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A Capstone Project

Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Communication and Information Technology

University of Northern Philippines

Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology







This capstone project entitled “ALREX Driving School Online Booking System”

prepared and submitted by Mikaela A. Tano, Jerome A. Quitoras, Shaine R. Viloria and

Sean Y. Yadao, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology, has been examined and is recommended for Oral





Approved by the Panel of Examiners on Oral Examination with the grade of





Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.


Dean, College of Communication
and Information Technology

Date: ____________, 2023



The researches would like to extend their sincerest thanks and gratitude to the

following who helped in the successful completion of the study.

Mrs. Rosanne S. Agup, Dean of the College of Communication and Information

Technology for her encouragement in the completion of this study;

Mr. Fernandino S. Perilla, Chairman of the Defense Panel, for this constructive

critisms and suggestions;

Mr. Daryl V. Buen and Mr. Ferino Gem R. Madriaga, the Defense Panel

Members, for their suggestions in the improvement of this study;

Mrs. Honey Girl A. Avo, their thesis adviser who help in the revisions and editing

the manuscript;

Mr. Daryl V. Buen, their class adviser, for the guidance and concerns in the

completion of this study;

The faculty members or the College of Communication and Information

Technology for their guidance and support;

Mr. Ruben P. Marzan, Chief of Operation in ALREX Driving School, for his

accommodations and cooperation in sharing to them the necessary documents we needed

in gathering data;

To their parents, relatives, classmates, friends and special someone who have

been their inspirations;


To all those who in one way or another have found time to lead their helping hands

for the completion of this research work and;

Most of all to Heavenly Father, for the life, strength, courage, wisdom, and good

health He continuously gives.






I dedicated this little piece of achievements,

first of all to the Almighty Father who is the source of all knowledge and strength.

To my ever loving parents, who always there to support, guide

and encourage me to study well and to go further beyond everything.

To my source of motivations in life, my Lola Claudia.

To my loving and supportive siblings, Ate Che, Kuya Jem, Kuya Ron and Seb.

To all our relatives, especially Ate Doc. Mich who helped

and support me financially as well as in my study.

To my loving, caring and human diary best friends JMNR, my love one JSB.

To my fellow groupmates, Jerome, Shaine and Sean.

To all my professors, classmates, friends and all the people out there

that had been part and helped me throughout

my journey in college life.



This research is heartily and proudly dedicated to:

My loving parents,

Mr. Ronnie Quitoras and Mrs. Jingle Quitoras;

My brothers and sisters;

All my relatives, instructors, and classmates;

My groupmates, Sean, Sheyn and Mika;

My friends;

The person who always inspires me; and

Above all, our Father Almighty.



I dedicate to my groupmates who gave so much effort to finish this study.

To my parents, Saturnina Viloria and Emerito Viloria,

whom I've gained my strength while doing this thesis, as well as to my siblings.

To my friends and special some one, to my Instructor

and adviser of this thesis who extended their help amidst problems

while doing this study. And above all the Almighty God,

for showering me this blessing, for giving me strength,

wisdom, courage and patience and guidance

while doing this study.



This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to everyone

who had been a part of our success in this research.

To our beloved parents who have been the source of inspiration

and strength to face the challenges and to pursue this research.

To our relatives who supported us financially along the process.

To our instructors who never gave up to give us advices

to make our research the best it can be.

To my group mates who gave their best from the start until now.

And above all, we dedicate this research to our Almighty God

who made everything possible for us to accomplish our research.

We are lifting all the glory and praise to Him and

we owe Him all this success.



(1 double space)



Title Page ..................................................................................................................... i

Certification ................................................................................................................. ii

Approval Sheet ............................................................................................................. iii

Acknowledgment ......................................................................................................... iv

Dedication .................................................................................................................... v

List of Table ................................................................................................................. xii

List of Figures .............................................................................................................. xiv

Abstract ........................................................................................................................ xv



Introduction .......................................................................................... 1

Background of the Study ..................................................................... 5

Mission ................................................................................................. 6

Vision ................................................................................................... 6

Statement of Objectives ....................................................................... 10

Significance of the Study ..................................................................... 10

Scope and Delimitation ........................................................................ 11


Related Literature ................................................................................. 13


Operational Definition of Terms .......................................................... 31

Methodology ........................................................................................ 34


Results for Objective Number 1 .......................................................... 34

System Development using Agile Model ............................................. 35

The Developed System ......................................................................... 36

Evaluation of the Developed System ................................................... 50


Findings ................................................................................................

Conclusions ..........................................................................................

Recommendations ................................................................................

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 64


A Request Letter ...................................................................................... 68

B Survey Questionnaire ........................................................................... 69

C Evaluation Sheet .................................................................................. 67

D Gantt Chart ........................................................................................... 70

E User’s Manual ...................................................................................... 75

CURRICULUM VITAE ............................................................................................ 84



(1 double space)

Table No. Title Page

1 Title of Table 1 ........................................................................................ 39

2 Title of Table 2 ........................................................................................ 39

3 Title of Table 3 ........................................................................................ 40

4 Title of Table 4 ........................................................................................ 40

5 Title of Table 5 ........................................................................................ 54

6 Title of Table 6 ........................................................................................ 55

7 Title of Table 7 ........................................................................................ 56

8 Title of Table 8 ........................................................................................ 56

9 Title of Table 9 ........................................................................................ 57

10 Title of Table 10 ...................................................................................... 58



(1 double space)

Figure No. Title Page

1 Organizational Chart ............................................................................... 7

2 Research Locale ...................................................................................... 9

3 Software Development Life Cycle .......................................................... 36

4 Use Case Diagram ................................................................................... 75

5 Activity Diagram ................................................................................... 76

5 Entity-Relationship Diagram .................................................................. 79

6 Input Process Output .............................................................................. 51

7 Hierarchical Input Process Output .......................................................... 51




Driving School Online Booking System (Undergraduate Thesis). Bachelor of Science
in Information Technology. University of Northern Philippines, College of
Communication and Information Technology, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur.

Adviser: Honey Girl A. Avo, DIT

Online booking system is a web-based sytem that enables users to book online..

This study aimed to develop an Online online booking system for ALREX Driving School.
Specifically, this study aimed to determine the problems met in manual booking. The
researchers used the agile model as a methodology. The agile model has a six (6) phases:
Planning, Design, Develop, Test, Deploy, Review.

The implementation of the system would change and improve the manual process of
reservation and inventory.

Keywords: ALREX Driving School, web-based online booking system, Agile model.

Chapter I



Most companies are facing a critical phase of modernization. Presently, technology

is evolving fast and people rely on the simple touch and clicks on devices. The world of

systems can be discovered and understood by simply looking through screens and monitors

at the most convenient time possible.

Nowadays, as part of their daily routine, people update themselves to the recent

happenings in the community through different social media platforms and software

applications that always connect everyone whenever or wherever. Many students want to

save time to be able to run errands conveniently and quickly.

Having a web system is not merely an idea, but it should be swiftly implemented. Recently,

the researchers have decided to change their booking pattern from a manual to a web-based

system. It will help them manage the customers' booking easily and also to keep the

customers' data safer. With this online booking system, they will be able to give better

service to the customers.

When it comes to using technology to make life and work easier and more pleasant

in any way possible, it is thought of as our best friend. Despite the disadvantages

technology can give us, human beings are not bothered. Instead, we tend to create more

technological inventions and innovations that can satisfy our needs and even our

curiosities. The advancement of technology has had a significant impact on society. Before

the development of the most recent technologies, life was challenging and occupied far too

much of our time with routine tasks. Technologies, which are crucial to human life, offer

a wealth of opportunities. The latest technology has made it easier to access education,

booking, industry, transportation, and other services.

