Shell Corrosion Under Insulation

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Materials Degradation Library'


Note: The plain fonnatted text has been. copied from API Publication 581, Base Resource
Document On Risk-Based Inspection, Appendix V, January 1998 Revision. Imperial units in
that document have been converted to rounded metric units. The italics text is additional
information or changes consistent with SlOP practices and experience.

Description of Damage
This degradation module covers the material, insulation, coating and environmenta1 factors which cause
corrosion under insulation [CUI].
External water enters an insulated system mainly through breaks in the insulation system. The insUlation
system damage! impeifections can be a result ofinadequate design. incorrect installation: mechanical
abuse, or poor maintenance practices. Sources ofwater may include rain, water leaks, condensation,
cooling water tower drift, and waterfrom deluge systems.
Normally insulation systems are ,!ot vtlp01.!r tight~ condensation as a potential water source must be
recognised in the design ofthe insulation system. Condensation results when the metal temperature ofthe
swface is lower than the atmospheric dew point (e.g. tropical areas).
CUI causes wall loss in the form oflocalised corrosion with carbon steels and low alloy steels. CUI
generally occurs in the temperature range between -5°C and +150 DC. The temperature range of +60 °C to
+ J 200C being the most severe environment
As a general rule, plants loCated in areas with high annual rain fulls or warmer, marine locations are more
prone to CUI than plants located in cooler, drier, mid-continent locations. Regardless ofthe climat~ units
, located near cooling towers and steam vents are highly susceptible to CUI. as are units whose operating
temperatures cycle through the dew point on a regular basis.
External inspection ofinsulated systems shall include a review ofthe integrity ofthe insulation system for
conditions that could lead to CUI and for signs ofongoing CUI. i.e. rust stains or bulging. However,
external indicators ofCUI are not always present

Mitigation ofCUI is accomplished through good surface preparation prior to coating application

[blastingJ, proper coatings andgood insulation practices.

Proper installation and maintenance of insulation simply prevents an ingress of large quantities of
water. Therefore, a coating system is a must for equipment/piping operating in the CUI temperature
range [-5°C and +150°Cj. A high quality immersion grade coating, like those used in hot water tanks,
is recommended. For guidance refer to NACE Publication 6H189. A good coatmg system should last
at least 8 years and with a sound maintenance programme, the' coating system will provide longer
protection against CUI.

Revision 3

Screening Questions for CUI '-.'

The screening questions listed in Table T3-1 are used to det~ne the possibility of CUI.

Table T3-1 Screening Questions for CUI

Screening Questions for CUI Action

1. Is the material of construction carbon or low alloy steel? , IfNo to ,any question,
there is no CUI
2. Is it externally insulated?
3. Is the operating temperature -5< T< 150°C
If Yes to all, proceed
with the CUI

Degree of Susceptibility to CUI

Certain a!eas and systems are more susceptible to cm than others. Specific locations and/or systems, such
as penetrations and visually damaged insulation areas, 'are highly suspect and should be considered during
inspection program development. Examples ofhighly suspect areas include, but are not limited to, the
1. Penetrations
- all penetrations or breaches in the insulationjacketing systems, such as deadlegs (vents, drains, and
other similar items), hangers and other supports, valves and fittings, bolted-on pipe shoes, ladders,
and platforms '
- steam tracer tubing penetrations
• termination ofinsulation at flanges and other components

2. Damaged Insulation Areas

- damaged or missing insulation jacketing
• termination ofinsulation in a vertical pipe or piece ofequipment
• caulking that has hardened, has separated, or is missing
-bulges, staining ofthe jacketing system or missing bands (bulges may indicate corrosion product
• low points in systems that have ,a known breach in the insulation system, including low points in
long unsupported piping runs .
• carbon or low alloy steel flanges, bolting, and other components under insulation in high alloy

Revision 3
The following are some examples ofother suspect areas that should be considered when perfonning
inspection for CUI: '
• areas exposed to mist overspray from cooling towers,
• areas exposed to steam vents,
• areas exposed to deluge systems,
• areas subject to process spills, ingress ofmoisture, or acid vapors,
• carbon steel and low alloy systems, including those insulated for personnel protection, operating'
between -SoC and ISOoC. CUI is particularly aggressive where:: operating temperatures cause .'
frequent or continuous condensation and re-evaporation ofatmospheric moisture, .
• carbon steel and low alloy systems that normally operate in-service above ISOOC but are in
intermittent service or are subjected to frequent outages,
• deadlegs and attachments that protrude from the insulation and operate at a different temperature
than the operating temperature ofthe active line, i.e. insulation support rings, piping/platform
attachments, ,
• . systems in which vibration has a tendency to inflict damage to insulation jacketing provic'fulg paths
for water ingress, ;~

• ~eam traced systems experiencing tracing leaks, especially at tubing fittings beneath the insulation,
• systems with deteriorated coating and/or wrappings,
• C<?ld service equipment consistently operating below the atmospheric dew point

Inspection ports or plugs which are removed to permit thickness measurements on insulated systems
represent a nugor contributor to possible leaks in insulated systems. Special attention should be paid to
these locations. Promptlyreplacing and resealing ofthese plugs imperative.

