Self-Esteem Across The Second Half of Life The Role of Socioeconomic Status, Physical

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von Soest, T., Wagner, J., Hansen, T., & Gerstorf, D. Self-esteem across the second half of life: The role of
socioeconomic status, physical health, social relationships, and personality factors. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology. doi:10.1037/pspp0000123
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Self-Esteem Across the Second Half of Life: The Role of Socioeconomic Status, Physical
Health, Social Relationships, and Personality Factors

Tilmann von Soest

University of Oslo and Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences

Jenny Wagner
Leibniz Institute for Science Education and Humboldt University

Thomas Hansen
Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences

Denis Gerstorf
Humboldt University

Author Note
Tilmann von Soest, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, and
Norwegian Social Research, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Oslo, Norway;
Jenny Wagner, Leibniz Institute for Science Education, Kiel, Germany, and Department of Psychology,
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; Thomas Hansen, Norwegian Social Research, Oslo and Akershus
University College of Applied Sciences, Oslo, Norway; Denis Gerstorf, Department of Psychology,
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.
Tilmann von Soest’s work on this project was facilitated by a longer-term stay at the Humboldt
University Berlin as a Visiting Scientist. The Norwegian Life Course, Ageing and Generation Study
(NorLAG) is financed by the Research Council of Norway (grant nos. 149564 and 168373); the Ministry
of Health and Care Services; the Ministry of Labour; the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social
Inclusion; the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development; Norwegian Social Research
(NOVA); and Statistics Norway. The NorLAG dataset is part of the ACCESS Life Course infrastructure
project funded by the National Financing Initiative for Research Infrastructure at the Research Council of
Norway (grant no. 195403) and by NOVA. The data are distributed by the Norwegian Centre for
Research Data. None of the aforementioned institutions are responsible for the current analyses and
interpretations of the data.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Tilmann von Soest, Department of
Psychology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1094 Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway.
E-mail: [email protected].


Self-esteem development across adulthood has been in the center of interest for some time now.

However, not much is known about factors that shape self-esteem and its development in the

second half of life and whether the factors differ with age and gender. To examine these

questions, this study uses two-wave data from the population-based NorLAG study in Norway (N

= 5,555; Mage = 58 years; 51% women) and combines self-report data on self-esteem and

personality with registry-based information on socioeconomic status (education, income,

unemployment), health problems (sick leave, lifetime history of disability), and social

relationships (cohabitating partner, lifetime history of divorce and widowhood). Results from

latent change score models revealed that self-esteem peaked at around age 50 and declined

thereafter. More importantly, lower socioeconomic status, not having a cohabitating partner,

unemployment, and disability were each uniquely associated with lower levels of self-esteem

and/or steeper declines in self-esteem over the five-year study period. Over and above registry-

based information, personality characteristics were relevant, with a more mature personality

being associated with higher self-esteem level. Emotionally stable participants also showed less

pronounced declines in self-esteem. Moreover, associations of disability and of emotional

stability with self-esteem level were weaker with advancing age. Among women, self-esteem

level was more strongly associated with emotional stability and less strongly with openness,

compared to men. Our findings demonstrate the utility of registry-based information and suggest

that physical health, social relationships, and personality factors are in manifold ways uniquely

associated with self-esteem and its development later in life.

Keywords: self-esteem, register data, old age, physical health, relationships


Self-Esteem Across the Second Half of Life: The Role of Socioeconomic Status, Physical Health,

Social Relationships, and Personality Factors

Self-esteem is defined as an individual’s general attitude towards or evaluation of the self

and reflects people’s beliefs about how worthy they are as a person (Blascovich & Tomaka,

1991; Rosenberg, Schooler, Schoenbach, & Rosenberg, 1995). The importance of self-esteem as

a fundamental psychological construct has been emphasized by research showing self-esteem to

predict future outcomes such as good physical and mental health, satisfaction in close

relationships, social support, and also labor force participation and economic prospects across

adulthood (Orth & Robins, 2014; Trzesniewski et al., 2006). It is thus of key importance to better

understand the conditions under which self-esteem thrives. However, little is known about factors

that shape self-esteem and its development across adulthood and whether these operate in age-

and gender-specific ways. This report moves one step further by making use of self-report and

register-based information that cover socioeconomic status (SES), health problems, social

relationships, and personality to examine antecedents and correlates of self-esteem across the

second half of life. Specifically, we use two-wave data from the population-based NorLAG study

in Norway (N = 5,555; Mage = 58 years at baseline; 51% women) and examine three sets of

questions. First, how does self-esteem change across adulthood and old age? Second, what are

the unique roles of current conditions and lifetime history of SES (education, income,

unemployment), health problems (sick leave, disability), and social relationships (cohabitating

partner, divorce, widowhood) as well as Big Five personality traits for level and development of

self-esteem across the second half of life? Third, does the relevance of these factors differ across

age and gender?

Self-Esteem and Its Development Across the Second Half of Life


Theoretical accounts in personality and developmental psychology, including social

investment perspectives (Roberts, Wood, & Smith, 2005) and lifespan developmental

perspectives (Baltes, Lindenberger, & Staudinger, 2006) emphasize the importance of social role

changes for personality development across the lifespan. In accordance with these perspectives, it

has been proposed that through young and middle adulthood people invest heavily in socially

rewarding roles in the areas of intimate relationships, family life, and work. These investments, in

turn, are said to result in more mature personality and gradual increases in self-esteem (Orth,

Maes, & Schmitt, 2015). However, in old age, reductions in social networks and compromised

health may undermine people’s self-esteem (Orth et al., 2015). Several large-scale longitudinal

studies have largely supported age trends of that kind, reporting self-esteem to peak in midlife at

around age 50, followed by a phase of mean-level decline (for an overview, see Orth & Robins,

2014). However, the research studies do not agree on the average size of the decline in old age.

Some studies have reported steep forms of decline; others have found that the rate of decline is

rather minor. For example, Orth and colleagues (Orth, Robins, & Widaman, 2012; Orth,

Trzesniewski, & Robins, 2010) have reported from two long-term longitudinal studies that mean

levels of self-esteem decrease by about two thirds of a standard deviation from age 60 onwards.

In contrast, in three further independent longitudinal studies Wagner and colleagues (Wagner,

Gerstorf, Hoppmann, & Luszcz, 2013; Wagner, Hoppmann, Ram, & Gerstorf, 2015; Wagner,

Lang, Neyer, & Wagner, 2014) have found modest rates of decline, amounting to no more than

one fifth of a standard deviation per 10 years. In the context of these conflicting findings, this

study examines mean-level change in self-esteem from midlife to old age using long-term

longitudinal data from a population-based national sample from a Northern European country.

