Emi QB & BB
Emi QB & BB
Emi QB & BB
Subject with Code: EMI (20EC0430) Course & Branch: B. Tech – ECE
Year & Sem: III-B. Tech & I-Sem Regulation: R20
1 (a) Define and explain the importance of the following terms [L2][CO1] [8M]
i) Accuracy ii) Precision iii) Resolution iv) Sensitivity
The expected value of the voltage across a resistor is 80 V. However, the
(b) [L3][CO3] [4M]
measurement gives a value of 79 V. Calculate
(i) Absolute error (ii) % Error (iii) Relative accuracy and (iv) % of Accuracy.
2 (a) set of 10 measurements that were recorded in the laboratory are presented in
A [L3][CO2] [8M]
the table. Calculate the precision of the 6th measurement.
Measurement Measurement value
Number (Xn)
1 98
2 101
3 102
4 97
5 101
6 100
7 103
8 98
9 106
10 99
(b) Define Calibration and write a short note on Static and Dynamic Calibration. [L1][CO1] [4M]
3 (a) Write a short note on (i) Gross Errors (ii) Systematic errors (iii) Random errors. [L1][CO1] [6M]
(b) Illustrate in detail about the statistical analysis of measurement data. [L2][CO3] [6M]
4 (a) For the following measured data X1 = 49.7; X2 = 50.1; X3 = 50.2; X4 = 49.6; [L3][CO1] [6M]
X5 = 49.7, calculate (i) Arithmetic mean (ii) Deviation of each value (iii)
Algebraic sum of the Deviations.
(b) Describe in brief about the Dynamic characteristics of an instrument. [L2][CO2] [6M]
5 a) Explain in brief about the working of basic DC Ammeter. [L2][CO1] [6M]
b) A 1 mA meter movement with an internal resistance of 100 Ω is to be converted [L3][CO3] [6M]
into a 0 – 100 mA. Calculate the value of shunt resistance required.
6 a) Using a neat diagram, explain the working principle of Multirange Ammeters. [L2][CO3] [6M]
b) A 1 mA meter movement having an internal resistance of 100 Ω is used to [L3][CO3] [6M]
convert into a multirange ammeter having the range of 0–10 mA, 0–20 mA and
0–50 mA. Determine the value of the shunt resistance required.
7 a) Explain in detail about the working principle of a Differential Voltmeter. [L2][CO2] [6M]
b) Explain how a multimeter can be used as (i) DC voltmeter and (ii) AC voltmeter. [L2][CO2] [6M]
8 a) Explain in detail about multirange DC voltmeter & AC voltmeter. [L2][CO2] [6M]
b) With a neat sketch, explain about thermocouple type RF ammeter. [L2][CO2] [6M]
9 With the help of circuit diagram, describe the construction & working of a Series [L1][CO6] [12M]
type Ohmmeter.
10 a) With the help of circuit diagram, describe the construction & working of a Shunt [L2][CO6] [6M]
type Ohmmeter.
b) Describe the construction and working of a Multimeter using a neat circuit [L1][CO2] [6M]
Course Code: 20EC0430 R20
1 a) What are the Standard Specifications of CRO? [L1] [CO1] [4M]
b) Explain in detail the important features of CRT. [L2] [CO1] [8M]
2 Derive the Deflection of Sensitivity. [L3] [CO1] [12M]
3 a) Describe the working principle of vertical amplifier using a neat sketch. [L2] [CO1] [6M]
b) With neat sketch, explain in detail about Horizontal amplifier. [L2] [CO2] [6M]
4 a) Sketch the horizontal deflection systems and explain it’s working [L2] [CO3] [6M]
b) Sketch the Vertical deflection systems and explain it’s working [L3] [CO3] [6M]
5 a) Describe the working principle of a Sweep Trigger Pulse generator using a [L2] [CO1] [6M]
neat sketch.
