Statesman Kolkata 31-01

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Parliament’s Budget Rafael Nadal clinches record
21st Grand Slam with Oz win
Mainly clear sky. Maximum and
minimum temperature most likely to be
around 25 °C and 12 °C respectively.
session starts today
Session expected to be stormy; Opp expected to raise MSP law, Pegasus
Max: 24.1°C (-3) Min: 11.7°C (-3)
Cong asks govt to address people’s
06:16 hrs
17:24 hrs
he Budget session of
Parliament, which
will begin on Mon-
issues, Adhir moots privilege motion
05:28 hrs 16:25 hrs
day with President then the further strategy will
New moon on 01 February
Ram Nath Kovind’s address be decided."
to a joint session of both The Congress has said
Houses of Parliament, is that the Prime Minister is
THUMBNAILS likely to be a stormy one with directly involved in it and
the opposition parties pre- alleged, based on a NewYork
pared to take the govern- Timesreport, that the Modi
ment to task over farmers’ government purchased
demand for a law on MSP, Pegasus Spyware in 2017 and
and alleged use of Pegasus other military technology as
spyware, among other the "centrepieces" of a pack-
issues. age, including "weapons
The Budget 2022-23 ses- and intelligence gear worth
sion is also taking place INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE pensation to the families of roughly $2 billion" from
just ahead of the crucial Uttar NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY Covid victims & martyred Israel during PM Modi's
Pradesh assembly elections farmers?" visit.
Rafael Nadal on Sunday created history as he became the first man to win 21 Grand
in February and amid adher- A day ahead of the start of The stage is set for a Congress leader in the Slams. Two sets down, the Spaniard rallied to defeat the world number two, Daniil
ence to strict Covid-19 safe- Budget session of Parlia- stormy Budget Session with Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Medvedev, by 2-6, 6-7(5), 6-4, 7-5 as he clinched the record-breaking Australian Open
ty protocols further neces- ment and amidst the Pega- the opposition gearing up Chowdhury, meanwhile, trophy at the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne in a clash that lasted five hours and 24
sitated by detection of about sus snoopgate controver- against the government on demanded that a 'Privi- minutes. With this triumph, Nadal broke his tie with Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer
Tara Gandhi Bhattacharjee, grand daughter of
875 Covid positive cases at sy, the Congress demand- the Pegasus snooping issue. lege Motion' be moved for the most men's singles Grand Slam titles in history. �ANI (Match report on Page 12)
Mahatma Gandhi, pays tribute to Gandhi on his the Parliament complex on ed that government should The Congress is reaching out against Information Tech-
23 January. address issues which con- to the opposition to devise nology Minister Ashwini

75 p.c. adult population

74th death anniversary, at Gandhi Smriti in New
Delhi on Sunday. �ANI Giving details of the cern common people. a common strategy to cor- Vaishnaw for allegedly mis-
schedule of the session, a The party,in a state- ner the government. leading the house on the
Rajya Sabha secretariat note ment said, "With the Bud- Not only the Congress Pegasus issue.

in India fully vaccinated

Farmers to observe ‘Betrayal Day‘:Alleging here stated that the Budget get Session starting tomor- but other political parties The Pegasus issue has
betrayal by the Centre, Bharatiya Kisan Union session would be held in two row, will Modi government are also planning to corner marred the proceedings
(BKU) leader Rakesh Tikait on Sunday anno- phases. The first phase of address the issues of fail- the government on the of Parliament and a major-
unced a country-wide observance of "Betrayal the budget session will ing economy, unending snooping row. ity of the Monsoon and
Day" on Monday over farm issues. The national begin on 31 January and price rise, unbearable Leader of the opposition Winter sessions was washed
spokesperson of the influential farmers' union conclude on 11 February. unemployment, Chinese Mallikarjun Kharge said, out because of the Oppo-
said the over-a-year-long protest at Delhi's bor- The second part of the ses- aggression, dismissal of "We will seek the view of sition's protests on this
ders was withdrawn on the basis of a letter of sion will begin on 14 March MoS Ajay Mishra, com- other political parties and issue.
promises by the government on December 9 and conclude on 8 April.
but those remain unfulfilled. Soon after the President
addresses the session of shifts with members seat- Motion of Thanks regarding Sabha Chairman M Venka-
Parliament, the Economic ed across the chambers. the President’s address. The iah Naidu and Lok Sabha
EC to review political rally ban: The Election
Commission of India (ECI) will hold a virtual
Survey for the year 2021-22
will be tabled in Lok Sabha.
The first part of the Bud-
get session will have 10 sit-
Lok Sabha will take the dis-
cussion on the same on
Speaker Om Birla met at
Upa-Rashtrapati Niwas, the
review meeting to assess the situation on Mon- Union Finance Minister tings between January 31 Wednesday, following which house of the vice president
day when the ban on physical political rallies
and roadshows for the upcoming Assembly
Nirmala Sitharaman will
present the Budget for the
and February 11 while 19 sit-
tings are scheduled for the
the PM is expected to reply
to the debate on February 7.
and discussed the prepa-
rations for the upcoming 2,34,281
elections comes to an end. On January 22, the year 2022-23 on 1 February second part between March The Budget session Budget Session . They
ECI had extended the ban on physical rallies at 11 a.m. 14 and April 8, 2022, accord- beginning Monday will be expressed the hope that all
and roadshows till January 31 amid rising Covid
cases. An ECI official said that the commission
Considering the Covid-
19 third wave, the Lok Sabha
ing to the Rajya Sabha sec-
the sixth to be held since the
outbreak of the Covid pan-
political parties would
engage in ‘constructive’
NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY On 30 January 2020, 3,52,784
will take a decision according to the situation and the Rajya Sabha (upper The first four days of the demic in January 2020. debates and contribute to India reported its
will be sitting in separate session are reserved for the Vice President and Rajya a productive session. India achieved another first positive case
and the Covid cases in the respective states.
milestone in its fight against of the coronavirus
Covid-19 on Sunday as it from Kerala. Over
Pakistani, JeM Pegasus snooping case: Fresh plea in apex court administered more than 75
per cent of the adult pop- the next two years,
commander INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE pieces' of this deal. In April top court judge, Justice R.V. technical committee are Dr.
ulation with both doses
of vaccines, said Union
the country has
recorded over 4.1 WEST BENGAL REGISTERED

among 5 NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY 2017, it was reported that India

had inked a $2 billion deal with
Raveendran, to probe the Pega-
sus snooping allegations.
Naveen Kumar Chaudhary, Pro-
fessor (Cyber Security and Dig-
Health Minister Mansukh
crore infections.

terrorists A fresh plea has been moved in Israel Aerospace Industries for The court has authorised ital Forensics) and Dean, Nation- “With the mantra of our fellow citizens for this strength’ of the country.
killed in J-K the Supreme Court seeking that
it take cognisance of a news
supply of air defence missiles
to the Indian Army," said the plea.
the technical committee to
devise its own procedure to
al Forensic Sciences Universi-
ty, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, Dr.
‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Prayas’,
India has administered 75
momentous feat. Proud
of all those who are mak-
The PM, in his Mann Ki
Baat radio address on Sun-
report in international media, The plea seeks registration effectively implement and Prabaharan P., Professor (School per cent of its adult pop- ing our vaccination drive day, said with a decline in
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE in connection with the pur- of FIR “to recover public money answer the terms of reference. of Engineering), Amrita Vishwa ulation with both doses a success," tweeted Prime cases of coronavirus infec-
JAMMU, 30 JANUARY chase of Pegasus spyware, and paid for the impugned deal and The committee can hold an Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Ker- of the Covid vaccine. We are Minister Narendra Modi. tion it was the desire of the
order an FIR against Prime Min- prosecute concerned persons investigation it deems fit and take ala, and Dr. Ashwin Anil Gumaste, getting stronger in the fight Meanwhile, India report- people that alongside main-
Five terrorists of the Jaish-e- ister Narendra Modi. including Narendra D. Modi in statements of any person in Institute Chair Associate Pro- against the pandemic,” ed a marginal decline in taining safety the pace of
Mohammad ( JeM) and The plea moved by advocate accordance of law”. connection with the inquiry fessor (Computer Science and Mandaviya said in a tweet. fresh Covid-19 cases at the economic activities
Lashkar-e-Taiyyaba (LeT) M.L. Sharma, lead petitioner in “... petitioner has also filed and call for records of any Engineering), Indian Institute As per the Health Min- 2,34,281 with 893 deaths in should also be maintained.
outfits, including two top the pending Pegasus case, said an application to issue a letter authority or individual. of Technology, Bombay, Maha- istry report on Sunday the last 24 hours. Howev- “Now the cases of coro-
JeM commanders and a the New York Times published rogatory to Israeli Court for Justice Raveendran is over- rashtra. morning, with the admin- er, the daily positivity rate na infection have also start-
Pakistani, were killed by secu- a detailed report declaring that securing necessary evidence seeing the functioning of the A batch of petitions includ- istration of more than 62 in the country has risen to ed decreasing - this is a very
rity forces on Sunday in two in July 2017, the Modi govern- secured by the government dur- technical committee and he is ing those by advocate Sharma, lakh vaccine doses in the 14.5 per cent. The active positive sign. People should
separate overnight encoun- ment purchased Pegasus from ing its raid upon NSO office and assisted by Alok Joshi, former IPS CPI-M MP John Brittas, journalist last 24 hours, India's Covid- caseload has also reported be safe, the pace of eco-
ters in south Kashmir. the Israeli firm. other places. Which is still pend- officer, and Dr. Sundeep Oberoi, N. Ram, former IIM professor 19 vaccination coverage a further decline at 18,84,937 nomic activities of the
The police have described “The report, published on Fri- ing,” the plea added. Chairman, Sub Committee in Jagdeep Chokkar, Narendra has exceeded 165.7 crore which constitute 4.59 per country should be main-
these killings as a major suc- day, revealed that in 2017, India On October 27, the top court (International Organisation of Mishra, Paranjoy Guha Thakur- in India. This has been cent of the country's total tained - this is the wish of
cess for security forces. and Israel agreed to a $2 billion said it was compelled to take up Standardisation/International ta, Rupesh Kumar Singh, S.N.M. achieved through Covid-positive cases. every countryman,” the
Police said that two oper- sale of a ‘package’ of weapons the cause to determine the Electro-Technical Commis- Abdi and Editors Guild of India 1,81,35,047 sessions. Prime Minister Naren- Prime Minister said, as he
ations were launched during and intelligence gear. It further truth, as it appointed an inde- sion/Joint Technical Commit- were filed seeking an indepen- “Seventy-five per cent dra Modi, meanwhile said termed India’s fight against
the night at Charar-e-sharief stated that Pegasus and a mis- pendent expert technical com- tee). dent probe into the Pegasus of all adults are fully vac- the trust of people in indige- the latest wave of the coro-
in district Budgam and at sile system were the 'centre- mittee supervised by a retired The three members of the snooping allegations. cinated. Congratulations to nous vaccine was the ‘great navirus a ‘great success’.
Naira in district Pulwama.
“Both have concluded with
killing of one terrorist in
Budgam and four in Pulwa-
ma, including two top JEM Aim is to re-establish India’s TEEMING CROWD

national symbols: PM Modi

Commanders Zahid Wani
and an Foreign terrorist from
Pakistan,” according to a
police statement.
The encounters started
during anti-terror operations STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE ings expressed by every coun-
in Pulwama and Budgam dis- NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY tryman,” Mr Modi said. “In the
tricts last evening. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the
In an operation in Chrar- Prime Minister Narendra Modi country is re-establishing its
e-Sharief area of Budgam in his first ‘Mann Ki Baat’ national symbols through
district, one terrorist was address in 2022 over All India these efforts.”
killed. Police said one AK rifle Radioon Sunday said whether Mr Modi said, similarly
was recovered from the it was the display of national the merger of ‘Amar Jawan Jyoti’
encounter site. valour at Rajpath during Re- near India Gate and the Jyoti
Inspector General of Police, public Day and extending the lit at the ‘National War Memo-
Kashmir, Vijay Kumar has Republic Day celebration from rial’ in the vicinity brought tears
termed the encounters as a Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s in the eyes of many country-
major success for the police. birth anniversary till up to men and martyr families. He
An Army spokesman said death anniversary of Mahat- quoted some former soldiers
that warlike stores and arms ma Gandhi or digital sculpture writing to him saying, “The
and ammunition were recov- of Netaji at India Gate, all Netaji’s statue at India Gate. uary i.e., Gandhiji's death ‘Amar Jawan Jyoti’ lit at the
ered at the two encounter these efforts were aimed at ‘re- “One change you must have anniversary. A digital sculpture memorial is a symbol of the
spots. establishing’ India’s ‘national noticed is that now the Repub- of Netaji has also been installed immortality of the martyrs.”
Police said that the ter- symbols’. lic Day functions will start at India Gate.We can never for- He said on the walls of Nation-
rorists who were killed Mr Modi’s remark comes from the 23rd of January, i.e., get the way the country wel- al War Memorial names of all
were involved in several murmurs of subdued disap- the birth anniversary of Neta- comed this, the wave of joy that the bravehearts martyred
attacks targeting civilians proval among a section of ji Subhas Chandra Bose and arose from every corner of since Independence had been People throng Sarojini Nagar market after Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) lifted
and security forces. society over installation of will continue till the 30th of Jan- the country; the kind of feel- inscribed. weekend curfew and odd-even curbs for shops, in New Delhi on Sunday. �ANI



No politics this time, but restoration of Darjeeling's glory

English Bazaar BJP MLA


launches ‘paray bidhayak’

TMC mocks it as ‘show off’ ahead of municipality elections
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE Shubhamoy Basu, on the other
MALDA, 30 JANUARY hand, said, "The MLA has not
been seen in the area ever since

JP MLA of English she won the Assembly elec-
Bazaar in Malda, tions. Residents here could not
Sreerupa Mitra get the certificates they need-
Choudhury, today ed from the MLA. Now she is
launched what the party acting before the civic elections.
termed 'paray bidhayak' (MLA There will be no benefit for the
at the doorstep) in the Bans- BJP in doing all this. The mis-
bari area under the English take made by the people in the
Bazaar police station. Assembly elections will not be
Trinamul Congress leaders, repeated in this election."
however, mocked the move Meanwhile, some local
and said that it was a "show responsible people's repre- According to Mrs Mitra people supported the BJP's
off" before the municipal elec- sentative." Chowdhury, the programme programme, some others
tions. As the municipal elections had nothing to do with the pre- did not.
Though MLA Choudhury approach, a rise in the polit- poll campaign. "The MLA was not seen here
claimed that it will be a con- ical fever is palpable in the "The programme in the when people were in trouble
tinuous drive, even during district. neighborhood is for the com- during the raging Covid pan-
the post-election period, the Mrs Mitra Choudhury today mon people. Even after the demic that had reached a
TMC said that she had not been took part in a programme polls, the MLA programme will high point, and now she is
in her constituency after win- and tried to solve the problems continue in the neighbor- doing politics before the civic
ning the Assembly election and being faced by the people in hood," she said. elections," said a resident of
was now "falsely posing as a the Banshbari area. District TMC spokesperson the Banshbari area. An artist gives finishing touches to an idol of goddess Saraswati, at Kumar Tuli in Siliguri on Sunday. ��PULAK KARMAKAR


N Dinajpur biz body seeks rail Covid cases down, but deaths
infrastructure development still a cause of concern
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE bound Seemanchal Express According him, the railway STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE
RAIGANJ, 30 JANUARY train from Radhikapur had level crossing in the middle of SILIGURI, 30 JANUARY
been suspended. But the Covid Raiganj town is causing huge
As the Centre prepares to pre- situation has now eased. As traffic congestion in the town, Even though Darjeeling dis-
sent the Railway budget, the such we demand the resump- inconveniencing mainly stu- trict is witnessing a plateau-
West Dinajpur Chamber of tion of the train soon," the Gen- dents, office goers, and patients ing of Covid-19 cases, the
Commerce (WDCC) of North eral Secretary of the WDCC, headed for the Raiganj Med- number of deaths at the North
Dinajpur has demanded devel- Shankar Kundu, said. ical College. Bengal Medical College and
opment of railway infra- "Around 15 years ago, dur- "We have demanded that Hospital (NBMCH) in Siliguri
structure in the district. ing the introduction of the the railway authorities con- has, however, remained a
The WDCC yesterday sent broad gauge track, the Rail- struct a flyover on the level matter of concern.
a memorandum to Railway ways had withdrawn the rake crossing in Raiganj to save the Around 33 persons who had
minister Ashwini Vaishnaw point from the Raiganj station. town from traffic congestion. tested positive for Covid-19
and the general manager of the After that, no rake point has We have also demanded have died at the region's pre-
Northeast Frontier Railway been reintroduced at the sta- changing the time table of the mier health institution so far
to this effect. tion till date. Though Raiganj Howrah-Radhikapur passen- this month. An 80-year-old res-
The trade body of both is the district headquarters, in ger train and development of ident of Pradhannagar in Silig-
North and South Dinajpurs has the absence of the rake, goods infrastructure of the Kanki uri died there today. than 30 years old. However, the causes.
demanded resumption of the are brought from Malda or Kis- railway station. If our demands Health department offi- most of them were 70 and 80 "There is no question of
Delhi-bound Simanchal hanganj in Bihar. As such, are not fulfilled in the coun- cials have said that some pre- years old. improper treatment. Many
Express, introduction of the the prices of goods in North try's next budget, we will be existing serious illnesses and Data suggests that Omicron patients who are suffering
rake point at the Raiganj sta- Dinajpur are higher than other compelled to start a movement late hospitalisation in some infection may be associated from serious comorbidities
tion, construction of a fly- places.We have demanded that in favour of our demands. cases had led to most of the with a lower risk of hospital- have contracted Covid-19. A
over in Raiganj, and some the Railway minister reintro- We sent our demands to both deaths. ization as compared to infec- multi-disciplinary expert
other development projects. duce our rake point at the the railway minister and the Public health physicians tion with the Delta variant of committee is also monitoring
"Earlier, due to the adverse Raiganj station," M Kundu general manager of NF Rail- tracking Covid cases say that the coronavirus. the matter," Dr Roy said.
Covid-19 situation, the Delhi- added. way," Mr Kundu said. it appears that the so-called The sharp spike in Covid 191 cases in Darj dist
third wave was on the wane. cases had also led to a rise in Meanwhile, Darjeeling dis-
"We are witnessing a fall in admissions at the NBMCH. trict today detected 191 new
the Covid-19 graph, but there Fifty-five patients were under- Covid cases, according to
should be strong focus on going treatment in the Covid reports issued by the health
reducing the transmission block of the hospital as of department.
rate. The trend needs to be today. Thirty-eight cases have
observed. However, a series of Many are alleging that lack been reported in areas under
deaths do pose a concern," said of proper treatment was the Siliguri Municipal Cor-
a physician here today. responsible for the deaths. poration, including 31 cases
Health experts have said The officer on duty for in areas that fall in Darjeeling
that it was important to accel- public health in north Bengal, district.
erate efforts to vaccinate all Dr Susanta Kumar Roy, said Takdah in Darjeeling Hills
Children play in the Mahananda river, at Kamrangaguri near
at-risk populations. the NBMCH authorities were registered 34 cases. Also today,
Fulbari in Siliguri on Sunday evening. ��MANAS R BANNERJEE Among the dead at the looking into the issue seriously. 191 Covid patients recovered
NBMCH, some patients had According to him, a multi-dis- and they wither left hospitals
been in the age group of 40s, ciplinary expert committee at or ended their home isolation

NFR to run Jalpaiguri-Agartala ‘kisan trains’

while some were also more the hospital was ascertaining period, officials said.


made garments, varieties of tea,
bamboo products and other
BSF North Bengal to have
The Northeast Frontier Rail-
way has decided to run two
Kisan Rail trains from Jal-
handicrafts, spices, edible oil,
mosquito repellents, etc. The
total transit time was 87 hours,"
Ms Kaur said in a statement.
first women-only music band
paiguri and Dhupguri in West According to the NF Rail-
Bengal to Agartala in Tripura way, the train will operate on
for transportation of pota- a round-trip basis. The train
toes with stoppages enroute will depart from Azara every
for loading and unloading. Wednesday at 6 pm and reach
Among these services, train Vasco-da-Gama at 8:30 am on
No 00571 Jalpaiguri-Agartala Bongaigaon and Guwahati ered by Kisan Rail in the North- Vasco-da-Gama in Goa yes- Sunday. The train consists of
Kisan Rail will run on 30 Jan- stations. east Frontier Railway. For terday. The train commenced 15 van parcels of 24 tonne
uary, and 6th, 13th and 27th "It may be mentioned here detailed information regard- its maiden journey from Azara, capacity each and 1 brake
February (Sunday), leaving that perishable items like ing Kisan Rail services, one can carrying mosquito repellents, van for the first six months and
Jalpaiguri at 14-00 hours to fruits & vegetables and agro- contact officials of the com- a variety of tea, broom, and a total of 20 parcel vans there-
reach Agartala at 03-00 hours products can be easily trans- mercial department con- other goods, the NF Railway after up to next 6 years.
on the third day. The train will ported through Kisan Rail. cerned either at divisional said. "This new route will not only
have stoppages at Raninagar Fifty percent subsidy in freight, levels or at the headquarter "In a first, AVG Logistics strengthen the connectivity
in Jalpaiguri, New Coochbe- which is borne by the Ministry level," NF Railway's Chief operated a leased Parcel Cargo between the North Eastern
har, New Bongaigaon and of Food Processing Indus- Public Relations Officer Guneet Express Train (PCET) for North- States with the South and
Guwahati stations. Train No tries (MoFPI), is being grant- Kaur said. east Frontier Railway (NFR) West, but also act as a cata-
00560 Dhupguri-Agartala ed on transportation of fruits Leased Parcel Cargo covering a distance of 3358 km lyst for business growth. It will
Kisan Rail will run on 4th, 11th, and vegetables through Kisan Express Train service (one way) between Azara act as an efficient and reliable
18th and 25th February (Fri- Rail services," the NF Railway As part of the Business (Guwahati) in Assam and time bound solution to the sup-
day), leaving Dhupguri at 17- said in a release. Development Unit (BDU) ini- Vasco in Goa via Siliguri, ply chain needs of Eastern
00 hours to reach Agartala at "Presently destinations like tiatives, NF Railway operated Kolkata, Hyderabad, Hubli India. It will bring a boom to STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE "At present, 919 Mahila Interestingly, "other con-
04-00 hours on the third day. Agartala, Dimapur, Changsari, its first leased Parcel Cargo with loading/unloading facil- the industrial and agricul- SILIGURI, 30 JANUARY Prahari are undergoing train- traband" items seized during
The train will have stoppages New Guwahati, Jorhat Town, Express Train (PCET) from ities. The train was loaded tural sector across the eastern ing at the STC (Subsidiary 2021 was worth Rs 1.93 crore,
at New Coochbehar, New Azara, Tinsukia are being cov- Azara (Guwahati) in Assam to with food products, ready- region," Ms Kaur said. The Border Security Force Training Centre) in Baikun- the BSF said.
(BSF) is all set to introduce its thapur. The NBF has 757 "In the year 2021, the BSF
women-only musical band Mahila Prahari and they are apprehended a total of 137 ille-

PFA Siliguri marks Animal in the North Bengal Frontier

Inspector General of the
performing round the clock
duties and frisking of women
is done by them," Mr Singh
gal entrants, including 89
Bangladeshis and three
Nepalis. A total of 152 smug-
Welfare Fortnight BSF, NBF, Ajai Singh, has said
that this will be the first time
such a band will be formed
"The BSF has zero tolerance
for any sexual harassment
glers were intercepted. Of
them, 41 were from Bangladesh
and others from Indian part,"
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE goats, pigs, cicken and dogs here. and the BSF Act and rules are the BSF said.
SILIGURI, 30 JANUARY were given medical treatment Talking to reporters, Mr very powerful," he added.
during today's camp. Anti- Singh said: "Very talented and According to official BSF
The Animal Welfare Fortnight rabies vaccine was also admin- culturally developed girls are sources, troops of the BSF
being marked by People For istrated among the dogs there, joining the BSF. A group of deployed at various Border
Animals (PFA) Siliguri came while all the necessary med- women was interested in Outposts within the jurisdic-
to an end here today. icines were distributed among music. During their training, tion of the North Bengal Fron-
The PFA has kick started the animal owners," said Sujoy the authorities constituted a tier have seized several smug-
fortnight programme on 15 Dutta of the People For Ani- music club for them and they gled items in 2021 worth Rs
January, the organisation's mals Siliguri. performed well day by day by 105 crore.
office bearers said. "It was a successful animal playing musical instruments. The BSF seized 5694 heads
During the programme, health check-up camp, and Finally, the authorities decid- of cattle, 1,69,479 bottles of the
the PFA organised free animal other PFA members who lent ed to introduce a separate Phensedyl cough syrup, 5891
health check-up camps, their helping hand in the pro- women music band in the NBF, yaba tablets, 16 Lbs snake
including one held today in the gramme included Manisha BSF." venom and many other items,
Betgera Village near Salugara Gupta, Ranjit Chaklader and Notably, the BSF's NBF including 423.93 kg ganja
in Siliguri. Sangita Mitra," Mr Dutta has a band and orchestra smuggled from India to
Members of People For Animals Siliguri vaccinate a dog at Betgera in Siliguri on Sunday ��SNS
"Over 200 cows, calves, added. team with only male members. Bangladesh.