Predictors of Level and Change in Self-Esteem


The second and primary aim of this study is to examine variables from a variety of

different life domains as predictors of level and change in self-esteem across the second part of

life. We draw from two broad theoretical perspectives to provide insights into factors that may

influence self-esteem. First, according to the intrapersonal perspective, as originally proposed by

William James (1890), global self-esteem is based on people’s own perceptions of how

adequately they perform in domains where they consider success to be important. People’s

resources, abilities, and competence in important areas of life are thus expected to shape self-

esteem. Second, the interpersonal perspective, dating back to Cooley’s (1902) and Mead’s (1934)

notions in the framework of symbolic interactionism, emphasizes the role of social influences in

shaping self-esteem. This perspective largely considers self-esteem to be a result of

internalizations of others’ perceptions and evaluations of oneself. A prominent contemporary

variant of the interpersonal perspective is sociometer theory, which proposes that the major

function of self-esteem is to monitor threats of social exclusion (Leary, Tambor, Terdal, &

Downs, 1995).

Both perspectives provide important predictions about factors that may influence self-

esteem: The intrapersonal perspective’s focus on a person’s own abilities and resources would

predict that factors related to high SES, such as wealth, education, and high status occupations

are sources of self-esteem in adults. Good physical health would also be considered to be an

important individual resource relevant for self-esteem and its development. Likewise, the

intrapersonal perspective predicts that basic personality traits that promote one’s own status may

be of importance.

The interpersonal perspective and sociometer hypothesis would predict that factors

determining social integration influence self-esteem. Social relations and particularly close social

ties, such as those with one’s spouse, would then be of importance for self-esteem. Also for this

perspective, SES and physical health may be of importance, because low SES and health

problems may lead to social marginalization. Moreover, personality traits facilitating the

establishment and maintenance of close social ties are relevant for the interpersonal perspective.

In summary, the two broad conceptual perspectives predict that a variety of demographic,

health, and psychosocial factors are important sources of self-esteem. Despite differences in

fundamental assumptions underlying the two perspectives, their predictions are complementary

rather than competing. This study explores a comprehensive number of factors considered by the

two perspectives to influence self-esteem. The factors include indicators of SES (education,

income, unemployment), physical health (sick leave, disability), social ties (cohabitating partner,

divorce, widowhood), and measures of broad personality characteristics. A more detailed account

of the predictions of the two perspectives and previous research on predictors of self-esteem is

presented in the following.

Socioeconomic status. Following the intrapersonal perspective, SES is an evident

candidate as a source of self-esteem, because factors such as high education, high income, and

high status occupations are generally highly valued in Western societies. Moreover, low SES

may lead to social marginalization and may therefore be important for self-esteem according to

the interpersonal perspective. A meta-analysis (Twenge & Campbell, 2002) provided empirical

support for cross-sectional associations between SES and self-esteem, concluding that indicators

of SES had small but significant associations with individual differences in self-esteem.

Longitudinally, however, studies have typically not found evidence for associations of SES

indicators (education, income, occupational status) with rates of change in self-esteem (Orth et

al., 2010; Wagner et al., 2014).

Physical health. Physical health may also shape self-esteem, according to the

intrapersonal perspective, because health problems may make it difficult for individuals to live up

to their own expectations in domains where physical health is an advantage for successful

performance. Physical health problems may also compromise opportunities for rewarding social

engagement and relationships, which in turn may undermine self-esteem according to the

interpersonal perspective. These notions have received support in that cross-sectional

associations have been found between indicators of subjective health and levels of self-esteem

(Erol & Orth, 2011; Wagner et al., 2014). Longitudinally, empirical studies have found no or

only very small associations between self-reports of physical health and changes in self-esteem

across the adult lifespan (Orth et al., 2012; Wagner, Gerstorf, et al., 2013). However, a recent

study indicated that in old age, people with moderate to severe physical health conditions as

diagnosed by physicians reported considerably stronger declines in self-esteem compared to

people without such physical health issues (Wagner, Hoppmann, et al., 2015). With this

background, we conclude that a more comprehensive investigation of physical health that moves

beyond simple self-reports may help us better understand associations between physical health

and self-esteem.

Social relationships. Following the interpersonal perspective, social relationships are of

particular importance for self-esteem. A natural point of departure for examining the perspective

are close and intimate relationships, because temporally stable and affectively pleasant

relationships are considered to be fundamental for satisfying the basic human need of

belongingness (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). As a consequence, self-esteem serves as a monitor

for the degree of social inclusion. Empirical research has indeed shown that being married or

having a partner is cross-sectionally correlated with higher levels of self-esteem (Wagner et al.,

2014). Longitudinally, several studies on young adults have demonstrated that establishing

intimate relationships (in certain time windows) is associated with increases in self-esteem

(Lehnart, Neyer, & Eccles, 2010; Neyer & Asendorpf, 2001; Wagner, Becker, Lüdtke, &

Trautwein, 2015). However, differences of this kind in rates of self-esteem change have not been

observed with a lifespan sample (Wagner et al., 2014). Whether or not associations between

romantic relationships and self-esteem generalize to the second half of life is still an open

question. For example, close relationships may be of even greater importance for self-esteem in

old age, when social network size typically decreases as a result of changes in social roles and

life circumstances (Wrzus, Hanel, Wagner, & Neyer, 2013), such as retirement and children

leaving the parental home.

Experience of marital or partnership dissolution, be it through divorce or the death of a

partner, may constitute another powerful source of individual differences in self-esteem.

Obviously, partnership dissolution in itself represents a threat of social isolation, because

individuals lose a potentially important source of support. Divorce and widowhood among older

adults influence social ties to other persons as well. For example, adult offspring of divorced

parents have less contact with their parents and perceive the quality of their relationship to

parents to be poorer than offspring of married parents do (Herlofson, 2013). Smaller social

networks as a direct or indirect consequence of partnership dissolution may, in turn, reduce self-

esteem, because these decreases in social networks will probably be accompanied by increased

feelings of social isolation. However, the available empirical evidence is scarce and inconclusive.

Of the few cross-sectional studies available, one report indicated that self-esteem is indeed higher

among people who are currently married than among persons who were previously married

(including both divorced and widowed; McMullin & Cairney, 2004), whereas another report

found no association between self-esteem and relationship dissolution through divorce or death of

a partner (Lee & Shehan, 1989).

Personality. Both theoretical perspectives predict that broad personality traits are of

importance for self-esteem. The intrapersonal perspective’s emphasis on abilities and resources

suggests that personality traits promoting successful performance in society are relevant. For

example, extraversion and openness have been proposed to promote personal growth and agency

(Digman, 1997; Paulhus & John, 1998) and may thus be important sources of self-esteem.

Conscientiousness is also relevant for the intrapersonal perspective, because conscientiousness

predicts highly valued achievements such as academic and job performances (Barrick, Mount, &

Judge, 2001; Poropat, 2009). Theoretical accounts also relate neuroticism to the intrapersonal

perspective, because neuroticism is usually conceptualized as individual differences in the

general ability to handle stress (Denissen & Penke, 2008). Stress and negative experiences may

have less negative effects on performance and evaluation of one’s own abilities among

emotionally stable individuals (i.e., among persons with low degrees of neuroticism) than among

emotionally unstable individuals, leading in turn to the maintenance of higher levels in self-

esteem, particularly under stressful life conditions.

