New Media Audience and Gender Perspective: A Reception Analysis of Millenials Interpretation
New Media Audience and Gender Perspective: A Reception Analysis of Millenials Interpretation
New Media Audience and Gender Perspective: A Reception Analysis of Millenials Interpretation
New media audience and gender perspective: A reception analysis of millenials interpretation
The purpose of this study is to analyze audience interpretation of gender meaning in You Tube content. Jovi Adhiguna is a
beauty influencer who has a lot of beauty content on the YouTube and Instagram media. Jovi has been already well-known
name among young people in big city cities. He is a man who become a beauty influencer. In fact in Indonesia, male beauty
influencer is not a most welcomed profession rather than female influencer. One standard for measuring media audience uses
reception analysis. This analysis tries to give meaning to the understanding of media texts (print, electronic, Internet media) by
comprehending how public the media text characters read. The active role of audience in interpreting the premises of Stuart
Hall's Encoding / Decoding Model is the basis of reception analysis. Reception analysis is used as methodology in this
researach with focus group discussion as data collection technique. The results show that the formulation of the text meaning
in the video of Jovi Adhiguna's is mostly in the dominant position. It means that the suitability of meaning between the video
and audience in this case has high similarity meaning if compared to that in the negotiation and opposition.
1. Introduction videos that range from video clips to films and videos that
New media specifically refers to computer technology that YouTube users make themselves (Hu, Manikonda, &
emphasizes the form and cultural context that use hampKambati, 2014). Youtube is the only one website that
technology, such as in art, film, commerce, science and provides the most complete videos of event, music, clips,
above all Internet (Atkin, Hunt, & Lin, 2015) [2]. Digital news recordings and others. Youtube remains a group with
media is a trend to the freedom of technology itself as a Google. Therefore, when we have a Google Mail email
medium characteristic or digital technology reflection account, we can directly log into the youtube website and
(Workman, 2014) [30]. New media development actually use the space (place) that YouTube provide to save our
refers to change in media production process, distribution video collection. Moreover, the videos that we have saved
and use. New media cannot be separated from some key can be opened freely. Automatically other people can
terms, i.e. digitality, interactivity, hypertextuality, dispersal access, download and play these videos directly (streaming)
and virtuality (Thomas, 2011) [28]. In the digitality concept (Rauniar, Rawski, Yang, & Johnson, 2014) [25]. Youtube
all digital media processes are converted into numbers and was founded in February 2005 by 3 former Paypal
therefore, the output is in a kind of online sources, digital employees Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jewel Karim.
disks or memory drives. Otherwise, these will be changed Youtube has been accessible from 25 countries and
and received on a monitor screen or in the form of "hard available in 45 languages in 2010 (Drell, 2010). With the
copy". The interactivity concept refers to the opportunity ease of access and the spread of users, it is definitely
when text in new media can provide users to 'write back into undeniable that Youtube has a big influence in advertising
the text'. The concept of dispersal in new media definitely activities due to its promotion media. Many users promote
refers to the production process and media distribution personal works of some production results and self-art
becomes decentralized and highly individuated. New media skills, such as singing.
