JPP - Volume 11 - Issue 11 - Pages 1055-1062

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J. of Plant Production, Mansoura Univ., Vol.

11 (11):1055-1062, 2020

Journal of Plant Production

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Effect of Compost Tea and some Nutrient Supplements on Growth and

Yield of Two Potato Cultivars
Sabreen Kh. Ibraheim1; A. S. Ali2 and Enas A. Bardisi1
Cross Mark
Hort. Dept., Fac. Agric., Zagazig Univ., Egypt
2 Agricultural Microbiology. Dept., Fac. Agric., Zagazig Univ., Egypt

A field experiment was carried out during two summer seasons of 2017and 2018 at Private Farm, at El-
Salhyia District, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, to study the effect of compost tea and some nutrient supplements on
growth and yield of some potato cultivars (Bavana and Eliance) grown in loamy sand soil conditions. The results
showed that, Bavana cultivar gave higher number of main stems/plant, shoots dry weight/plant and total
chlorophyll in leaf tissues, whereas Eliance cultivar gave higher values of plant height, number of tubers/plant,
average tuber weight, tuber yield/plant and total yield/ fed. and spraying potato plants with compost tea
supplemented with NH4NO3( 0.5g/l) + molasses (0.5% v/v) led to increased number of leaves/plant, shoots dry
weight, number of tubers/plant, average tuber weight, tuber yield/plant and total yield/ fed. In addition, spraying
Bavana cultivar with compost tea supplemented with NH4NO3 + molasses or molasses or NH4NO3 gave the
maximum values of number of main stems/plant, total chlorophyll, total carbohydrates and starch with no
significant differences between them. On the other hand, spraying Eliance cultivar with compost tea supplemented
with NH4NO3+molasses increased significantly plant height. Moreover, the interaction treatments between Bavana
or Eliance plants and spraying compost tea supplemented with NH4NO3+ molasses or with molasses had
significant effect on average tuber weight, tuber yield/plant, total yield/fed., DM% and P%. In addition, spraying
Eliance cultivar with compost tea supplemented with NH4NO3 increased P and K contents in tubers, while, N and
total protein in tubers were significantly enhanced due to spraying Bavana cultivar with compost tea supplemented
with NH4NO3.
Keywords: potato, compost tea, some nutrient supplements, cultivars, growth and yield.

INTRODUCTION the benefits of using compost teas in agriculture are:

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)is, generally, enlisted biostimulation and improvement of crop yield and quality,
as promising crop for both local consumption and suppression of plant pathogenic microorganisms and,
exportation. It is one of the most important vegetable crops in supplying the plant with water-soluble nutrents and the
Egypt. Moreover, potato is an important source of food stimulation of root and vegetative growth (Hibar et al., 2006
worldwide. Potato tubers are a rich source of nutrients , ;Hegazy et al., 2013;Jamal and Ozra, 2014).Compost tea are
including carbohydrates, protein and amounts of certain widely used as an alternative nutrient supplement to improve
groups of vitamins, fiber, trace elements and minerals. Also, the quality of plant production in field grown (Naidu et al.,
it is a good source of antioxidants (Chen et al., 2007)and 2013).These crops, mostly field vegetables such as potatoes
potato is used in many industries such as French fries, chips, tend to be healthier and less susceptibility to diseases after
starch and alcohol production (Abdel-Aal et al., 1977). Both compost tea application (Larkin, 2008).Also, the application
total yield and quality factors of potato are affected by of compost tea actually increased the use efficiency of mineral
cultivars, environmental conditions and cultural practices. N fertilizer by crops and lower the environmental pollution
The use of compost tea is becoming interesting for through reducing the amounts of fertilizers added to the soil
applications in agriculture and it is gaining importance as an (Siddiqui et al., 2011 and Moursy, 2013).
alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides with current Several investigators reported that plants growth and
trend towards organic agriculture production (Theunissen et yield were improved by compost tea application (Islam et al.,
al., 2010;Pane et al.,2014) 2013; Samuel et al., 2013 ; El-Mougy et al., 2014 on potato
Compost tea is a highly concentrated microorganisms and Zaccardelli et al., 2018 on pepper). Also, many reports
solution produced by extracting beneficial microbes from regarded the direct implication of compost tea treatments on
compost and its extraction period ranging from few hours to the chemical, physical and, especially, on the sensory
two weeks, with or without active aeration with the addition properties of vegetables such as lettuce (Masarirambi et al.,
of some active nutrients i. e., molasses, casein, etc. It can use 2010) and potato (Wszelaki et al., 2005).In addition, due to
it as foliar or soil inoculation as organic nutrients (Zaccardelli compost tea, the physiological and nutritional status of the
et al., 2012). Moreover, consisting of essential components plants increased, as noticed by foliar chlorophyll content
required for cell division and elongation due to being enriched assessment measured during crop cycles (Pane et al., 2014).
in macro and microelements,vitamins and phytohormones to Many compost tea producers include additives in
increase growth (Emino and Warman, 2004). order to increase the populations and diversity of
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
DOI: 10.21608/jpp.2020.122664
Sabreen Kh. Ibraheim et al.