Most Big Five personality traits are also relevant for the interpersonal perspective,

because they are important for facilitating or maintaining social ties. Agreeableness and

conscientiousness have been found important because these personality traits are associated with

motives of nurturance and close relationships (Paulhus & John, 1998). Moreover, extraversion

may as well improve social integration, because it promotes social behavior like dating and

attending parties (Paunonen, 2003). Neuroticism may also be of importance, because it has been

suggested that neuroticism is closely related to individual differences in sensitivity to signs of

social exclusion (Denissen & Penke, 2008). In this case, threats to social inclusion may be of

lesser importance in determining self-esteem for emotionally stable individuals than for

emotionally unstable persons.

Empirical research has found considerable cross-sectional associations between high self-

esteem and high levels of emotional stability, extraversion, and conscientiousness (Erol & Orth,

2011; Robins, Tracy, Trzesniewski, Potter, & Gosling, 2001; Wagner et al., 2014), whereas

associations are typically weaker for agreeableness and openness (Erol & Orth, 2011; Robins et

al., 2001; Wagner et al., 2014). To the best of our knowledge, only two studies have examined

how Big Five personality traits are longitudinally related to self-esteem, with conflicting

findings: One study concluded that there were by and large no prospective associations (Erol &

Orth, 2011), but another study found that all Big Five personality traits were related to changes in

self-esteem over time (Wagner, Lüdtke, Jonkmann, & Trautwein, 2013). More specifically, the

results of the latter study indicated that low neuroticism and high extraversion, openness,

agreeableness, and conscientiousness are related to higher self-esteem across time. The striking

differences between the two studies may be due to different analytical approaches, because one

study examined the unique contribution of each personality trait to changes in self-esteem,

adjusting for all other traits (Erol & Orth, 2011), whereas the other study did not perform such

adjustments (Wagner, Lüdtke, et al., 2013). More research is thus needed to examine the link

between personality and self-esteem more thoroughly. Moreover, studies examining middle

adulthood and old age may be of particular importance because both of the existing studies

covered only the adolescent and young adult years.

The Role of Age and Gender

It is well possible that the above noted associations between psychosocial factors and self-

esteem differ with age. Drawing from lifespan psychological notions (Baltes et al., 2006; Gerstorf

& Ram, 2013), Wagner et al. (2014) have argued that certain resources are probably more

important for solving age-related challenges in one phase of life, whereas other resources are

more important for solving age-related challenges in a later phase of life. For example, resources

related to education may be of greater importance for self-esteem in adolescence and young adult

years than in older ages, because educational achievements in this period may be particularly

relevant for future career and work life. In a similar vein, with physical health challenges

becoming increasingly frequent and severe, it is important for older adults to gradually dissociate

their self-esteem from the health domain and turn towards domains over which they have more

control (Wagner et al., 2014). Initial evidence from cross-sectional studies can be interpreted to

be consistent with this notion. In particular, associations of subjective health and of neuroticism

with self-esteem have been found to be weaker in older adults than in younger adults (Wagner et

al., 2014). In a similar vein, associations of SES with self-esteem have been found to follow an

inverse u-shaped curve, in that associations were stronger at around age 60 than earlier in life and

were weaker thereafter (Twenge & Campbell, 2002). However, systematic research on age

differences in associations between a comprehensive number of potential predictors and self-

esteem is sparse.

Associations with self-esteem may also differ by gender, because in accordance with

cultural norms, men and women may value specific resources and abilities differently. For

example, gender differences in social relationship variables are plausible, because research

indicates that men rely to a greater degree on their spouse for emotional intimacy and that women

in general have a broader network of intimate relationships (Hatch & Bulcroft, 1992). In line with

this notion, empirical reports have found that being single and experiencing relationship

dissolutions are more detrimental to men’s psychosocial adjustment then women’s (Cooney &

Dunne, 2001). In contrast, studies have typically not found that associations between education

and self-esteem differ by gender (Orth et al., 2015; Orth et al., 2010).

Concerning personality, agentic traits (e.g., extraversion), which are typically ascribed to

men, may be of greater importance for men’s self-esteem, whereas communal traits (e.g.,

agreeableness), which are typically ascribed to women, may be of greater importance for

women’s self-esteem (Eagly, 2009). Empirical research has indeed found evidence consistent

with these ideas. To illustrate, in a large-scale cross-sectional study (N > 300,000), Robins et al.

(2001) found that correlations between self-esteem and personality traits differ by gender, with

correlations with extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness being stronger among men, and

correlations with agreeableness and emotional stability being stronger among women. Even

though the gender differences were modest in size, the results indicate gender stereotypic

patterns, with communal traits having stronger associations with self-esteem among women and

agentic traits having stronger associations with self-esteem among men (Robins et al., 2001). We

note, however, that the available evidence on moderating effects of gender is scarce and limited

to a selected set of sociodemographic and personality variables.

The Present Study

In this report, we (i) examine mean-level change in self-esteem from midlife to very old

age, (ii) test the role of SES, health, social relationships, and personality factors for predicting

self-esteem levels and its change, and (iii) explore whether associations differ by age and gender.

To do so, we apply latent change score models to a two-wave longitudinal national study of 5,555

Norwegian adults initially aged 40 to 80 years. Moving one step ahead, our study targets the

nature and correlates of self-esteem in the second half of life (rather than in adolescence and

young adulthood), examines the unique predictive effects of a comprehensive set of conceptually

motivated antecedents and correlates (rather than a few variables only), and uses registry data

that reliably cover the lifetime history of several major life events, including disability, divorce,

and widowhood (as opposed to self-reports about current conditions only). In particular, we

combine self-report data on self-esteem and personality with registry-based information about

SES (education, income, unemployment), health problems (sick leave, lifetime history of

disability), and social relationships (cohabitating partner, lifetime history of divorce, lifetime

history of widowhood). We expect that factors from all four domains will be correlated with

levels of self-esteem. Moreover, as indicated by previous research, we expect health problems

and social relationships to predict changes in self-esteem, whereas associations of SES and

personality with changes in self-esteem are less probable. Associations between health problems

and self-esteem may be particularly prone to be attenuated with increasing age, whereas gender

differences in associations with self-esteem are expected for relationship variables and

personality traits.


Sample and Procedure

Data from the population-based Norwegian Life Course, Aging, and Generation

(NorLAG) study was used in this study (for a detailed account of data collection procedures, see

Slagsvold et al., 2012). Data was collected in two waves. At the first wave (T1) in 2002, a

representative sample of non-institutionalized adults aged 40 to 79, stratified by age and gender,

was drawn from 30 municipalities in Norway representing different geographic regions.

Respondents were initially contacted through telephone interviews, and then followed up by

using a postal questionnaire. Data from nationwide official registries was added after respondents

gave informed consent. Of 8,298 individuals who were asked to participate, 5,555 (67.0%) were

interviewed, and 4,149 completed the questionnaire (74.6% of those who were interviewed;

combined response rate 50.0%).