Democracy survives on rule of law, not the rule of an individual.
I hope she (CM Mamata) looks into it.

Shantanu Thakur to FLORAL TRIBUTE

talk BJP grievances

with Central leaders
Amidst turmoil in state unit of the party
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE of state leaders led by Union
KOLKATA, 30 JANUARY minister Shantanu Thakur
demanding the removal of a

nion minister Shan- “particular” leader in the state
tanu Thakur will committee.
take up with Central The West Bengal unit of the
party leaders the BJP announced its new state
ongoing rift within the party, committee in December 2021
West Bengal minister which he says is affecting the replacing several veterans
Bratya Basu paying trib-
growth of the party in Bengal. and triggering rumblings in
ute to Mahatma Gandhi
at Beleghata Gandhi
He departed for Delhi from the organisation by retaining
Bhavan. �SNS NSCBI airport today to join ring to the Citizenship many who came from the
Budget session of Parliament. (Amendment) Act. Trinamul Congress (TMC).
Before leaving for the Party sources said Mr Earlier, Mr Thakur and at
Kabir Suman row: A few National Capital, he said a cri- Thakur yesterday held a long least nine MLAs quit the
hours after the West sis looms large in the party, meeting with two senior sus- party’s WhatsApp groups after
Bengal BJP unit lodged a with many grievances damp- pended leaders. the party overhauled its dis-
complaint with the ening the spirit of the party Meanwhile BJP state pres- trict committees.
police against Kabir workers and BJP is ultimate- ident and MP Sukanta “Almost 90 per cent of the
Suman, a former Trina- ly suffering in its bid to Majumder said all issues leaders, who helped to increase
mul Congress MP and strengthen the base of the party regarding the grievances could the BJP’s vote share from West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar paid floral tributes to Mahatma Gandhi on his death anniversary at Mahatma Gandhi
National award-winning before upcoming civic elec- be resolved through discus- around 2 per cent to 40 per Statue on Mayo Road, Kolkata. � SNS
singer, musician and lyri- tion. sion. cent in the state, were exclud-
“Two senior leaders were "Shantanu Thakur is emi- ed from all committees at

Three held for driving car

cist, for allegedly using
expelled by the state party nent leader of our party. He the state, district, block and
abusive language
against a television jour- recently even after they gave can meet MLAs, and MLAs can booth levels. It could be a Kalna: Husband
nalist, Suman wrote a 30 years to the party. Where meet him and he may speak conspiracy of a rival party. We
booked for
on railway tracks
long Facebook post will they go now? I’ll speak to to central leaders. I spoke to want removal of that leader.
making an apology to
the journalist. “I apolo-
central leaders regarding all
these matters. I shall also
him. All could be resolved
through discussion, " he said.
We have already informed
our national level leaders and
‘murder attempt’
gise to the journalist, speak to Union home minis- The rift in the BJP unit in we would take this protest for- BURDAWAN, 30 JANUARY
BJP, RSS and the Ben- ter regarding implementa- West Bengal came out in the ward in the future,” Mr Thakur
galis,” he said. ANI tion of CAA," he said, refer- open recently with a section said earlier. STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE A cruel husband in Kalna, who
KOLKATA, 30 JANUARY had unleashed ruthless tor-
ture on his wife repeatedly

‘Racing’ bus turns turtle at Dorina The railway police last night
arrested three persons for
allegedly driving a four-wheel-
because she gave birth to two
daughters, was finally caught
by the police today.

Crossing, at least 23 injured

er on railway tracks at Bally- The ACJM Court in Kalna
gunge Station. ordered five days police
According to sources, three remand for him. Charges of
youth along with three women attempt to murder and
were in the car when the unleashing physical torture
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE immediately got the bus seized vehicle was spotted on the with a view to coercing his
KOLKATA, 30 JANUARY for being unfit and got the pas- tracks last night. The driver wife to meet an unlawful
sengers deboarded for their of the car allegedly drove the demand (under sections - 307
A mini bus said to be packed safety. vehicle on the tracks near and 498A of the IPC) were
with passengers belonging The incidents triggered platform number four which empty bottles of alcohol were driving the car while follow- brought against him.
to a wedding party turned tur- strict instructions from the is generally used for goods recovered from the car. The ing the GPS when the incident Taushif Sheikh - a resident
tle at Dorina Crossing, this state transport department. trains. The three women are railway police are said to be occurred. of Baganapara in Kalna was
afternoon leaving over a score The state transport minister, said to have escaped from the hunting for the three women. The statement, however, married to Sharifa Khatun of
injured. Firad Hakim issued instruc- spot before the arrival of the According to sources, the has raised questions as the spot neighboring Nibhuji locali-
Police sources said the inci- tions for immediately seizing police. The local residents accused along with the three where the car was found, is ty in 2016. In last six years
dent happened around 2.10 the unfit buses to the RTOs in along with the RPF and GRP women were allegedly drunk. said to be used dedicatedly by Sharifa became mother of two
p.m. Around 23 passengers the city. managed to remove the vehi- The driver of the car who is trucks and goods vehicles for daughters, which irked
sustained injuries on account “The bus was not only cle from the tracks. in police custody is reported loading and unloading pur- Taushif and he allegedly
of the accident, including a unfit but even the tyres were As informed by sources, to have informed that he was poses. started regular physical tor-
woman who is said to have resoled. Because of the resoled ture on his wife. He, accord-
received severe head injuries tyre, the vehicle could not ing to the complaint lodged
in the accident.
They had been taken to
SSKM Hospital for treatment.
liminary investigation revealed
that the bus which was speed-
ing in its bid to overtake
"It got worse when it was
locked in a game of overtak-
ing another bus, this was
take the calibration of the
weight properly and over-
turned while taking a turn,”
Civic polls: Bengal BJP to meet SEC today jointly by the victim and her
father, had inserted iron rod
into the female organ along-
The bus had about 50 pas- another bus had had one of when the accident happened,” informed the state Transport ASIAN NEWS INTERNATIONAL second phase) by a month . tacharya.Earlier, the HC had side rubbing with sandpaper.
sengers on board. its tyres resoled and it got said another passenger. Minister, Firhad Hakim. “We KOLKATA, 30 JANUARY "West Bengal BJP to meet asked SEC to postpone the elec- The housewife was res-
According to police, a deflated, resulting in its over- The passengers of the bus have urged the police com- State Election Commission tions of Civic Polls which was cued by the neighbors in a
Howrah-bound mini bus turn. were rescued by local people. missioner and the depart- In view of the surge in Covid- tomorrow demanding that on 22nd Jan for 4-6 weeks critical condition yesterday
which was coming from Park A passenger of the rogue About an hour later, anoth- ment to check out the valid 19 cases, the West Bengal BJP the elections for remaining which was later postponed to and was shifted to the Super
Circus was allegedly hurtling bus said that the bus was er bus on the same Howrah- and invalid vehicles. I have will move to the State Elec- municipalities (scheduled to February 12 citing that the third Speciality Hospital in Kalna.
at break-neck speed on its way speeding recklessly from Park Bankra route at the same spot asked the Kolkata RTO to tion Commission (SEC) on be held on February 27) should wave of COVID has hit the state The accused had fled the
to Bankra, in Howrah for a wed- Circus and always ran the at Dorina Crossing was seize the unfit buses without Monday requesting it to post- be postponed by four weeks and that the life of the residents place but was caught by the
ding. risk of being caught in an observed tilted on one side and a fitness certificate immedi- pone the civic polls for remain- in wake of COVID situation," of the State will be put to police today, the officials
Police sources said pre- accident. officers of the City Police ately,” he added. ing municipalities (in the said BJP leader Samik Bhat- threat if elections are held. said. SNS

Dhankhar again
takes dig at
CCTV footage shows Burdwan hospital
chief minister fire victim had caused blaze herself
KOLKATA, 30 JANUARY STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE (Deputy Director of Health Ser- the help of a cigarette lighter. mable lighter was found inside
BURDWAN, 30 JANUARY vices, Nursing). " Th e m om en t s he 'd the room intact despite of the
West Bengal governor The BMCH authority how- clicked on the lighter, the fire incident.
Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sun- CCTV footage has exposed ever has set up a separate six- Oxygen pipe caught fire first, They added: "We demand
day took a dig at Chief how the fire incident at the member fact-finding com- which started spreading." a true and sincere probe and
Minister Mamata Baner- Covid ward of the Burdwan mittee headed by hospital's The continued Oxygen not a trick to divert the truth."
jee saying that democra- Medical College and Hospi- Medical Superintendent Dr flow through the pipeline Sandhya Mondal, an elder-
cy survives on rule of law tal early yesterday morning Tapas Ghosh that will submit meant for Covid-19 patients ly woman suffering from res-
and not the rule of an that had left a patient dead hd its report next week, the offi- accelerated the fire. piratory distress, was taken to
'individual'. been caused by the patient her- cials said. The family members of the Burdwan Medical Col-
"Democracy survives self. The experts relied mostly the victim patient meanwhile lege and Hospital from her Bar-
on rule of law, not the rule A three-member team of on the CCTV footage of the criticised the report asking how muria village residence in
of an individual. I hope she experts assigned by the state affected Covid ward while and why a cigarette lighter was Galsi on last Wednesday and
(West Bengal CM Mama- government arrived the hos- preparing their primary report. allowed inside the Covid ward. she tested Covid-19 positive.
ta Banerjee) looks into it. pital within hours of the inci- The report, according to the The victim's grandson "So, she was shifted to the
She is mandated by the dent and submitted their pri- sources, stated that the vic- Kalachand and daughter Ranu Covid ward of the hospital,"
constitution to sit for a mary findings in 24 hours. tim patient Sandhya Mondal Mondal said that they had pro- said Dr Probir Sengupta, Prin-
dialogue with Governor", The expert committee was wearing a high-flow nasal vided her a mosquito net. cipal, BMCH.
stated West Bengal Gov- comprised Anirudhha Niyo- mask for better oxygen inhal- “Then why would she require Sandhya suffered 100 per-
ernor Jagdeep Dhankhar. gi (Special Secretary, Health ing. But, at a certain point after a mosquito incense stick cent burn injuries and died
Dhankhar's remarks came Services), Dr Somnath Das 4 am yesterday, the footage inside the hospital ward?" shortly after the fire but three
after paying his tributes to (Head of Forensic Medicine, indicated that she'd unmasked they asked. other Covid positive patients
Mahatma Gandhi on his R G Kar Medical College and herself and was trying to light Also, the victim's family who were in the ward were res-
74th death anniversary. Hospital) and Monica Gayen a mosquito incense stick with questioned how the inflam- cued alive.
According to the Gov-
ernor, in Bengal, democracy
needs to be saved from
violence. He also claimed
that Chief Minister Mama-
Fish breeding ponds on Singur ‘agri’ land prompt Opp snickers
ta Banerjee never per- STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE cheating the Singur farmers. culture can be carried on in story how the Singur farm-
formed her constitutional HOOGHLY, 30 JANUARY Meanwhile, large earth- a land full of concrete debris, ers and educated jobless
duty to furnish information moving machinery have and macher bheri business is youths were cheated and
about the state to him."I The land area within the Tata been seen operating within very profitable. deprived by the state gov-
have appealed to CM project was handed over to the the Singur land area hand- Moreover, Singur can now ernment.
Mamata Banerjee that respective owners by the state ed over to the farmers by the also take a lead in supplying The labour and Panchayat
democracy survives on government after the Tata state government for agri- fresh fish to the markets of the mi ni st er M r Bec ha ra m
dialogue.We have to ensure Nano project was aborted. cultural purposes. district, the farmers said. Manna denied the allegations
to save democracy from vio- The state government Massive chunks of soil are Senior BJP leader Mr Dilip made by Mr Dilip Ghosh.
lence...The constitutional reclaimed a part of the same being scooped out to form a Ghosh, on election cam- Mr Manna said, the BJP
duty of CM is to give infor- land making it suitable for agri- deep depression in the earth. paign in Chandannagar, leader should learn a lesson
mation to the Governor, but cultural purposes, however, Bonomali Maity and other lashed out at the state Chief to talk less, they should under-
it has not been performed the farmers did not find it suit- farmers at the spot said huge Minister and said Didimoni stand and realise that the
ever since I became Gov- able for the particular purpose water bodies are being created (the state chief minister) BJP party is not acceptable to
ernor", the Governor added. as concrete debris remained to carry out fish breeding. has not only cheated the the people of Bengal. The
He sought information mixed with the soil, hence till The fish breeding ground Singur farmers but the edu- people of Bengal very well
from the West Bengal CM this day, the major part of the is being prepared under the cated jobless youths of the know that saffron party lead-
on July 26 Pegasus notifi- land area remains uncultivated beneficiary schemes of the district. There are no job ers are migratory birds, he said.
cation, Pandemic Purchase and full of weeds. state government. opportunities for the edu- During the election, they
Enquiry, Bengal Global Recent activities of exva- At present, 10 bighas of land cated youths in the state, are found all around with
Business Summit, Bengal cation of large water bodies area have been sanctioned by Chief minister scattered fake promises but the state
Aerotropolis Project, in the area which was only the Gopalnagar Panchayat, mustard seeds on Singur Chief Minister Mamata Baner-
Gorkhaland Territorial meant for agriculture have said the farmers. land but till now it remains jee and other party mem-
Administration (GTA), MAA raised the eyebrows of oppo- Other farmers on the spot barren with no crop culti- bers have always been by the
Canteen and State Finance sition parties that have blamed welcomed the initiative taken vation. Weeds have come up side of common people round
Commission. ANI the state government for by the Panchayat since no agri- all over as if narrating a sad the clock.

Let us take a vow that there is no place in the Indian soil for
Godse's heirs and their evil thoughts.

Punjab CM Channi to contest Will there be a 6th CM to HMS celebrates ‘Nathuram

Godse-Narayan Apte Day’ on
from second seat of Bhadaur
ni, Barnala - Manish Bansal, Patiala
- Vishnu Sharma.
The Congress is trying to sort
be sworn in after polls? Mahatma death anniversary
The Congress on Sunday released the out issue of CM face in the state and Long-awaited change of guard may finally happen in Chhattisgarh
third list of candidates for Punjab Rahul Gandhi on Thursday cate-
assembly polls. Punjab Chief Min- gorically said that it will announce AJAY BHAN SINGH vival tactics in his armoury and pumping enormous
ister Charanjit Singh Channi will a chief ministerial candidate after con- RAIPUR, 30 JANUARY when Singh Deo took up money from Chhattis-
contest from second seat of Bhadaur. sulting the party workers. the cudgel in August and garh to various parts of UP,

He is also contesting from Chamkaur Both Chief Minister Charanjit hen the nation September last year to Congress lost the war of
Sahib. Singh Channi and state Congress chief will be divid- take the mantle of the perception weeks before
While Vishnu Sharma has been Navjot Singh Sidhu have urged Rahul ed in cheer- state. Fiery CM since then the actual battle began.
named candidate from Patiala which Gandhi to announce a CM face well ing the win- has been trying to con- Congress leader Priyan- STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE waj averred.
is the home turf of former chief ahead of the polls, instead of going ners and mourning the solidate himself in the ka Gandhi who was BHOPAL, 30 JANUARY “We bow our heads and
minister Amarinder Singh. with the collective leadership. losers after poll results in increasingly fluid political impressed upon Baghel’s revere everyone who praises
The other candidates are -- from "Both (Channi and Sidhu) have 5 states, Chhattisgarh situation. His recent crack- piercing political instinct The Hindu Maha Sabha (HMS) and worships Godse ji,” Bhard-
Attari Tarsem Singh Sialka, Khem assured me that they will help who- would likely be bracing up for a change of guard in down on sand-mafia, for and his appeal among celebrated ‘Nathuram Godse- waj asserted.
Karan - Sukhpal Singh Bhullar, Nawan ever is named as the CM face," said for a long-awaited change the state was torpedoed instance, left those in the the OBCs is particularly Narayan Apte Day’ at its office He was seen in a video say-
Shahr - Satbir Singh Saini, Ludhiana Rahul Gandhi, who kickstarted Con- of guard in the state which by the Congress's top thick of things bewildered upset over his dismal in Gwalior today, on the occa- ing that the HMS has passed
South - Ishwarjot Singh Cheema, Jalal- gress' election campaign in Punjab was deferred due to brass after Diwali last year because there has been a show. The young Gandhi sion of Mahatma Gandhi’s a resolution today of build-
abad - Mohan Singh Phalianwala, on Thursday after paying obeisance impending assembly elec- due to upcoming polls in rallying cry in the oppo- scion made her displea- death anniversary, and gave ing an ‘Akhand Bharat’ (Uni-
Bhadaur (SC) - Charanjit Singh Chan- at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. tion in Uttar Pradesh, a 5 states including Uttar sition about his alleged sure known to the CM away ‘Godse-Apte Bharat fied India) by merging Pakistan
Hindi heartland bastion Pradesh and party-ruled protection and stake in ille- and gave him a dressing Ratna’ honour to five persons in India.
vital for any political Punjab. Disgruntled Health gal sand-mining besides down in Varanasi recent- including controversial self- According to media reports,
takeover of New Delhi. Minister TS Singh Deo the unaccounted sale of ly, a source privy to the styled Godman Kalicharan Kishore Mahor is the HMS
“To the best of my was assured by the Gand- liquor across the state. matter claimed. who is currently lodged in a Mandal General Secretary,
knowledge, there also will hi family of an equitable His fervent overtures to Naysayers, who have jail. Pawan Mahor is HMS Youth
be a 6th person who will and acceptable deal after bring Rahul Gandhi to been in denial mode so far, The police was said to be Wing Coordinator, Anand
be sworn in as Chief Min- the Uttar Pradesh elections. Chhattisgarh finally however, have now begun on an alert regarding the Mahor is HMS District Con-
ister after March 10, apart He has been maintaining brought some respite with smelling the inevitable function, but senior police offi- vener and Naresh Batham is
from those who will an amazingly low profile the Gandhi scion accept- albeit with a Socialist- cials said they were not aware HMS District Spokesperson.
emerge victorious in 5 since then and his buoy- ing his invitation to launch Marxist tinge. If at all the of any such function being held Gwalior Superintendent
This is to inform all con- poll-bound states. The ant supporters are in a state Rajiv Gandhi Bhoomi- Congress top brass publicly. of Police (SP) Amit Sanghi said
cerned that State Level sixth person could be the of torpor. heen Krishi Majdoor Nyay removes Bhupesh, he will HMS National Vice- Pres- the HMS did not conduct
FMA 1223 OF 2021 Environment Impact new CM of Chhattisgarh” With the high decibel Yojana on February 3. be replaced by an OBC or ident Jaiveer Bhardwaj said on any programme publicly.
Govt. of West Bengal, vide a veteran Congressman electioneering in UP reach- Under the scheme, regis- a tribal leader, they argue. the occasion, “Today HMS “No event was organized
… Plaintiffs / Appellants
its EC Identification No. confided to ‘The States- ing the crescendo and the tered landless labourers in These speculations have conferred the ‘Godse-Apte by the HMS on a large scale
-VERSUS- EC22B038WB154466 & File man’. grand old party showing rural areas will be given thus reinvigorated ambi- Bharat Ratna’ at its office in publicly. We are not aware if
date of issue of EC
“As per as I know, Singh no signs of the revival of financial assistance of Rs. tious key OBC, Schedule Gwalior upon Sant Kalicha- they conducted a function
… Defendants / Respondents
Re: Seven Flats at Building "Fort Oasis" being Flat 27.01.2022 has accorded Deo has been unequivo- its moribund fortunes 6,000 per year. Tribe, and Schedule Caste ran, Kishore Mahor, Pawan behind closed doors,” Sanghi
No. 60904 on the 9th floor of Block No. 06, Flats environmental clearance to cally assured by the party and appears sort of accept- Baghel was entrusted leaders. The lobbying for Mahor, Anand Mahor and told The Statesman today
M/s. Merlin Projects
No. 70605 and No. 70606 on the 6th Floor of
Limited for the proposed
leadership that they will ing its distant fourth place, with galvanising back- the top job has reached Naresh Batham.” evening.
Block No. 07, Flat No. 60304 on the 3rd Floor of ensure that the fifty-fifty both the warring sides of ward castes in favour of ail- such an extent that a group “As Sant Kalicharan is According to historical
Block No. 06, Flat No. 60203 on the 2nd Floor of IT/ITES Building at Plot No.-
Block No. 06, Flat No. 70102 on the 1st Floor of N1, Block-EP & GP, Salt Lake formula reached between Chief Minister Bhupesh ing Congress in Uttar of Deobandi Sunni Mus- presently in jail, his award was records, Mahatma Gandhi’s
Block No. 07 Iying and situated at Premises City, Sector-V, Bidhannagar, him and CM Baghel is Baghel and his rival Singh Pradesh in lieu of the lease lim clerics reportedly received by Pramod Lohpa- assassin, Nathuram Godse
No. 36B, Panditya Road, P.S.: Lake, Kolkata- Kolkata-700091, P.S. Salt
Lake Electronics Complex, honoured after Uttar Deo are gearing up for the of life he got from a full- called on Congress Pres- tre,” Bhardwaj said. was a member of the Hindu
700029 and Unit No. 2 on the 12th floor lying
and situated at 37, Panditya Road, P.S.: Lake, Dist.: 24 Parganas (North), Pradesh assembly polls”, next round of power strug- throttle political feud with ident Sonia Gandhi recent- “The other four men have Maha Sabha. Godse had
Kolkata-700029. West Bengal. another top Congress gle. Singh Deo for the top ly and urged her to pick been honoured, as they had received the pistol from
(Proposal No.: SIA / WB /
This is for information of the public at large that MIS / 220651 / 2021). leader told on the condi- Baghel, a former Digvi- post. However, despite Forest Minister to go to jail due to their con- Gwalior, with which he shot
our clients, Cliff Trexim Pvt. Ltd. has filed a suit Copy of the environmen- tion of anonymity. jay Singh protégé, herding hundreds of his Mohammed Akbar as the tinuous praise and worship Gandhi on 30 January 1948 at
being Title Suit No. 725 of 2021 before the Ld. 9th tal clearance is available
Civil Judge (Sr. Division) at Alipore against Fort The frantic lobbying employed all possible sur- confidante OBC leaders CM of Chhattisgarh. of Nathuram Godse,” Bhard- the Birla House in New Delhi.
with the office of West
Projects Pvt. Ltd., Fort Builders, Sanjay Gupta, Bengal Pollution Control
Spandan Projects Pvt. Ltd., Shyam Sundar Board, Kolkata and may

