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Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3021–3030

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Original article

Role of nitrogen and magnesium for growth, yield and nutritional quality
of radish
Muhammad Yousaf a, Saqib Bashir a, Hasnain Raza a, Adnan Noor Shah b, Javaid Iqbal c, Muhammad Arif d,
Muhammad Adnan Bukhari e, Sadiq Muhammad f, Sarfraz Hashim g, Jawaher Alkahtani h,
Mona S. Alwahibi h, Chengxiao Hu i,⇑
Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan 32200, Pakistan
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan 29050, Pakistan
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan 32200, Pakistan
Agricultural Officer (Lab), Soil and Water Testing Laboratory, Layyah 31200, Pakistan
Department of Agronomy, University College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Soil and Water Testing Laboratory for Research, Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Muhammad Nawaz Shareef University of Agriculture, Multan, Pakistan
Department of Botany and Microbiology, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
College of Resources and Environment/Micro-element Research Center/Hubei Provincial Engineering Laboratory for New Fertilizers, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan,
Hubei Province 430070, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nitrogen (N) affects all levels of plant function from metabolism to resource allocation, growth, and
Received 30 December 2020 development and Magnesium (Mg) is a macronutrient that is necessary to both plant growth and health.
Revised 10 February 2021 Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) occupies an important position in the production and consumption of veg-
Accepted 11 February 2021
etables globally, but there are still many problems and challenges in its nutrient management. A pot trial
Available online 18 February 2021
was conducted to investigate the effects of nitrogen and magnesium fertilizers on radish during the year
2018–2019. Nitrogen and magnesium was applied at three rates (0, 0.200, and 0.300 g N kg1 soil) and (0,
0.050, and 0.100 g Mg kg1 soil) respectively. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized
design (CRD) and each treatment was replicated three times. Growth, yield and quality indicators of rad-
Growth ish (plant height, root length, shoot length, plant weight, total soluble sugar, ascorbic acid, total soluble
Yield protein, crude fiber, etc.) were studied. The results indicated that different rates of nitrogen and magne-
Nutritional quality sium fertilizer not only influence the growth dynamics and yields but also enhances radish quality. The
Radish results revealed that the growth, yield and nutrient contents of radish were increased at a range of
0.00 g N. kg1 soil to 0.300 g N. kg1 soil and 0.00 g Mg. kg1 soil to 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil and then
decreased gradually at a level of 0.100 g Mg. kg1 soil. In contrast, the crude fiber contents in radish
decreased significantly with increasing nitrogen and magnesium level but increased significantly at
Mg2 level (0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil). The current study produced helpful results for increasing radish quality,
decreasing production costs, and diminishing underground water contamination.
Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction

Vegetables are important agricultural products indispensable to

⇑ Corresponding author at: College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong people’s lives, and the vegetable industry is an important industry
Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China. related to the national economy and people’s livelihood (Sahu,
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Hu). 2004). Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is a root vegetable whose tap-
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University. root is enlarged to form fleshy root as the edible organ widely cul-
tivated around the globe, and is a nutritionally well-balanced
vegetable in existence (Liao et al., 2009). Carbohydrate, protein,
crude fiber and vitamin C are the nutritious constituents of radish
Production and hosting by Elsevier (Bakhsh et al., 2006), broadly used as core plant, green sprouts and

1319-562X/Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
M. Yousaf, S. Bashir, H. Raza et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3021–3030