limits are often equate with digital media. These should
refer to the context and concept of contemporary culture
than media practice and a set of technologies itself
(medium) (Kotler, Kartajaya, & Setiawan, 2016) [17]. Social
media includes a variety of internet-based and virtual-
interactive applications whether these are sharing media
such as youtube or social networking sites such as facebook,
twitter, linkedln, askfm, path, and others (Kaplan &
Haenlein, 2012) [15]. The services that each application
provides differ and it makes each services superiority. In
general, however, services social media services cover
chatting, messaging, videos and photos sharing, posting
sharing, discussion forums, blogs, and others (Workman, Source:
2014) [30]. Youtube is a website that provides a variety of Fig 1: Social Media Mostly Used in Indonesia, 2019
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research
Vice is one of the journalistic media that focuses on young combination of various complex signs. In this matter, "a
people is actively posts its content on Youtube platform. preferred reading" has been determined but it remain
The portals the target audience is mostly for young people potential to be received in a way that differ from how it has
under 30 years of age and millenial generation. This media been sent previously (Rashid, Rahman, & Butt, 2017) 24][. In
focuses on contents that promotes new talent, art, and the reception studies, the preferred reading is interpreted as
hidden stories about diversity. Through its news coverage, the dominant meaning offered in the text. In the reception
VICE presents different news from other media. While other studies, as individuals analyze the media they will focus on
media present news as many as possible, VICE presents their experience and audience (readers), and how meaning is
news in depth. VICE presents news objectively and it does created through the experience (Briandana & Ibrahim, 2015)
not incorporate subjective opinions into news made with the . The most important theoretical concepts of the reception
perspective of young people. analysis is that the media text - audience / readers or
television programs - is not the meaning inherent in the
media text, but the meaning is created in its interaction
between the audience (readers) and the text. In other words,
meaning is created by watching or reading and processing
media texts. The objective of this research is to analyze
audience interpretation of gender meaning in sponsored You
Tube content.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research
texts according to their social and cultural positions. In other responsibilities, and behaviors formed by social, cultural
words, these are created when they watch or read and and customary values of social groups that can change
process the media texts (Pastina, 2005) [23]. The reception according to time and local condition (Melhern, Morrell, &
theory has the argument that contextual factors influence the Tandon, 2009) [20]. Gender is something that is done and
way of the audiences view or read media, such as films or displayed (Hafkin, 2002; Kang, 2012; Schafer & Thierry,
television programs. The contextual factors include 2015) [26]. According to Gauntlett (2003) [7], the concept of
elements of audience identity, audience perceptions of films gender is a trait inherent in men and women who are
or genres of television programs and production as well as socially and culturally constructed. The formation of
social, historical and political issues (Silverstone, 1994) [27]. differences in gender roles is because it is formed,
According to Stuart Hall, the research on audience has socialized, strengthened and constructed socially or
direct attention to analysis in the social and political context culturally through religious and state teachings. Although
in which the media content is produced (encoding), and the male gender relates to masculine gender and female gender
consumption of the media content in the context of daily life with feminine gender, the link between sex and gender is
(decoding) (Nightingale, 2003) [22]. "The reception analysis not an absolute correlation (Vehviläinen & Brunila, 2007)
focuses on individual attention in the mass communication . Differences in roles between men and women are the
process (decoding), i.e. in the process of meaning and deep causes of socio-cultural factors. Therefore, the gender roles
understanding of the media text, and how individuals are the results of social formation and these can change in
interpret media issues." This can mean that individuals different times, conditions and places and allow the roles of
actively interpret the media texts by giving the meaning to men and women to be exchanged (Hafkin, 2002) [11]. The
their understanding according to what they see in their daily viewpoint on how the role of the relationship between a man
lives. The decoding stages occur in the process of producing and a woman should be associated with cultural culture and
meaning and sharing with others. In the social context, the it is called gender role ideology (Alvares, Krijnen, & Van
media consumers tend to conceptualize media as a Bauwel, 2011) [1]. Ghadially believes that understanding sex
representation rather than as a source of information and gender gets influence from culture and language
(Morley, 2003) [21]. The use of the reception analysis theory (Ghadially, 2007) [8]. Therefore, gender can be defined as a
as the supporter in the research of audiences actually not belief in the individual self in choosing and living the role of
only wants to place audiences passively but also seen as a feminine and masculine roles conditioned by the social
cultural agent. It has its own power in terms of producing world (Melhern et al., 2009) [20]. The concept of androgyny
meaning from various discourses that media offers. The is the development of gender roles (Guastello & Guastello,
meaning in the media can be open or polysemic. Moreover, 2003) [10]. In this matter, the concept shows that masculine
public can respond it critically. self is integrated into feminine characteristics (Kark,
Waismel-Manor, & Shamir, 2012) [16]. Block argues that
2.3 Characteristics of Active Audience there is no feminine and masculine polarization because
It is considered that the audiences are active participants in both factors are independent and two separate dimensions.
