Irosun Ofun-1

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Lagos, Nigeria.
November, 2010
1. Ifa says that there is the need for the person for whom this
Odu is revealed to be very careful when making promises to
anyone. He/she must never give a promise that he cannot
keep. He/she must also ensure that he/she does not give
any promise on behalf of another person. This is the only
way that this person will be able to keep himself/herself out
of avoidable trouble. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with
one matured she-goat and money. he/she also needs to
feed Ifa with three rats and three fish. And feed Esu odara
with a giant rooster. On this, Ifa says:

Igbonngbon ada ni ko see mu ko igi akuko loju

Dia fun Olurombi
Tii se omo Saloro n’Ijesa
Eyi ti yoo fi enu ara re fi omo re tooro
Fun Iroko Ogbo oko Oluwere
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Nje Olukaluku njejee Ewure
Ewure won beleje
Olukaluku njejee aguntan
Aguntan won bolojo
Olurombi jejee omo re
Omo re aponbi-epo
Olurombi o jan-in jan-in
Iroko jan-in jan-in
A cutlass with a dull blade cannot be used to cut down Akika
Ifa’s message for Oluronbi
The daughter of Saloro of Ijesa land
She who would use her mouth to promise are child as
sacrifice to Iroko ogbo of Oluwere farm
She was advised to offer ebo
She later complied with the advice
Everybody was making a pledge of she goat
Other were making a pledge of female sheep
Oluronbi pledge with her own child
Her child that is as light skinned as palm-oil
Oluronbi was adamant
And Iroko was adamant

2. Ifa advises this person for whom this Odu is revealed to feed
his/her Ori. Ifa says that this person’s strongest pillar of
support is his/her Ori. This Ori will give him/her support and
comfortable place to stay. Ifa advises him/her to offer ebo
with three guinea-fowls and money. there is also the need to
feed his/her Ori with one guinea-fowl. On this, Ifa says:

Afin awo Erekee

Dia fun Ori
Ori nsunkun alainibudo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba nib a jebutu ire gbogbo
Afin the Awo of Ireke
He cast Ifa for Ori
When lamenting that he has no permanent place of abode
Ori was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire of life

3. Ifa says that there is someone here who just read the
visibility report of a particular business and find it to be very
profitable. He/she is about to embark on the business
without first asking whether it is compatible with his/her own
Ori and destiny. Ifa says that the business may collapse. It
is the duty of this person to first ask if it is the kind of
business that he/she can embark upon before he/she put
his/her time, energy and money into it. Ifa advises this
person to offer ebo with three roosters, three hens, three
pigeons and money. he/she also needs to feed his/her Ori
with one hen and one pigeon. On this, Ifa says:

O gbo ibi oja gbe nta

O o beere lowo ori
Dia fun Opolo
Ti ngbe epo re’lu Afin
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Gbogbo isowo ope
Eni gbebo nbe ko waa sebo o
Gbogbo isowo ope

You hear of where business is profitable
But you did not bother to enquire from your Ori
Ifa’s message for Opolo the Toad
When going to sell palm-oil in the land of the albinos
She was advised to offer ebo
She refused to comply
All Ifa devotees
Let those who are advised to offer ebo comply accordingly

4. Ifa says that the person for whom this Odu is revealed needs
to go for Itenifa as quickly as possible and if he/she as
already being initiated into Ifa he/she need to take more
proper care of his/her Ifa. That is the only way his/her life
will progress as fast as he/she desires. Ifa advises this
person to offer ebo with four guinea-fowls, four pigeons and
money. there is also the need to feed Ifa with four rats and
four fish. On this, Ifa says:

Gbonngbongbo gbonngbonngbo
Dia fun Alagbede Igbonngbon
Ti yoo gbon Ori ogun d’Ogun
Ifa ni yoo gbon’Ri i mi deni ire o
Orunmila iwo ni alagbede Igbonngbon
Tii gbonri Ogun d’Ogun
Ifa ni yoo gbonrii mi deni ire o
Gbonngbongbo gbonngbonngbo
He cast Ifa for the blacksmith who mould destiny
When he would mould the Ori of Ogun in readiness for Ogun
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Ifa will mould my Ori very well for me
Orunmila you are the blacksmith who mould destiny
Who moulded the Ori of Ogun in readiness for Ogun
Ifa will mould my Ori very well in readiness for me

5. Ifa advises this person to get the icon of Aje in order to be

blessed with financial prosperity and for Aje to stay
permanently in his/her home. Ifa also advises this person to
offer ebo with eight white pigeons and money.