flabby leaves (Alam et al., 2010). Radish is the second largest type conducted to find out the effect of different levels of nitrogen
of vegetable in China (Zhang et al., 2019) and largely cultured all and magnesium on growth, yield (plant height, root length, shoot
over the subcontinent of Indo-Pak (Bakhsh et al., 2006), covers a length, plant weight, etc.) and nutrient contents (total soluble
planting area of 10133 ha with total production of 173,806 tons sugar, ascorbic acid, total soluble protein, crude fiber, etc.) of
in Pakistan (Jatoi et al., 2011). It has been observed that radish radish.
being cultivated by the vegetable growers in Pakistan is low in
yield and quality (Pervez et al., 2004). Due to nitrate accumulating,
underdeveloped root system and having short plant growing per- 2. Materials and methods
iod, radish needs high amount of simply accessible nutrients in soil
mainly nitrogen (Yuan et al., 2014). 2.1. Description of study site and experimental operation
Nitrogen (N) fertilization is essential for the production of veg-
etables to ensure sufficient yields and excellent quality (Zhang A pot experiment was conducted during the year 2018–2019 at
et al., 2015; Tilman et al., 2002). N considers one of the significant the research area of Ghazi University, Punjab, Pakistan (29°380 3200
macronutrient among all the mineral elements for all living tissues N, 70°350 4500 E). The overall climate of the study area is dry with lit-
of the plant from metabolism to resource allocation, growth and tle rainfall, classified as BWh (Excess of evaporation over precipita-
development (Stitt and Krapp, 1999; Crawford, 1995). Nitrogen tion). The winter is mild, but it is very hot in summer. The average
application upholds the overall growth, yield and quality of radish high temperature during summer is about 107 °F (42 °C), while
(Khatri et al., 2019). However, N fertilizer with high application during winter the average low is 40 °F (4 °C). Large size pots
rates not only caused reduced crop yields but also adversely (30 cm with diameter, 50 cm with depth) were used that were
affected crop quality (Hu et al., 1992; Chen et al., 2004). This fre- closed at the bottom to avoid the N losses via leaching. Soil (0–
quent and inadequate practices certainly cause environmental 20 cm depth) was collected from the field of experimental site
problems mainly nitrate (NO 3 ) loss in the environment (Ji et al., and was tested to measure the physical–chemical characteristics
2006). Some common practices are supposed to cause surface of soil by following the method of Yousaf et al. (2016). Soil pH,
and ground water pollution such as heavy irrigation combined Organic C, Total N, Olsen-P, and NH4OAC-K were observed 7.24,
with high application rates of N fertilizer through soil erosion 0.56%, 0.023%, 8 ppm, 172 ppm, respectively and soil texture was
and nitrate (NO 3 ) leaching(Wang et al., 2002; Gastal and classified as loamy soil. Each pot was filled with 14 kg of air dried
Lemaire, 2002). Leafy vegetables have ability to absorb excessive soil (pass through a 0.5-mm sieve). Local promote seed of radish
quantity of nitrogenous fertilizer for their better yield and quality. (Late sown Japani variety) was used as experimental cultivar for
However, the excessive use of nitrate nitrogen in alkaline soils its extensive adaptability to climate and high yield and sowing
effectively enhances nitrate leaching. NO 3 greatly involved proba- was done at November 13.
bly in gastric cancer, occurrence of methaemoglobinemia and The study was laid out in a completely randomized design
other diseases (Ishiwata et al., 2002; Ikemoto et al., 2002). So, accu- (CRD) with nine treatments (Table 1) and each treatment was
mulation of nitrates in plants is major concern and general prob- replicated three times. Nitrogen fertilizer (46.4% N) was applied
lem in most crops (Cárdenas-Navarro et al., 1999). Effective use as urea in two splits, 60% as a basal application and remaining
of N helps to reduce the cost of N-fertilizer inputs and to minimize 40% as topdressing at December 13. All pots were fertilized with
nitrate contamination. the constant dose of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilizers.
Magnesium (Mg) is recognized as an essential nutrient for var- The P fertilizers(P2O5 5.2%) were applied 100% as a basal applica-
ious living organisms including, plant species, and animals and as tion (0.150 g P. kg1 soil) as single superphosphate, while K fertil-
well as human beings and thereby its deficiency may cause the izers (K2O 52.3%) were applied at the rate of 0.200 g K. kg1 soil in
reduction in productivity and quality in agriculture (Bennett two splits, 60% before sowing of radish and 40% as topdressing at
1993; Aitken et al., 1999; Hermans et al., 2004) and forestry December 13. Magnesium fertilizer was applied in the form of
(Mitchell et al., 1999). Magnesium is integral part of chlorophyll, magnesium chloride (MgCl26H2O) in two splits, 60% as a basal
photosynthesis, enzymes activator, building of nucleic acids, car- dressing and remaining 40% as topdressing at December 13. A
bohydrate metabolism and stimulates phosphorus uptake and PVC tube was installed in each pot to allow aeration and water
transport (Fageria and Gheyi, 1999; Nguyen et al., 2016; Lasa contents were maintained with deionized water. All experimental
et al., 2000). Magnesium deficiency proved negative effects on operations including, irrigation, herbicide application, and control
mulberry plants in an experiment performed by Tewari et al. of pest and disease were performed uniformly with local recom-
(2006). Thus, it’s an important task to maintain the quantity of mendation. No attacks of disease, weather, weeds or pest were
Mg in agricultural products within sufficient amount. Nitrogen recorded during the growth season of radish crop and harvesting
and magnesium are considered important nutrients for growth, was done at February 18.
production and fruit quality (Nguyen et al., 2016) and therefore
needed in adequate amounts, especially at critical crop growth
stages, and development (Alva et al., 2006).
Dependence on the utilization of mineral fertilizer has brought Table 1
Different levels of nitrogen and magnesium application on growth, yield and quality
about high agricultural production (Rathke et al., 2006). Managing of radish.
agricultural nutrients to provide a safe food supply and environ-
ment security remains one of the immense challenges of the 21st- Treatment Nitrogen levels Magnesium levels
description (g N. kg1 soil) (g Mg. kg1 soil)
century (Yousaf et al., 2017). Radish occupies an important
position in the production and consumption of vegetables globally, N1Mg1 0.000 0.000
N1Mg2 0.000 0.050
but there are still many problems and challenges in its nutrient
N1Mg3 0.000 0.100
management. Therefore, the nutrient management of vegetables N2Mg1 0.200 0.000
is very important for the rational use of nutrients in our country N2Mg2 0.200 0.050
and for coordination of economic, agronomic and environmental N2Mg3 0.200 0.100
N3Mg1 0.300 0.000
benefits. To best of our knowledge, no one has reported nitrogen
N3Mg2 0.300 0.050
and magnesium fertilization response on radish growth, yield N3Mg3 0.300 0.100
and quality, especially in Pakistan. Therefore present study was
M. Yousaf, S. Bashir, H. Raza et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3021–3030

