Health Care Provider Factors Associated Wi - 2020 - The Joint Commission Journal
Health Care Provider Factors Associated Wi - 2020 - The Joint Commission Journal
Health Care Provider Factors Associated Wi - 2020 - The Joint Commission Journal
Background: Patients can provide valuable information missing from traditional sources of safety data, thus adding new
insights about factors that lead to preventable harm. In this study, researchers determined associations between patient-
reported contributory factors and patient-reported harms experienced after an adverse event (AE).
Methods: A secondary analysis was conducted of a national sample of patient-reported AEs (surgical, medication, di-
agnostic, and hospital-acquired infection) gathered through an online questionnaire between January 2010 and February
2016. Generalized logit multivariable regression was used to assess the association between patient-reported contributory
factors and patient-reported harms (grouped as nonphysical harm only, physical harm only, physical harm and emotional or
financial harm, and all three harms) and adjusted for patient and AE characteristics.
Results: One third of patients (32.6%) reported experiencing all three harms, 27.3% reported physical harms and one
additional harm, 25.5% reported physical harms only, and 14.7% reported nonphysical harms only. Patients reporting
all three harms were 2.5 times more likely to have filed a report with a responsible authority (95% confidence interval
[CI] = 1.23–5.01) and 3.3 times more likely to have also experienced a surgical complication (95% CI = 1.42–7.51). Odds
of reporting problems related to communication between clinician and patients/families or clinician-related behavioral issues
was 13% higher in those experiencing all three harm types (95% CI = 1.07–1.19).
Conclusion: Patients’ experiences are important to identify safety issues and reduce harm and should be included in patient
safety measurement and improvement activities. These findings underscore the need for policy and practice changes to
identify, address, and support harmed patients.
information about AEs relies on low-yield clinician and staff creditation, disciplinary, or other regulatory authority [such
incident reporting, morbidity and mortality conferences, as state medical boards or The Joint Commission]), type of
autopsy, root cause analyses, and electronic triggers (a spe- adverse event (surgical events, hospital-acquired infection,
cific set of clinical clues used to flag records of patients at diagnostic error), and type of harm. Respondents were also
higher risk of harm so that they can be reviewed for possi- asked to indicate which of 13 contributory factors were in-
ble safety events26 ). Error reports from patients, often left volved (for example, “Patient was not given the informa-
out of data collection, may provide new insights into safety- tion needed to make an informed decision,” “Health care
related problems and types of contributory factors that are personnel did not listen to patient or family,” “Health care
most harmful and thus potential targets of interventions. To personnel did not seem concerned about the patient” [see
advance knowledge in this area, we analyzed a large sample Appendix 1 for full list]) and how they affected outcomes.
of error reports gathered by patient advocates to determine
the association between patient-reported contributory fac- Contributory Factor Selection
tors and patient-reported harm.
We were interested in determining how perceived contrib-
utory factors related to health care personnel (HCP) com-
METHODS munication, HCP behavior, HCP medical knowledge, and
HCP monitoring and timely response to patients were as-
We conducted a secondary analysis of self-reported harms
sociated with the four harm outcome groups. Therefore, we
captured on a national online questionnaire. This voluntary
selected 13 of the 19 items from the scale in the EPC ques-
questionnaire was developed by two patient advocates and
tionnaire that listed “Contributing Factors to the Adverse
posted on the Empowered Patient Coalition (EPC) website
Event,” and we excluded all questions related to sanitation
from January 2010 to present.27 , 28 The survey was created
and to the patient’s discharge from the health care facility.
based on the categorization of adverse events by the Office
Each item on the scale ranged from “no response or did not
of Inspector General.29 Additional questions were added to
occur” or “NA, occurred but not a serious problem,” “se-
assess harm and were based on the advocates’ personal expe-
rious problem in patient’s care,” to “major factor affecting
riences and those of fellow patients and families. This study
patient outcome,” and we assessed 0–3 points for each re-
was approved by the Institutional Review Boards of the Bay-
sponse. Patients were instructed to “Choose as many as ap-
lor College of Medicine and the Michael E. DeBakey VA
ply” of the 13 items from the scale of contributing factors
[US Department of Veterans Affairs] Medical Center.