microorganisms (Pane et al., 2012). Molasses, kelp extract, nutrient supplements as well as control were randomly
fish emulsion and rock dust have been used as cheap and distributed in the sub plots. Tuber seeds of Bavana and
commonly available nutritional sources (Scheuerell and Eliance cultivars were sown on 10thJanuary in both seasons of
Mahaffee, 2004; Ingham, 2005; Naidu et al., 2010).The the study at 20 cm apart. The experimental plot area was 27
additives would affect the C:N ratio and the forms of m2. It contains three dripper lines with 10 m length and 90 cm
carbohydrates or nitrogen source in the extraction medium, distance between each two dripper line. One line was used to
which should change the composition of the microbial group measure the vegetative growth parameters and the other two
such as bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi. lines were for yield determination. In addition, one line was
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect left between each experimental plot as a guard area to avoid
of compost tea and some nutrient supplements on growth , the overlapping spraying solution.
yield and quality of two potato cultivars. Preparation of compost tea:
MATERIALS AND METHODS Solid compost made up of town-refuse compost,
This work was carried out during two summer which was obtained from the Cairo Organic Fertilizers
seasons of 2017and 2018 at Private Farm, at El-Salhyia Company, Cairo, Egypt. It has an organic carbon of 30%, total
District, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, to study the effect of nitrogen of 1.0%, moisture of 35%, and pH 7.5±0.2. Compost
compost tea and some nutrient supplements on growth and tea (water extract of compost) was prepared in the Agric.
yield of some potato cultivars ( Bavana and Eliance).The soil Microbiology Department Laboratory Faculty of Agriculture,
type of those seasons was loamy sand with pH(7.8- 8.2), E.C. Zagazig University, Egypt, according to the method of
(0.9-1.4) dsm-1andorganic matter from 0.50- 0.96 %. Ingham (2005) with some modifications (Hegazy et al.,
This experiment included eight treatments which 2015). One kilogram fresh weight of garbage compost was
were the combinations between two cultivars and three sealed in a cotton bag and submerged into 20 L of tap water
treatments of compost tea and some nutrient supplements as in 40 L plastic bucket. The water used was pump aerated for
well as control (spraying with tap water) as follows: 30 min to remove chlorine before addition to the compost.
A:Cultivars: Compost soaking was done in the lab at room temperature
1.Bavana (average 25°C) for 96 hours and it was continuously aerated
2.Eliance (10 L/min air delivery per bucket through air stones). Three
B: Compost tea and some nutrient supplements: types of compost teas were prepared:
1.Control (spraying with tap water). 1- Compost tea + NH4NO3 (0.5g /l).
2.Compost tea (CT) + ammonium nitrate (AN) at 0.5 g/l + 2- Compost tea + molasses (0.5% v/v).
molasses (M) at 0.5%v/v 3- Compost tea + NH4NO3 (0.5g /l) + molasses (0.5% v/v).
3.CT + M. The parameters of pH, EC and percentages of total
4.CT + AN. nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were determined in
These treatments were arranged in a split plot design compost tea at the end of incubation according to the method
system with three replications. The cultivars were randomly of A.O.A.C. (2002).These parameters are represented in
arranged in the main plots, while compost tea and some Table 1.
Table 1. Properties of the compost tea used in this study
Treatments pH E.C. ( dsm -1) Total N (mg L-1) Total P (mg L-1) Total K (mg L-1)
compost tea + NH4NO3 7.3 2.65 35.22 16.73 451.0
compost tea + molasses (0.5% v/v). 7.4 1.67 1.73 16.80 453.0
compost tea + NH4NO3 (0.5g /l) + molasses (0.5% v/v). 7.3 2.75 37.22 16.78 452.0
Microbial populations in the compost teas i.e. All experimental units received equal amounts of
bacteria, aerobic N2-fixing bacteria, actinomycetes and fungal commercial fertilizers(kg fed.) at the rates of 120 kg N,
populations were determined. Bacteria were enumerated on 80kgP2O5 and 100kg K2O as ammonium sulphate
nutrient agar (Difco,1985),Aerobic N2-fixing bacteria (20.6%N),triple superphosphate (37%P2O5) and potassium
(ANFB) was done using the most probable number (MPN) sulphate (48% K2O),respectively. One third of the
technique of Abd-El-Malek (1971) on Ashby modified commercial fertilizers was added at soil preparation along
medium. Actinomycetes were enumerated on starch casein with FYM (20m3/fed.).The rest of commercial fertilizers (two
agar (Conn and Leci, 1998),whereas fungi were enumerated thirds) were added as fertigation by 7 days intervals beginning
on Martin's rose bengal agar (Martin, 1950).The microbial one month after planting. The normal agricultural practices
population in microbe-enriched compost teas are represented were carried out as commonly followed in the district.
in Table 2. Data recorded:
Table 2. Microbial populations in microbe-enriched Plant growth measurements:
compost teas. A random sample of five plants was taken from every
Compost tea + plot at 60 days after planting, in both seasons, for measuring
Compost Compost tea
NH4NO3 (0.5 g
Microorganisms tea+ + molasses
/l) + molasses
the growth characters of potato plants expressed as follows:
NH4NO3 (0.5% v/v). plant height (cm),number of main stems/plant, number of
(0.5% v/v).
Bacteria (log10 CFU/ml) 7.48 7.71 8.12 branches/plant, number of leaves/plant and dry weight of
N2-fixing bacteria (ANFB) shoots/plant. Leaf Chlorophyll Content: total chlorophyll was
1.34 3.44 2.10
(log10 CFU/ml) determined using chlorophyll meter (SPAD502,Osaka,Japan)
Actinomycetes (log10 which estimate SPAD value according to the method of
2.72 2.35 2.50
CFU/ml) Castelli et al. (1996).
Fungi(log10 CFU/ml) 2.50 2.72 3.10

