DIP BCA Syllabus

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CA6ELT02 -Digital Image Processing Theory:4 hrs.

per week Credits:4

Unit 1: (10 hrs.)

Digital Image Fundamentals Image, Digital Image, Digital image

processing-definitions, Examples of fields that use Digital Image Processing,
Fundamental steps in Digital Image Processing, Components of Image processing

Unit 2 : (14 hrs.) Elements of visual perception Elements of visual perception-

Image Formation, Brightness adaptation and Discrimination, Image sampling and
quantization- basic concepts, spatial and Intensity resolution, Basic relationship
among Pixels.

Unit 3: (16 hrs.) Image Enhancement in Spatial and Frequency Domain Intensity
Transformation and spatial Filtering Basics, Intensity transformation functions-
Image Negatives, Log Transformations, Power Law Transformations, Histogram
Processing, Spatial filtering correlation and convolution; Fourier transform and
frequency domain.

Unit 4: (15 hrs.) 61 Morphological Image Processing Introduction, basis of set

theory, Dilation, Erosion, Structuring elements, Opening and Closing, Hit or miss

Unit 5: (17 hrs.) Image Segmentation Point, Line, Edge detection-detection of

isolated points, Basic edge detection- Gradient operators; Pixel based
approach-Basics of intensity thresholding, Basic global thresholding; Region based
segmentationregion growing, region splitting and merging.

Book of Study: 1. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Words- Digital Image

Processing, Third Edition, Pearson.
References: 1. Anil K Jain- Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing , Pearson

2. Er. Rishabh Anand, Digital Image Processing, MEDTEC


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