that is required, for whom it is - How training will be provided?
required, and when it is required.
How training will be provided.

TP.A2 The organization's training The plan uses the software projects' training Are the projects' training needs specified in
plan is developed and needs identified in their training plans. the FIST training plan?
revised according to a
documented procedure.

TP.A2 The organization's training The specific training to be provided is Are the HR forecast incorporated to the
plan is developed and identified based on the skills needed by the inputs for training needs?
revised according to a organization and when those skills are
documented procedure. needed.

TP.A2 The organization's training The organization's training plan is revised, as Is the training plan revised to incorporate
plan is developed and appropriate, to incorporate changes. changes?
revised according to a
documented procedure.

TP.A2 The organization's training The organization's training plan is reviewed by Is the training plan reviewed when it is initially
plan is developed and the affected individuals when it is initially released and whenever major revisions are
revised according to a released and whenever major revisions are made?
documented procedure. made.

TP.A2 The organization's training The organization's training plan is managed Is the version of the FIST training plan in use
plan is developed and and controlled. at a given time (past or present) is known,
revised according to a and are changes incorporated in a controlled
documented procedure. manner?

TP.A2 The organization's training The organization's training plan is readily Is the training plan readily available to the
plan is developed and available to the affected groups and affected groups and individuals?
revised according to a individuals.
documented procedure.

TP.A3 The training for the The plan cover Does the training plan cover:
organization is performed in - The specific training needed within the - The specific training needed and when it is
accordance with the organization and when it is needed. needed
organization's training plan. - The training that will be obtained from - The training that will be obtained from
external sources or be provided by the external sources or be provided by the
training group training group
- The funding and resource - The funding and resource
- The standards for instructional materials - The standards for instructional materials
used in training courses used in training courses
- The schedule for developing the training - The schedule for developing the training
course course
- The schedule for conducting the training - The schedule for conducting the training

TP.A4 Training courses prepared at Description of each training course is Is the description of the training course
the organization level are developed. developed?
developed and maintained
according to organization

TP.A4 Training courses prepared at Materials for the training course are reviewed. Are the course material verified before
the organization level are conducting training?
developed and maintained
according to organization

TP.A4 Training courses prepared at Materials for the training courses are Are the materials for the training course
the organization level are managed and controlled. managed and controlled?
developed and maintained
according to organization

TP.A5 A waiver procedure for Is the waiver procedure established and

required training is used?
established and used to
determine whether
individuals already possess
the knowledge and skills
required to perform in their
designated roles.

TP.A6 Records of training are Records are kept of all students who Are the training records kept?
maintained. successfully complete each training course or Are the records of successfully completed
other approved training activity. training made available for consideration in
Records are kept of all students who assignments of the staff and managers?
successfully complete their designated
required training.
Records of successfully completed training
are made available for consideration in
assignments of the staff and managers.

TP.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics on training like attendance
used to determine the status data, course quality data, and instructor
of the training program rating calculated and analyzed?

TP.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics on training like attendance
used to determine the quality data, course quality data, and instructor
of the training program. rating calculated and analyzed?

TP.V1 The training program Are the training activities reported to the
activities are reviewed with senior manager?
senior management on a
periodic basis.

TP.V2 The training program is Is the training program independently

independently evaluated on a evaluated on a periodic basis for consistency
periodic basis for consistency with, and relevance to, the organization's
with, and relevance to, the needs.
organization's needs.

TP.V3 The training program The reviews and/or audits verify that: the Do the QA verify that the process for
activities and work products process for developing and revising the developing and revising the organization's
are reviewed and/or audited organization's training plan is followed. training plan is followed?
and the results are reported.

TP.V3 The training program The reviews and/or audits verify that: the Do the QA verify that the process for
activities and work products process for developing and revising a training developing and revising a training course is
are reviewed and/or audited course is followed. followed?
and the results are reported.

TP.V3 The training program The reviews and/or audits verify that: training Do the QA verify that training records are
activities and work products records are properly maintained. properly maintained?
are reviewed and/or audited
and the results are reported.

TP.V3 The training program The reviews and/or audits verify that: Do the QA verify that individuals designated
activities and work products individuals designated as requiring specific as requiring specific training complete that
are reviewed and/or audited training complete that training. training?
and the results are reported.

TP.V3 The training program The reviews and/or audits verify that: the Do the QA verify that the organization's
activities and work products organization's training plan is followed. training plan is followed?
are reviewed and/or audited
and the results are reported.

CM.G1 Software configuration Are software configuration management

management activities are activities planned.
CM.G2 Selected software work Are selected software work products
products are identified, identified, controlled, and available.
controlled, and available.
CM.G3 Changes to identified Are changes to identified software work
software work products are products controlled.
CM.C1 Affected groups and Are the project team and other affected
individuals are informed of groups and individuals informed of the status
the status and content of and content of baselines?
software baselines.

CM.C2 The project follows a written Responsibility for SCM for each project is Is the CM responsibility for the project
organizational policy for explicitly assigned. assigned?
implementing software
configuration management

CM.C2 The project follows a written SCM is implemented throughout the project's Is SCM implemented throughout the project's
organizational policy for life cycle. life cycle.
implementing software
configuration management

CM.C2 The project follows a written SCM is implemented for externally deliverable - Are the project deliverables, customer
organizational policy for software products, designated internal supplied products identified as CIs?
implementing software software work products, and designated - Is the access right to the project directory
configuration management support tools used inside the project (e.g., established in accordance with the CM
(SCM). compilers). guideline?
The projects establish or have access to a - Is full access right to the final folder
repository for storing configuration items/units established for CM only?
and the associated SCM records.
The software baselines and SCM activities
are audited on a periodic basis.

CM.B1 A board having the authority Authorizes the establishment of software Is a SCCB to
for managing the project's baselines and the identification of Authorize the establishment of software
software baselines (i.e., a configuration items/units. baselines and the identification of
software configuration control Represents the interests of the project configuration items/units.
board - SCCB) exists or is manager and all groups who may be affected Represent the interests of the project
established. by changes to the software baselines. manager and all groups who may be
Reviews and authorizes changes to the affected by changes to the software
software baselines. baselines.
Authorizes the creation of products from the Review and authorize changes to the
software baseline library. software baselines.
Authorize the creation of products from the
software baseline library.

CM.B2 A group that is responsible Is SCM group that is responsible for
for coordinating and coordinating and implementing SCM for the
implementing SCM for the project.
project (i.e., the SCM group)

CM.B3 Adequate resources and A manager is assigned specific Is the tool support the CM activities used?
funding are provided for responsibilities for SCM.
performing the SCM Tools to support the SCM activities are made
activities. available.

CM.B4 Members of the SCM group Are the CMs and project team trained in the
are trained in the objectives, CM procedures, and methods for performing
procedures, and methods for their CM activities
performing their SCM

CM.B5 Members of the software Are the CMs and project team trained in the
engineering group and other CM procedures, and methods for performing
software-related groups are their CM activities
trained to perform their SCM

CM.A1 A SCM plan is prepared for The SCM plan is developed in the early Is the CM plan developed, reviewed and
each software project stages of, and in parallel with, the overall approved?
according to a documented project planning.
procedure. The SCM plan is reviewed by the affected
The SCM plan is managed and controlled.

CM.A2 A documented and approved The plan covers the SCM activities to be Do the CM plan cover the SCM activities to
SCM plan is used as the performed, the schedule of activities, the be performed, the schedule of activities, the
basis for performing the SCM assigned responsibilities, and the resources assigned responsibilities, and the resources
activities. required (including staff, tools, and computer required (including staff, tools, and computer
facilities). facilities).

CM.A2 A documented and approved The plan covers the SCM requirements and Do the CM plan cover the SCM requirements
SCM plan is used as the activities to be performed by the software and activities to be performed by the software
basis for performing the SCM engineering group and other software-related engineering group and other software-
activities. groups. related groups.

CM.A3 A configuration management Supports multiple control levels of SCM. Is the CM library system established to
library system is established provide for the transfer of the CIs between
as a repository for the control levels within the library?
software baselines.

CM.A4 The software work products The configuration items/units are selected Are the CIs identified? Are the baseline that
to be placed under based on documented criteria. the CIs belong to specified? Is the point in its
configuration management development that each CI to be placed under
are identified. configuration management specified?

CM.A5 Change requests and Are the change requests and problem reports
problem reports for all for the CIs initiated, recorded, reviewed,
configuration items/units are approved, and tracked?
initiated, recorded, reviewed,
approved, and tracked
according to a documented

CM.A6 Changes to baselines are Reviews and/or regression tests are Whenever the controlled baselines to be
controlled according to a performed to ensure that changes have not changed, are the reviews/regression tests
documented procedure. caused unintended effects on the baseline. performed?
Only configuration items/units that are Are the CIs that are entered into the
approved by the SCCB are entered into the controlled baselines approved?
software baseline library.
Configuration items/units are checked in and
out in a manner that maintains the
correctness and integrity of the software
baseline library.

CM.A7 Products from the software The SCCB authorizes the creation of products Are the product only built from the CIs in the
baseline library are created from the software controlled library?
and their release is controlled baseline library.
according to a documented Products from the software baseline library,
procedure. for both internal and external use, are built
only from configuration items/units in the
software baseline library.

CM.A8 The status of configuration The configuration management actions are Are the current status and history of the CIs
items/units is recorded recorded in sufficient detail so that the maintained?
according to a documented content and status of each configuration Are status of the CIs recorded in sufficient
procedure. item/unit are known and previous versions detail?
can be recovered.
The current status and history (i.e., changes
and other actions) of each
configuration item/unit are maintained.

CM.A9 Standard reports Are the baseline records developed?

documenting the SCM Are the contents of the baseline verified by
activities and the contents of the PL and communicated to the project
the software baseline are team?
developed and made
available to affected groups
and individuals.

CM.A10 Software baseline audits are There is adequate preparation for the audit. Are the baseline audits conducted? Are they
conducted according to a The integrity of the software baselines specify:
documented procedure. assessed - The integrity of the software baselines
- The structure and facilities of the CM library assessed
system are reviewed - The structure and facilities of the CM library
- The completeness and correctness of the system are reviewed
baseline library contents are verified - The completeness and correctness of the
- Compliance with the CM standards, baseline library contents are verified
procedures is verified - Compliance with the CM standards,
- The results of the audits reported to the PL procedures is verified
- The action items tracked to closure Are the results of the audits reported to the
PL? Are the action items tracked to closure

CM.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics for CM activities calculated
used to determine the status and analyzed?
of the SCM activities.

CM.V1 The SCM activities are Are the SCM activities reviewed with senior
reviewed with senior management on a periodic basis
management on a periodic

CM.V2 The SCM activities are Are the project activities reviewed with the
reviewed with the project PL, the PD and the project team?
manager on both a periodic
and event-driven basis.

CM.V3 The SCM group periodically Does the CM periodically audits software
audits software baselines to baselines to verify that conform to the
verify that they conform to documentation that defines them?
the documentation that
defines them.

CM.V4 The software quality The reviews and/or audits verify the reviews Does the QA review CM activities of the
assurance group reviews and/or audits verify compliance with the SCM project?
and/or audits the activities standards and procedures by: the SCM group, Does the QA verify the software baseline
and work products for SCM the SCCB, the software engineering group, audit activities of the project?
and reports the results. and other software-related groups

IC.G1 The customer's requirements Are the customer's requirements agreed to

are agreed to by all affected by all affected groups.
IC.G2 The commitments between Are the commitments between the
the engineering groups are engineering groups agreed to by the affected
agreed to by the affected groups.

IC.G3 The engineering groups Do the engineering groups identify, track, and
identify, track, and resolve resolve intergroup issues.
intergroup issues.
IC.C1 The project follows a written The system requirement and project-level Are the hardware, software requirements
organizational policy for objectives for the project are defined and defined in the Project plan and reviewed?
establishing interdisciplinary reviewed with all affected groups
engineering teams.

IC.C1 The project follows a written The engineering groups coordinate their plans Do the engineering groups coordinate their
organizational policy for and activities plans and activities
establishing interdisciplinary
engineering teams.

IC.C1 The project follows a written Managers are responsible for establishing Are managers responsible for establishing
organizational policy for and maintaining an environment to facilitate and maintaining an environment to facilitate
establishing interdisciplinary interaction, coordination, support, teamwork interaction, coordination, support, teamwork
engineering teams. between the project's engineering groups, between the project's engineering groups,
between the project and the customer or end between the project and the customer or end
users as appropriate, and throughout the users as appropriate, and throughout the
organization organization

IC.B1 Adequate resources and Are adequate resources and funding

funding are provided for provided for coordinating the software
coordinating the software engineering activities with other engineering
engineering activities with groups.
other engineering groups.

IC.B2 The support tools used by the Are the support tools used by the different
different engineering groups engineering groups compatible to enable
are compatible to enable effective communication and coordination.
effective communication and

IC.B3 All managers in the

organization receive required
training in teamwork

IC.B3 All task leaders in each

engineering group receive
orientation in the processes,
methods, and standards used
by the other engineering

IC.B4 The members of the

engineering groups receive
orientation in working as a

IC.A1 The software engineering Define the critical characteristics of the Is critical characteristics of user requirements
group and the other customer's and end users' requirements, as defined?
engineering groups appropriate
participate with the customer
and end users, as
appropriate, to establish the
system requirements.

IC.A1 The software engineering Negotiate critical dependencies. Are the critical dependencies negotiated?
group and the other
engineering groups
participate with the customer
and end users, as
appropriate, to establish the
system requirements.

IC.A1 The software engineering Document the acceptance criteria for each Is the acceptance criteria for each deliverable
group and the other product delivered to the customer or end user, documented?
engineering groups as appropriate
participate with the customer
and end users, as
appropriate, to establish the
system requirements.

IC.A2 Representatives of the The representatives of these groups monitor

project's software and coordinate
engineering group work with technical activities by
representatives of the other - coordinating the specification and providing
engineering groups to the technical review and approval of the
monitor and coordinate system requirements and system design
technical activities and - providing the project-level technical review
resolve technical issues. and analysis needed to manage and control
changes to the system requirements and
project-level objectives throughout the
project's life cycle
- tracking and reviewing the design and
development activities for hardware, software,
and other system components; and
- assessing, developing recommendations for,
and tracking technical risks that involve more
than one engineering group.