The second wave (T2) was conducted in 2007, when all those who had participated in T1

were asked to be interviewed by telephone again (aged 45 to 84 years at T2). Between T1 and T2,

265 persons had died, and another 25 had moved abroad, reducing the sample to be approached

to 5,269 individuals. The same data collection methods as at T1 were used, and 3,774 persons

participated in the telephone interviews (71.6% of those eligible to participate at T2). Moreover,

2,984 completed the T2 questionnaire (79.1% of those participating in the telephone interview).

In this study, all persons who participated at least in the telephone interview at T1 were included

(N = 5,555; Mage = 57.9 years; 51.4% women).

As reported in prior publications (Slagsvold et al., 2012), participation bias at T1 was

small concerning gender, place of living, and age. However, participation rates were markedly

higher among those with high education compared to those with lower education (Slagsvold et

al., 2012). To examine sample attrition over the study period, we conducted two sets of

selectivity analyses. First, we compared respondents at T1 who completed the questionnaire after

the telephone interview with those who only participated in the telephone interview. Respondents

did not differ significantly in age (p > .05); however, participants who completed the

questionnaire had more years of education compared to non-participants (Cohen’s d = 0.29, p

< .001), they reported slightly higher earnings (d = 0.10, p < .01) and slightly higher self-esteem

on the four items assessed by telephone interview (d = 0.10, p < .001), they were more often

women (52.5% versus 48.2%, p < .01), they were less likely to have received a disability pension

(14.6% versus 17.6%, p < .01), and they were more likely to have a live-in partner (72.4% versus

64.5%, p < .001). Second, we examined if and how respondents who remained in the study at

both data waves differed from those who were not available for reassessment at T2. Respondents

who stayed in the study were younger (d = 0.61, p < .001), had more years of education (d =

0.46, p < .001), had higher earnings (d = 0.23, p < .001), reported slightly higher self-esteem (d =

0.17, p < .001), and more often had a live-in partner (74.3% versus 63.2%, p < .001). Gender and

a history of disability pension were not significantly related to attrition (p > .05). Conjointly, our

analyses indicated selectivity effects of moderate size for age and education, as measured by

Cohen’s d; group differences for other variables were of minor size.


Self-esteem. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1965) was used at

both data collection waves. This 10-item measure is designed to assess general feelings of self-

worth and is the most widely used measure of self-esteem (Blascovich & Tomaka, 1991).

Participants used a 5-point response scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly

agree). The scale was translated into Norwegian and back-translated into English by independent

translators to ensure the adequacy of the Norwegian translation. Norwegian translations of the

RSES have been shown to have good psychometric properties, comparable to those of the

English original version (von Soest, 2005). In the present study, four of the items were assessed

by telephone interview, and the remaining six items were assessed by questionnaire. Internal

consistency was α = .80 at T1 and α = .82 at T2.

Personality. At T1, Big Five personality traits were assessed by a short version of the 5-

Personality Factors – adjective (5-PFa) instrument (Engvik, 1993), which was included in the

questionnaire. The instrument contains adjective-anchored bipolar items (e.g., “friendly –

unfriendly”; “extravert – introvert”), which are rated on 7-point scales. Each of the Big Five

personality traits extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness were

assessed by four items. The instrument was developed in Norwegian and has shown good validity

and reliability (Engvik, 1993). For a less complex presentation of the results, the neuroticism

subscale was reversed, such that this subscale indicated emotional stability instead of

neuroticism. In this study, internal consistency was α = .74 for emotional stability, α = .58 for

extraversion, α = .71 for conscientiousness, α = .69 for agreeableness, and α = .66 for openness.

The moderate reliabilities reflect the heterogeneity of the items selected to measure relatively

broad constructs and are comparable to other brief personality scales (Donnellan, Oswald, Baird,

& Lucas, 2006; Lang, John, Lüdtke, Schupp, & Wagner, 2011).

Register data. Self-report data were linked with four sets of data from nationwide official

registries, as provided by Statistics Norway. To begin with, age and gender were assessed by

register data. Second, as an indicator of SES, education was divided into five categories, ranging

from 1 (completed junior high school or lower) to 5 (completed higher university degree).

Because the general level of education in the population had increased in more recent birth

cohorts, we standardized education separately for each year of birth, such that education scores

represent the level of education for a respondent measured in standard scores, compared to all

other respondents born in the same year.

Respondents’ income in the year of T1 (i.e., 2002) was also assessed by register data (in

Norwegian kroner per year). Because income is related to respondents’ age, we standardized

income for each birth cohort, in the same way as education was standardized. The measure

obtained thus provided an indication of income compared to other respondents’ incomes within

the same birth year. We also assessed whether respondents were unemployed the year that they

participated at T1.

Third, as indicators of health problems, we obtained register data on whether respondents

had a history of receiving a disability pension from 1991 or later (yes/no). Moreover, we assessed

by register data whether the respondent was on sick leave the year of T1 for two weeks or more

at a stretch (yes/no).

Finally, relationship variables were also assed with register data. We used the information

on whether the respondents had a cohabitating partner at the time of T1 (yes/no). Based on

register data, we constructed a variable indicating whether the respondents at any time after 1974

had experienced a divorce (yes/no) or experienced widowhood (yes/no). Data on divorce and

widowhood history were only available for respondents who participated in the study at T2.

Statistical Analyses

We conducted our analyses in a structural equation modeling framework, using Mplus 7.3

(Muthén & Muthén, 2012). Missing data were accommodated using full information maximum

likelihood under the usual missing at random assumptions underlying longitudinal designs (Little

& Rubin, 1987; Preacher, Wichman, MacCallum, & Briggs, 2008; Schafer & Graham, 2002). We

note that the correlates included in our models represent attrition-informative variables and so

helped to accommodate longitudinal selectivity under the assumption that incomplete data were

missing at random (i.e., missingness may have been related to these variables; McArdle, 1994).

Analyses were carried out in three steps. First, because measurement invariance is an

important requirement for longitudinal analyses, we constructed latent self-esteem measurement

models and tested for measurement invariance. Second, to model longitudinal change, we

constructed latent change score models, based on latent self-esteem factors. Third, to examine

potential sources of self-esteem, we regressed initial level and change of self-esteem, as

measured by change score models, on potential predictors of self-esteem.

Measurement invariance. To test for measurement invariance, we constructed self-

esteem measurement models. More specifically, based on the 10 self-esteem items, three parcels

were constructed that were used as indicators for a latent self-esteem factor for T1 and T2,

respectively. Reducing indicators through parceling has been recommended as an approach that

provides superior tests of structural model parameters because the constructs are defined more

precisely (Little, 2013; Little, Rhemtulla, Gibson, & Schoemann, 2013). Because four of the

indicators were assessed by telephone, these four items were used to construct one parcel. The

other six items were randomly assigned to one of two additional parcels, consisting thus of three

items each. Parcels were constructed in an identical manner at T1 and T2.