2.2. Sampling and measurement shoot length (27.67 cm) and plant height (64 cm) in radish as com-
pared to N1Mg1 level of N and Mg application where lowest root
Three radish seeds were sown and thinned to one plant per pot length (27.33 cm), shoot length (11.00 cm) and plant height
soon after emergence. To investigate the overall effect of nitrogen (38.33 cm) of radish were observed (Table 2). Similarly, a significant
and magnesium fertilization on growth and nutrient contents of increase were observed in root diameter (23.67 cm), shoot diameter
radish, all the fleshy root and leaf samples were collected at the (29.33 cm) and chlorophyll concentration in leaves (40.93) when
mature stage. The plant samples were cleaned with deionized radish plant was treated with 0.300 g N. kg1 soil and 0.050 g Mg.
water and divided into roots and shoots section. Fresh and dry kg1 soil (N3Mg2) as compared to control (N1Mg1) where root diam-
weight of roots and leaves were observed and expressed as g. eter (11.67 cm), shoot diameter (12.67 cm) and chlorophyll concen-
pot1. Chlorophyll concentrations in leaves were recorded at matu- tration in leaves (11.39) decreased significantly (Table 2). It can be
rity using the SPAD-502 meter (Konica-Minolta, Japan). Fresh rad- seen from the results (Table 2) that with the increase of nitrogen fer-
ish roots and leaves were sampled for the analysis of nitrate tilizer application, the growth dynamics of radish were increased at
reductase activity (NRA) and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). NRA was a range of 0.00 g N. kg1 soil to 0.300 g N. kg1 soil while the growth
determined by following the method of Aslam et al. (2001) while response of radish increased with the increase of magnesium fertil-
ascorbic acid was determined by the 2, 6-dichloro-indophenol izer application at a range of 0.00 g Mg. kg1 soil to 0.050 g Mg. kg1
titration method (Lu, 2000). The subsamples of root and leaf were soil and then decreased gradually at a level of 0.100 g Mg. kg1 soil.
dried in a forced-air oven at 65 °C for 24 h, ground in a mill, and Furthermore, the growth indicators of radish were affected by differ-
then will placed in plastic bags until analysis for soluble sugar ent combination of nitrogen and magnesium application rates as fol-
and crude fiber. Total soluble sugar (TSS) and crude fiber (CF) were lows: N3Mg2 > N3Mg1 > N3Mg3 > N2Mg2 > N2Mg1 > N2Mg3 >
determined by following the method of Lowell et al. (1989) and Lu N1Mg2 > N1Mg3 > N1Mg1.
(2000) respectively. Root and leaf samples from each treatment
were dried at 60 °C to a constant weight. Ground samples were
analyzed for the total nitrogen with a modified Kjeldahl method 3.2. Effect of nitrogen and magnesium on radish yield
in which NO 3 was reduced by salicylic acid (Lu, 2000) while mag-
nesium contents were determined by atomic absorption spec- The yields of radish were significantly influenced by the appli-
trophotometer by the method of Zhang et al. (2014). Total cation of various nitrogen and magnesium treatments (Table 3).
soluble protein (TSP) was determined by spectrophotometer under The highest root fresh weight (734 g) and root dry weight
the wavelength of 464 nm (Lu et al., 2008). (640 g) were recorded when radish was fertilized at 0.300 g N.
kg1 soil + 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil while lowest root fresh weight
2.3. Data collection and analysis (99 g) and root dry weight (102 g) of radish were noticed under
N1Mg1 level (Table 3). Similarly, the maximum shoot fresh weight
The data were statistically analyzed by using the SPSS 17.0 (314 g) and shoot dry weight (104 g) of radish were observed
(IBM) software program. The differences among the treatments under N3Mg2 (0.300 g N. kg1 soil + 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil) treat-
were separated using least significance difference test (LSD) at ment while minimum shoot fresh weight (38 g) and shoot dry
0.05 probability level. Figures were prepared using the Microsoft weight (15 g) were recorded in N1Mg1 (control). The results
Office (MS EXCEL 2013) software. showed that the plant fresh weight (1048 g) and plant dry weight
(745 g) yields of radish were significantly increased under N3Mg2
3. Results level as compared to control (N1Mg1) where plant fresh weight
(138 g) and plant dry weight (118 g) yields of radish decreased sig-
3.1. Effect of nitrogen and magnesium on radish growth nificantly (Table 3). The analysis shows that the radish yields were
significantly higher in pots receiving nitrogen as compared to the
Different combination of N and Mg fertilizer application demon- pots having no nitrogen and the increase of nitrogen application
strated significant influence among the growth attributes of radish. also increased the yields significantly while, the radish yields
The growth dynamics of radish treated with different nitrogen and increased with the increase of magnesium fertilizer application
magnesium interactions are shown in Table 2. Significantly maxi- at a range of 0.00 g Mg. kg1 soil to 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil and then
mum number of leaves (38.00), leaf length (28.67 g) and leaf weight decreased gradually at a level of 0.100 g Mg. kg1 soil. Though,
(19.00 g) of radish were observed under N3Mg2 (0.300 g N. kg1 there is no statistically significant difference in the radish yields
soil + 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil) while minimum number of leaves were observed among the different magnesium application levels
(22.67), leaf length (11.83 g) and leaf weight (2.67 g) were recorded but the average results showed an increasing trend, which became
in N1Mg1 (control) level (Table 2). N3Mg2 combination of N and Mg the biological basis for increasing the yield of radish. However, the
fertilizer produced significantly highest root length (36.33 cm), fresh and dry weight yields of radish were affected by different