The status of technology in terms of technology and modernization appears to be

transforming society with digital technologies. The Philippines fell by seven (7) notches to

61st out of 64 in the 2022 edition of most technologically advanced countries (International

Magazine Global Finance, 2022). The report ranks a country’s technological strength

across four (4) metrics: internet users as a percentage of a country’s population, LTE users

as a percentage of the population, IMD World Competitiveness Centers Digital

competitiveness score and share of a country’s research and development spending on its

economic output. Among the Eleven (11) East and Southeast Asia countries included in

the report, the Philippines ranked second lowest, ahead only of Mongolia.

The usage of online platforms is increasing in the everyday life of most Filipinos.

For instance, when scheduling a driving lesson, most students use a phone call to reach a

driving school and reserve a slot for a lecture. This way of communication is difficult as

some information may be misunderstood and is time-consuming. Therefore, the

researchers made a Booking System for School Driving Online wherein it can accept

bookings made online. Through this system, driving school owners will also manage their

business easily, wherein booking details are on a single place schedule as well as payment

information, invoices, session and client information.

Today, young individuals should be responsible in their actions, especially in

driving, because driving a vehicle is a large responsibility. However, there are ways you

can ensure your safety and be worry free on the road. Traffic accidents statistics have

shown that more than 80% are mainly caused by human operational mistakes such as

inattention, misbehavior and distraction (Yang Xing ET AL, 2020). If only drivers received

proper training and road safety education, vehicular accidents would significantly be

reduced. Well-trained drivers can make the road safe for everyone. Aside from that, they

also make good value for business and organizations alike. Having up-to-date knowledge

of road safety can help prevent the dangers of the road and save business from damage and

liabilities. While you can’t stop a vehicular accident from happening, driving lessons can

make them less likely to happen. This is one main reasons why one wants to enroll in a

driving school.

Road accidents, as some drivers do not follow traffic laws and regulations. That is

why driving school is needed to reduce them. There are numerous cases where some young

people tend to forget the real deal about driving. The Land Transportation Office (LTO)

data from January to August 2022 showed that they responded to about 402 road crash

incidents, where 353 of the drivers involved tested positive for alcohol intoxication. These

incidents led to 15 deaths and 232 people sustaining physical injuries (INQUIRER.NET,

2022). The Department of Health tags road accidents as one of the leading causes of death

among children, overpowering other deadly diseases, including dengue. In fact, in Metro

Manila alone, about two children die daily due to road accidents. In relation to that,

according to the car accidents Philippines report from the Metro Manila Accident

Reporting and Analysis System, there were 394 fatalities (both adults and children) due to

road-related accidents in the Metro. In totality, there were 14,553 road accidents and

injuries involving passengers, drivers, and pedestrians. This gives us an average of 40


individuals per day. In fact, according to data released by the World Health Organization

(WHO), there were 1.35M lives taken due to road accidents in 2018.

Tolentino et al. (2021), stated that the online reservation system can give ease and

give convenience to the customer. According to Lenoir (2019), one of the main reasons

why these kinds of services that accept reservations should have an online reservation

system is because it is easily done. Basically, an online reservation system allows a

potential customer to book and pay for a service directly through a website. As early as

1964, IBM built PANAMAC for Pan American, which offered flight and hotel

reservations. Moreover, Omnify (2020), defines that people can manage bookings for their

service using an online reservation system as software. An online reservation system

enables all types of service organizations to accept bookings and appointments online and

easily manage their phone and in-person bookings, whether they operate a pool, fitness

centre, gym, yoga studio, concerts, or parks and recreation facilities. For all types of

organizations, online booking systems are improving both current and future bookings.

Today, operating a business is safer, simpler, and more affordable than ever.

On the other hand, Padua (2016), created an online reservation system which is

mainly used by Boracay Grand Vista Resort and Spa in the Philippines. It includes the

supervising of the schedule, reserving facilities and rooms, guest information and

confirmation of the guests if they are sure to reserve some rooms. Customers do not need

to create an account if they want to go to the resort or to make a reservation.

An online reservation system simply means that a person with access to the internet

can make a reservation within minutes anywhere. Today, an increasing number of

industries find themselves needing to employ internet services. For that reason, many

individuals find online reservations to be advantageous and helpful at a time when society

is experiencing a significant increase in the demand for, accessibility of, and development

of many commercial web-based applications.

This proposed system, Online Booking System, helps the customer easily book a

reservation suitable for their likes and needs. It enables the user or customer not to go to

the location to book a reservation. Instead, the customer would go to the website and make

a reservation as fast as possible. The system takes advantage, especially of those busy

people who cannot attend a meet-up with the business owner. The proposed system assists

the user until the end of the process. In addition, the system helps the owner and staff to

look at their available items before doing the booking.

This system is designed for a driving school to help them manage the information

of students and their enrolment in the school. It will also have a similar system for the car

instructions for their cars and timetable management. The main function of this application

is to manage the driving training schools’ resources. Driving School Online Booking

System is an online application which can be accessed throughout the organization and

outside the organization with proper login provided. The system can also be configured to

have a defined number of logins for every user as per their role in the company.

Background of the Study

ALREX Driving school is an LTO accredited driving school with four (4) branches

located at Batac Ilocos Norte, Candon Ilocos Sur, San Ildefonso Ilocos Sur and Quezon

City. ALREX caters to more or less Five Thousand (5,000) customers monthly.

This study was focused on creating an online booking system for ALREX Driving

School to provide assistance with transacting with customers and incoming students.

Business transactions and tasks were made possible online through the internet. Customers

will no longer move from their location and, with just a few clicks on their mobile devices,

it will be enough to get a schedule where and when they desire. And booking can now be

done conveniently nowadays to avoid the hassle of transportation and save a lot of time to

do their jobs or assignments.

Through an online booking system, both driving school and the customer are

benefited. As such, the researchers conducted a study on the development of online driving

schools to improve the manual system of ALREX Driving School. Through this system,

processes on reservations would speed up


A learning institution that produces good quality drivers where road safety is the



Educate drivers to follow the laws, rules and regulations governing the use of motor

vehicles as a means of land transport. Train and inculcate driver’s awareness of road safety

to reduce the risk if not eliminate road crash incidents.

Figure 1
Organizational Chart

The ALREX Driving School is headed by Efren A. Rafanan Sr. as the Chief

Executive officer. It is divided into two divisions which are the administrative and

Operations division. Operations is headed by Ruben P. Marzan followed by the driving

instructors, Romeo Acena, Frankie Q. Frio. From Batac branch, Joselito S. De Leon,

Geremiah Adarne, Jose C. Dela Cruz. From Candon Branch, Edison Labiano and Ishi

Glenn Belmonte. San Ildefonso branch, Paul Joseph Medina and Jaylord Retialo. Next is

the Chief Administrative Officer, Anne Lyn Marzan. Next is the Administrative Secretary,

Charlotte D. Rafanan. Officer – in – Charge, Ignacio Ayungac III followed by the IT

Admins, Rodel Mitra in San Ildefonso branch, Noel M. Bagaoisan Jr. in Batac branch and

Mark Clinton T. Abat in Cancdon Branch. Next are the Cashiers, April Rose Peralta in

Batac Branch and Ashley T. Mitra in Candon branch. Next are the messengers Efren R.

Rafanan and Albert Areola.