KT Rama Rao lashes out at Centre

Nandgalia, Vivek Kathotia, Balaji Grahanirman Pvt.
Cong to resume Mekedatu padayatra
also be seen at the website
Ltd., Vinimay Pvt. Ltd., Ramani Enclave Pvt. Ltd., of MoEFCC / SEIAA, where it
Gatika Vinimay Pvt. Ltd., Lupin Consultants Pvt. is displayed.
Ltd., Prayash Vyapar Pvt. Ltd., Ramani Tower Pvt. M/s. Merlin Projects
Ltd., Mist Valley Marketing Pvt. Ltd., Fort Advisory
Pvt. Ltd., Fort Reality Pvt. Ltd., Ramani Housing Pvt.
Limited SNS According to sources, tally, is also seen as an
"Merlin Oxford", 2nd Floor
Ltd., Rotech Traders Pvt. Ltd., Fort Infrastructure 22, Prince Anwar Shah
BENGALURU, 30 JANUARY now that the pandemic attempt at one-upman- STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE was the delivery date for a host promises made in AP Reor-
Development Pvt. Ltd., Life-Link Vanijya Pvt. Ltd., Road situation is easing and the ship by Shivakumar who HYDERABAD, 30 JANUARY of Central schemes including ganisation Act and recom-
Akshara Vyapar Pvt. Ltd., Pragati Agency Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata-700033 The Congress is all set to state government too wears his ambition of housing and clean drinking mendations by NITI Aayog to
Bhuwalka Nirman and Holding Pvt. Ltd., Panditya
Developers Pvt. Ltd., Barun Kathodia, Subhankar resume its controversial has lifted the accom- becoming chief minister, Keeping up the pressure on the water to every household. support Mission Bhagiratha
Nandy, Debjani Nandy, Sabita Singh and Sanjukta Mekedatu padayatra panying restrictions , the on his sleeves. He wants Centre on the eve of Union Along with clippings of news- and Mission Kakatiya,”tweet-
Mitra in respect of All That property being Flat No. which it was forced to party will resume the “ to up the ante against for- Budget Telangana minister paper reports on the various ed the minister. Earlier, he had
60904 on the 9th Floor of Block No. 06, Flats No.
70605 and No. 70606 on the 6th Floor of Block No. 07, stop earlier this month walk for water.” In fact, mer chief minister, Sid- KT Rama Rao today called promises made by the Prime also addressed a number of
Flat No. 60304 on the 3rd Floor of Block No. 06, Flat For , following rising cases the second phase should daramiah, who is slated for an equitable allocation Minister Mr Rao said: “Hope letters to Union Finance min-
No. 60203 on the 2nd Floor of Block No. 06, Flat No. of Covid-19 coupled with start soon, went the to be the chief contender for all the states and urged PM the allocations will be equi- ister Nirmala Sitharaman stat-
70102 on the 1st Floor of Block No. 07 lying and sit-
uated at Premises No. 36B, Panditya Road, P.S.: Advertisement the Karnataka HC’s refrain. The padayatra for the post, in the event Narendra Modi to support a table and reflect firm resolve ing the requirements of the
Lake, Kolkata-700029 and Unit No. 2 on the 12th observation against the which had started on 9 the party romps home, progressive state like Telangana. in translating your vision into states and urging her to allo-
Floor lying and situated at 37, Panditya Road, P.S.: Booking march. The tentative January was planned post the polls. In the past Budgets the rul- reality.“ cate funds in the upcoming
Lake, Kolkata-700029. In the said suit, our clients
had prayed for a decree for declaration that the date for the resumption by the Karnataka Pradesh Congress was forced ing TRS had complained that The minister also appealed Union Budget.
below mentioned registered deeds are void, invalid Please is 20 February. Congress Committee to suspend the protest on the Centre neglected Telan- to the PM that Telangana Meanwhile, the chief min-
and inoperative and the same be delivered up and The over 100 km chief, D K Shivakumar. 13 January following the gana but this time the party despite being a young state had ister K Chandrasekhar Rao
cancelled: Call at protest walk , up to Ben- It was aimed at embar- curfew imposed in the has decided to confront the made worthy progress with its today held a meeting with the
DEED NO. 160500090 for the year 2016
galuru from Ramanagara rassing the ruling party Ramanagara area ,as BJP for the low allocation of various schemes and deserves party MPs ahead of the Bud-
DEED NO. 160505586 for the year 2017 8017858334 district, related to the while keeping an eye on part of Covid restric- central funds and resorted to to be supported by the Cen- get session.
DEED NO. 160503998 for the year 2019
alleged failure of the the 2023 assembly polls. tions, .Additionally , the put more pressure on the tre. He said that the provisions The MPs were seen taking
In an appeal arising from an order passed in the
above suit the Hon'ble Calcutta High Court, upon Basavaraj Bommai gov- Incidentally both the high court had ques- NDA government. In a cou- made in the AP Reorganisa- copious notes as the CM
being satisfied of the case made out by our clients, ernment in building the BJP & Congress govern- tioned both the Bommai ple of tweets addressed to tion Act should also be fulfilled. briefed them in details about
vide order dated 8th October, 2021 admitted the Rs 9000 crore dam across ments in the past had government and the Prime Minister Narendra “I would also urge you to the requirements of the state.
appeal and passed an order of status quo with
regard to ownership, possession or the existing the Cauvery river for drawn up plans for the Congress on how the Modi, the industry and munic- support progressive state like The TRS MP are expected to
encumbrances in respect of the aforesaid 7 flats. meeting the drinking reservoir without, how- march could be carried ipal administration minister Telangana (which is 4th largest be vocal in this session of the
The said order of status quo has been extended ALL CLASSIFIED
water needs of the IT cap- ever, being able to exe- out when a curfew had KT Rama Rao today pointed contributor to Indian econ- Parliament over the various
from time to time and lastly vide order dated 7th
January, 2022 is still subsisting, valid and binding. ARE CARRIED ital. Besides generating cute the project. in effect due to the ongo- out that the current year 2022 omy) by way of honouring the issues relating to the state.
Anyone dealing with the aforesaid flats, shall do
hydel power. The march, inciden- ing pandemic.
so at his own risk, costs and consequences and FREE OF COST
shall also be liable for being proceeded for viola-
tion of the order of the Hon'ble Court. ON TENDER
ADVOCATES OUR WEBSITE BJP plays safe in Minor girl jumps to death due to
Phone: 22624821 / 22624822
Manipur, but may sexual harassment by TDP leader
4029 2758, 40037638
E-mail: [email protected]
Advocate for the plaintiff/appellants
still face hurdles from walk they were shocked
to learn that she ended her
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SER- ally, candidate Letpao life from jumping down. He
VICE Haokip had won the said the police recovered
IMPHAL, 30 JANUARY Chandel seat. suicide note from her bed
In these two con- room in which she wrote
The BJP has done a stituencies Naoriya how Vinod Jain was sexual-
tightrope walk in Pakhanglakpa and ly harassing her.
announcing the Chandel (ST ), the INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE Meanwhile, Andhra
Statesman House, No. 68, First Floor, Gold Tower names of 60 candi- advantage is not with VIJAYAWADA, 30 JANUARY Pradesh State Women's Com-
4, Chowringhee Square
50 Residency Road dates for elections in the saffron party, and mission chairperson Vasired-
Kolkata-700 001
M- 9830139593,9831528760 Bangalore-560025. Manipur and has the contests can be Suicide of a minor girl in dy Padma said that the gov-
Email: Tel.; 080-22229129, 9212192123 retained most of the symbolic in more Vijayawada due to sexual ernment has taken the inci-
[email protected] Email: sitting MLAs to avoid ways than one. harassment by a leader of dent seriously and that all
[email protected] [email protected] dissension and deser- But BJP nominee opposition Telugu Desam efforts will be made to ensure
[email protected] tion. Olish had polled over Party (TDP) has sent shock that the culprit gets stringent
[email protected]
DELHI However, elections 23 per cent of vote waves in the city while the rul- punishment.
Statesman House,
CHENNAI are always tough share in 2017 and ing YSR Congress Party Endowments minister
148, Barakhamba Road, Fagun Mansion (4th floor), games with a lot of 'Ifs polled 9,842 votes to ( YSRCP) has demanded Vellampalli Srinivas termed
New Delhi-110 001 26, Ethiraj Road and Buts' elements finish third in the harshest punishment to the the incident as shocking and
Tel: (011) 2331 5911, 43043793 Chennai-600 008, and still there could race. culprit. said the government will
[email protected] Tel: (044) 28278037, 28224800 be some exodus from Whether the saf- The 14-year-old girl ensure justice to the victim's
Hiten Rathore the saffron camp; but fron party was able to jumped to death from fifth family. "The kind of harass-
[email protected] perhaps it would be make further inroads floor of her apartment build- ment the girl was subjected
Mob: 9212192123 Email:
[email protected] maintained at mini- in last five years ing in Bhavanipuram area on too is really shocking. We
BHUBANESWAR [email protected] mum. remains to be tested. Saturday. In a suicide note, can't even speak what the girl
Plot 3A, Zone B, Sector A, In the list Closer analysis which police later recovered has written in the suicide
Mancheswar Industrial Estate, MUMBAI announced, Chief suggests the BJP could from her bedroom, the stu- note," he said.
Bhubaneswar-751010. 5, Kasturi Buildings, Jamshedji Minister N. Biren face a tough fight in dent of class 9 wrote that she The minister alleged that
M-09438838880 Tata Road, Mumbai-400 020 Singh has been field- eight-ten con- was ending her life due to sex- TDP president and former
[email protected] M-9212192123 / 9892810138 ed from his tradi- stituencies in the val- ual harassment by Vinod chief minister N. Chan-
Email: tional Heingang con- ley that sends 40 leg- Jain, who resides in the same drababu Naidu was encour-
SILIGURI [email protected] stituency. islators to the 60- building. aging such people leading to
Spencer Plaza [email protected] The list includes member assembly. Police have arrested the crimes against women and
18/19, 1st Floor,
three women candi- In the hills includ- accused, who contested the children
Burdwan Road dates - Nemcha Kip- ing Naga stronghold recent municipal elections as YSRCP legislator and actor
Above Vishal Mega Mart 2/2, Butler Palace gen from Kangpokpi, areas, the BJP's list a corporator on TDP ticket. R.K. Roja said that a 60-year-
Siliguri-734005, West Bengal Near Jopling Road)
Ph.: 9832082429
Ms Soraisam Kebi suggests it is banking He has been booked under old man sexually harassing
Lucknow-226 001, Devi from Naoriya on the image of Prime Protection of Children from a 14-year-old girl and driving
[email protected]
M-9212192123 Pakhanglakpa con- Minister Narendra Sexual Offences (POCSO) her to suicide is a heinous
Email: stituency and S.S. Modi vis-a-vis the Act. crime. She called up on
HYDERABAD [email protected] Olish from Chandel Naga peace talks and The girl's grandfather said women to stage protests
The Statesman Limited RANCHI (ST) reserved con- hence the advantage she looked depressed since across the state to seek strin-
2nd Floor, UNI Building, stituency. could be with NPF. morning but did not say gent action against such
A.C. Guards Mobile: 9835115742, 9212192123
Hyderabad-500004, Email:
Nemcha Kipgen Most Bharatiya anything when he enquired. criminals.
Mob: 9866323009,9212192123 has a bright prospect Janata Party candi- He said when he and his She alleged that during
[email protected]
Email: [email protected] as she is a sitting dates are new. daughter were going for an TDP rule many women and
[email protected] [email protected] Bharatiya Janata Party The BJP nominees evening walk she came to children became victims of
legislator (2017). In will get the advantage them and hugged her moth- rapes and sexual harass-
AIR-SURCHARGE: Kathmandu - Rs. 2, Eastern Region - Re. 1 2012 she had won of support from the er to say 'I love you'. ment. Meanwhile, the TDP
All other stations in India - Re. 1 the seat on the Con- Kuki population in When the father and on Sunday suspended Vinod
gress ticket. In 2017, Churachandpur and daughter duo returned home Jain from the party.
NPP, BJP's post-poll the adjoining region.
Priyanka Gandhi only gives slogans but doesn't do anything.
Akbaruddin rejects NYT UP Polls: Rajnath Singh slams SP, says
politics of polarisation is not what BJP does
report over Pegasus
The insinuation about India's UN vote is utter rubbish, said for envoy to UN

On the campaign trail in Uttar

Pradesh, Defence Minister
riots took place. They need to
answer why did this happen.
And, you all need to under-
stand why no one could dare
to riot under the rule of
He also coined a new term
for Kasganj and said that it is
Khasganj (Special Place).
Singh further said that as
Rajnath Singh on Sunday hit Bharatiya Janata Party." a leader, Kalyan Singh refused
ASIAN NEWS INTERNATIONAL pieces. out at the Samajwadi Party and One of the planks on which to open fire at the Kara Sevaks
WASHINGTON, 30 JANUARY Months later, Netanyahu said that BJP seeks votes on the BJP is reaching out to the and chose to go to jail instead.
Union Minister and BJP made a rare state visit to the basis of humanity and jus- people has been the drastic "His contribution to the

leader Bhupender Yadav nsinuation about India's India. And in June 2019, India tice only. improvement in the law and people of Uttar Pradesh was
with party spokesperson UN vote is utter rubbish, voted in support of Israel at Taking forward Prime Min- order situation in the state so special that's why the gov-
Sambit Patra shows the list said India's former per- the UN's Economic and Social ister Narendra Modi's jibe at since 2017. ernment of the day under
of party candidates for the manent representative Council to deny observer sta- Akhilesh Yadav led party "Red Expressing confidence that Prime Minister Narendra
Manipur Assembly elec- to the United Nations Syed tus to a Palestinian human topi of SP spells red alert", the BJP will repeat the win of Modi has bestowed the Padma
tions, during a press con- Akbaruddin rejecting a New rights organisation, a first for Singh said, "We do not want 2017, Singh said, "You all Award on him...," he said.
ference at the party head- York Times report that stated the nation, said the report. votes on the basis of caste, want Lakshmiji (wealth and As he signed off from the
quarters, in the capital on that in 2019, New Delhi voted The NYT said that the com- creed and religion. We seek prosperity) to come home. day-long campaign, Singh
Sunday. �SNS
in favour of Jerusalem after the bination of Israel's search for votes only on the basis of Lakshmi ji does not come on said that this Uttar Pradesh
purchase of Israeli spyware influence and NSO's drive justice and humanity." "Sama- a cycle (SP symbol), she does assembly election, which
LS Speaker review prepa- software Pegasus. for profits has also led to the jwadi Party is doing politics not come on an elephant happens to be the pre-final to
rations ahead of Budget: "The insinuation about powerful spying tool's ending of polarisation. They have (BSP symbol), she does not the 2024 Lok Sabha elections,
Rajya Sabha Chairman M India's UN vote is utter rub- up in the hands of a new gen- crossed all limits to get the vote move her hand (congress will be no ordinary election
Venkaiah Naidu held a bish," said Akbaruddin -- who for decades, India had main- ister Netanyahu walking eration of nationalist leaders of a particular religion. Votes symbol); when Lakshmi ji but a defining one.
meeting with Lok Sabha currently serves as Dean at tained a policy of what it together barefoot on a local worldwide. Though the Israeli from polarisation politics are comes, she comes riding on It is from Uttar Pradesh that
Speaker Om Birla in the Kautilya School of Public Pol- called "commitment to the beach. They had a reason for government's oversight was not acceptable to us," he a lotus (BJP symbol)." the largest chunk of 80 Lok
presence of senior offi- icy -- on Saturday referring to Palestinian cause," and rela- the warm feelings. Their coun- meant to prevent the power- added. Addressing the audience Sabha seats comes.
cials of Lok Sabha as well the New York Times report tions with Israel were frosty. tries had agreed on the sale ful spyware from being used Lauding the UP Chief Min- during a 'Prabhavi Matdaa- Rajnath Singh's younger
as Rajya Sabha Secretariat which was published on Fri- The visit by the Indian Prime of a package of sophisticated in repressive ways, Pegasus has ister Yogi Adityanath-led state ta Samvad' (effective voter dia- son, Pankaj Singh, is in the elec-
on the preparations for day. The NYT report stated Minister, however, was notably weapons and intelligence been sold to Poland, Hungary government, Singh said, "The logue) program in Kasganj, toral fray as he continues to
the Budget session of Par- that in July 2017, the Indian cordial, complete with a care- gear worth roughly USD 2 and India, despite those coun- Samajwadi Party has to accept Singh paid rich tributes to for- contest from Gautam Budh
liament which gets under- Prime Minister became the first fully staged moment of him billion -- with Pegasus and a tries' questionable records the fact that it was in their mer Chief Minister and one Nagar where he is already
way from Monday. ANI head of state to visit Israel as and then Israeli Prime Min- missile system as the centre- on human rights. tenure only that so many of BJP's tallest leaders Kalyan sitting MLA.

Cremation of Gujarati family that Court rejects

bail plea of Bulli
Congress leaders use Goa as a holiday retreat: Amit Shah
froze to death likely in Winnipeg Bai app creator INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE
then they realised that Man-
mohan government had
moved out. It was Modi in
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE As the Gujarati community NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY Union Home Minister Amit power now... In ten days,
TORONTO, 30 JANUARY of Winnipeg awaits a decision Shah on Sunday chided top there was a surgical strike and
on the funerals, it held an Observing that the creator Congress leaders for using Goa air strike. Did you ever think
With their relatives in India online Shanti Path (prayer of Bulli Bai app, Neeraj Bish- only as a holiday retreat, this would happen before?"
deciding not to bring back their meeting) for the victim fam- noi, had been targetting while adding that only the BJP he also said.
bodies back to the country, ily on Saturday. women activists including could usher in development Shah also urged the vot-
the four members of a Gujarati "Over 60 people joined journalists of a particular as well as provide stability in ers of Goa to ignore small par-
family who froze to death on us. We prayed for the family. community, a Delhi court has the poll-bound state. ties like the Aam Aadmi Party,
January 19 while trying to Our local MP and the Mayor rejected his bail plea. "If you bring a BJP gov- Trinamool Congress, Nation-
enter the US illegally from were among those who con- The court said that alle- ernment here, will Modi's alist Congress Party, the Maha-
Canada's Manitoba are like- veyed their condolences," gations levelled against the hands be strengthened or rashtrawadi Gomantak Party
ly to be cremated in Win- said organiser Bhadresh Bhatt accused were serious in not? Do we have to do it or and vote only for the for the
nipeg. of the Hindu Sabha of Man- nature and the investigation not? Rahul Baba cannot run BJP, which he said can pro-
However, no decision has itoba. Bhatt, who has been was at early stage, noting this the country," Shah said. vide a stable government ori-
been taken yet. coordinating with the Indian the accused was not given "For us Goa is golden Goa, ented towards development.
A gofundme to raise nipeg. High Commission since the bail, an official said on Sun- for the Congress, it is Gand- panied by her son Rahul or Manmohan government was "I want to ask, can these
$70,000 for the victim fami- Jaswant Patel, a cousin of tragedy came to light, said mis- day. hi parivar ka Goa. They want daughter Priyanka had hol- running and from Pakistan. small parties which have
ly has almost hit the target the deceased man in their sion officials are in touch The court of Addition a retreat to come for a holi- idayed in Goa on four occa- Alia, Maliya and Jamalia used come from other states, can
amount. native village Dingucha near with the relatives in Gujarat Sessions Judge Dharmender day every once in a while. Their sions. to sneak in behead our sol- they give development? Can
The bodies of the four Ahmedabad, said that the of the victim family. Rana while rejecting the leaders take a lot of holi- Shah also said that the ders, but it would not even cre- they understand what you
family members - who have family wants their funerals to "Since the victim family has bail plea noted that the days," Shah said. Sonia Gandhi-Manmohan ate a stir in the minds of want? Development in Goa
been identified after autop- take place in Canada. no relatives and friends inWin- women were abused and BJP leaders have often Singh led United Progressive those running the government started only during an admin-
sies as Jagdish Patel, 39, his The Indian High Com- nipeg, the Indian High Com- insulted on public platform chided the Gandhis, Sonia and Alliance governments had from Delhi because of vote istration run by the BJP," Shah
wife Vaishaliben Patel, 37, mission in Ottawa, which is mission will finally take a it is certainly going to be an Rahul, for repeatedly holi- ignored the issue of nation- bank politics," Shah said. said.
daughterVihangi Patel, 11, and in touch with the victims' decision of the funerals - adverse impact on the soci- daying in Goa. al security due to vote bank "When Modi government Elections to 40 assembly
son Dharmik Patel, 3 - are cur- family in Gujarat, will take the whether they will be held in ety which will effect the Through 2018-19, Sonia politics. came to power, there was an seats in Goa is scheduled to
rently lying in a morgue inWin- final decision on the matter. Winnipeg," he said. communal harmony. IANS Gandhi, sometimes accom- "For ten years, the Sonia- attack in Uri, Pulwama. But be held on February 14.