IC.A2 Representatives of the The representatives of the groups handle

project's software technical issues by
engineering group work with - resolving project-level conflicts and clarifying
representatives of the other system requirements and design issues
engineering groups to - developing joint recommendations to resolve
monitor and coordinate problems; and
technical activities and - addressing process issues that span the
resolve technical issues. engineering groups of the project

IC.A3 A documented plan is used to This plan is the baseline for Are the responsibilities of the project's
communicate intergroup - The project schedule, interface specified in the project plan?
commitments and to - The contractual and technical aspect for the
coordinate and track the work project
performed. - The assignment of responsibility to the
engineering groups

IC.A3 A documented plan is used to This plan is used to coordinate activities Is a plan used to coordinate activities
communicate intergroup between different engineering groups between different engineering groups
commitments and to
coordinate and track the work

IC.A3 A documented plan is used to This plan is readily available to all members Is the project plan distributed to the affected
communicate intergroup of engineering groups groups
commitments and to
coordinate and track the work

IC.A3 A documented plan is used to This plan is updated to incorporate all Is the project plan updated to incorporate
communicate intergroup intergroup commitments and changes to intergroup commitment and changes to these
commitments and to these commitments commitment?
coordinate and track the work

IC.A3 A documented plan is used to This plan is updated as work progresses to Is the project plan updated when the major
communicate intergroup reflect progress and plan changes at the milestone are completed
commitments and to project level, particularly when the major
coordinate and track the work milestones are completed and when plans
performed. changes significantly

IC.A4 Critical dependencies Each critical dependencies is explicitly Are the critical dependencies defined? Are
between engineering groups defined, including: the following defined
are identified, negotiated, and - the item to be provided - the item to be provided
tracked according to a - who will provide it - who will provide it
documented procedure. - when it will be provided, and - when it will be provided, and
- the criteria for acceptance - the criteria for acceptance

IC.A4 Critical dependencies Critical dependencies are negotiated between Are the critical dependencies negotiated with
between engineering groups the software engineering groups and other the related groups like QA, OPERATION,
are identified, negotiated, and engineering groups in the project and the NETWORK, ADMIN, TRAINING?
tracked according to a organization
documented procedure.

IC.A4 Critical dependencies Need dates and availability dates of critical Are the need dates and availability dates of
between engineering groups dependency items are tied to the project critical dependency items tied to the project
are identified, negotiated, and schedule and the software schedule schedule?
tracked according to a
documented procedure.

IC.A4 Critical dependencies The agreement for each critical dependency Are the agreement for each critical
between engineering groups is documented, reviewed and approved by dependency is documented, reviewed and
are identified, negotiated, and both the receiving group and the group approved by both the receiving groups and
tracked according to a responsible for providing the critical the providing groups?
documented procedure. dependency item

IC.A4 Critical dependencies Critical dependencies are tracked on a regular Are the effects of late or early completion for
between engineering groups basis, and corrective actions are taken when impact on future activities evaluated?
are identified, negotiated, and appropriate Are the actual and potential problems
tracked according to a - Status and actual or projected completion reported to appropriate manager?
documented procedure. are compared to the plan used to coordinate
the intergroup commitments
- Effects of late or early completion are
evaluated for impact on future activities and
- Actual and potential problems are reported
to appropriate managers

IC.A5 Work products produced as Are the work products of providing group
input to other engineering reviewed by the receiving group?
groups are reviewed by
representatives of the
receiving groups to ensure
that the work products meet
their needs.

IC.A6 Intergroup issues not Are the intergroup issues reported to the PL
resolvable by the individual or PD when they are not resolvable at the
representatives of the project lower level?
engineering groups are
handled according to a
documented procedure.

IC.A7 Representatives of the The meetings provide visibility of the needs Do the project meetings provide visibility of
project engineering groups and desires of the customer and end users, the needs and desires of the customer and
conduct periodic technical as appropriate end users, as appropriate
reviews and interchanges.

IC.A7 Representatives of the The meetings monitor the technical activities Do the project meetings monitor the technical
project engineering groups of the project activities of the project
conduct periodic technical
reviews and interchanges.

IC.A7 Representatives of the The meetings ensure that the groups' Do the project meetings ensure that the
project engineering groups interpretation and implementation of the groups' interpretation and implementation of
conduct periodic technical technical requirement are conform to the the technical requirement are conform to the
reviews and interchanges. system requirement system requirement

IC.A7 Representatives of the The meetings review the commitments to Do the project meetings review the
project engineering groups determine whether they are being met commitments to determine whether they are
conduct periodic technical being met
reviews and interchanges.

IC.A7 Representatives of the The meetings review the technical risks and Do the project meetings review the technical
project engineering groups other technical issues risks and other technical issues
conduct periodic technical
reviews and interchanges.

IC.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics of Network group periodically
used to determine the status calculated and analyzed?
of the intergroup coordination

IC.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics of Admin group periodically
used to determine the status calculated and analyzed
of the intergroup coordination

IC.V1 The activities for intergroup Are the activities for intergroup coordination
coordination are reviewed periodically reviewed with senior manager?
with senior management on a
periodic basis.

IC.V2 The activities for intergroup Are the activities for intergroup coordination
coordination are reviewed periodically reviewed with the PL?
with the project manager on
both a periodic and even-
driven basis.

IC.V3 The software quality The procedure for identifying, negotiating, and Is the procedure for identifying, negotiating,
assurance group reviews tracking the critical dependency between the and tracking the critical dependency between
and/or audits the activities project engineering groups the project engineering groups reviewed by
and work products for QA?
intergroup coordination and
reports the results.

IC.V3 The software quality The handling of intergroup issues Are the activities of Admin group audited?
assurance group reviews
and/or audits the activities
and work products for
intergroup coordination and
reports the results.

IC.V3 The software quality The handling of intergroup issues Are the activities of Network group audited?
assurance group reviews
and/or audits the activities
and work products for
intergroup coordination and
reports the results.

IC.V3 The software quality The handling of intergroup issues Are the activities of Operation group audited?
assurance group reviews
and/or audits the activities
and work products for
intergroup coordination and
reports the results.

PR.G1 Peer review activities are Are peer review activities planned.
PR.G2 Defects in the software work Are defects in the software work products
products are identified and identified and removed.
PR.C1 The project follows a written The policy specify that It’s the written policy specifying that
organizational policy for - The organization identified a standard set of - The organization identified a standard set of
performing peer reviews. software work product that will undergo peer software work product that will undergo peer
review review

PR.C1 The project follows a written The policy specify that It’s the written policy specifying that
organizational policy for Each project identified the software work each project identified the software work
performing peer reviews. products that will undergo peer review products that will undergo peer review

PR.C1 The project follows a written Peer reviews are led by trained peer review It’s the written policy specifying that Peer
organizational policy for leaders. reviews are led by trained peer review
performing peer reviews. Peer reviews focus on the software work leaders.
product being reviewed and not on the Peer reviews focus on the software work
producer. product being reviewed and not on the
Results of the peer reviews are not used by producer.
management to evaluate the performance of Results of the peer reviews are not used by
individuals. management to evaluate the performance of

PR.B1 Adequate resources and Resources and funding are provided to Are resources and funding provided to
funding are provided for - Prepare and distribute the peer review - Prepare and distribute the peer review
performing peer reviews on materials. materials.
each software work product - Lead the peer review. - Lead the peer review.
to be reviewed. - Review the materials. - Review the materials.
- Participate in the peer review and any - Participate in the peer review and any
follow-up reviews required. follow-up reviews required.
- Monitor the rework of the software work - Monitor the rework of the software work
product. product.
- Collect and report the data resulting from the - Collect and report the data resulting from
peer reviews. the peer reviews.

PR.B2 Peer review leaders receive Do peer review leaders receive required
required training in how to training in how to lead peer reviews.
lead peer reviews.
PR.B3 Reviewers who participate in Do reviewers who participate in peer reviews
peer reviews receive required receive required training in the objectives,
training in the objectives, principles, and methods of peer reviews.
principles, and methods of
peer reviews.

PR.A1 Peer reviews are planned, These plans Are the plan for peer reviews specified in the
and the plans are - Identify the software work products that will project plan? Does the plan specified the
documented. undergo peer review. schedule of peer reviews?
- Specify the schedule of peer reviews. Do the review items include PP, URD, AD,
DD, TP, TC, User manual?

PR.A2 Peer reviews are performed Peer reviews are planned and led by trained Are peer reviews planned and led by trained
according to a documented peer review leaders. peer review leaders.
PR.A2 Peer reviews are performed Review materials are distributed to the Are the review materials distributed to the
according to a documented reviewers in advance so they can adequately reviewers in advance?
procedure. prepare for the peer review.
PR.A2 Peer reviews are performed Reviewers have assigned roles in peer Have reviewers assigned roles in peer
according to a documented reviews. reviews.
PR.A2 Peer reviews are performed Readiness and completion criteria for the peer Are the readiness and completion criteria for
according to a documented reviews are specified and enforced. the document reviews specified?
PR.A2 Peer reviews are performed Checklists are used to identify criteria for the Are the checklist used? Are the checklist
according to a documented review of the software work products in a tailored to the specific type of work products
procedure. consistent manner. and reviews?
PR.A2 Peer reviews are performed Actions identified in the peer reviews are Are the actions identified in the reviews
according to a documented tracked until they are resolved. tracked until they are resolved?
PR.A2 Peer reviews are performed The successful completion of peer reviews, Is the successful completion of peer reviews,
according to a documented including the rework to address the items including the rework to address the items
procedure. identified in the peer reviews, is used as a identified in the peer reviews, used as a
completion criterion for the associated task. completion criterion for the associated task.

PR.A3 Data on the conduct and Are data on the conduct and results of the
results of the peer reviews reviews recorded? Are the defects analyzed
are recorded. with respect to the type and severity?

PR.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics for peer review activities
used to determine the status calculated and analyzed?
of the peer review activities.

PR.V1 The software quality The reviews and/or audits verify that: Do the QA verify that:
assurance group reviews - The planned peer reviews are conducted. - The planned peer reviews are conducted.
and/or audits the activities - The peer review leaders are adequately - The peer review leaders are adequately
and work products for peer trained for their roles. trained for their roles.
reviews and reports the - The process for preparing for the peer - The process for preparing for the peer
results. reviews, conducting the peer reviews, and reviews, conducting the peer reviews, and
performing the follow-up actions are followed. performing the follow-up actions are followed.

- Reporting of peer review data is complete, - Reporting of peer review data is complete,
accurate, and timely. accurate, and timely.

PF.G1 Software process Are software process development and

development and improvement activities coordinated across
improvement activities are the organization.
coordinated across the

PF.G2 The strengths and Are the strengths and weaknesses of the
weaknesses of the software software processes identified relative to a
processes used are identified process standard.
relative to a process

PF.G3 Organization-level process Are the organization-level process

development and development and improvement activities
improvement activities are planned?

PF.C1 The organization follows a A group is established that is responsible for Is a group established that is responsible for
written organizational policy the organization-level software process the organization-level software process
for coordinating software activities and coordinating these activities with activities and coordinating these activities
process development and the projects. with the projects.
improvement activities
across the organization.

PF.C1 The organization follows a The software processes used by the projects Are the software processes used by the
written organizational policy are assessed periodically to determine their projects assessed periodically to determine
for coordinating software strengths and weaknesses. their strengths and weaknesses.
process development and
improvement activities
across the organization.

PF.C1 The organization follows a The software processes used by the projects Are the project's processes appropriately
written organizational policy are appropriately tailored from the tailored in accordance with the Tailoring
for coordinating software organization's standard software process. guideline?
process development and
improvement activities
across the organization.

PF.C1 The organization follows a Improvements to, and other useful information How does a member learn the best
written organizational policy on, each project's software process, tools, practices, lessons or get the reusable
for coordinating software and methods are available to other projects. components from other projects?
process development and How are the process assets maintained?
improvement activities How to access?
across the organization.

PF.C2 Senior management Demonstrates to the organization's staff and Do the organization's staff and managers
sponsors the organization's managers its commitment to these software demonstrate its commitment to these
activities for software process activities. software process activities.
process development and

PF.C2 Senior management Establishes long-term plans and commitments Is long-term plans and commitments
sponsors the organization's for funding, staffing, and other resources. established for funding, staffing, and other
activities for software resources.
process development and

PF.C2 Senior management Establishes strategies for managing and Is strategies established for managing and
sponsors the organization's implementing the activities for process implementing the activities for process
activities for software development and improvement. development and improvement.
process development and

PF.C3 Senior management Ensures that the organization's standard Does the
oversees the organization's software process supports its business goals
activities for software and strategies.
process development and

PF.C3 Senior management - Advises on setting priorities for software Are the process development activities
oversees the organization's process development and improvement. periodically reviewed with the senior
activities for software - Participates in establishing plans for manager?
process development and software process development and
improvement. improvement.
- Where possible, this group is staffed by a
core of software technical professionals who
are assigned full time to the group, possibly
supported by others, on a part-time basis.

PF.B1 A group that is responsible This group is staffed by a core of software Is the SEPG staffed by a core of software
for the organization's technical professional who are assigned full- technical professional who are assigned full-
software process activities time to the group, possibly supported by time to the group, possibly supported by
exists. others, on a part-time basis others, on a part-time basis and to represent
This group is staffed to represent the software the software engineering discipline and
engineering discipline and software-related software-related disciplines.

PF.B2 Adequate resources and Experienced individuals who have expertise in Are experienced individuals who have
funding are provided for the specialized areas are committed to support expertise in specialized areas committed to
organization's software this group. support the SEPG.
process activities.

PF.B2 Adequate resources and Tools to support the organization's software Are tools to support the organization's
funding are provided for the process activities are made available. software process activities made available.
organization's software
process activities.

PF.B3 Members of the group Have the members of the QAs groups and
responsible for the the SEPG been received required training?
organization's software Ex of training: Internal audit, CMM, ISO,
process activities receive software quality process, quality process...
required training to perform
these activities.

PF.B4 Members of the software Do members of the software engineering

engineering group and other group and other software- related groups
software- related groups receive orientation on the organization's
receive orientation on the software process activities and their roles in
organization's software those activities.
process activities and their
roles in those activities.

PF.A1 The software process is Are the results of metrics, PCB, best
assessed periodically, and practices, NCs analysis documented? Do the
action plans are developed to action plans for the process improvement
address the assessment address the analysis results?

PF.A2 The organization develops Uses the action plans from the software Is the plan for the process improvement
and maintains a plan for its process assessments and other organization developed?
software process improvement initiatives as primary inputs.
development and
improvement activities.

PF.A2 The organization develops Defines the activities to be performed and the Does the process improvement plan specify
and maintains a plan for its schedule for these activities. - The activities to be performed,
software process Specifies the groups and individuals - Schedule and the groups & individuals
development and responsible for the activities. responsible for these activities
improvement activities. Identifies the resources required, including - Resource required, including staff and tools
staff and tools.

PF.A2 The organization develops Undergoes peer review when initially released Does the process improvement plan undergo
and maintains a plan for its and whenever major revisions are made. peer review when initially released and
software process whenever major revisions are made?
development and
improvement activities.

PF.A2 The organization develops Is reviewed and agreed to by the Is the process improvement plan reviewed
and maintains a plan for its organization's software managers and senior and agreed to by the senior managers? Is it
software process managers. updated appropriately?
development and
improvement activities.