J. of Plant Production, Mansoura Univ., Vol. 11 (11), November, 2020

Yield and its components: least significant value (L.S.D) at 0.05 level of probability
At harvesting time (120 days after planting), tubers according to Snedecor and Cochran (1980).
from each plot were collected, weighted and counted and the
following data were recorded: number of tubers per plant, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
tuber yield per plant, average tuber weight, total yield 1. Plant growth and total chlorophyll
(ton/feddan) and relative yield(%). a. Effect of cultivars
Fruit quality: Data in Table 3 show that there were significant
1. Minerals content (%): Total nitrogen, phosphorus and differences between two potato cultivars (Bavana and
potassium were determined according to the methods Eliance) with respect to plant height ,number of main stems
described by Bremner and Mulvaney (1982), Olsen and /plant, shoots dry weight/plant and total chlorophyll, except
Sommers (1982) and Jackson (1970), respectively. shoots dry weight in the 2nd season, Eliance cultivar was
2. Total protein (%): It was calculated by multiplying total higher plant height compared to Bavana, whereas Bavana
nitrogen x 6.25. cultivar was higher number of main stems /plant, shoots dry
3. Total carbohydrates (%): It was determined weight/plant and concentration of total chlorophyll in leaf
colorimetrically using the methods described by Dubois tissues compared to Eliance cultivar .There were no
et. al. (1956). significant differences between two cultivars with respect to
4. Starch content: It was determined according to the number of both branches and leaves /plant in both seasons.
methods described by AOAC (1970). The differences among potato cultivars in different
5. Dry matter (D.M. %): One hundred grams of tubers were traits could be attributed to the genetic differences between
dried at 105°C till constant weight and the DM% was cultivars, the growth habits and their ability for utilizing the
calculated. environmental sources. These results are in agreement with
Statistical analysis: those reported by Henricksen and Molgaard (2005)and Farag
All the obtained data were statistically analysis using et al. (2013).
the COSTAT program and means separation were done by
Table 3. Effect of cultivars on plant growth and total chlorophyll of potato plants during 2017 and 2018 seasons
Characters Plant Number of main Number of Number of Shoots (aerial stems+ Total chlorophyll
Treatments height(cm) stems/ plant branches / plant leaves/ plant leaves) dry weight(gm) (SPAD)
Cultivars 2017 season
Bavana 37.29 3.51 1.65 21.41 18.53 39.90
Eliance 41.54 2.11 1.51 20.29 18.09 32.60
L.S.D at 0.05 level 0.82 0.91 N.S. N.S. 0.44 2.20
2018 season
Bavana 37.25 3.26 1.56 21.70 18.56 38.75
Eliance 40.87 2.26 1.52 20.41 18.16 30.26
L.S.D at 0.05 level 3.66 0.28 N.S. N.S. N.S. 2.08
N.S.: Not significant at 0.05 level of probability.
b. Effect of compost tea no significant differences with some treatments. The
The obtained results in Table 4indicated that spraying increases in shoots dry weight were about 14.40 and 14.75%
potato plants with compost tea supplemented with NH4NO3 , for compost tea + NH4NO3 + molasses and 13.88 and 13.55%
molasses or NH4NO3 + molasses increased plant height , for compost tea + molasses over the control ( spraying with
number of main stems/plant, number of branches/plant and tap water ) in the 1st and 2nd seasons, respectively.
number of leaves /plant as well as total chlorophyll in leaf The favourable effect of compost tea treatments on
tissues compared to control ( spraying with tap water) in both plant growth and total chlorophyll might be attributed to the
seasons. Compost tea + NH4NO3 (0.5g/l ) recorded the tallest beneficial effects of compost tea that contains many macro
plants and gave the highest values of number of main stems and micro nutrients in available form, natural hormones such
/plant , number of branches/plant and concentration of total as cytokines, gibberellins, indoleacetic acid, vitamins and
chlorophyll in leaf tissues in both seasons with no significant antioxidants that be available for plant and so reflect on plant
differences with some treatments. Compost tea + NH4NO3 growth and its composition (Meshref et al., 2010 ; Ertani et
(0.5g/l) + molasses (0.5% v/v) increased number of al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2013 and Pane et al., 2014 ).
leaves/plant and shoots dry weight/plant in both seasons with
Table 4. Effect of compost tea on plant growth and total chlorophyll of potato plants during 2017 and 2018 seasons
Characters Plant Number of Number of Number of Shoots(aerial stems Relative increase Total
height main stems/ branches/ leaves/ + leaves) dry in shoots dry chlorophyll
Treatments (cm) plant plant plant weight(gm) weight (%) ( SPAD)
2017 season
Control 34.25 1.76 1.17 16.58 16.71 100 29.65
CT+AN + M 40.25 3.04 1.61 25.33 19.13 114.40 35.95
CT + M 37.41 3.24 1.66 19.50 19.06 113.88 40.00
CT+AN 45.75 3.20 1.89 22.00 18.34 109.75 39.41
L.S.D at 0.05 level 3.95 0.35 0.19 2.93 0.57 - 3.78
2018 season
Control 34.16 1.95 1.15 15.91 16.75 100 26.80
CT+AN + M 40.16 3.01 1.62 26.08 19.22 114.75 38.15
CT + M 37.91 3.03 1.76 20.41 19.02 113.55 37.46
CT+AN 44.00 3.06 1.64 21.83 18.46 110.21 35.61
L.S.D at 0.05 level 2.70 0.49 0.29 3.44 0.64 - 3.88
CT= compost tea , AN =ammonium nitrate , M= molasses , control (spraying with tap water).