constructing and interpreting the meaning of what they read, This allows individuals to have a score that is equally high
hear, and see according to the cultural context. Media in two individual characteristics, i.e. androgyny. An
content is understood as part of a process in which common androgynous individuals are those who have high masculine
sense is constructed through readings and it is obtained from and affective score in dealing with or overcoming different
images and language texts. Moreover, the meaning of media situations (McGregor & Tweed, 2001) [19]. Androgyny can
texts is not a transparent feature but the product of be recognized through psychological characteristics and
interpretation conducted by readers and audiences) style or appearance (Kark et al., 2012). Psychological
(Briandana, 2016). The active role of the audience in androgyny allows a person to be able to have two strong
interpreting media texts can be seen on the premises of gender roles of masculine and feminine and these can
Stuart Hall's encoding / decoding model and it is the basis of emerge simultaneously. According to McGregor & Tweed
the reception analysis. The media texts usually direct the (2001) [19], the androgyny style occurs when a man appears
meaning of the audiences in the desired direction. To know in a way like a woman.
the dominant meaning that the media offer, we can make the
internal structure analysis of the media texts (Briandana & 3. Methodology
Ibrahim, 2015) [4]. The audience may make alternative This research uses qualitative approach with the reception
readings and these can differ from the meanings that the analysis method. The reception analysis is a special section
media has offered. Usually, differences in meaning arise due for audience studies that make the in-depth examination of
to differences in social position and / or cultural experience the actual process in which media discourse is assimilated
between readers and media producers. Katz, Blumler, and through the practice of discourse and the culture of its
Gurevitch describe five basic elements or assumptions of audience. To analyze audience reception, the researchers
the uses and gravity theory approach (Morley, 2003) [21]. used Stuart Hall's Encoding / Decoding Theory. In this
The approach explaines a frame of mind about when and theory Stuart Hall states that the intended meanings and
how different audiences of the media become more active or meanings in a message can be different. The coding or
less active and what consequences will arise and can encoding and decoding we use is not always symmetrical in
increase or decrease audience involvement in media content. the degree of symmetry in this theory. It is intended as a
degree of understanding and misunderstanding in the
2.4 Gender and Androgyny exchange of messages in the communication process and it
According to Ministry of Women's Empowerment and depends on the equivalent relationship (whether it is
Child Protection, the definition of gender is the difference symmetric or not) and it is formed between the encoder and
between men and women in roles, functions, rights, decoder. Moreover, the position of the encoder and decoder
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research
if it is personified becomes message makers and message others to get. According to the informants, intimidation such
recipients (Livingstone, 1998) [18]. as labels and negative stigma still occurs in social
environment for the conditions experienced by the figure.
3.1 Primary Data The informants see that jovi's physical condition is not a
Primary data is data obtained from the first data source or disturbance or a negative thing in the social environment.
the first hand in the field. The way to get the primary data is The informant also gives freedom to people surrounding
to use the collection method as follows: Focus Group him. The researchers see that the informants are more open
Discussion (FGD) FGD can be simply defined as a minded to new things in the social environment. The
discussion conducted systematically and directed to a informants see that the negotiations that jove has carried out
particular issue or problem. The FGD is a process of are a kind of adaptation to social environment that cannot
systematically collecting data and information on a yet accept new things openly, such as differences in gender
particular problem through group discussions (Jankowski & expression. Moreover, according to the informants, the
Jensen, 2002). rejection of gender expression is common previously.
