Case Study

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A disease is an illness or sickness characterized by specific signs or symptoms (Mellor, 2019)


Pathophysiology is the study of diseases that occur in living beings while they perform vital
functions. This branch of medicine explains why diseases occur, how they occur, and what their
symptoms are. Pathophysiology describes the "history" of the disease, which is divided into three phases
once it has reached the living being: initial, clinical, and resolution (Luján, 2015)


Histology is the study of cells and tissues' microscopic anatomy (microanatomy). Based on the
numerous functions that an organism performs, each cell and tissue type is distinct. Histology analyzes
and identifies the tissues and structures present using advanced imaging techniques. To visualize the tiny
structures present in specially prepared tissue samples, light microscopy and specialized systems such
as electron microscopy are used. Histology of various tissues can be used to identify unknown tissues,
provide clues to the function of tissue or cells, and even identify disease in an organism's cells (B.D,

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis. The process of identifying a disease, condition, or injury from its signs and symptoms. A health
history, physical exam, and tests, such as blood tests, imaging tests, and biopsies, may be used to help
make a diagnosis.

Treatment. A treatment is something that health care providers do for their patients to control a health
problem, lessen its symptoms, or clear it up. Treatments can include medicine, therapy, surgery, or other
Tubular Form



The treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis Psoriasis is a chronic The histology of the usually depends on how
autoimmune skin psoriatic plaque shows much skin is affected, how
disease that speeds acanthosis (epidermal bad the disease is (e.g.,
up the growth cycle hyperplasia), which having many or painful skin
of skin cells. overlies inflammatory patches), or the location
infiltrates composed of (especially the face).
dermal dendritic cells, Treatments range from
macrophages, T cells, creams and ointments
and neutrophils. applied to the affected areas
Neovascularization is to ultraviolet light therapy to
also a prominent drugs (such as
feature. The methotrexate).
inflammatory pathways Many people who have
active in plaque psoriasis also have serious
psoriasis and the rest of health conditions such as
the clinical variants diabetes, heart disease, and
overlap, but also display depression. Some people
discrete differences that with psoriasis also have an
account for the different inflammatory condition which
phenotype and affects their joints, called
treatment outcomes. psoriatic arthritis.

The health care provider will

Atopic Atopic dermatitis, ask about the symptoms,
Dermatitis often referred to as examine the skin and review
eczema, is a chronic the medical history of the
(long-lasting) disease patient.
that causes Tests may be needed such
inflammation, as patch testing to identify
redness, and irritation allergies and rule out other
of the skin. skin diseases.
Treatment of atopic
dermatitis may start with
regular moisturizing and
other self-care habits.

Ringworm Ringworm is a Your healthcare provider

infection common infection of might suspect you have
the skin and nails ringworm by looking at the
that is caused by affected skin and asking
fungus. The infection questions about your
is called “ringworm” symptoms. Your healthcare
because it can cause provider will generally take a
an itchy, red, circular small skin scraping or nail
rash. Ringworm is sample to examine under a
also called “tinea” or microscope or send to a
“dermatophytosis.” laboratory for further testing.

Ringworm on the skin like

athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)
and jock itch (tinea cruris)
can usually be treated with
non-prescription antifungal
creams, lotions, or powders
applied to the skin for 2 to 4
weeks. There are many non-
prescription products

Rubeola Rubeola, also known Once the virus penetrates The mainstay of measles
as measles, is a type the organism through the treatment is prevention via
of infectious disease. nasopharyngeal or routine immunization, which
It is caused by a virus conjunctival mucosa, it is highly effective in the
that is transmitted via utilizes the H glycoprotein to prevention of measles. For
person-to-person bind and attach to host children, vaccination begins
contact as well as cells. The first area it with the first dose between
airborne spread. reaches is the regional the ages of 12 to 15 months
lymph nodes where it followed by a second dose at
infects lymphocytes, 4 to 6 years of age though it
multiplies, and starts to can be administered as early
spread systematically. The as 28 days after the first
virus then reaches the dose if the patient is above
lymphoreticular cells of the 12 months of age.
spleen, liver, bone marrow,
and other organs. In these
sites, it continues to multiply
and spreads through the
bloodstream generating
secondary viremia. This
secondary viremia initiates
the prodromal period of the
disease, six to seven days
before the appearance of
the rash. When the virus
reaches the cells of any
tissue, it produces a
mononuclear reaction, with
inflammatory foci distributed
throughout the body. Within
these foci, multicellular giant
cells are formed that include
intranuclear and
intracytoplasmic inclusion
The infection begins after
the binding of hemagglutinin
to its cellular receptor. The
virus spreads from cell to
cell utilizing the fusion
glycoprotein protein, which
induces viral fusion with the
cell membrane releasing its
ribonucleoprotein complex
to the cytoplasm so that,
after transcription and
replication, new viral
particles are generated that
germinate outside the cell.
The immune response is
suppressed by the measles
virus utilization of viral
proteins V and C that
suppress host interferon
production and facilitate its
Rubella Rubella is a If your doctor thinks you
contagious disease have rubella, you may get
that mostly affects blood tests and a virus
children. It causes culture to confirm that. The
symptoms like a virus culture comes from a
rash, fever, and eye throat or nasal swab or from
redness. It’s usually a urine sample.
mild in kids, but it can
be serious in
pregnant women. Most of the time, the
You may also hear infection in children is so
rubella called the mild, it doesn't need to be
“German measles” or treated. You can bring down
the “three-day your child's fever and ease
measles.” aches with pain relievers like
children's acetaminophen or
ibuprofen. Don't give your
child or teen aspirin because
of the risk for a rare but
serious condition called
Reye's syndrome.

