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Department of Education

Region III, Division of Pampanga

Senior High School
Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)

In partial fulfillment for the specialized subject Practical Research 2 for

Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) presents this study




Mark Erwin B. Albo

Nicko G. Sunga

Aliah Mae R. Abuan

Basilio Angel Ann B. Basilio

Antonia D. Dela Cruz

Deym Navi D. Durante

Nicollene B. Lascano

October 2022
Department of Education
Region III, Division of Pampanga
Senior High School
Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)


This Practical Research 2 entitled “The Effects of Social Status of San

Matias Senior High School Grade 11 GAS Students and Grade 12 GAS - ABM
Students to their Academic” prepared and submitted by Mark Erwin B. Albo, Nicko
G. Sunga, Aliah Mae R. Abuan, Basilio Angel Ann B. Basilio, Antonia D. Dela Cruz,
Deym Navi D. Durante, and Nicollene B. Lascano has been approved and accepted
as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for Research Project.



Research Adviser

Member/Statistician Member/Grammarian/Proof Reader

This research is approved and accepted as a final requirement in the Practical

Research 2 of the Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) Curriculum.


Assistant Principal II
1. Introduction

In this era of globalization and technological revolution, education is

considered as a first step for every human activity. It plays a vital role in the
development of human capital and is linked with an individual’s well-being and
opportunities for better living (Battle & Lewis, 2002). It ensures the acquisition
of knowledge and skills that enable individuals to increase their productivity
and improve their quality of life. This increase in productivity also leads
towards new sources of earning which enhances the economic growth of a
country (Saxton, 2000). Educators, trainers, and researchers have long been
interested in exploring variables contributing effectively for quality of
performance of learners. These variables are inside and outside school that
affect students’ quality of academic achievement.

Besides other factors, socioeconomic status is one of the most researched

and debated factor among educational professionals that contribute towards the
academic performance of students. This is harmonious with the regular
attestation sociologist that education can be an instrument of social change
which is being taught from home is important in this talk about. It is not strange
to envision that parental socio economic foundation can effect sly affect the
academic achievement of children in school. At all influence the advancement
environment of youngsters would perhaps influence their training or attitude to
it. The most prevalent argument is that the socioeconomic status of learners
affects the quality of their academic performance.

Socio-economic status (SES) is a term used by sociologists, economists, and

other social scientists to describe the class standing of an individual or group. It
is measured by several factors, including income, occupation, and education,
and it can have either a positive or negative impact on a person’s life. Socio
economic status of parents do not only affect the academic performance, but
also makes it possible for children from low background to compete well their
counterparts from high socio economic background under the same academic
environment (Rothestein, 2004). Education is a tool of development. It widens
minds, recognizes good and bad, makes us to segregate well from terrible and
uses out environment to the best of our capacity for the improvement of a
person and in addition the group (Sabzwari, 2004).
Being interested in this study effects social status on senior high school
students has a huge impact regarding with our co students senior high school –
GAS ABM students. As a learner of San Matias National High School - Senior
High School, this topic can help us identify the connection of their social status
with their academic performance. Also, it is essential to study the influence of
socio economic interest of secondary school students because a pleasant
environment at home and at school must be created in order for students to
develop an interest in learning and help in improving their academic interest

We’ve chosen San Matias National High School – Senior High School
campus as our location for an easy and efficient access to our respondents who
are the Senior High School GAS - ABM students. We chose this school so that
we can easily find students to interview. Since we have friends here in this
school, it will be easy for us to conduct an interview to answer the questions in
our research study. Additionally, this school has a lot of amazing and genius
students and that adds to our curiosity on how those students face their
academic struggles despite the socioeconomic status they have.

Here are the terminologies in our research studies: Socioeconomic status -

Socioeconomic status is an economic and sociological combined total measure
of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family’s economic and
social position relative to others, based on income, education, and occupation

Student Role Performance - is a term which can be used to describe how

well an individual fulfil the role of a student in an educational setting.
Adolescents who have high and average socioeconomic status have a better
academic achievement than adolescents belonging to low ones (Farooq,
Chaudry, Shafiq, and Berhanu, 2011). According to Farooq, Chaudry, Shafiq,
and Berhanu socioeconomic status plays a huge role to everyone, specially to
students– as a student, being involve in a low-income family does really affect
on how they socialize with others, how they perform in school, and their
academic achievement can depend on this.

The studies of Ogunshola (2012) and Lin and Lv (2017) concluded that
parental socioeconomic status and education background is positively correlated
to students’ academic performance. Adzido, (Dzogbede, Ahiave, and Dorkpah,
2016) stated that even though family with higher socioeconomic status may
help improve students’ performance, being in low socioeconomic status is not
an excuse for poor performance. The economy is involved when weʼre talking
about 'social status'. Having a high socioeconomic status, the higher their
academic achievement, thus students can also have higher academic
achievements even they belong to high social status and low social status. Being
in a high social status family is a privilege for students expecting them to have
higher academic achievement while those who have low social status can also
achieve academic achievements because the poverty itself motivates them to
studyand work hard.