Irosun funfun sai

Dia fun Aje
Tii yoo to ona odan wa wolu
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba nib a jebutu Aje

The sparkling white Irosun
Ifa’s message for Aje
Who will take the savannah land to the town
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of financial prosperity

6. Ifa advises this person never to struggle for any position in

life. If this person is given a position or title without struggle,
he/she can accept it. But the moment that he/she needs to
compete or struggle for the position or title, it is not for
him/her. This is because his/her destiny does not support
his/her struggling for any position in his/her life. Ifa advises
this person to offer ebo with one matured he-goat and

Ako amomo lale

Abo amomo lale
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa nlo joye Ilesanmi
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Eyin o gbon o
Eyin o moran
Eyin o mo wipe
Ilesanmi dun joye lo ni o?

A male lizard on the ground
And the female lizard also on the ground
They cast Ifa for Orunmila
When going to accept the title of Ilesanmi, my home is more
rewarding for me
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
You lack wisdom
And you do not have enough understanding
Don’t you know that peace and comfort in the home is more
rewarding than titles

7. Ifa says that he/she must not struggle for any position. If
other people are struggling for the position, he/she must not
take part in the struggle. In the end, the position will be
given to him/her. Ifa also warn this person never to rely on
charm, position or influence to achieve anything in life. Ifa
advises him/her to offer ebo with two matured rams, one keg
filled with water, roasted yam, and money.

Jiji ti mo ji
Mo wo kaa mi otun
Mo ri igba Alagemo
Won le gee-gee-gee
Mo ni e o pani je ni
Tabi e o panije
Won ni eewo ni e
Ekun o gbodo peran finfin oloko
Jiji ti mo ji
Mo wo kaa mi osi
Mo ri igba Egungun
Won le gee-gee-gee
Mo ni e o panije
Tabi e o panije?
Won ni eewo ni e
Won ni ekun o gbodo peran finfin oloko
Dia fun Salako
Tii somo Orisa Gbowuji
Dia fun Mapowa
Tii somo bibi inu Agbonniregun
Awon mejeeji nsawolo sona to jin gbungbun bi ojo
Won ni ki won sakaale
Ebo ni sise o
Mapowa nikan ni nbe leyin to mebo o
Nje ng o, l’agba
Ng o l’apese
Baba o ami o
Ng o lagba
Eyin o mo o wipe ile awo la gbosin o

When I woke up
I looked at the room on my right hand side
I saw 200 chameleons
They queued up side by side
I asked them if they wanted to slaughtered one for
Or they did not intend to do so
They responded that it is a taboo
The leopard must never kill the spotted animal of the farm
When I woke up I looked at the room on my left hand side
And I saw 200 Egungun
They queued side by side
I asked them if they wanted to slaughtered one for
Or they did not intend to do so
They responded that it is a taboo
The leopard must never kill the spotted animal of the farm
Ifa’s message for Salako
The child of Orisa Gbowuji, Obatala
And also for Mapowa
The child of Agbonniregun
The two of them were a going on a long distant journey
They were both advised to offer ebo
Only Mapowa complied with the advice
Now I will beat the Agba drum
And I will also beat the Ipese drum
My father
I will beat the Agba drum
Can’t you see that it is in the home of an awo that we hear
good news

8. Ifa warns this person to take time because some people are
planning evil against him/her over the possession of his/her
ancestors. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo so that
he/she will not enter into the trap set against him by fellow
human beings. Ebo materials: one matured he-goat and
money. on this, Ifa says:
Irosun funfun sinsin porokiti
Dia fun Osin
Tii somo Onile nijohun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Osin ma ba le iya o
Koo ma ba le ita
Afinju eye kii K’ate