Table 2
Growth characteristics of radish affected by different combination of nitrogen and magnesium application.

Treatments No of Leaves Leaf Length Leaf Weight Root Length Shoot Length Plant Height Root Diameter Shoot Diameter Leaves Chlorophyll Conc.
(cm) (g) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm) (SPAD Value)
N1Mg1 22d 11.83d 2.67c 27.33b 11.00c 38.33d 11.67c 12.67d 11.39d
N1Mg2 27d 13.00d 4.00c 30.00ab 12.67c 42.67cd 14.17c 13.83cd 16.32cd
N1Mg3 23d 12.50d 3.33c 28.67ab 12.33c 41.00cd 12.50c 13.17d 12.03d
N2Mg1 30bc 20.67c 12.00b 32.00ab 22.67ab 54.67ab 21.67a 21.00b 22.70bcd
N2Mg2 34ab 23.67bc 12.67b 32.33ab 23.33ab 55.67ab 22.00a 21.33b 27.30abc
N2Mg3 28cd 20.33c 9.33b 30.33ab 20.67b 51.00bc 18.00b 20.00bc 19.13cd
N3Mg1 35ab 27.00ab 17.67a 36.00a 26.33a 62.33a 23.17a 26.33ab 35.50ab
N3Mg2 38a 28.67a 19.00a 36.33a 27.67a 64.00a 23.67a 29.33a 40.93a
N3Mg3 34ab 25.33ab 16.67a 33.00ab 26.00ab 59.00ab 22.50a 25.17ab 33.77ab

Mean values within a column for each treatment followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to LSD.

M. Yousaf, S. Bashir, H. Raza et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3021–3030

Table 3
The fresh and dry weight yields of radish affected by different combination of nitrogen and magnesium application.

Treatments Root Fresh Weight Shoot Fresh Weight Plant Fresh Weight Root Dry Weight Shoot Dry Weight Plant Dry Weight
(g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
N1Mg1 99d 38c 138d 102d 15d 118e
N1Mg2 154d 48c 202d 167d 18d 186e
N1Mg3 127d 40c 167d 122d 17d 140e
N2Mg1 524bc 182b 706bc 450bc 45c 495cd
N2Mg2 551bc 195b 746bc 517ab 46c 563c
N2Mg3 388c 181b 569c 327c 41c 369d
N3Mg1 664ab 300a 964a 637a 74b 712ab
N3Mg2 734a 314a 1048a 640a 104a 745a
N3Mg3 591ab 283a 874ab 524ab 72b 596bc

Mean values within a column for each treatment followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to LSD.