Former Kerala minister K T Jaleel levels LOCKDOWN

serious allegations against Lokayukta

STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE Vijayan in the back. for Gandhiji was handed over halikutty, in a sex scandal ruption body Lokayukta
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, 30 Without naming Justice into the hands of Godse, that Opposition leader VD through an ordinance has
JANUARY Joseph, Jaleel said the UDF has is what is happened in Kerala Satheesan has alleged that drawn wide criticism.
found a “new knife” to back- in connection with the KT Jaleel's outrageous criticism The Opposition parties
Former higher education min- stab the Pinarayi Vijayan gov- appointment of the Lokayuk- against the Lokayukta is a have said the move to curtail
ister K T Jaleel on Sunday lev- ernment after three Central ta. The Lord, who had bar- public challenge of the ruling the powers of the Lokayukta
eled serious allegations against Government agencies had gained the post of the MG Uni- party against the judiciary. came in the wake of three com-
Kerala Lokayukta Justice Cyr- probed in vain. In the post, versity VC for his own broth- “Justice Cyriac Joseph was plaints against the chief min-
iac Joseph, also a former judge Jaleel also alleged that in er’s wife for rescuing a UDF appointed as Lokayukta by the ister for allegedly abusing his
of the Supreme Court. 2005 a senior leader of the UDF leader from a sensational present government. It is for position to grant financial
In a Facebook post, KT was saved from a controver- case, would do anything, if he the CM to reply to such wild help to three ineligible persons
Jaleel, who was forced to quit sial case when he was a judge gets adequate reward,” Jaleel allegations,” saidVD Satheesan. from his disaster relief fund
as higher education minister in the High Court and in turn wrote in his post. “Frustrated Jaleel is attack- CM Vijayan is accused of
in the previous PinarayiVijayan he managed a plum post for Later he also posted a copy ing constitutional positions to sanctioning lakhs of rupees to
government after Lokayukta his sister-in-law. He was indi- of the Kerala High Court ver- vent his anger,” said BJP state the families of former CPI-M
indicted him of nepotism in rectly referring to the appoint- dict dating back to 2005, president K Surendran. The lawmaker K K Ramachan-
appointments, alleged that the ment of Jancy James as the vice issued by the bench of Chief CPI-M is yet to comment on dran, former Nationalist Con-
Lokayukta “will do anything chancellor of the Mahatma Justice B. Subhashan Reddy his post. Jaleel’s criticism gress Party leader Uzhavoor
,if he gets adequate reward for Gandhi University in Kot- and Justice Cyriac Joseph, against the anti-corruption Vijayan and that of a gunman,
it” and the Congress-led UDF tayam. which had dismissed writ body came at a time when the who died while on security
is using him as a weapon to “What tragedy would have petitions seeking action against Kerala government’s decision duty of the party’s state sec- The National Conference on Sunday decried continued disallowing of Friday congregational
stab chief minister Pinarayi happened, if a weapon meant then UDF minister P K Kun- to clip the wings of anti-cor- retary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan. prayers at the historic Jamia Masjid in Srinagar. �SNS

Space sector reforms, growth of space economy top priorities: ISRO's new chief Somanath
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE grammes in pipeline for ISRO? a bit but the ambitious push Indian space research bene- tact with some government orbits, the graveyard orbit is
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, 30 A: The Indian Space to put a human crew in space ficial to common man? bodies. The idea is to bring a few hundred kilometers
JANUARY Research Organisation is in the is on and we, at the ISRO, hope A: While most of the nations them all under one umbrella beyond the operational orbit.
process of adapting and adopt- that the mission would help were used space for project- and develop products that
With space sector reforms ing to new challenges and lay the foundation for a sus- ing another dimension of uplift the lives of common peo-
and growth of India's space opportunities. India will be tainable human space flight their defence power, we, in ple in the country.
economy his topmost prior- launching two major space programme in the long run. India, used it for reaching the Q: There are a lot of dis-
ities, ISRO's new Chairman S. missions in the 75th year of Chandrayan-3 and Aditya-L1 scientific benefits to the com- cussions on graveyard orbits
Somanath says that Independence and the ISRO missions are some of the pro- mon man of the country. The being in use by major play-
'Gaganyaan', the ambitious is in an advanced stage of jects awaiting immediate giant strides the country has ers in space. Please explain
project to put a human crew developing the Reusable attention. made in telemedicine, weath- A: Graveyard orbit is used
in space, is another key objec- Launch Vehicle (RLV). We are Q: Can you explain the er forecast, agriculture, and dis- when the change in velocity
tive and the space agency also in the process of the first proportionate impact that a tance education are a few required to perform a de-
expects that the mission would launch of the Small Satellite fleet of satellites will have on examples that we can show- orbit maneuver is too large.
help lay the robust foundation Launch Vehicle (SSLV). communication technology? case on the contribution we For satellites in geostationary
for a sustainable human flight While Covid has put our A: We aim to have the capa- have made in space research orbit and geosynchronous
programme in the long run. plans on the backburner or bility of transmitting direct- emerging commercial oppor- cussions with the ISRO for their that is directly transferred as
As the Indian Space delayed our launches, we are ly to handheld devices with- tunities in the Space sector.Your startups that are entering the benefits to common man.
Research Organisation (ISRO) hopeful of completing the out any time lapse. This will comments field. However, there are risks My mission is to continue
is undertaking in-depth landing trial or testing the revolutionalise the informa- A: There are a lot of emerg- involved in rocket manufac- this work and to follow the foot-
research and new projects landing gear mechanism of tion and the infotainment ing opportunities in the space ture and developing other steps of my seniors who have
and programmes to take space RLV soon. RLV is a priority and industry. In a similar manner, sector and there is a huge launch vehicles and risk is a made yeoman contributions
technology and space to a it will bring down the cost of the low-cost launch will also enthusiasm among the coun- great factor in the manufac- in the development of space
higher level and for benefits launch drastically as also we help improve space applica- try's young entrepreneurs to turing and assembling of satel- science in the country and ISRO
to the common man, it is also need launch vehicles that tion using remote sensing explore the emerging com- lites. has played a stellar role in it.
for promoting new entrepre- need to be used even up to 15 satellites or other low orbit mercial opportunities in the The maximum interest We know that there are
neurs and for more and more times. The scaling down of costs satellites. With the help of space sector. We have opened being envisaged in the com- several departments in the
programmes that would be would reflect on more launch- Artificial Intelligence, we hope our doors to these game chang- mercial side is on the low-risk country that need the support
useful to explore space and for es and eventually the benefit to bring out more services ers and they can explore the area of application develop- of space technology and we
bringing in benefits to is transferred to a large num- that bring benefit to more envelope of possibilities in this ment based on space-based will improve interactions with
mankind, Somanath in an ber of people. The design and people and more lives. Other sunrise sector instead of con- data and becoming providers them to develop user-based
exclusive interview to IANS at development of SSLV are than this more eyes in the sky fining their skills and imagi- of space-based services opens initiatives in these areas. At pre-
his residence in Thiruvanan- almost done and we will be would help fine-tune the exist- nation to a particular area of a vista of opportunities to sent we are in direct contact
thapuram. launching it within months. ing meteorological models space science. these youngsters who have the with some government insti-
Following are excerpts from Gaganyaan will be a top pri- along with other observation I can say that there are entrepreneurial bug and ISRO tutions and we will expand it
the interview. ority and with the Covid pan- needs. many skilled and qualified is fully supporting them. to a larger number and spread
Q: What are the major pro- demic on, it has been delayed Q: There are reports on youngsters who are in dis- Q: How are the strides in our wings with indirect con-

Incorporating and directly descended

A Terrible Bargain A MEMBER

from THE FRIEND OF INDIA - Founded 1818

Professor Joy Sen researched and conceptualized the publication of a 2022 calendar ASIAN VOICES
More of the same? by IIT-Kharagpur (IIT-K) titled “Recovery of the Foundations of Indian Knowledge Systems.”
In addition to months, dates and days, this calendar carries a narrative of our past. In
S President Joe Biden finds himself in a parti-
cularly galling situation regarding his adminis-
tration’s China policy. Because it’s not just his
particular, the narrative attempts to convince the reader that the creators of the vast imbalances
Harappan civilization were also the authors of the Rigveda, and that motifs of Harappan
political foes who are panning his handling of a ram- he census conducted by the
pant Beijing; the searing criticism is coming from the seals are alluded to in the Hindu sacred texts. In this attempt, many incorrect or obsolete Central Bureau of Statistics con-
simpatico. Perhaps the perils of giving into the left cluded on November 25. The
cabal in the Democratic Party have come to bite Mr
claims have been made head count revealed that the popula-
Biden in the fleshy parts. For, he is being accused by tion of Nepal was increasing at a slow
pro-establishment policy makers, sections of the pace, in fact, the slowest in the last
media, and party lawmakers of effectively following 80 years.
what has been derisively described as a ‘Trump Lite’ It is growth nonetheless, but the
question is whether it is to be taken
approach towards China that continues, according to
positively or as an indication that
them, to be destructive and unimaginative. The tough could spell disaster for the country in
line on China being followed by Mr Biden, thankfully the years to come.
sans the bombast of his predecessor, is justified by his In most developed countries, pro-
officials as one that has strong bi-partisan support. jections of a fall in population signal
According to foreign policy expert Jeffrey A. Bader, economic woes.
when asked to distinguish its China strategy from that Statisticians are quick to inform
of its predecessor’s, the Biden Administration says it the administration of the economic
favours a multilateral approach of rallying allies, in challenges the government will need
contrast to the unilateralism of the America First prac- to face concerning labour shortages
and a possible impact on the housing
titioners. “Yet, it is intellectual laziness to justify policy market.
on the basis of bipartisanship rather than formulate a After an arduous two weeks, the
(new) one. In no other instance, whether it’s US policy enumerators gathered much-needed
toward Iran, Ukraine and Russia, or EU-NATO, has the information which showed a modest
administration sought to duplicate Trump’s policy,” he increase in the population by 0.93
writes. Scholars such as Mr Bader quote opinion polls percent.
to assert that Democrats do not have a visceral dislike Are the authorities worried about
of China which Republicans do and argue that in tak- possible labour shortages that may
affect economic output? It is highly
ing an uncompromising stand, President Biden is

guilty of continuing to pursue a Trump-era policy he IIT-K calendar essay declares that with metal (copper) and spoked wheel. The tions of specific genetic changes ~ that arose The administration has failed
under the guise of bi-partisanship at the expense of “glaciers of Mount Kailash is the latter as a technological invention can be in Central Asia were carried by migration of miserably to retain the youth and pro-
grassroots Democratic views. What these critics from source of two important river Valley dated to 4000 BCE. Rigveda cannot be older people to India. One genetic signature, “U2e” vide a stable, meaningful environ-
within fail to recognise is that politicians usually have Civilizations”, Indus and Brahmapu- than this date. The IIT-K calendar essay is found widely, in low and variable frequen- ment.
their ear to the ground and whatever opinion polls tra. This is not correct. Brahmaputra origi- claims to bring “the Vedic Culture and the cies, in Indian population groups. The epi- Instead of being able to reap the
may claim, Mr Biden is attempting to keep the Democ- nates from the Manasarovar lake region, and Indus Valley Civilization (7000 BCE-1500 centre of this signature is in Western Eurasia
rats from lurching to the left when it comes to China. Indus from the Bokhar Chu glacier in the BCE) under one fold; 7000 BCE is still (including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzs-
On the substantive issues, he has done well to jetti- northern slopes of Mt Kailash. The essay fur- Neolithic era. If Aryans, the carriers of Vedic tan, Tajikistan), as evidenced by its high fre-
ther claims that the “tributaries of Indus as culture, were present in India at such an early quency in that region. The inference from
son the incendiary and provocative language of his
mentioned in the Rig Veda are sourced to the date, this has serious implications: all Indo- these data is that migrants from Eurasia youth demographic dividend, Nepal is
predecessor while continuing to insist that meaningful Siwalik ranges in the Central-Eastern Hima- European speakers must also be placed in (Indo-European/Aryan speakers) entered in the business of exporting skilled
cooperation, as opposed to transactional economic layas”. This is also not correct. Rigveda is India and introduced to copper and spoked India about 4000 years ago and admixed with and unskilled talent abroad in
and trade ties, with Beijing would be possible only if familiar with the entire Indus river system. wheel before dispersal. the indigenous populations of India, descen- exchange for precious foreign
there are fundamental changes in its hegemonic Western tributaries of Indus like Kubha Quite improbably, if Harappans were dants of those who arrived in India on a wave exchange.
approach and undemocratic state apparatus. Further, [Kabul], suvastu [swat], and Gomti [Gomal] Aryans, Zarathushtra must also be stationed of migration from out of Africa about 65,000 While there is nothing wrong with
by recognising and calling out the Chinese desire for are mentioned in addition to the Punjab in India. The Zoroastrian texts, however, do years ago. Similar evidence can be found in ensuring that citizens find jobs over-
domination and gearing up international diplomacy rivers. No river in the Indus system arises in not mention India, there is no indication of respect of variation in the genomic signature seas, relying on it ultimately does not
including strengthening the Quad, launching AUKUS, the Shivalik range. familiarity with Indus, and constantly refer called R1a1a. Recent studies based on DNA bode well for a country.
doubling down on its East Asia security alliance, and The essay claims that “the entire antiqui- to Central Asia. In a recent interview (“IIT’s isolated from fossils have confirmed that And the hallmark for develop-
ty of Indian Vedic Civilization” was deliber- Aryan thrust baffles scientists,” The Tele- migrants from the Kazakhstan area (Eurasian ment has always been in retaining the
keeping its strategic focus on the Asia-Pacific to ensure
ately limited within 2000 BCE “to best accom- graph, 28 December 2021), Professor Sen Steppe) had entered India, but the date of populace to build one’s country.
the Communist Party of China doesn’t have a free run, modate an Aryan Invasion Myth leading to a accused geneticists of propagating ideas of entry was estimated to be more recent, about This lack of policy to retain the
Washington feels it is on the right track. The strategy of split of Vedic culture and the Indus Valley Civ- Aryan invasion in migration and population 2000 BCE. Population genetic studies have youth has led to a mass exodus of
“decoupling” from China by continuing a high tariff ilization!” When Vedic texts were being inter- genetics studies. This is blatantly false. As we neither provided evidence of any Aryan young people from the towns and
regime, validating the FBI’s sharp focus on Chinese preted, archaeology and genetics were still “invasion” nor are these studies helping villages, leaving only the elderly,
and Chinese-Americans conducting research at Amer- into the future. Rigveda repeatedly refers to propagate the “invasion myth.” Objective women and children to ensure
ican universities especially in sensitive dual-use tech- Indra as purandra, the destroyer of forts. It analyses of genetic data from living and long- that they remained a functional
nologies, and closing down various exchange pro- was assumed that the forts that Indra target- dead individuals have revealed that people place. Those unable to find employ-
grammes including with the Centre for Disease Con- ed were located in India. However, when from Central Asia had entered India between ment abroad were drawn to the
trol given the data-fudging by the Chinese which was Harappan sites were excavated, it became 2000 and 4000 BCE, not 7000 BCE as claimed cities.
clear that no structures matched the in the IIT-K calendar. Thus, it may be fair to assume
blatant during the coronavirus pandemic, are apt too. Rigvedic description of the forts. The schol- The Calendar Essay also claims that the that the administration’s short-sight-
Crucially, President Biden has indicated that accep- arly consensus now is to attribute the Harap- “system of Yoga and Kshema as realized and edness concerning the development
tance of the One-China Policy is not sacrosanct given pan decline to environmental issues. developed by the Arya Sages are synchro- of remote regions in Nepal has led to
the aggressive moves by Beijing against Taiwan. Trump The essay states that “the objectives of RAJESH PARTHA nous.” It says that Rigveda (Mandala 10, this imbalanced distribution of popu-
Lite or not, this is a policy approach which needs to be the Aryan Invasion is one of aggression, KOCHHAR MAJUMDER Hymn 167, Verse 1) mentions “Yogakshema- lation in the country.
supported by all sensible sections of the American genetic superiority by race and skin color.” The writers are, respectively, author of The Vedic
vishayaih karma’’. It does not. Similarly, the Lest we forget that the Maoist
establishment. Aryan “invasion theory” is a dead horse, the People and Sanskrit and the British Empire and a phrase “Yogebhi Kshemebhi’’ is said to fig- insurgency acted as a catalyst for the
flogging of which perpetually yields rich ide- National Science Chair, Government of India
ure in Rig Veda (Mandala 7, Hymn 36). Here imbalance, but what has the adminis-
Soldier returns ological dividends. The key question is
whether the Aryans came from outside the know, genes are our inherited endowment.
the verse number is not given. A search did
not reveal this phrase in the Rig Veda. So this
tration done in the last 15 years after
securing a peace deal?

ill a couple of days ago, the world knew Burkina subcontinent or not. If they did, it is a minor Individuals who have a set of common ances- is also likely to be false. The IIT-K essay takes Possibly even decentralisation of
matter whether they are to be called invaders tors will have similar genetic endowment. A note of the racist theories of the Nazis, but vital administrative functions would
Faso as a geographical expression in Africa. But
or immigrants. Rejection of the invasion group of individuals with a different set of plays havoc with European history. It talks of help persuade people to fan out across
this week’s coup signifies the return of military hypothesis does not automatically make ancestors will have some shared and some “The Two World Wars, 1914-1945” as if these the country, but there have been no
strongmen to the volatile region. There is little doubt Aryans the Harappans. unshared genetic characteristics with those were two innings of a single match. There is a such steps.
that the new wave of uprisings occurred after democ- The essay declares that there is “striking descended from a separate ancestral group. gap of 20 years between the two wars during The census shows a parallel
racy had seemingly become entrenched in the region. similarity between millions of words evident Indeed, these shared and unshared genetic which Hitler with his hatefulness had risen. between a drop in the hill population
Less than five months after soldiers in fatigues in Indian languages and others in the Euro- characteristics provide pillars for inferring The racist ideology of Aryanism is not an and an increase in the Tarai belt popu-
appeared on national television in Guinea to pean Tree of Linguistics,” an inordinate exag- ancestral components of contemporary pop- issue in the First World War. And yet the essay lation.
announce that they had removed President Alpha geration. On a more sober note, the intro- ulation groups. Further, since genes move declares: “More than 120 million civilians and If this trend continues, it has con-
Condé from office, the spectacle was repeated on duction of Sanskrit into Europe, availability of with people, the patterns of frequencies of soldiers were killed and slaughtered between sequences on two fronts in particular
Monday in Burkina Faso, as the military proclaimed large number of old manuscripts, and devel- genetic characteristics in extant population 1914 and 1945 in the name of European defi- ~ politics and the economy and a
opment of philology as a science led to the groups can help estimate directions and nition of Aryan invasion!” The essay expends change in socio-economic behaviour.
the overthrow of head of state Roch Kaboré. Which is postulation of an Indo-European family of extents of migration admixture using specific considerable verbiage condemning colonial On the economic front, most of
not to forget the double-putsch in Mali, where army languages. Within this family, two branches, population genetic frameworks. Random invaders. And yet in its map of India it calls the arable land in the Tarai region
officers deposed President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta in the Indic and the Iranian, produced litera- genetic changes caused by various environ- the river Ganga “the Ganges.” would have to make way for construc-
August 2020. They promised the regional bloc Ecowas ture, Rigveda and Avesta, respectively. These mental factors accumulate; their frequencies There is ample evidence that Indians tion, constricting agricultural output
that they would organise elections the following two texts are so closely related linguistically usually vary across geographical regions. have contributed concepts and objects to further and adding strain to the exist-
month, but in May 2021 they staged a second takeover that one cannot be studied without the help In the geographical region where one or others, but there is no reason to be uptight ing infrastructure.
to reassert control over the transition and later set out of the other. The differences in grammar are more genetic changes have arisen, the fre- about accepting that others have also con- And on the political front, an
plans to stay in power for almost five more years. West very small. One can find verses in the oldest quencies of these changes are high. These tributed to our culture. Assertions that Aryan increase in the Tarai population could
Africa was a region where constitutional multi-party portions of Avesta which by well-established changes are carried to other regions as people speakers were “superior” are subjective and pave the way for reduced electoral
phonetic substitutions can be turned into migrate from this region. However, in the baseless; there is no reason for us to continue constituencies in the hills and, in turn,
civilian politics had become the norm. Almost all
intelligible Sanskrit. Sanskrit terms like Arya, recipient regions their frequencies are expect- to debate it. In a classic case of double-speak, further affect development in the hills
countries were at least formally democratic, even if asura, hotr, kshetra, Nabhanedishta, Prthu, ed to be lower. If there is continued migra- this kind of distortion of ancient history and contribute to the existing imbal-
some elected Presidents, once in office, twisted the Vrtrahana, yajna, Yama have Avestan coun- tion, the frequencies of these changes are and archaeology is being designated “Recov- ance.
rules to perpetuate their stay in power. Now three terparts. Any theory on Aryans to be admissi- expected to consistently decrease as one ery of the Foundations of Indian Knowledge It is not the rate of population that
members of Ecowas (the Economic Community of ble, leave aside acceptable, must first and moves away from the region or origin of these Systems”. If the so-called recovery belittles should be ringing the alarm bells for
West African States) are under the command of men in foremost satisfactorily explain the Indo-Euro- genetic changes. Using this framework of rigorous scholarship, ignores scientific data, the administration, but rather the lack
uniform. Is the long-forgotten era of the military pean linguistic commonalities and Indo-Iran- expectations, there is unequivocal evidence and anoints IIT’s face black, it is a terrible of policies to correct any of the existing
strongman making a comeback? In Burkina Faso, as in ian literary similarities. Rigveda is familiar that some “genetic signatures” ~ constella- bargain. demographic imbalances.
Mali, it is the jihadist security crisis that has clearly
exerted a destabilising toll. The relentless reports of [email protected]
Islamist attacks fuelling popular anger on streets and LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
resentment among soldiers who feel they are being cycle of violence spells tragic
sent out, too lightly armed, underpaid or even under-
fed, to sustain the struggle against militant groups that
take no prisoners are a flashpoint. This week's Oua-
When proxies join battle news for Yemen’s 30 million
people. Unfortunately, the
parties and their regional
SIR, The proposed amendments to the rules of the Indi-
gadougou putsch is an outburst of exasperation from SIR, This refers to the editor- 2020 as the war had hit a backers are keen on escalat- an Administrative Service by the Centre are against the
the lower and middle-ranking soldiers who risk their ial, “Ballistic Houthis” (28 stalemate. Since then, the ing the conflict rather than spirit of federalism. With the amendment, the Centre
lives on the frontline in a brutally uncompromising January). The Saudi-led co- Emiratis have provided tac- finding a solution. If the wants to break the state’s hold over all-India service offi-
alition, of which the UAE tical support to the South- fighting over the last seven cers working under them, particularly in matters related
conflict. Feelings had become particularly intense
was a part, started bombing ern Transitional Council, a years holds any lesson, it is to deputation to the Centre. Of late, the issue of deputa-
since a 14 November jihadist attack on the Inata gen- Yemen in 2015, hoping to separatist body in southern that there can be no military tion has got a political colour. The Centre and those
darmerie garrison in northern Burkina Faso that left 53 swiftly dislodge the Houthi Yemen that drove the Saudi- solution to Yemen’s prob- state governments that are ruled by rival parties are
of the 120 troops dead. Some in Burkina Faso want rebels from Sana’a and rein- backed forces loyal to Presi- lems. To dial down tensions, crossing swords over the postings of a few IAS or IPS
Russian forces to replace the French ~ as they have in state the government of Ab- dent Hadi out of Aden. The there have to be talks, not officers, vitiating the atmosphere. Now the Centre wants
Mali. Demands for a more effective security strategy drabbuh Mansur Hadi. Al- dynamics changed again only between the rebels, to take away the choice of the state and of individual
had built up through last year, and President Kaboré most seven years later, the when the Houthis began separatists and the govern- officers regarding deputations on the plea that it does
overhauled first his government and then the military Iran-backed Houthis, who pushing into territories out- ment but also between their not adequate number of officers. It’s nothing but a lame
command in a bid to regain the political momentum were holed up in northern side their stronghold, espe- backers ~ Iran, the UAE and excuse.The Central government has introduced lateral
and restore some stability to the battered northern Yemen and began counter- coincidence that the attacks cially Marib; if they took Saudi Arabia. If these regio- entry to fill some vacancies. It can increase the recruit-
attacks with missiles and were carried out at a time Marib, they would be a step nal powers agree to rein in ment of officers directly. Instead, it wants to go against
and eastern provinces. Over the past two years, more drones into Saudi Arabia, when the UAE-backed forc- ahead to push into the sou- their proxies and work to- the principles of cooperative federalism, may be with
than 1,000 schools have downed their shutters and 1.5 have expanded the war all es have been making slow th. A Houthi strike to scare wards rebuilding Yemen, some hidden agenda.
million people have fled their homes to escape the the way to the Gulf coast of gains in Yemen’s conflict away the Emiratis from Ye- that would also help them Yours, etc., Dr D V G Sankararao,
violence, some consigned to begging for money or the UAE. Monday’s drone at- against the Houthis. But the men could trigger the oppo- restore stability and security Vizianagaram, 21 January.
food on the streets of the capital. More than 2,000 peo- tacks on Abu Dhabi by the UAE’s involvement in Yemen site reaction from Abu Dha- in the Arabian Peninsula.
ple have lost their lives. Burkina Faso is virtually a pow- Houthis were a message to has had many turns. It quit bi, which now has powerful Yours, etc., S S Paul,
der-keg, a recipe for the soldier to step in. the Emiratis. It may not be a the Saudi-led coalition in proxies in the south. The Nadia, 28 January.