We conducted confirmatory factor analyses to test for measurement invariance across

time points. We first tested for configural invariance following Widaman, Ferrer, and Conger

(2010) by constructing latent factors based on the three parcels for each wave, and factors were

modeled to correlate across time points. Error variances from identical parcels created at different

time points were allowed to correlate. Model fit was evaluated by inspecting χ2 statistics, CFI,

TLI, and RMSEA. Following good practice, CFI and TLI values of .95 or greater and RMSEA

values of .06 or lower were considered as indicating good fit (Hu & Bentler, 1999). For a

graphical representation of the model, see Figure 1A. The fit for this model was adequate (see

Table 1). Next, we tested for weak invariance by comparing the basic configural invariant model

with a model in which factor loadings were forced to be equal across time points. Finally, strong

invariance was tested by additionally constraining intercepts of the parcels to be equal across

time. All models yielded adequate model fit (see Table 2).

Differences in model fit were tested by χ2 differences tests. Results showed no statistically

significant difference in fit between the configural invariant and the weak invariant model (Δχ2

[2] = 4.61; p < .05), whereas a significantly worsened fit was obtained when comparing the weak

invariant model with the strong invariant model (Δχ2 [3] = 29.03; p > .05). However, because χ2

values depend on sample size and a large sample was used in this analysis (N > 5,000), even

minor differences between time points may have yielded statistically significant differences. We

therefore assessed changes in model fit by the test of a small difference in fit (MacCallum,

Browne, & Cai, 2006); this showed the model fit to be not significantly worse for the weak

invariant or the strong invariant model. The test thus supported the self-esteem measure to be

invariant between T1 and T2.

Latent change score models. After establishing time invariance in self-esteem, we

constructed latent change score models based on the latent self-esteem factors at T1 and T2 with

strong invariance. The models were estimated to provide an indication of mean-level change in

self-esteem from T1 to T2 (see McArdle, 2009). The first latent self-esteem factor was scaled

according to Ferrer, Baluerka, and Widaman’s (2008) suggestion to establish an approximate

standard metric, such that the variance of the latent self-esteem factor at T1 was set to 1, and the

mean of the factor was set to 0. Change and initial values of self-esteem could thus be interpreted

in terms of a standardized metric with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 relative to self-

esteem at T1. As proposed by McArdle (2009) and Selig and Preacher (2009), the latent change

score in this model was controlled for the intercept or level of self-esteem. Controlling change for

the initial value of self-esteem provides an estimate of change that is not confounded by initial

mean-level differences in self-esteem. By adjusting for initial values of self-esteem, we were able

to accommodate that associations between potential predictors of change in self-esteem were not

an artifact of a correlation between initial value and change in self-esteem (see von Soest &

Hagtvet, 2011, for a detailed discussion of this issue).

Predictors of self-esteem. Next, level and change in self-esteem were regressed on

predictors. In a first model, only gender, age, and polynomials of age were included as predictors,

to examine age trends and gender-specific trends for self-esteem. For our analyses, age was

divided by 10, so as to express the rate of change by decade and centered at age 60, near the

average age of the sample.

Finally, to examine potential sources of self-esteem, all potential predictor variables were

included simultaneously as predictors of initial level and change in self-esteem, together with

age, its polynomials, and gender. All continuous predictor variables except age were mean

centered, whereas all dichotomous variables were effect coded. We used a weighted effect coding

scheme, such that the effect indicators were mean centered (see Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken,

2003). For the variables unemployment and sick leave, persons who already had retired at T1

were scored 0 (the mean score), because sick leave and unemployment are not applicable to

retired individuals. As a consequence, parameter estimates refer to age 60 and indicate sample

averages (across all individuals) and the extent of differences associated with a particular variable

(rather than for a particular group).

We also tested for interaction effects of gender and age by including interaction terms as

predictors of initial level and change. Only interaction terms that showed significant associations

with initial level or slope of self-esteem were kept in the final model.


Table 2 presents descriptive statistics and intercorrelations of all variables included in the

study. At both T1 and T2, self-esteem scores were substantially higher than the midpoint of the

scale (i.e., larger than 3), thereby showing that on average participants reported rather high self-

esteem. The correlation of r = .61 between the two measurement points of self-esteem indicated

considerable rank-order stability of self-esteem across five years between the two data collection

waves. Correlations between self-esteem and register data were generally small, whereas

personality variables correlated more strongly with self-esteem, with the strongest correlations

being with emotional stability.

Self-Esteem and Self-Esteem Development Across the Second Half of Life

To examine change in self-esteem, change score models based on the latent self-esteem

factors at T1 and T2 were estimated, as Figure 1B depicts. The fit for this model was good (χ2[9]

= 67.76, CFI = .99, TLI = .99, RMSEA = .034). As defined by the model, the mean of the level

of self-esteem at T1 was 0, with a standard deviation (SD) of 1. The mean change of self-esteem

from T1 to T2 was estimated to .06 (p < .001; SD = .32, p < .001), indicating that self-esteem

scores on average increased by .06 standard deviations between T1 and T2 when considering the

entire sample.

Next, we estimated how age and gender predicted both initial status of self-esteem at T1

and change in self-esteem from T1 to T2. For this purpose, initial level of self-esteem and latent

change scores for self-esteem were regressed on age and gender. Moreover, quadratic and cubic

terms for age were included to examine potential non-linear age trends (see Figure 1C). Also for

this model, fit was adequate (χ2[25] = 247.08, CFI = .98, TLI = .96, RMSEA = .040).

As Table 3 shows (Model 1), when age and gender were included in the regression

analysis, we found that age, age2, and gender predicted significantly the initial status of self-

esteem. Men had significantly higher self-esteem, and level of self-esteem changed non-linearly

with age. Figure 2A shows that self-esteem levels peaked at about age 50 and declined gradually

thereafter. The size of the reduction in self-esteem from the peak of self-esteem at age 50 to the

estimated mean level of age 80 was d = 0.51, thereby indicating that self-esteem declined on

average about half a standard deviation between ages 50 and 80. When predicting changes in

self-esteem, age2 and age3 were significant predictors, whereas the linear components of age and

gender were not (see Table 3). The significant adjusted mean of the change score of .07 (p < .01)

indicated that the estimated self-esteem score increased with .07 standard deviations in the five

years between T1 and T2 for those who were 60 years of age at T1. However, as Figure 2B

shows, change differed across age, with increases in self-esteem in the youngest age group, when

self-esteem increased with d = 0.21 between T1 and T2 for people aged 40. Mean levels of self-

esteem remained rather stable between ages 50 and 70, with a mean change close to 0, whereas

declines in self-esteem between T1 and T2 from about age 70 onwards were observed, with a

considerable decline in self-esteem of d = .50 from age 80 (T1) to age 85 (T2). We conducted

additional analyses in which an age × gender interaction term was included as predictor.

However, no significant interactions were found for self-esteem level and change (p > .05),

indicating that the age trends in self-esteem level and change did not vary according to gender

and that the initial gender differences thus remained constant.

Predictors of Level and Change in Self-Esteem


In a final set of analyses, we additionally included all potential predictor variables

simultaneously into our models. Table 3 shows the results of these analyses (Model 2).

