Your Guide To Music and The SDGs
Your Guide To Music and The SDGs
Your Guide To Music and The SDGs
to Music
the SDGs
© Center for Music Ecosystems
No reproduction or copying of this work is
permitted without written consent of the authors.
Your Guide
to Music
the SDGs
Dear Music Lover, This guide is our attempt to offer I want to thank my co-authors
a different language of value and partners in this pursuit - to tie
Thank you for downloading
and ask you to look at music music to all the Global Goals in an
and reading the inaugural differently. It is not just a song, honest way and propose solutions
report from the new but a way to improve people's and actions to take forward. This
global NGO, the Center lives. And when incorporated into includes many UN agencies and
for Music Ecosystems. the globally codified language private sector organisations,
Through my work at Sound of sustainability, the Global many of whom are thanked at
Diplomacy over the past Goals, it is immensely powerful. the end of the report. And to all
8+ years, I've seen that We see this day in day out at of you, thanks for reading. This is
while the appreciation of Sound Diplomacy. Music is worth the beginning of the Center for
so much more to all of us. Music Ecosystems. Join us. As The
music has accelerated,
Beatles continue to remind us,
the recognition of it in This is the objective of the Center
it's getting better all the time.
global policy has not. for Music Ecosystems. It will
commission and deliver research
Music is part of all of us, part to expand the value of music in
of our humanity. We've seen global policy frameworks. This is
that in how we've used it to get increasingly important as we look
through the COVID-19 pandemic. to recover from a devastating
It has been a consoler, a friend, pandemic, where poverty and
companionship. And with that, the Kindest Regards,
hunger are rife and the climate
Photo: © Adobe Stock/Piotr Piatrouski amount of music being listened to Shain Shapiro PhD
emergency is increasing. And
around the world has increased. in this international year of the Founder & Executive Director,
But in most places, it was not creative economy, now is the time Center for Music Ecosystems
the songwriters and artists who
to be deliberate and intentional Founder & Group CEO,
benefitted from this increase. about music – because it can
More music being listened to Sound Diplomacy
make all lives better, everywhere.
did not translate to more music
rooms in schools, more music
incorporated into healthcare
2 3
We must #TurnItAround The Music industry is It is with great conviction that
for people and planet already making a difference the UN SDG Action Campaign
collaborates with the music
Marina Ponti, Director of United Nations and the SDGs are our Long before COVID, the music
industry and welcomes this Guide
framework for action
SDG Global Action Campaign industry began incorporating the
to bring together the Music
The COVID‑19 pandemic has SDGs into its business models
industry, culture, and arts – one
affected the lives of people by addressing its environmental
of the worst‑hit by the pandemic
everywhere and forced us to look footprint; striving to address its
– in a more sustainable, just,
at the world with different eyes. own systemic gender inequalities
and equal recovery by providing
We have had to truly reinvent and connecting its huge platforms
good examples that can be
the way we work, interact with for a more just and equal society.
scaled and built upon moving
each other and adjust to the Examples range from the
forward, a guiding light for others
major shifts the world is facing. first‑ever gender equal line‑up to
to follow. This Guide is the
Yet despite the hardships, even zero‑waste and more accessible
first step to developing a SDG
when faced with lockdowns events, to zero‑tolerance
music network to bring together
and grief, the world came against discrimination. Artists
like‑minded individuals and
together to support each other donated their platforms and
organisations to unite and upscale
and celebrate their common encouraged their fans to adopt
their efforts to make music and
experiences through song. This is more sustainable lifestyles, to act
culture a driver of the Goals.
the power of music, it can raise against racism and inequalities,
our spirits, heal us, and create a and to support solidarity We must make this year a turning
sense of collective belonging. measures. The Music industry can point for people and the planet in
create an enabling environment all aspects of our lives, and work
With every challenge comes for people that provoke debates, towards an inclusive, just, and
opportunity. The world is educate, and drive ideas and equal world for all. Together we
learning from these lessons, actions to raise awareness can – and will – turn it around.
and via global solidarity and of individual responsibility
partnerships we go back to work aligned with the Goals.
to turn things around for people
and the planet, calling for a An open‑source guide
transformative societal shift. The for a more sustainable
Sustainable Development Goals music industry
embody this transformation. Marina Ponti,
The music industry, much like Director of United Nations
And to achieve them, every
the UN SDG Action Campaign’s SDG Global Action Campaign
one of us has a part to play.
mandate – can inspire, connect
and mobilize people all over
the world. It is a natural ally to
accelerate the SDGs, and with
Photo: © UNICEF/NIGB2010-0199/Pirozzi this Guide, provide an entry
point to fully align with the SDG
framework of transformation.
4 5
The last years have seen many the IMC and EMC are embedded The IMC and EMC are happy
initiatives and good practices in the IMC’s 5 Music Rights that to collaborate and to share
highlighting the nexus between support the achievement of many experience and ideas on future
the SDGs and the cultural SDGs as we strive to ensure the endeavours. There is a need for
sector in Europe such as the right for all children and adults creating new narratives on how
Voices of Culture, a dialogue to express themselves musically culture and here in particular how
with the European Commission, in all freedom, to learn musical music, with its three dimensions
on “Culture and the SDGs: languages and skills and to have – artistic, social and economic
Challenges and Opportunities” access to musical involvement – can help UN Member States
in which the EMC with 44 other through participation, listening, strive for a better and more
cultural organisations participated creation, and information. In sustainable world by 2030.
and produced a report with addition, the right for all musical
policy recommendations and artists to develop their artistry
best practice examples on how and communicate through all
Photo: © Adobe Stock/Marco Lissoni
culture can support the SDGs media, with proper facilities at
along with why culture should their disposal and to obtain just
be a stand‑alone SDG post and fair recognition for their work.
Silja Fischer, Simone Dudt and Ruth Jakobi, 2030. IMC and EMC joined These values are reflected Silja Fischer,
forces with seven other cultural Secretary General of the
European Music Council and International Music Council networks to implement SHIFT,
throughout this guide which
International Music Council
demonstrates the importance
a project on how to achieve of the IMC 5 Music Rights and
three of the 17 SDGs through how the SDGs can reinforce and
cultural leadership, co‑funded support the work of the music
The 17 Sustainable Music Council (EMC) by the Erasmus+ programme sector. The IMC and EMC highly
Development Goals (SDGs) have been advocating of the European Union. welcome the initiative of the
were adopted in 2015 as a for the recognition of These initiatives complement Center for Music Ecosystems to
Simone Dudt,
common goal and vision to culture as the 4th pillar of each other and take a different connect each of the SDGs to the
Secretary General of the
“end poverty, protect the development together with angle on how the cultural world of music and thereby bring
European Music Council
planet and improve the lives other cultural organisations sector can contribute to the together like‑minded networks
and prospects of everyone, and networks, it is of sustainable agenda and this is to unite and upscale their efforts
also reflected in this SDG guide. to make music and culture an
everywhere” to be achieved utmost importance to
essential part and a stand‑alone
by all UN Member States stress the role of the The International Music Council
goal of the SDGs in the future.