Why Russia is so eager to


control Ukraine
There seems to be a disposition in parts of
England, notably Manchester and Lon-
don, to follow the lead which has been set
in America by what is known there as the
Life Extension Institute. The basic idea of
this institute is that members enroll
themselves to secure medical attendance
not when they are sick, but while they are
well. Prevention is better than cure. Each
member of the institute is periodically
overhauled by specially appointed exam-
iners according to standardised methods,
and he is also entitled to the advice of a
consultative board of recognised authori-
ties in the various departments of medi-
cine and hygiene. In order that strict pro-
fessional secrecy may be observed med-
ical histories, if members so desire are
recorded at headquarters under a simple
number. The service is available on pay-
ment of a fixed annual subscription,
which does not, however, include domi-
ciliary visits. In England, such a scheme
should appeal specially to the middle
classes, who at present get little benefit
from either the hospitals or the National
Insurance scheme, and who not only have
to pay dearly for medical attendance
when they are ill, but are often put off call-
ing in medical aid till the illness has
reached an advanced stage. The reason-
able principle that the doctor should have
a proprietary interest in health rather than
in disease has been observed in China
from time immemorial. It has been curi-
ously slow in making its way into modern

ation was claimed by Russia as a
mandate of citizens of Crimea, who
Operation Barbarossa was due to the
plain land geography of the Russian
between pro-Russian separatists and
Ukrainian forces has been waging in
Though EU and US uphold and
defend democratic governments NEW FEATURES
are mostly Russian in origin. heartland. It is devoid of any moun- Eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk and across the globe, the energy depen-
geopolitical crisis is looming Since that incident, bilateral rela- tains or any natural barriers. The rea- Luhansk oblasts, collectively called dency on Russia makes them inca-
large over the eastern border
of Russia. There has been a
tions between the two nations suffered.
On 15 December 2018, the Kiev church
son for the dual-front war strategy of
Hitler may have revolved around
the Donbas region, since 2014. It is
already proved to the world that the
pable of taking any meaningful steps
to resolve Russian illegal occupation
massive military build-up by severed its ties to the Russian orthodox control of the oil-rich Caspian, Volga separatists are supported by Russia. in Crimea in 2014 or in the recent One of the principal new features in the
Russia close to Ukraine. The histories church as per the decree of the Ecu- and Caucasus regions overlooking Between 13,100 and 13,300 lives have military crisis in eastern Ukraine. Armstrong trial was the evidence of Nurse
of the two nations are linked and menical Patriarchate of Constantino- the Russian heartland. The situation already been lost in this futile civil With climate change impacts Kinsey, who attended Mrs. Armstrong.
until 1991, they were part of the ple. This clearly showed the determi- was contained by exemplary Soviet war since 2014. The current military battering the world, global powers are She said she suggested a whole-time
USSR. Since independence in 1991, nation of the nation to break out from resistance at the Battle of Stalingrad build-up of Russia alongside the trying to distance themselves from nurse as there was fear of suicide. Nurse
Ukraine had a pro-Russian leader, its former ‘Soviet’ roots, distancing itself in 1942-43. Some estimates say that Ukraine border accounts to more carbon-intensive hydrocarbon ener- Kinsey stated that Armstrong and his wife
Viktor Yanukovyc, whose ambitions from Vladimir Putin’s Russia. 27 million Soviet lives were lost in than 100,000 soldiers. The world’s gy. By limiting dependency on hydro- were on affectionate terms. Dr. Hincks
were aligned with Russian interests. The situation got worse with World War II. powers, including the USA, are fear- carbons, major world powers will be stated that with the facts known today his
The situation changed with ‘The rev- Ukraine’s growing proximity to the The situation in Ukraine is echo- ing a Russian annexation of the less bothered by politics in their opinion was that Mrs. Armstrong's death
olution of dignity’, popularly known North Atlantic Treaty Organization ing warnings similar to those voiced region in similar fashion as the neighbouring nations. The world will was due to chronic arsenic poisoning. As
as the ‘Maidan revolution’, where a (NATO). Russia was the successor to before World War II. After the collapse Crimean Peninsula. be a more peaceful place as super- regards his treatment of Major Armstrong,
series of protests erupted across the the erstwhile USSR, both in the Secu- of the USSR, Russia lost most of its These geopolitical instabilities powers will not use their economic Dr. Hincks claimed professional secrecy,
nation during 2013-14, following rity Council of the United Nations Eastern ‘buffer lands’. Poland, the point towards a common issue - the and military might to scare smaller but on being overruled stated that Arm-
Yanukovyc’s refusal to join political and in its global presence. Since Baltic republics (Latvia, Lithuania dependency of the world on hydro- nations under their banner, just for strong had contracted venereal disease.
association and a free trade agree- World War II, the Soviet Union had and Estonia) and Germany are pro- carbons. Russia’s paranoia revolves the sake of safeguarding their hydro- He mentioned a conversation in which
ment with the European Union. The tried to protect its vulnerable west- US and linked with the NATO around its hydrocarbon resources carbon wealth. Armstrong questioned him regarding the
elected government was ousted, and ern front by bringing Eastern Euro- alliance, which was originally an anti- which account for $ 250 billion worth Let’s move towards renewables amount necessary for a fatal dose of
power shifted towards the current pean nations within its iron curtain. USSR pact. If Ukraine also slips out of exports in 2021. More than 40 per and nuclear energy to make the arsenic. Dr. Hincks said he was flabber-
pro-West Volodymyr Zelensky. By 1945, Joseph Stalin, the then com- of Russian influence, NATO will get a cent of these exports go to EU coun- world a peaceful and clean place for gasted by the questions.
Following these incidents, the munist dictator of USSR, had realised foothold in the Volga region and can tries. This adds another dimension to all to live and flourish.
Crimean Peninsula, a geostrategic
region in southern Ukraine, with the
that the open fields of western Russia
would be difficult to protect by mili-
threaten Russia’s control over its
hydrocarbon rich areas.
the Ukraine crisis. With this depen-
dency of Europe on Russia’s hydro- The writers are, respectively, Associate
Professor and Dean at the Jindal School of
port of Sevastapol, was annexed by
Russia on 18 March 2014. The annex-
tary might alone.
The initial success of Hitler’s
This global crisis is taking its toll
over ordinary Ukrainians. A war
carbons, it cannot support Ukraine
in case of any imminent crisis.
Environment and Sustainability, O.P. Jindal
Global University, Sonipat, India SOLONGA
A telegraphic report from the District Mag-
IT CAME TO MIND | MANISH NANDY istrate, Pabna, states that on January 27,
he was present at Solonga hat, thana

Alien and intimate

Raiganj, with an armed force under the
whether they were married, what Superintendent of Police and a Deputy
they liked to eat. One time my assis- Superintendent, for the purpose of pre-
tant made the mistake, while serving venting intimidation and picketing. Some

ornings are glorious in him tea, of using the word ‘sugar’ volunteers who were picketing were arrest-
Santiniketan. I was visit- instead of the Bengali equivalent, and before the reception. But, reported ed, whereupon a crowd, estimated at 2,000
ing Santiniketan in the Detienne said, “If you are a Bengali, Detienne, the bride looked gorgeous, strong, surrounded the party and threat-
sixties and staying in the and you don’t know the Bengali word and he was the hero of the evening. ened them with violence. The Magistrate,
home of the Vice Chancellor of Viswa for sugar, you need to improve your A heavy price for my nomadic Superintendent endeavoured to quiet the
Bharati University. There was a siz- language. If you know the word, but life is the number of friends one lost mob but without success. The Deputy
able lawn next door and, early one choose to use a word from another in pre-internet days. When I connect- Superintendent was hit on the head and
morning, as I woke I saw a man going language, then you need to improve ed with Detienne again after twenty- knocked senseless and the Magistrate and
around and around in a circle. your idea of yourself.” He said it gen- five years, he had mellowed some- Superintendent were both assaulted. The
As I walked up to him, I saw a tly and with a smile, but he detested what, but he still retained his procliv- mob were warned that if they did not dis-
tall, bearded foreigner and was about the practice he had noticed of Indi- ity for sarcasm and dramatic gestures. perse the police would open fire, but the
to say Good Morning in English. He ans mixing English words while He was a literary celebrity, for he had only reply was a volley of stones. The police
pre-empted me, by speaking in Ben- speaking an Indian language. produced a stream of witty, enjoyable then fired blank cartridges without effect.
gali, and that too sardonically, “Final- I took him home to meet my books that had made him a best-sell-
ly, you are awake!” He justified the dig
with his next sentence, coupled with
parents and my brothers. He told
Ashis, “I have a better beard than
ing Bengali author, a literary lion. I
took it as a great compliment when ECONOMIC
an elaborate gesture of his arm,
“Bright morning!”
yours,” and he deliberately poked Pri-
tish by mispronouncing his name as
one or two remarked that some of my
own writing reminded readers of the ADVANTAGES OF
Paul Detienne had displayed his
three most characteristic ploys in the
British. My mother wanted to know
about his family and Detienne dis-
flavor of Detienne.
I have a whole collection of Deti-
very first moment of our encounter. closed that all his brothers, six of enne’s books. I woke up early this In the unavoidable absence of Mr. Mon-
He spoke Bengali better than a native. them, were priests in different coun- morning, made a cup of coffee and tagu, Sir William Meyer presided today at
He loved sarcasm. His arms, like his Illustration: Debabrata Chakrabarty tries, mostly Africa, except one. His walked out on the deck with a Deti- the meeting of the Royal Society of Arts,
face, were not just expressive, they would have called “a hullabaloo of to help me, “It is all right if you don’t mother had apparently said that she enne book. I looked at Detienne’s pic- when a paper by Mr. Alexander Howard, of
were dramatically demonstrative. misunderstanding.” Since I worked know English. Just tell us what you needed one near her and would not ture on the cover and half expected a firm who are agents for the Government
These were not features one in an office near Park Street and he want to say in Hindi, and we will let him join the Jesuits. The youngest him to jump out, make an oversized of India timbers in Europe, was read in his
expected in a Jesuit missionary. But was often there for his work, our translate it for him in English.” brother was to get married, and Deti- gesture and say, “Finally, you are absence by his partner. The paper pointed
Detienne seldom did anything very paths crossed frequently, and we Detienne relished such confu- enne wanted the bride to wear a sari, awake!” out that the British market was beginning
expected. When he said he was Bel- stopped and talked at street corners. sion. He would pull their leg and say, a Benarasi, for the evening reception. I turned the pages and, toward to recognise more fully the economic
gian, I quickly suggested, “Why don’t We attracted attention. Passersby “English is a far cry for him. He can’t My mother dictated the steps the end, this is what I came across: advantages of the use of Indian as well as
we talk in French? I want to improve stopped and chided me, “What’s even speak Bengali well. I am trying involved in wearing a sari; I translat- “My time has come to leave. I foreign timbers. The Bank of England, at
my French conversation.” He coun- wrong with you? That sahib is talking to teach him a little bit.” ed her words into French and my sec- have finished all that I had to say. But the new buildings in Finsbury Circus, had
tered, “But I want to improve my Bengali and you are talking some gib- Sometimes he would drop by my retary typed them out. We helped not quite. had the whole of the decorative woodwork
Bengali. I’d rather we talk in Bengali.” berish. Can’t you be polite and talk to office. If I was busy, he would not Detienne buy a beautiful sari and he I will hope to see you again.” made of Indian timbers and various firms
After some haggling, we reached a him in English?” One time, when we waste his time, but talk instead with carried it to Brussels. But my mother’s were following that example. Experience
deal. He will speak to me in Bengali; I went to the Flury’s cafe for some tea, my secretary, my assistant, or even instructions or my translation was The writer is a US-based international gathered from the innovation of sending
development advisor and had worked with
will speak in French. two persons, after hearing our con- the receptionist. In short order he poor, and the bride had to seek emer- the World Bank. He can be reached at teak here in logs, instead of sawn, had
That created what Thurber versation from the next table, came knew their names, where they lived, gency help from the Indian Embassy [email protected] convinced Mr. Howard of the advantage
of marketing timbers in this form.
Speaking at the East African dinner in Lon-
ACROSS 17 Following overdose music controversy (8) nutritious offal first of all? house plant (12) don tonight, Mr. Churchill made an impor-
producer, born in Sultanate, 26 Attempt to embrace man (5) 13 Clumsy American couple tant reference to the political problems of
1 Stuck up small head by
finds fixer (3-3,3) with love in ideal situation 4 Frame guides showing ways thrive without Flo (10)
mistake (8)
18 Searched and managed to (6) to access multiple places 14 Factor in dirt engine East Africa. He pointed out, as a curious
5 Uproar behind you and me result of the war, that the discontented ele-
fire journalist (9) 27 Stretches back to get (8,4) churned up (10)
9 State has plenty of time and
19 Begin letter without steamy photograph (8) 6 Suggestion from 16 Loudly regret returning ments in African and Asiatic countries
introduction (5) subordinate, tense individual after tea with posh driver seemed to think that they had only to
means (8)
20 Brief special vehicle branch DOWN (9) (9)
10 Stick poster in this place (6)
of the police (6,5) 1 Kills merriment aboard ship 7 Support lord vocally (4) 21 Second party for express the wish that Britain should lay
12 Meet and greet ghetto down the Government and Britain would
24 Arouse interest in article (10) 8 Cook ineffectual politicians rascal (5)
revolutionary (3,8)
15 Poisonous beast consumed
about vigil (6) 2 Public dismissal is too much upset (4) 22 Women behind drift (4) comply. It was high time it was made clear
25 Original member of family (10) 11 Republican and Democrat 23 Stun and partially confound that this was not the rule Britain intended to
by jerk (5)
left out after bit of 3 Do butchers extract all droned on about keeping a zealot (4)
follow. He added, however, that French
administrators of native populations took
the greatest care to mingle with the natives
and understand intimately their feelings in a
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London) manner which the more aloof and stand-off
British official was not accustomed to adopt.

The momentum for our products and platforms is strong and this
will further cement our leadership position in the digital mapping.

Budget 2022: Tax-free work from Industry eyes increased fund

allocation for health in budget
home allowances likely for employees INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE

India has been facing the Covid

retary General, Indian Phar-
maceutical Alliance, told IANS.
He said that the primary
thrust for the Indian pharma-
Higher deductions for such expenses would increase the take-home salary pandemic for two years now
and the pharma industry has
ceutical industry going forward
should be to move up the
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE unwilling to move to the new investors want LTCG to be schemes can be increased to witnessed ups and downs dur- value chain by scaling up R&D
NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY one as they cannot avail of any removed, the government, Rs 2.0-2.5 lakh from the cur- ing this period while the gov- and innovation to meet the
investment benefits under in the winter session of Par- rent Rs 1.5 lakh. This would ernment has introduced some unmet needs of patients across

he upcoming Budget the new regime. In Budget liament, said there are no not only leave more money policies to strengthen India's the world.
might increase the 2021, income tax slabs plans to abolish LTCG tax on in the taxpayer's hand but also healthcare industry during "The industry should evolve
standard deduction. remained untouched. equities and mutual funds. stimulate savings. This can be the crisis. from 'Make in India' to 'Make
The figure could be This time, there are expec- Thus, there are hopes that Bud- positive for asset-manage- But public health expen- and Discover in India, for India
doubled to Rs 1 lakh from the tations the tax-free slab could get 2022 would see STT ment companies as well. diture, as a share of country's and World' fulfilling the phi-
present Rs 50,000. be increased from the current removed. However, it is esti- The pandemic has high- gross domestic product, is still losophy of Vasudhaiva Kutum-
Budget 2022 might also Rs 0-2.5 lakh. If personal mated that with increasing lighted the importance of low and the industry stake- bakam," he added.
introduce tax-free work-from- income tax is reduced, there investors and trade volumes medical insurance for fami- holders are hopeful of a change Jain underlined that as we
home allowances for salaried would be more disposable in the market, STT could gen- lies as they have incurred this year as Covid has provid- have been into the pandem-
employees. Higher deduc- income, which in turn would erate more than Rs 5,000 huge expenditure on treat- ed an opportunity to increase ic for the last two years, every-
tions for such expenses would encourage consumption. With fare spending. The govern- said. crore in revenue. LTCG col- ment. Currently, the health health spending in this bud- one has talked about strength-
increase the take-home salary. increased GST-compliance, ment could focus on welfare In 2004, security transac- lection for AY 2019-20 and AY insurance premium can be get. ening of health infrastructure.
Also, direct tax collection has the government can thus cer- spending such as food sub- tion tax (STT) replaced the 2020-21 was Rs 3,460 crore and tax-exempted up to Rs 25,000 "The Indian pharmaceuti- "But it can not be done with
been robust in FY22. This tainly boost the share of indi- sidies, MGNREGA, PM-Kisan, long-term capital gains (LTCG) Rs 5,311 crore respectively. for persons under 60 years and cal industry is of strategic spending just 1.2 per cent of
can allow for greater limits for rect taxes collected, the report and fertilizer subsidies. tax. Budget 2018 brought Looking at those numbers, it up to Rs 50,000 for those importance for the country, pro- the GDP, and instead the health
tax deductions, William O' Neil said. Employment has been a key back LTCG, levied again at a is unlikely the government aged above 60. The pandemic viding access to affordable spending should go around 2.5
India, a company that provides With an eye on elections, issue. MGNREGA being a rate of 10 per cent on annu- would make a change here, increased the volume of these quality medicines across the per cent of GDP this year."
financial services and infor- the rural economy could labour market shock-absorber, al gains of over Rs 1 lakh. How- the report said. claims and in the aftermath, world. The pharmaceutical The Covid-19 pandemic
mation said in a note. receive higher allocations. the FM could raise the wages ever, STT was not removed. The government needs to insurance companies have industry is science-based and has remained a challenge for
In Budget 2021, the Finance Around 25 per cent of the and also the number of work- leave more money in the been raising their premium knowledge-driven with sci- the healthcare system as lack
Minister introduced a new tax country's rural population days. Despite several efforts, Many new investors have hands of the taxpayer. Look- costs. An increase in the entific developments evolving of adequate infrastructure and
regime. However, this regime is in the five states going to farmers' income has not started their investment jour- ing at the current numbers, deduction for medical cov- at a rapid pace. The budget the shortage of basic medical
offered no major benefits. polls in February-March. So, increased as expected. So the ney in the last 12-18 months. if the government resists a erage would help increase should spur innovation and set equipment are some points
According to consensus, most it is expected that the gov- government could take fur- Removing STT could encour- change in tax slabs, there are the penetration of insurance the pace for taking the phar- which emerged as important
taxpayers are continuing with ernment would maintain ele- ther steps to improve the age several of these investors chances that the ceiling of Sec- and bring relief to the layman, maceutical industry to the obstacles in providing heath-
the old regime and were vated rural and agriculture wel- income of farmers, the report to start trading. Although tion 80C for tax-saving the report said. next level," Sudarshan Jain, Sec- care services in rural areas.

Kotak Securities sees incentives on LIC’s top

official’s tenure Realty seeks increase in approval
agri commodities value addition extended by
one year time frame for rental housing
late last year," it said.
Further, it is expected that NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE "The sales momentum
the Centre may announce NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY had picked up during the sec-
something in order to achieve The Centre has extended the ond half of previous year. In
self-reliance in edible oil and tenure of Life Insurance In a bid to promote affordable this perspective, while there
pulses. Corporation of India's Chair- rental housing as well as is a need to continue the sales
"With over 65 per cent of person M.R. Kumar and incentivise developers, the pace, there is also a need to
the country's total edible oil Managing Director Raj National Real Estate Devel- strengthen the hands of con-
requirement being met by Kumar by one year, officials opment Council requested sumers," Bandelkar added.
imports, it's imperative to said. the Centre to increase the Noting that the Centre had
reduce dependency on foreign With this extension, both approval time frame of such taken up a pro-growth stand,
supply. Notably, edible oil is the top officials of the insur- housing projects by at least five he said, however, there is a need
the third largest imported er will continue till March years. to continue the support offered
commodity in India after 2023. Prior to the latest "...the country has just to the realty sector amidst
crude oil and gold," it added. extension, the Centre had begun to formalise a rental the renewed lockdown and
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE Five states set to go for Having already reduced extended the term of M.R. housing framework in the economic uncertainty, he
NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY Assembly polls is another rea- import duties on edible oils Kumar from June 30, 2021 country. The rental housing autonomous self-reaulatory in order to promote the own- said, adding that there was a
son why the agriculture sec- three times in the second half till March 13, 2022, which policy is not yet final across body under the Union Min- ership concept. need to create a sense of
The Centre, in its Budget for tor could be in focus during of 2021, further duty cuts are is when he was to complete several states. istry of Housing and Urban Currently, interest on bor- home ownership and create
FY23, is likely to incentivise the Budget. unlikely, the brokerage said. three years in LIC. Hence, to incentivise the Affairs. rowed capital to acquire a value in buying homes.
value addition of agri com- "Committed to increasing Furthermore, the Centre This tenure extension developers of rental housing NAREDCO President Rajan house for rental purposes is Further, the Council urged
modities besides transporta- farmers' income, the gov- may announce subsidised comes at a crucial juncture projects, the time limit of Bandelkar said the Centre allowed in full. the Centre to treat the units
tion, marketing and branding ernment of India can come up interest rates for agriculture when the company is approval should be increased should increase the deduction However, in the case of of 'Real Estate Investment
of such products, brokerage with various plans in Budget loans and increase in credit lim- expected to launch its IPO by at least five years," said Dr of interest on home loan for self-occupied houses, inter- Trusts' equivalent to listed
house Kotak Securities said in 2022-23 in spite of the recent its to alleviate the financial bur- in the current financial Niranjan Hiranandani, Vice self-occupied house from tax- est is restricted to Rs 2 lakhs, entities for direct tax com-
a note. withdrawal of three farm laws den of farmers. year ending March. IANS Chairman of NAREDCO, nn able income to at least Rs 5 lakh the council said in a statement. putation.

Export of Indian ‘Ready to Eat’ food Worsening of debt sustainability indicators to Marine Products registers
products registered a 26% growth export growth of 35 percent
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE rose by more than 23% to $
2002 levels may drive fiscal conservatism year.
NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY 1011 million in April – Octo- INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE spending by cuts in spend- And if all goes well, the sec-
ber (2021-22) compared to $ NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY ing on some components. tor is likely to exceed the all-
Export of the Indian ‘Ready 823 million reported in April Thus, the slippage on GoI's time high despite the impact
to Eat’ (RTE) food products – October (2020-21). A peak level of India's pub- fiscal deficit/GDP for FY22 of the Covid19 pandemic
industry have registered an In 2018-2019, export of lic debt/GDP ratio at 91.7 may be a marginal 10-20 bps since January, 2020, the offi-
increase of 26 % in 2020-21 Indian RTE was at USD 766 per cent, near doubling of higher than the budgeted 6.8 cer claimed.
while the Biscuits and con- million, which rose to USD 825 combined fiscal deficit in the per cent. Additional spend- The top 5 export destina-
fectionery category recorded million in 2019-20 and USD aftermath of the pandemic ing will, however, still mean STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE tions include USA (44.5%),
28.87 % growth, claimed the 1043 million in 2020-21. averaging at 12 per cent, and higher expenditure growth NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY China (15.3%), Japan (6.2%),
Ministry of Commerce and Similarly, the export of RTC worsening of debt sustain- during the residual months Vietnam (4%) and Thailand
Industry here on Sunday. food products also increased ability indicators to the 2002 of FY22 than YTD 6 per cent Exports of the Indian Marine (3%). Indian Frozen shrimps
India’s export of final con- from USD 473 million in levels may be driving fiscal YoY. Products registered a growth constitute the major share of
sumer food products main- 2018-19 to USD 368 million conservatism, JM Financial Sustainability concerns of 35% to USD 6.1 Billion the Marine Products exports
ly Ready to Eat (RTE), Ready in 2019-20 and USD 560 mil- said in a report. may prompt GoI to lower during April-December 2021 items with 74% share in value
to Cook (RTC) and Ready to lion in 2020-21, the Ministry However, we see greater FY22 fiscal management repayment in March'21), FD/GDP target at 6.4 per as compared to USD 4.5 Bil- terms (USD), Frozen Fish
Serve (RTS) have been on said. chances of moderating fiscal is wedged between addi- chances are high that not all cent in FY23. lion during the same period constitutes (7%), and Frozen
the rise for the past one The products covered support from both the Cen- tional spending of Rs 3 tril- of this may be spent. This is Until the pandemic, the in the year 2020, claimed the Squid (5%), the officer stated.
decade, claimed a senior offi- under RTE category, includes tre and the states. GoI's spend- lion on top of the budgeted because the Centre's spend- Centre's liabilities ratio has Ministry of Commerce and In a bid to further pro-
cer of the Commerce Ministry. Biscuits & Confectionery, Jag- ing in the proportion of Bud- Rs 34.8 tn (free food pro- ing is already lagging with been steady even as it was ris- Industry here on Sunday. mote the Blue Revolution in
The export of food prod- gery, Breakfast Cereals, Wafers, get estimates is already gramme, Air India dues, fer- FYTD22 (Apr-Nov'21) spend- ing for states, thus, keeping In the month of December the country, India has set a bud-
ucts under the RTE category Indian Sweets and Snacks, Pan restrained to levels that were tiliser subsidy, MGNREGA, ing ex-interest payments (IP) overall debt levels more or less 2021, exports of Marine Prod- get of Rs. 20,050 crore for var-
have registered a Compound Masala & Betal Nuts etc. The last seen during the peaks of export arrears, etc), and short- growing modestly at 6.0 per constant. However, following ucts touched USD 720.51 Mil- ious development schemes of
Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) Biscuits and Confectionery the economic boom in FY07- fall in inflows (excise duty cuts, centYoY. Thus, only 60 per cent the pandemic, India's com- lion, registering a growth of the fisheries sector in India.
of 12 per cent in the last one and Indian Sweets and Snacks 08, the report said. delay of 5G auctions and a sce- of the budgeted target has bined government debt/GDP 28.01% over USD 562.85 Mil- The PMMSY (Pradhan
decade while the RTE share constitute a major share of 89% Thus, the FY23 Union Bud- nario where despite the reit- been spent so far, which is sig- ratio has risen to 91.7 per cent lion logged in December 2020, Mantri Matsya Sampada
in the total food export mar- in the RTE export in 2020-21. get may bet heavily on private erated intent of the govern- nificantly lower than 70 per (FY21), similar to peers. said a senior officer of the Yojana), being implemented
ket increased 2.1 per cent to The share of each catego- sector revival as we saw after ment, the BPCL divestment cent during FY16-FY20 and Key indicators for the Cen- Commerce Ministry. over a period of 5 years from
5 per cent during the same ry in RTE export are 52.32% 2003 even as it targets con- and LIC IPO are not completed nearly equal to levels seen dur- tral government liabilities He said the overall exports FY 2020-21 to FY 2024-25 in
period, the officer said. (Biscuits & Confectionery), servative spending. The risk by fiscal year-end), the report ing boom times of FY07-08, indicate rising discomfort. of Marine Products in the last all States/Union Territories, has
He said India exported 1.52% (Jaggery), 4.11% (break- is that premature fiscal con- said. JM Financial said. Thus, given the fiscal con- Financial Year (March, 2020- set a target of Rs. 1,00,000 crore
more than $ 2.14 billion worth fast cereals), 1.73% (wafers), servatism may prove to be While the additional If indeed the budgetary servatism already visible, we April, 2021) was at USD 5.96 fisheries export, additional
of final food products in 2020- 37.04% (Indian sweets and counter-productive if the pri- spending would have meant inflows do not materialise, expect the Union Budget to Billion, while the export fig- 70 lakh tonnes fish production,
21. According to the latest date, snacks), and 3.28% (Pan vate sector does not recover a healthy 43 per cent YoY rise some part of the additional provide greater details on ure has been crossed in just and generation of 55 lakh
the export of products under Masala and Betal nuts), the adequately enough, the report in productive spending (i.e. Rs 3 tn may be subsumed the pace of future fiscal con- three quarters (approx USD employment in the years to
RTE, RTC and RTS categories Ministry said. said. adjusting for the FCI loan within the overall budgeted solidation path, the report said. 6.11 Billion) of this financial come the Ministry said.