Sabreen Kh. Ibraheim et al.

Also, the favourable effect of combinations of c. Effect of the interaction between cultivars and compost tea
compost tea and nutrient supplements (NH4NO3 and The interaction between cultivars and foliar spray
amolasses) treatments on plant growth might be attributed to with compost tea supplemented with NH4NO3 , molasses or
might be attributed to the beneficial effects of nutrient NH4NO3 + molasses, increased plant height, number of main
supplements that increased the population and activity of stems/plant, number of branches/plant, number of
microorganisms and improve quality of compost tea leaves/plant and shoots dry weight /plant as well as
(Kavroulakis et al., 2005 ;Naidu et al., 2010 ;Pane et al., 2012 concentration of total chlorophyll in leaf tissues compared to
; Zaccardelli et al., 2012 and Hegazy et al., 2015) and due to the interaction between two cultivars and control in both
the chemical composition of the molass, which is a complex seasons ( Table 5) .
carbohydrate containing a variety of minerals (Castle and The interaction between Bavana cultivar and foliar
Watson, 1985). spray with compost tea + NH4NO3 ( 0.5 g/l) recorded the
The results were agreement with Naidu et al., (2013) tallest plants and gave the highest values of number of main
who reported that microbial-enriched compost tea inciting a stems /plant , number of branches /plant , number of
global physiological response in treated muskmelon plants, leaves/plant and total chlorophyll in both seasons with no
including increases in chlorophyll content, caused stimulation significant differences with few treatments. In addition, The
of growth , Bernal-Vicente et al. (2008) reported significant interaction between Bavana cultivar and spraying with
increases in melon biomass produced by roottreatments of compost tea + NH4NO3 + molasses increased shoots dry
nursery plants with compost extracts carrying auxinic and weight/plant with no significant differences with the
cytokininic-like compounds, also, due to an assessed auxin- interaction between Bavana cultivar and foliar spray with
like activity, humic-like substances from compost extracts compost tea + molasses in both seasons.
promoted cucumber growth and increased chlorophyll The increases in shoots dry weight /plant were about
content in leaves (Xu et al., 2012).In addition, increasing 17.79 and 18.35 % for the interaction between Bavana
plant performance traits from foliar and soil application of cultivar and compost tea + NH4NO3 + molasses and 16.95
compost teas were further reported for pepper (Zaccardelli et and 18.41% for the interaction between Bavana cultivar and
al., 2018), and foliar spray of compost tea may be used as an compost tea + molasses over the interaction between Bavana
alternative environment friendly means of plant disease cultivar and control in the 1st and 2nd seasons, respectively.
control to increase crop growth and yield of potato with
maximum profit (Islam et al. ,2013).
Table 5. Effect of the interaction between cultivars and compost tea on plant growth and total chlorophyll of potato
plants during 2017 and 2018 seasons
Characters Plant Number of Number of Number of Shoots(aerial stems Relative increase Total
height main stems/ branches / leaves/ + leaves) dry in shoots dry chlorophyll
Treatments (cm) plant plant plant weight(gm) weight (%) ( SPAD)
Cultivars x Compost tea 201 7 season
Bavana Control 31.33 2.25 1.19 15.33 16.63 100.00 32.86
CT+AN + M 35.00 3.83 1.67 24.33 19.59 117.79 40.20
CT + M 36.83 4.00 1.63 20.83 19.45 116.95 43.46
CT+AN 46.00 3.97 2.12 25.16 18.48 111.12 43.06
Eliance Control 37.16 1.27 1.15 17.83 16.79 100.96 26.43
CT+AN + M 45.50 2.25 1.55 26.33 18.68 112.32 31.70
CT + M 38.00 2.48 1.68 18.16 18.68 112.32 36.53
CT+AN 45.50 2.43 1.66 18.83 18.21 109.50 35.76
L.S.D at 0.05 level 5.58 0.50 0.28 4.15 0.81 - 5.34
201 8 season
Bavana Control 32.16 2.44 1.19 16.33 16.56 100.00 31.03
CT+AN + M 34.50 3.33 1.49 25.00 19.60 118.35 41.23
CT + M 36.83 3.50 1.84 21.00 19.61 118.41 40.66
CT+AN 45.50 3.80 1.72 24.50 18.49 111.65 42.06
Eliance Control 36.16 1.45 1.11 15.50 16.93 102.23 22.56
CT+AN + M 45.83 2.69 1.75 27.16 18.85 113.82 35.06
CT + M 39.00 2.56 1.67 19.83 18.43 111.29 34.26
CT+AN 42.50 2.33 1.56 19.16 18.42 111.23 29.16
L.S.D at 0.05 level 3.82 0.69 0.41 4.874 0.90 - 5.49
CT= compost tea , AN =ammonium nitrate , M= molasses , control (spraying with tap water).
2.Yied and its components The increase in total yield/fed. for Eliance cultivar
a.Effect of cultivars may be due to increase in number of tubers /plant ( Table 6)
Data in Table 6 show that there were significant and plant height( Table 3).
differences between Bavana and Eliance cultivars with The variability among the two cultivars might be due
respect to number of tubers /plant , tuber yield /plant and total to the different genetic factors between them. The obtained
yield /fed., but ther were no significant differences between results are in accordance with those of (Abdel -Aal and
two cultivars with respect to average tuber weight in 1st Imam,1984) who found that wide variation in yield and
season. Eliance cultivar gave higher number of tubers/plant, quality of tubers due to high genetic variability among
yield /plant and total yield /fed.. than Bavana cultivar in both different cultivars of potato.