(see Appendix 1 for the 13 contributory factors). We mea-
Eligibility Criteria sured scale internal consistency and reliability using Cron-
bach’s alpha.30
We selected patients who self-reported any harm as an out-
come from an adverse event between January 2010 and
January 2016 and who also answered at least 1 of the 13 Data Analysis
potential questions about contributory factors related to Exploratory Factor Analysis of Contributory Fac-
their self-reported harm (see Appendix 1, available in on- tors. We conducted an exploratory factor analysis (EFA)
line article). Harms were classified as physical (brain dam- on the contributory factors to identify the underlying rela-
age, chronic pain, need for additional surgery, readmission tionships and their association with the reported four harm
to the hospital within 30 days, loss of bowel or bladder groupings.31 , 32 We used EFA because it is appropriate for
control, disfigurement, short-term loss of function [< 3 the interval measurement structure for the 13 questions.
months], long-term loss of function [> 3 months], and Item-item correlations for the 13 questions were assessed
permanent loss of function or disability), emotional (post- to investigate multicollinearity, which occurs when two or
traumatic stress or emotional trauma), and financial loss. more items in a factor analysis are redundant, and underly-
Based on questionnaire structure, participants were able to ing concepts (for example, communication). Resulting fac-
select multiple harms; therefore, participants were separated tor groupings were rotated using varimax rotation orthog-
into four outcome harm groups for analysis: (1) nonphys- onally, which allowed assessment of each contributory fac-
ical harm only (emotional and/or financial), (2) physical tor independent of each other. Because respondents were
harm only, (3) physical harm and emotional or financial instructed to skip questions that did not apply to them,
harm, and (4) all three harms (emotional, financial, and we included all adverse event respondents in the analysis
physical harm) to ensure that the categories were mutually if they answered at least 1 of the 13 questions. Any skipped
exclusive and exhaustive. questions among the remaining 12 items were weighted
The questionnaire collected patients’ demographic data as 0 = “No response or Factor did not occur or NA.” We
(age, location, gender, year of event, size of community), discarded items with lower factors loadings (< 0.40), and
whether the patient officially filed a report of the AE to a re- remaining contributory factors were summed together ac-
sponsible authority (for example, health care delivery orga- cording to resulting high factor groupings (≥ 0.40).31 We
nization where the AE occurred, or any type of licensing, ac- dropped all eigenvalues under 1.00, which is the general-
284 Traber D. Giardina, PhD, et al. Health Care Provider Factors
ized cutoff,31 , 32 and scree plots were used to visually con- stepwise logistic regression model with “nonphysical injury”
firm the number of contributory factors to retain in the as the reference. We used SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary,
EFA. For the purposes of adjustment, we then compared North Carolina) to conduct all statistical analysis.