by 2030. Although arts cultural (and music) sector was founded upon request of
and culture have not been as a driver and enabler for UNESCO in 1949 and as such
attributed a specific goal, achieving the SDGs. has its origins in the belief that
music can be a driver for peace Ruth Jakobi,
it is clear that the cultural Your Guide to Music Secretary General of the
and social cohesion. Together
and music sector have a and the SDGs is a great with its regional groups, among European Music Council
key role in achieving more initiative from the music which the EMC represents
sustainable societies. While industry to show how music Europe, it gives equal value and
the International Music stakeholders can support respect to all musical cultures
Council (IMC) and European a more sustainable world. of the world. The core values of
6 7
Executive Summary
8 9
Chapter 1
The Role
of Music in
realising the
10 11
Music makes lives better.
It creates jobs. It improves
literacy. It heals divisions.
It brings people together.
It is our global language. It leads politicians into
We all speak music. It rallies and town halls.
is also one of the most It soundtracks metro
consumed forms of culture stations, research stations
and art in the world. It is and radio stations. Nearly
ubiquitous, so much so 40,000 songs are added
we often do not realise to Spotify each day.1 As
we’re listening to it when a business it grew by 9%
it is on. Music influences last year, including double
our mood. It amps us up digit growth in India, China
when we’re cheering for and across Africa. It is
our favourite sports team. still set to double as an
industry by 2025, even
factoring in the impact
of the pandemic.2 It is
everywhere. It is everyone.
Music is in and about all
of us. It is transversal.
12 Introduction Introduction 13
ut the value that Because music produces a being everywhere – at receptions, and Local Governments’ Culture
music brings different meaning for all of us, soundtracking meetings and and the Global Goals, is one
to humanity we unintentionally ignore its promotional videos – its impact example and is an influence – and
economically, socially benefits and lack the capacity is absent. Having a band perform a guide – of this report. But again,
to deliberately and intentionally at a reception is admirable, this is an example of a singular
and culturally is
utilise its powers and impact. so long as they are paid. But initiative, however noble, trying
misunderstood. Many
so often, these receptions to solve a systemic problem.
countries lack effective There is no intergovernmental
are held in countries that lack
intellectual property understanding of the complete, There is a role for music to play
music education frameworks.
registrars, so local holistic, transformative power of in each of the Global Goals.
This is because how music is
music. There is no music policy From the global commercial
creators, musicians, defined and as a result, utilised
at the United Nations, World industry inspiring people across
producers and engineers Bank, IMF or other institutions.
as a tool to make the world
cultures, creating influential stars
who write, perform and There is recognition, for example
better, has not been outlined.
and bringing people together
produce cannot be paid through UN’s International That stops now. physically and virtually, to the
for their property like Year of the Creative Economy simple act of learning to play an
other rights holders. The or UNESCO’s robust Cities of A turning point for instrument at a young age, to
value of a piece of music Music program, but these are the Global Goals. deploying the restorative power
differs wildly, depending single examples, not a holistic, This report aims to bring together of music to support healthy
on where you are, who overarching policy framework. The the universal language of music aging, to ensuring building
you are, where you’re role of music – as an industrial with the universal language of codes are robust so people can
mechanism, as a vocation, as a sustainability and development, live in thriving entertainment
listening and how you’re
rehabilitative tool, as a poverty the United Nations Sustainable districts and still be able to get
listening. Music can be
eradicator, as an equaliser and Development Goals, or Global a good night sleep, music can
unifying or divisive. It can a women’s empowerment tool – help meet the Global Goals.
Goals (as this document will refer
lead politicians into power, remains undefined. The personal to them as). With 191 countries But we need these languages
or land them in jail. It can connection of music – I like my ratifying the Global Goals, a – music and sustainable
restore rights, or restrict music over your music – tends code and framework to guide development – to communicate.
them. It is an incredibly to dominate decisions made to sustainable development has Everyone can use music
powerful tool to lead, include music in policy, leading grown to influence development
to ephemeral initiatives to solve to improve the world. If
influence and empower, arrangements and contractual
endemic, permanent problems. obligations of donors and
music is a part of your life
if in the right hands.
grantees. Yes, culture is seen as now, it is improving your
One large concert to end poverty
transversal – a part of all Global world. Simple changes and
is admirable, but without the
appropriate education, rights, Goals and as a result, there have a wider understanding of Photo: © Adobe Stock/Gennadiy Poznyakov
infrastructure and other policies been guides produced to better music as an ecosystem
to support it, music will not understand the role culture can will create global change.
provide the power it can to play in meeting the largest, most
support eradicating poverty. In transformative, most urgent
global development, despite music issues of our time. United Cities
14 Introduction Introduction 15
What are the Global Goals? Why Music?
n 2015, world usic has the experiences on our high streets raise money for LandAid.10 It is
leaders agreed power to lift to make them more welcoming7 an opportunity to create skills,
to 17 Sustainable people out of or inserted into iconic locations revenue and self worth in a South
Development Goals, also poverty, drive creativity, to enliven public squares and African township,11 or business
avenues around the world.8 Music management skills in Cambodia.12
known as Global Goals, for create jobs and bolster
soundtracks squares from Nairobi
a better world by 2030. education. The music In order to better utilise music’s
to Abu Dhabi, Buenos Aires to
The Global Goals have the industry is in a period value around the world, we
Vancouver. This has not changed,
power to end poverty, fight of significant growth. must link its impact specifically
despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
inequality and address the to each of the Global Goals.
Despite the pandemic, global Music is our universal language. This is what the next section
urgency of climate change. consultant PwC says that after We all speak it, wherever we of this report attempts to do,
Guided by the Goals, it the global live music business are and whatever we look like. providing specific, actionable
is now up to all of us, shed $18 billion USD in value In Fargo, North Dakota, it is strategies and accompanying
governments, businesses, in 2020, a reduction of 64%, a tool for police officers to case studies to how music can
civil society and the recovery will be quick. The global promote community unity.9 For help us meet the Global Goals,
general public to work consultant’s outlook analysis for a group of planning consultants if we brought it to the party.
together to build a better 2020-2024 forecasts live music in London, it is an opportunity to
worldwide revenues growing
future for everyone.3
by 82.6%, to over $19 billion, as
The Global Goals are made
concerts resume.4 Goldman Sachs
16 Introduction Introduction 17
Working With Existing Notes for The Reader
and Supportive Policies
his report is meant UNESCO Creative This work aligns with In the report and the This report acknowledges This report is meant to
to complement, Cities Network14 the International Music accompanying 17 Global the opportunities that be collaborative and
not contradict, Many of the examples in the Council's excellent 5 Goals, this report refers Blockchain, NFTs, complementary. All initiatives
existing frameworks that report are taken from initiatives Music Rights campaign to the music ecosystem music rights and the supporting the SDGs through
have been implemented at spearheaded by UNESCO This is a baseline of how – this, as demonstrated in overall diversification music are worth promoting.
all levels of government Creative Cities. We believe these music should be supported in the image below, outlines all of prospective revenue Anyone using music to make
to incorporate culture in initiatives can be the norm, rather all communities, in line with elements of urban settlements opportunities for creators their world better deserves
than the exception and recognise recognising and investing in that music touches – industry, to be heard. This is about
planning, practice and that are emerging – and
the influence this network has music ecosystems. The 5 music education, housing, quality of bringing all of us together
governance. This includes: becoming more available – under a global framework, a
provided for this report. rights are: The right for all life, tourism, supply chains.