combination of nitrogen and magnesium application rates as fol- level and lowest Mg contents (481 ppm d.wt.) were recorded in
lows: N3Mg2 > N3Mg1 > N3Mg3 > N2Mg2 > N2Mg1 > N2Mg3 > N1Mg1 treatment (Fig. 2). Furthermore, regarding nitrate reductase
N1Mg2 > N1Mg3 > N1Mg1. activity, highest NRA was found in leaves (259 mmol NO2 g1 FW
h1) as compared to roots (195 mmol NO2 g1 FW h1) of radish
3.3. Nitrogen, magnesium contents and nitrate reductase activity in while significantly maximum NRA (65.30 mmol NO2 g1 FW h1)
roots and leaves of radish was observed in radish fertilized with N and Mg application at a
rate of 0.300 g N. kg1 soil and 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil respectively
The results of study revealed a significant effect of different and minimum NRA (19.07 mmol NO2 g1 FW h1) was noticed in
nitrogen and magnesium fertilizer levels on the total nitrogen, N1Mg1 level having zero N and Mg application (Fig. 3). The results
magnesium contents and nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in roots revealed that the total N, Mg contents and NRA in roots, leaves and
and leaves of radish. The significantly highest N in roots (3.02%), plant (roots + leaves) of radish were higher in pots receiving N and
N in leaves (2.45%) and total N (5.46%) in radish plant Mg application as compared to the pots having no nitrogen and
(roots + leaves) were noticed when N and Mg was applied at a rate magnesium. Moreover the total nitrogen, magnesium contents
of 0.300 g N. kg1 soil and 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil respectively. N3Mg2 and nitrate reductase activity were affected by different combina-
level of nitrogen and magnesium found statistically significant as tion of nitrogen and magnesium application rates as follows:
compared to all other levels of N and Mg applied on radish while N3Mg2 > N3Mg1 > N3Mg3 > N2Mg2 > N2Mg1 > N2Mg3 > N1Mg2 >
the lowest N in roots (1.62%), N in leaves (0.73%) and total N N1Mg3 > N1Mg1.
(2.35%) in radish plant (roots + leaves) were observed under
N1Mg1 (control) (Fig. 1). Magnesium contents in roots (241– 3.4. Effect of nitrogen and magnesium on radish quality
1210 ppm d.wt.), Mg in leaves (240–965 ppm d.wt.) and Mg con-
tents (481–2175 ppm d.wt.) in plant (roots + leaves) were recorded Data pertaining to the quality indicators including total soluble
in radish treated with different levels of N and Mg application. protein (TSP), total soluble sugar (TSS), ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
Higher Mg contents were absorbed in roots (6268 ppm d.wt.) as and crude fiber (CF) in roots and leaves of radish varied signifi-
compared to leaves (5537 ppm d.wt.) of radish while significantly cantly among different N and Mg fertilization treatments. The
highest Mg contents (2175 ppm d.wt.) were observed in N3Mg2 highest TSP (27.21 mg/g f.wt.) and TSS (3.18 mg/g f.wt.) were

Fig. 1. Effect of nitrogen and magnesium application on total nitrogen in roots, leaves and plant of radish. Each value represent the standard deviation (n = 3) and expressed in
%. Mean values followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to LSD. The legends 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 represents N1Mg1, N1Mg2, N1Mg3, N2Mg1,
N2Mg2, N2Mg3, N3Mg1, N3Mg2, and N3Mg3 respectively.

M. Yousaf, S. Bashir, H. Raza et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3021–3030

Fig. 2. Effect of nitrogen and magnesium application on magnesium contents in roots, leaves and plant of radish. Each value represent the standard deviation (n = 3) and
expressed in ppm d.wt. Mean values followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to LSD. The legends 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 represents N1Mg1,
N1Mg2, N1Mg3, N2Mg1, N2Mg2, N2Mg3, N3Mg1, N3Mg2, and N3Mg3 respectively.

observed in radish pots fertilized with N and Mg application at a TSP and TSS increased significantly with increasing nitrogen and
rate of 0.300 g N. kg1 soil and 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil respectively magnesium levels at a rate of 0.300 g N. kg1 soil and
while the least TSP (9.09 mg/g f.wt.) and TSS (1.39 mg/g f.wt.) were 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil respectively while total soluble protein and
recorded under N1Mg1 shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 respectively. The total soluble sugar decreased significantly with increasing Mg level
difference between different levels of nitrogen and magnesium in at a rate of 0.100 g Mg. kg1 soil. Nonetheless, the total soluble pro-
total soluble protein reaches a very significant level in root section tein and total soluble sugar in radish were varied significantly by
of radish and similar trend was observed in radish plant different treatments as follows: N3Mg2 > N3Mg1 > N3Mg3 > N2Mg2 >
(roots + leaves), while N3Mg1 and N3Mg3 levels of N and Mg were N2Mg1 > N2Mg3 > N1Mg2 > N1Mg3 > N1Mg1.
found significantly same in leaves section of radish. Similarly, the A highly significant influence was observed in ascorbic acid
total soluble sugar in fleshy roots, leaves and plant (Vitamin C) and crude fiber both in roots and leaves of radish
(root + leaves) of radish under different treatments of nitrogen affected by different levels of nitrogen and magnesium application.
and magnesium were recorded significantly different from each The ascorbic acid reached the maximum value of 1123 (ppm d.wt.)
other. The results described in Figs. 4 and 5, revealed that the in root section, 935 (ppm d.wt.) in leave section and 2058 (ppm d.

Fig. 3. Effect of nitrogen and magnesium application on nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in roots, leaves and plant of radish. Each value represent the standard deviation
(n = 3) and expressed in mmol NO2 g1 FW h1. Mean values followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to LSD. The legends 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and
9 represents N1Mg1, N1Mg2, N1Mg3, N2Mg1, N2Mg2, N2Mg3, N3Mg1, N3Mg2, and N3Mg3 respectively.