Figure 2

Research Locale

Statement of objectives

The study entitled ALREX Driving School Online Booking System was conducted to

develop an Online Booking System of ALREX Driving School that will enable them to

book driving students online in a convenient way.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following objectives:

1. To determine the problems encountered in manual booking in driving school along;

a. Students Record;

b. Booking; and

c. Receipt

2. Identify the functional and non-functional requirements of the proposed system.

3. Develop the Online Booking System of ALREX Driving School using Agile


4. Determine the level of usability of the proposed appointment system using ISO

25010 software quality evaluation tool with;

a. Function suitability

b. Performance Efficiency

c. Reliability

d. Security

e. Accessibility

f. Maintainability

Significance of the Study


This study aims to use the online booking system of ALREX Driving School. The owners

who will benefit by the automation of the system are the Driving School owner, and the



It is necessary to say that the owner is not very aware each time a booking transaction is



The customer can book online. They will just have to fill out the necessary information and

choose a course. And then they will wait for the confirmation that will be sent by the

Driving School through email.


This study helped the researcher to enhance their skills about programming that they can

use in their future. Also, they learned how to get their feet together with others and believe

in themselves.

Future Researcher.

This study helps future researchers, as it can serve as a basis for developing systems that

are related to Online Booking Systems.

Scope and Delimitation

The study aims to develop an Online Booking System for ALREX Driving School.

The system covers the processes involved in making online booking in the driving school

that deals with acquiring the clients' booking information. The company will have their

own website that is user-friendly wherein customers easily book a driving course.

This system is designed as an online web-based which can be accessed by any

device, either a computer, laptop, android phone, iPhone and any devices.

This booking system allows all the customers at ALREX driving school. This

system accepts customers located within San Ildefonso, Ilocos Sur. This study mainly

focused on the current online booking systems: accuracy, efficiency, convenience, and

improvement. The client can receive a confirmation through email. The mode of payment

is cash-based and through G-cash.

The system, however, does not require the user to register or log in. This will allow

the user to book easily without hassle and quickly access the reservation.

Chapter II


This chapter is about studies and literature that are related to the online system

where the proponents make use of different reading materials (such as thesis, articles, and

other web articles) that will help extend the knowledge of the proponents. These reading

materials will also guide the proponents to improve and develop their proposed system

more effectively.

Problems Encountered

Student Record

Nowadays, the event industry has played a vital role in our society. People have

come up with a lot of occasions for organizing events such as educational events, birthdays,

international conferences, company parties etc. However, in order to organize a good and

successful event, it requires a thorough and detailed planning process. It takes more effort

and physical space to keep track of paper documents, to find information and to keep details

secure. When mistakes are made or changes or corrections are needed, often a manual

transaction must be completely redone rather than just updated. With manual or partially

automated systems information often has to be written down and copied or entered more

than once. Systemization can reduce the amount of duplication of data entry. (Andrew,


In line of the research of Asenova (2018), you will have to rely on phone calls and

walk-ins only to make reservations without an online booking system. An online booking

platform is а necessity.

In comparison to an electronic system, a paper document is less secure. Misplaced

documents can quickly get into the wrong hands. The organization's secret or classified

information is unsafe. If you lose them somewhere, there is no chance of getting them back

(Kumar, 2017).

In the study of Breitmeyer (2015), Manual systems put pressure on people to be

correct in all details of their work at all times the problem being that people aren’t perfect,

however much each of us wishes we were. And it takes more effort and physical space to

keep track of paper documents, to find information and to keep details secure. When

mistakes are made or changes or corrections are needed, often a manual transaction must

be completely redone rather than just updated. With manual or partially automated systems

information often has to be written down and copied or entered more than once.

Systemization can reduce the amount of duplication of data entry.

In accordance with Breitmeyer (2018), the four advantages of a manual system are

inconsistency in data entry, room for errors, miskeying information, and considerable

ongoing staff training cost. The system depends on good individuals, reduced sharing of

information and customer services, time-consuming and costly to produce reports, lack of

security, and lastly, duplication of data entry.

Managing manually takes a lot of effort and time. It is difficult to handle each and

every document and store them safely. Transporting or carrying out documents at several

locations is just as important as security. It requires physical effort to handle and carry the

documents. However, it is far more difficult to make changes if they are using an IT tool

because they can travel with years' worth of data with just an eraser-sized pen.

Manual listing is also a problem of event services because it is hard to make changes

if the original copy was already destroyed and they did not make any copy of it. This

means the editing process is more time consuming and costly than if they were working

with digital copies.


Booking system is a systematic registration of information and transactions. It

contains the lists of all the records from customers for future use. It provides permanent

evidences and sources of records about the recorded transactions.

Online reservation system is a computerized system stores and distributes

information of a business and it assists business owners on improving marketing and sales

online. In addition, it increases processing of information, repetition important processes

and provides accurate results. This system also secures all the transactions for booking

which would result to customer’s satisfactions.

Medel (2015), stated that a manual information system does not use computerized

systems, whereas a computer-based information system does. In a manual system,

information would be recorded and stored in various formats, such as files. Data would be

stored on various computer programs such as databases, Word documents, and Excel in a

computer-based information system.

As stated by Canlas et al. (2015), in their unpublished material entitled "Online

Information and Reservation for MB Dream Resort and Function Hall”. The usage of

Internet websites and online reservation systems, which have so far dominated modern

information technology applications, gives competitors of the same establishment a


competitive advantage. But if just the websites have good design, the potential competitive

advantage might become a genuine advantage.

The primary advantage here is that, unlike a manual system they have to slave over to keep

up to date, reservation software is designed specifically to manage reservations for their

clients. In other words, it automates a lot of the things they’re doing by hand, things that

are taking up their time, and things that can really screw up their process if they make an

error. Using an online reservation system is an excellent way to reduce costs, improve user

experience, and speed up the processes, and with solutions getting easier and easier to use,

there are a few remaining reasons to continue avoiding using one of these systems.

Driving School in the Philippines

Under the agency’s new guidelines, student-drivers applying for either a

professional or non-professional license must complete a 15-hour theoretical driving

course and an eight-hour practical driving course from an LTO-accredited establishment.

According to Memorandum Circular No. 2019-2176, “Student-drivers permit shall only be

issued upon completion of a mandatory theoretical driving course to be conducted by LTO

or its duly accredited driving schools for at least 15 hours and shall be completed within

two years from the start of the course.” There are two different types of certificates: one

for the Theoretical Driving Course (TDC) and the other for the Practical Driving

Course (PDC). Either type must be electronically transmitted to the LTO-IT System upon

issuance. The TDC certificates will be required from applicants applying for new student-

driver permits, including foreigners as well as those with expired permits. Meanwhile,

PDC certificates will be required from individuals applying for a new driver’s license,

whether professional or non-professional, if their student-driver permits were issued from


August 3 onwards. To acquire these PDC certificates, license holders must complete at

least eight hours of practical driving lessons (Drei Laurel, 2020).

Marsman Drysdale Travel INC. (MDTI)

MDTI is one of the best travel and tours Company in the Philippines. MDTI was

established in 1975 due to lack of tourist industry here in the Philippines. Located in the

\Makati Business District as their head office, MDTI operates all over the country.

MDTI are served to give quality services and products to the customers. Keeping

their moral, professional, ethical standards in their operations, making great leadership in

the business travel industry and honesty as they could meet the customer needs. The system

will allow clients to look for the available services of the company with the use of online


MDTI reservation system is similar to the proposed system of the proponents in

terms of minimizing data redundancy, inconsistency on data in reservation, and reducing

paper works. Nowadays internet and computer have big parts in their daily lives because it

makes their work faster. The clients could also save their time and effort by booking online.