UNESCO’s 2005 Convention to musicians and creators better language. We are better
United Cities and Local children and adults to express
on the Diversity of Culture around the world. But without together. Remember that.
themselves musically in all
Governments – Agenda 21 structural government policy
and Expressions13 freedom; to learn music languages This report is far from
for Culture Committee15 that recognises the value of
Incorporating music more into and skills; and to have access comprehensive. We know
UCLG’s document on “Culture music first, these opportunities
the Global Goals supports the to musical involvement through that we haven’t mentioned
in the SDGs: a Guide for Local will not be fully maximised. This
implementation of UNESCO’s participation. listening, creation every amazing initiative linking
Action is the most comprehensive guide is step 1. Recognise, plan
landmark convention and all and information. Plus, the right music to the SDGs. That report
guide that links culture explicitly for and implement policies to
associated programs and for all musical artists to develop is needed, but it is not this
with the Global Goals. This recognise music’s true value.
practices that emerged from it. their artistry and communicate one. This is for those who have
report is meant to follow on Then all the available revenue
through all media, with proper yet to realise the opportunity
from this and complement its and cultural opportunities related
facilities at their disposal; and to in front of them. Yes, you.
objectives and recommendations. to it can be better utilised.
obtain just recognition and fair
remuneration for their work.
TOURISM Music at schools Leadership SPORTS
High school education Public spaces
Music business training Community centers
Professional development Social inclusion and equity
Photo: © UN Photo/Marco Dormino
18 Introduction Introduction 19
Chapter 2
Music and
The Global The 17 Sustainable
Goals Development Goals
to transform our world
Photo: © Adobe Stock/William J. Chizek
20 21
The SDGs
s of 2015, about Music is a low-cost,
736 million low‑intensive sector to
people still lived work in. We are all born
on less than US$1.90 a with an instrument – our
day.16 According to the voice. If global intellectual
World Bank, the impact property structures were
of COVID-19 could fairer and more robust,
push 150 million people many musicians, producers
into extreme poverty, and engineers would earn
reversing decades of income for their work,
progress.17 Poverty is despite millions lacking
all encompassing. It this access because of
controls all aspects of industrial frameworks, not
Photo: © UN Photo/Kibae Park
No Poverty
in Igala, Nigeria, “the social
relevance of language,
music and dance is
profound. It is not only an
abstract art, but as a force
which affects the lives of the
people who acquire it.”18
rom Live Aid to We Are The World, music has played
a role in catalysing us to work towards ending
world hunger. While large scale global concerts and
campaigns fronted by celebrities continue to be powerful,
the music ecosystem can provide other solutions to
Goal #2: combating, and ending global hunger. For example, music
Zero Hunger
festivals can become food redistribution centres and
music venues can support urban community gardens.
number of studies point to the positive impact
that music has on our health and wellbeing.
This has been true for thousands of years.
From a tribal dance to welcome a guest into a village
to celebrating weddings or mourning funerals, music
Goal #3: impacts how we feel towards each other, how we
communicate and how we get along. But music has
far wider reaching impacts. Learning music is proven
to improve early childhood cognition. Studying music
improves one's performance in science and maths. Music
slows the onset of dementia and is an effective treatment
Health and
for the disease. Music helps millions of us exercise. Yet.
music is tangential, a passive participant to our health
and wellbeing policies. Most countries are not socially
prescribing music. It is not a mandatory topic throughout
education. There are few music programs in senior and
care facilities. Few large firms have music in the workplace
policies. Active, direct and intentional music use vastly
improves our health and wellbeing. It is time to assign
specific SDG indicators to music, and work on developing
international policies to promote, mandate and utilise the
power of music. But try exercising without music. It’s hard.
here are over It is not mandatory, nor
20 benefits to developed from neonatal
providing quality care through to high school.
music education, from From the UK to the USA,
the start to the end of Germany to Australia,
life. Listening to certain music education is in crisis.
types of music, including In the developing world,
classical (Beethoven is it is not formalised and
a favourite) encourages left to community groups
Goal #4: brain development from or cultural tradition. In
the second trimester.29 addition, the types of music
Music helps develop featured in education are
language and reasoning a sampling of the types of
skills, the ability to work, music available for children
collaborate and play well to learn and experiment
with others and develop with. Despite hip‑hop and
the patience to solve metal being the two most
complex problems,30 which popular genres in the world,
can be translated across few countries teach them.31
other STEM subjects. Western classical music
Music also teaches is prioritised, even though
empathy, as participating merely one of thousands
in a musical exercise of genres. The cognitive
What is the goal? development benefits of
opens one up to others,
Ensure inclusive and equitable unlike other subjects. But music can create a smarter,
quality education and music remains a nice to fairer, more just world.
promote lifelong learning have across our global
education framework.
opportunities for all
34 The SDGs The SDGs 35
Where Has It Worked?
A failing school in Bradford increased their music
education provision by six hours. The school
improved its overall performance as a result.35
According to The Guardian: Seven years ago
Feversham was in special measures and making
headlines for all the wrong reasons. Today it is
rated “good” by Ofsted and is in the top 10%
nationally for pupil progress in reading, writing
and maths, according to the most recent data.”36
usic is a powerful over the past three years
tool to promote were produced by women.40
gender equality. Change is in infancy and
From assembling choirs not happening fast enough,
and school bands to but the impact music can
marching bands and have holistically to promote,
community dances, to and deliver, gender equality
promoting equality in is enormous. Music, as
the commercial music a unifying artform, has
industry, music can be a immense power, The more
Goal #5: leading force in ensuring women on and off stage we
we level the gender gap. all see, the more it codifies,
The music industry is and normalises, how it
improving, but there’s should be, rather than how
much work to be done. it is. Promoting gender
Only 16% of registered equality in music promotes
songwriters are women, and equality throughout
in 2018, over 80% of festival society. It creates mutual
headliners were men or respect across genres,
male‑led bands.39 Only 2% increased opportunities
of the top 400 songs in the for women and can lead to
North American charts widespread gender equality.