Concerning measures of SES, results showed that education, income, and unemployment were all

significantly related to the initial level of self-esteem, indicating that higher SES was associated

with higher self-esteem. None of the SES indicators showed significant associations with change

in self-esteem. In a similar vein, none of the tested interaction effects of SES with age and gender

were significant.

As an indicator of health problems, having received a disability pension was significantly

related to both lower levels of and smaller increases in self-esteem, compared to having never

received a disability pension. The association with the level of self-esteem was qualified by a

significant interaction effect with age. As Figure 3 shows, relative to people without disability,

those with disability pensions reported lower self-esteem in midlife, but not in old age. No

association of sick leave with self-esteem was found.

As an indicator of social relationships, having a cohabitating partner was related to both a

higher level of self-esteem and a stronger increase in self-esteem, as compared to people without

a live-in partner. This effect was not moderated by age or gender. A history of divorce or

widowhood was not related to either level or change in self-esteem.

As indicators of personality, high scores on extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness

were each related to higher levels of self-esteem, but no such relation was found for

agreeableness. In addition, a significant gender × openness interaction emerged. As Figure 4

shows, more open participants reported higher levels of self-esteem, but openness made a greater

difference for self-esteem among men than among women. None of the four personality traits

were related to changes in self-esteem.


Emotional stability evinced an even more complex pattern of associations with self-

esteem. First, we observed significant associations between emotional stability and self-esteem

level and significant interactions with age and gender. As Figure 5 shows, emotionally stable

participants reported higher self-esteem, but the differences in level of self-esteem between

persons high and low in emotional stability were more pronounced in midlife than in old age and

more pronounced in women than men. Second, emotional stability was also significantly

associated with changes in self-esteem. Emotional stability also interacted with age, indicating

that the rate of change in self-esteem was more positive (i.e., less of a decrease, if not an increase

in self-esteem) among the emotionally stable in midlife, but differences by emotional stability

disappeared with increasing age.


In this study, we applied latent change score models to two-wave longitudinal self-esteem

data obtained as part of the population-based NorLAG study in Norway and examined the role of

self-report and registry-based predictors. Results revealed that self-esteem peaked at around age

50 and declined thereafter, particularly among those aged 70 and older. Most important for our

questions, lower SES, not having a cohabitating partner, and lifetime experiences of

unemployment and disability were each uniquely associated with a lower self-esteem level and/or

steeper self-esteem declines over the five-year study period. Over and above the registry-based

information, personality characteristics were also found to be relevant, with high levels of

emotional stability, extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness each being related to higher

levels of self-esteem. Emotionally stable participants also showed less pronounced declines in

self-esteem. Finally, we found that associations of self-esteem level with disability and emotional

stability were weaker with advancing age. Gender interactions indicated that emotional stability

was more strongly associated with self-esteem level among women than men, whereas openness

was more strongly associated with self-esteem level among men. Our discussion will consider

how the findings demonstrate the utility of registry-based information and suggest that physical

health, social relationships, and personality factors are in manifold ways uniquely associated with

self-esteem and its development later in life.

Self-Esteem and Self-Esteem Development Across the Second Half of Life

Age trends of self-esteem as found in this study are in accordance with trends found in

several longitudinal studies showing a peak of self-esteem in midlife, at around age 50, and then

a decrease in old age (Orth & Robins, 2014). Moreover, our study indicates considerable declines

in self-esteem in old age, as we have observed a rather large reduction in the level of self-esteem

of about half a standard deviation from age 50 to age 80, as well as accelerating longitudinal

reductions in self-esteem particularly from age 70 and thereon. Our results are thus in line with

studies reporting rather strong declines in self-esteem in old age (Orth et al., 2012; Orth et al.,

2010). However, we note that the empirical literature is divided, as other studies have reported

considerably smaller mean-level declines in self-esteem in old age (Orth et al., 2015; Wagner,

Gerstorf, et al., 2013; Wagner et al., 2014). According to Orth et al. (2015), the diversity of the

findings may be explained by cross-cultural differences, because studies reporting large drops in

self-esteem primarily stem from the United States (Orth et al., 2012; Orth et al., 2010), and

studies reporting minor decreases used samples from Germany (Orth et al., 2015; Wagner et al.,

2014) or Australia (Wagner, Gerstorf, et al., 2013). However, there are considerable similarities

in cultural values and health care systems between a Northern European country such as Norway

and Germany. The greater decreases in self-esteem in old age in our study compared to German

samples may therefore not be easily explained by cultural differences. The nature and causes of

differential trajectories of self-esteem in old age should be examined in greater detail in future


Predictors of Level and Change in Self-Esteem

Socioeconomic status. Extending earlier reports that made use of self-reported SES, our

study utilized registry-based information on key SES indicators: education, income, and

unemployment. The results of our study are largely in accordance with previous research: High

SES was consistently associated with high levels of self-esteem, as was reported in meta-analytic

studies (Twenge & Campbell, 2002). Moreover, SES did not predict changes in self-esteem in

our study, which is again in line with results from previous prospective research (Orth et al.,

2012; Orth et al., 2010; Wagner et al., 2014).

The temporal ordering of associations between SES and self-esteem remains unclear,

however: Even though the literature in the field typically proposes that SES is an antecedent of

self-esteem, it may also be possible that high self-esteem influences SES (Twenge & Campbell,

2002). Because the size of associations between SES and self-esteem is small, studies examining

the mechanisms through which SES is related to self-esteem may be underpowered, even though

large samples were used both in our study and in other longitudinal studies examining

prospective SES–self-esteem associations.

Physical health. Concerning physical health, a history of receiving a disability pension

was related to both the level of and changes in self-esteem, thereby supporting findings from a

recent longitudinal study reporting that moderate to severe physical health conditions as

diagnosed by physicians predicted stronger decreases in self-esteem in late life (Wagner,

Hoppmann, et al., 2015). In our study, recent sick leaves were not related to either the level of or

change in self-esteem. This may indicate that short-term variations in physical health, which are

typically measured by recent histories of sick leaves, are not associated with self-esteem, whereas

far-reaching, long-term health conditions, which are typically indicated by receiving disability

pensions, in fact show associations with poor self-esteem.


Social relationships. Our results extend earlier reports on the relevance of social factors

that have primarily drawn from samples in early adulthood to midlife and old age. Our study

indicates the importance of having a cohabitating partner in middle and late adulthood. A

cohabiting partner was associated with both higher levels of and more favorable changes in self-

esteem. Of interest is that a history of divorce and widowhood was not associated with self-

esteem over and above current partner status. One way to interpret the finding is that current

relationship status is of greater importance than people’s dissolution history. This interpretation is

in accordance with empirical studies reporting that relationship dissolution is indeed followed by

a period of pragmatic, physical, and emotional problems; however, the problems typically

subside eventually, as persons often make significant adjustments to their new life circumstances

(Chase-Lansdale & Hetherington, 1990). In the long run, then, current relationship status may be

of greater importance for one’s own self-esteem than people’s histories of relationship


Personality. All personality traits except agreeableness showed associations with level of

self-esteem. In particular, high levels of self-esteem were associated with a mature personality

profile consisting of high scores on emotional stability, conscientiousness, and extraversion,

which provide individuals with adequate capacities to be productive and involved contributors to

society (Caspi, Roberts, & Shiner, 2005). This pattern is in accordance with other studies

showing associations between personality and levels of self-esteem (Erol & Orth, 2011; Robins et

al., 2001; Wagner et al., 2014).

