A. Demographic Profile
Age of Respondents:_______
Educational Background:
B. Goat Ownership
a. Milk consumption
b. Meat consumption
c. Cash income on a regular basis
d. Cash income a few times a year to meet regular needs
e. Cash income for emergencies
f. Insurance against drought
g. Low initial investment for goat rearing
h. Recurring expenses are low for rearing goats
i. Any other (please specify)
C. Breeding Practices
2. Do you look for specific characteristics while identifying a breeding buck for your doe?
Yes __________ No __________
If Yes, what specific characteristics do you look for? ( use code below)
1– buck of improved breed; 2- colour; 3 – single born/ twin born; 4- overall physique (height, length,
weight in relation to age); 5- other physical characteristics (ears, nose, horns, teeth); 6- temperament
(aggressive/ calm/ quiet/ active); 7 – any other (please specify)
5. What practices that you do while doe is pregnant to produce many kid?