However, according to the informants as well, right now
4. Findings and Discussion many Indonesian people have considered that the conditions
Based on the research results that the researchers had carried experienced by the figure such as stigma and negative labels
out, the formulation of the text meaning in the video of Jovi is something common in the social environment. In the
Adhiguna's Guide to Looking Fabulous and Being Real is second category, the informants' meaning on gender
mostly in the dominant position. It means that the suitability expression, according to the informants, family is
of meaning between the video and audience in this case has considered to be an important role in the success of jovi's
high similarity meaning if compared to that in the figure. The informants see that jovi's family provides full
negotiation and opposition. Based on the research that the support for jovi's figure. According to the informants, it
researchers had conducted, most of the readings are remains rare for a family to accept the conditions
different. It is because there is any differences in the code experienced by the figure. The informants believe that if the
value delivered. The informants involved in this research condition occurs in the informants' family, they will do what
come from different semester levels in the university and jovi's family has done right now. Here it can be shown that
have psychology, social and cultural difference (Briandana, the informants who are in the dominant position have
Sofian, & Azmawati, 2018) [5]. It is intended to have accepted and have open minded to new things particularly
differences in a way of reading the video meaning. It is gender expression. The informants agree with the opinion of
likely that the difference in the reading position occurs jovi's figure in the video about who he is, and he does what
because each informant has a lot of knowledge and he wants, and he does not seek approval or attention from
experience. Subsequently these have an impact on social environment. According to the informants, it occurs
differences in the values they believe in. From the interview because it merely expresses himself and it does not seek
results that the researchers have had from the in-depth sensation or become an attention seeker. The researchers see
interviews these show that the audience's reception on the from the results of the FGD and in-depth interviews with the
video of Jovi Adhiguna's Guide to Looking Fabulous and informants that in this program the women informants have
Being Real interestingly interpreted by each informant. In a more open and tolerant viewpoint on gender issues if
the research, the meaning that researchers have captured compared to the men informants. This is shown from the
from the informants when watching the video of Jovi results of the dominant number in Table 4.2. The table
Adhiguna's Guide To Look Fabulous and Being Real is in shows that all women informants agree with jovi's figure
three categories, i.e.: and gender expressions contained in the video. Furthermore,
in the third category, i.e. the informants' meaning on the use
4.1 Dominant – Hegemonic Reading of original products, there are four informants who are in the
The first reading position, i.e. the dominant-hegemonic dominant hegemonic position, i.e. Ananda Alifa, Livia
reading, is a position where the readers are in line with the Galuh, M Ikbal and Hasan. The informants agree that the
program codes that contain values, attitudes, beliefs, and original products are the best product without any
assumptions. These totally accept the meaning offered and consideration. The informants have the viewpoint that using
desired by the program makers. Therefore, audiences in this original informant products is free from all the bad risks.
position have the same belief in the message or meaning They believe that the original products have advantages in
created by the text producers.In the first category, the all aspects, both in terms of durability and product quality.
informants' meaning to jovi's figure is divided into four However, all informants agree to use the original products if
informants in the dominant position, and the informants 2 the products are a kind of beauty or health products. The
and the informant 6 are in the opposite positions. The researchers see that all informants receive the video
informants who are in the hegemonic dominant position are message if the use of fake beauty products could endanger
the informant 1, the informant 3, the informant 4 and the health and have a negative impact on users. However, there
informant 5. Here it can be seen that there is only one male are also some informants who consider that using original
informant in the hegemonic dominant position. They have products are a form of prestige in society. It can be
interpreted the video of Jovi Adhiguna's Guide to Looking concluded that the messages conveyed by this video is
Fabulous and Being Real as real as possible. It does not delivered well enough so that all informants can accept and
input negative considerations about the video and does not are in line with the program codes. These contain values,
feel disturbed about the video. Moreover, the informants attitudes, beliefs and assumptions that fully accept the
consider that what jovi's figure have carried out as a beauty meanings offered and desired by the program makers in the
vlogger is a fabulous thing and deserves appreciation. The use of original products. Therefore, audiences in this
informants also believe that the achievement is difficult for position have the same belief in the messages or meaning in
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research
the uses of original products made by the producers. as a disturbance or negative thing in social environment. He
believes that gender is limited to only two categories and
5. Negotiated Reading based on birth, i.e. man and woman. Therefore, the
The second reading position, i.e. negotiated reading, is a informant believes that a man should dress and behave as in
position where the readers within certain limits is in line general. The process of the oppositional meaning in gender
with the program codes and basically accepts the meaning issues raised in the video of Jovi Adhiguna's Guide to
offered by the program's producers. However, thethey Looking Fabulous and Being Real mostly comes from the
modify the codes in such a way and these reflect their informant Alfian. Many opinions and viewpoints disagree
personal position and interests. Decoding in the negotiated with the messages conveyed in the video contents. The
version contains a mixture of adaptive and oppositional informant still considers a kind of difference in gender
elements in various aspects of ideology, beliefs, and religion expression such as genderless or genderqueer issues. It is
they adhere. In the first category, informants' meaning on unnatural and cannot accept new things, particularly gender
jovi's figure, the informant Hasan Rosul includes the expression. He considers that the figure's appearance in the
negotiating position. In the video show of Jovi Adhiguna's video disturbs the audience because according to the
Guide to Looking Fabulous and Being Real, the informant informant, the figure in the video is an unnatural behavior
Hasan assumes that for a man who becomes a beauty and normal people in general should not do it. According to
vlogger as a legitimate figure to do as long as it does not the informant, normal people are people who behave
harm others. However, there is an ambiguous statement according to their gender identity and long-standing limits.