the resultant contributory factor groupings, along with pa-
tient factors (gender, community size, and participant age at
event), and adverse event–related factors (time since adverse RESULTS
event, diagnostic error, adverse medication event, hospital- Of 449 patient self-reports, 351 (78.2%) mentioned phys-
acquired infection, and surgical complication, and whether ical, emotional, or financial harms and responded to at
they filed a report of the AE to a responsible authority or least one question about contributory factors for the ad-
not) for significant differences (p < 0.05) across the four verse event. One third (32.6%) indicated experiencing all
harm groups. Categorical variables were first assessed using three harms, 27.3% reported physical harms and one ad-
the chi-square test and continuous variables using the Stu- ditional harm, 25.5% reported physical harms only, and
dent’s t-test. Variables with p values < 0.10 in univariate 14.7% reported only nonphysical harms. Most respondents
analysis were entered into a generalized logit multivariable (69.5%) were female and experienced the adverse event in-
Table 1. Characteristics of Patients and Patient-Reported Adverse Events Across Categories of Self-Reported
Harms (N = 334)∗
Patient Characteristics
Table 2. Unstandardized Factor Loadings and Item Descriptions of Contributory Factors (Questions 1–13)
(N = 334)∗
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Mean SD
Contributory Factors
Communication and Health Care Personnel Behavior
Health care personnel did not seem concerned about the patient. 0.78 0.15 0.14 1.62 1.32
Health care personnel did not listen to patient or family. 0.72 0.10 0.17 1.82 1.33
Health care personnel did not seem familiar with the patient’s case. 0.60 0.25 0.19 1.16 1.31
Health care personnel did not communicate important information to patient. 0.56 0.11 0.20 1.67 1.36
Health Care Personnel Fatigue
Health care personnel seemed overtired or fatigued. 0.09 0.83 0.19 0.57 1.03
Health care personnel seemed overworked, rushed, or behind schedule. 0.27 0.68 0.15 0.95 1.23
Timeliness of Health Care Personnel Response
Nurse did not respond quickly to the call button. 0.19 0.18 0.78 0.57 1.00
Doctor was slow to arrive. 0.39 0.22 0.52 0.72 1.15
∗ Items appear in order of importance. Factor loadings are unstandardized. Factor loadings in boldface type represent the factor onto
which the item loaded the strongest (Factor 1 = Communication and Health Care Personnel [HCP] Behavior; Factor 2 = HCP Fatigue;
Factor 3 = Timeliness of HCP Response). Rotated factor with loadings < 0.4 were considered unimportant and removed, while factor
loadings > 0.50 were used as a first step for grouping. Grouped factors were listed in order of how much variation they explain.
hospital (69.2%), although gender and setting did not dif- HCP did not seem concerned about the patient, (2) HCP
fer among harm groups (p > 0.05). Age at event (p = 0.01), did not listen to the patient or family, (3) HCP did not
years since event (p = 0.02), presence of a diagnostic error seem familiar with the patient’s case, and (4) HCP did not
(p = 0.01), presence of a medication error (p = 0.01), pres- communicate important information to the patient. Two of
ence of a hospital-acquired infection (p = 0.01), presence of the 13 items about patients’ perceptions of the providers’
a surgical complication (p < 0.0001), and whether the pa- physical/mental state loaded onto Factor 2 (HCP Fatigue)
tient filed a report with a responsible authority (p = 0.01) and included (1) HCP seemed overtired or fatigued and
were significantly different among the four harm groups (2) HCP seemed overworked, rushed, or behind schedule.
(Table 1). Factor 3 focused on timeliness of HCP response to patients:
nurse did not respond quickly to the call button, and doctor
Contributory Factors and Harm was slow to arrive. Scale reliability for the items in all three
None of the 13 contributory factor items had correlations > factors was relatively high (α = 0.87). All three factors were
0.90 to suggest multicollinearity; however, there were sev- used in the subsequent univariate logistic regression with
eral correlations > 0.60 which suggested that an EFA was harm as the outcome.
appropriate. We identified three interpretable groupings of In univariate analysis, 9 of the 10 adverse event char-
the original 13 contributory factors (Factor 1: Communica- acteristics and harm outcomes met the inclusion thresh-
tion and HCP Behavior; Factor 2: HCP Fatigue; and Factor old (p = 0.10) for assessment in the multivariable step-
3: Timeliness of HCP Response) (Table 2). Examination of wise model (Table 3). After adjustment, only presence of
the scree plot of eigenvalues indicated that factors 3 and 4 hospital-acquired infection, presence of surgical complica-
appeared to be identical (see Appendix 2); factor 4 (con- tion, patient filed a report of his or her AE to a responsible
tributory factor items 1 and 3) was dropped because it ex- authority, and communication and HCP behavior (Factor
plained very little of the variance. Only Factor 1 met the 1) were significantly (p < 0.05) related to harm outcomes.
