Teaching Plan

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Semester April 2022

Cohort 1/22/34

Course Code PLD 3123

Course Name Company Law

Credit Hours 3

Contact Hours 3

Pre-requisite Nil
Main References 1. Chan Wai Meng (2017), Essential Company Law in Malaysia,
Navigating the Companies Act 2016, Thomson Reuters Malaysia
Sdn Bhd (trading as Sweet & Maxwell Asia).
2. Companies Act 2016

Additional References 1. Lee Mei Pheng & Ivan Jeron Detta, Business Law (3rd Edition),
Oxford University Press, 2018
2. Cheah Foo Seong, (2016) Companies Act 2016, Thomson
Reuters Malaysia Sdn Bhd (trading as Sweet & Maxwell Asia).
3. Siti Salwa Jaafar & Marina Jamaluddin (2019), Company Law,
Oxford Fajar (Polytechnic Series)

Teaching Methods Lecture, Problem Based Learning, Discussion and Tutorial

Lecturer’s Name Farah Adibah Zulkifli

Room B-1-2B9

Phone No 011-10051341

E-mail [email protected]

Lecture Session G1 G3
Day Wednesday, 8.00 am - 11.00 am Thursday, 8.00 am – 11.00
Venue am
S-B-03 & 04 IZONE B-1-8B (BK1)

Wednesday, 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

Tutorial S-B-03 & 04 IZONE
Assessment Quiz: 10% (Week 4)
Test: 15% (Week 7)
Individual Assignment: 10% (Week 10)
Group Assignment: 15% (Starts in Week 8)

Teaching Plan

References Remark
Topic (Lectures, Lab, Tutorial) / Teaching
/ Date
Topic 1: Introduction to Business Organizations In Module
Malaysia &
1.1 Different forms of business organizations Companies
1.2 Sole-proprietorship Act 2016
1 1.3 Partnership
1.4 Limited liability partnership
1.5 Company
1.6 Differences bertween sole-proprietorship, partnership, Quiz
limited liability partnership and company

Topic 2: Sources of Company Law & Types of Company Module

In Malaysia &
2.1 Sources of company law in Malaysia Companies
2.2 Types of companies in Malaysia Act 2016

Topic 3: Formation & Incorporation of Company Module

3.1 Promoter &
3.2 Essential requirements of a company Companies
3.3 Procedures for incorporation of a company Act 2016

Topic 3: Formation & Incorporation of Company Module
3.4 Effects and consequence of incorporation &
3.5 Exceptions to the rule of separate legal entity Companies
3.6 Lifting The Veil of Incorporation Act 2016
3.6.1 Statutory Exceptions
3.6.2 Judicial Exceptions

Topic 4: Company’s Constitution Module

4.1 Definition of company constitution &
4.2 Requirement of company constitution Companies
4.3 Adoption of company’s constitution Act 2016
4.4 Content of company’s constitution
4.5 Effect of company’s constitution
4.6 Alteration of company’s constitution
4.7 Object clause

6 Topic 5: Company Finance (Share Capital) Module

5.1 Definition and nature of shares &
5.2 No par value regime under Companies Act 2016 Companies
5.3 Types of share capital Act 2016
5.4 Types of shares

5.5 Shares of private company
5.6 Shares of public company
5.7 Power to issue share
5.8 Maintenance of share capital
5.9 Membership

Topic 6: Company Finance (Loan Capital) Module

6.1 Power to borrow &
6.2 Security to the loan or financing Companies
6.3 Debentures Act 2016
6.4 Types of charges
6.5 Crystallization process
6.6 Registration of charges
6.7 Priorities of charges

Topic 7: Company Administration: Directors Module

7.1 Definition and function of directors &
7.2 Qualifications of a director Companies
8 7.3 Appointment of a director Act 2016
7.4 Termination of a director
7.5 Director’s remuneration
7.6 Proceeding of board of director
Topic 7: Company Administration: Directors Module
7.7 Director’s duties &
9 7.8 Fiduciary duties Companies
7.9 Contracts with company Act 2016
7.10 Restricted dealings

Topic 8: Company Administration: Company Secretary Module

8.1 Qualification &
8.2 Disqualification Companies
8.3 Appoinment Act 2016
8.4 Resignation and removal
8.5 Functions and duties

Topic 8: Company Adminstration: Auditor Module

8.6 Qualification &
8.7 Disqualification Companies
8.8 Appointment Act 2016
8.9 Resignation and removal
8.10 Functions and duties

12 Topic 9: Meetings (Part 1) Module Group

9.1 Types of meeting & Assignment
9.2 Convening meeting Companies

9.3 Notice of meeting Act 2016
9.4 Proceedings at meeting
Topic 9: Meetings (Part 2) Module
9.5 Resolution &
9.6 Minutes Companies
9.7 Post-meeting requirements Act 2016

Topic 10: Winding Up

10.1 Different modes of winding up
14 10.2 Grounds of winding up
10.3 Consequence of winding up

Revision & Presentation

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