because the informant also thinks that it is not in accordance The informant believes that what jovi's figure have done is a
with religious law and conservative thinking. Here it can be kind of sensation and seeking attention from the
seen that there are certain considerations such as the surrounding environment. The informant's opinion differs
religious viewpoint so that the informant cannot only from the video's messages. Here it can see the informant's
accepts the entire messages conveyed by the video, and the consideration on gender expression. The informant states
researchers see that the informant is in the negotiating that it is not a natural thing but a deliberate thing to do to
position. In the second category, it is about the informants' seek attention from the surrounding environment. In the
meaning on gender expression. According to the informant, second category, the informant's meaning on gender
jovi's family give very good support to jovi's figure. expression has a viewpoint that disagrees with the video
According to informants, it is unsual tht a family accept the contents. The informant disagrees with the figure's
condition that the figure undergoes. Family is considered to statement and he assumes that the androgynous meaning is
be an important role in the success of the current figure. inherent in him. However, it is only a kind of unlimited
However, according to the informant, the figure is wrong if fashion sense. The informant believes that the androgynous
it is viewed from a religious viewpoint. Therefore, the identity attached to his body is a form of abnormality and it
informant supports on the importance of family, but is not normal. Moreover, the informant sees that it affects
different and uncommon gender expressions should be the psychology of the figure or changes his sexual
straightened out like a mn in general. And it is what a family orientation. The informant Alfian has opinion and it is
should do. It can be concluded that the informants support similar to the opinion of the informant Livia. Livia does not
what Jovi have done all this time as long as it does not harm believe that the opinion of jovi's figure in the video content.
anyone particularly the informants' family. The informants According to the informant, the appearance can influence
cannot make any tolerance if similar things occur between the users or reflect the contents of the wearer. Finally, the
the informants' family. Moreover, in the third category, i.e. informant Alfian occupies the opposition position when the
the informants' meaning on the use of original products, researchers ask his viewpoint on how social reactions and
there are two informants who are in this position, ie. Alfian responses to gender expression preferences which are
and Sarah. Both informants consider that it is important to generally stigma and negative labels. The informant
use the original products but only for certain types of considers that the stigma and negative labels are usually
products. There are factors that the informants to use obtained as jovi's figure. It is common due to the differences
original products. If according to the informants the type of the figure has made. According to the informant, the things
products have a bad and self-destructive effect when the that the figure has carried out are contrary to our eastern
non-original ones are used. Therefore, the informants will culture. Therefore, the informant considers that negative
choose to use the original products. For example, the labels and stigma that jovi's figure get are natural. The
informants believe in using original products for their researchers see from the informant's viewpoint that do not
beauty products. agree with the video contents, it can be said that the
informant Alfian is a person who still maintains the eastern
5.1 Oppositional Reading and conservative culture with new things.
The last reading position, i.e. the oppositional reading, is the
position where the readers are not in line with the program 6. Conclusion
codes and they reject the meaning or reading offered, and This research has important points in interpreting the media
then they determine the alternative frame themselves in text messages to public. Audience can understand the
interpreting the messages or meanings in the program. In messages presented by the text producers differently. This
this reading position, the audience rejects all the codes and research aims at knowing the selected meaning of the
meanings created by the text producers and then they make informants on interpersonal communication in Jovi
interpretations with their own thinking patterns.In the first Adhiguna's Video Guide to Looking Fabulous and Being
category, the informants' meaning to Jovi's figure, the Real. Based on the research results it can be concluded that:
informant Alfian is in the oppositional position. In this 1. The interpretation process of Jovi Adhiguna's Video
matter, the informant sees the physical condition of the jovi Guide to Looking Fabulous and Being Real that the
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