Kaiser criterion of an eigenvalue above 1.00 suggesting that The presence of a diagnostic error was close to statistical sig-
it was the only one that explained an above average amount nificance in multivariable analysis (p = 0.06), most likely
of the variance from the 13 variables. The eigenvalue for because it was highly documented by those with physical
Factor 2 was 0.85 and cumulatively explained 91.6% of harm (data not shown). Compared to patients who indi-
the variance, so it was retained for analysis. Factor 3 re- cated experiencing only physical harm, patients who expe-
sulted in a modest improvement of 8.41% of explained vari- rienced all three harms were 2.5 times more likely to have
ance. The resulting extracted factor solution average com- officially filed a report of their AE to a responsible authority
munality estimates, which reflect each item’s variance ex- (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 2.49, 95% confidence inter-
plained by each model factor, were moderately improved val [CI] = 1.23–5.01, p = 0.01) and 3.3 times more likely
from 0.45 to 0.50. Four of the 13 contributory factor items to have also experienced a surgical complication (adjusted
loaded onto Factor 1 (Communication and HCP Behavior) OR = 3.27, 95% CI = 1.43–7.51, p = 0.01). The odds of
and included interpersonal and communication issues: (1) problems related to communication and HCP behavior
286 Traber D. Giardina, PhD, et al. Health Care Provider Factors
Table 3. Univariate and Multivariable Logistic Regression for Patient and Adverse Event Characteristics and Harm
Outcomes (N = 334) [Reference group: physical harm only]
Univariate Multivariable
(Factor 1) as contributing to adverse event were 13% higher 67.2% and 78.6% lower in these groups than those report-
in those experiencing all three harms and 8% higher in pa- ing physical harm, respectively.
tients with more than physical harm (physical plus one)
compared to patients who experienced physical harm alone
(adjusted OR = 1.13, 95% CI = 1.07–1.19, p < 0.0001; DISCUSSION
adjusted OR = 1.08, 95% CI = 1.02–1.14, p = 0.01, re- We analyzed a large sample of patient-reported adverse
spectively). After adjustment, those reporting only financial events gathered by patient advocates to determine the as-
and/or emotional harm were significantly less likely to also sociation between self-reported contributory factors and
report experiencing surgical complications (p = 0.01) and harms experienced by patients. Our analysis of 334 adverse
hospital-acquired infections (p = 0.02), as these odds were events found that more than half of the patients in our sam-
Volume 46, No. 5, May 2020 287
ple experienced multiple harms—emotional, physical, and for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and RAND
financial, or some combination. Patients who experienced Corporation Health Care Safety Hotline,41 , 42 while less
all three harms were more likely to have experienced a sur- successful than expected, identified important challenges:
gical AE, filed a report of the AE to a responsible authority, The causes of safety events are complex and may compli-
and experienced problems related to communication and cate structured data collection; the system must meet the
HCP behavior. needs of its users; and the system must respect legal and
AEs can have a significant impact on patients’ regulatory requirements about confidentiality and data pro-
lives,6 , 33 , 34 and our analysis shows that following an tection. These challenges will need to be addressed to gather
adverse event, patients may experience multiple harms. reports that offer more complete data from patients and
These patients likely were exasperated by communication family/caregivers about their experiences from before, dur-
and HCP behavior issues. In our previous qualitative work ing, and after the clinician-patient encounter. This will en-
analyzing a subset of patient- and family-reported diagnos- able health care organizations to develop and use systematic
tic error narratives from this data set, respondents revealed methods to collect patient reports of adverse events and pro-
clinician behavioral and interpersonal factors contributed vide opportunities to measure patient-identified factors that
to diagnostic errors.35 Patients can experience a myriad contribute to adverse events. In addition, health care orga-
of emotions following an AE—guilt, fear, humiliation, nizations will need to develop a safety culture that encour-
helplessness—that can have a lasting impact, such as loss of ages patient reporting and values gathering patients’ per-
trust and health care avoidance,6 , 9 , 20 and financial harm.36 spectives on these issues.