M. Yousaf, S. Bashir, H. Raza et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3021–3030

Fig. 4. Effect of nitrogen and magnesium application on total soluble protein (TSP) in roots, leaves and plant of radish. Each value represent the standard deviation (n = 3) and
expressed in mg/g f.wt. Mean values followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to LSD. The legends 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 represents N1Mg1,
N1Mg2, N1Mg3, N2Mg1, N2Mg2, N2Mg3, N3Mg1, N3Mg2, and N3Mg3 respectively.

wt.) in plant (roots + leaves) of radish fertilized with N and Mg at decreased significantly with Mg1 and Mg3 level but increased sig-
the rate of 0.300 g N. kg1 soil and 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil respec- nificantly at Mg2 level (0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil). The highest CF in
tively while the least ascorbic acid was observed in N1Mg1 having radish roots (35%), leaves (31%) and plant (66%) were observed
no nitrogen and magnesium (Fig. 6). Vitamin C in roots, leaves and under nitrogen and magnesium application at a rate of 0.000 g N.
in radish plant (roots + leaves) increased significantly with increas- kg1 soil and 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil respectively while the least
ing nitrogen and magnesium levels at a rate of 0.300 g N. kg1 soil crude fiber in roots (14%) under N3Mg1, leaves (10%) and plant
and 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil respectively while decreased significantly (26%) were recorded under N3Mg3 (Fig. 7). Furthermore, highest
with increasing Mg level at a rate of 0.100 g Mg. kg1 soil. The crude fiber was found in roots (194%) as compared to leaves
response of ascorbic acid under different levels of N and Mg (183%) and the CF in roots were varied significantly by different
application was observed as follows: N3Mg2 > N3Mg1 > N3Mg3 > treatments of nitrogen and magnesium as follows: N1Mg2 >
N2Mg2 > N2Mg1 > N2Mg3 > N1Mg2 > N1Mg3 > N1Mg1. Conversely, N1Mg3 > N1Mg1 > N2Mg2 > N2Mg3 > N2Mg1 > N3Mg2 > N3Mg3 >
crude fiber in roots, leaves and in radish plant (roots + leaves) N3Mg1, while in radish leaves as follows: N1Mg2 > N1Mg1 >
decreased significantly with increasing nitrogen level (N1, N2 and N1Mg3 > N2Mg2 > N2Mg1 > N2Mg3 > N3Mg2 > N3Mg1 > N3Mg3.
N3) while CF in roots, leaves and in radish plant (roots + leaves)

Fig. 5. Effect of nitrogen and magnesium application on total soluble sugar (TSS) in roots, leaves and plant of radish. Each value represent the standard deviation (n = 3) and
expressed in mg/g f.wt. Mean values followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to LSD. The legends 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 represents N1Mg1,
N1Mg2, N1Mg3, N2Mg1, N2Mg2, N2Mg3, N3Mg1, N3Mg2, and N3Mg3 respectively.

M. Yousaf, S. Bashir, H. Raza et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3021–3030

Fig. 6. Effect of nitrogen and magnesium application on ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in roots, leaves and plant of radish. Each value represent the standard deviation (n = 3) and
expressed in ppm d.wt. Mean values followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to LSD. The legends 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 represents N1Mg1,
N1Mg2, N1Mg3, N2Mg1, N2Mg2, N2Mg3, N3Mg1, N3Mg2, and N3Mg3 respectively.

4. Discussion leaf chlorophyll concentrations; all these are indicators of growth.

The highest root and shoot growth and yields were recorded in
4.1. Radish growth and yield N3Mg2 (Table 2) at rate of 0.300 g N. kg1 soil and 0.050 g Mg.
kg1 soil as compared to control (N1Mg1), and when we increased
In this research, the radish plant has positive relationship the Mg level to 0.100 g Mg. kg1 soil that declined the growth and
between nitrogen and magnesium uptakes for plant growth, and yield of root and leaves of radish. All above discussed growth indi-
fresh and dry weight of roots and leaves. By increasing N and Mg cators positively increased at level N3Mg2 (Table 2) but decreased
level, not only growth increased but also yield of root and shoot with decreasing N rates from 0.300 to 0.00 and Mg rates 0.050 to
increased because nitrogen fertilization increase vegetative growth 0.00 g. kg1 soil. While considering no. of leaves reaching their
(Jilani et al., 2010). The plant height, root length, shoot length, no of maximum range (38.00), leaf length (28.67 g) and leaf weight
leaves, root and shoot diameters, and leaf length, leaf weight and (19.00 g) of radish usually increased as compared N1Mg1 (control)

Fig. 7. Effect of nitrogen and magnesium application on crude fiber contents (CF) in roots, leaves and plant of radish. Each value represent the standard deviation (n = 3) and
expressed in %. Mean values followed by different letters are significantly different at P < 0.05 according to LSD. The legends 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 represents N1Mg1, N1Mg2,
N1Mg3, N2Mg1, N2Mg2, N2Mg3, N3Mg1, N3Mg2, and N3Mg3 respectively.

