Protection Tutorial 1 Solutions

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RAT Urs © 2015 ‘School fect and Computer Eagnearing Power System Protection Tutorii i Problem 1 General procedure: 1. For each relay, select a CT whose nominal current is not smaller than the maximum load current in the line. 2. For each relay, select a pickup current setting (Ip) that Is 30% bigger than the felay cuivent at the maxlinum load (Ip >1.3 1) 3, Select the lowest avallable time~dial setting (T,) for the relay at the longest distance from the supply source. (The relay at the far end downstream is set ‘with shortest operating time:) 4, Select T, for the next relay towards the supply (upstream) on the principle that it coordinates with the previous relay to act as a backup. Choose the coordination time from the commonly used range of 0.2 to 0.4 5 This means that, if a circuit breaker fails to clear a fault, the relay of the backup operates at least 0.2 - 0.4 s after the instant at which that circult breaker was tripped in response to the maximum fault current. a) ‘The maximum currents flowing in the primary windings of the relay current transformers during normal operation (when loads draw maximum current) are: 5x10 (3x1 1x10 5+6)x10°/\3x1 1 0" Tage a0 n= Gee Cr Ratios trom Table 1 ra: 300 A/S A (262 A © 300A); CTy= 600 A/S A; CTs = 1000 A/5.A 262A 577A Toe Tos (2) ‘The relay curents atthe maximum load (the CT secondary curents atthe mand load Ta = 262%5/300 = 4.36,A, Similarty, lana 42 57H oo aa = ADA z Ser S/he ‘ge a Sans SI torrent ‘The plckup current settings forthe relays are avaliable in step af 1A, hence: set 20% ahave the maximum load a q, @) Gant? 7 for B3 should be of the lowest value available, for the fastest operation. From Fig. 1 Ans: Or ew a Ips = 6 A > 4.36xH03 = 5.7 A, Tra = 7 A> 4.8xil13 = 6.24 A, Tos IT Umer © 2015 ___ sro a cel and Computer Engng Ta = 0.4 «@) The maximum current in relay B3 at fault condition is when a fault is located close to Bus 3, e.g, just after the B3 CT-s. In such a case, the fault level is almost Identical to that at Bus 3 (and not at Bus 4). Hence: (60x10°/9x1 1x10") x 5/800 — 2.58 Tran ‘The fault-to-pickup setting ratio for B3 Tramox/ Tos 2.5/6 = 87S From Fig. 1 Ans, the B3 relay operating time at the above fault level is ty = OII8! ‘The 82 relay isthe backup relay for B3. Hence, its operating time at the same fault level should be longer by the coordination time. IF we choose th coordination time from the commonly used range to be equal to 6.3 s, then orscup 2 0-1 + 0.3 = SE Current I'ramox is seen by B2 (through its own CT) as: Tranackup = (60X10°/¥3x11x10%) x 5/600 = 26.25 A Treoncu/ To = 26.25/7 = HL For the above fault-to-pickup current ratio in B2, and trondap = 0.4 s, we find the required value of T, from the graph: =a To coordinate B1 with B2, we repeat the above procedure. Tramax = (90XL0°/¥3 x 1110" x 5160 = 30424, Tramax/Tpo = 39.42/7 = BUBB —> to = DIRE S — tiactup = 0.25 +0. Traeecnp = (901053511104) x 5/1000, 3.76A Trstocap/Tps = 23.76/6 = Bh From Fig. 1 Ans, using interpolation to utilise steps of 0.2 in the time dial setting, we obtain fT unersy © 2015 tos , i ie 7 i 005 t 2 Ft 8 eT BED m0 a utp pen ston avo gt Fig. 1 Ans. a : Pee a sr unersy © 2015 ‘Scho! fecal and Comguter Egiecring Problem 2 Z, Fig. 2 1 CTopee =X 100% tly (@) From Table 1, the 200:5 CT has the secondary impedance Z; 0.1250 According to the CT. equivalent ciruit in Fig. 2, the secondary magnetising voltage athe minimum relay opeeting current, anda 1-0 burden is % Lyx Za + Za) "10% (1.04 0.125)-11.25 V From the graph of Fig, 3, the secondary magnetsing current correspning to the above value of Vis Jy 018A osteo eercreee| ee i roe eee rou unwersty © 2015 School of lve and Comsat rgering Fig. 3 ‘The total secondary current inthe case ofthe relay receiving the minimum operating current is Jy+Iy=104018~ 10184 = E, ‘The CT primary eurent corresponding othe above secondary curent is 1) = @o05yx10.18 = HOOK In 248, OT = 400% = 0% ie o Vu= 10% (40+0.125)= 41.25 V mnt bth T= QooVspalt= 4 Tae = 100 © Vig" 10 x (50+ 0.125)= 51.25 ¥ Ty=20.A 1+ Iy~ 10+20" 304 1200 A) = 22 100%. ‘Conclusion: Increasing the burden ofa CT may eause saturation ofthe magnetic core, In such a eas, the smagnetsing curent increases significantly resulting ina large exo.

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