PF.A3 The organization's and - The organization's standard software Is the coordination to cover the development
projects' activities for process. and improvement of the organization's
developing and improving - The projects' defined software processes standard software process and the projects'
their software processes are defined software processes
coordinated at the
organization level.

PF.A4 The use of the organization's Is the process database established and
software process database is maintained at the organizational level?
coordinated at the
organizational level.

PF.A5 New processes, methods, Are new processes, methods, and tools in
and tools in limited use in the limited use in the organization monitored,
organization are monitored, evaluated, and, where appropriate,
evaluated, and, where transferred to other parts of the organization.
appropriate, transferred to
other parts of the

PF.A6 Training for the organization's Plans for training on subjects related to the Are the plans for training on the
and projects' software organization's and projects' software organization's and project's processes?
processes is coordinated processes are prepared.
across the organization.

PF.A6 Training for the organization's Where appropriate, training may be prepared Is training prepared and conducted by the
and projects' software and conducted by the group responsible for group responsible for the organization's
processes is coordinated the organization's software process activities software process activities (e.g., software
across the organization. (e.g., software engineering process group) or engineering process group) or by the training
by the training group. group, where appropriate.

PF.A7 The groups involved in Are the process improvement activities

implementing the software periodically reviewed with the TLs?
processes are informed of
the organization's and
projects' activities for
software process
development and

PF.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics for the process improvement
used to determine the status activities calculated and analyzed?
of the organization's process
development and
improvement activities.

PF.V1 The activities for software Progress and status of the activities to Is the progress and status of the process
process development and develop and improve the software process improvement activities periodically reviewed
improvement are reviewed are reviewed against the plan. against the plan?
with senior management on a Conflicts and issues not resolved at lower Are the action items assigned, reviewed and
periodic basis. levels are addressed. tracked to closure
Action items are assigned, reviewed, and Verify meeting minutes, reports and find out
tracked to closure. whether the problems are tracked to closure
and if not escalated to the senior

PF.V1 The activities for software A summary report from each review is Is the meeting minutes of each review
process development and prepared and distributed to the affected distributed to the affected groups and
improvement are reviewed groups and individuals. individuals?
with senior management on a
periodic basis.

PP.G1 Software estimates are Are software estimates documented for use
documented for use in in planning and tracking the software project.
planning and tracking the
software project.

PP.G2 Software project activities Are software project activities and

and commitments are commitments planned and documented.
planned and documented.
PP.G3 Affected groups and Are the project plan agreed to by the project
individuals agree to their team, customer and other affected group?
commitments related to the
software project.

PP.C1 A project software manager Is a project software manager designated to

is designated to be be responsible for negotiating commitments
responsible for negotiating and developing the project's software
commitments and developing development plan.
the project's software
development plan.

PP.C2 The project follows a written The involvement of other engineering groups Are the involvement of the external interfaces
organizational policy for in the project activities are negotiated and like the QA, reviewers, testers, CM in the
planning a software project. documented project activities negotiated with them?

PP.C2 The project follows a written Affected groups review the size, effort, cost, Are the project plan reviewed with the project
organizational policy for schedules and other commitments team, the QA and the SEPG, customer as
planning a software project. appropriate?

PP.C2 The project follows a written Senior management reviews all software Are the project plan reviewed and approved
organizational policy for project commitments made to individuals and by the Project Director?
planning a software project. groups external to the organization.

PP.C2 The project follows a written The project's software development plan is Are the changes appropriately incorporated
organizational policy for managed and controlled. to the project plan? Are the changes
planning a software project. recorded

PP.B1 A documented and approved The statement of work covers: scope of the Is the statement of work like contract or work
statement of work exists for work, technical goals and objectives, order documented, reviewed and approved?
the software project. identification of customers and end users,
imposed standards, assigned responsibilities,
cost and schedule constraints and goals,
dependencies between the software project
The statement of work is reviewed by: the
project manager, the project software
manager, the other software managers, and
other affected groups

PP.B1 A documented and approved The statement of work is managed and Whenever the changes arise, are they
statement of work exists for controlled. incorporated to the work order/contract
the software project. appropriately?

PP.B2 Responsibilities for The project software manager, directly or by Do the project software manager, directly or
developing the software delegation, coordinates the project's software by delegation, coordinate the project's
development plan are planning. software planning.

PP.B2 Responsibilities for the Are the project's tasks partitioned and
project's tasks are assigned. assigned in a traceable, accountable
PP.B3 Adequate resources and Where feasible, experienced individuals, who Are the project team experienced in the
funding are provided for have expertise in the application domain of application domain? If not, have they been
performing the project's tasks the software project being planned, are trained?
and activities available to develop the software Have the project team been trained in the
development plan. software process applicable to their areas of

PP.B3 Adequate resources and Tools to support the software project's Do new tools undergo evaluation before they
funding are provided for activities are made available. are incorporated to the project?
performing the project's tasks
and activities

PP.B4 The software managers, Are the software managers, software

software engineers, and engineers, and other individuals involved in
other individuals involved in the software project planning trained in the
the software project planning software estimating and planning procedures
are trained in the software applicable to their areas of responsibility
estimating and planning
procedures applicable to their
areas of

PP.A1 The software engineering The software engineering group is involved in: Is the PL involved in proposal preparation?
group participates on the proposal preparation and submission, Is the PL involved in negotiations of changes
project proposal team. clarification discussions and submissions, and to the commitments that affect the project?
negotiations of changes to commitments that
affect the software project.

PP.A1 The software engineering The software engineering group is involved in: Are the changes that affect the project's
group participates on the proposal preparation and submission, commitments clarified and negotiated with
project proposal team. clarification discussions and submissions, and customer?
negotiations of changes to commitments that
affect the software project.

PP.A1 The software engineering The software engineering group reviews the Is the proposal reviewed by the PL before
group participates on the project's proposed commitments. they are submitted to customer?
project proposal team.
PP.A2 Software project planning is Is a software project planning initiated in the
initiated in the early stages early stages of, and in parallel with, the
of, and in parallel with, the overall project planning.
overall project planning.

PP.A3 The software engineering The software engineering group reviews the Are the project-level plans reviewed with the
group participates with other project-level plans. project team
affected groups in the overall
project planning throughout
the project's life.

PP.A4 Software project Are the project plan reviewed and approved
commitments made to by Project Director?
individuals and groups
external to the organization
are reviewed with senior
management according to a
documented procedure.

PP.A5 A software life cycle with Is a software life cycle with predefined stages
predefined stages of of manageable size identified or defined.
manageable size is identified
or defined.

PP.A6 The project's software The software development plan is based on Is the project plan based on and conforms to:
development plan is and conforms to: the customer's standards, as the customer's standards, as appropriate; the
developed according to a appropriate; the project's standards; the approved work order; the signed contract;
documented procedure. approved statement of work; and the allocated and the allocated requirement

PP.A6 The project's software Plans for software-related groups and other Are plans for software-related groups and
development plan is engineering groups involved in the activities other engineering groups involved in the
developed according to a of the software engineering group are activities of the software engineering group
documented procedure. negotiated with those groups, the support negotiated with those groups, the support
efforts are budgeted, and the agreements are efforts are budgeted, and the agreements
documented. are documented.

PP.A6 The project's software Plans for involvement of the software Are plans for involvement of the software
development plan is engineering group in the activities of other engineering group in the activities of other
developed according to a software-related groups and other engineering software-related groups and other
documented procedure. groups are negotiated with those groups, the engineering groups negotiated with those
support efforts are budgeted, and the groups, the support efforts are budgeted,
agreements are documented. and the agreements are documented.

PP.A6 The project's software The software development plan is reviewed Is the software development plan reviewed
development plan is by: the project manager, the project software by: the project manager, the project software
developed according to a manager, the other software managers, and manager, the other software managers, and
documented procedure. other affected groups. other affected groups.

PP.A6 The project's software The software development plan is managed Is the software development plan managed
development plan is and controlled. and controlled.
developed according to a
documented procedure.

PP.A7 The plan for the software The software project's purpose, scope, goals, In the PP review checklist
project is documented. and objectives.

PP.A7 The plan for the software Selection of a software life cycle. In the PP review checklist
project is documented.

PP.A7 The plan for the software Identification of the selected procedures, In the PP review checklist
project is documented. methods, and standards for developing
and/or maintaining the software.
PP.A7 The plan for the software Identification of software work products to be In the PP review checklist
project is documented. developed.

PP.A7 The plan for the software Size estimates of the software work products In the PP review checklist
project is documented. and any changes to the software work

PP.A7 The plan for the software Estimates of the software project's effort and In the PP review checklist
project is documented. costs.

PP.A7 The plan for the software Estimated use of critical computer resources. In the PP review checklist
project is documented.

PP.A7 The plan for the software The software project's schedules, including In the PP review checklist
project is documented. identification of milestones and reviews.

PP.A7 The plan for the software Identification and assessment of the project's In the PP review checklist
project is documented. software risks.

PP.A7 The plan for the software Plans for the project's software engineering In the PP review checklist
project is documented. facilities and support tools.

PP.A8 Software work products that In the PP review checklist

are needed to establish and
maintain control of the
software project are

PP.A9 Estimates for the size of the Size estimates are made for all major In the PP review checklist
software work products (or software work products and activities.
changes to the size of
software work products) are
derived according to a
documented procedure.

PP.A9 Estimates for the size of the Software work products are decomposed to In the PP review checklist
software work products (or the granularity needed to meet the estimating
changes to the size of objectives.
software work products) are
derived according to a
documented procedure.

PP.A9 Estimates for the size of the Historical data are used where available. Are the historical data used, if available?
software work products (or
changes to the size of
software work products) are
derived according to a
documented procedure.

PP.A9 Estimates for the size of the Size estimating assumptions are documented. In the PP review checklist
software work products (or
changes to the size of
software work products) are
derived according to a
documented procedure.

PP.A9 Estimates for the size of the Size estimates are documented, reviewed, Are size estimates documented, reviewed,
software work products (or and agreed to. and agreed to.
changes to the size of
software work products) are
derived according to a
documented procedure.

PP.A10 Estimates for the software Estimates for the software project's effort and In the PP review checklist
project's effort and costs are costs are related to the size estimates of the
derived according to a software work products (or the size of the
documented procedure. changes).

PP.A10 Estimates for the software Productivity data (historical and/or current) Are the historical data used, if available?
project's effort and costs are are used for the estimates when available;
derived according to a sources and rationale for these data are
documented procedure. documented.

PP.A10 Estimates for the software Effort, staffing, and cost estimates are based Are effort, staffing, and cost estimates based
project's effort and costs are on past experience. on past experience.
derived according to a
documented procedure.

PP.A10 Estimates for the software Estimates and the assumptions made in Are estimates and the assumptions made in
project's effort and costs are deriving the estimates are documented, deriving the estimates documented,
derived according to a reviewed, and agreed to. reviewed, and agreed to.
documented procedure.

PP.A11 Estimates for the project's Critical computer resources for the project are In the PP review checklist
critical computer resources identified.
are derived according to a
documented procedure.

PP.A11 Estimates for the project's Estimates for the critical computer resources In the PP review checklist
critical computer resources are related to the estimates of: the size of the
are derived according to a software work products, the operational
documented procedure. processing load, and the communications

PP.A11 Estimates for the project's Estimates of the critical computer resources Are estimates of the critical computer
critical computer resources are documented, reviewed, and agreed to. resources documented, reviewed, and
are derived according to a agreed to.
documented procedure.

PP.A12 The project's software The software schedule is related to: the size In the PP review checklist
schedule is derived estimate of the software work products (or the
according to a documented size of changes), and the software effort and
procedure. costs.

PP.A12 The project's software The software schedule is based on past Is the software schedule based on past
schedule is derived experience. experience.
according to a documented

PP.A12 The project's software The software schedule accommodates the In the PP review checklist
schedule is derived imposed milestone dates, critical dependency
according to a documented dates, and other constraints.

PP.A12 The project's software The software schedule activities are of In the PP review checklist
schedule is derived appropriate duration and the milestones are
according to a documented of appropriate time separation to support
procedure. accuracy in progress measurement.

PP.A12 The project's software Assumptions made in deriving the schedule In the PP review checklist
schedule is derived are documented.
according to a documented

PP.A12 The project's software The software schedule is documented, Is the software schedule documented,
schedule is derived reviewed, and agreed to. reviewed, and agreed to.
according to a documented

PP.A13 The software risks The risks are analyzed and prioritized based In the PP review checklist
associated with the cost, on their potential impact to the project.
resource, schedule, and
technical aspects of the
project are identified,
assessed, and documented.

PP.A13 The software risks Contingencies for the risks are identified. In the PP review checklist
associated with the cost,
resource, schedule, and
technical aspects of the
project are identified,
assessed, and documented.

PP.A14 Plans for the project's Estimates of capacity requirements for these Are estimates of capacity requirements for
software engineering facilities facilities and support tools are based on the these facilities and support tools based on
and support tools are size estimates of the software work products the size estimates of the software work
prepared. and other characteristics. products and other characteristics.

PP.A14 Plans for the project's Responsibilities are assigned and In the PP review checklist
software engineering facilities commitments are negotiated to procure or
and support tools are develop these facilities and support tools.

PP.A14 Plans for the project's The plans are reviewed by all affected groups. Are the plans for the project's software
software engineering facilities engineering facilities and support tools
and support tools are reviewed by all affected groups.

PP.A15 Software planning data are Information recorded includes the estimates Are the software planning data, replanning
recorded. and the associated information needed to data recorded? Are the changes recorded
reconstruct the estimates and assess their
The software planning data are managed and

PP.M1 Measurements are made and Are the effort spent on planning activities
used to determine the status calculated and analyzed?
of the software planning

PP.V1 The activities for software The technical, cost, staffing, and schedule Are the project activities reported to the
project planning are reviewed performance is reviewed. Project Director at major milestones?
with senior management on a Conflicts and issues not resolvable at lower - Are the project issues not resolvable at
periodic basis. levels are addressed. lower levels addressed?
Software project risks are addressed. - Are the project risks addressed
Action items are assigned, reviewed, and - Are the action items assigned, reviewed
tracked to closure. and tracked to closure

PP.V1 The activities for software A summary report from each meeting is Are the soft meeting minutes prepared and
project planning are reviewed prepared and distributed to the affected distributed to the affected groups and
with senior management on a groups and individuals. individuals?
periodic basis.

PP.V2 The activities for software Affected groups are represented. Are the project activities reviewed with the
project planning are reviewed Status and current results of the software project team?
with the project manager on project planning activities are reviewed - Are the affected groups represented
both a periodic and event- against the software project's statement of - Are status and current results of the project
driven basis. work and allocated requirements. activities reviewed?
Dependencies between groups are - Are the dependencies between groups
addressed. addressed?
resolvable at lower levels are addressed. - Are the issues, risks addressed
Software project risks are addressed. - Are the action items assigned, reviewed,
Action items are assigned, reviewed, and track to closure
tracked to closure.