Hacienda Gracia Resort and Hotel

Lan – Based Reservation System for Hacienda Gracia Resort and Hotel. A resort is

a place used for relaxation or recreation, where visitors are being attracted to take their

holiday or vacation. It refers to places, towns or sometimes commercial establishments

operated by a single company. On the other hand, hotel is differentiated as an establishment

that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. Hacienda Gracia Resort and Hotels had

developed a system application to better serve resort or hotel guests because some hotels

and resorts are becoming fully automated while others are still striving for the similar

setting. It is a LAN-based Reservation with Billing system that improved its reservation

and billing system. The advent of new technology gave rise to easy and hassle-free

interaction between and among humans. This is why most hotels and resorts prefer to

employ computerization in their business (Lagman D., September 2018)

Boracay Grand Vista Resort and Spa

The Boracay Grand Vista Resort and Spa has an online reservation system. It

includes the supervising of schedule, reserving facilities and rooms, guest information and

confirmation of the guests if they are sure to reserve some rooms. Customers do not need

to create an account if they want to go to the resort or to make a reservation.

Similarities of the proposed system includes reserving of the facilities and rooms

in the resort. Unlike the proposed system, the customer is required to make an account in

order to make a reservation or cancel a reservation. Making an account will help the

company to make sure that the customer’s personal information is secured and the company

will be able to monitor the regular customers.

Hilton Cebu Resort and Spa

This hotel has an online reservation system that checks if the customer has an

existing reservation. The customer has a confirmation code to enter if they have already a

reservation in that hotel.

The proponents’ system also has a database which can check if the customer already

has an existing account. And making an account will help the customer to cancel or

reschedule their reservation easier.


Online Hotel Reservation System for the College of International Hospitality


According to Glenda Acorda Delizo and Mischelle Asi Esguerra (July 2013) this

study was to design and develop an online reservation system that will be used by the

faculty members and students of College of International Hospitality Management for

simulation purposes. With the system, the students will be able to experience the real

scenario for the jobs related to the hotel reservation and management. Online Hotel

Reservation for the College of International Hospitality Management serves as a tool for

the faculty members to teach their students the basic operations of hotel reservation. It also

serves as an aid for the students since the system will provide additional knowledge and

skills on how to operate an online hotel reservation system which is the trend on most hotel

businesses. For security purposes, the system required a username and password assigned

to each account. A system administrator monitored and supervised the creation of student

and client accounts.

Hotel CRS

According to Mathew (2013) hotel CRS stands for Hotel Central Reservation

System and is commonly used in resort and hotel industry. CRS is a computerized system

that revolves around storage and distribution of information concerning resorts, hotels and

host lodging facilities. CRS as a tool is used to reach global distribution system or GDS

along with internet distribution system from a single point system. Hotel managers use this

tool to manage their online sales and marketing avenues. Information includes room types,

room rates, conditions, inventories, plan rate architecture, reservation information,


graphical information in the form of video, pictures and detailed hotel information like

address, phone and fax numbers and geographical code information.

Booking and Management System for Driving Schools in Windhoek

According to Ndjoba Simon (2019), this study of the development of a web-based

appointment reservation and booking management system aimed in creating a single

application where Windhoek residents will be able to make reservations online in the

comfort of their homes with the driving schools which are located near them. Hence, the

importance of this system is to help users view and make appointments with driving

schools, help users see the locations where the driving school practice on google maps,

helps the users to view what type of car will be used and the prices and discounts the

different driving schools offer. The system will be able to add or delete driving schools and

specific driving schools can edit their profiles. The system will also help driving schools

manage their clients/customers.

TrainMe – A web-based management system for driving school

According to A.H.R.P. Mithrasena (2020), in a time when technology is quickly

accessible by everyone, the regular businesses are opting to undergo digital transformation

to vary the way they operate to deliver more value to the customer. Driving training school

is one of re industries that is noticeably improved with technology advancement,

Automation of the manual process manages the waste of human power and money by

utilizing the resources effectively. Most of the automated systems contain only the

registration and viewing of some records within the system. This study includes automated

scheduling, vehicle tracking, learning portal with an online payment facility with feature-

rich web-based system.


Cab Booking System

In line with Arundhati Dutta, Pallavi Sharma, Sayan Basu and Soumeet Basak

(2019) developed a system that increased efficiency and reduce the time and hassle of

customers trying to book cabs to their destinations. Cab Booking System is an e-commerce

venture that has the potentiality to generate huge revenue. The system is a web-based

mobile application where customer need to register and secure UserID. After credentials

were generated by the Cab Booking System, the user can book a ride where the fare from

the pick-up point to the destination point has been calculated based on the approved matrix.

The driver then can accept the booking of the customer and has the access to end the ride.

Payment may be in the form of cash or electronic transfer. The relevance of this system to

the current study is web-based application. As well as the information or data being

gathered that is stored in the systems database.

Development of an Online Reservation and Monitoring System for the use of TWC

Dormitory, Function Rooms and Vehicles

In accordance with Aries Glenn Montesines, ET AL (2017) entitled The

Development of an Online Reservation and Monitoring System for the Use of TWC

Dormitory, Function Rooms and Vehicles increased the efficiency and timeliness of

services and improve the business process of the TWC. The development of the System

involves studying the reservation, occupancy and use monitoring needs, current business

processes and systems design in place at the TWC, and develop a system that increases and

improves the business process of the organization. At the end of the study, the most

appropriate, efficient, and useful system should be in place for TWC to manage its

reservations, occupancy and usage of facilities. In conducting this action research, the

research team employed desk review and use of available secondary data, one-on-one

structured or semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and the direct

observation method. The sponsors, the systems designer and implementer, process owners,

and the users were consulted and involved in determining the system design. The data

content was analyzed, existing policies were reviewed, the results were contextualized

based on the stakeholders and gender, and SWOT and risk analysis were conducted over

the course of the study. The study found that there was a need to capture what the business

user needs to do and what the software needs to do to support the business user. In

designing the technical details and design of the system, some of the issues that surfaced

were the lack of technologies to provide better benchmarking for the process/system, the

lack of dedicated personnel to oversee the research and development of the system, and the

need for process owners to be more involved in developing the system, among others. In

conclusion, the critical factors needed to ensure the success of the TWC systems approach

are the presence of: drivers of reform from without and within the organization, an overall

vision and strategy, the ability to manage a project effectively, effective change

management, design, requisite competencies, and adequate funding and technological


Its relevance to the current study is the objective to improve efficiency, timeliness

of services and improve business processes.

Developing a Booking System

According to Juuso Kujanpaa (2015), the purpose of his study was to develop a

new browser-based online booking system for the Turku University Applied Sciences

Cisco Laboratory. The new system was needed because the current system was outdated

and system functionalities and user interface requirements needed to be updated. The

development for the new system was started with a new list of requirements from the

laboratory staff and taking into consideration the basic idea from the current system. The

objectives were to improve the usability and the security of the system. PHP5 and MySQ

were used as development tools for the server side development and Twitter Bootstrap

front-end framework including HTML, Javascipt and CSS for the browser side. Relevance

to the current study is that both concentrates on how to develop a booking system for a

specific situation and how to achieve the best results on front and back-end of the business.


Online Billing and Reservation System Waterville Island Resort

According to M.R. Condino, A.M. Cuevas, G. De Leon (March 2013), the mode of

payment of the system is through credit card where 50% deposit is required for every

reservation made. The informations are stored in the database that is why the system can

be used to retrieve data and display available rooms for reservations. The proposed system

is similar to Online Billing and Reservations System because it will also have database

where all information will be stored for security.

Evaluation of the proposed system using ISO 25010 Software Evaluation Tool

ISO 2510 (2011) The quality model is the cornerstone of a product quality

evaluation system. The quality model determines which quality characteristics will be

taken into account when evaluating the properties of a software product.

In this study, the researchers only used four (4) characteristics to evaluate the online

auction system. These are the Functional Sustainability, Performance Efficiency,

Reliability and Security.


Functional Sustainability refers on how well a product or system can provide

functions that meet the stated and implied needs. The sub-characteristics include

Functional Completeness, which refers to the set of functions covering all the specified

tasks and user objectives. Functional Correctness refers to how well a product or system

provides the correct results with the needed degree of precision.