gender bias, by featuring women Iceland Airwaves have committed to gender‑equal financial penalties are the only
There are extensive music
in the same capacity as men line‑ups, demonstrating that conscious programming penalties that work. This is
education programs around
across music performance, can create engaging, sellable festival line‑ups. especially pertinent, as according
the world. However, there is
production and education – to the UNDP, gender equal firms
SHESAID.SO little dedication to providing
on and off stage. If taken as “are seen as socially responsible,
scholarships, internships and
a deliberate, intentional aim, SheSaid.So is a global network of women in achieve greater efficiency and
apprenticeships for women to
it works. Iceland, who have the music industry. Set up by former MixCloud better personnel performance,
pursue all avenues of working
compulsory gender equality employee Andreea Magdalina, SheSaid.So has have more committed employees,
across the music industry.
roles, are one of the most grown to have 13 global chapters and thousands and improve hiring and their public
There is no single source – be
successful music exporting of members. The network hosts events, talks image. In fact, many companies
it nation by nation – offering
countries, compared to the and capacity building sessions and operates a also become more profitable.”45
a list of all opportunities
level of population. Sweden, network of female producers, sound engineers 5.A
another country that mandates and composers to increase the amount of women
working in song production. It also operates a By 2030, Undertake
all girls (and boys and gender WHICH TARGETS
Spotify playlist and hosts female‑fronted radio reforms to give women
fluid children) have access to WILL WE MEET?
shows in each of the markets it is active in. It’s a equal rights to economic
music education, are the world’s 5.5
powerful voice for women in the music industry. resources, as well as
2nd largest music exporter.43
Ensure women’s full and access to ownership and
They are only one of three
MANY MORE INITIATIVES effective participation control over land and
countries (United States and
Over the past few years, a number of initiatives and equal opportunities other forms of property,
United Kingdom) that export
have emerged around the world to ensure women for leadership at all financial services,
more music than they import.
have equal access to music opportunities. They levels of decision making inheritance and natural
include Women in Music chapters, Womxn in in political, economic resources, in accordance
CTRL in the UK, Girl Gang Music, Girls Rock and and public life. with national laws.
Book More Women. The more the merrier.
e need to look installed for festivals, such
at the impact as the Dranouter Festival
that music and in Belgium.48 In 2017,
cultural festivals can have WaterAid partnered with
on creating innovative music festivals to create a
practices to improve ‘Toilet of Dreams”, to raise
Goal #6: local infrastructure. money to provide water
This includes providing infrastructure projects at
solutions that increase Glastonbury.49 Canada’s
access to clean Waterkeeper Alliance has
water, sanitation and utilised music ambassadors
civic infrastructure to promote the need to
Water and
around the world. preserve wetlands, for
This is accomplished in example, through their
two ways – advocacy SPLASH events series.50 In
and invention. In terms this case, the music sector
of advocacy, a number of is not unique, but it can
music festivals have been lead by example. The water
launched that explicitly it uses can be reduced;
promote clean water sanitation solutions –
initiatives, such as the primarily at festivals
H2‑OH Festival.46 Profiled in – can lead by example
UCLG’s Culture in the SDGs: and be incorporated into
A Guide for Local Action permanent projects in
document, Reading Festival outside communities. And
in the UK uses music and creating greater awareness
other art and community and strategy around
activities to engage the advocacy, so solutions
community in water can be codified into policy,
conservation efforts.47 are as much the music
This work goes back over ecosystem’s responsibility
a decade, with wastewater as any other sector.
management systems
Photo: © UNICEF/Hasan
infrastructure perspective, there Julie’s Bicycle is a UK nonprofit that provides
may be similarities between music sustainability consultancy for UK and European
festivals (those in rural areas and music companies. It operates a Going Green
fields) and displacement camps; Charter and allows companies to monitor their
clean water, sewage, electricity environmental impacts. This includes using excess
and other needs must be provided water, poor recycling or waste management.
to a large number of people in as
efficient a manner as possible. A GREENER FESTIVAL
A Greener Festival is a global organisation bringing
BANNING PLASTIC WATER This Denver-based organization designed portable
together solutions‑oriented providers that work with
BOTTLES AT FESTIVALS water tree structures that could be temporarily
festivals to reduce all impacts, including clean water. For music to help ensure clean
By limiting single use plastic water installed for mass gatherings where people
They offer a simple guide to water sustainability
bottles at festivals and setting up can refill their water bottles to decrease waste water and sanitation for all we must
on their website, available to all festivals.52
filtration stations, music festivals created by single-use plastics. While first used advocate for the following:
can lead by example to raise VIVA CON AGUA DE ST. PAULI at music festivals through the state of Colorado
awareness about water wastage. An NGO from Hamburg using music, sports and and the U.S., during the covid-19 pandemic
In addition, adding on a small they were installed in collaboration with local MONITOR AND MANAGE THEIR IMPACTS
arts for drinking water projects in the 3rd world.53
levy for those who break the governments and humanitarian organizations By prioritising, promoting and attending concerts
ban can direct necessary funding to provide safe hand-washing and sanitation and festivals that monitor and manage their
to clean water and sanitation stations for people experiencing homelessness. impacts, it will encourage those that are not
projects. The largest festivals in yet engaged in the practice to do so.
the UK and Europe have done Photo: © UNICEF/UN067453/Souleiman
that refines the Universities of Oslo and
natural resources Glasgow, researchers found
to produce a saleable the estimation of storing
product, the music music for the United States
industry is a substantial alone produced between
and Clean
consumer of energy. 200 and 350 million
From the global touring kilograms of greenhouse gas
market to the energy cost equivalents.54 Furthermore,
to maintain servers that the cost of refining oil to
hold all the data so we can produce vinyl is high, as it
stream any song we want, requires the production of
the music industry supply PvC. But there are solutions
chain is a significant in the music industry that
energy user. The energy could be applied to other
cost of music is high. sectors that increase energy
efficiency, reduce costs
and provide models that
can support the delivery of
What is the goal? sustainable energy for all.
Ensure access to affordable,
reliable, sustainable and modern
energy for all
46 The SDGs The SDGs 47
How Can Music Where Has It Worked?