J. of Plant Production, Mansoura Univ., Vol. 11 (11), November, 2020

Table 6. Effect of cultivars on yield and its components of 52.82% for compost tea + molasses and 37.11 and
potato plants during 2017 and 2018 seasons 32.77% for compost tea + NH4NO3 over the control.
Number Average Tuber Total The increase in total yield for compost tea + NH4NO3
of tubers tuber weight yield / yield (ton + molasses treatment may be due to this treatment increased
/ plant (gm.) plant (g.) / fed.)
number of tubers/plant, average tuber weight and yield/plant
cultivars 2017 season
Bavana 9.25 68.16 645.84 15.06 (Table 7) and number of leaves/plant and shoots dry weight
Eliance 11.35 70.99 798.89 18.64 /plant (Table 4).
L.S.D at 0.05 level 1.83 N.S. 137.46 3.20 From the foregoing results, it could be concluded that,
2018 season spraying potato plants with compost tea + NH4NO3 ( 0.5g/l)
Bavana 9.30 67.59 638.96 14.90 + molasses( 0.5%v/v) increased number of tubers/plant,
Eliance 11.18 70.19 781.13 18.36
L.S.D at 0.05 level 3.03 2.52 135.36 3.26 average tuber weight, yield/plant and total yield/ fed.
N.S.: Not significant at 0.05 level of probability. The favourable effect of compost tea and nutrient
supplements on total yield might be attributed to positive
b. Effect of compost tea
effects to compost tea on the crops because contains many
Data in Table 7 illustrate that spraying potato plants
macro and micro nutrients in available form, natural
with compost tea supplemented with NH4NO3 , molasses or
hormones and the highest number of microorganisms that be
NH4NO3 + molasses increased number of tubers/plant, average
available for plant and so reflect on plant growth and its
tuber weight, yield/plant and total yield/fed. compared to
composition (Meshref et al., 2010) that led to improve yield.
control (spraying with tap water) in both seasons. Foliar spray
Moreover, the highest yield was recorded with compost tea.
with compost tea + NH4NO3 (0.5g/l) + molasses (0.5%v/v)
This was probably due to increase in the number of
significantly increased number of tubers/plant, average tuber
tubers/plant, average tuber weight, yield/plant which might
weight, yield/plant and total yield/ fed. with significant
contribute to the increase in production .
differences with compost tea + molasses in the 2nd season.
These results confirm those reported by (Naidu et al.,
Table 7. Effect of compost tea on yield and its components
2013 on muskmelon plants, Samuel et al ., 2013 and
of potato plants during 2017 and 2018 seasons
Number Average Tuber Total Relative
ElMougy et al., 2014 on potato plants ), and Islam et al.
of tuber yield / yield increases (2013) found that, foliar spray of compost tea may be used as
