Campus Journ - Rev

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Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and IV. Sincerity, Truthfulness, Accuracy.

Good faith with the

presenting news and information. It is also the product of these reader is foundations of all journalism worthy of the name.
V. Impartially. Sound practice makes clear distinction between
CANONS OF JOURNALISM news reports and expressions of opinion. News reports should be
(This code was drawn up in 1923 by the American Society of free from opinion or bias of any kind.
Newspaper Editors and reaffirmed by the body in 1938. Until VI. Fair Play. A newspaper should not publish unofficial charges
now, it is the most widely accepted code of ethics for journalists.) affecting reputation or moral character without opportunity given
to the accused to be heard right practice demands the
I. Responsibility. The right of a newspaper to attract and hold giving of such opportunity in all cases of serious accusation
readers is restricted by nothing but considerations of public outside judicial proceedings.
welfare, VII. Decency. A newspaper cannot escape conviction of
II. Freedom of the Press. Freedom of the press is to be guarded insincerity while professing high moral purpose it supplies
as a vital right of mankind. It is the unquestionable right to discuss incentives to base conduct, such as are to be found in details of
whatever is no explicitly forbidden by law, including the wisdom crime and vice, publication of which is not demonstrably for the
of any restrictive statute. general good.
III. Independence. Freedom from all obligations except that of
fidelity to the public interest is vital.

JOURNALIST’S CREED I believe that advertising, news, and editorial columns should
I believe in the profession of journalism. alike serve the best interests of readers; that a single standard of
I believe that the public journal is a public trust; that all connected helpful truth and clearness should prevail for all; that the supreme
to it are to the full measure of their responsibility, trustees for the test of good journalism is the measure of its public service.
public; that all acceptance of lesser service than the public service I believe that the journalism which succeeds best – and best
is betrayal of this. deserves success – fears God and honors man; is stoutly
I believe that clear thinking and clear statement, accuracy and independent, unmoved by pride of opinion or greed of power,
fairness are fundamentals to good journalism. constructive, tolerant, but never careless, self-controlled, patient,
I believe that a journalist should write only what he holds in his always respectful of its readers but always unafraid; is quickly
heart to be true. indignant at injustice; is unwaived by the appeal of privilege or the
I believe that suppression of the news, for any consideration other clamor of the mob; seeks to give every man a chance and, as far as
than welfare of society, is defensible. law and honest wage and recognition of human brotherhood can
I believe that no one should write as a journalist what he should make it so, an equal chance; is profoundly patriotic while sincerely
not say as a gentleman, that bribery by one’s pocketbook is as promoting international goodwill and cementing self-
much to be avoided as bribery by the pocketbook of another, that comradeship; is a journalism of humanity and today’s world.
individual responsibility may not be escaped by pleading another’s
instruction or another’s dividends.


1. To cooperate at all times with the faculty in the improvement 1. Do not use underhanded means to get information. Do all you
and betterment of the school can to inspire goodwill and
and to give only constructive criticisms in regards to any school secure confidence.
undertaking. 2. Do not violate a confidence.
2. To reflect good sportsmanship in writing by disregarding 3. Beware of committing trespass by unauthorized entry into
personal grudge and enmity. private homes, private clubs, and
3. To avoid ironic personal jokes. other places from which the public is excluded. Trespassing
4. To exclude from publication articles about the school that may subjects journalists to criminal
draw wrong and unpleasant conclusions from those unaware of the sanctions and liability for damage.
real situation. 4. Do not accept money or presents for what you have written or
5. To extend full credit to the author of any borrowed article. will write.
6. To be accurate and truthful in newspaper reporting. 5. Do not give a false impression.
7. To correct errors brought to the attention of the staff. 6. Be sincere, truthful, accurate, and fair.
8. To strive hard for the best way of expression. 7. Consider the rights of other individuals and groups. Respect the
privacy of people in matters
that are not of public concern.
8. Always consider public welfare in your work.
9. Be willing to take full responsibility on what you write.
10. As a staffer, always remember that your school paper has the HISTORY OF CAMPUS JOURNALISM
following responsibilities: According to Jesus Valenzuela in the History of Journalism in the
a. Report school or community news accurately, interestingly, Philippine Islands (1933) and John Lent in the Philippine Mass
completely, and fairly. Communication (1964), the history of campus journalism in the
b. Disseminate government programs, science news, development Philippines started when the University of Santo Tomas published
reports. El
c. Create and express school and community opinion. Liliputiense in 1890.
d. Inspire and involve readers in worthwhile activities.
e. Provide the students with an opportunity for interesting writing. However, Oscar Manalo, NarcisoMatienzo, and Virgilio
f. Develop, qualities of responsibility, accuracy, good public Monteloyola in AngPamahayagan (1985) argued that the history
relations, tact, initiative, and of campus journalism in the country started when the University
industry. of the Philippines published The College Folio, now The
Campus Journalism is a school activity that practices writing Philippine Collegian, in 1910. They also added that The Torch of
different kinds of news and making of newspapers for the school the Philippine Normal University, The Guidon of the Ateneo de
and for competition purposes. Manila University, and The Varsitarian of the University of Santo
It is defined as “that enjoyable activity of the staff of the campus Tomas were also published two years later.
paper in collecting, organizing and presenting news, writing
editorials, columns, features, and literary articles, taking pictures,
cartooning, copy reading, proofreading, dummying & writing

of the studentry, administration, faculty and non-faculty personnel;