b) Draw the block diagram of Delay line circuit and explain its working. [L2] [CO1] [6M]
6 a) Draw and explain the block diagram of CRO Probe. [L1] [CO2] [4M]
b) Write a short notes on CRO Probes. [L1] [CO2] [8M]
7 a) Describe the working principle of a Triggered sweep CRO with a neat [L2] [CO1] [8M]
b) Write a short notes on Delayed Sweep [L1] [CO2] [4M]
8 With the neat sketch, explain the working principle of Dual beam
[L2] [CO1] [12M]
9 Explain the procedure of signal’s Amplitude, Frequency and Phase
a) [L2] [CO2] [6M]
measurement using a Lissajous method using neat diagrams.
Describe in detail the construction and working of a Digital Storage
b) [L2] [CO1] [6M]
10 Write the advantages of Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
a) [L1] [CO1] [4M]
Explain the operation of Digital frequency Meter/ counter and write it’s
b) [L2] [CO2] [8M]
Course Code: 20EC0430 R20
1 a) Define Oscillator and Explain in detail about fixed and variable AF [L2] [CO4] [6M]
b) Using a neat block diagram explain the operation of a function generator. [L1] [CO4] [6M]
2 a) List the Specifications of function generator. [L1] [CO3] [4M]
b) With a neat diagram, illustrate the operation of a Pulse generator. [L3] [CO3] [8M]
3 a) List the Specifications of Pulse generator. [L1] [CO3] [4M]
b) Explain the method to generate random noise. [L2] [CO3] [8M]
4 a) List the Specifications of random noise generator. [L1] [CO3] [4M]
b) What is a sweep generator? Explain in detail about its working. [L1] [CO3] [8M]
5 a) List the Specifications of sweep generator. [L1] [CO3] [4M]
b) With a neat sketch, explain the operation of arbitrary waveform generator. [L2] [CO5] [8M]
6 a) What are the different specifications of arbitrary waveform generator? [L1] [CO3] [4M]
b) Define Wave Analyzer and Explain it’s working principle. [L1] [CO3] [8M]
7 a) Describe the operation of Frequency selective type wave Analyzer using a [L2] [CO3] [6M]
neat diagram.
b) Describe the operation of Heterodyne Wave Analyzer using a neat diagram. [L2] [CO3] [6M]
8 a) Explain the working principle of Harmonic distortion analyzer. [L2] [CO3] [6M]
b) Write a short note on distortions caused by Amplifiers. [L2] [CO3] [6M]
9 a) Explain the working principle of spectrum analyzer. [L2] [CO3] [8M]
b) Write the applications of spectrum analyzer [L1] [CO3] [4M]
10 a) Draw the block diagram of logic analyzer and explain its working. [L1] [CO4] [8M]
b) Write the applications of logic analyzer [L1] [CO3] [4M]
Course Code: 20EC0430 R20
1 a) Describe the operation of the Wheatstone bridge and derive the expression [L3] [CO3] [6M]
for current when the bridge is unbalanced.
b) For an unbalanced Wheatstone bridge given in figure below, calculate the [L3] [CO4] [6M]
current through the galvanometer.
2 Describe the operation of the Wheatstone bridge and derive the expression
[L3] [CO3] [12M]
for DC resistance.
3 a) Derive an expression of frequency measurement using Wein’s Bridge. [L3] [CO3] [6M]
b) A Wein bridge circuit consists of the following: R1=4.7KΩ, C1=5nf, R2=20KΩ, [L3] [CO4] [6M]
C3=10nf, R3=10KΩ, R4=100KΩ. Determine the frequency of the circuit.
4 a) What are the errors and precautions to be taken while using the Bridge circuits? [L1] [CO6] [6M]
b) What are the different types of AC bridges? Explain any one type of bridge. [L1] [CO4] [6M]
5 a) Explain briefly how a Maxwell Bridge is used for measuring an unknown [L2] [CO2] [6M]
b) A Maxwell bridge is used to measure an inductive impedance. The bridge [L3] [CO4] [6M]
constants at balance are C1= 0.01µF, R1=470kΩ, R2=5.1kΩ and R3=100kΩ.