tubers / weight plant (ton / in total an alternative environment friendly means of plant disease
plant (gm.) (kg.) fed.) yield(%) control to increase crop growth and yield of potato with
2017 season maximum profit .In addition, Moursy (2013)reported that
Control 9.20 51.71 476.02 11.10 100
CT+AN + M 12.16 78.74 958.32 22.36 201.44 tuber yield significantly increased by application 50%
CT + M 10.54 77.55 802.57 18.72 168.64 compost treatment with 50% chemical fertilizer as compared
CT+AN 9.29 70.30 652.57 15.22 137.11 all treatment.
L.S.D at 0.05 level 1.30 2.07 78.61 1.83 - c. Effect of the interaction between cultivars and compost tea
2018 season The obtained results in Table 8 illustrate that, The
Control 9.87 51.08 503.52 12.02 100
CT+AN + M 11.08 78.11 864.92 20.18 167.85 interaction between two cultivars and foliar spray with
CT + M 10.25 77.05 787.72 18.37 152.82 compost tea + NH4NO3 + molasses or compost tea +
CT+AN 9.77 69.31 684.03 15.96 132.77 NH4NO3 or compost tea + molasses increased number of
L.S.D at 0.05 level 1.27 2.70 87.49 2.00 - tubers/plant, average tuber weight, tuber yield/plant and total
CT= compost tea , AN =ammonium nitrate , M= molasses , control yield/ fed. compared the interaction between two cultivars
(spraying with tap water).
and control treatment in both seasons.
The increase in total yield fed. were about 101.44 and
67.88% for compost tea + NH4NO3 + molasses, 68.64 and
Table 8. Effect of the interaction between cultivars and compost tea on yield and its components of potato plants during
2017 and 2018 seasons
Characters Number of tubers Average tuber Tuber yield / Total yield Relative increases in
Treatments / plant weight (gm.) plant (kg.) (ton / fed.) total yield (%)
Cultivar x Compost tea 2017 season
Bavana Control 7.00 51.54 360.23 8.40 100
CT+AN + M 12.25 77.67 952.67 22.22 264.52
CT + M 10.33 75.67 778.30 18.16 216.19
CT+AN 7.41 67.77 492.17 11.47 136.54
Eliance Control 11.41 51.89 591.80 13.80 164.28
CT+AN + M 12.08 79.81 963.97 22.49 267.73
CT + M 10.75 79.43 826.83 19.29 229.64
CT+AN 11.16 72.84 812.97 18.96 225.71
L.S.D at 0.05 level 1.84 2.93 111.17 2.59 -
2018 season
Bavana Control 8.16 51.53 420.40 9.80 100
CT+AN + M 10.83 77.09 834.23 19.46 198.57
CT + M 10.50 75.42 789.07 18.41 187.85
CT+AN 7.70 66.30 512.13 11.94 121.83
Eliance Control 11.58 50.63 586.63 14.24 145.30
CT+AN + M 11.33 79.13 895.60 20.89 213.16
CT + M 10.00 78.68 786.37 18.34 187.14
CT+AN 11.83 72.32 855.93 19.97 203.77
L.S.D at 0.05 level 1.80 3.82 123.73 2.83 -
CT= compost tea , AN =ammonium nitrate , M= molasses , control (spraying with tap water).

Sabreen Kh. Ibraheim et al.