Performance Efficiency refers to the characteristic represents the performance

relative to the number of resources used under stated conditions. This characteristic is

composed of the following sub characteristic; Time behavior process times and through

put rates of a system when performing its functions, Resource utilization used by a system

and Capacity to which the maximum limits of a system.

Reliability refers to how well a system component performs specified functions

under specified conditions. The sub-characteristics include Maturity, which refers to a

system component that can meet your needs for Reliability. A system that is functioning is

referred to as availability and accessible.

Security is the degree to which a system protects information and data so that

persons or other products or systems have the degree of data access appropriate to their

types and levels of authorization. The sub-characteristics include Confidentiality which

refers to ensuring that data are accessible only to those authorized to have access.

Booking and reservation system refers to the act of registering the names and other

information of customers. Computerization of booking system helps the owner and

employees’ complete tasks effectively.



This section defines terms and abbreviations used.

Admin. It refers to a person who will going to manage the system or organizing.

Compatibility. It is the ability of a system to exist together without trouble or conflict.

Computer. An electronic device used for performing high-speed arithmetic and logical


Data. Refers to the facts needed by the computer system in order to process and output

necessary information. It refers to the details that is from the suppliers, events, and clients.

Their information that will be used in reserving.

Database. A structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in

various ways.

Driving. Driving is the controlled operation and movement of a motor vehicle.

Driving School. Any establishment operated for the purpose of instructing persons to

operate a motor vehicle or for preparing any person for any examination for a Driver’s


ER Diagram. Diagrams that use Entity-Relationship model to design or describe database.

File. A collection of records that can be manipulated by people or machine.

Flowchart. A visual representation of how a process or system works using connecting

lines and a predetermined set of symbols.

IPO. Represents a system in three stages: input, process and output. Inputs are modeled as

consumables and efforts that are introduced to a system at the beginning stage of the


HIPO. (Hierarchical Input Process Output) is used to present the system's structure in a

graphical format, designers and managers may quickly comprehend it.

HTML. Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is the lingua franca for publishing hypertext

on the World Wide Web. It is a non-proprietary format based upon SGML and can be

created and processed by a wide range of tools, from simple plain text editors.

Information. Facts or knowledge obtained from investigation, study or instructions.

Internet. It is an interconnected system of networks that connects computers around the

world via the TCP/IP protocol.

ISO 25010:2011. It is a model composed of five characteristics (some of which are further

subdivided into sub characteristics) that relate to the outcome of interaction when a product

is used in a particular context of use. This system model is applicable to the complete

human-computer system, including both computer systems in use and software products in


Login. It refers to a username and password that allows a person to log in to a computer

system, network, mobile device, or user account.

Online. It is activated and ready for operation, capable of communicating with or being

controlled by a computer.

Online booking. An online booking system is a software solution that allows potential

guests to self-book and pay through your website. Is developed to manage the operational

of the reservation in matter of booking process and item management.

Online transactions. Is a payment method in which the transfer of fund or money happens

online over electronic fund transfer?


PHP. (An acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a programming language that

allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases.

Receipt. A written acknowledgement by a receiver of money, goods, etc., that payment or

delivery has been made. The act of receiving or fact of being received.

Record. Group of collected fields of information treated as a unit.

Reservation. This refers to an agreement to keep something for someone or for a specific


SQL. (Structured Query Language) is used to communicate with a database.

System. A complete installation including peripherals, such as disk drive, monitor and

printer which all the components are designed to work with each other. It refers to a set of

principle or procedures according to which something is done; an organized framework or


Technology. It refers to machinery and equipment developed from the application of

scientific knowledge.

Usability. It is how effectively, efficiently, and successfully a product or system may be

utilized to achieve specific goals.

Use Case. Diagrams that are most common type of system/software requirements for

newly produced software programs.

Website. It is a group of files that can be accessed via a web address, covering a specific

theme or subject, and are controlled by a specific individual or organization.



The researchers used developmental research design to conduct the study. The

function of a research design is to ensure that the evidence obtained enables you to

effectively address the research problem logically and as unambiguously as possible

(University of Southern California, 2022).

Developmental research is defined as the systematic study of designing,

developing, and evaluating instructional programs, processes, and products that must meet

internal consistency and effectiveness criteria (Richey, 2015). In determining the problems

encountered in the current system, the researchers conducted an assessment through survey

and interview.

The participants in this study consisted of five (5) clients from Driving School, four

(4) staff, and the owner of ALREX Driving School.

Develop an Online Booking through the Agile Model

In this study, the researcher utilized Agile Methodology. It is classical model used

in system development life cycle to create a system with a scrum method. Agile scrum

methodology is a project system that relies on incremental development. Each iteration

consists of two to four work sprint is to build the most important features first and come

out with a potentially deliverable product.

Agile is a process that allows a team to more efficiently manage a project by

breaking it down into several stages, each of which allows for consistent collaboration with

stakeholders to promote steady improvements at every stage. According to Jeff Sutherland

and his team at Easel Corporation created the Scrum process to be used in software

development processes by combining the concepts of the 1986 article with the concepts of

object-oriented development, empirical process control, iterative development and

incremental, software processes and productivity improvement, as well as the development

of complex and dynamic systems.

Agile methodology is adaptable, fast, flexible, and effective agile framework that

is designed to deliver value to the costumer throughout the development of the project. The

primary objective of scrum is to satisfy the costumer’s need trough an environment of

transparency in communication, collective responsibility and continuous progress. The

development starts from a general idea of what needs to be built, elaborating a list of

characteristics ordered by priority that the owner of the products want to obtain.

Agile Methodology use in developing the proposed system, Online Booking

System of ALREX Driving School. The researcher found that the Scrum Methodology is

based on a set of very defined practices and roles that must be involved during the software

development process. So, project managers should choose elements of the Scrum project

management methodology and other methods/tools together for the specific project. Since

Scrum is a more defined project management methodology in terms of tools and processes,

it is often easier to adopt from day one with less initial invention and customization.

Agile Methodology Phases

Figure 3.

The Agile Model in Figure 3 (Source: is used because it is

easy to understand and use. Every phrase contains a feedback path to its previous phase,

this is simple to make changes or any modifications at any phase, and this model is suitable

for large and complex projects.

Requirement Analysis

All possible requirements of the system to be developed were captured in this phase

and documented specification documents (Doll, 2011)

The owner and staff of ALREX Driving School were interviewed by the

researchers, who also acquired information about the operation of their existing system and

the services they provide to their students. Additionally, sample forms that are employed

in their services were acquired.



The requirements specification from the first phase is studied in this phase and

system design is prepared. System Design helps in specifying hardware and system

requirements and also helps defining the overall architecture of the system. (Doll, 2011)

Through the design of the system interface, the researcher began to incorporate the

needs and date obtained into their proposed system. Different software and system models

were applied. The researchers planned and searched for improved design, such as the

system’s color and theme. The researchers created a system that is simple for user to use

and understand. The design is supposed to be similar to ALREX Driving School.

A Functional Requirement (FR) describes the service that the software must

provide. It refers to a software system or a component of one. A function is nothing more

than the software system's inputs, behavior, and outputs. It can be a calculation, data

manipulation, business process, user interaction, or any other specific functionality that

defines the function of a system. (Martin, 2022)

Non-Functional Requirement (NFR) specifies a software system's quality attribute.

They evaluate the software system based on its responsiveness, usability, security,

portability, and other non-functional standards that are critical to its success. (Martin, 2022)


With inputs from the System Design, the system was first developed in small

programs called units which were integrated in the next phase. Each unit was developed

and tested for functionality which is referred to as Unit Testing. The programmers started

to work on the coding of the program, from the system interface design to the back end of

the program. (Doll, 2011).