Ensure Access
Reliable, Sustainable A number of Australian artists, including Cloud
and Modern Cult, Midnight Oil and Vance Joy have invested
collectively in a solar farm project in Australia,
Energy For All? to help power their local communities but also
invest in new technologies to make their tours
cleaner. Their initiative is called FEAT (Future
Energy Artists). According to the project, “FEAT.
says the 34.55‑megawatt Brigalow solar farm
As the COVID‑19 pandemic moves could power the equivalent of 11,300 homes
from triage to recovery, the desire for 30 years. (Looked at another way, it could
to return to sweaty bars, music generate more than 2,000 Cloud Control tours
venues and festivals for live music in renewable energy.) That energy is then sold
will be significant. Prioritising WHICH TARGETS
into the energy market, with a target return
renewable energy in all initiatives WILL WE MEET?
on investment for artists of 5% a year.”55
– from brick and mortar venues,
recording studios and rehearsal THE EUROPEAN INITIATIVE FOR
spaces, to prioritising renewables UPSCALING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN
at live events and festivals must THE MUSIC EVENT INDUSTRY
become the norm as we move They achieved a total of 17890 tons of Co2
into post COVID‑19 recovery. reduction, by engaging with over 2200 stakeholders
to monitor their energy consumption.56
Photo: © Adobe Stock/DWP
usic is a unique sector in terms of how those
involved in it make money. There are more than
42 different revenue streams for artists and
copyright holders in the music industry.57 In addition,
there are dozens of employment opportunities, from
Goal #8: education to logistics, transport to engineering. For a
single artist to perform at a festival or music venue,
dozens of skills have to be functioning in unison, from
stage management to design, sound control to security.
Music is decent work.58 Music produces economic
growth. Yet, recognising the diversity and decent work
Work and
in music, and how it can drive overall economic growth
across society, is not widespread. In many cultures,
music remains ceremonial or informal, with no royalty
management schemes in place to pay those who create
and manufacture it. Piracy is rife, especially in the
developing world. Yet, a song can sustain an income, and
a catalogue of them can provide income for life. Without
music airwaves go silent; without music, instruments
are not manufactured and less speakers are required
in towns, cities and venues. And music, as a global
sector, increased by 9.7% in 2019 and is predicted to
be worth $80bn by 2030, an increase of over $60bn.59
he music industry However, much of these but what is determined to
is at the forefront innovations are reserved be good music. In addition,
of technological for developed nations he suggests that our current
development. From with industries that can paradigm of infinite choice
innovation in AI monetise, rather than being is broken and recommends
technology to contactless taken as ways to improve a new model of trusted
payment, algorithms infrastructure and access recommendations.”64
that personalise content for all. In addition, the global This creates a more
provision to democratizing reach of music can provide level playing field for all
access, music is often a tool to engage everyone, content, regardless of
one of the first sectors everywhere. According where it originates. Music
to adopt new means and to Scott Cohen, Warner can be a powerful tool to
methods of production, Music’s Chief Innovation spur innovation, develop
Goal #9: dissemination and Officer, AI is making music new industrial models
communication. genres obsolete, “because and foster better, more
AI‑generated playlists are sustainable infrastructure.
made not based on genre,
What is the goal?
Build resilient infrastructure,
promote inclusive and
sustainable industrialization
and foster innovation Photo: © Adobe Stock/bepsphoto
ith no barrier to power: “These lyrics,
entry, music is from my song Utawala,
a terrific tool to are just a snapshot of the
develop confidence, skill problems I see in Kenya
and identity. According today. Inequality, injustice,
to the World Health power, corruption. We
Organisation, “Engaging live in a country where the
in artistic activities such richest Kenyan’s wealth
as singing and dancing is over $700 million71, yet
from a young age can over 40% of the country’s
Goal #10: reduce social inequalities 44 million people still live
and encourage healthy in poverty.72 These issues
behaviours.”70 Music has are real and something
vast mental health benefits needs to be done. I’m
as well, from increasing proud of Utawala because
self esteem to fighting through it, the message on
violence. Regardless of inequality hit home with my
where one is, the ability to people – ordinary people
create music is prevalent right across the country.
in society. Recognising the I want to make Kenyans
value of music and planning aware of the inequality
it in will reduce inequality. we all see and encourage
Where this is already them to take a stand. This
happening, this is the case. is what I try to achieve
A blog post by Kenyan artist through my music.”73
Juliani sums up music’s
Photo: © UNICEF/UNI214012/Souleimain/AFP-Services
What is the goal?
Reduce inequality within
and among countries
58 The SDGs The SDGs 59
How Does Music Photo: © Adobe Stock/AS Photo Project What Can We Do?
Reduce Inequalities?
Understanding, monitoring It doesn’t matter where you live; structure where certain genres
and planning the use of music a wealthy community, a village, of music are supported by the
across society can be a powerful a slum, a favela or a housing state, while others are ignored
tool to combat inequality. By estate, everyone should have or left to market forces. We must
incorporating music into harm access to writing, recording and change the discussion to focus
reduction strategies, we’ll producing music. Community on infrastructure, rather than
see more musicians and less centres should be outfitted with discipline. Rappers and DJs must
incarcerations. Drill music is makeshift studios, DJ booths be given the same opportunities
being used to combat gang and vocal areas, which could be as classical violinists.
culture in the UK, providing a used for community projects,
creative outlet for at‑risk youth podcasting, recording and Photo: © Adobe Stock/Laiotz
to express themselves creatively, important, getting together. If
rather than through violence. each country’s social care policy
monitored for community studios
INVESTING FOR THE FUTURE to be included in all community
By providing infrastructure in centre development, we’d see
low‑income communities to learn, music reduce inequality and
practice, record and share music, create opportunities everywhere.
voices, potential revenue streams
and new cultural expressions
are given a wider audience. This
requires top‑down intervention
no matter where we are. By
requiring music and cultural
infrastructure to be equally
distributed across all communities
so music deserts become oases.
ll our cities are Music is a terrific canary
Goal #11: musical. From in the development coal
car horns to mine that can be used to
stereos, symphonies to enhance sustainable, ethical
choirs, music is a part and inclusive urbanisation.
of the fabric of urban Musicians and artists are
settlements. Music is also often the first to inhabit
Cities and
a terrific tool to develop and regenerate areas.
policies that can make With a target to ensure
cities more sustainable, safe and secure housing
healthier and happier. for all, understanding the
In some cities, music is
impact music and noise
being used as a tool to has in communities can
map needs related to help design better, quieter
evening and night‑time homes that aid in sleep
public transit. Leaving and rest. From designing
concert goers alone at adequate building codes to
night without any provision neighbourhood planning,
to get home makes people usage of public spaces
feel less safe. But that and promoting community
What is the goal? is one small example. empowerment and conflict
resolution, music can
Make cities and human create more sustainable,
settlements inclusive, safe, fair and human‑centred
resilient and sustainable urban settlements.
62 The SDGs The SDGs 63
How Does Music Where Has It Worked? What Can We Do?