PP.V2 The activities for software A summary report from each meeting is Are the soft project meeting minutes
project planning are reviewed prepared and distributed to the affected prepared and distributed to the affected
with the project manager on groups and individuals. groups and individuals?
both a periodic and event-
driven basis.

PP.V3 The software quality The reviews and/or audits verify: Does the QA verify
assurance group reviews - The activities for software estimating and - The activities for software estimating and
and/or audits the activities planning. planning.
and work products for - The activities for reviewing and making - The activities for reviewing and making
software project planning and project commitments. project commitments.
reports the results. - The activities for preparing the software - The activities for preparing the software
development plan. development plan.
- The standards used for preparing the - The standards used for preparing the
software development plan. software development plan.
- The content of the software development - The content of the software development
plan. plan.

PT.G1 Actual results and Are actual results and performance tracked
performance are tracked against the software plans
against the software plans
PT.G2 Corrective actions are taken Are corrective actions taken and managed to
and managed to closure closure when actual results and performance
when actual results and deviate significantly from the software plans.
performance deviate
significantly from the
software plans.

PT.G3 Changes to software Are changes to software commitments

commitments are agreed to agreed to by the affected groups and
by the affected groups and individuals.

PT.C1 A project software manager Is a project software manager designated to

is designated to be be responsible for the project's software
responsible for the project's activities and results.
software activities and

PT.C2 The project follows a written A documented software development plan is Does the project follow a written
organizational policy for used and maintained as the basis for tracking organizational policy that requires a
managing the software the software project. documented software development plan is
project. used and maintained as the basis for
tracking the software project.

PT.C2 The project follows a written The project manager is kept informed of the Does the project follow a written
organizational policy for software project's status and issues. organizational policy that requires the project
managing the software manager is kept informed of the software
project. project's status and issues.

PT.C2 The project follows a written Corrective actions are taken when the Does the project follow a written
organizational policy for software plan is not being achieved, either by organizational policy that requires whenever
managing the software adjusting performance or by adjusting the the plan is not being achieved, are the
project. plans. corrective actions taken, either by adjusting
performance or by adjusting the plan?

PT.C2 The project follows a written Changes to the software commitments are Does the project follow a written
organizational policy for made with the involvement and agreement of organizational policy that requires changes to
managing the software the affected groups. the software commitments are made with the
project. involvement and agreement of the affected

PT.C2 The project follows a written Senior management reviews all commitment Does the project follow a written
organizational policy for changes and new software project organizational policy that requires senior
managing the software commitments made to individuals and groups management reviews all commitment
project. external to the organization. changes and new software project
commitments made to individuals and groups
external to the organization.

PT.B1 A software development plan Is a software development plan for the

for the software project is software project documented and approved.
documented and approved.

PT.B2 The project software The assigned responsibilities cover: Are the responsibilities for the project
manager explicitly assigns - The software work products to be developed activities assigned? Do they cover:
responsibility for software or services to be provided. - The software work products to be
work products and activities. - The effort and cost for these software developed or activities to be performed
activities. - The effort and cost for these software
- The schedule for these software activities. activities.
- The budget for these software activities. - The schedule for these software activities.

PT.B3 Adequate resources and The software managers and the software task Are the software managers and the software
funding are provided for leaders are assigned specific responsibilities task leaders assigned specific
tracking the software project. for tracking the software project. responsibilities for tracking the software

PT.B3 Adequate resources and Tools to support software tracking are made Are tools to support software tracking made
funding are provided for available. available.
tracking the software project.

PT.B4 The software managers are Are the software managers trained in
trained in managing the managing the technical and personnel
technical and personnel aspects of the software project.
aspects of the software

PT.B5 First-line software managers Do first-line software managers receive

receive orientation in the orientation in the technical aspects of the
technical aspects of the software project.
software project.

PT.A1 A documented software This software development plan is updated as Are the schedule updated as the work
development plan is used for the work progresses to reflect progresses to reflect accomplishments,
tracking the software accomplishments, particularly when particularly when milestones are completed?
activities and communicating milestones are completed.

PT.A1 A documented software This software development plan is readily Is the project plan readily available to the
development plan is used for available to: the software engineering group, project team, the senior manager and other
tracking the software the software managers, the project manager, affected groups?
activities and communicating senior management, and other affected
status. groups.

PT.A2 The project's software The software development plan is revised, as Is the project plan updated when milestones
development plan is revised appropriate, to incorporate plan refinements are completed, particularly when plans
according to a documented and incorporate plan changes, particularly change significantly?
procedure. when plans change significantly.
The software development plan is updated to
incorporate all new software project
commitments and changes to commitments.

PT.A2 The project's software The software development plan is reviewed at Is the project plan reviewed at each revision?
development plan is revised each revision. Are the changes recorded?
according to a documented The software development plan is managed
procedure. and controlled.

PT.A3 Software project Are changes to the commitments made to the

commitments and changes to project's external interface reviewed with the
commitments made to PD and communicated to the project team
individuals and groups and related groups?
external to the organization
are reviewed with senior
management according to a
documented procedure.

PT.A4 Approved changes to Are changes to the commitments made to the

commitments that affect the project's external interface reviewed with the
software project are PD and communicated to the project team
communicated to the and related groups?
members of the software
engineering group and other
software-related groups.

PT.A5 The size of the software work Sizes for all major software work products (or Are the product's size tracked and compared
products (or size of the the size of the changes) are tracked and to the estimates
changes to the software work compared to the estimates documented in the
products) are tracked, and project plan
corrective actions are taken
as necessary.

PT.A5 The size of the software work Overall projected size of the software work Is the product's size refined and adjusted?
products (or size of the products (estimates combined with actual) is Are changes in size estimates negotiated
changes to the software work refined, monitored, and adjusted on a regular with the PD and customer and documented?
products) are tracked, and basis.
corrective actions are taken Changes in size estimates of the software
as necessary. work products that affect software
commitments are negotiated with the affected
groups and are documented.

PT.A6 The project's software effort Actual expenditures of effort and costs over Are the actual effort and costs over time and
and costs are tracked, and time and against work completed are against work completed tracked, and
corrective actions are taken compared to the estimates documented in the compared to the estimates?
as necessary. software development plan to identify
potential overruns and underruns.
Software costs are tracked and compared to
the estimates documented in the software
development plan.

PT.A6 The project's software effort Changes in staffing and other software costs Are changes in staffing and other costs
and costs are tracked, and that affect software commitments are negotiated with the affected groups and
corrective actions are taken negotiated with the affected groups and are documented?
as necessary. documented.

PT.A7 The project's critical The actual and projected use of the project's Are the actual and projected use of the
computer resources are critical computer resources are tracked and project's critical computer resources tracked
tracked, and corrective compared to the estimates for each major and compared to the estimates for each
actions are taken as software component as documented in the major software component as documented
necessary. software development plan. in the software development plan.

PT.A7 The project's critical Changes in estimates of critical computer Are changes in estimates of critical computer
computer resources are resources that affect software commitments resources that affect software commitments
tracked, and corrective are negotiated with the affected groups and negotiated with the affected groups and
actions are taken as are documented documented

PT.A8 The project's software Actual completion of software activities, Is the project schedule tracked, compared
schedule is tracked, and milestones, and other commitments are against the plan?
corrective actions are taken compared against the software development
as necessary. plan.

PT.A8 The project's software Effects of late and early completion of Are the impacts of late and early completion
schedule is tracked, and software activities, milestones, and other on future activities and milestones analyzed?
corrective actions are taken commitments are evaluated for impacts on
as necessary. future activities and milestones.

PT.A8 The project's software Software schedule revisions that affect Are the project schedule revision negotiated
schedule is tracked, and software commitments are negotiated with with the affected groups and documented
corrective actions are taken the affected groups and are documented.
as necessary.

PT.A9 Software engineering Members of the software engineering group How the project team report their work status
technical activities are report their technical status to their first-line to the PL? Are the project's timesheet
tracked, and corrective manager on a regular basis. reviewed with the PL?
actions are taken as

PT.A9 Software engineering - Software release contents for successive Are the release contents for iterative builds
technical activities are builds are compared to the plans compared to the plan?
tracked, and corrective documented in the software development
actions are taken as plan.

PT.A9 Software engineering - Problems identified in any of the software Are the problem identified in any of the
technical activities are work products are reported and documented. products documented, and tracked to
tracked, and corrective - Problem reports are tracked to closure. closure?
actions are taken as

PT.A10 The software risks The priorities of the risks and the Are the priorities of the project's risks and the
associated with cost, contingencies for the risks are adjusted as contingencies are reviewed and adjusted ?
resource, schedule, and additional information becomes available.
technical aspects of the High-risk areas are reviewed with the project
project are tracked. manager on a regular basis

PT.A11 Actual measurement data Information recorded includes the estimates Are the actual measurement data and
and replanning data for the and associated information needed to replanning data recorded and archived for
software project are reconstruct the estimates and verify their use?
recorded. reasonableness.
The software replanning data are managed
and controlled.
The software planning data, replanning data,
and the actual measurement data are
archived for use by ongoing and future

PT.A12 The software engineering These reviews are conducted between: the Are the project activities reviewed with the
group conducts periodic project software manager, first-line software project team to track the progress, plan,
internal reviews to track managers, and other software managers, as performance and issues?
technical progress, plans, appropriate.
performance, and issues
against the software
development plan.

PT.A13 Formal reviews to address - These reviews: are planned to occur at Are the formal reviews conducted at selected
the accomplishments and meaningful points in the software project's milestones?
results of the software project schedule, such as the beginning or
are conducted at selected completion of selected stages.
project milestones according - These reviews: are conducted with the
to a documented procedure. customer, end user, and affected groups
within the organization, as appropriate.

PT.A13 Formal reviews to address These reviews: use materials that are Are the milestone report reviewed by the QA
the accomplishments and reviewed and approved by the responsible and approved by the Project Director?
results of the software project software managers.
are conducted at selected
project milestones according
to a documented procedure.

PT.A13 Formal reviews to address These reviews address: Is the milestone/post-mortems report
the accomplishments and - The commitments, plans, and status of the prepared adequacy?
results of the software project software activities
are conducted at selected - Result in the identification and
project milestones according documentation of significant issues, action
to a documented procedure. items, and decisions.
- Address the software project risks.
- Result in the refinement of the software
development plan, as necessary

PT.M1 Measurements are made and Are the effort spent on project tracking
used to determine the status logged in SPACY?
of the software tracking and
oversight activities.

PT.V1 The activities for software - The technical, cost, staffing, and schedule Are the project activities reported to the
project tracking and oversight performance are reviewed. Project Director at major milestones?
are reviewed with senior - Conflicts and issues not resolvable at lower - Are the project issues not resolvable at
management on a periodic levels are addressed. lower levels addressed?
basis. - Software project risks are addressed. - Are the project risks addressed
Action items are assigned, reviewed, and - Are the action items assigned, reviewed
tracked to closure. and tracked to closure

PT.V1 The activities for software A summary status report from each meeting is Are the soft project meeting minutes
project tracking and oversight prepared and distributed to the affected prepared and distributed to the affected
are reviewed with senior groups. groups and individuals?
management on a periodic

PT.V2 The activities for software - Affected groups are represented. Are the project activities reviewed with the
project tracking and oversight - The technical, cost, staffing, and schedule project team?
are reviewed with the project performance is reviewed - Are the affected groups represented
manager on both a periodic - Use of critical computer resources is - Are status and current results of the project
and event-driven basis. reviewed; current estimates and actual use of activities reviewed?
these critical computer resources are reported - Are the dependencies between groups
- Dependencies between groups are addressed?
addressed. - Are the issues, risks addressed
- Conflicts and issues not resolvable at lower - Are the action items assigned, reviewed,
levels are addressed. track to closure
- Software project risks are addressed.
- Action items are assigned, reviewed, and
tracked to closure.

PT.V2 The activities for software A summary report from each meeting is Are the soft project meeting minutes
project tracking and oversight prepared and distributed to the affected prepared and distributed to the affected
are reviewed with the project groups. groups and individuals?
manager on both a periodic
and event-driven basis.

PT.V3 The software quality The reviews and/or audits verify Does the QA verify
assurance group reviews - The activities for reviewing and revising - The activities for reviewing and revising
and/or audits the activities commitments. commitments.
and work products for - The activities for revising the software - The activities for revising the software
software project tracking and development plan. development plan.
oversight and reports the - The content of the revised software - The content of the revised software
results. development plan. development plan.
- The activities for project tracking - The activities for project tracking
- The activities for conducting the planned - The activities for conducting the planned
technical and management reviews. technical and management reviews

IM.G1 The project's defined Is the project's defined software process a
software process is a tailored tailored version of the organization's standard
version of the organization's software process.
standard software process.

IM.G2 The project is planned and Is the project planned and managed
managed according to the according to the project's defined software
project's defined software process.

IM.C1 The project follows a written This policy typically specifies that:
organizational policy
requiring that the software
project be planned and
managed using the
organization's standard
software process and related
process assets.

IM.C1 The project follows a written Each project documents the project's defined Is the description of the project's defined
organizational policy software process by tailoring the software process documented?
requiring that the software organization's standard software process.
project be planned and
managed using the
organization's standard
software process and related
process assets.

IM.C1 The project follows a written The project's deviations from the Are the project's deviation documented and
organizational policy organization's standard software process are approved by SEPG
requiring that the software documented and approved.
project be planned and
managed using the
organization's standard
software process and related
process assets.

IM.C1 The project follows a written Each project performs its software activities in Does each project perform its software
organizational policy accordance with the project's defined software activities in accordance with the project's
requiring that the software process. defined software process.
project be planned and
managed using the
organization's standard
software process and related
process assets.

IM.C1 The project follows a written Each project collects and stores appropriate Are the project metrics collected and stored
organizational policy project measurement data in the in the SEPG process database?
requiring that the software organization's software process database.
project be planned and
managed using the
organization's standard
software process and related
process assets.

IM.B1 Adequate resources and Are adequate resources and funding

funding are provided for provided for managing the software project
managing the software using the project's defined software process.
project using the project's
defined software process.

IM.B2 The individuals responsible Are the PLs received training in how to tailor
for developing the project's the process, use the process database and
defined software process the use of MS Project
receive required training in
how to tailor the
organization's standard
software process and use the
related process assets.

IM.B3 The software managers Are the PLs received training in leadership
receive required training in aspects like team building, management of
managing the technical, critical dependencies and critical paths?
administrative, and personnel
aspects of the software
project based on the project's
defined software process.

IM.A1 The project's defined A software life cycle is: selected from among Is the project's life cycle modified in ways
software process is those approved by the organization, to satisfy permitted by the tailoring guidelines and
developed by tailoring the the project's contractual and operational criteria? Is the project's life cycle documented
organization's standard constraints; modified, if necessary, in ways in the project plan?
software process according permitted by the organization's tailoring
to a documented procedure. guidelines and criteria; and documented
according to the organization's standards.