Automakers to suffer from chip, labour shortages DAMEPL requests court to direct DMRC to deposit
Rs 6,208 cr into escrow account without delay
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE ket will begin to improve
NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY towards the end of 2022 and INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE DAMEPL had also main- DAMEPL, in its plea, has
into 2023 if there are no NEW DELHI, 30 JANUARY tained the same position in stated that the non-payment
With Covid-19 continuing to other supply chain shocks," the Supreme Court, in the last of Termination Fee since 2013
impact the global economy Turner added. Following the Supreme Court hearing on January 24, 2022. by DMRC has caused immense
in its second year, the auto- One of the key supply January 24 directive, the Delhi The SC in its January 24 damage to DAMEPL and its
motive semiconductor mar- constraints for the semi- High Court will hear the Delhi order had stated, "The parties promoter company, Reliance
ket will experience uneven conductor market was in Airport Metro-DMRC Case are directed to appear before Infrastructure Ltd.
shortages and tight supply mature process nodes. on Monday (January 31). the High Court on 31.01.2022 Reliance Infrastructure
amid labour shortfall, accord- While the automotive Delhi Airport Metro Express and seek for advancing the date had infused Rs 2,513 crore to
ing to a new IDC report. semiconductor market Pvt Ltd (DAMEPL) has filed of hearing.We request the High DAMEPL by taking loans from
The general theme for largely depends on these a fresh application request- Court to take up the matter the public sector banks, and
semiconductors in 2021 was older processes, many other ing the High Court to direct at the earliest and dispose of the banks have initiated pro-
shortages in mature process semiconductors are made DMRC to deposit Rs 6,208 the application without any ceedings for liquidation against
technology nodes. on these mature manufac- crore available in its accounts further delay, as consequences the company. Any further
The IDC expects tight turing process technolo- into the project escrow account of the pendency of the said delay in satisfying the Arbi-
semiconductor supply to gies at 40nm and above, without any delay. application are detrimental to tral Award will result in irre-
continue through the first such as LCD drivers, power DAMEPL in its fresh appli- the interest of the petitioner versible consequences for
half of 2022 as the industry management ICs, power, cation has rejected any out of as well as respondent." DAMEPL and Reliance Infra-
builds up inventory to nor- equipment manufacturers ductors will continue to be ply should gradually improve Auto ICs, and microcon- court negotiations or assign- Pursuant to this SC order, structure Ltd.
mal levels. (OEMs) to utilise their semi- a limiting constraint on the through the second half of the trollers. Companies are slow- ment of debt. DAMEPL's fresh application The delay in satisfying the
The automotive market conductor supply for higher automotive market through year," said Nina Turner, ly adding what capacity they DAMEPL says that it wants requests the Delhi High Court arbitral award is adding an
continues to be impacted as value vehicles, which raised the first half of 2022, but bar- research manager. can, but capacity improve- the execution of arbitral award to fix an early date in the first incremental daily interest of
chips move upstream, limit- the average selling price of ring any unforeseen shut- Adding in the time to man- ment will be incremental at the earliest and is not agree- week of February for the final Rs 1.76 crore per day on
ing automobile manufac- vehicles for 2021. downs or semiconductor ufacture the vehicle, this this year and accelerate in 2023 able to any alternate pro- hearing and disposal of the DMRC and this amount cumu-
turing and driving original "Automotive semicon- manufacturing issues, sup- means the "automotive mar- and beyond, said the report. posal from DMRC. execution petition. latively comes to Rs 260 crore.
The Islamic Emirate held talks over different issues such as politics,trade,
the economy, transit and the extension of bilateral relations.
NK tests longest-range S.Korean nuke envoy holds phone
talks with US, Japanese counterparts
missile since 2017
The latest launch suggests Kim’s moratorium is already broken, said Lee Choon Geun, a missile expert

South Korea's top nuclear

envoy held phone talks with
inching closer to its earlier
threat to consider suspend-
ing a self-imposed moratori-
um on nuclear and long-
range ballistic missile tests
his US and Japanese coun- amid an impasse in its nuclear
ASSOCIATED PRESS the testing of nuclear devices in nuclear and long-range terparts on Sunday over North negotiations with the US.
SEOUL, 30 JANUARY and longer-range missiles. missile testing resulted in an Korea's launch of an inter- North Korea has been
Japanese Defense Minis- exchange of war threats mediate-range ballistic mis- ramping up its testing activ-

orth Korea on Sun- ter Nobuo Kishi also told between Kim and Trump. sile earlier in the day, Seoul's ity in recent months, demon-
day fired what reporters that the missile was Moon said the North’s lat- Foreign Ministry said. strating its military might
appeared to be the the longest-range the North est moves violated U.N. Secu- Noh Kyu-duk, special rep- amid pandemic-related dif-
most powerful mis- has tested since its Hwasong- rity Council resolutions and were resentative for Korean Penin- ficulties and a prolonged
sile it has tested since Presi- 15 ICBM in November 2017. a “challenge toward the inter- sula peace and security affairs, freeze in nuclear diplomacy
dent Joe Biden took office, as North Korean leader Kim national community’s efforts and his American counterpart, phone conversation with his with the United States - it
it revives its old playbook in Jong Un chaired a ruling party to denuclearize the Korean Sung Kim, denounced the Japanese counterpart, Take- makes more than it had con-
brinkmanship to wrest con- meeting on Jan. 20, where Peninsula, stabilize peace and North's latest missile launch hiro Funakoshi, and agreed to ducted all of in 2021.
cessions from Washington senior party members made find a diplomatic solution” to as a challenge to the inter- continue "close communi- While aggressively expand-
and neighbors amid a pro- a veiled threat to lift the mora- the nuclear standoff.The North national community's efforts cations and cooperation" to ing his military capabilities
longed stalemate in diplo- 2017, when it twice flew inter- ficulties put further stress on torium, citing what they per- “should stop its actions that cre- to diplomatically resolve the keep the situation on the despite limited resources,
macy. mediate-range ballistic mis- an economy broken by ceived as U.S. hostility and ate tensions and pressure and Korean peninsula issue, as well peninsula under control. North Korean leader Kim
The Japanese and South siles over Japan and, separately, decades of mismanagement threats.The latest launch sug- respond to the dialogue offers as to the UN Security Coun- North Korea fired the mis- Jong-un is also reviving
Korean militaries said the three intercontinental ballis- and crippling U.S.-led sanc- gests Kim’s moratorium is by the international commu- cil resolutions, Yonhap News sile from the northern province Pyongyang’s old playbook of
missile was launched on a loft- tic missiles that demonstrat- tions over its nuclear weapons already broken, said Lee nity including South Korea Agency quoted the Ministry of Jagang at 7.52 a.m., and it brinkmanship to wrest con-
ed trajectory, apparently to ed the potential to reach deep program. Choon Geun, a missile expert and the United States,” Moon as saying." flew about 800 km at a top alti- cessions from Washington,
avoid the territorial spaces of into the American homeland. South Korean President and honorary research fellow said, according to his office. (The two sides) agreed to tude of 2,000 km, according which leads to international
neighbors, and reached a Sunday’s test was North Moon Jae-in called an emer- at South Korea’s Science and Moon had ambitiously pushed maintain the security pos- to South Korea's military. sanctions over the North’s
maximum altitude of 2,000 Korea’s seventh round of gency National Security Coun- Technology Policy Institute. for inter-Korean engagement ture based on the firm South It marked the North's sev- nuclear program.
kilometers (1,242 miles) and launches this month. The cil meeting where he described In his strongest comments and held three summits with Korea-US alliance and con- enth show of force this year Experts say the North could
traveled 800 kilometers (497 unusually fast pace of tests indi- the test as a possible “mid- toward the North in years, Kim in 2018 while also lobby- tinue efforts for an early and by far its biggest weapons halt its testing spree after the
miles) before landing in the cates its intent to pressure the range ballistic missile launch” Moon said the situation around ing to set up Kim’s first sum- resumption of dialogue with test since the test-firing of an start of the Beijing Winter
sea.The flight details suggest Biden administration over that brought North Korea to the Korean Peninsula is begin- mit with Trump in 2018, where North Korea," the Ministry said intercontinental ballistic mis- Olympics next week out of
the North tested its longest- long-stalled nuclear negoti- the brink of breaking its 2018 ning to resemble 2017, when they issued vague aspirations in a statement. sile in November 2017. respect for China, its major ally
range ballistic missile since ations as pandemic-related dif- self-imposed moratorium on North Korea’s provocative run for a nuclear-free peninsula. Noh also held a separate Pyongyang appears to be and economic lifeline.

W African regional bloc suspends Burkina Faso Israel prez on 1st visit to UAE Thousands displaced in Congo’s
Islamic extremist attacks.
ECOWAS had suspended
coming days.
Ghanaian President Nana
over its decades-old conflict
with the Palestinians.Presi-
east amid rebel, army clashes
neighboring Mali after a coup Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the dent Isaac Herzog met with ASSOCIATED PRESS about it. Residents told The we were in the field onWednes-
West African neighbor states there in August 2020 and then current ECOWAS chairman, Israel’s figurehead president Crown Prince Sheikh KIBUMBA, 30 JANUARY Associated Press that they day, we heard bullets over
on Friday suspended Burki- took similar action against called the recent spate of met the powerful crown Mohammed bin Zayed Al saw gunfights and dead bod- the hills and we fled,” Baseme
na Faso in the aftermath of this Guinea after the president coups in West Africa “a direct prince of Abu Dhabi on Sun- Nahyan, the de facto Emirati Thousands of people in Congo ies.Since the beginning of Mashukano, a resident of
week’s coup, making it the third was overthrown last Sep- violation of our democratic day on the first official visit leader. A royal welcome for have been displaced after this week, inhabitants from six Nyesisi, one of the six vil-
nation in the regional bloc to tember. tenets.”ECOWAS has faced to the United Arab Emirates the Israeli leader at the palace, they fled ongoing clashes villages in the country’s east lages caught in the crossfire,
be punished for a military Mali is also under punishing criticism for its handling of the by the country’s head of state, with the Israeli national between the Congolese army have fled the violence. At said. “We abandoned every-
takeover in only 18 months, economic sanctions, includ- coups, particularly in Mali the latest sign of deepening anthem blaring and 21-gun and rebel fighters this week. least 2,000 people are now liv- thing and now we are here in
officials said. ing flight bans and asset where mediators negotiated ties between the two nations salute roaring.During over two On Tuesday, a fresh attack ing in improvised shelters, in Kibumba. We spend the night
The announcement from freezes, after its coup leader with the junta on the 18- as tensions rise in the region. hours of talks, Herzog urged carried out by the March 23 churches, schools or with in the church while others sleep
the bloc known as ECOWAS failed to organize elections month deadline for holding The UAE and Israel nor- more countries in the region Movement, or M23, targeted host families. outside, we have nothing to
came days after more than a within 18 months as promised. democratic elections. Mali’s malized relations in the fall to join in recognizing Israel a Congolese army position in On Friday, the AP inter- eat, no food, no water or
dozen mutinous soldiers went West African leaders met coup leader has said that of 2020, part of a series of U.S.- and condemned the recent the territory of Rutshuru, just viewed several eyewitnesses medicine.” Another person dis-
on state television in Burki- virtually Friday to discuss the won’t be met, citing security brokered diplomatic deals aerial attacks on Abu Dhabi north of the city of Goma in who fled to Kibumba and placed by the conflict, Sarah
na Faso to announce their mil- Burkina Faso coup, and a del- conditions, and has between Israel and Arab claimed by Yemen’s Houthi eastern Congo. While author- found shelter in a local church. Kasigwa, said she lost her
itary takeover of the country egation was expected to trav- announced a vote four years states that had long avoided rebels that marked a serious ities confirmed the attack, “The attack began in Nye- three children and husband
— that’s under siege from el to Ouagadougou in the from now instead. formal relations with Israel regional escalation. they did not provide details sisi, Ngungo, Kanombe. When amid the chaos.

Islamic State strikes from shadows in vulnerable Syria, Iraq

ASSOCIATED PRESS for months: Economic collapse, said, striking quickly and of neighboring civilians from cial, who spoke on condition mant networks throughout
BEIRUT, 30 JANUARY lack of governance and grow- mostly in the dark, creating the their homes. of anonymity to discuss secu- the region,” according to an
ing ethnic tensions in the aura of a stealth omnipresent It harkened back to a series rity information. analysis by the Soufan Group
With a spectacular jail break impoverished region are revers- force. He spoke on condition of jail breaks that fueled IS’s The group’s biggest oper- security consultancy.
in Syria and a deadly attack on ing counter-IS gains, allowing of anonymity out of fear for surge more than eight years ations are conducted by 7-10 Residents say the Islamic
an army barracks in Iraq, the the group to threaten parts of his safety. ago, when they overwhelmed militants, said Iraqi military State group is not collecting
Islamic State group was back its former so-called caliphate IS lost its last patch of ter- territory in Iraq and Syria. spokesman Maj. Gen. Yehia taxes or actively recruiting
in the headlines the past week, once again. ritory near Baghouz in east- Hours after the prison Rasool. people, indicating they are
a reminder of a war that for- One Syrian man said that ern Syria in March 2019. Since attack began, IS gunmen in Iraq He said he believes it is cur- not seeking to seize and con-
mally ended three years ago over the past few years, mili- that time, it largely went broke into a barracks in moun- rently impossible for IS to trol territory like they did in
but continues to be fought tants repeatedly carried out underground and waged a tains north of Baghdad, killed take over a village, let alone a 2014, when they became de-
mostly away from view. attacks in his town of Shuheil, low-level insurgency, includ- a guard and shot dead 11 sol- city. In the summer of 2014, facto rulers of an area that
The attacks were some of a former IS stronghold in east- ing roadside bombings, assas- diers as they slept. Iraqi forces collapsed and stretched across nearly a third
the boldest since the extrem- ern Syria’s Deir el-Zour sinations and hit-and-run was its most sophisticated Forces for a week. It was not It was part of a recent retreated when the militants of both Syria and Iraq.
ist group lost its last sliver of province. They hit members attacks mostly targeting secu- operation yet. clear how many militants uptick in attacks that have overran vast swathes of north- Instead, they exploit the
territory in 2019 with the help of the Kurdish-led security rity forces. In eastern Syria, the The militants stormed the managed to escape, and some stoked fears the group is also ern Iraq. security vacuum and lack of
of a U.S.-led international force or the local administra- militants carried out some prison aiming to break out remain holed up in the prison. gaining momentum in Iraq. On its online channel, governance and resort to
coalition, following a years-long tion — then vanished. 342 operations over the last thousands of comrades, some The fighting killed dozens An Iraqi intelligence source Aamaq, IS has been putting out intimidation and kidnappings.
war that left much of Iraq “We would think it is over year, many of them attacks on of whom simultaneously riot- and drew in the U.S.-led coali- said IS does not have the videos from the prison attack The resident of Shuheil in
and Syria in ruins. and they’re not coming back. Kurdish-led forces, accord- ed inside. The attackers allowed tion, which carried out same sources of financing as and glorifying its other oper- Deir el-Zour said they most-
Residents in both countries Then suddenly, everything ing to the Britain-based Syr- some inmates to escape, took airstrikes and deployed Amer- in the past and is incapable of ations in an intensified pro- ly operate at night, in flash
say the recent high-profile IS turns upside down again,” he ian Observatory for Human hostages, including child ican personnel in Bradley holding ground. “They are paganda campaign. The aim attacks on military posts or tar-
operations only confirmed said. Rights.The Jan. 20 prison break detainees, and battled the Fighting Vehicles to the scene. working as a very decentral- is to recruit new members geted killings carried out from
what they’ve known and feared They are “everywhere,” he in Syria’s Hassakeh region Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic The battle also drove thousands ized organization,” said the offi- and “reactivate quasi-dor- speeding motorcycles.

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RED EYE/Bill Yates & Mel Casson SUDOKU

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I wish to thank lawmakers and regional representatives
for the faith they have put in me.

Russia’s Lavrov: NATO wants Russia moves naval exercise that
rattled EU member Ireland
to ‘drag’ Ukraine into alliances
HONG KONG 22 15 H ASSOCIATED PRESS fishing activities”.
TOKYO 13 4 R BELARUS, 30 JANUARY The decision was a rare
LONDON 8 6 R concession amid the esca-
Russia says it will relocate naval lating tensions surrounding
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also challenged NATO’s claim to be a purely defensive structure
DUBAI 27 22 H
SAN FRANCISCO 11 7 R exercises off the coast of Ire- Russia’s massing of an esti-
NEW YORK 10 7 R land, after Dublin raised con- mated 100,000 troops near the
MOSCOW -5 -13 R ASSOCIATED PRESS they bombed Yugoslavia for after Russia annexed the cerns, amid a tense dispute border with Ukraine, and its
S= sunny, CL= clear, MOSCOW, 30 JANUARY almost three months, invad- Crimean Peninsula from with the West over the expan- demands that NATO promise
H=hazy, R= rainy... ed Libya, violating the U.N. Ukraine. sion of the NATO alliance never to allow Ukraine to