Make Cities
Sustainable? PERFORMING ARTS READINESS For music to help make cities and
In the United States, a number of cities and communities more sustainable, we
festivals are working together to better understand must advocate for the following:
the impact of the events they hold and create
Understanding the actions of DEVELOP MUSIC TOURISM STRATEGIES
more sustainable strategies related to resilience,
crowds and mass gatherings IN EVERY PLACE, EVERYWHERE
conservation and human impact. The Performing
helps support resilience planning. Arts Readiness (PAR) project supports a variety of Every country has a story to tell, reinforce and
The Art of Mass Gatherings, a programs to increase knowledge and the ability celebrate through music. Creating a music
framework to manage weather, of performing arts organizations to create and tourism plan that incorporates marketing, live
power, security, and crowd execute emergency recovery plans, recognizing events, attractions, trails and communication
control among a plethora of the critical roles that music and performing can raise awareness towards existing heritage
other concerns at events is arts organizations play in sustaining both local while promoting living culture at the same
being used by cities resiliency economies and community culture and heritage. The time. Similarly to how we celebrate cultural
offices to model the potential City of Denver, through Denver Arts and Venues, heritage tourism, we need to see music as a
impact of mass events, such is one of the first communities to incorporate standalone tourism sector, with unique revenue
as pandemics or terrorism.75 resilience and sustainability within its music and and job creating opportunities worldwide.
CONFLICT RESOLUTION arts policies, working with all city-owned venues MANDATE RESILIENCE STRATEGIES
on a sustainability management plan. This could AT ALL PUBLIC VENUES
Music can also be used to
become a model that could work globally across
support conflict resolution, It is not only about health and safety, but also
cities, performing arts organisations and venues.77
language skills and community how our venues, concert halls, football stadiums,
development in temporary cities, BAIXADA NEVER GIVES UP amphitheatres and arenas can thrive in the
such as displacement camps future. How can they become carbon neutral
A UNDP pilot project focused on SDG #11 merged
and transitioning areas. This and generate their own energy and food? How
music, arts and community development. A
is prevalent in the work of In can they recycle waste? How can they be
documentary featuring a collective of musicians
Place of War, who build music better connected to the cities that house them
from Baixada, one of the most violence‑riddled
infrastructure in conflict areas, to and how can we create new jobs to combat
communities on earth, used rap battles to bring
ensure music is what fills people’s automation and AI? To meet SDG #11, an event
musicians together to express themselves.
days, rather than taking up arms.76 and event venue resilience plan – across economic
The documentary was featured at the Chelsea
development, climate action and tourism can
Film Festival in New York in 2017.78 Photo: © Unsplash/Sebastian Estrada
ensure that cities become more sustainable.
In order to safeguard and develop national heritage,
a number of governments are increasing the
development of music tourism around the world.
Photo: © UN Photo/Simone D. McCourtie
he music industry, in 2016, in the US alone.80
and the music While it is impossible to
ecosystem in its compare the production
entirety is a terrific case and consumption practices
study to explore how of the 2000s to those
to improve production now in music, the results
practices and promote reveal opportunities to
responsible consumption. reform, and clean up, both
Music is a carbon practices. There’s multiple
Goal #12: heavy business. solutions embedded in
First, the good news. the music sector that
The production and could work in other
consumption of plastic in sectors; from storing
the music industry dropped vast amounts of data to
utilising natural resources,
from 61m kg of plastic in
the USA to 8m now.79 This manufacturing plastics
is due to less production of to office sustainability.
CDs and more streaming. Better understanding
However, the electricity this ecosystem can
used to store files for help promote more
streaming has ballooned, responsibility, not
from 157m greenhouse gas just in this sector but
equivalents (GHGs) in 2000, society as a whole.
to between 200 and 350m
What is the goal?
Ensure sustainable consumption
and production patterns
66 The SDGs The SDGs 67
How Does Music Where Has It Worked? What Can We Do?
By 2030, ensure that
people everywhere have
the relevant information
and awareness for
sustainable development
and lifestyles in
harmony with nature.
here are a number of All of music’s multinationals have
organisations leading the music sustainability practices, each committing
industry’s response to the climate to reducing emissions across their supply
emergency. While many initiatives exist chains. On Music Declares’ website,
to reduce impact on the ground, the a number of initiatives are listed that
overarching change, especially in the music companies are taking to reduce
capacity to reduce impact across live their carbon output. The uniqueness of
events and festivals, is being more than this is that the music’s industry reliance
norm than the exception. From a coalition on combating climate change involves
of festivals across Europe championing engaging with, and often changing,
Goal #13: green energy,86 to organisations such other sectors in order to meet their
as artist led Music Declares Emergency own objectives. From supplying one’s
and NGOs Julie’s Bicycle or A Greener own food to satisfy green artist riders
Festival, a number of active and engaged to keeping bees on rooftops of venues,
leaders are driving the music industry switching to renewable energy to power
towards meeting COP26 targets. servers that host music files or switching
to sustainable cups at venues (and
ensuring who one sources from are
mitigating their impacts), music can be a
substantial force to combat the greatest
and more pressing issue of our time.
t may seen tangential, Companies are
but there’s a number creating more efficient
of ways that music manufacturing processes
can positively impact for vinyl records that
and support the delivery use less water.87 While
of SDG #14, Life Below not one of the more
Water. Music’s supply direct Global Goals in
chain relies on sustaining which music can have an
and improving life in our impact, it is important
rivers, lakes, seas and that all fish and seafood
streams. From delivering being served in venues,
water sources at music studios and other music
festivals and to feeding spaces are responsibly
artists and their teams sourced and that music
on tour, to using music to continues to be used as
raise awareness for the a tool to raise awareness
targets of the goal, there’s of the importance life
a number of initiatives below water for all of us.
to learn from, replicate
and promote to better
understand the impact
Goal #14: that life below water has
Life Below
on music, and vice‑versa.
What is the goal?
Conserve and sustainably use
the oceans, seas and marine
resources for sustainable
development Photo: © UN Photo/Martine Perret
he city of Bristol in From careful site selection
the UK released a for festivals to minimise
One City SDG Plan environmental impact to
Goal #15: in 2018, outlining hundreds widespread venue greening
of urban development (urban gardens, rooftop
Life on
targets to reach before beehives, composting and
2050 across each of solar energy), a number of
the 17 Global Goals.94 decisions made every day
The objectives focused in music’s supply chain
on improving the local support, and can deliver
environment, access to on, the targets in SDG #15.
parkland and tree canopy. Including music as a tool
One goal was to provide to promote conservation,
a tracker for all residents endangered species and
to access environmental other issues continues
data by 2024. To achieve to be a value add around
such a solution, one area the world, but it is music’s
that could be looked at as supply chain where the
inspiration in the emerging solutions can be found to
green music festival inspire and influence. A
sector, led by A Greener festival is a small city, and
Festival. But this is only a city can be a series of
one example of music’s festivals. Thinking similarly
impact – and ability – to can bring solutions for both.
support life on land.
