1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mass media by Reference, 2020
The main advantage of mass media is its ability to reach a large population across many demographics, while the high cost to utilize it
for messaging is a disadvantage. Millions of people receive news and entertainment from some form of mass media including
television, radio, and newspapers.
Mass media has a strong presence in modern-day life. More recently, the Internet has been integrated into mass media presentations.
Mass media connects people together in ways not otherwise possible by spreading information and entertainment far and wide. For
instance, up-to-the-minute live coverage of a breaking news event is seen by millions who tune in to find out the latest details. The
same news story is covered from different angles via radio, TV and newspapers. When it comes to entertainment, mass media
provides programs with a wide-viewing audience. Companies gain fast attention for products and services through advertising.
Mass media comes with its own list of downfalls. The messages and images received via mass media are often limited to a particular
viewpoint or angle. The high costs associated with various mediums restricts access mainly to those with large sums of money. Some
view mass media as spreading low quality shows and news programming to a mass audience, and programming that tries to appeal to
the masses may lack sophistication.
Media has the power to influence individual beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Thus, social norms that influence and encourage gender
violence have been targeted by policy interventions using mass media communication. Prior research suggests that media influences
through two effects: the individual or direct effect (private) or the social or indirect effect (public). In the individual effect, media
information about new norms may persuade individuals to accept them. In the social effect, the information creates common
knowledge of a norm and enhances social coordination as individuals more readily accept the information if they believe others have
also accepted it.
The rapid development of media technology is perhaps the biggest technological revolution of 20th century. Communication
technology, mass media and finally information technology have revolutionized the way people communicate. In this chapter, we shall
examine the positive and negative impacts of mass media on society. We shall limit our study in this chapter to radio and television
media. The impact of internet communication and social networking sites is conceptually much more since they allow two-way
interaction with the consumer.
Traditionally society and culture used to change from village to village. Cultural symbols and ways were picked up by one society
from another by way of cultural diffusion. Cultural diffusion used to happen through people-to-people contact. Mass media
technology has changed the very nature of cultural diffusion, by widely propagating cultures and norms across wider audiences. That
is the reason why modern society picks up all new trends, fashion, and fads from mass media.
More importantly, mass media affects behaviour of people in society. The impact of mass media on behaviour can be positive or
negative. Mass media is used for social interventions to spread awareness and to change social behaviour. The is the pro-social effect
of mass media. At the same time, mass media influences tendency of persons towards violence, deviance, and delinquency. This is an
anti-social impact. Mass media can be used for spreading political messages and for generating awareness among people about
specific issues. This is a pro-social effect. Yet, mass media could be used for propaganda purpose. This is a negative influence of mass
4. Role of mass media in corruption prevention policies and disparities in the judge’s decision by Kif Aminanto 2021
Mass media has an important role in the efforts of corruption eradication, especially the disparity in the judges’ decisions as included
in “Nine Elements of Journalism” that the first obligation of journalism is truth. The truth here does not only refer to the fair, balanced,
accurate, and disciplined verification of the seeking, but also about commitment to the citizen, namely the obligation to always be free
from all obligation except for loyalty to the public interests. This obligation is the social surveillance function in the form of
information distribution and objective interpretation on various events occurring inside and outside the social circle for social control
purposes in order to prevent undesired occurrences, such as disparity in the judges’ decisions in corruption crime cases.
5. Mass media and communication’s effect on daily life by European National University 2023
The media and communication have a profound effect on daily life. They shape our opinions, attitudes, and beliefs about the world
around us. The media can also influence how we perceive ourselves and others by providing information that reinforces certain
stereotypes or exaggerated images of people from different backgrounds. Communication technologies such as social media platforms
allow for instant access to news updates and other forms of content that can impact our decisions in real time. Additionally, these
technologies provide a platform for individuals to connect with one another which has been shown to reduce feelings of loneliness,
depression, anxiety, and stress. Therefore, the effects of mass media and communication are far-reaching; they shape how we view the
world around us as well as how we interact with it each day.