IM.A1 The project's defined The description of the project's defined Is the description of the project's defined
software process is software process is documented. software process documented?
developed by tailoring the
organization's standard
software process according
to a documented procedure.

IM.A1 The project's defined Tailoring of the organization's standard Is the process tailoring for the project
software process is software process for the project is reviewed reviewed by SEPG and approved by the
developed by tailoring the by the group responsible for coordinating the Project Director?
organization's standard organization's software process activities
software process according (e.g., software engineering process group)
to a documented procedure. and approved by senior management.

IM.A1 The project's defined Waivers for deviations from contractual Are the waivers for deviations documented,
software process is software process requirements are reviewed and approved?
developed by tailoring the documented and are reviewed and approved
organization's standard by senior management and the software
software process according project's customer, as appropriate.
to a documented procedure.

IM.A1 The project's defined The description of the project's defined Is the description of the project's defined
software process is software process is managed and controlled. software process managed and controlled.
developed by tailoring the
organization's standard
software process according
to a documented procedure.

IM.A2 Each project's defined Changes derived from the following are Are the proposed changes derived from the
software process is revised documented and systematically reviewed: following are documented and systematically
according to a documented - lessons learned from monitoring the reviewed by SEPG?
procedure. software activities of the organization's - lessons learned from monitoring the
projects, software activities of the organization's
- changes proposed by the software project, projects,
and - changes proposed by the software project,
- process and work product measurement and
- process and work product measurement

IM.A2 Each project's defined Changes to the project's defined software Are the revisions of the project's defined
software process is revised process are reviewed and approved before process reviewed and approved by SEPG
according to a documented they are incorporated. and the senior manager?

IM.A3 The project's software Is the project's software development plan,

development plan, which which describes the use of the project's
describes the use of the defined software process, developed and
project's defined software revised according to a documented
process, is developed and procedure.
revised according to a
documented procedure.

IM.A4 The software project is Check whether the project's activities

managed in accordance with performed in accordance with the project's
the project's defined software defined process?

IM.A5 The organization's software The database is used as a source of data to Is the process database used for the project
process database is used for estimate, plan, track, and replan a software planning and estimating?
software planning and project; data for similar software projects are
estimating. used when possible

IM.A5 The organization's software Parameter values used to derive estimates for Are the parameter values used to derive
process database is used for size, effort, schedule are compared to those estimates for size, effort, schedule compared
software planning and of other to assess the validity to those of others
estimating. - Are the similarities and differences to the
other projects in terms of application domain
and design recorded?
- Are the rationales for similarities and
parameter values are recorded?
- Is the reasoning used to judge the credibility
of the project's estimated

IM.A5 The organization's software The software project provides appropriate Do the projects provide appropriate planning
process database is used for software planning data, replanning data, and data, replanning data, and actual measured
software planning and actual measured data for storage in the data to SEPG for storage after the project
estimating. organization's software process database closure?

IM.A6 The size of the software work A group that is independent of the software Is the size estimate of the project reviewed
products (or size of changes engineering group reviews the procedures for with the Operation group?
to the software work estimating the size of the software work
products) is managed products, and provides guidance in using
according to a documented historical data from the organization's
procedure. software process database to establish
credible estimates.

IM.A6 The size of the software work A contingency factor is applied to the size Are the contingency factor applied to the size
products (or size of changes estimate for each software element identified estimate for each software element identified
to the software work as a software risk. as risks
products) is managed Are the rationales for contingency
according to a documented documented
procedure. Are the risks associated with reducing or
eliminating the contingency assessed and

IM.A6 The size of the software work Off-the-shelf or reusable software Are the reusable components identified in the
products (or size of changes components are identified. estimate? Is the effort to modify or
to the software work incorporate the reusable components
products) is managed estimated?
according to a documented

IM.A6 The size of the software work Factors which could significantly affect the Are the factors which significantly affect the
products (or size of changes size of the software work products are product size identified and monitored?
to the software work identified and monitored closely.
products) is managed
according to a documented

IM.A6 The size of the software work A size threshold is established for each Are the size, effort, schedule thresholds
products (or size of changes managed software element which, when established for the project? Check whether
to the software work projected to be exceeded, requires action. they are exceed, if yes, are the actions
products) is managed taken?
according to a documented

IM.A7 The project's software effort Software effort, cost, and staffing profile Are software effort, cost, and staffing profile
and costs are managed models, if used, are adapted to the project models, if used, adapted to the project and
according to a documented and use available historical data where use available historical data where
procedure. appropriate. appropriate.

IM.A7 The project's software effort Referenced productivity and cost data are Are referenced productivity and cost data
and costs are managed adjusted to incorporate project variables. adjusted to incorporate project variables.
according to a documented

IM.A7 The project's software effort The overall software effort and cost is Is the overall software effort and cost
and costs are managed allocated to individually managed tasks or allocated to individually managed tasks or
according to a documented stages as needed to manage the effort and stages as needed to manage the effort and
procedure. cost effectively. cost effectively.

IM.A7 The project's software effort When the software effort and cost status is Is the software effort status periodically
and costs are managed reviewed and the estimates are revised, reviewed? Is the actual effort over time and
according to a documented actual expenditures over time and against against work completed compared to the
procedure. work completed are compared to the software plan? Is the effort and schedule estimates for
development plan and used to refine the effort remaining work refined at the end of major
and cost estimates for remaining work. milestone?

IM.A7 The project's software effort An effort and cost threshold is established for Are the size, effort, schedule thresholds
and costs are managed each individually managed software task or established for the project? Check whether
according to a documented stage which, when projected to be exceeded, they are exceed, if yes, are the actions
procedure. requires action. taken?

IM.A8 The project's critical Are the project's critical computer resources
computer resources are managed according to a documented
managed according to a procedure.
documented procedure.

IM.A9 The critical dependencies Are the critical dependencies and critical
and critical paths of the paths defined and reflected in the project
project's software schedule schedule? Are they tracked ?
are managed according to a - Are specific threshold criteria established
documented procedure. for the critical path and dependencies?
- If they are exceeded, is the causal analysis
conducted or decision made visible to
affected groups

IM.A10 The project's software risks Are the project's software risks identified,
are identified, assessed, assessed, documented, and managed
documented, and managed according to a documented procedure.
according to a documented

IM.A11 Reviews of the software Are the reviews of the project periodically
project are periodically performed with the PL and the project team?
performed to determine the
actions needed to bring the
software project's
performance and results in
line with the current and
projected needs of the
business, customer, and end
users, as appropriate.

IM.M1 Measurements are made and Are measurements made and used to
used to determine the determine the effectiveness of the integrated
effectiveness of the software management activities.
integrated software
management activities.

IM.V1 The activities for managing Are the project's activities periodically
the software project are reviewed with the senior managers?
reviewed with senior
management on a periodic

IM.V2 The activities for managing Are the reviews of the project periodically
the software project are performed with the PL and the project team?
reviewed with the project
manager on both a periodic
and event-driven basis.

IM.V3 The software quality Does the QA verify that the project's defined
assurance group reviews process is documented, reviewed and
and/or audits the activities approved by the responsible person and it is
and work products for in accordance with the tailoring guideline
managing the software
project and reports the

IM.V3 The software quality Does the QA verify that the project
assurance group reviews management plan and risk management plan
and/or audits the activities is prepared, reviewed and approved by the
and work products for PL, QA and the Project director
managing the software
project and reports the

IM.V3 The software quality Does the QA verify that the process database
assurance group reviews is used to support for the project planning
and/or audits the activities and estimating activities
and work products for
managing the software
project and reports the

IM.V3 The software quality Does the QA verify that the project's
assurance group reviews appropriate data are collected and provided
and/or audits the activities to SEPG for storage. They are verified before
and work products for incorporated in the process database
managing the software
project and reports the

PA.G1 The quantitative process Are the quantitative process management

management activities are activities planned.
PA.G2 The process performance of Is the process performance of the project's
the project's defined software defined software process controlled
process is controlled quantitatively.

PA.G3 The process capability of the Is the process capability of the organization's
organization's standard standard software process known in
software process is known in quantitative terms.
quantitative terms.

PA.C1 The project follows a written Each project implements a documented plan Does each project implement a documented
organizational policy for to bring the project's defined software plan to bring the project's defined software
measuring and quantitatively process under quantitative control. process under quantitative control.
controlling the performance
of the project's defined
software process.

PA.C1 The project follows a written Sensitive data relating to individuals' Is sensitive data relating to individuals'
organizational policy for performance are protected, and access to performance are protected, and access to
measuring and quantitatively these data is appropriately controlled. these data appropriately controlled.
controlling the performance
of the project's defined
software process.

PA.C2 The project follows a written Does the project follow a written
organizational policy for organizational policy for analyzing process
analyzing process capability capability of the organization's standard
of the organization's standard software process.
software process.

PA.B1 A group that is responsible Is a group that is responsible for coordinating

for coordinating the the quantitative process management
quantitative process activities for the organization existed.
management activities for the
organization exists.

PA.B2 Adequate resources and The managers and task leaders of the Do the managers and task leaders of the
funding are provided for the software engineering groups and other software engineering groups and other
quantitative process software-related groups perform the project's software-related groups perform the project's
management activities. quantitative process management activities. quantitative process management activities.

PA.B2 Adequate resources and An organization-wide measurement program Is an organization-wide measurement

funding are provided for the exists. program existed.
quantitative process
management activities.

PA.B2 Adequate resources and Tools to support quantitative process Are tools to support quantitative process
funding are provided for the management are made available. management made available.
quantitative process
management activities.

PA.B3 Support exists for collecting, Is support existed for collecting, recording,
recording, and analyzing data and analyzing data for selected process and
for selected process and product measurements.
product measurements.

PA.B4 The individuals implementing Are the projects trained in QPM like setting
or supporting quantitative up goals based on PCB, tailoring of
process management receive quantitative goals, metrics collection &
required training to perform analysis of metrics using tools?
these activities.

PA.B5 The members of the software Do the members of the software engineering
engineering group and other group and other software-related groups
software-related groups receive orientation on the goals and value of
receive orientation on the quantitative process management.
goals and value of
quantitative process

PA.A1 The software project's plan Does the project plan cover the objectives of
for quantitative process quantitative process management activities?
management is developed Are the activities for achieving the objectives
according to a documented mentioned in the PP?

PA.A2 The software project's Are the quantitative process management

quantitative process activities reflected in the schedule? Are the
management activities are data periodically analyzed?
performed in accordance with
the project's quantitative
process management plan.

PA.A3 The strategy for the data Are the strategy for the data collection and
collection and the the quantitative analyses to be performed
quantitative analyses to be determined like the process control points
performed are determined and data collection points determined based
based on the project's on the tasks, the work products and the
defined software process. relationships of them to each other?

PA.A4 The measurement data used Are the specific measurement data to be
to control the project's collect, their definition, and the points at
defined software process which they will be collected defined?
quantitatively are collected
according to a documented

PA.A5 The project's defined The specific data analysis activities are Are the specific data analysis activities
software process is analyzed predefined. predefined for project.
and brought under
quantitative control according
to a documented procedure.

PA.A5 The project's defined Measurement data on the process activities Are measurement data on the process
software process is analyzed throughout the project's defined software activities throughout the project's defined
and brought under process are identified, collected, and software process identified, collected, and
quantitative control according analyzed. analyzed.
to a documented procedure.

PA.A5 The project's defined The selected measurements appropriately Do the selected measurements appropriately
software process is analyzed characterize the process they represent. characterize the process they represent.
and brought under
quantitative control according
to a documented procedure.

PA.A5 The project's defined The expected values for mean and variance Are the expected values for mean and
software process is analyzed are specified for each measurement. variance specified for each measurement.
and brought under
quantitative control according
to a documented procedure.

PA.A5 The project's defined The acceptable limits for each measurement Are the acceptable limits for each
software process is analyzed are defined and the project's process measurement defined and the project's
and brought under performance baseline is established. process performance baseline is established.
quantitative control according
to a documented procedure.

PA.A5 The project's defined The actual values of each measurement are Are the actual values of each measurement
software process is analyzed compared to the expected values of the mean compared to the expected values of the
and brought under and variance. mean and variance.
quantitative control according
to a documented procedure.

PA.A5 The project's defined The process performance baseline for the Is the process performance baseline for the
software process is analyzed software project is managed and controlled. software project managed and controlled.
and brought under
quantitative control according
to a documented procedure.

PA.A6 Reports documenting the Are the results of data analysis reviewed with
results of the software those affected by the data?
project's quantitative process Are the senior manager, the QA, the SEPG
management activities are received the regular project reports
prepared and distributed.

PA.A7 The process capability Is the process capability baseline for the
baseline for the organization's standard process
organization's standard documented?
software process is - Are the effects of the changes of the
established and maintained software process on the PCB tracked and
according to a documented analyzed?

PA.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metrics for the quantitative process
used to determine the status management activities periodically calculated
of the activities for and analyzed?
quantitative process

PA.V1 The activities for quantitative Are the QPM activities verified by the senior
process management are manager?
reviewed with senior
management on a periodic

PA.V2 The software project's Are the QPM activities reviewed with the PL?
activities for quantitative
process management are
reviewed with the project
manager on both a periodic
and event-driven basis.

PA.V3 The software quality Does the QA verify that

assurance group reviews - The quantitative management plan are
and/or audits the activities followed?
and work products for - The procedure for QPM are followed?
quantitative process - The data collection and analysis are
management and reports the performed as required?
results. - The data are verified?

PD.G1 A standard software process Is the standard process developed and

for the organization is maintained?
developed and maintained.

PD.G2 Information related to the use Is information related to the use of the
of the organization's standard organization's standard software process by
software process by the the software projects collected, reviewed,
software projects is collected, and made available for use.
reviewed, and made

PD.C1 The organization follows a A standard software process is defined for the Is standard software process defined for the
written policy for developing organization. organization.
and maintaining a standard
software process and related
process assets.

PD.C1 The organization follows a A project's defined software process is a Verify whether the process tailoring of the
written policy for developing tailored version of the organization's standard project conforms to the tailoring guideline?
and maintaining a standard software process.
software process and related
process assets.

PD.C1 The organization follows a The organization's software process assets When a project is closed, are the project's
written policy for developing are maintained. products and records handed-over to the
and maintaining a standard SEPG and the Operation group?
software process and related
process assets.

PD.C1 The organization follows a Information collected from the projects is Verify whether the projects' metrics, lessons
written policy for developing organized and used to improve the learnt, products, reusable components are
and maintaining a standard organization's standard software process. systematically retained in the process asset
software process and related library at the SEPG and Operation group?
process assets. Are the asset evaluated before they go into
the libraries?