ussia’s foreign min- Security Council resolution, Russia is once again rattling and fears that Russia is prepar- join the alliance, stop the
THUMBNAILS ister claims that NATO and how they behaved in its saber amid rising tensions ing to invade Ukraine. deployment of NATO weapons
wants to pull Ukraine Afghanistan,” he said. over Ukraine, hinting that the The February 3-8 exercis- near Russian borders, and
into the alliance, amid The U.S. and NATO has for- U.S. refusal to heed its es were to be held 240km (150 roll back its forces from East-
escalating tensions over NATO mally rejected Russia’s demands could spur closer mil- miles) off southwestern Ire- ern Europe.
expansion and fears that Rus- demands about halting NATO itary cooperation with allies land – in international waters The US and NATO for-
sia is preparing to invade expansion, although Wash- in Latin America. In recent but within Ireland’s exclu- mally rejected those demands
Ukraine. ington outlined areas where days, several senior Russian sive economic zone. Ireland last week, although Wash-
In comments on state tele- discussions are possible, offer- officials have warned Moscow is a member of the 27-nation ington outlined areas where
vision Sunday, Foreign Min- ing hope that there could be could deploy troops or mili- European Union but not a discussions are possible, offer-
ister Sergey Lavrov also chal- a way to avoid war. tary assets to Cuba and member of NATO. ing hope there could be a way
lenged NATO’s claim to be a Russian President Vladimir Venezuela if the U.S. and Irish Foreign Minister to avoid war.
purely defensive structure. Putin has made no public NATO insist on meddling on Simon Coveney last week Russian President Vladimir
Russia’s massing of an esti- “At this time, they’re say- everyone understands that remarks about the Western Russia’s doorstep. objected to the war games, say- Putin has made no public
mated 100,000 troops near the ing that Russia threatens Ukraine is not ready and could response. Lavrov has said it U.S. National Security ing: “This isn’t a time to remarks about the Western
border with Ukraine has Ukraine — that’s completely make no contribution to leaves little chance for reach- Adviser Jake Sullivan quickly increase military activity and response.
brought increasingly strong ridiculous,” he was quoted as strengthening NATO securi- ing agreement, though he dismissed Russia’s tit-for-tat tension in the context of Foreign Minister Sergey
warnings from the West that saying by state news agency ty.”Ukraine has sought NATO also says Russia doesn’t want threats. On the heels of its mas- what’s happening with and in Lavrov said it leaves little
Moscow intends to invade. Tass. “We don’t want war and membership for years, but any war.U.S. Defense Secretary sive troop buildup on its bor- Ukraine. The fact that they are chance for reaching an agree-
Russia in turn demands that we don’t need it at all.” prospects of joining appear far Lloyd Austin said Friday that der with Ukraine, Russia’s choosing to do it on the west- ment, though he also says Rus-
NATO promise never to allow Russia has long resented off as the country struggles to Putin could use any portion ability to mobilize troops in ern borders, if you like, of the sia does not want war.
Ukraine to join the alliance, NATO’s granting member- find political stability and of his force to seize Ukrain- the Western Hemisphere, EU, off the Irish coast, is US defence chief Lloyd
Vines scaling the side of a and to stop the deployment ship to countries that were attack corruption. ian cities and “significant ter- thousands of miles away, is lim- something that in our view is Austin said on Friday that Putin
building are covered in of NATO weapons near Russ- once part of the Soviet Union Lavrov also underlined ritories” or to carry out “coer- ited at best, experts con- simply not welcome.” could use any portion of his
snow in Providence, on ian borders and roll back its or were in its sphere of influ- Russia’s contention that NATO cive acts or provocative polit- tend.But the leaders, although Russia’s embassy in Ireland force to seize Ukrainian cities
Sunday. � AP forces from Eastern Europe. ence as members of the War- expansion is a threat because ical acts” like the recognition expressing gratitude for Rus- on Saturday posted a letter on and “significant territories” or
The head of Russia’s Secu- saw Pact. it has engaged in offensive of breakaway territories inside sia’s conti nued aid, have so far
, Facebook from Ambassador to carry out “coercive acts or
16 died in NYC jails last rity Council, Nikolai Patrushev, NATO “has already come actions outside its member Ukraine.Two territories in remained silent on Ukraine — Yuriy Filatov saying the exer- provocative political acts”
year: At least 16 people on Sunday rejected Western close to Ukraine. They also countries. eastern Ukraine have been a sign they may be reluctant cises would be relocated out- such as the recognition of
died in New York's jails in warnings about a planned want to drag this country “It is difficult to call it under the control of Russia- to be drawn into another side of the Irish economic zone breakaway territories inside
2021, and most were invasion. there,” Lavrov said. “Although defensive. Do not forget that backed rebels since 2014, geopolitical tussle. ”with the aim not to hinder Ukraine.
awaiting trial and died on
Rikers Island, the notori-
ous 90-year-old warren of
cellblocks separated from
the city's mainland by the
Boris Johnson’s mounting trouble is treasure for satirists Trump dangles prospect of
East River, reports by
media read. Inmates were
found hanging from the
wine into the prime minister’s
residence, or drunkenly break-
ing a swing set belonging to
British TV shows like “Spit-
ting Image,” with its latex
puppet politicians, carried
should use. Every week some-
thing happens with Boris. No
cartoonist is going to die poor
pardons for 6 Jan defendants
ends of makeshift nooses A politician’s troubles are a Johnson’s toddler son. on the tradition in the late 20th thanks to the antics of Boris ASSOCIATED PRESS officers and sent lawmakers 6, 2021, following a “Stop the
or slumped from drug humorist’s treasures. One recent newspaper car- century. Johnson.” WASHINGTON, 30 JANUARY and congressional staff flee- Steal” rally by Trump near
overdoses. IANS The scandal-prone British toon captured the collision of These days, internet videos This, after all, is the errat- ing for their lives while trying the White House in which he
Prime Minister Boris Johnson tragedy and farce by depict- and memes have joined the ic politician who once mused Former President Donald to halt the peaceful transition falsely claimed Biden had
has given cartoonists and ing Johnson as the betrayed fun. about being “reincarnated as Trump is dangling the prospect of power and the certification won election through massive
Austria to ease Covid meme-makers unimaginable Roman ruler Julius Caesar, When Johnson became an olive,” who has offended of pardons for supporters of rival Joe Biden’s victory. voter fraud.As president Trump
restrictions in Feb: Austria riches for years, and with his stabbed in the back with prime minister in 2019, some everyone from the people of who participated in the dead- More than 700 people have used his pardon power to
has announced plans to hold on power now in jeop- corkscrews. feared he would be hard to Papua New Guinea to the cit- ly Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. been arrested and charged pardon or commute the sen-
relax Covid-19 restrictions ardy, their fortunes are only Martin Rowson, a political satirize because he was izens of Liverpool and who Capitol if he returns to the with federal crimes in con- tences of numerous political
in February despite high growing. cartoonist for The Guardian already a cartoonish figure, once got stuck midair on a White House. nection with the riot, marking allies, friends and associates,
infection numbers in Johnson and his staff are newspaper, says mockery is with his thatch of blonde zipline while waving two “If I run and if I win, we will the largest investigation in the including his former chief
recent days. Starting from facing civil and criminal inves- one of the trade-offs in demo- hair, rumpled clothes and Union Jacks. treat those people from Jan- Justice Department’s history. strategist, Steve Bannon; his
February 5, restaurants tigations into social gatherings cratic societies between gov- blustering manner.Steve One of the most popular uary 6th fairly,” Trump said Sat- The tally includes more than former campaign chair, Paul
and shops across the they hosted last year while the ernment and governed: “They Marchant, learning coordi- parodies of the “partygate” urday night during a rally in 150 people charged with assault- Manafort; his former nation-
country will be allowed to rest of the U.K. was hunker- have power and we have the nator at the Cartoon Muse- scandal is a video by the Conroe, Texas. “And if it requires ing police officers, more than al security adviser, Michael
open until midnight with ing down under coronavirus right to laugh at them.” um in London, says they protest group Led By Don- pardons, we will give them par- 50 charged with conspiracy, and Flynn; and a longtime friend
the lifting of the current restrictions. The episode rais- Britain has a long and needn’t have worried: John- keys that inserted Johnson dons because they are being charges of seditious conspir- and political ally, Roger Stone.
10 p.m. curfew, Chancellor es serious questions about proud tradition of political son is a gift for humorists. into the hit TV detective treated so unfairly.” acy against the founder and Trump has criticized the
Karl Nehammer told Johnson’s leadership and polit- satire. In the 18th century, car- “All you need to draw is an show “Line of Duty.” Through The offer represents an leader of the far-right Oath Democrat-led House for its
reporters here on Satur- ical accountability. toonists such as James Gillray egg with some straw on top digital cut-and-paste, John- attempt by Trump to further Keepers militia group, and 10 ongoing investigation of the
day. The move came amid But what gives it extra bite lampooned British politicians and you’ve got Boris before you son became a suspect being minimize the most significant other members or associates. riot.While his supporters over-
a recent surge in infec- — and gives humorists much and royalty with an irreverence even attempt to draw the grilled by the show’s anti-cor- attack on the seat of govern- More than 100 police offi- ran the Capitol on Jan. 6,
tions in Austria driven by to chew on — are the often — even viciousness — that face,” Marchant said. “And ruption police unit for hold- ment since the War of 1812. cers were injured, some crit- Trump ignored desperate
the highly contagious Omi- ludicrous details: political shocked many European vis- he is so — gaffe-prone is ing illegal parties during Participants smashed through ically, after Trump supporters pleas from allies to forceful-
cron variant. IANS aides hauling suitcases of itors. probably the polite term I lockdown. windows, assaulted police stormed the Capitol on Jan. ly disavow the attack.

Portugal picks new government After huge pandemic losses, governments see rapid rebound
ASSOCIATED PRESS stations to cast their vote. ASSOCIATED PRESS because services often are strain on governments during since posted big gains.
LISBON, 30 JANUARY President Marcelo Rebe- WASHINGTON, 30 JANUARY exempt from sales taxes, while the pandemic’s first year. When it passed a budget
lo de Sousa, in an election- goods are not. More than two-thirds of early in the pandemic, Cali-
Portuguese voters went to the eve address to the nation, State and local governments The pandemic relief law state and local governments fornia had expected the reces-
polls Sunday in an early urged people to vote, saying lost at least $117 billion of championed by Democrats reported at least some loss- sion to cause a $54 billion
election that looked set to it is “a way of saying that ... expected revenue early in the and signed by President Joe es, ranging from a few thou- deficit. That led officials to defer
produce another vulnera- nothing, and nobody, can pandemic, according to an Biden last March included sand dollars in some rural payments to schools and com-
ble minority government, silence our voice.” Associated Press analysis, but $350 billion in aid to states and counties to more than $12 bil- munity colleges and to reduce
just as the country is poised He said the coming years many are now awash in record local governments. The Trea- lion for the state of Texas, state employee pay, accord-
to start spending a huge would be marked by “leav- amounts of money, boosted sury Department required according to the AP’s analy- ing to the state’s Treasury
windfall of European Union ing behind a painful pan- partly by federal aid. states, counties and larger sis. The total was $117.5 bil- report.
funds. demic (and) an urgent In response to the dra- cities to file reports last year lion.The Treasury Depart- Now California is project-
That outcome would leave rebuilding of the economy.” matic turnaround, governors, detailing their initial plans ment last October declined an ing a nearly $46 billion surplus
Portugal back where it start- Miguel Morgado, a 49- lawmakers and local officials for the money. Those gov- AP request to release the rev- spurred by record tax collec-
ed two months ago, when year-old company manager have proposed a surge in Upland, a city of 79,000, was more than 900 cities that ernments also were asked to enue-loss data under the fed- tions, leaving officials search-
lawmakers rejected the voting in Lisbon, the capital, spending as well as a new wave representative of many cities reported their revenues to estimate their losses for 2020 eral Freedom of Information ing for ways to use the money.
minority Socialist govern- said he wasn’t worried by the of tax cuts. at the outset of the pandem- the department under the by comparing actual revenue Act, saying it would be pub- Gov. Gavin Newsom recent-
ment’s spending bill and the high coronavirus infection “The ultimate effect of the ic. It reported an estimated loss American Rescue Plan Act. to expected revenue under a licly available later. It recent- ly proposed a budget that
country’s president dissolved rate and hoped the country pandemic was a net posi- of nearly $6.1 million in 2020 Upland’s financial situation Treasury formula. ly posted the data on its web- would expand health cover-
parliament.The center-left would soon be back to nor- tive,” said Stephen Parker, — the result of a steep but turned around even before the Though revenue figures site. The next reports are due age to all low-income adults
Socialists and their main mal. assistant city manager for the short-lived national reces- end of 2020, Parker said. Fed- were left blank by nearly one- Monday for some govern- living in the state illegally
rivals, the center-right Social “Above all it is our civic Los Angeles suburb of Upland, sion and what Parker describes eral COVID-19 stimulus checks quarter of the roughly 3,700 ments and April 30 for others. while simultaneously cutting
Democratic Party, were in a duty to vote, the country where sales tax revenues are as a “generous” Treasury played a role. So did a shift in governments that filed reports, Some states, including Cal- taxes.
tight race, opinion polls sug- needs it,” he said. “No mat- soaring. “Isn’t that unbeliev- Department method for cal- consumer spending to goods the data nonetheless pro- ifornia and Texas, projected The Democratic governor
gested. ter what we believe in, we able? It’s just crazy to think of culating losses. That figure was instead of services. That lift- vides the most comprehensive large revenue losses at the out- also said a substantial tax
Those two parties tradi- must vote.” that.” the median amount among ed city revenues, Parker said, picture yet of the financial set of the pandemic but have rebate was likely in order.
tionally collect around 70% By midday, 23.3% of reg-
of the vote and have for istered voters had cast their
decades alternated in power
in Western Europe’s poorest
country.The landslide victory
needed to form a majority
ballot, up from 18.3% at the
same time of day at the last
election in 2019, official fig-
ures showed.
After the blizzard, the big chill as East Coast digs out
government, which can pass Since it came to power in ASSOCIATED PRESS in Massachusetts. It scoured zard if it has snowfall or blow-
most legislation despite 2015, the Socialist Party had WASHINGTON, 30 JANUARY the ground bare in some spots ing snow, as well as winds of
opposition in parliament, relied on the support of their and piled the snow into huge at least 35 mph (56 kph) that
is rare. Portugal has had just smaller allies in parliament Gusty winds and falling tem- drifts in others. Coastal towns reduce visibility to a quarter-
three majority governments — the Left Bloc and the Por- peratures plunged the East flooded, with wind and waves mile or less for at least three
in the past half-century. tuguese Communist Party — Coast into a deep freeze as peo- battering North Weymouth, hours. In many areas, Satur-
That means one of the two to ensure the annual state ple dig out after a powerful south of Boston, flooding day’s storm met those crite-
main parties likely will have budget had enough votes nor’easter dumped mounds streets with a slurry of frigid ria.
to for m parliamentar y to pass.But last November of snow, flooded coastlines and water, according to video Rhode Island, all of which
alliances by cutting deals their differences, especially knocked out power to tens of posted on social media. Other was under a blizzard warning,
with smaller parties.The over public health spending thousands. videos showed a street under- banned all nonemergency
stakes are high: Portugal, a and workers’ rights, were Dangerous wind chills fell water on Nantucket and waves road travel.
country of around 10.3 mil- insurmountable, leaving below zero in many locations crashing against the windows Hardy New Englanders
lion people, is poised to Socialist Prime Minister across the region on Sunday of a building in Plymouth. took the storm in stride.
begin deploying some 45 António Costa short of votes after the storm dumped snow Forecasters watched close- Dave McGillivray, race
billion euros ($50 billion) to pass his party’s plan. from Virginia to Maine. ly for new snowfall records, director for the Boston
of aid as a member of the EU Costa could seek to res- Philadelphia and NewYork had especially in Boston. The Marathon, jokingly invited
to help spur the economy urrect the left-of-center plenty of snow, but Massa- Boston area’s modern snow- the public to his suburban
after the COVID-19 pan- alliance, despite some acri- chusetts bore the brunt of fall record for a winter storm painful wind gusts. ably influenced the strength down power lines, and its Boston home on Saturday for
demic. monious exchanges during the storm, with the town of is 27.6 inches (70 centimeters), “It’s pretty intense with of the storm, atmospheric timing on a weekend, when a free snow-shoveling clinic.
Two-thirds of that sum is the election campaign. Sharon getting more than 30 set in 2003. the winds getting up to 70 miles researchers said. schools were closed and few “I will provide the driveway
intended for public projects, The Social Democrats, inches (76 centimeters) of The city tied its record for (112 kilometers) an hour. As Much warmer ocean waters people were commuting. and multiple walkways to
such as major infrastruc- meanwhile, may have to snow before the storm moved biggest single-day snowfall for the depth, it’s pretty deep “are certainly playing a role in Parts of 10 states were ensure your training is con-
ture, giving the next gov- deal with a surge in support out. on Saturday, with 23.6 inch- in spots with the wind and the the strengthening of the storm under blizzard warnings at ducted in the most lifelike sit-
ernment a financial bonan- for the Chega! (Enough!) The wind continued rag- es (60 centimeters), the Nation- snow drifts, but it’s pretty system and increased mois- some point: Maine, New uation,” he said.
za. The other third is to be populist party, whose poli- ing as over 100,000 lost power, al Weather Service said. nasty out and I definitely ture available for the storm,” Hampshire, Massachusetts, Washington and Baltimore
awarded to private compa- cies Social Democratic Party mostly in Massachusetts, Boston resident Jesse Ledin wouldn’t want to be driving. said University of Oklahoma Rhode Island, Connecticut, got some snow but were large-
nies.The ballot took place leader Rui Rio finds dis- hampering crews’ ability to owns a home-goods rental So it’s nice to be able to walk meteorology professor Jason New York and New Jersey, ly spared.
amid a surge in COVID-19 tasteful. work on overhead lines. No business startup. He was out through these huge snow- Furtado. “But it isn’t the only along with much of the Del- The worst of the nor’east-
cases blamed on the omicron The Social Democrats other states reported wide- walking his dog in the storm, drifts and in pretty tough thing.” marva Peninsula in Delaware, er was expected to blow by Sun-
variant, with about 1.2 mil- have also in the past joined spread outages. wearing ski goggles Saturday conditions,” Ledin said. The storm had two saving Maryland and Virginia. day morning into Canada,
lion people confined at home forces with the smaller Pop- Winds gusted as high as 83 as he navigated gingerly Climate change, particu- graces: Dry snow less capable The National Weather Ser- where several provinces were
but allowed to go to polling ular Party. mph (134 kph) on Cape Cod through huge snow drifts and larly the warming ocean, prob- of snapping trees and tearing vice considers a storm a bliz- under warnings.



A feeling of ‘unpeace’ PLUS POINTS
Padma awards
For the Act East
Policy to keep
ticking, public
diplomacy has to be
scaled up on several
Ten distinguished personalities, including
PRASENJIT BISWAS four women, from seven of the eight
North-eastern states were conferred

ssues that afflict India’s North- Padma Shri awards in different fields.
east aren’t few or far between. Shakuntala Choudhary of Assam was
They include, but are not limited awarded for social work while Lourembam
to, ownership of natural Bino Devi and Muktamani Devi, both from
resources like land, water and miner- Manipur, were recognised for their contri-
als; continuous imposition of the butions in art, and trade and industry,
Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, respectively. Badaplin War of Meghalaya
1958; othering of linguistic, cultural was recognised for literature and educa-
and religious minorities across all tion.
states; enforced statelessness, mob Choudhury, the 102-year-old Gandhi-
lynching, recent incidents of police an social worker from Kamrup, is popular-
violence and an overall distance with ly known as “Shankuntala Baideo” (in
the Centre. Border disputes between photo, sitting on red chair). Veteran
Meghalaya and Assam, with no easy applique textile artist Lourembam Bino
solution in sight, keep the pot boil- Devi, 77, is famous for preserving the Leeba
ing. Hoping for a settlement of the textile art of Manipur for more than five
Naga issue is another chilling decades while 49-year-old Muktamani
imbroglio for which no one seeming- Devi is an inspirational woman entrepre-
ly has a magic wand. neur exporting and popularising hand-
Some may call the North-east a crafted woollen shoes. War, 60, a scholar
kind of low-intensity conflict zone, and author, has been promoting Megha-
while others theorise that new poli- laya’s Khasi language globally.
cies have had a calming effect. Both South and South-east Asia. Further, the re-emergence of conflicts The re-emergence of insurgent own propaganda out of the incident Manipur’s 58-year-old doll-making
ways, burning issues continue to flare counter-insurgency operations between the state and non-state outfits among the Rohingyas of while acting as a benevolent big artist Konsam Ibomcha Singh, a resident
up alongside unresolved problems, against the United National Libera- insurgents. The most important dri- Myanmar, namely the Harakah al- brother at the same time. Once again, of Imphal East district, who is preserving a
each of which impact the region at a tion Front-People’s Liberation Army ving factor for “unpeace” is probably Yaqin or Arakan Rohingya Salvation the clouds of Chinese hegemony over more than a century old art form and
holistic level. of Manipur rebels also indicate some not just a stalemate in negotiations, Army, is another concern for the Indi- Arunachal Pradesh and its continuous Sikkim’s Khandu Wangchuk Bhutia, 62, an
One of the most critical ques- covert relationship between the Indi- but the absence of proper rehabilita- an security establishment. It’s a attempts to arm twist India on unre- eminent Tangkha painter specialising in
tions to consider is why governmental an and Myanmerese counter-insur- tion packages for former insurgents tightrope situation involving solved border issues have a direct traditional Buddhist paintings on cotton
efforts at resolving issues end up gency forces. The situation portrays who want to join the mainstream. Bangladesh, Myanmar and India, bearing on the insurgency situation in and silk, were also featured in art. Naga-
without any satisfactory closure. Is it multiple possibilities of the cycle of The financial liabilities involved none of whom can claim to have Myanmar, as many of the outfits draw land’s T Senka Ao, Assam’s Dhaneswar
because stakeholders never arrive at violence and counter-violence oscil- are also a major factor to twist a peace enough territorial control and opera- their diplomatic support indirectly Engti and Mizoram’s V L Nghaka, all
the right course of action? Seemingly, lating between the state and insur- deal on this side or that side. tional capability in relation to such from Chinese connections. They are authors of many books, have been con-
the scope of positive action by gov- gents, which does not augur well for “Unpeace” also marks a kind of statist guerrilla outfits with a footprint in covert connections that keep the bor- ferred the Padma Shri awards in literature
ernments is diminished by wrong stability in the region. restlessness as expressed by the South-east Asia. Recent moves by der situation precarious, which always and education.
turns of events. Negotiations between The internal dynamics of gover- aggravated use of force, as in the case major outfits like the UNLF, National carries the potential to cause some Ao, 76, has been preserving Nagaland’s
states on border issues end up in pro- nance also need to be balanced of Assam. Several police encounter Socialist Council of Nagaland, Ulfa disturbance in the North-east. Ao language through his writings for
nouncements without delivering on against geopolitical priorities. Politi- deaths are under scrutiny by the and others in close relation with some Policy making for the North-east decades while nonagenarian Nghaka, a
the ground. cal negotiations between the United National Human Rights Commission. of the ethnic groups of Myanmar must be far more sensitive and in Hindi author and translator from Aizawl,
On the Naga front, a framework Liberation Front of Assam-Indepen- Development narratives, espe- throws up a new challenge for the Act tune with the ground reality than it is is well-known for developing a Hindi-Mizo
agreement is in place, but it cannot dent and Assam government remain cially in Tripura, haven’t yielded the East Policy. India must distance itself now. The absence of a proper think dictionary. Karbi author and poet from
be implemented due to opposition nascent. Whether a Naga-style cease- desired output. The expansion of from antagonising such groups, who tank has kept the region out of a Karbi Anglong district, 66-year-old Engti
from Assam, Manipur and Arunachal fire could be arrived at as the next log- roads to Bangladesh for facilitating have a direct bearing on the North- coherently framed policy direction. has been working towards the preservation
Pradesh. Similarly, after the Mon fir- ical step in the negotiations with Ulfa trade routes to ports on the Bay of east, by not aligning itself too closely The fragile Chicken’s Neck area; build and advancement of indigenous lan-
ing of 4 December last year, while is a major concern. Bengal remains a distant dream. Bor- with the military junta in Myanmar. up across Doklam, and the presence guages.
much talk about the removal of Just as a ceasefire agreement der fencing in Meghalaya met an Further, Bangladesh’s not-so- of Chinese PLA across the border, Buddhist spiritual leader from
AF(SP)A had been in the air, the Act between Naga groups and the state obvious hurdle as an entire village successful efforts to create peace and along with insurgency within, create Arunachal Pradesh and former abbot of
was extended and the whole of Naga- gives rise to a more nuanced space called Lyngkhong in the East Khasi stability in relation to the Rohingya conditions for “unpeace”. the Tawang monastery, Guru Tulku Rin-
land declared a “disturbed area”. for political negotiations, in the same Hills fell on the other side of the inter- refugees remain a sticking point for The mere possession of offensive poche, 53, also got the Padma Shri award.
Meanwhile Meghalaya, Manipur way, some headway with Ulfa in rela- national border. It requires a negoti- India. Indo-Bangladeshi diplomatic capability on the Indian security
and Tripura have completed their tion to their demand for indepen- ated settlement with Dhaka, whose twists and turns are another area of forces’ part is not good enough to stall IANS

golden jubilees or 50 years of exis- dence could have further reduced the outcome would depend on the pre- concern that cannot be entirely man- the developing clouds of insecurity,
tence. That said, basic infrastructure,
modes of livelihoods and raising of
risk of ambushes and counter-insur-
gency operations. Especially, the
vailing diplomatic situation between
India and Bangladesh.
aged by trade and development
as they call for full-blast diplomacy
and foreign policy initiatives on many
Birds dead
income are still far less than satisfac- extension of AF(SP)A across the As part of the Act East Policy, the The “kidnapping” of an Indian fronts. Maintaining internal stability
tory. The accountability of elected region could have been avoided for road connecting Tamo with Mandalay national from Lungta Jor under the by avoiding community and religious
representatives also remains unsatis- facilitating more democratic political and beyond is a major concern. Siyungla area of Upper Siang district polarisation, combined with public
factory as there is no way that they moves bereft of any underground Direct links of Sittwe port and then to in Arunachal Pradesh on 19 January diplomacy and several Track Two ini-
can be made answerable. Vigilantes influences. Paletwa as part of the Kaladan Multi- by the Chinese Peoples’ Liberation tiatives, can keep the Act East Policy
and insurgents, therefore, exploit the With the Manipur Assembly elec- Modal Road Project are still incom- Army is another issue that has kept ticking. Obviously, all those require
situation by increasing their presence. tions around the corner, there are plete. The question is, therefore, the low-intensity border conflict proper research-based inputs, for
At times, the security situation risks galore when it comes to insur- could the development narrative act brewing. The subsequent return of which university and academia could
deteriorates. The recent confiscation gency. It also shows what political as a counterpoint to the security situ- the 17-year-old boy called Miram also be deployed in developing a larg- More than 100 migratory birds from Cali-
of explosives by the Indian Army that theorists have termed “unpeace”. It is ation in the North-east, which is inti- Taron will have ripple effects and er perspective. fornia in the United States have been found
was heading towards Myanmar not lack of peace, but a situation with mately connected to the immediate keep diplomats and Army comman- dead in Sukhsagar, a sprawling lake in
points to the geo-political signifi- an imminent possibility of the break- neighbourhood of Myanmar and ders busy on the ground. The writer is a philosopher and an Tripura’s Gomati district, forest officers said
independent political analyst based in
cance of the North-east as a route to down of civic peace, and especially, Bangladesh. China will successfully create its Shillong last Friday. The carcasses were found float-
ing on the lake, they said.
Gomati divisional forest officer

ANOTHER PRECIOUS LOSS Mahendra Singh and Udaipur sub-divi-

sional forest officer Kamal Bhowmik visited
the site on Thursday and collected one car-
cass for post-mortem examination. “An
A recent incident of rhino inquiry has been ordered and the carcass
sent to Agartala for autopsy,” Singh said.
poaching in the Kaziranga Another forest officer, on condition of
National Park and Tiger Reserve anonymity, said that poachers might have
poisoned the water body with pesticides,
of Assam has made the and the migratory birds, which have been
coming from California for the last decade,
authorities sit up and take notice might have died after consuming the water.
“The carcasses were found scattered across
NAVA THAKURIA said Pietersen on 19 January. the water body and it is very difficult to give
The South African-born British the exact count. It seems, however, that

he poaching of endangered celebrity responded to an item by a more than 100 birds have died. The reason
one-horned rhinoceros in newsweekly, which quoted Assam’s The female rhino's carcass
is yet to be ascertained but prima facie, it
Assam was once usual news, anti-rhino poaching task force chief seems that the birds died due to insecti-
which broke almost every G P Singh claiming on 15 January that areas of the forest reserve on the south cides,” officials said.
A family of one-horned rhinoceros in Kaziranga
month from various protected forest only one incident of poaching could with swamp deer in the background.
bank of the Brahmaputra. Moreover,
reserves. Time was when as many as take place till date since April 2021. drones will be used for surveillance PTI