As to predicting changes in self-esteem, only emotional stability showed significant

associations; this diverges somewhat from previous studies in which all Big Five traits were

related to changes in self-esteem (Wagner, Lüdtke, et al., 2013). The conflicting results may be

due to different analytical approaches, because we included all personality traits simultaneously

as predictors of self-esteem to assess their unique predictive capabilities, whereas Wagner et al.

(2013) examined personality–self-esteem associations for each trait separately. We also note that

all earlier reports examined adolescents and young adults, whereas our study assessed

personality–self-esteem associations in the second half of life. Because our study found age

differences in associations between emotional stability and changes in self-esteem, prospective

associations between these two variables may be specific to particular age periods.

Our study provides novel information that could inform theoretical perspectives on

sources of self-esteem. By and large, our results on predictors of level of self-esteem are in

accordance with expectations from both the intrapersonal and the interpersonal perspective, in

that we found unique associations of all broad factors of SES, physical health, social

relationships, and most personality traits with levels of self-esteem.

The results are less conclusive with respect to associations with changes in self-esteem.

Overall, fewer associations with changes in self-esteem were found, yet there is some further

support for the interpersonal perspective based on the findings of partnership status. This

relationship shows the importance of long-term, close relationships for self-esteem development

across middle and late adulthood. Associations of emotional stability with changes in self-esteem

provide additional support for this perspective, being in line with notions suggesting that high

emotional stability desensitizes people to being affected by signs of social exclusion (Denissen &

Penke, 2008). The finding is also in accordance with the intrapersonal perspective, because high

emotional stability probably makes persons also less vulnerable to other negative experiences and

losses that accompany later life. Finally, a history of having received a disability pension was

also associated with changes in self-esteem. Physical health problems may hinder individuals

from living up to their own expectations in important domains of life and may increase the risk of

social marginalization. Accordingly, this finding could support both the intrapersonal and

interpersonal perspectives. However, the lack of associations of self-esteem change with a more

comprehensive set of potential predictors – including indicators of SES – appears to limit the

explanatory value of both perspectives, and particularly the intrapersonal perspective.

The Role of Age and Gender

Two cross-sectional interactions with age emerged, in that associations of self-esteem

level with disability and emotional stability were reduced with advancing age. These reductions

are in accordance with a resource perspective (Baltes et al., 2006). Older adults may have better

chances to maintain self-esteem if they are capable of increasingly dissociating themselves from

resources that typically decrease in old age, such as physical health (Wagner et al., 2014). The

age interaction effects are also in accordance with a recent study reporting similar decreases of

associations of emotional stability and subjective health with self-esteem in older age (Wagner et

al., 2014). An intriguing aspect of our findings is that associations between emotional stability

and change in self-esteem also decreased in size with increasing age. This finding supports the

notion that aspects of emotional stability may be less likely to affect the evaluation of the self

among old adults.

Gender interactions were limited to personality traits, and our results are largely in

agreement with previous findings from Robins et al. (2001). We also found a gender stereotypic

pattern, with openness being more strongly correlated with self-esteem level among men and

emotional stability being more strongly correlated with self-esteem level among women in cross-

sectional analyses. Contrary to our expectations, we did not find significant gender interactions

with social relationship variables. Even though research indicates that being single or divorced is

more detrimental for men’s psychosocial adjustment than for women’s (Cooney & Dunne, 2001),

single, divorced, and widowed men may experience fewer financial problems than their female

counterparts, which in turn may counteract potential gender differences.


Limitations and Outlook

With this study, we were in the unique position to utilize long-term longitudinal data from

a relatively large population-representative national sample, making use of the extensively used

Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and linking self-report data with information obtained from

registry records. At the same time, we acknowledge several limitations of our measures, study

design, and sample. Concerning limitations in measures, we measured Big Five personality traits

with an instrument that has been used in Norway only, and some of the personality traits

measured had somewhat low reliability. Even though the scale has been shown to have good

validity (Engvik, 1993) and reliability is comparable to other Big Five scales with a similar

number of items (Donnellan et al., 2006), a more widely used instrument assessing the Big Five

personality traits would have been an advantage so as to compare findings directly with reports

from other studies. Moreover, factors not assessed in the present study could provide additional

theoretical insights. For example, the intrapersonal perspective emphasizes that people’s own

perception of their performance is an important source of self-esteem. However, this study only

assessed outcomes that are typically desirable in our society but did not assess how individuals

themselves evaluate their performance or their perceptions of the importance of their

performance in different areas. In future research, it may also be feasible to use registry-based

information about the end of life, so as to examine more thoroughly how self-esteem changes in

the last years of life and what role presumably relevant factors, such as place of death and cause

of death, play (for an overview, see Gerstorf & Ram, 2013). We also note that it would be highly

intriguing to examine whether our findings regarding self-esteem change and predictors thereof

would also generalize to rank-order stability. For example, self-esteem may fluctuate more

among emotionally unstable than among stable individuals, because self-esteem may be

determined to a larger degree by external stressors among persons with emotional instability.

Predictors of rank-order stability of self-esteem should thus be examined more closely in future


Second, as limitations of our study design, predictors of self-esteem were assessed at one

time point only; as a consequence, longitudinal analyses were limited to examining how

predictors at the first time point were associated with change in self-esteem, whereas it was not

possible to examine how changes in predictors were related to changes in self-esteem. For

example, it was not possible to examine how changes in indicators of SES – such as income and

unemployment – were related to changes in self-esteem, even though such analyses would

provide valuable information about the longitudinal association of these two concepts. Moreover,

we note that the size and strengths of associations found for the socioeconomic, physical health,

social relationships, and personality factors reported here may be specific to the five-year time

scale. It is quite possible that the relevance of these variables is different or that other factors may

emerge to be important when associations are considered over shorter time intervals, such as

fluctuations from one situation to the next or one day to the next (Gerstorf, Hoppmann, & Ram,

2014). For example, although in our study sick leaves were not related to changes in self-esteem

over a long time span such as five years, it is quite possible that shorter-term sick leaves may

predict temporary reductions in self-esteem. Our study design is also limited in that only two

waves of data were available. As a result, it was not possible, for example, to examine complex

longitudinal change patterns (e.g., non-linear change) in how self-esteem develops across the

second half of life.