Rana Muhammad Asad Khan, Nadeem Iqbal and Saima Tasneem (2015)
indicated that highly educated parents have more influence on their children to
achieve and perform well in their studies; moreover,, highly educated parents
usually show interests and care in their children’s academic performance and
their choice of subjects and careers while in secondary school. This possibly
leads to better performances and achievements in studies. Thus, parents are in
the position to put their children on the right course (Abdurrahman & Madugu,
2014) especially at the early stage of development. Parents occupation and
education level have a huge impact to the studentsʼ academic performance
resulting them to have achievements rather than those parents who has low
educational level. Also, educational attainment of parents don't affect their
children's academic performance because their childʼs behavior are shaped by
observation and direct learning experiences.

According to Okioga (2013) having a better socioeconomic status (SES) has

a advantages to afford the needs of students for academic performance; Low
socioeconomic status will have lower test score so socioeconomic status had the
greatest impact on the test score. The effect of socioeconomic status on students
performance result revealed that parents education, occupation and facilities at
home affects the student achievement (Saifi and Mehmood, 2011). The higher
the social status, the higher the chance to have academic achievements;
involving their parents occupation is ahead in point to those students who has a
parents that has a high education degree.

However, there is an instance that those children with low socioeconomic

status performed better academically than those children with good family
background (Aliyu, 2016). In addition, students with high socioeconomic status
perform well because they have better exposure and environment in terms of
infrastructure and facilities (Chandra and Azzimudin, 2013). Students have high
chances of getting an academic achievement caused by their life experiences
inside or outside the school. Also, because of life experiences brought to the
poor can make them feel like they just want to be hired early without finishing
their studies.
Most of the students whose parents were well educated, performed better in
inscribe examination as compared to students whose parents were less educated
or illiterate. Similar with higher the income of the family for matriculation in
school (Memon, Joubish andKhurram, 2010).

Parental education was a key predictor of student’s academic achievement.

In other consideration, the physical, socioeconomic emotional and cognitive
well being of the children, youth and families are affected by poverty for this
relationship is incremental, environment risk exposure compared with middle
and high income children, low income children are disportionately exposed to
more adverse social and physical environmental conditions (Evans, 2004). More
recent studies show that independent variables that schools cannot control,
including low income, are good for predicting achievement scores (Sutton and
Soderstrom, 2001). In contrast, some studies do not find significant
relationships among socioeconomic status and student achievement. White,
Reynolds, Thomas, and Gitzlaff (1993) state that the “knowledge of a student’s
SES provides only modest assistance in accurately predicting his or her
performance on standardized tests”.

On the same track, Nye and Hedges (2002) and White (1982) find that
socioeconomic status is more of a predictor at early stages of education, and
much less of a predictor as the students progress into the later stages of
education, where other variables become more of a factor in student
achievement scores than being economically disadvantaged. The purpose of this
research is to extend, widen and also see the difference from the previous
researchers (wherein there is no pandemic) to our latest research we are going to
study. Explore the impact that socioeconomic status has on student achievement
scores. The purpose of this study was to determine if parents feel that
socioeconomic status truly affects student achievement and to what extent that
socioeconomic status has on student achievement. Lastly, submitting the
research study we’ve chosen is requirement to our practical research 2.

i. Analyse the effect of socio-economic status

ii. Explore the effect of socio-economic status on student’s achievements

iii. To find out the effect of socioeconomic status on the academic performance
of senior high school students.

iv. To see the relationship between the socioeconomic status of the students and
their academic performance.

II. Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to look at the effects of socioeconomic status
on student academic achievement of Senior High School Students in San Matias
National High School year

2022 – 2023.

Specifically, this attempt to address the following questions

1. How may the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 Social Status

1.2 Academic Performance

2. Is there a significant relationship between the social status and academic

III. Scope and Delimitation

The primary goal of this research is to study Relationship between Social

Status and Academic Performance of SMNHS – GAS Students. The research
intends to focus on Senior High School GAS Students of the San Matias
National High School for easy analysis data.

This will reduce cost and avoid complexity that may arise as a result of
having a very large population. But since in most cases the characteristics of
students are generally similar, the research findings would be generalized to
include all Senior High School GAS Students of San Matias National High

IV. Significance of the Study

We are expecting that the following will benefit from the study:


The study will enable the students to improve the benefits of the
students that are most likely to have higher grades and test scores, attend
school regularly, have better social skills, show improved behavior and
adapt well in school.