27 rhinos were killed for their pre- The top state police official termed Chinese medicine requires horn pow- 50 million years and once roamed and 10 satellite phones will continue
cious horns during both 2013 and
the containment of poaching of rhi-
nos as a major achievement for the
der that is supposed to cure high
fever, stomach ailments and even
throughout Africa and Asia. At the
beginning of the 20th century, the
to be allowed to forest officials for bet-
ter communication, as the normal
For Arunachal
Slowly, that came down and by task force constituted by the govern- cancer. Taiwan, Thailand, South global rhino population was around mobile network is poor.
the end of 2021, the state government ment and he appreciated the team Korea, Vietnam and West Asia are 500,000 and now after 120 years, The police have also detained
in Dispur claimed that less than 20 work shown by the various district known to be huge markets for the 28,000 rhinos (including the two- one suspect in the latest poaching
rhinos were killed by poachers in the police forces. horns, where their use for medical horned ones) have survived. case and gained leads about the entire
last five years, where the year just Assam chief minister Himanta purposes and scientific research is Deforestation and land clearance gang. The operation to hunt down all
passed witnessed only one such inci- Biswa Sarma promptly responded to legal. But veterinarians argue that for human settlements have already of them is in progress and all the 233
dent. Pietersen on the digital platform on rhino horns comprise the same pro- wiped-out rhino populations in anti-poaching camps inside the park
That said, the new year has 19 January itself and thanked him for tein that constitutes the formation of Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pak- have been activated. Park director P
brought sad news for the state forest the acknowledgement. “Inspired by hair and it cannot have any such istan, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Sivakumar has echoed the govern-
authority as its officials recovered the our PM Narendra Modi, we’ve medicinal value. Vietnam. Statistics reveal that Assam, ment strategy for zero tolerance
decomposed carcass of a full-grown launched aggressive programmes to Last year, on 22 September which claims a success story for con- towards poachers, which is slated to Arunachal Pradesh governor B D Mishra
(around 30 years old) female rhino curb poaching. We’re proud to have (World Rhino Day), the Assam gov- serving two-thirds of the world’s sin- increase the rhino population to 3,000 dedicated the General Bipin Rawat Hall in
from Kaziranga National Park and burnt and destroyed a stockpile of ernment set 2,479 rhino horns -- con- gle-horned rhinos, has lately restrict- in Assam's forest reserves. Itanagar’s Raj Bhavan to the people of the
Tiger Reserve in the second half of rhino horns, largest ever in the world, fiscated from poachers and also ed incidents of rhino poaching with Nonetheless, sad news continues state on 26 January, in the presence of chief
this month. Killing of the rhino for its on World Rhino Day to send a stern extracted from the naturally or acci- strong protection and strict laws. to come from Kaziranga as it also wit- minister Pema Khandu and others, says a
horn was perhaps perpetrated some message to poachers and syndicate,” dentally dead ones over the last four In the last two decades, it came nessed reduction of the eastern report in the Arunachal Times.
days ago (probably in the first week tweeted Sarma. decades since 1980 -- on fire with an to its lowest during 2021. The two pre- swamp deer population probably for Interacting with General Rawat’s
of January) at the world-famous forest One-horned rhinos (also known aim to spread the message that they vious years witnessed only five inci- the annual flood that hits the United daughters Kritika and Tarini through the
reserve. as rhinoceros unicorns or great Indi- don’t have any aphrodisiac quality. dents of rhino poaching in Kaziranga Nations Educational, Scientific and virtual mode, the governor said, “Great
It was hence a matter of irony an rhinoceros) are recognised as vul- The pledge of the day was to drasti- and the other protected reserves of Cultural Organisation world heritage patriot, great strategist, a gallant soldier and
that well-known former cricketer and nerable by the International Union cally reduce incidents of rhino poach- Assam, where two rhinos were site. A recent census called the East- an outstanding general, General Rawat will
conservationist Kevin Pietersen for Conservation of Nature. India’s ing with government initiatives and poached in 2020 and three in 2019. It ern Swamp Deer Estimation 2022 always be remembered by the people of
appreciated the Prime Minister Wildlife Protection Act gives enor- full public support. With the first-of- was relatively larger in number during indicates that the vulnerable deer Arunachal Pradesh and will be an inspiring
Narendra mous power to rangers for protecting its-kind event to destroy rhino horns 2018 (six killed), followed by 2017 population has declined to 868 (it was figure for the present and future genera-
Modi-led Union government on the grass-eating pachyderm. Native on such a large scale, the forest and (seven), 2016 (12), 2015 (17), 2014 (27) found to be 907 in 2018). Otherwise, tions of the whole nation.”
reduction of incidents related to rhino to the Indian subcontinent, the rhi- environment department also and 2013 (27). the park continues to give shelter to Khandu said that, in honour of the late
poaching. “Bravo Narendra Modi and nos are being poached for their horns intended to send a strong message to The latest incident of poaching, 42,205 birds of different species General, the road from Walong to Kibithu,
bravo to all the men and women who which have a high demand in Asian poachers. however, has alarmed the government including ferruginous ducks. where General Rawat had rendered his
sacrifice their lives in protecting the countries. The same day, the International and it immediately took steps. The invaluable service as the commanding offi-
animals in India too. I’ve met lots of The horns are believed to have Rhino Foundation said that rhinos authority announced that comman- The writer is the Guwahati-based Special cer of his battalion, the 5/11 Gorkha Rifles,
them and I respect you immensely,” some medicinal value as traditional have walked the Earth for more than dos will be deployed in vulnerable Representative of The Statesman will be named after him.

Manchester United have started an investigation into allegations of
domestic violence against young forward Mason Greenwood. United
have been left stunned after Greenwood's girlfriend Harriet Robson
posted photographs and videos on social media of serious injuries
she claims the England star inflicted on her. United issued a statement
insisting they "did not condone violence of any kind" and said,
"We are aware of images and allegations circulating on social
media.We will not make any further comment until the facts
have been established."

For more updates Registration No.KOLRMS/55/2016-2018 MH/MR/South-67/2012-2014

CSK becomes country's first

'Young Nassiri has some way to go' Unicorn sports enterprise
CHENNAI, 30 JANUARY franchises being added to
STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE Khavazi, chuckled, saying: Significantly, among those the upcoming season at
KOLKATA, 3O JANUARY "Yes, that was in Bangalore, who have praised Kiyan quite Ahead of the 15th edition of record prices.
right? I do remember that. But, generously is Sisir Ghosh, the Indian Premier League The Sanjiv Goenka-led
An obviously happy but char- in those days, Mohun Bagan himself an ace marksman in (IPL), one of its most successful RPSG Group bought the Luc-
acteristically humble Jamhed would have had to change his day, going to the extent of franchises, Chennai Super know franchise (Lucknow
Nassiri today played down his their constitution to take us saying that the young boy's Kings (CSK), has become the Super Giants) for Rs 7,090
own role in the upward mobil- foreigners in. I remember feat would never be forgot- country's first sports Uni- crore, while CVC Capital
ity of his son, Kiyan (in photo), talking to such stalwarts as ten. "He came into his first corn with its market cap hav- acquired the rights for the
who had distinguished him- Sailen Manna, Dhiren Dey, PK Mohun Bagan-East Bengal ing touched a high of Rs Ahmedabad franchise for
self last evening with a triple Banerjee and Arun Ghosh match in its 60th minute with 7,600 crores and its share in 5,625 crore.
strike in Mohun Bagan's 3-1 and being told that Mohun his own team 0-1 in arrears the grey market trading in the N Srinivasan, the man-
victory against East Bengal in I hope he will. He's come up Bagan wouldn't be able to and went on to turn things Rs 210-225 price band. aging director of India
the Indian Super League. the usual, age-group way and make that alteration in a around spectacularly, winning The Mahendra Singh Cements and former presi-
"Yes, Kiyan did well," he was coached, among others, hurry." out 3-1," Ghosh, who had Dhoni-led CSK, which won dent of the Board of Control
told The Statesman, adding: by Shyamal Banerjee and Nassiri said that East Ben- played for India, Bengal and its fourth IPL title in Dubai for Cricket in India (BCCI) was
"I liked the way he pulled off Monojit Das, scoring goals and gal had had their chances too the Kolkata Maidan's domi- last year, now has a market quoted as saying on Friday
a cool finish, staying cool catching the eye." in Saturday evening's game nating duo, said today. "His cap more than its parent that, "Brand CSK will outgrow
when smelling an opportu- Reminded of 1985, when in Goa but could not make the achievement will never be for- entity, India Cements. On Brand India Cements. If you
nity, and also did his best try- he had himself netted East most of them. "If it's a big gotten." Friday, India Cements' mar- look at the history of franchise-
ing to help his team's back four Bengal's match-winner in match, you've got to seize on Kiyan, in the Mohun Bagan ket cap stood at Rs 6,869 based leagues in the US, it will
when they were under pres- their 1-0 triumph over Mohun your chances," he said, adding: bio bubble in Goa, was said crores. outgrow everything. Passion
sure. Time is always impor- Bagan in the Federation Cup "In our day, you weren't even to be quite uninfluenced by Two key reasons which for cricket is so much in
tant too. He came on as a sub- final, Nassiri, who had joined sure you'd get a few scoring the fuss around him. He said have led CSK's market cap to India. The road between
stitute and hit those goals the club five years earlier, opportunities. So if you got what his father told The States- go past its parent entity are countries will see franchise-
which made the difference. forming an Iranian trio with one and wasted it, you were man in the city: "This is just the team winning its fourth based leagues getting prece-
He has some way to go yet and Majid Bashkar and Mehmud letting your team down." the beginning." IPL title in Dubai, and two new dence as we go along." ANI

Nadal clinches historic 21st Krejcikova-Siniakova pair clinches

Australian Open women's doubles title
Grand Slam with Oz Open win
AGENCIES hand and dictate with his heavy Ad-Nadal, before eventually

The Czech Republic's pair of

MELBOURNE, 30 JANUARY topspin forehand. The sixth breaking back as they moved Barbora Krejcikova and Kate-
seed fired 67 winners, closed the to a tie-break. From 4/5, rina Siniakova clinched their

howing his trademark net effectively to shorten the Medvedev raised his level, set- fourth Grand Slam women's
big-match mentality, points and broke seven times ting up a set point with a drive doubles title as a team, defeat-
World No 5 Rafael Nadal to triumph, an volley winner, which he then ing Kazakhstan's Anna Danili-
on Sunday scripted his- report said. converted by guiding a back- na and Brazil's Beatriz Had-
tory after defeating Daniil Nadal now leads Medvedev hand pass down the line, lift- dad Maia in the Australian
Medvedev in a marathon Aus- 4-1 in their ATP Head2Head ing his arms in celebration. Open final here on Sunday.
tralian Open 2022 final to series, with this their second But Nadal showed everyone This was the No.1 seeds'
become the first man tennis meeting in a Grand Slam final. his fighting spirit at the start of maiden Australia Open title
player to win 21 Grand Slam titles, At the US Open in 2019, the third set. He crucially held and came after the Czech
here. Medvedev rallied from two- from 0/40 down at 2-3 before duo overcame a spirited chal-
Under the lights at Rod sets-to-love down before Nadal he turned the screw on lenge from the unseeded pair
Laver Arena, the legendary prevailed in the decider in a Medvedev with his brutal hit- of Danilina and Haddad Maia
Spaniard roared back from Flushing Meadows epic. ting to break. When serving 6-7(3), 6-4, 6-4.
two-sets-to-love down to over- In a fast start, Medvedev for the set, the Spaniard opened Siniakova, ranked world
come the Russian Medvedev 2- quickly found his range against his shoulders and fired three No.1, and Krejcikova, No.2 in
6, 6-7(5), 6-4, 6-4, 7-5 in an epic Nadal, forcing the Spaniard winners to clinch the set, roar- the doubles, had lost in the one step further in each of the Grand Slam final, according
five hours and 24 minutes final into errors as he showcased his ing in delight as he gained a final of the 2021 Australian last five editions of the Aus- to Maria
to win the Australian Open impressive defensive skills to stay foothold in the match. Open, falling to Belgian- tralian Open. They lost in Bueno won a total of 19 Grand
men singles trophy. in brutal rallies.The Russian read A pumped up and re-ener- Belarusian pair of Elise the round of 16 in their 2018 Slam titles between 1959 and
With his dramatic victory, the Nadal serve well, breaking gised Nadal continued to go on Mertens and Aryna Sabalen- debut, reached the 2019 quar- 1968 (seven singles, 11
Nadal claimed sole ownership the 35-year-old to love in back- the attack in the fourth set. He ka. terfinals, the 2020 semifi- women's doubles and one
of the record for the most men's wall and Federer. shone through as he began to to-back service games to pull fended off two break points at But the Czechs prevailed nals, and the 2021 final before mixed doubles), and Claudia
singles Grand Slam titles, mov- "It was one of the most hit through Medvedev with 5-2 ahead before holding to lead. the start of the set before he found this time around in an engross- their title this year. Monteiro reached the mixed
ing past Roger Federer and emotional matches of my more success in a brutal, heavy- In a mammoth second set the breakthrough on Medvedev's ing two-hour and 42-minute For Danilina and Haddad doubles final at 1982 Roland
Novak Djokovic who are both career," Nadal said during the hitting performance to table the that turned one way and then serve as he pulled theWorld No contest. Krejcikova and Sini- Maia, the defeat ended their Garros.
on 20 major crowns. trophy ceremony. turns. He rallied from 2-3, 0/40 the other, both were strong on 2 from corner to corner with his akova added to their two exceptional run. They had Danilina was ranked
The 35-year-old, who also In a high-quality and phys- on serve in the third set to return as they matched each brutal striking. French Open titles (2018 and paired up for the first time two No.100 in doubles coming into
clinched the trophy in Mel- ical match that ebbed and change the momentum of the other's intensity off the ground. Medvedev refused to go 2021) and their 2018 Wim- weeks ago and won the Syd- Sydney, but hit a career-high
bourne in 2009, has become just flowed, a pumped-up Nadal match and sealed his win on Nadal twice had a break advan- away, responding immediate- bledon title, which means ney title before making their of No.53 after that title, and
the second player in the Open showcased his fighting spirit to serve at the second time of tage, but was unable to put the ly when Nadal fired a forehand they only need to win the US first Grand Slam final in Mel- will leave the Australian Open
Era alongside Djokovic to win put water on a red-hot Medvedev asking in the decider. Russian away, with Medvedev long, but Nadal once again Open title for a career Grand bourne. The duo won the with a projected top-25 dou-
each of the four majors at least performance. TheWorld No 5 was aggres- recovering from 1-4 and then demonstrated his fighting spir- Slam. first nine matches of their part- bles ranking. Haddad Maia will
twice. He is also the third-old- With his back firmly against sive from the baseline through- 3-5. it, sealing his second consec- Tokyo Olympic Games nership. also reach a new career-high
est man in the Open Era to win the wall after the second set, out, demonstrating great foot- Medvedev saved a set point utive break with a deft backhand gold medallists Krejcikova Haddad Maia was the third doubles ranking, projected to
a Grand Slam title after Ken Rose- Nadal's champion mindset work to run around his back- on the Spaniard's serve at 3-5, pass crosscourt. and Siniakova have improved Brazilian woman to reach a crack the top-45.

Moeen helps England level Kohli lifted India to overseas success like Women's Ashes Test: One-off
T20I series against Windies no other captain had done, says Chappell match ends in a thrilling draw
INDO-ASIAN NEWS SERVICE Darcie before smoking Annabel
BRIDGETOWN (BARBADOS), SYDNEY, 30 JANUARY Nat reached her fifty and
30 JANUARY The one-offTest in the women's looked great till England lost
Former Australia cricketer Ashes ended in a thrilling draw their way sensationally. Annabel
A fine half-century and two cru- Ian Chappell feels Virat Kohli as England managed to survive had Nat caught while pulling
cial wickets by England stand- (in ani photo) lifted India to the last two overs with one wick- at square leg for 58, before
in skipper Moeen Ali helped the success in overseas conditions et in hand against Australia at returning in her next over to
tourists defeat theWest Indies which hadn't been achieved the Manuka Oval on Sunday. dismiss Amy Jones for four at
by 34 runs at the Kensington by any other captain before. The narrow draw meant that long-on. Alana King, in her
Oval to level the five-matchT20I He added that Kohli's big the women's Ashes is still alive debutTest, removed Sophia on
series 2-2 here on Sunday (IST). focus was administering a with a three-match ODI series 45 off 32 balls with Beth
The 34-year-old Moeen (63 craving for Test cricket. In still left to play. The match also Mooney taking a brilliant
off 28 balls), who is substitut- January, Kohli stepped down makes up for a strong case to catch at long-on.
ing for Eoin Morgan after the as Test captain just a day after havemorewomen'sTestmatch- Annabel returned to take out
regular captain suffered a low- India lost the three-match es in future, with the duration Katherine Brunt with an edge
grade quadriceps injury dur- played a strong hand in the mid- fell to Moeen for 40 (23), as did series 2-1 to South Africa. being extended to five days. behind to keeper Alyssa Healy
ing the third T20I, slammed dle overs, before the likes of Liam his partner Brandon King, who The 33-year-old finished After Australia declared at while Alana effected a run-
seven sixes, of which four were Livingstone (16) and Sam made 26 at less than a run-a- as India's most successful 216/7 to set England a target out of Anya Shrubsole and
consecutive strikes off the Billings complimented Moeen, ball. Spin was the key for Eng- Test captain, leading the side of 257 off 48 overs, the tourists then dismissed Charlie Dean
bowling of Jason Holder, help- as the team scored 59 runs in land as Adil Rashid (1/28) and in 68 Tests, winning 40, los- took on the challenge with toleaveEnglandninedownwith
ing the tourists post an impos- the final three overs. Liam Livingstone (1/18) joined ing 17 and drawing 11 match- aplomb.TammyBeaumont was 2.1 overs left. Sophie Ecclestone
ing 193/6. Moeen, at one stage 20 off their skipper, stifling in the es. quick off the blocks, hitting and Kate Cross batted out the
In reply, the hosts fell 34 runs 16 balls, unleashed in the late middle overs and preventing Under him, India clinched seven boundaries to get 36 off remaining balls to force a draw
short, with Moeen capping off flurry, hitting six of his sixes in a late fight-back. a historic Test series win over 42 balls before Rachael Haynes after England lost six wickets
a 'Player of the Match' perfor- the space of nine legal deliv- Jason Holder (36 off 24) Australia in 2018/19 and led achievement of Kohli as the ter. Kohli tended to get his way at cover plucked a catch out for 27 runs out of nowhere.
mance with two wickets, tak- eries he faced. After his dismissal provided resistance, but it 2-1 in England last year apart Test captain, Chappell when it came to selection of thin air to send the right-han- Earlier, Australia, resuming
ing the series to the decider. in the final over, Billings (13 not proved futile in a comfortable from becoming a top-ranked remarked, "One of Kohli's and some of his decisions in der back to the dressing room. from 12/2 on day four, saw Beth
The stand-in captain strode out from four deliveries), enjoyed win for England. Test side and reaching the final great achievements was instill- this area were a little ques- LaurenWinfield-Hill, sedate and Ellyse steady the ship.
out with England starting in a some late six-hitting of his Brief scores: of the ICC World Test Cham- ing in his team a craving for tionable but there's no doubt- till then, began to quicken up The duo put on a 91-run part-
sedate manner, building on the own to put the tourists' score England 193/6 in 20 overs pionship (WTC). Test cricket. Despite his all- ing his support of Pant was a in company of captain Heather nership and were aided by gen-
work of Jason Roy (52 off 42 balls), above par. (J Roy 52, J Vince 34, M Ali 63; "When Kohli took over encompassing success, Kohli's master stroke." Knight till Rachael took a catch erous drops (Beth at 40, Ell-
who gradually moved into his West Indies were unbeaten J Holder 3/44) beatWest Indies after the successful reign of major aim was to achieve Chappell signed off by at mid-wicket on Ellyse Perry's yse at 35) and mix-ups.Though
innings after adjusting to slow in the Powerplay and strong in 159/5 in 20 overs (B King 26, K MS Dhoni, there was one victory in the Test arena and saying that Kohli should be bowling to end her stay at 33. Ellyse was trapped lbw by
conditions. response, with Kyle Mayers Mayers 40, J Holder 36; Moeen major concern: would his this is where his passion real- appreciated from stepping At 94/2, Heather and Nat Sciv- Sophie on 41, Beth marched
JamesVince (34 off 26) also looking in strong form early. He Ali 2/28) by 34 runs. boundless enthusiasm cloud ly shone. There is no doubt that down as Test captain on his er joined forces for an aggres- on to reach her half-century
his judgement as leader? Kohli drove his men hard but own terms. sive stand full of boundaries before being trapped plumb
There's no doubt Kohli was it's also apparent they enjoyed "Kohli took the legacy of and strike rotation to get Eng- lbw by Charlie for her maid-
It was disappointing to lose Shubman Gill: KKR coach an exception as captain; he
didn't curb his enthusiasm but
competing and wanted suc-
Sourav Ganguly and Dhoni
and substantially built on it
land close towards the target.
With 104 needed off 17
en Test wicket.
Brief Scores:
KOLKATA, 30 JANUARY Gill played 58 matches for In a live session for KKR, he was still able to lead the The 78-year-old felt that in seven years at the helm. Per- overs, Australia brought a twist Australia 337/9 d in 104.1 overs
the KKR in the lucrative McCullum said, "You need Indian team to a higher level. Kohli backing up wicket- formance is another factor in in the match as Darcie Brown and 216/7 d in 64 overs (Beth
Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) League (IPL) before the two- to plan as you're going to lose "With the capable assis- keeper-batter Rishabh Pant ranking a captain and in his trapped Heather plumb in Mooney 63, Ellyse Perry 41;
chief coach Brendon McCul- time champions decided a lot of players. It was dis- tance of vice-captain Ajinkya to develop well in Test crick- Tests as captain, Kohli aver- front of the stumps. The cap- Katherine Brunt 3/24, Charlie
lum has admitted that it not to retain him. He was appointing to lose Shub- Rahane, he lifted India to et was a big plus too. aged a masterly 54. He also has tain went for the review but Dean 2/24) drew with England
was disappointing for the later picked by the new IPL man Gill. But that's the way overseas success like no other "Kohli has a number of to be commended for resign- replays showed ball hitting the 297 all out in 105.5 overs and
franchise to lose young and team -– Ahmedabad -- as life is sometimes and we will captain had done," wrote individual achievements in his ing at a time of his choosing. stumps. Sophia Dunkley played 245/9 in 48 overs (Nat Sciver
talented opener Shubman their third draft pick for Rs be well prepared for the Chappell in his column for resume, none bigger than Kohli got it right, though he a blinder of a knock to keep Eng- 58, Heather Knight 48; Annabel
Gill. 8 crore. upcoming auction." ANI ESPNCricinfo on Sunday. the development of Rishabh didn't go out having achieved land in the hunt for chase. She Sutherland 3/69, Alana King
Talking about the biggest Pant as a wicketkeeper and bat- his final ambition." hit back-to-back boundaries off 2/39).

Printed and published by SANDEEP KUMAR AGRAWAL on behalf of THE STATESMAN LTD and printed at The Statesman Printing Press, 6 Munshigunge Road, Kolkata 700023. Published from 4 Chowringhee Square, Kolkata 700001 * Editor: RAVINDRA KUMAR * Managing Editor: ARYA RUDRA (c) The Statesman Ltd., RNI No. WBENG/2708/57

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