As limitations of the sample, selective participation may have biased our results, because

no institutionalized older adults were included in the sample and persons with low educational

status were underrepresented. Likewise, we acknowledge selective attrition as another limitation,

even though we used contemporary missing data routines to reduce the impact of selective

attrition on the results. It remains to be seen whether the findings obtained here generalize to less

positively select segments of the general population. For example, it is possible that emotional

stability is particularly important for self-esteem under the challenging living conditions of

population segments with low SES. As another sample limitation, the nature and correlates of

change in self-esteem may have been shaped by the specific historical time monitored. Although

research has shown that such cohort differences in levels and rates of change in self-esteem

appear negligible (see Orth & Robins, 2014), it will also be intriguing to see what happens with

self-esteem trajectories when its presumed antecedents and correlates change historically (e.g.,

better cognitive performance and psychosocial functioning among 75-year-olds nowadays than

among same-aged peers two decades ago: Gerstorf et al., 2015).


In conclusion, this study provides novel information on registry and self-report predictors

of self-esteem level and change in the second half of life. The study provides some support for

both intrapersonal and interpersonal perspectives; the associations of self-esteem levels found are

by and large in agreement with both theoretical frameworks. However, results concerning

predictors of self-esteem change provided more mixed support. Only partnership status,

emotional stability, and receiving a disability pension were predictors of self-esteem change,

whereas other factors did not show associations. This study thus indicates that both perspectives

may be of some importance for self-esteem development in middle and late adulthood; however,

the role of these perspectives may be limited to certain life domains.

Future longitudinal studies corroborating findings from this study are needed. The

reduced associations with self-esteem in old age observed for health variables and emotional

stability/neuroticism also deserve future research attention: Knowledge about mechanisms that

are at play in these reduced associations may inform intervention studies that aim to boost self-

esteem in vulnerable groups by dissociating people’s own self-evaluations from biopsychosocial

characteristics, such as poor physical health or low social status.



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Table 1.

Fit Indices for Measurement Models with Increasing Degree of Invariance Across Time


Configural invariance 50.72 5 1.00 .98 .041 .031 – .051
Weak invariance 55.33 7 .99 .99 .035 .027 – .044
Strong invariance 84.36 10 .99 .99 .037 .030 – .044

Note. N = 5,555. df = degrees of freedom; CFI = Comparative Fit Index; TLI = Tucker-Lewis Index; RMSEA = root mean
square error of approximation. 90 % CI RMSEA = 90 % confidence interval of RMSEA.

Table 2.
Descriptive Statistics for the Variables Under Study
Parameter M SD N (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
Self-esteem (range 1-5)
(1) Self-esteem T1* 4.08 0.61 5,554
(2) Self-esteem T2* 4.14 0.59 3,554 .61
(3) Age (range 40–80) 57.91 11.11 5,555 -.10 -.11
(4) % women 51.4 5,555 -.09 -.08 -.01
Register data
(5) Education (in years) 11.62 2.76 5,508 .11 .09 .01 -.07
(6) Income 293.53 269.67 5,555 .16 .13 .01 -.27 .38
(7) % unemployment 6.7 4,101 -.07 -.06 -.06 -.02 -.07 -.10
(8) % sick leave 19.5 4,101 -.01 -.01 -.03 .01 -.07 -.02 .03
(9) % history disability 15.4 5,555 -.12 -.12 .02 .07 -.18 -.22 -.03 -.08
(10) % cohabitating partner 70.4 5,514 .09 .10 -.16 -.14 .02 -.01 -.10 .00 -.04
(11) % history divorce 24.4 3,562 .03 .02 -.07 .04 .01 .04 .06 .02 .08 -.32
(12) % history widowhood 4.0 3,559 -.08 -.07 .35 .13 -.06 .04 -.01 -.02 -.04 -.39 -.09
Personality (range 1-7)
(13) Emotional stability 4.77 1.26 4,100 .49 .40 -.02 -.15 .01 .09 -.03 -.04 -.10 .06 -.01 -.01
(14) Extraversion 4.87 1.17 4,107 .32 .28 -.03 .12 -.01 .01 -.06 .00 .02 .01 .03 .01 .28
(15) Conscientiousness 5.02 1.01 4,093 .27 .22 -.02 .04 .08 .10 -.06 -.01 -.05 .03 .01 .01 .22 .25
(16) Agreeableness 5.65 0.94 4,109 .17 .17 .01 .23 -.06 -.11 -.03 .01 .05 -.05 .03 .08 .21 .40 .32
(17) Openness 4.87 0.87 4,096 .27 .23 -.04 -.01 -.01 .03 -.02 -.01 .04 .02 .04 -.01 .26 .36 .32 .36
Note. Intercorrelations of r = .06 or above are statistically significantly different from zero at p < .001. Continuous measures are
presented in their original metric. N = number of participants. Income in 1,000 Norwegian kroner (NOK). *Descriptive statistics of
self-esteem scores are based on mean scores of all 10 items of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. However, all analyses in this paper
are based on latent self-esteem scores.

Table 3.
Standardized Beta Coefficients from Regression Analyses Predicting Initial Status and
Subsequent Change in Self-Esteem

Model 1 Model 2
Age and gender included All predictors included
Parameter Initial status Change Initial status Change
Intercepts (adjusted means) .00 .07*** .00 .08**
Socio-demographic variables
Age –.21*** .09 –.14*** .11
Age2 –.05*** –.11* –.03 –.15**
Age3 .06 –.27** .06 –.33***
Female gender –.10*** .01 –.02 .02
Register data
Education .10*** .05
Income .08*** .02
Unemployment –.03* .01
Sick leave –.01 –.01
Disability –.06*** –.06*
Disability × age .04** –
Cohabitating partner .04* .06*
History of divorce .03 .01
History of widowhood –.04 .01
Extraversion .17*** .05
Openness .11*** .04
Openness × gender –.04* –
Conscientiousness .12*** .03
Agreeableness –.01 .04
Emotional stability .37*** .09*
Emotional stability × age –.06*** –.07*
Emotional stability × gender .06*** –
Note. Included were all participants with valid self-esteem data at T1 (N = 5,555).
* p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001.
Figure 1. Latent difference score models for self-esteem as estimated in this study.
Figure 2. Initial level of self-esteem (A) and change in self-esteem (B) by age and gender.

Standardized scores of self-esteem (z scores) are presented. Self-esteem peaked at around age 50 and

declined thereafter, particularly among those aged 70 and older. Men reported higher self-esteem by

about 0.19 SD, but men and women changed in parallel. Gender differences thus remained constant.
Figure 3. Initial level of self-esteem (z scores) for people with and without a history of receiving

a disability pension. Relative to people without disability, those with disability pensions reported

lower self-esteem in midlife, but not in old age.

Figure 4. Initial level of self-esteem (z scores) by gender and openness. More open participants

reported higher self-esteem, but openness made a greater difference for self-esteem among men

than among women.

Figure 5. Initial level of self-

esteem (A) and change in self-esteem (B) by gender and emotional stability. Standardized scores

of self-esteem (z scores) are presented. Emotionally stable participants reported higher self-

esteem, but differences in level of self-esteem between persons high and low in emotional

stability were more pronounced in midlife than in old age and more pronounced in women than

in men. Emotional stability also interacted with age, indicating that the rate of change in self-

esteem was more positive (i.e., less of a decrease, if not an increase in self-esteem) among the

emotionally stable in midlife, but differences by emotional stability disappeared with increasing


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