The relational database management system SQL Server 2016 was utilized by the

researchers to add, remove and edit data in the database. The programmer made use of

Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, also known as and C# Windows, which isan

integrated development environment (IDE) for creating software for the Windows

operating system family as well as for creating websites, web apps and services.


All the units developed in the implementation were integrated into the system after

using of each unit. Post integration the entire system was tested for any faults and failures

(Doll, 2011).

The researchers will show the system to the defense panel’s chair and members

once it is complete. A few employees and staff members of ALREX Driving School will

also be shown the proposed method so they can test it and see if it works

When the system is ready, the researchers will present it to the chair and members

of the defense panel. The propose system will also be presented to some personnel and

staff of St. William's Institute Clinic to test and check if the system is working and if it met

the requirements set by them.

The system will be evaluated using ISO 25010 along accessibility which refers to

how well a product or system may be used with the most diverse set of features and

capabilities. Reliability which refers to how well a system, product, or component works

under certain situations. user-friendliness refers to system which describe as well designed

and easy to use. Usefulness refers to the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction with

which a product or system can be used to fulfill specific goals. Completeness refers to the

set of functions that encompasses all of the defined tasks and user goals and user error

protection refers to how successfully a system safeguards users from making mistakes.

ISO 25010 describes the models, which are made up of characteristics and sub-

characteristics, for both software product quality and software quality in use, as well as

practical advice on how to use the quality models. (Britton, 2021)

The following norm will be used to determine the mean rating of the system.

Table 1
Scale of Level Acceptability Test Result Interpretation

Numerical Range Descriptive Rating

5 Excellent
4 Very good
3 Good
2 Poor
1 Needs Improvement

Testing and Debugging

Testing and debugging using agile method come with many challenges which

involves experimenting and trying new ideas. It is easy to lose sight of the overall goal:

building and delivering high quality software. (Doll, 2011)


The researchers discovered a number of different of test methods, including testing

process, test automation, and limited manual and functionally testing. After integration,

developers will check for bugs and errors they may have run into. The system will be fix,

tested, and checked for remaining problems by the researchers once the procedure is

complete. When installed, it will be prepared.


Once the functional and non-functional testing is done, the product is ready for

deployment in the customer environment or release into the market. (Doll, 2011).

Following testing, the researchers will be prepared to deploy the system at the

ALREX Driving School, providing all the necessary technical support.


Maintenance is expected to deliver changes and maintain the quality of the system

in the customer environment. (Doll,2011)

In order to improve the system for a better version, the researchers would fix any

problems that could develop in the client environment after installation.


Chapter III


Online Booking System

One of the benefits of online booking system is that it allows customers to place

their booking to a time that is most convenient to them. If you think about it, customers are

much more likely to make a booking in the evening, as unlike when they are at work, they

will have more time to surf the internet at their leisure. Offer your customers an online

booking system that is always open for business and you stand the best chance at

significantly increasing your number of bookings.

Using online booking system will also help you to plan your resources more

effectively. For example, if you manage a business, the online booking system will be able

to tell you how many bookings you have and how many people you need to cater for. This

will make scheduling staff far easier, as you will be able to work out how many people you

need on that business. Better planning of resources will prevent time delays through staff

shortages and enable you keep your customers satisfied.

There are many ways a business can benefit from investing in an online booking

system. Not only will bespoke booking software increase their number of appointments

and help to generate a higher profit, but it will also help with scheduling, allowing for the

better planning of resources, with reduced admin costs.

The following system requirement, broken down as functional and non-functional

requirements, were formulated based on the analysis of the problems met in the developed

system. In order to identify and inform users about how our system will function, we

employ both functional and non-functional criteria. To better comprehend the functional

and non-functional requirements, the defined functionalities of our system and their

descriptions are listed below. The features that you will notice inside our system are those

that are specifically required and are listed below. The explanation provided by the head

of ISESA served as the researchers' starting point for potential scenarios that they

implemented throughout the interview. As a result, based on their indicated capstone

project, the researchers were able to determine the functions that they require to carry out

what is planned.

Table 2 presents the functional requirements and Table 4 shows the non-functional

requirements of the proposed system.

Table 2

Functional Requirements of the Developed System

Functional Requirements Description

Log in The user can access the system upon
logging in.

Sign up To create account as new user so that

the user can log in in the next

User Profile Collection of information

associated with user

Booking Registration Customers can register

through personal

Cancel Reservation The system must allow the

customers to cancel their

Date Availability The system must present all the dates

that are available.
Mail Confirmation The system must update the
customer about the reservations they

User-friendly Interface The system’s interface design is easy

to utilize.

Student Validation The admin needs to approve

student’s account to get an access to
the system.

Table 3
Non-functional Requirements of the Developed System

Non-functional Description
Functional Suitability A software development that is fit for
the needs and requirements of the
users. By means of the Functional
Suitability certification, software
development companies can prove
that their products meet the
requirements of their clients and
users, and in turn, clients have the
assurance that the website they
acquire are complete and correct

Performance Efficiency The system will be used to collect

more information and make
reservations for event services. It
measures how quickly users can
carry out the main tasks after seeing
the interface, how quickly they can
accomplish their goals, how users
return to the interface after a while
and begin working with it efficiently
right away, how frequently users
make mistakes, and whether the
design is pleasing to use.

Security The system will be invulnerable to

data breaches and will provide
security for the user's personal and
other sensitive information, as well
as transactions and prevent unknown
login attempts. It guarantees that
every set of information inside the
system will be safe from virus
attacks and unauthorized access.

Reliability This is the desired level of

performance rather than the
probability of failure. Reliability
relates to the overall operation of a
system, including its durability,
reliability and maintainability. A
system or component is reliable if it
performs perfectly when subjected to
the specified test conditions. A
system or component is not reliable
if its probability of failure exceeds
some acceptable level.
Accessibility The system must be available 24
hours a day with no band width
Maintainability System must alert when the system
suffers from a recoverable


In order to achieve the objectives of coming up with the Online Booking System of

ALREX Driving School, the investigation about the workability of the system is necessary

and need to be carried out. This will equip the researcher with the relevant materials and

knowledge on how to carry out the implementation. Its main functionalities are illustrated

in the Figure 2. Use Case Diagram, Figure 3. Entity Diagram, and Figure 4. Activity



Figure 4 Use Case Diagram


It provides a clear graphical representation of how different systems are connected

together. It shows how they are interacting and their overall function in the system. Thus,

allowing designers and planners to see what is going on behind the scenes. As user, you

need to log in or register first before choosing the courses and view the course you pick.

Then apply for booking, here you can choose your date and time, and you can also manage

your booking by cancelling or updating/adjusting. After this you need to wait for the

confirmation of your booking, and the final confirmation. As admin, he/she manage

courses and also can view the student conformation. Update and manage the instructor

availability, and manage the booking and inform the student or set reminders to the student.

After that construct the reciept as well as confirmation of the booking.



Figure 5. Activity Diagram (User / Student Sign up)


Figure 6. Activity Diagram (User / Student Register)


Figure 7. Activity Diagram (User/Student Log-in)


Figure 8. Activity Diagram (User/Student Registration for Booking)


Figure 9. Activity Diagram (Instructor Log-in)


Figure 10. Activity Diagram (Admin Log-in)


Figure 11. Activity Diagram (Admin Log-in for Instructor)



Figure 12. Entity Diagram

The entity relationship diagram (ERD) above shows the relationship of seven

(7) tables, the user can create bookings and set the schedule. The admin manages the

bookings with the instructor. The booking includes a receipt after the user finished

creating bookings.