The interaction between Bavana or Eliance cultivars carbohydrates, total protein, starch, N,P and K contents in
and spraying with compost tea + NH4NO3 ( 0.5 g/l) + tubers compared to control (Table 10 ).
molasses (0.5%v/v) significantly increased number of Compost tea + NH4NO3+ molasses and compost tea
tubers/plant, average tuber weight, yield/plant and total yield/ + molasses increased DM% and P contents in tubers, but there
fed. with no significant differences with some the interaction were no significant differences between spraying with
treatments. compost tea + NH4NO3+ molasses or compost tea + molasses
The increases in total yield/ fed. were about 164.52 or compost tea + NH4NO3 with respect to total protein, N in
and 98.57% for the interaction between Bavana cultivar and first season and total carbohydrates, starch and K contents in
compost tea + NH4NO3 + molasses and 167.73 and 113.16% tubers in both seasons
for the interaction between Eliance cultivar and compost tea Similar results were reported by many other
+ NH4NO3 + molasses over the interaction between Bavana investigators like Abou-El-Hassan and Desoky (2013) on
cultivar and control treatment. head lettuce and Naidu et al. (2013) on muskmelon plants.
The results were agreement with Samuel et al.(2013) Table 10. Effect of compost tea on tubers quality of potato
who suggested that compost tea can be used to produce plants during 2017 and 2018 seasons
optimum tuber yields in potato production of potato cultivars. Minerals content


Total protein
Characters (%)

Dry matter
3.Tuber quality

(D.M.) (%)

Starch (%)

a. Effect of cultivars


Data in Table 9 show that there were no significant


differences between Bavana and Eliance cultivars with
respect to DM%, total carbohydrates, total protein, starch, N,P
and K contents in tubers in both seasons. b. Effect of compost 2017 season
tea Control 23.75 74.20 10.70 63.06 1.86 0.197 3.08
CT+AN + M 26.27 83.57 12.90 75.28 2.24 0.243 3.37
Table 9. Effect of cultivars on tubers quality of potato
CT + M 26.64 84.31 13.18 76.10 2.29 0.261 3.46
plants during 2017 and 2018 seasons CT+AN 25.22 82.01 13.92 73.96 2.42 0.236 3.37
Minerals L.S.D at 0.05 level 0.48 3.67 1.01 2.46 0.17 0.021 0.20

Total protein

content (%)
Dry matter
(D.M.) (%)

Starch (%)

2018 season

Characters Control 23.64 74.33 10.93 63.59 1.90 0.197 3.10



Treatments CT+AN + M 26.40 84.33 12.73 75.65 2.21 0.252 3.30


CT + M 26.19 84.07 13.21 74.89 2.29 0.245 3.49

CT+AN 25.54 82.19 14.25 72.40 2.47 0.232 3.35
cultivars 2017 season L.S.D at 0.05 level 0.42 3.01 0.91 3.31 0.15 0.018 0.21
CT= compost tea, AN =ammonium nitrate, M= molasses, control
Bavana 25.71 81.52 12.66 71.72 2.20 0.234 3.25
(spraying with tap water).
Eliance 25.23 80.52 12.69 72.48 2.20 0.234 3.39
L.S.D at 0.05 level N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. c. Effect of the interaction between cultivars and compost tea
2018 season Data in Table 11 show that, in general, spraying
Bavana 25.82 81.44 12.77 70.65 2.22 0.237 3.27 Bavana and Eliance cultivars with compost tea + NH4NO3 or
Eliance 25.07 81.03 12.79 72.61 2.22 0.226 3.35 NH4NO3 + molasses or molasses increased DM%, total
L.S.D at 0.05 level N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. carbohydrates, total protein, starch, N,P and K contents in
N.S.: Not significant at 0.05 level of probability. tubers compared to spraying these cultivars with tap water.
Spraying potato plants with compost tea + NH4NO3
or molasses or NH4NO3+ molasses increased DM%, total
Table 11. Effect of the interaction between cultivars and compost tea on tubers quality of potato plants during 2017 and
2018 seasons
Characters Dry matter (D.M.) Total carbohydrates Total protein Starch Minerals content (%)
Treatments (%) (%) (%) (%) N P K
Cultivars x Compost tea 2017 season
Bavana Control 23.77 73.38 10.65 62.74 1.85 0.195 3.14
CT+AN + M 26.61 84.32 12.99 76.01 2.26 0.245 3.18
CT + M 26.79 85.85 12.34 75.67 2.14 0.265 3.32
CT+AN 25.68 82.53 14.66 72.48 2.55 0.233 3.35
Eliance Control 23.74 75.02 10.75 63.39 1.87 0.199 3.02
CT+AN + M 25.93 82.81 12.82 74.55 2.23 0.241 3.57
CT + M 26.49 82.78 14.03 76.53 2.44 0.258 3.60
CT+AN 24.76 81.50 13.18 75.44 2.29 0.239 3.39
L.S. D at 0.05 level 0.68 5.19 1.44 3.48 0.25 0.030 0.28
2018 season
Bavana Control 23.76 73.24 10.71 63.55 1.86 0.200 3.15
CT+AN + M 26.85 84.50 12.78 76.37 2.22 0.262 3.16
CT + M 26.82 85.38 12.55 73.31 2.18 0.254 3.33
CT+AN 25.84 82.63 15.04 69.37 2.61 0.230 3.44
Eliance Control 23.52 75.42 11.15 63.64 1.94 0.195 3.05
CT+AN + M 25.95 84.16 12.68 74.93 2.20 0.242 3.44
CT + M 25.57 82.77 13.87 76.47 2.41 0.235 3.65
CT+AN 25.24 81.76 13.45 75.43 2.34 0.234 3.27
L.S.D at 0.05 level 0.60 4.25 1.29 4.69 0.22 0.026 0.30
CT= compost tea , AN =ammonium nitrate , M= molasses , control (spraying with tap water).