CAMPUS JOURNALISM ACT OF 1991 (b) Student Publication. – The issue of any printed material that is
independently published by, and which meets the needs and
interests of, the studentry;
REPUBLIC ACT No. 7079 July 5, 1991 (c) Student Journalist. – Any bona fide student enrolled for the
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND current semester or term, who was passed or met the qualification
PROMOTION OF CAMPUS JOURNALISM AND FOR and standards of the editorial board.He must likewise
OTHER PURPOSES maintain a satisfactory academic standing.
(d) Editorial Board. – In the tertiary level, the editorial board shall
Section 1.Title. – This Act shall be known and referred to as the be composed of student journalists who have qualified in
"Campus Journalism Act of1991." placement examinations.
Section 2.Declaration of Policy. – It is the declared policy of the (e) Editorial Policies. – A set of guidelines by which a student
State to uphold and protect the freedom of the press even at the publication is operated and managed, taking into account pertinent
campus level laws as well as the school administration's policies.

Section 3.Definition of Terms. –

(a) School. – An institution for learning in the elementary,
secondary or tertiary level comprised

Section 4.Student Publication. – A student publication is published Section 8.Press Conferences and Training Seminar. – The
by the student body through an editorial board and publication Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall sponsor
staff composed of students selected but fair and competitive periodic competitions, press conferences and training seminars in
examinations. which student-editors/writers and teacher-adviser of student
publications in the elementary, secondary and tertiary levels shall
Section 5.Funding of Student Publication. – Funding for the participate.
student publication may include the savings of the respective
school's appropriations, student subscriptions, donations, Section 9.Rules and Regulations. – The Department of Education,
and other sources of funds. Culture and Sports, in coordination with the officers of the
national elementary, secondary or tertiary organizations or official
Section 6.Publication Adviser. – The publication adviser shall be advisers of student publications, together with student journalists
selected by the school administration from a list of recommendees at the tertiary level and existing organizations of student
submitted by the publication staff. journalists, shall promulgate the rules and regulations necessary
for the effective implementation of this Act.

Section 7.Security of Tenure. – A member of the publication staff

must maintain his or her status as student in order to retain Section 10.Tax Exemption. – Pursuant to paragraph 4, Section 4,
membership in the publication staff. Article XIV of the Constitution, all grants, endowments,
donations, or contributions used actually, directly and exclusively
for the promotion of campus journalism as provided for in this Act
shall be exempt from donor's or gift tax.
Section 11.Appropriations. – For the initial year of
implementation, the sum of Five million pesos (P5,000,000.00) is Function of a Campus Paper
hereby authorized to be charged against the savings from the
appropriations of the Department of Education, Culture and INFORMATION FUNCTION: This is the news functions of the
Sports. Thereafter, such amount as campus paper: to inform. Since information dissemination is the
may be necessary shall be included in the General Appropriations maid purpose of the campus paper, this is the function most likely
Act. performed by any campus paper.
Section 12.Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect after fifteen
(15) days following the completion OPINION FUNCTION: Through the editorials and editorial
of its publication in the Official Gazette or in at least two (2) columns, the editor has the chance to post his opinion regarding
newspapers of general circulation. current events inside the school and the community. The main
Approved: July 5, 1991. purpose for this is to persuade to reader toward a certain point of

EDUCATION FUNCTION: Tabooed topics such as sex, sex

education, family planning and the like are extensively and
intensively discussed by writers of campus papers. This is one of
the most important functions of the campus paper: to educate.

Freedom of the press has been defined as the right to publish

without prior restraint and fear of subsequent reprisal. In short,
freedom of the press means no censorship.
Freedom of the Philippines press is guaranteed in both the old 4. WATCHDOG FUNCTION: The school paper serves as an eye
and the new Philippine constitutions. for the readers to see what is happening in the school and to
the right of the young ones.
Press freedom is important for the following reasons:
1. The people have the right to know.
2. Freedom to publish news and opinions contributes to an 5. LABORATORY FUNCTION: It serves as the teaching tool for
enlightened citizenry in a democracy. It makes for free minds budding journalists. Neophytes pattern their new experience
instead of slave minds. from the existing and past papers.
3. A free press combats the development of arbitrary power
because of the right to criticize freely the behavior of public men. 6. DOCUMENTATION FUNCTION: Important school events
and worthwhile student accomplishments and achievements are
recorded in the campus paper for posterity’s sake. Most
present day stories are researched from old newspapers.

7. ENTERTAINMENT FUNCTION: The school paper, like an

interesting book, keeps the reader company especially when
What is Republic Act 7079? he is alone. Most human interest stories are stimulating to

Republic Act No. 7079

8. DEVELOPMENTAL FUNCTION The developmental function
of the campus paper doesn't only have implications on the
An act providing for the development and promotion of young one himself but also on the school as a whole. School
campus journalism and for other purposes that was approved administrators and staff may reflect their performance on the
on July 5, 1991 school paper and see what improvements must be done.

Train students to journalism

Provide students an avenue to practice truth, fairness, and


One of the most powerful laws that promotes the rights of the
youth, yet the most disregarded law

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