Find the series equivalent of unknown impedance.
6 a) Describe the operation of the Anderson’s bridge circuit. [L2] [CO3] [8M]
b) Write the advantages and disadvantages Anderson’s bridge circuit. [L2] [CO3] [4M]
7 a) Derive the expression of unknown resistance of a Schering bridge circuit. [L3] [CO4] [6M]
b) An A.C bridge has Arm AB-capacitor of 0.2µF in parallel with 3kΩ resistor, [L3] [CO4] [6M]
Arm AD-resistance of 5kΩ, Arm BC capacitor of 0.15 µF, Arm CD-unknown
capacitor CX and RX in series f-3KHz.Determine the unknown capacitance.
8 Explain the working principle of Schering bridge circuit.
a) [L2] [CO3] [6M]
An A.C bridge has Arm AB-capacitor of 0.1µF in parallel with 2KΩ resistor,
b) Arm AD-resistance of 5KΩ, Arm BC capacitor of 0.25 µF, Arm CD-unknown [L3] [CO4] [6M]
capacitor CX and RX in series and frequency 2KHz. Determine the unknown
9 a) What are the advantages of Kelvin’s bridge? [L1] [CO3] [4M]
b) Derive the expression of an unknown resistance using Kelvin’s bridge. [L3] [CO3] [8M]
10 a) Discuss in detail about the working principle of Q-meter & its applications. [L2] [CO4] [8M]
b) Write the advantages and disadvantages of Q-meter. [L1] [CO1] [4M]
Course Code: 20EC0430 R20
1 a) Define a transducer. What are the different types of Transducers? [L1] [CO1] [6M]
b) Discuss in brief about Sensors and Transducers. [L2] [CO1] [6M]
2 Describe the operation of i) Resistive transducers [L2] [CO5] [12M]
ii) Capacitive transducers
iii) Inductive transducers
3 a) Write a short notes on Measurement of Displacement using Resistive transducers. [L2] [CO5] [6M]
b) Write a short notes on Measurement of Displacement using Capacitive transducers. [L2] [CO5] [6M]
4 a) With a neat sketch, explain the operation of LVDT. [L1] [CO5] [6M]
b) Write the advantages & disadvantages of LVDT. [L1] [CO6] [6M]
5 a) Explain in detail about the Strain gauge Transducer. [L2] [CO1] [6M]
b) Write the advantages & disadvantages of Strain gauge. [L1] [CO6] [6M]
6 a) Distinguish between the Active & Passive transducers. [L4] [CO5] [6M]
b) With a neat sketch, explain the operation of piezo-electric transducers in detail. [L2] [CO1] [6M]
7 a) Draw the diagram of Resistance Thermometer and explain briefly. [L2] [CO5] [8M]
b) What are the advantages & disadvantages of Resistance thermometer? [L1] [CO5] [4M]
8 a) Explain about thermocouple. List its advantages and applications. [L2] [CO3] [6M]
b) Explain the operation of thermistors and write its limitations. [L2] [CO1] [6M]
9 a) Discuss in brief about Moving Coil type Velocity transducers. [L2] [CO1] [6M]
b) Discuss in brief about Moving Magnetic type Velocity transducers [L2] [CO1] [6M]
10 a) Explain in brief about Accelerometer Transducer. [L2] [CO1] [6M]
b) Explain in detail about Vibration Transducer. [L2] [CO1] [6M]
Prepared By – 1.Mr.C.LaxmanasudheerM.Tech,[Ph.D]
Assistant Professor,
Additional Controller of examinations-II,
Department of ECE.
2.Mrs.M.VijayaLakshmi M.Tech,[Ph.D]
Associate Professor,
Department of ECE.