PD.B1 Adequate resources and The development and maintenance of the Are the responsibilities for maintenance of
funding are provided for organization's standard software process and the closed projects's assets assigned? Are
developing and maintaining related process assets is performed or the process asset library available? Is the
the organization's standard coordinated by the group responsible for the reusable components library available?
software process and related organization's software process activities
process assets. (e.g., software engineering process group).

PD.B1 Adequate resources and Tools to support process development and Are the templates support for process
funding are provided for maintenance are made available. documentation used appropriately?
developing and maintaining
the organization's standard
software process and related
process assets.

PD.B2 The individuals who develop Are the training on the process analysis and
and maintain the documentation methods, software
organization's standard engineering provided to the SEPG members?
software process and related
process assets receive
required training to perform
these activities.

PD.B2 The organization's standard The organization's standard software process Do the organization's standard software
software process is satisfies the software policies, process process satisfy the software policies,
developed and maintained standards, and product standards imposed on process standards, and product standards
according to a documented the organization, as appropriate. imposed on the FPT.

PD.A1 The organization's standard The organization's standard software process N/A
software process is satisfies the software process and product
developed and maintained standards that are commonly imposed on the
according to a documented organization's projects by their customers, as
procedure. appropriate.

PD.A1 The organization's standard State-of-the-practice software engineering Are state-of-the-practice software
software process is tools and methods are incorporated into the engineering tools and methods incorporated
developed and maintained organization's standard software process, as into the organization's standard software
according to a documented appropriate. process.

PD.A1 The organization's standard The internal process interfaces between the Are the internal process interfaces between
software process is software disciplines are described. the software disciplines described?
developed and maintained
according to a documented

PD.A1 The organization's standard The external process interfaces between the Are the external process interfaces between
software process is software process and the processes of other the software process and the processes of
developed and maintained affected groups are described. other affected groups described.
according to a documented

PD.A1 The organization's standard Changes proposed for the organization's Are changes proposed for the organization's
software process is standard software process are documented, standard software process documented,
developed and maintained reviewed, and approved by the group reviewed, and approved by the SEPG before
according to a documented responsible for the organization's software they are incorporated.
procedure. process activities (e.g., software engineering
process group) before they are incorporated.

PD.A1 The organization's standard Plans for introducing changes to the software Are the plans for introducing the process
software process is process of ongoing projects are defined as deviations defined?
developed and maintained appropriate.
according to a documented

PD.A1 The organization's standard The description of the organization's standard Are the description of the software processes
software process is software process undergoes peer review reviewed with the software experts?
developed and maintained when initially developed and whenever
according to a documented significant changes or additions are made.

PD.A1 The organization's standard The description of the organization's standard Are the description of the software process
software process is software process is placed under given the version number? Are the changes
developed and maintained configuration management. to the process description recorded?
according to a documented

PD.A2 The organization's standard The process is decomposed into constituent Are the process steps and parameters
software process is process elements to the granularity needed described clearly and understandable?
documented according to to understand and describe the process.
established organization

PD.A2 The organization's standard Each process element is described and Are the references for each process step
software process is addresses the required procedures, practices, addressed completely?
documented according to methods, and technologies; the applicable
established organization process and product standards; the
standards. responsibilities for implementing the process;
the required tools and resources; inputs; the
software work products produced; the
software work products that should undergo
peer review; the readiness and completion
criteria; and the product and process data to
be collected.

PD.A2 The organization's standard The relationships of the process elements are Are the relationships of the process steps
software process is described and address the ordering, the described and address the ordering, the
documented according to interfaces, and the interdependencies. interfaces, and the interdependencies?
established organization

PD.A3 Descriptions of software life The software life cycles are compatible with Are the software life cycles compatible with
cycles that are approved for the organization's standard software process. the standard process?
use by the projects are
documented and maintained.

PD.A3 Descriptions of software life Changes proposed for the descriptions of Are the tailoring/deviations proposed for the
cycles that are approved for software life cycles are documented, description of software life cycles
use by the projects are reviewed, and approved by the group documented, reviewed and approved by the
documented and maintained. responsible for the organization's software SEPG?
process activities (e.g., software engineering
process group) before they are incorporated.

PD.A3 Descriptions of software life The descriptions of the software life cycles Are the descriptions of the software life cycle
cycles that are approved for undergo peer review when initially reviewed?
use by the projects are documented and whenever significant
documented and maintained. changes or additions are made.

PD.A3 Descriptions of software life The descriptions of the software life cycles Are the descriptions of the software life
cycles that are approved for are managed and controlled. cycles managed and controlled in according
use by the projects are to document control process?
documented and maintained.

PD.A4 Guidelines and criteria for the The tailoring guidelines and criteria cover Do the tailoring guidelines and criteria cover
projects' tailoring of the selecting and tailoring the software life cycle selecting and tailoring the software life cycle
organization's standard for the project, tailoring the organization's for the project, tailoring the organization's
software process are standard software process to accommodate standard software process to accommodate
developed and maintained. the software life cycle and the project's the software life cycle and the project's
characteristics, and standards for characteristics, and standards for
documenting the project's defined software documenting the project's defined software
process. process.

PD.A4 Guidelines and criteria for the Changes proposed for the tailoring guidelines Are the changes proposed for the tailoring
projects' tailoring of the and criteria are documented, reviewed, and guidelines documented, reviewed and
organization's standard approved by the group responsible for the approved before they are incorporated?
software process are organization's software process activities
developed and maintained. (e.g., software engineering process group)
before they are incorporated.

PD.A4 Guidelines and criteria for the The tailoring guidelines and criteria are Are the tailoring guidelines and criteria
projects' tailoring of the managed and controlled. managed and controlled in according to the
organization's standard document control process.
software process are
developed and maintained.

PD.A5 The organization's software The database is established to collect and Is the database established to collect and
process database is make available data on the software make available data on the software
established and maintained. processes and resulting software work processes and resulting software work
products. products.

PD.A5 The organization's software The data entered into the database is Is the data coming to the process database
process database is reviewed to ensure the integrity of the evaluated by the QA before inputting into the
established and maintained. database contents. database?

PD.A5 The organization's software The database is managed and controlled. Is the database is managed and controlled?
process database is
established and maintained.

PD.A5 The organization's software User access to the database contents is Is the access right to the database contents
process database is controlled to ensure completeness, integrity, controlled?
established and maintained. and accuracy of the data.

PD.A6 A library of software process- Candidate documentation items are reviewed Are the process-related documentation items
related documentation is and appropriate items that may be useful in of the projects included in the SEPG library?
established and maintained. the future are included in the library. The documentation items are:
- the description of the project's defined
- the project standards, procedures, plans,
training materials..

PD.A6 A library of software process- The documentation items are catalogued for Is the process assets library catalogued for
related documentation is easy access. easy access? Is the directory structure
established and maintained. available?

PD.A6 A library of software process- Revisions made to documentation items Are the library contents updated
related documentation is currently in the library are reviewed, and the appropriately?
established and maintained. library contents are updated as appropriate.

PD.A6 A library of software process- The library contents are made available for Are the directory structure and contents of
related documentation is use by the software projects and other the process asset library communicated to
established and maintained. software-related groups. the people for use?

PD.A6 A library of software process- The use of each documentation item is N/A
related documentation is reviewed periodically, and the results are
established and maintained. used to maintain the library contents.

PD.A6 A library of software process- The library contents are managed and Are the changes to the library contents
related documentation is controlled. recorded?
established and maintained.

PD.M1 Measurements are made and Are the metric of the process definition
used to determine the status activities periodically calculated and
of the organization's process analyzed?
definition activities.

PD.V1 The software quality - The appropriate standards are followed in Does the QA verify:
assurance group reviews developing, documenting, and maintaining - The appropriate standards are followed in
and/or audits the the organization's standard software process developing, documenting, and maintaining
organization's activities and and related process assets. the organization's standard software process
work products for developing - The organization's standard software and related process assets.
and maintaining the process and related process assets are - The organization's standard software
organization's standard controlled and used appropriately. process and related process assets are
software process and related controlled and used appropriately.
process assets and reports
the results.

Document Template Process ISO FPT Process KPA
N/A Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process QM
management 7.3.1

Metric guidelines Quality planning 7.1 Quality process QM

Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process QM

Progress report management 8.2.3
Milestone report
Fsoft policy Project plan Software project 5.4.1 Software process QM
Post-mortem management

Fsoft policy Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process QM

Post-mortem management 8.1
report 8.2.3

Fsoft policy Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process QM

management 8.1

Fsoft policy Project plan Software project management

7.1 Software process QM

Project management guideline Project plan Software project 7.5.2 Software process QM

Metric guideline Project plan Software project 6.2.3 Software process QM


Training procedure Training plan Training 6.2.2 Human resource QM

Training guideline Employee process
training history
tracking form

Training procedure Training plan Training 6.2 Human resource QM

Training guideline Employee process
training history
tracking form

Quality planning procedure Project plan Quality planning 5.1 Quality process QM

Quality planning procedure Project plan: Quality planning 5.4 Quality process QM
Metric guideline Traceability

Metric guideline PCB 8.4 Software process QM

PM guideline Project plan: Software project 7.1 Software process QM

Metric guideline Quality management 5.4

PM guideline Project plan: Software project 8.4 Software process QM

Quality management

PM guideline Project plan Software project 8.2.3 Software process QM

Record of change management 7.5.1

Process management procedure Review record Software project 7.5.1 Software process QM
PM guideline Meeting minutes management 7.5.2
Review guideline

Process management procedure Review record Software project 7.5.1 Software process QM
PM guideline Meeting minutes management 7.5.2
Review guideline

Process management procedure Review record Software project 7.5.1 Software process QM
PM guideline Meeting minutes management 7.5.2
Review guideline

CM guideline Record of Configuration management 4.2.3 Software process QM

Version numbering standard change: 4.2.4
Project plan of 7.5.3
different versions

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 5.5.3 Software process QM
PM guideline management

PM guideline Project plan: Software project 7.1 Software process QM

Quality management 8.1

Description of the products URD User requirement definition 7.1 Software process QM

Description of the products Test plan Test 7.5.3 Software process QM
Test case

PM guideline Project plan: Software project 7.1 Software process QM

Quality management

PM guideline Project plan: Software project 7.1 Software process QM

Quality management

Metric guideline Project plan: Software project 7.1 Software process QM

Milestone report management 8.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process QM
Record of change management

PM guideline MS schedule Software project 7.5.1 Software process QM

Traceability management 7.3.1

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 8.2.3 Software process QM

Metric guideline management 8.2.4

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 8.2.3 Software process QM

Metric guideline management 8.2.4

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 8.5.2 Software process QM

Meeting minutes management 8.5.3

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 8.5.2 Software process QM

Meeting minutes management 8.5.3

Project management guideline Project plan: Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process QM
Subcontractor management 7.4

QM metric guideline Progress report Software project 8.2.3 Software process QM

Milestone report management 8.2.4
Post-mortem 8.4

Management review procedure Progress report Management review 5.6 Software process QM
Milestone report 7.5.1
Post-mortem 7.5.2

PM guideline Progress report Software project 8.2.3 Software process QM

Meeting minutes management 7.5.1

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process QM
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process QM
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Quality planning guideline Project plan Quality planning 7.1 Quality process QA

Process management Review record Quality control 7.5.1 Quality process QA

Internal audit Internal audit 8.1

Process management Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process QA

Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Corrective/Preventive actions Corrective/Preve Correction and prevention 8.5.2 Quality process QA

quality procedure ntive action report 8.5.3

Fsoft policy Quality control Quality control 5.5.2 Quality process QA

Review record

2-01-e-STCL/FPT N/A Quality control 5.5.2 Quality process QA

2-01-e-STCL/FPT N/A Quality control 6.1 Quality process QA


2-01-e-STCL/FPT N/A N/A 6.1 Quality process QA


N/A N/A Quality processes 6.3 Quality process QA

Training procedure Attendant Training 6.2 Human resource QA

Job description checklist: Test process

Project management guideline Project plan Software project 6.3 Quality process QA

Quality planning procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process QA
PM guideline management 4.2.3

Quality planning procedure Project plan Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process QA
PM guideline Internal audit 7.5.1

PM guideline Review checklist Quality control 7.5.1 Quality process QA
Review record 8.2.3

Process management procedure Review checklists Quality control 7.5.1 Quality process QA
Control of nonconforming Review record 8.2.3
product procedure Request for C&P

Corrective/preventive action C&P diary Correction and prevention 8.3 Quality process QA
procedure: Review record 8.5.2

N/A Final inspection Deployment 7.3.6 Software process QA


N/A Review checklists Quality control 7.3.4 Quality process QA

Review record 7.3.5

Control of nonconforming Request for C&P Quality control 8.3 Quality process QA
product procedure action 8.5.2
C&P action diary 8.5.3

Corrective/Preventive actions C&P diary Correction and prevention 8.3 Quality process QA
procedure 8.5.2

QA's job description Quality control Quality control 7.5.1 Quality process QA
report 8.2.3

Corrective/Preventive actions Request for C&P Correction and prevention 8.3 Quality process QA
quality procedure action 8.5.2
C&P action diary 8.5.3

Corrective/Preventive actions Post-mortem Software project 8.2.3 Software process QA

procedure report management 8.3

Corrective/Preventive actions Corrective/Preve Correction and prevention 8.2.3 Quality process QA

procedure ntive action report 8.3

PM guideline Meeting minutes: Software project 7.5.1 Software process QA
Review management 8.3
record 8.5.2

Control of quality record N/A Configuration management 4.2.4 Software process QA


Quality control Quality control 7.5.1 Quality process QA

report 8.2.3
Meeting minutes

QM metric guideline Quality control Quality processes 8.4 Quality process QA


Management review procedure Quality control Management review 5.6 Quality process QA
C&P action report

Process management Meeting minutes Quality control 5.6 Quality process QA

procedures Quality control 7.5.1

Internal audit procedure All templates for Internal audit 8.2.2 Quality process QA
internal audit: 8.2.3
plan, program,
NC, checklist

Process management procedure Software engineering 7.1 Software process PE

processes 7.3

CM guideline Traceability Configuration management 7.3.7 Software process PE

matrix 7.5.3

Fsoft policy Working report Software project 6.3 Software process PE

management 7.5.1

Fsoft policy Test 7.6 Software process PE

Fsoft policy Project plan Configuration management 7.3.1 Software process PE

Traceability 7.5.3
matrix 7.3.7

Training procedure Training 6.2 Human resource PE

Training guideline process

Process management procedure Software project 7.1 Software process PE
management 6.3

Training procedure Training 6.2 Human resource PE

Training guideline process

Training procedure Training 6.2 Human resource PE

Training guideline process

Training procedure Training 6.2 Human resource PE

Training guideline process

Design 7.3.2 Software process PE

Process management procedure Working report Software project 7.5.1 Software process PE
management 6.3

Review guideline Review checklist User requirement definition 7.2.2 Software process PE
Review record 7.3.2
Meeting minutes