Irosun funfun sinsin porokiti
Ifa’s message for Osin
The offspring of land owner of the olden days
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Osin do not land on the Iya tree
And do not the Ita tree
A neat and elegant bird must never be trapped with slime

9. Ifa says that there is something that he/she needs to pay for
which had not being paid for. It is most unlikely that he/she
may not pay for that thing again. Ifa advises this person to
offer ebo with one matured he-goat and money. he/she also
needs to feed Ifa with one matured she-goat. On this, Ifa

Esuu nii fibi wiwo womi

Ekun nii fibi woowoo wodo
Abegi-dina nii bowo ile ara re
Dia fun Orunmila
Ti nlo re era afin mefa leru
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Efun rumu
Efun Nna
Efun Ita
Efun Nrin
Efun Wunmi
Efun Nrun-un
E se bi ere bi ere
E mowo olote je gbe
Koi pe, koi jinna
E wa ba wa ni wowo ire

Esuu grass is it that follows the direction of the winds into the
And ekun the blade grass follows the direction of the breeze
to enter the river
The person who barricades the road is only trying to give
protection for his home
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to purchase six albinos as slaves
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Efun rumu
Efun Nna
Efun Ita
Efun Nrin
Efun Wunmi
Efun Nrun-un
It was like a joke
You did not pay the money that you owned the liquor seller
Before long and not too far
Join us in the midst of all Ire of life

10. Ifa says that there is assignment that this person is

about to embark upon. He/she will fail in this assignment,
but he/she will never be put to shame. Ifa advises him/her to
offer ebo with three roosters, three guinea-fowls, three
pigeons, plenty of liquor and money. he/she also needs to
feed Ifa with one matured she-goat. On this, Ifa says:

Iponju nii mu’ni dagba le oun ti a o ni lese

Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa n lo ree te Afin nifa
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Afin too loot e nifa o lee dudu mo o
Fifunfun nii tun n funfun o

It is suffering that makes one to embark on an
impossible mission
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to initiate the Albino into Ifa
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The albino that you initiated into Ifa
Cannot change into black skinned person
He was instead getting lighter skinned

11. Ifa says that it foresees the Ire of a compatible spouse

for this person. Ifa advises him/her to offer ebo with three
pigeons, three hens, one matured she-goat and money. on
this, Ifa says:

Opapara ni kii so ila

Afin ni kii K’Eyo
Eni a bi l’Eyo kii je ago
Dia fun Aganngan-modun omo Alara
O n sunkun own o lobinrin
A bun fun Aganngan-mogun omo Ajero
O n woko imoran-an yan
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ogboja pele o, a ridi gbofe
Omo agbo toko rire

Opapara plant is it that can never germinate okra
An albino cannot speak in Oyo dialect
Anyone born in Oyo land must not consume Ago rat
Ifa’s message for Aganngan-mogun the child of Alara
When lamenting his inability to have a woman
And also for Aganngan-mogun the daughter of Ajero
When searching for Ideal husband
They were both advised to offer ebo
They complied
Gently Ogboja, she whose genitals gives her blessings
She who listens to her husband and receives the
blessings of all ire of life

12. Ifa says that Orisa nla and Ifa are always struggling for
the person for whom this Odu is revealed. Both of them see
this person as their favorite child. This is the reason why
he/she needs to propitiate the two of them regularly. On
this, Ifa says:

Oparapara nii kii so’la

Afin won kii k’Eyo
Dia fun Olomo
Ti somo bibi inu Agbonniregun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Nje ara ti gbo nile
A ti mo lona o
Wipe Olomo nni ni ndalu

Opapara plant is it that can never germinate okra
An albino cannot speak in Oyo dialect
Ifa’s message for Olomo
The child of Agbonniregun
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
We have had in the house
And we have known on the road
That Olomo is the one dancing to the music of Orisa.

13. Ifa warns again that this person must never promise
what he/she cannot fulfill. It is a serious taboo for this
person. Ifa also warns him/her never to brag or exaggerate
his/her capability. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with
two brown rats and two yard of white clothe. One brown rat
and one white clothe will be used as ebo and the remaining
one yard of white clothe will be buried in the grave of his/her
mother, grandmother or great grandmother if his/her mother
or grandmother is still alive. The second brown rat will be
used to feed the Elders of the Night.