If you’re pregnant and think

you’ve caught rubella, call
your doctor right away. You
may be able to take
antibodies called
hyperimmune globulin to
help your body fight the

As for home remedies for

rubella, there aren’t any that
make the virus go away
faster. But rest and pain
relievers can help with self-
care in mild cases, if needed.
Varicella Varicella-zoster virus VZV is a human
Zoster (VZV) is an alpha alphaherpesvirus that
herpes virus that causes varicella
causes chickenpox (chickenpox) as the primary
and herpes zoster infection and establishes
(shingles). latency in sensory ganglia.
Infectious virus is
transmitted by aerosolized
respiratory droplets or by
contact with virus in
varicella or zoster skin
lesions. VZV in respiratory
or conjunctival mucosal
cells can interact with and
infect local immune system
cells and those in adjacent
lymphoid tissues.
Chickenpox rash develops
after an incubation period of
10 to 21 days. [6]
The host immunologic
mechanisms suppress
replication of the virus.
Reactivation can occur if
host immune mechanisms
are compromised. This may
be caused by medications,
illness, malnutrition, stress,
or by the natural decline in
immune function with aging.
Upon reactivation, the virus
migrates along sensory
nerves and produces
sensory loss, pain, and
other neurologic
complications. If motor
nerve roots are also
involved, weakness can
develop in addition to
sensory changes.
involvement is rare but may
develop when the
ophthalmic branch of the
trigeminal nerve is involved.
Fifth Diseas Fifth disease is a Fifth disease is usually
childhood disease diagnosed based on your
that appears as a symptoms. The “slapped
bright red rash on the cheek” rash is a strong sign
cheeks. It’s earned of this condition — and when
the nicknamed it’s accompanied by the
“slapped cheek other main flu-like symptoms
disease” because of — your healthcare provider
this rash. Fifth can usually diagnose fifth
disease is caused by disease in the office without
a virus called any other tests. In rare
parvovirus B19. This cases, your provider may
virus is very order blood tests to confirm
contagious and fifth disease.
infected people can
spread it through Fifth disease symptoms
coughing or typically go away in a few
sneezing. weeks with minimal
treatment. Your healthcare
provider may recommend
over-the-counter (OTC) pain
relievers that can treat fever,
headaches and joint pain.
Roseola Roseola infantum is a Human herpesvirus 6 There is no specific
Infantum common disease of replicates most commonly treatment for roseola
childhood that is in the leukocytes and the infantum. The majority of
seen globally and is salivary glands during the cases of roseola infantum
caused by infection primary infection and will, are mild and self-limited.
with human therefore, be present in Treatment is supportive with
herpesvirus 6 (HHV- saliva. Research has shown rest, maintaining fluid intake
6), or, less frequently, that high levels of and antipyretics such as
by human metalloproteinase 9 and acetaminophen or ibuprofen
herpesvirus 7 (HHV- tissue inhibitor of to control the fever. Due to
7). Roseola infantum, metalloproteinases 1 in the the rash likely being
also known as serum of infants infected nonpruritic, treatment is
exanthema subitum with HHV-6 can lead to unnecessary. There is
or sixth disease, blood-brain barrier currently no vaccination or
typically presents in dysfunction which in return antiviral therapy for the acute
children between six can aid in causing febrile phase of this virus. Adequate
and 12 months of seizures. Early invasion of hand washing is very
age; ninety percent of the central nervous system important to prevent the
cases occur in (CNS) has also been spread of the disease.
children younger than shown.
two years.

