Cle 3 Pracq

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1. Contains a petition that expresses our confident plea for forgiveness.

2. What does the first petition “And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”
3. ______________________ is important, because our asking for forgiveness would just be a
meaningless, insincere gesture, if in the first place, we believe that we are sinless.
4. It means setting the offenders free, releasing them from all obligation, re-establishing
5. “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”
6. “Be merciful, as your Father is merciful.”
7. “Lord, do not hold this sin against them”
8. “My command to you is, Love your enemies; and pray for those who persecute you, so that you
may be children of your Father in Heaven.
9. By this we obtain pardon from God and reconciliation with the Church
10. Expresses the linkage of asking forgiveness to the brethren to reconcile with God.
11. ___________ and ______________ are a long, difficult process, especially in matters of war.
12. To heed the call of Christ for us to be reconciled with our brothers and sisters.
13. It is a response to God’s love through forgiveness and reconciliation with others.
14. A reconciliation with one’s brothers and sisters, brought by Jesus’ proclamation to the apostles
and disciples in His encounter with them after the Resurrection
15. Where was “The Incarnate Word” taken from the Bible? (Verse)
16. The ultimate source of human rights.
17. He is known for his example of humility, patience, and forgiveness even in the face of injustice.
18. ____ and _________ give the great hope of redemption – to uplift human dignity.
19. The Omnipotent Creator, and He fashions each person into His image, and calls each person to
toil the soil and care for the Garden of Eden
20. Source of riches and gives one honor
21. An expression of our full humanity in our historical and eschatological dimension
22. Requires our duty to worship and rest; the summit of Scriptural teaching about work.
23. When did Blessed Simon die?
24. Where did Blessed Simon die?
25. In what year did Blessed Simon join the order of Saint Augustine?
26. ____ and ____ are the sign of grace and is lived in society even with contradictions and darkness
27. In Jesus’ life and example, _________ and ______ are connected giving light to all.
28. She is the patroness of Latin America and Philippines. She was known for her great love for Jesus
29. Who beatified Saint Rose of Lima and when?
30. Who canonized Saint Rose of Lima and when?
31. What was saint Rose’s real name?
32. When was saint Rose born?
33. Where was “The Last Supper” taken from the Bible?
34. Who betrayed Jesus?
35. “This cup is the new Covenant, sealed in My blood, which is poured out for you.”
36. At the ___________, He showed us the great meaning of servanthood.
37. It is Jesus’ beloved Spouse that was entrusted of the perpetual sacrifice of the cross
38. It is remembered as a memorial of His Love, unity, and charity.
39. A grace and pledge of glory
40. It was the commandment Jesus gave to His disciples
41. It has a commemorative meaning of the Jewish Passover.
42. It is the new Passover and is the anticipation of the Passover of the Church in a final sense.
43. The church considers the Eucharist as a symbol of
44. “He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood is united with Me, and I Am united with him.”
45. In this, Jesus nourishes us with His own Self, that we may become more acceptable to God, and
that we may be filled with greater love of God and neighbor.
46. He had a great devotion to the Holy Eucharist and fought to straighten out the misconceptions
on the Eucharist during his time.
47. It was the congregation saint Peter founded
48. Who granted the decree of approbation of Saint Peter’s sacrament and when?
49. He is known as the “Apostle of the Eucharist”
50. When was Saint Peter canonized?
51. Where was “The Parable of The Unforgiving Servant” taken from the Bible?
52. ____________ is an absolute good, and it is the task of each one to act in accordance with the
purpose of God.






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