Additiona/lnformation / Comments
Reservedfor group experience.

Basic Data
The data listed in table T3-2 are required to detennine the estimated corrosion rate for carbon steel
and low alloy steel equipment/piping for CUI. If exact data is not known, contact a
knowledgeable process engineer to obtain the estimates.

Revision 3

Table T3-2 Basic Data Required for Analysis

Basic Data . Comments

Maximum Temperature eC) Detennine the maximum process temperature in this

equipment/piping. Note that steam traced lines are in the 50°C to
120°C range unless the operating temperature is bigher than. 121J'C.
Type ofEnvironment Detennine the type ofenvironment ofthe equipment/piping location
based on:
TropicaIlMarine: Avg. Rain Fall = 1000 +- mm/year
(Le., GulfCoast, cooling tower drift, etc.)
Temperate: Avg. Rain Fall = 500 - 1000 mm/year
AridIDesert: Avg. Rain Fall = < 500 mm/year
(Le., Montana, Wyoming, etc.) ,.

Good Insulation Condition? Detennine whether the insulation condition is good based on
{Yes or No) external visual inspection ofjacketing condition. Good insulation .
will show no signs ofdainage (i.e. Pl.mctured, tom or missing water
proofing, and missing caulking) or standing water (Le. brown, green,
or black stains). Take careful note ofareas where water can enter into
the insulation system, such as inspection ports and areas where the
insulation is penetrated (i.e. nozzles, ring supports and clips).
Horizontal areas also accumulate water. If any damage is noted,
default to "No".
Coating Under Insulation? Detennine ifthe equipment/piping is coated tmder the insulation. If
{Yes or No), default is "No".

Coating < 8 years old? Condition ofany coating over 8 years old is considered questionable.
{Yes or No) Default is "No" ifage is tmcertain.

Inspections Determine the following inspection interval for CUI.

Revision 3

Calculation Model for corrosion Under Insulation .

Questionnaire CUI for determining the remnant life

1. The screening questions ofTable T3 -1 will indicate ifcm is expectedfor the system under
consideration. Ifthis .is the case than step 2 shall befollowed. .
2. With the input sheet technical module 1A the susceptibility to cm is determined.; With the help ofthis
. calculation model, described below,the remnant life ofthe piping system is calculated. To make an
overview ofthe predicted value's, the input sheet technical module 1A produces a chart with
calculated predictions and limits (see example).
The model Uses the API standard corrosion rates see Table 3-3, where possible, but some step
changes are introduced dependingthe level ofsusceptibility to Cm. It i~corporates interaction with
industrial climate conditions and coating maintenance programme being present. The model gives a
direct overview ofCUlpredictions:
• Assessment ofminimum wall thickness [wt), based on Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
[MAOPj, Design Pressure [PdI and minimum mechanical allowable wall thickness;
• Direct calculation ofremnant life.

The API corrosion rates were taken as the base case for the service environment, where temperature
application and climate condition (rain fall) result into selection ofa corrosion rate (table '1'.3-3)..
Influences from the industrial climate condition like mist over spray can be taken on byprobability of
occurrence (factor) times a severity ofthe corrosion (factor) times the corrosion rate ofthe highest
rainfall in the selected temperature range (reference to input sheet Basic Data Insulation condition).
Also a corrosion rate measured or determined in the field can be entered, this will only be active in
the calculations ifthis corrosion rate will be higher then the predicted one.
T3- 3 Estimated Corrosion Ratesfor Carbon and Low Alloy Steel
Temperature Corrosion Rate lr'Sii '
Temperate Arid/Desert
0.13 0.03
60 to 120 0.89 0.38 ·0.10

Note: Where operating temperatures causefrequent or continuous condensation and re-evaporation of

atmospheric moisture~ cm conditions are particularly aggressive, and these should be considered
Marine type environments. Additionally, areas exposed to cooling tower mists, steam vents, deluge
systems, process spills, ingress ofmoisture, or acid vapours should also be considered Marine
type environments.