ADMIN_ID {legal_character}
ADDRESS {legal character}
AGE {legal_number}
AMOUNT {legal_character}

COURSE {legal_character}
CONTACT NO. {legal_number}

DATE {legal number}

EMAIL {legal_character}{legal_number}

FIRSTNAME {legal_character}


LASTNAME {legal_character}
Legal_Character [a..z/A..Z/./,/-]

MIDDLENAME {legal_character}

PASSWORD {legal_character}{legal_number}

TIME current time

USERNAME {legal_character}+{legal_number}

Yyyy {legal_number}

{} – repetition of character and number
[] – choices are included in the data range

Data Structure with Sample Records

Table 5
Data Structure of user_tbl

Field Name Data Type Field Size

id Int 11
fname Text 50
mname Text 50
lname Text 50
suffix Text 50
province Text 50
town Text 50
barangay Text 50
phone Int 50
email Varchar 8
password Varchar 11
verify_token Int 50
verify_status bigint 2
isAdmin Int 2

Table 1a
Sample Record of user_tbl
id fname mname lname suffix


province town barangay phone email


password verify_token verify_status isAdmin


Table 2
Data Structure of ins_addinfo

Field Name Data Type Field Size

id Int 11
fname Text 50
lname Text 50
license Varchar 10
spec Text 50
monday Int 2
tuesday Int 2
wednesday Int 2
thursday Int 2
friday Int 2
saturday Int 2
sunday Int 2
active Int 2

Table 2a
Sample Record of Instructor
id fname lname license spec


monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday

saturday sunday active

Table 3
Data Structure of ins_accsched

Field Name Data Type Field Size

book_id Int 11
user_id Text 50
status Varchar 50
date_started Date 8
date_ended Date 8

Table 3a
Sample Record of ins_accsched

book_id user_id status date_started date_ended

Table 4
Data Structure of bookusers

Field Name Data Type Field Size

user_id Int 11
fname Text 50
mname Text 50
lname Text 50
suffix Text 50
province Text 50
town Text 50
barangay Text 50
phone Int 50
email Varchar 8
password Varchar 11
verify_token Int 50
verify_status Int 2

isAdmin Int 2

Table 4a
Sample Record of bookusers

user_id fname mname lname suffix


province town barangay phone email


password verify_token verify_status isAdmin

Table 5
Data Structure of bookdate

Field Name Data Type Field Size

id Int 11
date Date 8
time Time 10
bk_id Int 11
users_id Int 11
bcert blob 50

Table 6
Data Structure of Receipt

Field Name Data Type Field Size

Receipt_id Int 11
Ins_id Int 11
Bookusers_id Int 11
Bookdate_id Int 11

Table 6a
Sample Record of Receipt
Receipt_id Ins_id Bookusers_id Bookdate_id

Figure 13.
Input Process Output


A. Customer Information

1. ADD New Student

Student ADD
New Student
Information Student

2. UPDATE Student Information


UPDATE Updated
Student Student
Information Information


B. Booking Information

1. ADD New Booking

New Student
Booking ADD
Details Booking

2. UPDATE Booking

Information Booking

C. Course Information

Booking UPDATE
Information Booking

Figure 14
Hierarchical Input Process Output for Admin

Figure 14 shows the Hierarchical Input Process Output for Admin. The admin needs

to Register to access the system. The admin can access modules such as schedule, manage

course, manage Instructors, Receipt and Log out. In schedule, the admin can view schedule

and remind students for confirmed appointments. In manage corse, the admin can view

student information and set a reminder to students. The admin can also view available

instructors and add new instructor in manage instructor. Under the receipt module, the

admin can view print.


Figure 15
Hierarchical Input Process Output for Student

Figure 15 shows the Hierarchical Input Process Output for Student. The student

needs to register first before logging in to access the system. The student can access

modules such as schedule, book an appointment, receipt and log out. In schedule, the

student can view available schedule and add schedule for appointments. In book an

appointment, the student can view course, choose courses, and choose course and manage

booking. Under the receipt module, the student can view print.

Figure 16
Hierarchical Input Process Output for Instructor

Figure 16 shows the Hierarchical Input Process Output for Instructor. The instructor

needs log-in in to access the system. The instructor can access modules such as schedule.



Appendix A

Letter of Request

Appendix B

Interviewer’s Guide

Name: _______________________________
Position: _____________________________
Date of Interview: _____________________

1. What is/are the difficulties in registering or processing your documents for

driver's license?


2. Do you want to transact and give your details in the portal system for getting your
driver's license?


3. If there is a portal system for the registration and transaction for getting your
driver's license, what features can you recommend to upgrade the system?


4. How do you intend to measure the effectivity of the portal system? or Can you
identify the effectiveness of the portal system in getting your driver's license?


Appendix C

Evaluation Sheet


Part 1. Evaluator’s Profile

Name (optional) __________________________________________________________

Position: ________________________________________________________________

Part 2. Evaluator’s Perception on the Developed System

Direction: Please Evaluate the software material by using the given scale and placing a

checkmark ( √ ) under the corresponding numerical rating:

Complete the evaluation sheet using this rating scale:

Numerical Range Descriptive Rating

5 Excellent
4 Very good
3 Good
2 Poor
1 Needs Improvement

A. Functional Suitability
5 4 3 2 1
1. Functional Completeness - Degree to which the set of functions
covers all the specified tasks and user objectives.
2. Functional Correctness - Degree to which a product or system
provides the correct results with the needed degree of precision.

3. Functional Appropriateness - Degree to which the functions

facilitate the accomplishment of specified tasks and objectives.

B. Performance Efficiency
1. Time Behavior - Degree to which the response and processing times
and throughput rates of a product or system, when performing its
functions, meet requirements.

2. Resource Utilization - Degree to which the amounts and types of

resources used by a product or system, when performing its functions,
meet requirements
3. Capacity - Degree to which the maximum limits of a product or
system parameter meet requirements.

C. Reliability
1. Maturity - Degree to which a system, product or component meets
needs for reliability under normal operation.

2. Availability - Degree to which a system, product or component is

operational and accessible when required for use.
3. Fault Tolerance - Degree to which a system, product or component
operates as intended despite the presence of hardware or software
4. Recoverability - Degree to which, in the event of an interruption or
a failure, a product or system can recover the data directly affected and
re-establish the desired state of the system.

D. Security
1. Confidentiality - Degree to which a product or system ensures that
data are accessible only to those authorized to have access.

2. Integrity - Degree to which a system, product or component

prevents unauthorized access to, or modification of, computer
programs or data.
3. Non-Repudiation - Degree to which actions or events can be proven
to have taken place so that the events or actions cannot be repudiated
4. Accountability - Degree to which the actions of an entity can be
traced uniquely to the entity.

5. Authenticity - Degree to which the identity of a subject or resource

can be proved to be the one claimed.

Evaluator Comments/Suggestion:

Thank You Very Much!

Signature of Evaluator Date of Evaluation


Appendix D
Sample Form

Appendix E

Appendix F
Project Evaluation Review Technique Diagram

Appendix G

User’s Manual
User Interface Home Page

The user must log in first to enter the main page. If the user does not have an account

yet, click the sign up to make an account.


To Sign Up

1. Fill out the needed information.

Note: If there is a blank field, a warning message will be shown on that blank


2. Click to finish signing up.

3. The system will send an email verification to the email provided by the user.

After the user log in, the upper right part of the user interface shows the home,

courses, about and the user profile.

Courses Page

The Courses page is where the client can view the courses offered by the

ALREX Driving School.


About Page

The about page shows the location, branches and contact of the ALREX Driving


To Register for Booking

1. Click button to enter registration form.


1. To register for booking, choose the courses and drivisng lesson code to book.

2. Click to proceed next page.

Note: the registration will be cancelled by clicking button.

3. Select booking date and time of booking.


4. Click to finish the registration for booking.

Note: Click to go back previous form.