M. Yousaf, S. Bashir, H. Raza et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3021–3030

where minimum number of leaves (22.67), leaf length (11.83 g) Total nitrogen uptake in radish root and leaves showed signifi-
and leaf weight (2.67 g) were observed. It was seen that N and cant correlation with root and shoot yield at every nitrogen and Mg
Mg fertilizations significantly affected vegetative growth as well level (Fig. 1). Root and shoot yields have direct relationship with
as yield of radish with increasing their rates for maximum growth every increasing level of nitrogen and magnesium. These relation-
and yield but the most suitable level of N and Mg with statistically ships significantly showed that total nitrogen has positive and lin-
and significantly that was N3Mg2 (Table 2). Other studies also ear relation with the plant fresh and dry weight yields. The highest
reported that different N fertilization affects growth and yield total N uptake in roots (3.02%) and in leaves (2.44%) were recorded
characters (Poudel et al., 2018). Similar findings have been when radish was fertilized at 0.300 g N. kg1 soil + 0.050 g Mg. kg1
reported by Sandeep et al. (2014) and Khalid et al. (2015) in radish. soil while lowest total N uptake in radish roots (1.62%) and leaves
While considering root length, shoot length and plant height sig- (0.73%) of radish were noticed under N1Mg1 level (Fig. 1). It has
nificantly resulted highest root length (36.33 cm), shoot length been seen that fertilizer nitrogen application to radish that inter-
(27.67 cm) and plant height (64 cm) in radish as compared to acts with the soil and plant that increase the total nitrogen uptake
in roots and leaves (Zheng et al., 1994). It was found that the high
N1Mg1 level of N and Mg application where lowest root length
NO-3accumulation in radish roots and leaves due to higher level of
(27.33 cm), shoot length (11.00 cm) and plant height (38.33 cm)
nitrogen fertilizer levels and reduced radish growth and yields as
of radish were observed (Table 2), because of combinations of N
reported by previous studies (Elia et al., 1998). The higher levels
and Mg fertilizer in N3Mg2increased their growth in length. It was
of nitrogen not only reduced the growth and yields but also have
observed that maximum root length, shoot length and plant height
detrimental effects on radish quality (Ikemoto et al., 2002;
followed by N3Mg2 (0.300 g N. kg1 soil and 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil) as
Ishiwata et al., 2002). Similarly, the maximum magnesium concen-
compared to control (N1Mg1). These results are also evidently in
tration in roots (1210%) and leaves (965%) of radish were observed
accordance with the findings of (Rampal et al., 2019).Significantly
under N3Mg2 (0.300 g N. kg1 soil + 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil) treat-
the maximum chlorophyll concentration was observed in leaves
ment while minimum magnesium concentration in roots (242%)
(40.93) when radish plant was treated with 0.300 g N. kg-1 soil
and leaves (240%) were recorded in N1Mg1 (control). The low level
and 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil. The lowest chlorophyll concentration of of Mg as in N1Mg1 resulted low plant growth and yield and effec-
leaves was obtained in (N1Mg1). Chlorophyll concentration in leaves tively reduced chlorophyll production and these results are also
was varied according to different Mg levels from 0.00, 0.050 and confirmed (Samborska et al., 2018; Ortas 2018; Saghaiesh et al.,
0.100 g.kg-1 soil. These findings are in conformity with the results 2019; Farhat et al., 2016). Hence, the significant level that
of (Lakra et al., 2017; Dash et al., 2019) in radish. Similarly, signifi- increased magnesium concentration in radish roots and leaves
cant results were observed in root diameter (23.67 cm) and shoot was N3Mg2 (Fig. 2) as compared to N1Mg1 level. The maximum
diameter (29.33 cm) when radish plant was treated with NR activity 33(mmol NO2 g1 FW h1) in roots and 32.77 (mmol
0.300 g N. kg1 soil and 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil (N3Mg2) as compared NO2 g1 FW h1) in leaves were recorded when radish was fertil-
to control (N1Mg1) where root diameter (11.67 cm) and shoot diam- ized at 0.300 g N. kg1 soil + 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil while lowest
eter (12.67 cm) decreased significantly (Table 2). It was noted that NR activity 3.55(mmol NO2 g1 FW h1) in roots and 15.51 NRA
with increasing N and Mg levels to 0.300 N and 0.050 Mg showed (mmol NO2 g1 FW h1) in leaves of radish were noticed under
highly significant increasing root and shoot diameters as compared N1Mg1 level (Fig. 3). The treatment of N3Mg2 was statistically sig-
to N1Mg1.Root and shoot diameter were significantly influenced nificant as compared to control N1Mg1 and other N and Mg levels.
among the different N and Mg levels because the root diameter But the higher range 0.300 g N. kg1 soil + 0.100 g Mg. kg1 soil
affects to root yield and shoot diameter affects the shoot yield when leaded to decline NR activity affecting NO 3 accumulation in radish.
increase their diameter. Similar findings of radish growth and yield There was higher NO 3 accumulation in radish leaves as compared
have been reported (Yuan et al., 2014; Khalid et al., 2015). to roots and NO 3 accumulation affected due to declined NR activ-
The fresh and dry weight of root, fresh and dry weight of shoot, ity. Hence, it was noted a linear and negative relationship between
plant fresh and dry weight was significantly influenced by the appli- NO 3 and NR activity in radish roots and leaves as reported by (Hu
cation of various nitrogen and magnesium treatments (Table 3). et al., 1992). Other findings by (Matt et al., 2001; Scheible et al.,
These results are also consistent with the results of (Kushwah 1997) investigated the relationship between NO 3 and NR activity