Analysis guideline User requirement definition 7.1 Software process PE

Analysis guideline URD User requirement definition 7.3.2 Software process PE

Analysis guideline URD User requirement definition 7.3.2 Software process PE


Analysis guideline URD User requirement definition 7.3.7 Software process PE

Test guideline Traceability Test 7.3.2 Software process PE

matrix 8.2.4
Test plan

Review guideline Review checklist User requirement definition 7.2.2 Software process PE
Review record 7.3.2
Meeting minutes

Version numbering standard Record of change Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process PE
CM guideline 7.3.7

CM guideline Record of change Configuration management 7.3.7 Software process PE


Process management procedure Design 7.1 Software process PE

Review guideline Review checklist User requirement definition 7.2.2 Software process PE
Review record 7.3.2
Meeting minutes

Process management procedure Design 7.1 Software process PE


Process management procedure Design 7.1 Software process PE


Design 7.3.3 Software process PE

Review guideline Review checklist Design 7.3.4 Software process PE

Review record 7.3.5
Meeting minutes

Design 7.3.3 Software process PE

Design 7.3.3 Software process PE

Review guideline Review checklist Design 7.3.4 Software process PE

Review record 7.3.5
Meeting minutes

CM guideline Configuration management 7.3.7 Software process PE


CM guideline Record of change Configuration management 7.3.7 Software process PE

Traceability 7.5.3

Review guideline Review checklist Coding 7.3.4 Software process PE

Review record 7.3.5
Meeting minutes

Coding 7.1 Software process PE


Project plan Coding 7.3.1 Software process PE

Review guideline Review checklist Coding 7.3.4 Software process PE
Coding standard Review record 7.3.5

CM guideline Project plan: CM Configuration management 7.3.7 Software process PE

plan 7.5.3

CM guideline Record of change Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process PE

Change request

Review guideline Review checklist Test 7.3.7 Software process PE

Review record

Test guideline Test plan Test 7.1 Software process PE


Test guideline Review checklist Test 7.1 Software process PE


Test guideline Test 7.1 Software process PE


Test guideline Test 7.3.7 Software process PE

Review guideline Review checklist Test 7.5.1 Software process PE

Review record 7.5.2
Meeting minutes

CM guideline Project plan: CM Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process PE

plan 7.3.7

CM guideline Record of change Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process PE

Change request 7.3.7

Test guideline Test case Test 7.3.6 Software process PE

Traceability 8.2.4

Review guideline Review checklist Test 7.5.1 Software process PE
Review record 8.2.4
Meeting minutes

Traceability Test 7.3.5 Software process PE

matrix 7.3.6

Test plan Test 7.1 Software process PE

Review guideline Review checklist Test 7.5.1 Software process PE

Review record 8.2.4
Meeting minutes

Test guideline Test plan Test 7.1 Software process PE


Test guideline Test 7.3.5 Software process PE


Test guideline Review record Test 8.3 Software process PE

Test guideline Test report Test 7.5.1 Software process PE


Control of quality record Test 4.2.4 Software process PE


Standard for documentation Coding 7.3.3 Software process PE

Coding 7.5.1 Software process PE

Standard software lifecycle Coding 7.3.4 Software process PE

Review guideline Review checklist Coding 7.3.6 Software process PE

Review record 8.2.4

Deployment 7.3.6 Software process PE


Review guideline Review checklist Deployment 7.3.4 Software process PE

Review record 7.3.5

Review guideline Review checklist Coding 7.3.4 Software process PE

Review record 7.3.5

CM guideline Configuration management 4.2.4 Software process PE


CM guideline Configuration management 4.2.4 Software process PE


Review checklist Coding 8.2.4 Software process PE

Review record 7.3.6

Review checklist Deployment 8.2.4 Software process PE

Review record 7.3.6

Metric guideline Review record Test 8.4 Software process PE

Progress report
Milestone report

Metric guideline Review record Software project 8.4 Software process PE

Progress report management
Milestone report

7.3.3 Software process PE

CM guideline Traceability Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process PE

matrix 7.3.7

CM guideline Change request Configuration management 7.3.7 Software process PE

Record of change 7.5.3
Baseline record 7.5.1

Software metric guideline Milestone report Software project 8.2.4 Software process PE
management 8.4

Software metric guideline Progress report Software project 8.2.3 Software process PE
Milestone report management 8.4

Management review procedure Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process PE
Meeting minutes management 8.2.3

PM guideline Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process PE

Meeting minutes management 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process PE
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process PE
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process PE
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Requirement Management SRS Requirements 7.3.7 Software process RM


CM guideline, Change SRS Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process RM

Management Guideline

Fsoft policy URD, SRS User requirement definition 7.2.1 Software process RM

Fsoft policy Review checklist User requirement definition 7.2.1 Software process RM
Review record 7.2.2

Fsoft policy Change request Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process RM

Record of change 7.3.7

PM guideline Project plan Software project 5.5.1 Software process RM

management 7.3.1

Contract review procedure Software contract 7.2.1 Software process RM


Requirement Management Traceability User requirement definition 7.2.1 Software process RM

Guideline matrix, SRS 7.3.2
Requirement Management Traceability User requirement definition 7.2.1 Software process RM
Guideline matrix, SRS 7.3.2
Tool Mentor: Requirement Tool Software contract 6.3 Software process RM
Management management

Process management procedure Traceability User requirement definition 6.3 Software process RM
matrix 7.1

Requirement Management Software project 6.2 Software process RM

Guideline management

Guideline for SRS Traceability User requirement definition 7.2.1 Software process RM
matrix 7.3.2

Guideline for SRS Review report Deployment 7.2.3 Software process RM


Guideline for SRS SRS Software contract 7.2.2 Software process RM

management 7.3.2

Contract review quality N/A Software contract 7.2.2 Software process RM

procedure management 7.2.3

Contract review procedure User requirement definition 7.2.2 Software process RM


Contract review procedure Review checklist User requirement definition 7.2.2 Software process RM
Review record 7.2.3

Requirement Management Record of change Requirement Management 7.2.1 Software process RM

Guideline Traceability Process 7.2.3
matrix 4.2.4

URD Software project 7.1 Software process RM


URD User requirement definition 7.2.2 Software process RM


7.3.2 Software process RM

Requirement Management Change request Requirement Management 7.2.3 Software process RM

Guideline Meeting minutes Process 7.3.7

Software metric guideline Project metric Requirements 8.2.3 Software process RM

form 8.4

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 7.5.1 Software process RM

Progress report management 5.6
Meeting minutes

PM guideline Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process RM

Meeting minutes management

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process RM
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Subcontract process description Sub-contract management 4.1 Software process SM


Subcontract process description Sub-contract management 4.1 Software process SM


Subcontract process description Sub-contract management 4.1 Software process SM


Subcontract process description Sub-contract management 4.1 Software process SM


Fsoft policy Sub-contract management 7.1 Software process SM

Fsoft policy Sub-contract management 7.1 Software process SM

Fsoft policy Sub-contract management 7.1 Software process SM

Subcontract officer's job Sub-contract management 6.1 Software process SM


Subcontract officer's job Sub-contract management 6.1 Software process SM


Subcontract officer's job Sub-contract management 6.1 Software process SM


Subcontract process description Sub-contract management 6.1 Software process SM


Subcontract process description Sub-contract management 6.1 Software process SM

Training guideline Sub-contract management 6.2 Software process SM

Purchasing procedure Sub-contract management 6.2 Software process SM


Purchasing procedure Project plan: sub- Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

contractor management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Project plan: sub- Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

contractor management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Project plan: sub- Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM
contractor management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

evaluation form management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Review record Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

Meeting minutes management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM
management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM
management 7.4

Process management procedure Meeting minutes Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

Review guideline management

Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process SM

Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

CM guideline Configuration management 4.2.4 Software process SM


Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4.1

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 7.4 Software process SM


Software metric guideline Sub-contractor 8.2.3 Software process SM
management 8.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Purchasing procedure Sub-contractor 4.1 Software process SM

management 7.4

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process SM
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Training procedure Training plan Training 7.1 Human resource TP

Training guideline process
Training procedure Training 6.2 Human resource TP
Training guideline process

Training procedure Training 6.2 Human resource TP

Training guideline process

Fsoft policy Training 5.3 Human resource TP


Fsoft policy Training plan Training 5.3 Human resource TP


Fsoft policy Training supplier Training 5.3 Human resource TP

evaluation form 7.4 process
Training supplier
tracking form

7.1 Human resource TP


Recruitment and training 5.5.1 TP


Training 6.3 Human resource TP

Training 6.3 Human resource TP


Training 6.2.2 Human resource TP


Training procedure Review record Software project 6.2.2 Human resource TP

Training guideline Meeting minutes management 7.5.1 process
PM guideline

Training procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Human resource TP

Training guideline management 7.5.1 process
PM guideline

Training guideline Training plan Training 7.1 Human resource TP

7.5.1 process

Training guideline Training 7.1 Human resource TP

7.5.1 process

Training guideline Training plan Training 7.5.1 Human resource TP

Record of change process

Training guideline Training plan Training 7.5.2 Human resource TP

Record of change process

Training 4.2.4 Human resource TP


Training procedure Training 7.5.1 Human resource TP

Training guideline 5.5.3 process

Training procedure Training plan Training 7.1 Human resource TP

Training guideline 7.5.1 process

Training procedure Training plan Training 7.1 Human resource TP
Training guideline 7.5.1 process

Training procedure Training 6.2.3 Human resource TP

Training guideline process

Control of quality record Training 4.2.4 Human resource TP

procedure process
Training procedure

Training guideline Training 6.2.2 Human resource TP


Control of quality record Employee Training 4.2.4 Human resource TP

procedure training history 6.2.2 process
Training procedure tracking form

Human metric guideline Student Training 8.2.3 Human resource TP

evaluation form 8.2.4 process
Training course 8.4
evaluation form

Human metric guideline Training 8.2.3 Human resource TP

8.2.4 process

Training procedure Training Training 7.5.1 Human resource TP

Training guideline summary report process

Training guideline Training supplier Training 8.2.3 Human resource TP

evaluation form process

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process TP
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process TP
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process TP
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process TP
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process TP
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

CM guideline Project plan: CM plan

Configuration management 7.1 Software process CM

CM guideline Project plan: CM plan

Configuration management 7.1 Software process CM

CM guideline Change request Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process CM

Record of change 7.3.7

CM guidelines Baseline record Configuration management 7.5.1 Software process CM

Fsoft policy Project plan: Project

project 7.1 Software process CM
management 7.3.1

Fsoft policy Configuration management 7.5.1 Software process CM


Fsoft policy Project plan: CM plan

Configuration management 7.5.4 Software process CM

CM guidelines Project plan: CM plan

Configuration management 7.1 Software process CM

CM guidelines Project plan Configuration management 7.1 Software process CM

PM guideline Project plan Configuration management 6.3 Software process CM

Training 6.2.2 Human resource CM


Training 6.2.2 Human resource CM


CM guideline Project plan Configuration management 7.1 Software process CM


CM guidelines Project plan Configuration management 7.1 Software process CM


CM guidelines Project plan Configuration management 7.1 Software process CM


CM guideline Project plan: CM plan

Configuration management 7.5.1 Software process CM

CM guideline Project plan: CM plan

Configuration management 7.5.1 Software process CM

Configuration management 7.3.7 Software process CM

CM guideline Review record Configuration management 7.3.7 Software process CM

Baseline record

CM guideline Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process CM

CM guideline Recorded of Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process CM

change 7.3.7

CM guideline Baseline record Configuration management 5.5.3 Software process CM

Meeting minutes 7.5.2
Change request 7.2.2
Record of change
Baseline audit

CM guideline Baseline checklist Configuration management 7.5.2 Software process CM

PM guideline 8.2.2

Software metric guideline Configuration management 8.2.3 Software process CM


Management review procedure Management review 7.5.1 Software process CM


PM guideline Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process CM

Milestone report management 8.2.3

CM guideline Configuration management 7.5.2 Software process CM


Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process CM
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

N/A N/A Requirements 7.2.2 Software process IC

N/A N/A Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC


N/A N/A Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC

Fsoft policy Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process IC


Fsoft policy N/A Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC


Fsoft policy N/A Software project 5.3.1 Software process IC

management 6.4

N/A N/A Software project 6.1 Software process IC


N/A N/A Software project 6.3 Software process IC


Employee Training 6.2 Human resource IC

training history process
tracking form

Employee Training 6.2 Human resource IC

training history process
tracking form

Employee Training 6.2 Human resource IC

training history process
tracking form

SRS User requirement definition 7.2.2 Software process IC


PM guideline Software project 7.4.3 Software process IC


User requirement definition 7.2.1 Software process IC

Software process IC

Software process IC

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC


PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC


PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC


PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC


PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC


PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process IC
management 7.3.1

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC


PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process IC

management 7.3.1

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process IC

management 7.3.1

PM guideline Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC

Milestone report management

PM guideline Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC

Milestone report management

PM guideline Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process IC


7.5.1 Software process IC

7.5.1 Software process IC

7.5.1 Software process IC

7.5.1 Software process IC

7.5.1 Software process IC

Support metric guideline Control of information 8.4 Information process IC


Support metric guideline Administration process 8.4 Administration IC


Management review procedure Management review 7.5.1 IC


PM guideline Software project 7.5 Software process IC


Internal audit procedure Internal audit Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process IC
checklist Internal audit 7.5.1
Audit report 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Internal audit Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process IC
checklist Internal audit 7.5.1
Audit report 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Internal audit Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process IC
checklist Internal audit 7.5.1
Audit report 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Internal audit Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process IC
checklist Internal audit 7.5.1
Audit report 8.2.3

Review guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PR

management 7.3.1
Control of nonconforming Software project 8.3 Software process PR
product procedure management 8.2.4

Fsoft policy Software project 7.1 Software process PR

management 7.3.1

Fsoft policy Software project 7.1 Software process PR


Fsoft policy 6.2 Software process PR

Review guideline Software project 6.1 Software process PR

management 6.3

Training guideline 6.2.2 Software process PR

Training guideline 6.2.2 Software process PR

Review guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PR

management 7.3.1

Review guideline PR

Review guideline Software project Software process PR


Review guideline PR

Review guideline Project plan Software project Software process PR


Review guideline Review checklists Software project Software process PR


Review guideline Review report Software project Software process PR


Review guideline Project plan Software process PR

Metrics guideline Review reports Software project 8.2.3 Software process PR


Software metric guideline Milestone report Software project 8.2.3 Software process PR
Post-mortem management 8.4

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process PR
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