Photo: © UN Photo
ccording to the In countries with few Instituting, understanding
Goal #16: UN, “corruption, working mechanisms to and reinforcing these
bribery, theft and protect intellectual property institutions in music would
tax evasion cost $1.26 and workers rights, these provide a silent economic
trillion USD for developing issues are compounded stream for millions of
countries per year; this further, as jobs cannot creators worldwide, but
amount of money could be created if there are to function this requires
be used to lift those who limited systems in place to justice policies that do not
are living on less than support them. The complex exist in many countries.
$1.25 a day above $1.25 ecosystem that underpins As stated in drill music
for at least six years.”100 the music economy and its documentary Terms and
and Strong
This has been made global players can provide Conditions, “Art is art,
worse by COVID‑19, which solutions and lessons freedom of speech is
has led to hundreds of to secure peace, justice freedom of speech, crime is
millions more falling into and better institutions crime – what we must not
extreme poverty. Like all worldwide. According do is blur them into one. If
industries, corruption and to the Journal of Music someone is inciting violence
bribery pose challenges quoting an article by UK or someone is committing
in music. According to Music Managers Forum a crime, then the police
the Institute for Policy CEO Annabella Coldrick, should do their job. What
Innovation, piracy cost the “‘If the global music seems to be happening is
music industry $12.5bn publishing business were a this grey area is created
USD per year at its house its plumbing would when your content has this
height, with 71,060 jobs be the leakiest, most kind of energy, it’s assumed
lost in the US alone.101 bizarre, inefficient and it is inciting violence.”103
What is the goal? complicated imaginable.”102
Promote peaceful and inclusive
societies for sustainable development,
provide access to justice for all and
build effective, accountable and
inclusive institutions at all levels
82 The SDGs The SDGs 83
How Does Music Where Has It Worked?
Promote Peace, WILL WE MEET?
A program in Gulu, Uganda has used music to
reacclimate former child soldiers into Ugandan
INTELLECTUAL society. According to Associated Press, “The
PROPERTY REVENUE inadequate response by government and aid groups
Music relies on the registration, during and after the conflict left many former child
reporting of intellectual abductees with serious trauma, said Collins Kisembo,
work. The work needs to be project manager for YOLRED’s music therapy
representative of the creators program. Many are withdrawn, isolated, filled with
and performers on the track and anger. Where words fail them, music has helped.
systems need to exist to know “You realize that somebody now is trying to speak 16.5
when music has been used in the message in himself,” said Kisembo, who trained
Substantially reduce
what capacity, so the money as a psychologist after working in a local school.107
corruption and bribery
ends up in the wallets of those
MUSIC IN PRISONS in all their forms.
who created and performed
on it. In many countries, these There are many music programs across penitentiaries
systems do not exist. This in North America and Europe, but few exist in
removes economic opportunities the developing world. From the UK’s Irene Taylor
to lift oneself from poverty and Trust and Changing Tunes to the United States’
promote theft over fair use. National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance, music is
being used as a tool to reduce offending rates.108 Photo: © UN Photo/Pernaca Sudhakaran
HARM REDUCTION But there’s no global initiative to ensure all prisons
Where would the world have music programs. Using these are examples,
be without John Lennon’s we can promote music’s role in harm reduction What Can We Do? 16.7
Imagine? Or such initiatives and rehabilitation in prisons around the world.
like Warchild’s concert series Ensure responsive,
in the UK that raises millions of IN PLACE OF WAR INCLUDE MUSIC PROGRAMS IN ALL inclusive, participatory
dollars, or the impact a music Pioneering program that has built studios and HARM REDUCTION STRATEGIES and representative
festival in Myanmar can bring rehearsal spaces in conflict areas around the world, decision‑making
Music is a proven tool that can be used to promote
to reduce ethnic tensions and including in Colombia, South Africa and Uganda.109 at all levels.
restorative justice. Ensure music and art programs
promote peace.104 Furthermore, are funded in prisons and rehabilitation centres;
music can reduce knife crime ensure there are adequate music programs
and gang affiliation,105 or be in refugee camps and within other displaced
used in Colombia to reduce communities. Widespread inclusion of music,
the murder rate.106 With the song and dance has mental health and wellbeing
appropriate infrastructure and benefits, can instill a sense of self worth and
institutional justice behind it, reduce the cost on justice institutions, as one 16.8
music can be a powerful force with self worth often leads to less crime.110
to bring peace to all of us, no Broaden and strengthen
matter what genre we prefer. ENSURE GLOBAL COPYRIGHT IS RESPECTED the participation of
Using the power, research and capacity of developing countries
WIPO, UNCTAD and other organisations, the UN in the institutions of
and its intergovernmental agency partners can global governance.
take a more active role in ensuring all nations
around the world have strong, transparent and
equal intellectual property rights management
systems. Only when artists and creators are paid
fairly no matter where they live and what they
Photo: © UNMISS/Isaac Billy look like can we begin to achieve SDG #16.
usic is the But the structures, urban development
ultimate regulations, ordinances, practices, or ensuring the
value‑add. When laws and resolutions supply chain in music (a
music is included, nothing to ensure that music is series of partnerships in
is ever taken away. When included as a partner and of themselves) is as
Goal #17: music hits, you feel in a simple, accessible sustainable as possible,
no pain. One person’s manner is not optimised music has a role to play.
success with a track does to meet the Global Goals. It’s all there for us to take
not mean another person When certain genres are advantage of through music.
has less opportunities for funded and others are
the same fate. Including criminalised, racial, ethnic
to achieve
music in one school does and gender boundaries
not depreciate the school increase despite music
down the road’s ability to being a tool to remove them.
teach music. Having music The global partnership for
the Goal
at a reception does not sustainable development
reduce the impact of the should include music at its
message the organiser core – whether its featuring
is focused on delivering. music at high level summits
Someone enjoying a to build greater cultural
YouTube music video in ties (so long artists are paid
the Bahamas does not for their performance),
mean there’s less music creating festivals and the
for another aficionado infrastructure to support
in the Philippines. them across sustainable
What is the goal?
Revitalize the global partnership
for sustainable development
86 The SDGs The SDGs 87
Photo: © Unsplash/Callum Shaw
How Can Music Where Has It Worked?
Partnerships? EVERYWHERE
From using music to attract investment to music
CREATE MUSIC being a tool for sustainable tourism, countless
CITIES POLICIES examples exist of music being included across
industries through partnerships to make places,
To meet the Global Goals and
people and institutions better. Music, like all
establish greater partnerships,
of us, are products of globalisation. A form of
music must have a voice in wider WHICH TARGETS
music can be invented in one place, developed
civic conversation, including WILL WE MEET?
in another, perfected in another and consumed
how overall strategic decisions
around the world. Take traditional Hawaiian steel
are made around allocation
guitar music, featured in the Disney film Moana.
of resources, development,
It originated in Maluku Province, Indonesia.111
health and education. Few
It was developed in Hawaii but turned into a
places have music policies that
valuable economic asset, through partnerships,
institute – deliberately and
in California. And now it is consumed all over the
intentionally – the role of music
world. Every genre has its own story. Every sound
What Can We Do?
in urban governance. This must
has a purpose. It is time for us to use it to meet
change, so there’s a path for all
the sustainable development Global Goals. For music to develop partnerships
partners to engage with music.
to achieve the Global Goals, we
INCORPORATE MUSIC must advocate for the following:
Photo: © Adobe Stock/Valeriy
For those countries with SDG FEATURE IN RECOVERY financial resources for
Offices or cities engaging in We must not go back to the way things were. developing countries
implementing their Voluntary We must improve. This starts with being from multiple sources.