J. of Plant Production, Mansoura Univ., Vol. 11 (11), November, 2020

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‫تأثير شاي الكومبست وبعض اإلمدادات الغذائية على نمو ومحصول صنفين من البطاطس‬
1‫برديسى‬ ‫ و إيناس عبد الله‬2‫ على سالمه على‬،1‫صبرين خلف الله إبراهيم‬
‫ كلية الزراعه – جامعة الزقازيق – مصر‬-‫ قسم البساتين‬1
‫ كلية الزراعه – جامعة الزقازيق – مصر‬- ‫ قسم الميكروبيولوجيا الزراعيه‬2
‫ محافظه الشرقية وذلك لدراسة‬، ‫ بمزرعة خاصة بمنطقة الصالحية‬1022 ، /1027 ‫أجريت تجربة حقلية خالل موسمى صيف‬
‫ اليانس) النامية تحت ظروف‬، ‫تأثير شاى الكومبست وبعض اإلمدادات الغذائية على نمو ومحصول بعض أصناف البطاطس (بافانا‬
‫ الوزن الجاف للعرش والكلورفيل‬، ‫ النبات‬/‫ وقد أظهرت النتائج أن الصنف بافانا أعطى أعلى عدد للسيقان الرئيسية‬.‫األرض الطميية الرملية‬
‫ محصول‬، ‫ متوسط وزن الدرنة‬،‫ النبات‬/ ‫ عدد الدرنات‬، ‫ بينما أعطى الصنف اليانس أعلى القيم الرتفاع النبات‬،‫الكلى فى أنسجه الورقة‬
‫ الموالس‬+‫ لتر‬/ ‫ جم‬0.0 ‫ أدى رش نباتات البطاطس بشاى الكومبست مع سلفات النشادر بمعدل‬. ‫الدرنات للنبات والمحصول الكلى للفدان‬
‫ محصول‬، ‫ متوسط وزن الدرنة‬،‫ النبات‬/ ‫ عدد الدرنات‬، ‫ الوزن الجاف للعرش‬، ‫ النبات‬/ ‫ حجم الى زيادة عدد األوراق‬/‫ حجم‬% 0.0‫بتركيز‬
‫ الموالس أو‬+ ‫ باإلضافة الى ذلك سجل رش الصنف بافانا بشاى الكومبست مع سلفات النشادر‬.‫الدرنات للنبات والمحصول الكلى للفدان‬
‫ الوزن الجاف للعرش والكلورفيل الكلى فى أنسجة‬، ‫ النبات‬/‫الموالس أوسلفات النشادر الى الحصول على أعلى القيم عدد للسيقان الرئيسية‬
‫ على الجانب االخر سجل رش الصنف اليانس بشاى الكومبست مع‬.‫الورقة والكربوهيدرات الكلية والنشا وبدون فرو ق معنويه بينهم‬
‫ ومع ذلك سجلت التفاعالت بين الصنفين بافانا أو اليانس والرش بشاى‬، ‫ الموالس الى زيادة معنويه فى إرتفاع النبات‬+ ‫سلفات النسادر‬
‫ محصول الدرنات للنبات والمحصول‬، ‫ الموالس أو مع الموالس تأثيرا معنويا على متوسط وزن الدرنة‬+ ‫الكومبست مع سلفات النشادر‬
‫ باإلضافه الى ذلك فقد سجل رش الصنف اليانس بشاى الكومبست مع سلفات‬،‫ النسبة المئوية للفوسفور‬، ‫ نسبة المادة الجافة‬، ‫الكلى للفدان‬
‫ بينما إزداد معنويا محتوى الدرنات من النيتروجين والبروتين الكلى برش‬، ‫النشادر الى زياده محتوى الدرنات من الفوسفور والبوتاسيوم‬
. ‫الصنف بافانا بشاى الكومبست مع سلفات النشادر‬


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