Iponju nii mu ni dagbaa le ohun ti a o ni lee se

Dia fun Yedemi
To loun o foso Osun
Ti yoo si di funfun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni wowo ire

It is suffering that makes one to embark on an
impossible mission
Ifa’s message for Yedemi
Who bragged that she would wash the clothe dyed with
And it will turn sparkling white
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of Ire

14. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of financial success for
this person. Ifa says that instead of this person pursuing
wealth about, wealth will be pursing him/her. Ifa advises
him/her to offer ebo with four white pigeons and money.
he/she also needs to feed Aje with Ekuru, honey and one
white pigeon.

Irosun funfun eyin osa

Dia fun Aje
Tii somo Elebuute
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ero Ipo, ero Ofa
Eyin o mo pe are Aje la n sakiri

The white Irosun behind the lagoon
He cast Ifa for Aje
The daughter of Elebuute, the owner of the abode
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns
Don’t you know that we are all running in pursuit of

15. Ifa says that this person will perform wonders in life. All
the wonders that he/she performs will never go into ruins.
Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with two pigeons, two
hens, two ducks, two guinea-fowls, two roosters and money.

Irosun funfun kinniwin

Dia fun Oyinbo
Omo agbara lara
Omo a gbe rekete lorii rekete
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ara ti Oyinbo nda ki lee bae
Pipele lo npele lese Obarisa

The white and sparkling Irosun
Ifa’s message for Isaga
He who places wonders upon wonders
He who carries marvelous things upon other marvelous
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The wonders that Isaga performs can never be spoilt
It will continue to multiply at the feet of Obarisa
16. Ifa foresees ire of childbearing for this person. He/she
will be blessed with many children in life. Ifa advises this
person to offer ebo with two hens, four rats, four fish and
money. on this, Ifa says:

Ogiri ile ni o fun poto kanle

Dia fun won ni Ijesa orun eku
Ekun omo ni won nsun
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Gidigidi gidigidi
E wa womo Ijesa
Gidigidi gidigidi o
Oodorun Ijesa bu tuuku
Irinwo o won bi erin jako
Gidigidi gidigidi
E waa womo Ijesa
Gidigidi gidigidi o

The wall of a house cannot be white from top to the
Ifa’s message for the inhabitant of Ijesa Oruneku
They were lamenting their inability to receive the
blessing of the fruit of the womb
They were advised to offer ebo
They complied
Gidigbigigbi, hail and healthy
Come and behold all the children of Ijesa land
Gidigbi gidigbi, hail and healthy
300 Ijesa child like bush pigs
And 400 of them like Elephants in the farm land
Gidigbi gidigbi, hail and healthy
Come and behold the children of Ijesa land
Gidigbi gidigbi

Aboru Aboye

1. Ifa –for success, protection, prosperity, elevation and

general wellbeing
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, support, sanctuary, elevation,
comfort, peace, and self actualization
3. Ogun – for protection against enemies and fulfillment of
4. Esu-Odara – for support, victory, sanctuary and direction
5. Oosanla –for support, elevation, children, and good health
6. Egbe – for support, progress, and leadership
7. Aje – for financial success
8. Osun – for childbearing, childrearing and compatible spouse


1. Must never promise what he cannot fulfill – to avoid putting

himself in trouble and unconsummated fortune
2. Must never consume alcohol especially palm-wine – to avoid
unconsummated and trouble
3. Must never embark on any project without prior Ifa
consultation – to avoid disappointment and loss
4. Must never consume Ago rat – to avoid matrimonial crises
5. Must never use or kill a lizard – to avoid unconsummated
6. Must never rely on charm or influence – to avoid
disappointment and unconsummated fortune
7. Must never engage in extramarital activities – to avoid giving
birth to illegitimate child

1. Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess
2. Trader/manufacturer
3. Exporter/impoter


1. Ilesanmi – my home gives me more comfort and peace of
2. Origbemi – my Ori supports me
3. Amosun – the Osun carrier

1. Olomo – the beloved child
2. Oyegun – title is very rewarding and appropriate
3. Ajebamidele – wealth followed me to my home.

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