Revision 3

With a coating maintenance programme the credit of "no corrosion can be extended. It can also

stop already occurring corrosion, with the amount ofyears assigned to the maintenance programme.
When no coating maint~nance programme is present corrosion will start to occur after the 8 year "no
corrosion" ends. .

Minimum wall thickness

For the predictions on minimum wall thickness a number oflimits have to be addressed, namely:
1. The corrosion allowance for internal service; .
2. The minimum wall thickness necessary for pressure/product containment during service;
3. The minimum wall thickness necessary to withstand own weight ofthe construction (l'able T3-4).
. ' ~.

Ad. 1: . .
The inter.nal corrosion allowance is normally defined by the selection ofthe pipingfor intended
service. To calculate the minimum wall thickness the piping manufacturing over-tolerance and the CA
are deducted for the nominal wall thickness.
The calculations for minimum wall thickness based on pressure!product containment are carried out
with the SHELL92 method, "assessmentfor long axial corrosion dejects" down to a minimum set on
20% ofthe nominal wall thickness. This is a conservative approach due to the definition ofuniform
wall loss and conservative SHELL92 methOd.
The SHELL92 method has been developed to assess corrosion damage in pipelines buiftfrom·
material specified to API5L standards [1}. SHELL92 has been tested against a large database of
burst tests on pipes made from a wide range ofmaterials, and a wide range ofcorrosion defect
geometries including simulated corrosion patches and notches.
The advantages ofthe SHELL92 approach is as follows [6}:
Influence ofthe material grade is included
There is no step transition in the assessment curve between pits and long corrosion
conservatisms in the assessment have been removed
Geometric description ofmaterial loss has been simplified.
The SHELL92 method is intended to be used to assess failure due to ductile shear arising in
individual corrosion patches in pipelines which haVe normal circumfereniial operating stress~ less
than 0.72 times the specified minimum yieid stress (SMYS).
Examples ofwhere it is not appropriate to use the SHELL92 approach (and B31.G) are:
1 Corrosion patches containing longitudinal seam welds or girth welds, due to the risk ofcrack
like dejects and low toughness.
2. Pipes exposed to embrittling environments e.g. Hz or H 2S

3. Corrosion combined with other types ofdamage e.g. cracking, gouges or dents.
Damage in the above categories requires specialised assessment methods.

Further relaxation ofminimum wall thickness can be addressed by the use ofthe "Asses pipe"
method with actual defect sizing. The Asses pipe method can be helpful in the pressure range from
20% ofthe design pressure upwards. For further information on this software package contact

Revision 3

The minimum wall thickness necessary to withstand "internal pressure + liquid weight in the pipe +

weight on top ofthe pipe midway between the supports" is based on best practice values from SlOP.

This minimum wall thickness is mainly determined by the size ofthe pipe and the MAOP ofthe pipe

Table T3-4.

A pipe stress calculation shaIl be carried out iflarger areas are effected by CUI.

TableT3~4, Minimum waIl thickness necessary to withstand "internal pressure + liquid weight in 'the

'pipe + weight on top ofthe pipe midway between the supports" for temperatures up to 250°C. .

Nominal Pressure in
size bar
inmm 5 10 15 20 25 30 140 60 75 100 125
25 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4
80 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5
100 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 7
150 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 8 9
200 2 . T2 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12
250 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 12 15
300 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 14 18
350 2 2 3 4 5 5 7 9 10 12 16 20

General Materials Selection / Mitigation Philosophy

Revision 3

Flow diagram for general susceptibility to corrosion under insulation.


Operating temperature No corrosion under

range between ·5 degree C >------------No'--~--------------~ insulation
and 150 degree C



Yes-+ Go to CI - SCC module

Yes .


I-----<~Cciating age

No corrosion under
.. insulation


Carry out detailed


Figure T3-1

Flow diagram to determine the corrosion rate/or corrosion under insulation.

Revision 3

Detailed assessment of Corrosion Rate

Guide to the Input sheet for the CUI assessment software*

The Followingfields need to be addressed:

Basic data of equipment

The segment basic data ofequipment is requesting the input for the basic material

parameters, operating parameters andpipe source to calculate minimum predicted wall

thicknesses. The corrosion allowance mentioned should be the corrosion allowance available

for external corrosion only, to prevent overlapping ofcorrosion allowances ofother

assessments on internal corrosion. .. . ..

It gives the opportunity to enter your own measured actual wall thicknes~ for comparison to

the prediction. Also an opportunity is given to enter your measured external corrosion rate of

your equipment. If this value is rated higher than the predicted external corrosion rate value, .

than your own value is taken into account in the predictions.