et al., 2020). These showed varied findings with different N and in radish.
Mg rates of fertilizations in yield parameters. The highest root fresh
weight (734 g) and root dry weight (640 g) were recorded when rad- 4.2. Radish nutritional quality
ish was fertilized at 0.300 g N. kg1 soil + 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil while
lowest root fresh weight (99 g) and root dry weight (102 g) of radish The contents of soluble protein, soluble sugar and ascorbic acid
were noticed under N1Mg1 level (Table 3). Similarly, the maximum significantly influenced by the application of various nitrogen and
magnesium treatments (Figs. 4, 5 and 6). Significantly maximum
shoot fresh weight (314 g) and shoot dry weight (104 g) of radish
soluble protein (19 mg/g f.wt) in roots; in leaves (8.09 mg/g f.
were observed under N3Mg2 (0.300 g N. kg1 soil + 0.050 g Mg.
wt), soluble sugar (1.55 mg/g f.wt) in roots; in leaves (1.63 mg/g
kg1 soil) treatment while minimum shoot fresh weight (38 g)
f.wt) and ascorbic acid (1123 ppm d.wt.) in roots; in leaves
and shoot dry weight (15 g) were recorded in N1Mg1 (control).The
(9345 ppm d.wt.) of radish were observed under N3Mg2
results showed that the plant fresh weight (1048 g) and plant dry
(0.300 g N. kg1 soil + 0.050 g Mg. kg1 soil) while minimum sol-
weight (745 g) yields of radish were significantly increased under
uble protein (8.78 mg/g f.wt) in roots; in leaves (0.31 mg/g f.wt),
N3Mg2level as compared to control (N1Mg1) where plant fresh soluble sugar (0.76 mg/g f.wt) in roots; in leaves (0.64 mg/g f.wt)
weight (138 g) and plant dry weight (118 g) yields of radish and ascorbic acid (580 ppm d.wt.) in roots; in leaves (370 ppm d.
decreased significantly (Table 3).The increased fresh and dry weight wt.) of radish were recorded in N1Mg1 (control) level. Nitrogen
of root and shoot was because of higher N and Mg uptake that and magnesium contents enhance photosynthesis and increase
greatly increased root and shoot (fresh and dry weights) and total accumulation of carbohydrates but excessive nitrogen and magne-
plant fresh and dry weight that turned higher yields in radish. Sim- sium decreases not only growth and yield but also quality, reduced
ilar findings also reported in radish growth and yields (Baloch et al., photosynthesis and carbohydrates (Foyer et al., 1998) that result
2014; Kiran et al., 2016). decreased soluble sugar, soluble protein and ascorbic acid in radish
roots and leaves. Further investigations reported result that low
M. Yousaf, S. Bashir, H. Raza et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 28 (2021) 3021–3030

nitrogen availability reduced carbohydrate accumulation in radish Acknowledgements

roots and leaves (Noguchi and Terashima, 2006).
The higher nitrogen assimilation in radish roots and leaves indi- This research was supported by Higher Education Commission
cated much more photosynthesis used in nitrogen assimilation and (HEC) of Pakistan (21-2014/SRGP/R&D/HEC/2018). The authors
the crude fiber contents decreased with increase of different levels extend their appreciation to the Researchers supporting project
of nitrogen and magnesium (Fig. 7). There was only one treatment number (RSP-2020/193) King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Ara-
that showed increasing trend of crude fiber (35%) in roots and (31%) bia for technical support.
in leaves of radish under N1Mg2 (0.000 g N. kg1 soil + 0.050 g Mg.
kg1 soil). While, all other levels of nitrogen and magnesium the
crude fiber contents reduced (Fig. 7). Goyeneche et al. (2015)
reported proximal composition of crude fiber in roots and leaves
of radish. To determine quality of vegetables especially in radish
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