Roseola infantum is most

commonly caused by
human herpesvirus 6 and
less commonly, human
herpesvirus 7. Human
herpesvirus 6 has two
variants: A and B. The
primary variant that causes
roseola infantum is HHV-
6B. HHV-6A has not yet
been linked to any disease.
Both variants enter the cell
via interaction with CD46
HHV-6B is involved in the
fusion process to the cell
membrane by an undefined
mechanism, the
nucleocapsid is transported
through the cytoplasm, and
the viral DNA genome is
released into the
nucleoplasm at nuclear pore
complexes. It has been
shown that HHV-6
replicates most effectively in
CD4+ T cells and has a
Herpes The herpes simplex
In some cases, a doctor or
Simplex virus, also known as
clinician can diagnose HSV
HSV, is a viral
by examining the blisters.
infection that causes
They might also ask about
genital and oral
other symptoms, including
flu-like symptoms and early
signs, like tingling or burning.
Many people live with
asymptomatic HSV,
They’ll likely request a
which means they
culture to confirm the
have the virus
diagnosis. A culture involves
without ever having
swabbing fluid from the sore
an outbreak or active
and sending it to a laboratory
episode of herpes.
for testing.

Others might
If you believe you’ve been
exposed to HSV but have no
occasional episodes
symptoms, a blood test can
of small, fluid-filled
determine whether you have
blisters or sores.
HSV antibodies. Just know
These blisters most
that blood tests may not
commonly appear on
accurately detect HSV until
the genitals or mouth
12 weeks after you’ve
and lips, but they can
acquired the infection.
also show up on
hands or fingers and
other parts of your General STI screenings
body. typically don’t include testing
for HSV, so you’ll want to
ask your doctor or clinician
HSV can be sexually
about getting tested for HSV
transmitted, but the
if you believe you could have
virus can also be
the virus. You can also test
transmitted in other
yourself for HSV antibodies
ways. There’s a lot of
with an at-home testing kit.
stigma around
herpes, but the virus
is actually very Treatment
common — and
nothing to be Antiviral medications can
ashamed of. also help lower your chances
of transmitting the virus
during an episode or
shedding it when you don’t
have symptoms.

Plenty of home remedies can

help ease pain and
discomfort associated with
herpes blisters.

Acne is a common A dermatologist can

Acne skin condition that Acne is a chronic diagnose you by looking at
happens when hair inflammatory disease of the your breakouts. During your
follicles under the pilosebaceous unit. Its appointment, a dermatologist
skin become pathophysiology includes will also note what types of
clogged. Sebum—oil hyperseborrhea, abnormal acne you have and where
that helps keep skin follicular keratinization and the breakouts appear on
from drying out—and Propionibacterium acnes your skin. This helps your
dead skin cells plug proliferation in the dermatologist create an
the pores, which pilosebaceous unit. effective treatment plan.
leads to outbreaks of The acne treatment plan
lesions, commonly that’s right for you depends
called pimples or zits. on many considerations,
Most often, the including:
outbreaks occur on What type of acne (i.e.,
the face but can also blackheads, pimples, etc.)
appear on the back, you have
chest, and shoulders. Where the acne appears on
Acne is an your skin
inflammatory disorder What treatments you’ve
of the skin, which has already tried
sebaceous (oil) When the breakouts started
glands that connects Your age
to the hair follicle, Whether the acne has left
which contains a fine you with dark spots or scars
hair. When the wall of Your dermatologist may also
the plugged follicle recommend adding one of
breaks down, it spills the following to your
the bacteria, skin treatment plan. Laser or light
cells, and sebum into therapy: This type of
nearby skin, creating treatment works best when
lesions or pimples. combined with other acne
treatment. A corticosteroid
injection: If you have a large,
extremely painful and deep
acne breakout, a
dermatologist can inject it
with a corticosteroid. A
healthy diet: Some studies
suggest that what you eat
can also help to give you
clearer skin. If you think that
what you’re eating could be
causing breakouts.

Study the topics and answer the guide questions according to standard format.
In Tabular form: Create a brief case study of the following topic based on :
A. Definition,
B. Pathophysiology,
C. Histology,
D. Diagnosis, and treatment
1: Psoriasis

2: Atopic Dermatitis
%20dermatitis%2C%20 often%20referred%20to,anyone%20can%20get%20the

3: Ringworm infection
4: Rubeola
5: Rubella
6. Varicella Zoster
7. Fifth Disease
8. Roseola Infantum
9. Herpes Simplex
10. Acne

Completed task have to be written legibly in a short bond paper, 1 in.border on all sides,
submitted in PDF form.
Include your reference material as footnote at the end of the report.. AVOID
DEADLINE: October 14, 2022 8:00 AM

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