Soal Ujian Mid Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

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Raya Kabupaten Agam-Sumatera Barat - 26471
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T.P. 2022/2023
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/ Tanggal :
Kelas :X Pukul :

This text is for question number 1-2 7. Jena and ......... are best friend forever.
Hello, (1)…… name is Robert Johnson. Please call A. I D. Mine
(2)……… Robert and I am from Toronto, Canada. B. Me E. Your
1. A. I D. He C. My
B. My E. His
8. My brother is an elementary school student.
C. Me
2. A. I D. He Sometimes Iaccompany go to school.
B. My E. His A. he D. She
C. Me B. him E. Her
C. his
This text is for question number 3-5 9. I have a cat.
Cathy : Hi, I am Cathy. …....... cat is very cute.
Alice : Hello, Cathy. (3) ..................
A. Her D. My
Cathy : Nice to meet you, Alice. Are you a new student?
Alice : Yes, I am. (4) .............. How about you? B. Me E. Mine
Cathy : I am from Mexico. (5).................... C. I
Alice : I live at 28 Seventh Avenue. Owh, here’s the 10. Don’t take that book. It is ………….
teacher. Let’s talk later. A. Me D. Myself
Cathy : Ok. B. I E. Mine
C. My
3. A. What is your name?
B. Nice to meet you. This text is for question number 11-13
C. My name is Alice. Cita has won the first winner of the story telling competition
D. What is your hobby? in herschool. Her best friend congratulated her.
E. Are you a new student?
4. A. I am the oldest daughter Ditto :Cita, congratulations for being the first winner of
B. I am 13 years old theschool story telling competition! Excellent. You really
C. I am from California didit well.
D. I have 2 brothers and 1 sister Cita : Thanks, Ditto.
E. My mother is a teacher Ditto : I heard that you will be the representative of our
5. A. When were you born? school inthe story telling competition of our regency. Is it
B. What is your hobby? true?
C. Where do you go to school? Cita : Yes, you’re right.
D. Where do you live here? Ditto : I hope you will win as well in the next competition.
E. How are things gong on? Cita : I hope so. But I’m nervous.
6. My hobbies …....... reading and swimming. Ditto : Don’t worry, you’re a very good story teller. Good
A. Am D. Have luck.
B. Is E. Has Cita : Thanks. I’ll do my best. Wish me luck.
C. Are
11. Who win the school story telling competition?
A. Ditto 16. Anna :_________________________________
B. Cita Elsa : Thank you. You also look good on that
C. Ditto and Cita dress.
D. No one A. What a beautiful painting do you have!
E. Her best friend B. You look gorgeous on that gown!
12. Which one is the correct statement based on the C. Your voice is amazing!
dialogue? D. What a great handwriting you have!
A. Ditto win the the school story telling competition E. I like your new shoes!
B. Cita congratulate Ditto for his achievement 17. Simon : You’ve got an amazing voice
C. Ditto is a good story teller Rose : ____________________
D. Cita will join the next story telling competition of A. You are welcome
her regency B. I like your hair cut
E. Cita wish ditto luck for the story telling C. I don’t think so
competition D. Thank you very much
13. “I heard that you will be the representative of our E. It’s none of your bussines
school inthe story telling competition of our regency”.
The underlined word mean .......... This dialogue is for question number 18 and 19
A. Juara
Alfin : I am going to do my biology assignment at the
B. Kompetitor
library afterschool. Ricky, are you going to do that today,
C. Lawan
D. Dewan
Ricky : Yes. I am going to do it today. The sooner we
E. Utusan
finish, it would be better. We can go to the library together.
Pay attention to this card! (for question number 14-15) Alfin : That’s good idea.

18. What are they going to do in the library?

A. They are going to read books
B. They are going to submit the biology project
C. They are going to do the biolgy project
D. They are going to talk about friend
E. They are going to return the biology project
19. When will they go to the library?
A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening
14. Who send the card? D. On Sunday morning
A. Captain D. Football player E. Everyday
B. Champion E. Student 20. Bearl : What is your plan for the next holiday Jack?
C. Abdur Jack : …………………..
15. Why does Abdur congratulate the Captain? A. I visited Niagara waterfall
A. Because he is really proud B. I visit Niagara waterfall
B. Because he won the interschool soccer C. I have visited Niagara waterfall
championship D. I am visiting Niagara waterfall
C. Because he got the 1st place on provincial soccer E. I am going to visit Niagara waterfall
championship 21. Raka : Mom ! I have a good news !
D. Because Abdur want to be a Captain Mom : What is it dear ?
E. Because Abdur want to become the 1st champion Raka : My English teacher told me that I got
of the provincial soccer championship excellent score in the last test !
Mom : Really? Oh, ………………. ! c. We
Raka : Yeah mom, thanks d. Him
3. Create the congratulations card by choosing one of
A No, I'm busy the situation given!
B Sure.
a. Your sister has just graduate from Oxford
C That's okay
D How poor you are University
E I'm proud of you dear b. Your aunt has just got a cute baby boy
c. Your sister has just bought a new house
22. Complete the following dialogue!
Anna : What are you going to do this weekend? 4. Fill in the blank box by giving compliment and its
Rill : I already have plan for this weekend.I and respond based on the picture!
my family
Anna :. . . . . . go to Disney land this weekend.
A. is going to
B. am going to
C. are going to
D. were going to
E. was going to
23. Good morning, I am Lucky, Lucky Wijaya. My father is
Javanese and my mother is Sundanese. I just moved
here. And now, I study in this school. Thank you.
What is the boy doing? 5. What are you going to do in your holiday?
A. He’s going to leave. a. ..........................................................................
B. He’s introducing himself. b. ..........................................................................
C. He’s greeting someone. c. ..........................................................................
D. He’s introducing his family
E. He’s introducing his friend
24. Where does Lucky deliver his introduction?
A. In his friend’s home.
B. In his neighborhood
C. At home
D. On the street
E. In his classroom
25. Ria : “Would you like me to help you mom?”
Mother : “Yes, of course. Please check the cake in
the oven.”
Ria : “OK. Mom, I’ll check it”
What would Ria do?
A. Eating the cake
B. Consume the cake
C. Cook the cake
D. See the cake
E. Sell the cake


1. Intoduce your self at least using 5 sentences!

2. Make sentences by using these Pronouns:
a. Me
b. Them

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