Though there have been patient safety initiatives to en- Patients report communication breakdowns and behav-
courage patients to speak up about patient safety issues, ioral issues as a major contributing factor leading to harm.
only about half feel comfortable speaking to their care team Even after adjustment for all other factors, patients with
about a mistake.37 Patients’ emotional harm may be exacer- multiple types of harms were more likely to report prob-
bated if a patient feels that he or she should have spoken up lems related to communication and HCP behavior as con-
but did not or did speak up and was ignored. Open com- tributing factors. Growing evidence suggests that patients
munication on the part of the clinician about the AE may and their caregivers recognize miscommunication and un-
reduce emotional harm following the event, though it is professional clinician behaviors as threats to their safety.43
not necessarily the norm in practice.36 Nonphysical harms, Communication issues continue to be a frequent contribut-
though less visible and harder to measure, are gaining ing factor to adverse events in the literature.20 , 40 , 44 A recent
attention.6 Recently, Bell proposed a research agenda systematic review of patients’ perspectives of adverse events
to address emotional harm and identified four research found that patients highlight the role of communication
priorities: patient-centered taxonomy of harm and healing, problems between clinicians and patients (for example, use
epidemiology of emotional harm, awareness-raising, and of medical jargon without explanation, lack of explanation
best practices development and dissemination.8 Identifying of test results) and deficits in the patient-clinician relation-
these types of harms and their contributory factors can ship (for example, lack of respect, lack of time) in adverse
help stimulate policy initiatives to implement programs events.20 These unprofessional behaviors, or disrespect, can
to appropriately address them after an event as well as have far-reaching consequences for patients such as loss of
interventions to prevent them in the first place. trust and negative health outcomes.45 In another study,
We found patients not only can identify safety issues23 , 38 patients identified lack of communication between clini-
but also factors that directly contribute to AEs7 , 16 and pa- cians and a general lack of patient-centered communication
tient harm, which may not be otherwise uncovered. Certain toward patients as problematic (for example, patients are
HCP communication and behavioral issues may be particu- aware they are not receiving the best care if their care team is
larly hard to for health systems to identify outside of patient not effectively communicating issues/symptoms, care plans,
reports. Patient reporting of events provides valuable data or test results, among the team members or to the patients
that can contribute to organizational learning.39 , 40 Existing in a meaningful way).43
research has shown that patients are able to identify con- Based on our results, there appears to be an increased
tributing factors, such as knowledge issues and communi- risk of multiple harms among patients who experienced
cation and safety issues, and want to understand the causes a surgical AE. The prospect of surgical procedures may
of their AE.16 These data can be collected in a standard- cause patients to experience anxiety and stress, leaving them
ized way23 ; however, there are no current US national stan- “psychologically vulnerable,”46 which may exacerbate emo-
dardized efforts to collect AE–related information directly tional harm. Financial harm may include need for addi-
from patients. Next steps in patient safety improvement tional care and/or additional surgical procedures.36 It can
should prioritize developing and testing methods to engage also result when a patient is disabled as a result of the AE and
patients in error reporting as well as leveraging and test- is no longer able to work. Loss of employment also affects
ing existing taxonomies for collecting patient data. Previ- health care insurance benefits, which can have devastating
ous attempts to solicit patient reporting of AEs, the Agency impacts on harmed patients.
288 Traber D. Giardina, PhD, et al. Health Care Provider Factors
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41. Weingart SN, et al. Implementation and evaluation of a pro- review of the literature and practical recommendations. Int
totype consumer reporting system for patient safety events. J Clin Pract. 2015;69:1257–1267.
Int J Qual Health Care. 2017 Aug 1;29:521–526. 45. Sokol-Hessner L, et al. Development of a framework to de-
42. Schneider EC, et al. Developing and testing the Health Care scribe patient and family harm from disrespect and promote
Safety Hotline: a prototype consumer reporting system for improvements in quality and safety: a scoping review. Int J
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43. Ricci-Cabello I, et al. Identifying patient-centred recom- 46. Carr EC, et al. Patient experiences of anxiety, depression
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