Local Plans (VLP), incorporating intentional. Providing a voice. Creating a policy.
music expertise – via a musician, All economic recovery funding must include
artist or music professional investing in the wider music and cultural
on the committee, board or ecosystem. This is how we will build back better.
commission making decisions,
will uncover new opportunities CREATE A MUSIC AND SDG
to meet the challenges of GLOBAL OBSERVATORY
our time, and through that, This guide should become its own office, within
the Global Goals by 2030. the UN Office of Global Goals, to create a clear 17.5
set of monitoring processes across the targets Adopt and implement
and indicators, to support all countries, cities investment promotion
and organisations that wish to use music to regimes for least
meet the Global Goals. We have already taken developed countries.
the first step towards setting the road map
of change for the music industry by creating
the SDG Music Network. Get in touch.
Get Started
90 91
Let’s Get Started
13.2 integrate climate GLOBAL GOAL #17
change measures Partnerships
into national policies,
strategies, and planning. HOW DOES MUSIC
13.3 improve education, GLOBAL GOAL #16 SUPPORT EACH SDG?
awareness raising and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions • Music is the Ultimate Partnership
human and institutional Tool In Cities and Places
capacity on climate change HOW DOES MUSIC
• Incorporate Music Policies and
mitigation, adaptation, SUPPORT EACH SDG?
Expertise Into SDG Offices
impact reduction, • Music Can Increase Wealth
Though Intellectual Property WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO?
and early warning.
Photo: © UN Photo/Martine Perret • Music Supports Rehabilitation, • Music Investment Must Feature In Recovery
Reconciliation and Harm Reduction • Create a Music and SDG
Global Observatory
GLOBAL GOAL #15 • Create a Global Music Development Bank
• Include Music Programs in All
Life On Land
Harm Reduction Strategies WHAT TARGETS WILL WE MEET
HOW DOES MUSIC SUPPORT EACH SDG? • Ensure Global Copyright Is Respected 17.3 mobilize additional financial
• Music Can Help Monitor Resource Tracking resources for developing countries
from multiple sources.
WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO? 16.5 substantially reduce corruption
17.5 adopt and implement investment
• Crowdsource Life on Land Music Plans and bribery in all its forms.
promotion regimes for LDCs.
• Incentivise Life on Land Protection 16.7 ensure responsive, inclusive,
participatory and representative
decision‑making at all levels.
15.6 ensure fair and equitable sharing of the benefits
16.8 broaden and strengthen the
arising from the utilization of genetic resources, and
participation of developing countries in
promote appropriate access to genetic resources.
the institutions of global governance.
t starts with one
5. Make events,
decision. One choice.
One conversation. touring and music
1. Develop national, production and
Next time you put a record regional and local
on, or press the spacebar its supply chain
music ecosystem, carbon positive.
on your computer to music tourism and
start a YouTube video, music cities policies.
think about the impact
that music can have
6. Ensure music
– on your life, your
is included in all
102 103
55 74 Ibid 96
environment/2019/jun/04/theres- 75 https://majesticcollaborations. en/home/presscenter/articles/2019/07/
no-reason-why-this-couldnt-go- com/2019/09/13/art-of-mass- tuerkiye-nin-_lk-suerdueruelebilir-
global-australian-music-industry- gatherings-symposium/ muezik-festivali-festtogether.html
invests-in-solar-farms 97 https://www.redrocksonline.
56 com/about/sustainability
projects/en/projects/eemusic 98
57 reverb-engage-music-fans-in-climate-
revenue-streams/?fbclid=IwAR2x4L mitigation-environmental-action/
localizing-Global Goals-music-art.html
q7YfNSgUFUuP9X5eHqD1oJDY-rJw- 99
FKxsW3yayzBCduXtO-zg26MY 79
58 100
GLOBAL-MUSIC-REPORT-2019 sustainabledevelopment/peace-justice/
59 101 https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.
80 Ibid
pages/infographics/music-streaming/ com/why-does-the-riaa-hate-
81 http://q4live.s22.clientfiles.s3-website-us-
60 torrent-sites-so-much/
news/features/2021-01-11/best- 102
alternative-investments-to-buy-in- where-money-todays-music-world
82 103
61 https://www.backstage- where-money-todays-music-world 83
index.php/het-project-en-us/ 104
62 h
ttps:// unic-yangon-intern-finding-link-
uk/Home/Advice/Playing-Live/Gigs- 84
between-music-and-Global Goals
and-Live-Entertainments/Fair-Play- news/taylor-gibson-martin-and-fen/
105 https://www.shoutoutuk.
Venues/Fair-Play-Venue-Database 85
63 news/south-west/bank-puts-
64 106 https://www.shoutoutuk.
bernardmarr/2019/07/05/the- 86
amazing-ways-artificial-intelligence- music/festival-promoters-unite-
is-transforming-the-music-industry/ to-fight-climate-change-with-new-
declareaction-initiative-2607236 107
65 b7c5431cf2614fd1a18832e29417c70b/
blog/africas-perfect-storm-for- 87
the-music-business-is-coming/ index.php/home-en-us/
66 88
africa-the-power-of-music/ billie-eilish-tour-bans-plastic-straws
67 89 arts_final_formatted.pdf
codeswitch/2015/04/13/399414351/ 90 109
how-the-south-korean-government- life/2015/09/cue-up-a-water-
made-k-pop-a-thing conservation-playlist/407686/
68 91 likelihood-crime-delinquency-51608
69 events/13-s-willson-ave-bozeman-mt-
article/Why-Are-4-Billion-People- 59715-united-states/land-and-water-
without-the-Internet?gko=1ed7b conservation-fest/430038604382145/
70 92
nov/arts-crucial-reducing-poor- 93
71 Forbes Africa’s 50 Richest content/uploads/2019/02/One-City-Plan-
List, quoted in article Global Goals-and-the-UN-Sustainable-
72 Development-Global Goals.pdf
overview_4616.html, quoted in article 95
73 h
ttps:// blogs/news/join-togetherband-
music-weapon-fight-inequality at-the-brazilian-coachella
104 105
Center for Music Ecosystems supports the Sustainable Development Goals