Maximum temperature (OC)! Type of environment

In this segment the general climate condition and operating temperature ofthe equipment is
. chosen. This will result in a typical corrosion rate based on the values in the ta~l,! T3-3.

Insulation condition
In this segment the industrial climate conditions can be addressed by selecting the "presence
YIN". The severity ofthe industrial climate conditions is determined by the "factor of
occurrence" and the "factor for corrosion rate ".
The factor ofoccurrence is representing the percentage ofthe year that this situation occurs.
The factor for corrosion rate is representing the severity ofthe corrosion by the occurred
situation. These factors are used as multipliers to the highest corrosion rate in the selected
temperature scheme.
Thefactor for corrosion rate enables the inspector to fine tune the severity ofthe occurred
.' corrosion to the local conditions, also the default values are given in the input sheet as a .
. reference.

Coating under insulation .

In this segment presence ofcoating and its age is addressed Also the presence ofa coating
maintenance programme is taken into account, the extension ofprotection by a coating.

Results and Remnant life

In this segment the results ofthe entered andpredicted data is presented. Note that these
values are for external corrosion predictions only.

* The softwarefor the CUI assessment can be obtainedfrom OGBMll.

Revision 3


1rp.Jt Sheet lJe9Mation Ubrary l\IbcIUe 13
These ~ we net rta!ri kr desigI pI.I'pCIleS, fa exIemaI cxnoskn e5 E Ille t crly I

(Ire Wile <i'l'eBSW9lhe irp.t creas)

t:q.i,lmSri tag rurber Fe 11011 (3931

Camisllicrir:g c:Iam O1-01.a3
Ca!'aIion allowince, availctie fa exIm1aI ca'I'06icn crly 3 mn
&rIe!r' c:Iam . 2S01-ta
t:q.i,lmSri !VI 16 }'!B'S
t:q.i,lmSri d9sigI ire Z£) }'!B'S
SeEmessppe Y YIN
~ WilIcIadppe N YIN
~naI wit ft1daless 7.8 mn
PIpe citmeIa' 29J mn
SWJTS dthB steel 414 1\,I\mt2 _1-"'
SM'l'S d !he steel 2«l I\,I\mt2
MIxirnrn /JItoNjje cpntir:g f'reIssI.n «i3 b;r
M.last.I:9d wil tida1ees o mn
. ~adamaI cxnosknraIB o.a:; rrrrIy

Basic o.ta;.1YSxirrun T~ (det;j::lType eX Enviranat

cirnaI8 c:cn:itioo

Rainfal peryeerinmn
T~aJ:P1CIIlia1 :l!'1(Q)mn &l)to1(Q)mn <&l)mn
-5 bro dEg'eeC N N N
roto 12Jdig'eeC N Y N
120 to 1IDdEg'ee C N N N

Basic'o.ta; Irs.iation O::n:itioo

Ird.IsIriaI dm.IIe ccrdf:ioo Factafa ClCCU'IlfiC8 Presen::e YIN' Factafa cxnosknraIB

nistf1l/i!r~ 0.5 N
sta:mYerls 0.25 N 1.00
d:lLge~ 0.25 N 1.00
dati rigt an:i:nse 0.25 N 1.00
qdicla" s; 0.5 N
SBamtracir:g Ieabge 0.1 N
InUatial drmga 0.5 Y

Basic o.ta; CoaI:i~ lh:fer Inst.iafioo

t:q.i,lmSri c:amr:g P\lIS'Eri y

t:q.iprat c:amr:g 9 5
Coair:g II Ei iec Ile iC8 pmcgtxrl!laTl"'lIrBB P\lIS'Eri 5 Y

FesIJts Fran Basic [bta Irpt .

Mrinunwil iIickness based oo~, ~ pt!$St.I'8 criJ 2.47 mn

Rjectia1 ttic:Inss reCiir:g WT{~ to 250 dag-eeC, nieren:& taHe13-4 in m:xUe 6.00 mn

Rsmiriqj pa:kted CXlI'l'OSIal allai.Ian:::e 00 Mil£P 5.3 mn

A'I!Cided E!IdlimaI \Xr'lTJISkn raIB ~ttis stBBt 0.55 rrrrIy

Famart life fer ex1:erra c:xxrosioo criy

proded I'aTl'B"i ~ I:ase:l 0"1 MlCf'YBIIlid<ness 9.8
proded I'aTl'B"i ~ f:ase:j 0"1 railin;;l YBI t!i:::!<ress 3.3

W1ere mre cEt:i1ed analysis is ~red r:xBIf1 ca1 00 ccrtacted fer a:i:itiooal services
Mrinunwrl:ase:l assess ppe FICiC

( .