The study is important for parents because it will inform them about the
possible impacts of social status to the academic performance of their


The study will help researchers with more information on the effects of
social status to their academic performance. It will be relevant in assisting
students in understanding the effects of social status. It will provide
relevance material for students and other researcher undertaking similar

V. Conceptual Framework


Profile of The study will

Students determined the
Effects of Social
a. Gender
Status to the
b. Grade Administration Academic
Level of Hard-copied Performance of
Social Status Questionnaires Senior High
affecting the School GAS
Academic Students in San
Performance of Matias National
Students High School

Figure 1 describes the conceptual framework of the study wherein the input is
consisting of the following: Gender and Year Level. It also includes the Factors
affecting the Academic Performance of Students that consist of the following:
Daily Allowance, Financial Problem, and Parents Income/Salary.

On the other side, the process being used is through administration of

hard-copied questionnaires. The output is the Effects of Social Status On
Academic Performance of Senior High School GAS Students in San Matias
High School.
The researchers want to find out what are the Effects of Social Status on
Academic Performance of Students. The table shows how the researchers
researched, surveyed and solved their research statement.

VI. Hypothesis

Ho: there are no Effects of Social Status on Academic Performance of Senior

High School GAS Students in San Matias National High School

Ha: There are Effects of Social Status on Academic Performance of Senior

High School GAS Students in San Matias National High School

Figure 1.1 illustrates the salary of the households of the respondents. The
average salary is ₱19,480 as per the data gathered by the researchers. The least
amount gathered is P2,000 by the 2 respondents. The highest amount gathered is
P200,000 by only one respondents. 

Shows the academic performance of the respondents, 2 students got an average
of 76. 5 students got an average of 77 and 94. 8 students got an average of 95.
10 students got an average of 78 and 84. 11 students got an average of 79 and
81. 12 students got an average of 92 and 93. 13 students got an average of 82.
15 students got an average of 80. 19 students got an average of 89 and 91. 23
students got an average of 83. 28 students got an average of 90. 29 students got
an average of 88. 34 students got an average of 87. 35 students got an average
of 86. Lastly, 45 students got an average of 85.

Figure 2 represent the relation between salary and academic performance and it
shows very weak relationship with 0.14 correlation coefficient ( see appendix B
for computation ). This means both variables went up with another, thus it
shows direct relationship. Some of the gathered data shows the increase in both
Grades and Salary which can also mean that it has a low probability to show











Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division Office of Pampanga
Sto. Tomas

Principal IV
San Matias National High School


Greetings of Peace!
In partial fulfillment of our requirements for Practical Research 2, we, the Grade 12 GAS
FLUORSPAR students of San Matias National High School, would like to ask for your
permission to conduct a research study entitled “The Effects of Social Status of San Matias
National High School-Senior High School students to their Academic Performance”.

In connection with this, we would like to ask your good office to allow us to collect data from
the teachers and students of the school. Rest assured that the data we will gather will remain
absolutely confidential and to be used on academic purposes only.

We believe that you are with us in our enthusiasm to finish this requirement as compliance to
the course and to develop our well-being. We hope for your positive response on this humble

Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated. For further questions please
contact us at {0997-326-8369}.
Thank you very much!

Respectfully yours,
Mark Erwin B. Albo
Nicko G. Sunga
Aliah Mae R. Abuan
Basilio Angel Ann B.
Antonia D. Dela Cruz
Deym Navi D. Durante
Nicollene B. Lascano

Noted by:

Ofelia B. David
Research Adviser

Approved by:
Freddie P. Regala
Principal IV
Senior High School
L. Gomez Subdv., San Matias, Sto. Tomas, Pampanga
Tel.No. (045)4360669/09171088643

N= 404
V= 2.58
Se= 0.01
P= 0.5

Ss= (404) (2.58) + (0.01)^ (1-0.5)

(404) (0.01) + (2.58)^ (0.5) (1-0.5)

= 1,042 + (0.0001) (0.5)

4.04 + (6.6564) (0.25)

= 1.042.32 + 0.00005
4.04 + 1.6641

= 1,042.32005

= 182.7317 ~ 183

N= 353
V= 2.58
Se= 0.01
P= 0.5

Ss= (353) (2.58) + (0.1) (1-0.5)

(353) (0.01) + (2.58)^ (0.5) (1-0.5)

= 910.74 + (0.0001) (0.5)

3.53 + (6.6564) (0.25)

= 910.74 + (0.00005)
3.530 + 1.6441

= 910.74005

= 175.3412 ~ 176
Plagiarism Test
Curriculum Vitae

Date of birth : January 7, 2003

Age : 19
Sex : Male
Civil status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Address : Purok 4 Chess Street Sitio Culubong Moras Dela Paz Sto. Tomas
Contact number : 09502519432


Elementary : Camp Olivas Elementary School

Junior High School : San Matias National High School
Senior High School : San Matias National Senior High School