N/A Quality processes 5.2.4 Quality process PF


N/A Quality processes 8.1 Quality process PF


N/A Quality planning 5.4.1 Quality process PF


Fsoft policy 5.5.2 Quality process PF

Fsoft policy Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process PF

Internal audit 8.2.3

Fsoft policy Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PF

management 7.3.1

Fsoft policy N/A Configuration management 4.2.3 Quality process PF


Process management guidelines N/A N/A 5.1 Quality process PF


Process management guidelines 5.1 Quality process PF


Process management guidelines 5.1 Quality process PF

Process management guidelines Management Management review 5.6 Quality process PF

review template

Process management guidelines Management Management review 5.6 Quality process PF

review program,
meeting minutes

QA's job description 5.5.2 Quality process PF

5.1 Quality process PF

6.3 Quality process PF


Training procedure Training 6.2.2 Human resource PF

QA's job description process

Training 6.2.2 Human resource PF


Process management procedure N/A Quality planning 8.4 Quality process PF

Quality planning procedure Quality planning 8.5.1 Quality process PF

N/A N/A Quality planning 8.1 Quality process PF

Process management procedure Review record Quality planning 4.2.3 Quality process PF
Meeting minutes

Process management procedure Review record Quality planning 4.2.3 Quality process PF
Meeting minutes

N/A N/A 4.1 Quality process PF

4.2.4 Quality process PF

N/A N/A 7.6 Quality process PF


Training procedure Training plan Training 6.2 Human resource PF


Training procedure Training 6.2 Human resource PF


Process management procedure Meeting minutes 5.5.3 Quality process PF


QM metric guideline Quality planning 8.4 Quality process PF

Management review procedure Progress report Management review 7.5.1 Quality process PF
Milestone report 8.2.3

Management review procedure N/A Management review 5.5.3 Quality process PF


Estimation Estimation form Software project 7.3.1 Software process PP

PM guideline management

Estimation Project plan Software project 7.3.1 Software process PP

PM guideline management

PM guideline Software project 5 Software process PP


PM guideline Software project 5.5.1 Software process PP

Job description management 7.3.1

Fsoft policy Software project 7.1 Software process PP

management 7.3.1

Fsoft policy Review checklist Software project 7.1 Software process PP

Review record management 7.3.1
Meeting minutes 7.5.1

Fsoft policy Review checklist Software project 7.1 Software process PP

Review record management 7.3.1
Meeting minutes 7.5.1

Fsoft policy Record of change Configuration management 4.2.3 Software process PP


Contract review procedure Review checklist Software contract 7.2.1 Software process PP
Meeting minutes management
Work order

N/A N/A Software contract 7.2.1 Software process PP


PM guideline MS Project Software project 6.1 Software process PP
schedule management 7.1
Project plan 7.3.1

PM guideline MS Project Software project 6.1 Software process PP

schedule management 7.1
Project plan 7.3.1
Training procedure N/A Software project 6.1 Software process PP
Training guideline management 6.2

Process management quality Working report Tool inspection 6.1 Software process PP
procedure 6.3

Training procedure Training 6.2 Human resource PP


Contract review procedure Software contract 7.2.1 Software process PP

management 7.2.2

Contract review procedure Software contract 7.2.3 Software process PP


Contract review procedure Meeting minutes Software contract 7.2.2 Software process PP

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP

management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Meeting minutes Software project 7.3.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.5.1

Process management procedure Meeting minutes Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline Review record management 7.3.1

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP

management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP

management 7.3.1

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP

management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Review checklist Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline Review record management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Record of change Software project 4.2.3 Software process PP
PM guideline management 4.2.4

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

PM guideline Estimation form Software project 8.4 Software process PP

Estimation guideline management

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Software project Software process PP

PM guideline management
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Software project Software process PP

PM guideline management
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Software project 7.5.1 Software process PP

PM guideline management
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure MS Project Software project Software process PP

PM guideline schedule management
Estimation guideline Project plan

Process management procedure MS Project Software project 7.1 Software process PP

PM guideline schedule management 7.3.1
Estimation guideline Project plan

Process management procedure MS Project Software project 7.1 Software process PP

PM guideline schedule management 7.3.1
Estimation guideline Project plan

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management
Estimation guideline

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process PP
PM guideline management

Record of change Software project 4.2.3 Software process PP

management 4.2.4

Software metric guideline Milestone report Software project 8.2.3 Software process PP
management 8.4

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 5.6 Software process PP
Meeting minutes management 7.5.1

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 5.6 Software process PP

Meeting minutes management 7.5.1

PM guideline Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process PP

Meeting minutes management

PM guideline Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process PP

Meeting minutes management 5.5.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.4 Quality process PP
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT


Process management procedure Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

PM guideline management 8.5.2
Correction/prevention procedure 8.5.3

Process management procedure Software project 7.3.1 Software process PT

PM guideline management 7.5.1

PM guideline Project plan Software project 5.5.1 Software process PT

Job description management 7.1

Fsoft policy Project plan Software project 5.5.1 Software process PT

management 7.1

Fsoft policy Software project 5.5.3 Software process PT
management 7.5.1

Fsoft policy Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

management 8.5.2

Fsoft policy Record of change Software project 5.5.3 Software process PT

Meeting minutes management 7.5.1

Fsoft policy Record of change Software project 5.5.3 Software process PT

Meeting minutes management 7.5.1

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PT
PM guideline management 7.3.1

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PT

MS Project management 7.3.1

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PT

MS Project management 7.3.1

PM guideline MS Project Software project 6.3 Software process PT

schedule management 7.5.1

Training procedure Training 6.2 Human resource PT

Training guideline process

Training procedure Training 6.2 Human resource PT

Training guideline process

Process management procedure MS Project Software project 7.1 Software process PT

PM guideline schedule management 7.3.1
Project plan

Process management procedure MS Project Software project 5.5.3 Software process PT

PM guideline schedule management 7.5.1
Project plan

Process management procedure Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process PT
PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Review checklist Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT
PM guideline Review record management 4.2.3
Meeting minutes 4.2.4
Record of change

Process management procedure Meeting minutes Software project 5.5.3 Software process PT
PM guideline management 7.5.1

Process management procedure Meeting minutes Software project 5.5.3 Software process PT
PM guideline management 7.5.1

Process management procedure Milestone report Software project 8.2.4 Software process PT
PM guideline management 8.4

Process management procedure Software project 7.2.3 Software process PT

PM guideline management 7.3.1

Process management procedure Milestone report Software project 8.2.3 Software process PT
PM guideline management 8.2.4

Process management procedure Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

PM guideline management 8.5.2

Process management procedure Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

PM guideline management 8.5.2

Process management procedure Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT
PM guideline management 8.5.2

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 8.2.3 Software process PT


PM guideline Milestone report Software project 8.2.3 Software process PT


PM guideline Software project 7.2.3 Software process PT

management 7.5.1

PM guideline Time-sheet Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

record management 8.2.3
Working report
Progress report

PM guideline Release note Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

management 8.2.3

PM guideline Release note Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

management 8.2.3

PM guideline Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

management 8.2.3

Control of quality record Software project 4.2.4 Software process PT

procedure management 7.5.3

PM guideline Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

Meeting minutes management 8.2.3

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

Review guideline Postmortem management 8.2.3
Meeting minutes

PM guideline Review checklist Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT
Review record management 7.5.2

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

Postmortem management 7.5.2
report 8.5.2
Meeting minutes 8.5.3

Software metric guideline Time-sheet Software project 8.2.3 Software process PT

record management 8.4

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 5.6 Software process PT

Meeting minutes management 7.5.1

PM guideline Milestone report Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

Meeting minutes management 5.5.3

PM guideline Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

Meeting minutes management

PM guideline Progress report Software project 7.5.1 Software process PT

Meeting minutes management 5.5.3

SQA checklist Review record Quality control 8.2.4 Quality process PT

Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

PM guideline Project plan Software project Software process IM
Tailoring guideline management

PM guideline Software project Software process IM

Tailoring guideline management

Fsoft policy IM

Fsoft policy Control of documentation 4.2.3 Information process IM

Fsoft policy Project plan Software project Software process IM


Fsoft policy Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM


Fsoft policy 4.2.4 Software process IM


Software process IM

Training procedure Training plan Training 6.2.2 Human resource IM
Training guideline process

Training procedure Training plan Training 6.2.2 Human resource IM

Training guideline process

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process IM

Tailoring guideline management

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.1 Software process IM

Tailoring guideline management 7.3.1

PM guideline Review record Software project 5.5.2 Software process IM

Meeting minutes management 7.5.1
Project plan

PM guideline Software project 7.1 Quality process IM

Tailoring guideline management 7.3.1

Control of quality documentation Record of change Configuration management 4.2.3 Software process IM
procedure 7.5.1

Control of quality documentation Record of change Software project 8.4 Software process IM
procedure management 8.5.1

Control of quality documentation Review record Software project 4.2.3 Software process IM
procedure Meeting minutes management 7.5.1
Project plan

Control of quality documentation Record of change Software project 4.2.3 Software process IM
procedure management 7.5.1
PM guideline

PM guideline Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM

management 8.2.3

PM guideline Software project Software process IM

Estimation guideline management

PM guideline Software project Software process IM

Estimation guideline management

PM guideline Software project 4.2.4 Software process IM


Estimate guideline Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM

PM guideline management

Estimate guideline Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM

PM guideline management

Estimate guideline Software project Software process IM

PM guideline management

Estimation guideline Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM

PM guideline management

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM
management 8.2.3

Software project Software process IM


PM guideline Software project Software process IM


PM guideline Software project 7.1 Software process IM

Estimation guideline management 7.3.1

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM

Milestone report management 8.4

PM guideline Project plan Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM

management 8.2.3

PM guideline Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM


PM guideline Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM


PM guideline Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM


PM guideline Meeting minutes Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM


Software metric guideline Project metric Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM
management 8.2.3

PM guideline Milestone review Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM
management 8.2.3

PM guideline Meeting minutes Software project 7.5.1 Software process IM


Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process IM
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process IM
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process IM
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process IM
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

Quality planning 5.4.2 Quality process PA

Metric guideline Project metric Quality control 8.2.3 Quality process PA


Metric guideline PCB Management review 5.4.1 Quality process PA


Fsoft policy Project plan: Software project 7.1 Software process PA

Quality management

Fsoft policy 4.2.4 PA

Fsoft policy 8.4 PA

6.1 PA

6.1 PA

6.2.3 PA

6.2.3 PA


Training 6.2.2 Human resource PA


Training 6.2.2 Human resource PA


Metric guideline Project plan Software project 8.1 Software process PA

PM guideline management 5.4.1

Metric guideline Progress report Software project 8.2 Software process PA

Milestone report management 7.5.1

Metric guideline Project plan Software project 8.1 Software process PA

management 8.2

PM guideline Project plan Software project 8.1 Software process PA
Metric guideline management 8.2

Metric guideline PCB Software project 8.2.3 Software process PA

management 8.4

Metric guideline PCB Software project 8.1 Software process PA

management 8.2

Metric guideline PCB Software project 8.1 Software process PA

management 8.2

Metric guideline PCB Software project 8.1 Software process PA

management 8.2

Metric guideline PCB Software project 8.1 Software process PA

management 8.2

Metric guideline PCB Software project 8.1 Software process PA

management 8.2

Metric guideline PCB Software project 8.1 Software process PA

management 8.2

PM guideline Progress report Software project 8.1 Software process PA

Metric guideline Milestone report management 8.2
Post-mortem 8.4

Control of quality documentation PCB Software project 8.1 Software process PA

procedure management 8.2
Metric guideline 4.2.4

Software metric guideline Software project 8.4 Software process PA

Management review procedure Management review 8.1 Software process PA


PM guideline Progress report Software project 8.1 Software process PA

Metric guideline Milestone report management 8.2
Post-mortem 8.3
report 8.4

Internal audit procedure Review record Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process PA
Internal audit Internal audit 7.5.1
checklist 8.2.3

2-02-e-STCL/FPT N/A N/A 4.1 Quality process PD

5.4.2 7.1

4-01-e-STCL/FPT Configuration 4.2.4 Quality process PD

management??? 7.5.3

Fsoft policy Configuration 4.1 Software PD

management??? 5.4.2 process???

Fsoft policy Project plan: Software project 7.1 Software process PD

section management 8.1

Fsoft policy N/A Software project 7.5.3 Software process PD

management 4.2.4

Fsoft policy PCB template 7.5.3 Software process PD


2-01-e-STCL/FPT N/A N/A 4.1 Software process PD

CM guideline 6.1

4-01-e-STCL/FPT PCB template N/A 6.3 Quality process PD

QA's job description N/A 6.2.2 Quality process PD

Process management quality Process N/A 5.4.2 Information process PD

procedure description

Process management quality Process N/A 5.4.2 Information process PD

procedure description

Process management quality Process N/A 5.4.2 Software process PD

procedure description

Process management quality Process N/A 7.5.1 Information process PD

procedure description 4.2.3

Process management quality Process N/A 7.5.1 Information process PD

procedure description 4.2.3

Process management quality Project plan Control of documentation 4.2.3 Information process PD
procedure 7.5.1
Control of documentation quality
PM guideline

Process management quality Project plan N/A 6.2.2 Information process PD


Control of quality documentation Documentation Control of documentation 4.2.3 Information process PD

quality procedure review report
Process management quality

Control of quality documentation TT/STQT/FPT's Control of documentation 4.2.3 Information process PD

quality procedure template
Process management quality

Control of quality documentation Process Control of documentation 4.2.3 Information process PD

quality procedure description
Process management quality template

Control of quality documentation Process Control of documentation 4.2.3 Information process PD
quality procedure description

Control of quality documentation Process Control of documentation 4.2.3 Information process PD

quality procedure description

Control of quality documentation Project plan Control of documentation 4.2.3 Information process PD
quality procedure 5.4.2

Control of quality documentation Project plan Control of documentation 4.2.3 Information process PD
quality procedure 5.4.2

Control of documentation Control of documentation 4.2.3 Information process PD

procedure 5.4.2

Control of documentation Quality process PD


Tailoring guideline Quality process PD

4.2.3 Quality process PD

Control of documentation 4.2.3 Quality process PD


Control of quality N/A Software project 4.2.3 Software process PD

documentation, information management 4.2.4

Control of quality N/A Software project 4.2.3 Software process PD
documentation, information management 4.2.4

N/A Configuration management 4.2.3 Software process PD


Control of quality N/A Configuration management Software process PD

documentation, information
CM guideline

Control of quality Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process PD

documentation, records 4.2.3
procedures 4.2.4
CM guideline

Control of documentation Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process PD

procedure, 4.2.3
Control of quality records 4.2.4
CM guideline

Control of documentation Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process PD

procedure, 4.2.3
Control of quality records 4.2.4
CM guideline

Control of documentation Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process PD

procedure, 4.2.3
Control of quality records 4.2.4
CM guideline

Control of documentation Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process PD

procedure, 4.2.3
Control of quality records 4.2.4
CM guideline

Control of documentation Configuration management 7.5.3 Software process PD

procedure, 4.2.3
Control of quality records 4.2.4
CM guideline

QM metric guideline 8.4 Quality process PD


Internal audit procedure N/A Quality control 8.2.2 Quality process PD

Internal audit 7.5.1























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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