Edit Booking Information

1. Click to edit booking information.


Note: click to cancel pending book.

1. After editing the registration form, click button to update the edited

registration form.

Note: Click to cancel editing the registration form.




[email protected]

Date of Birth : November 8, 2000
Civil Status : Single
Parents : Romeo Robert J. Tano
Marilyn A. Tano

Technical Skills: Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

Personal Skills: Written and Verbal Communication Skills

Ability to work independently
Ability to Motivate

Primary : Lagatit Elementary School
Lagatit Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur
Year Graduate : 2013
Junior Highschool : Lussoc National High School
Lussoc, Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur
Year Graduate 2017
Senior Highschool : Lussoc National High School
Lussoc, Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur
Year Graduated : 2019

Tertiary : University of Northern Philippines

Tamag, Vigan City
Degree : Bachelor of Science in Information Technology



Job Opportunities in ICT and Digital Resume Writing

College of Communication and Information Technology
March 18, 2022

Personality Development
College of Communication and Information Technology
March 25, 2022

Big Data Analytics

College of Communication and Information Technology
March 25, 2022

Power App and Power Automate

College of Communication and Information Technology
April 07, 2022

Financial Literacy
College of Communication and Information Technology
April 22, 2022

Digital Graphics
College of Communication and Information Technology
April 22, 2022

Game Development Backend Database using AWS

AWS Siklab Pilipinas, CyberCraft.PH

Migrating Virtual Machines to AWS

AWS Silab Pilipinas,
May 12, 2022

2022 ICT Training Cum Research Presentation and Umak Virtual Tour
College of Communication and Information Technology
May 12-13, 2022

The Ability of a Computer to See

LORMA Colleges
May 17, 2022

Exploring Microsoft and its Competitive Advance

Navotas, Polythechnic Colleges
May 21, 2022

Introduction of Ruby Programming

Organized by Team UNI-BYTE
May 28, 2022

Data Analysis using Excel

Organized by DIGISAKSHAM
May 29, 2022

Transformation and Sustainability Acquisition of Information through

Innovative Research
Pateros Technological College
May 30, 2022

Blockchain Technology
College of Communication and Information Technology
June 08, 2022

Communication Skills, Basic-Technical Writing

College of Communication and Information Technology
June 08, 2022

Digital Transformation of Career Couching

College of Communication and Information Technology
June 08, 2022


[email protected]

Date of Birth : January 5, 2001
Civil Status : Single
Parents : Ronnie G. Quitoras
Jingle A. Quitoras

Technical Skills: Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

Personal Skills: Written and Verbal Communication Skills

Ability to Motivate
Ability to work independently

Primary : Calibungan Elementary School
Calibungan, Victoria, Tarlac
Year Graduate : 2013

Junior Highschool : Ilocos Sur National High School

Gomez St., Brgy. VII, Vigan City Ilocos Sur
Year Graduate 2017
Senior Highschool : Lyceum De Ylocos
Vigan Landmark Center, Jose Singson St,. Vigan
Year Graduated : 2019

Tertiary : University of Northern Philippines

Tamag, Vigan City
Degree : Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Scholarship : Vigan City Scholarship Program



Job Opportunities in ICT and Digital Resume Writing

College of Communication and Information Technology
March 18, 2022

Ethical Hacking Part 2

Upskill I.T. Workshop
March 19, 2022

Cloud.talks: Hosting Static Websites on a Cloud Storage

PWA Philippines
March 19, 2022

Personality Development
College of Communication and Information Technology
March 25, 2022

Big Data Analytics

College of Communication and Information Technology
March 25, 2022

Ethical Hacking Part 3

Upskill I.T. Workshop
March 26, 2022

Introduction to Progressive Apps

PWA Philippines
March 26, 2022

Information Security Awareness

DICT Region 3
March 30, 2022

How Important is Data Privacy

The Digital Defenders Cyber-Security IT Solutions
April 01, 2022

Power App and Power Automate

College of Communication and Information Technology
April 07, 2022

Building Serverless Data Lake in AWS

AWS Siklab Pilipinas
April 07, 2022

Ethichal Hacking Blockchain Part 1

Upskill I.T. Workshop
April 09, 2022

Financial Literacy
College of Communication and Information Technology
April 22, 2022

Digital Graphics
College of Communication and Information Technology
April 22, 2022

Basic Networking
Binangonan Catholic College
May 1, 2022

2022 ICT Training Cum Research Presentation and Umak Virtual Tour
College of Communication and Information Technology
May 12-13, 2022

Software Project Management

1st Information Technology Talks
May 18, 2022

Blockchain Technology
College of Communication and Information Technology
June 08, 2022

Communication Skills, Basic-Technical Writing

College of Communication and Information Technology
June 08, 2022

OMNIVERSE: Seeking New World

Polythecnic University of The Philippines
College of Business Administration
July 10, 2022


[email protected]

Date of Birth : July 21, 2001
Civil Status : Single
Parents : Emerito T. Villoria
Saturnina C. Viloria

Programming, Microsoft Office (MS Word,

Technical Skills: Excel, PowerPoint)
Personal Skills: Written and Verbal Communication Skills
Ability to Motivate
Ability to work independently

Primary : Magsingal South Central Elementary School
San Julian, Magsingal Ilocos Sur
Year Graduate : 2013

Junior Highschool : Magsingal National High School

San Clemente, Magsingal Ilocos Sur
Year Graduate 2017
Senior Highschool : Magsingal National High School
San Clemente, Magsingal Ilocos Sur
Year Graduated : 2019

Tertiary : University of Northern Philippines

Tamag, Vigan City
Degree : Bachelor of Science in Information Technology



Job Opportunities in ICT and Digital Resume Writing

College of Communication and Information Technology
March 18, 2022

Personality Development
College of Communication and Information Technology
March 25, 2022

Big Data Analytics

College of Communication and Information Technology
March 25, 2022

Power App and Power Automate

College of Communication and Information Technology
April 07, 2022

Financial Literacy
College of Communication and Information Technology
April 22, 2022

Digital Graphics
College of Communication and Information Technology
April 22, 2022

2022 ICT Training Cum Research Presentation and Umak Virtual Tour
College of Communication and Information Technology
May 12-13, 2022

The Ability of a Computer to See

LORMA Colleges
May 17, 2022

Exploring Microsoft and its Competitive Advance

Navotas, Polythechnic Colleges
May 21, 2022


[email protected]

Date of Birth : March 30, 2001
Civil Status : Single
Parents : Emeterio B. Yadao
Jocelyn Y. Yadao

Programming, Microsoft Office (MS Word,

Technical Skills: Excel, PowerPoint)

Personal Skills: Written and Verbal Communication Skills

Ability to Motivate
Ability to work independently

Primary : Dadalaquiten Elementary School
Dadalaquiten Sur, Sinait, Ilocos Sur
Year Graduate : 2013

Junior Highschool : Sinait National High School

Brgy. Ricudo, Sinait, Ilocos Sur
Year Graduate 2017
Senior Highschool : Sinait National High School
Brgy. Ricudo, Sinait, Ilocos Sur
Year Graduated : 2019

Tertiary : University of Northern Philippines

Tamag, Vigan City
Degree : Bachelor of Science in Information Technology



Job Opportunities in ICT and Digital Resume Writing

College of Communication and Information Technology
March 18, 2022

Predictive Cyber Threat Intelligence

I.T for Society & Network Security
May 21, 2022

2022 ICT Training Cum Research Presentation and Umak Virtual Tour
College of Communication and Information Technology
May 12-13, 2022

A Webinar on Powerup and Power Automate

College of Communication and Information Technology
April 07, 2022

Blockchain Technology
College of Communication and Information Technology
June 08, 2022

Career Coaching
College of Communication and Information Technology
June 17, 2022

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