Date of birth : November 1, 2003

Age : 19

Sex : Male

Civil status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Address : NorthVille 12, San Vicente Sto. Tomas Pampanga

Contact number : 09504748156


Elementary : Sapa Elementary School

Junior High School : San Matias National High School

Senior High School : San Matias National Senior High School


Date of birth : September 20, 2005

Age : 17

Sex : Female

Civil status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Address : 403 Chico St. Purok 4 Moras Dela Paz Sto. Tomas Pampanga

Contact number : 09771795054


Elementary : Camp Olivas Elementary School

Junior High School : San Matias National High School

Senior High School : San Matias National Senior High School


Date of birth : July 21, 2005

Age : 17

Sex : Female

Civil status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Address : 78 Balangcas San Matias Sto. Tomas Pampanga

Contact number : 09559225691


Elementary : Balangcas Elementary School

Junior High School : San Matias National High School

Senior High School : San Matias National Senior High School


Date of birth : April 10, 2005

Age : 17
Sex : Female
Civil status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Address : Purok 5 Sta. Lucia Sta. Ana Pampanga
Contact number : 09530095598


Elementary : Sta. Lucia Elementary School

Junior High School : San Agustin National High School
Senior High School : San Matias National Senior High School

Date of birth : June 4, 2005

Age : 17

Sex : Female

Civil status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Address : 421 Salapungan San Nicolas City of San Fernando Pampanga

Contact number : 09973268369


Elementary : Camp Olivas Elementary School

Junior High School : San Matias National High School

Senior High School : San Matias National Senior High School

Date of birth : October 30, 2004

Age : 18

Sex : Female

Civil status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Address : 896 San Vicente Sto. Tomas Pampanga

Contact number : 09061859983


Elementary : San Vicente Elementary School

Junior High School : San Matias National High School

Senior High School : San Matias National Senior High School


The process of this study was to look at the effects of socioeconomic status on
student academic achievement of Senior High School Students in San Matias
National High School year 2022-2023. The respondents of this research study
are Grade 11 GAS students and Grade 12 GAS-ABM students with the total of
401 respondents. Researchers started conducting this research in November
October 2022 and it ends in January 2023. This quantitative study at San Matias
National High School examined the effects of socioeconomic status of senior
high school students to their academic achievement using a descriptive-
correlational methodology. Researchers used survey questionnaires for our
research instrument. And the sampling design used was simple random

As a result of our findings, we draw the following conclusions: Surveys and
questionnaires are the most effective communication tools to communicate with
San Matias senior high school grade 11 GAS students and grade 12 GAS-ABM
students. Based on the researchers' findings, social standing and academic
achievement are correlated with the family's economic status and its influence
on students' educational pursuits. The degree of income of a family can have a
significant impact on a child's academic performance from one extreme to the
other. As compared to parents with lower financial and social standing, parents
with higher status often have more resources available to prepare their children
for school. This is because they often have access to a wider range of resources.
As a result of these effects, a student's background is favorable for a positive
learning environment, a better education, and a successful career. This increased
access to educational resources can give students with higher-status parents a
significant advantage, creating a cycle of success that can be difficult to break.
On the other hand, children from low socioeconomic backgrounds are thought
to have fewer opportunities in the future. Because family backgrounds are so
significant in other nations, it is often mentioned as a big influence on student
school success. Many variables have been developed in the student environment
that might be directly or indirectly related to the student's achievement. There
are a number of factors that can influence a student's academic success, and
socioeconomic background is just one of them. Other factors such as family
support, the quality of the schools they attend, and their personal motivation can
also play a role. However, some researchers argue that socioeconomic
background is the most important factor in a student's academic success. They
point to studies that show that students from lower-income families are less
likely to graduate from high school and go on to college than their more affluent
peers. They argue that this is due to the fact that lower-income families are less
likely to have the resources to provide their children with the support they need
to succeed in school.

The academic performance of the student is influenced by their social status.

When comparing the performance of students, socioeconomic status distinctions
should be taken into consideration. This can be accomplished by utilizing a
same scale for all assessments, which enables comparisons of the performance
of student groups with comparable socioeconomic backgrounds. Treat all
students fairly; underprivileged students can succeed in school and go to a
campus to the same degree as their advantaged counterparts. By providing
financial support to assure participation in extracurricular activities as well as
other school activities as a whole, students are assisted in getting broader and
more equitable access to the curriculum and learning opportunities. Given that
every student comes from a different socioeconomic status, they should all be
treated equally. The best examples of this concept are students who are enrolled
in both special education and regular classes. To effectively meet the
requirements of all students, teachers should be able to distinguish their lessons
and alter their lessons to accommodate all different learning styles. Teachers or
advisors should provide families with guidance on how to effectively use their
financial resources to assist their children's academic success at all levels of
education. In order to improve academic performance, the government should
educate families about the necessity and significance of supporting children's

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