Corrosion under Insulation

~~=- .. ~
overview graph of the corrosion rate based Degradation Library Module T3

II . co

7 .
ummulatile protection years by coating '" -........ -........
, .......................... -...... "-. .............eUnmulatile by years measured corrosion rate

II .......... .


::. •
~I \ ....


Cummulatile by years predicted caroslon rate

0,o 5 10
15 20 25
30 35 40
Time In years
__ Predicted Wall thickness
• cment age and predidted wall thickness. .. . ::!!
__ Minimum wall tHckness based on corrosion allowance and sechedule tolerances c
__ Minimum wall tHckness based on MAOP by Shell92 assesment . . ~~., z
• current age and rneaslredwall thickness :::i
•.•.••• Retiri!:l9 wall thickness
....... Wall TIlickness by Measured Corrosion Rate

m nli.lli'IUllrn.s

The inspection effectiveness and the right Non-Destnl.ctive testing techniques have been
described in the Oil Products Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Handbook, which can be found
at the SlOP Materials Engineering home page,
users only). .
Thefollowing cross references to the NDT Handbook may beused as a source offorther
guidance and infonnation on NDT techniques, which can be applied to detect general and
localised thinning:
Visual Testing
Ultrasonic Testing
Pulsed Eddy Current testing

If the NDT handbook is not available, table T3-5 for general thinning and table T3-6 for
localised thinning can be used as guideline for the effectiveness of intnl.sive and non intrusive

Table T3-5 - the general thinning inspection effectiveness table for intrusive and non intrusive

Inspection Effectiveness Non-Intrusive Inspection

Category (ambient temperature)
A See table T3-5a below,
10% profile radiography of
the total area
B See table T3-5b below,
> 10% profile radiography of
the selected area

Table T3-5a - the general thinning inspection effectiveness table for non intrusive
inspection, category A.
Inspection Grid uniformly Scanning Scanning
Effectiveness . distributed· Manual UT Automated UT
Category A
Preferential area Grid size to be 50% ofarea plus 25% ofarea plus
determined by non preferential part non preferential part
corrosion engineer
(typically 250x250mm)
Non preferential area Grid size to be 25% ofarea 12.5% ofarea
determined by
corrosion engineer
(typically 250x250mm)

Table T3-5b - the general thinning inspection effectiveness table for non intrusive
inspection, category B.
Inspection Grid uniformly Scanning - Scanning
Effectiveness distributed Manual UT Automated UT
Preferential area Grid size to be 25% ofarea plus 15% ofarea plus
determined by non prfiferential part non preferential part
corrosion engineer
(typically 500x500mm)
Non preferential area Grid size to be 15% ofarea 10% ofarea
determined by .­
. cOrrosion engineer
. (typically 500x500mm)

Table T3-6 - the localised thinning inspection effectiveness table for intrusive and non
intrusive inspection. .

Inspection Effectiveness Non-Intrusive Inspection

Category (ambient temperature)
A For the total suiface area:
>95% Ultrasonic scanning, automated or manual, or
profile radiography
>95% Ultrasonic Testing or Radiography Testing ofthe
thickness measurement locations
Areas selected by knowledgeable person ofdegradation
95% ofseleCted area
25% ofthe non selected area
B For the total suiface area:
> 75% Ultrasonic scanning, automated or manual, or
profile radiography
>95% Ultrasonic Testing or Radiography Testing ofthe
thickness measurement locations
Areas selected by knowledgeable person ofdegradation
75% ofselected area
10% ofthe non selected area


1. w.G. Ashbaugh, Inspection of Vessels and Pipingfor Corrosion Under Insulation Corrosion:
When, Where, and How To Do It, Materials Peifonnance, Volume 29, July 1990, pg. 38-42.

2. Corrosion ofMetals Under Thermal Insulation, ASTM, Special Technical Publication 880.

3. Piping Inspection Code, 1st Edition, Jm fif}. June 1993.

4. A State-of-the-Art Report/or Carbon Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Suifaces Under Thermal
Insulation and Cementitious Fireproofing, NACE Publication 6H189, Item No. 54268.
5. NACE draft standard recominendedpractice~ The control ofCorrosion Under Thermal
. Insulation and Fireproofing Materials, Draft NACE publication T-5A-30a.
6 . Ritchie, David and Last, S.: "Burst criteria of corroded plpelines- Defect
acceptance criteria", European Pipeline Research Group Conference 1994.
7 Voermansl Cees: "Assessment of long axial corrosion defects using the
Shel/92 method" (Note from 13 March 1998).


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