Subject with Code: EMI (20EC0430) Course & Branch: B. Tech – ECE
Year & Sem: III B. Tech & I Sem Regulation: R20
1. The true value of quantity change with time is known as_________.
[ ]
3. ------ refers to the degree of closeness or conformity to the true value of quantity under [ ]
4. ---------is defined as the nearness of the indicated value to the true value of the quantity being [ ]
5. A meter reads 127.50V and the true value of voltage is 127.43. The static error is ____. [ ]
6. _______ errors are due to largely human errors like misreading of instruments. [ ]
A) ᘯ /V B) V/ᘯ C) I/ᘯ D) ᘯ /I
14. _____is defined as the degree to which the instrument indicates the changes in the measured [ ]
without dynamic error.
17. ------- is the rapidity with which a measuring device responds to the change in the measured [ ]
18. ------ is the difference between the true value of quantity and the value indicated by instrument [ ]
19. A D' Arsonval movement is rated at 50 μA, Its sensitivity is given by____. [ ]
20. ------is defined as the ability of the instrument to reproduce a certain set of readings within a [ ]
given accuracy.
22. --------- is defined as the difference between the largest and smallest reading of instrument. [ ]
23. ------- is defined as the nearness of the indicated value to the true value of the quantity
being measured.
A) Accuracy B) Precision C) Reproducibility D) Static error
24. The voltage of a circuit is measured by a voltmeter having input impedance comparable with [ ]
the output impedance of the circuit there by causing error in voltage measurement. This error
may be called as-------------- error..
25. --------is
defined as the largest change in input quantity for which there is not output of [ ]
the instrument.
A) Resolution B) Threshold C) Dead zone D) Drift
26. _____ errors are due to shortcomings of the instruments like detective (or) worn parts. [ ]
28. A 0-300V voltmeter has an error of ± 2% of full-scale deflection. What would be the [ ]
range of readings if true voltages is 30V ?
A) 24V-36V B) 29.4V-30.6V C) 20V to 40V D) 30V to 40V
29. -------------is the delay in the response of the instrument to the change in the measured [ ]
30. _____is the time for the instrument not reach and stay within a specified tolerance [ ]
band around its final value.
A) Fidelity B) Dynamic error C) Speed of response D) Settling time
A) 9 Ω. B) 90 Ω. C) 990 Ω. D) 9900 Ω.
33. .--------- is the delay in the response of the instrument to the change in the measured [ ]
A) Lag B) Dynamic error C) Resolution D) Fidelity
34. A digital voltmeter has a readout range from 0 to 9,999 counts. Determine the resolution----- [ ]
A) 1 mv B) 10 mv C) 100 mv D) 1000 mv
40. The addition of a ---------------- , converts the basic D'Arsonval movement into a DC [ ]
A) Parallel resistor B) Series Capacitor C) Series resistor D) Parallel
1. The Heart of the oscilloscope --------------------- . [ ]
4. The pre-accelerating anode and accelerating anode are connected to a common positive [ ]
high voltage of about ----- .
A) 1350 V B) 1200 V C) 1500V D) 2000V
6. The relation between sensitivity of oscilloscope and gain of th vertical amplifier --------. [ ]
9. At a high frequency of the order of 100kHz to 500kHz , the dual trace oscilloscope [ ]
operate in –
B) Frequency and
A) Voltage and frequency C) Frequency and D) Amplitude and
phase distortion flux
13. The attenuation factor of the voltage divider used in CRO is_____. [ ]
15. If the bandwidth of an oscilloscope is given as direct current to 10MHz, what is the fastest [ ]
rise time a sine wave can have to be accurately reproduced by the instrument?
A) 10ns B) 5ns C) 35ns D) 100ns
16. _____oscilloscope is used for the capture and storage of transients and the steady display [ ]
of a very low frequency signals.
A) Dual trace B) Dual beam C) Storage D) Sampling
oscilloscopes oscilloscopes oscilloscopes
17. The bi-stable storage oscilloscopes depend for their operation, on the principle of____ . [ ]
A) Carbon B) Phosphor C) Al D) Ge
21. An Isolation probe is used more compared to shielded probe because ____. [ ]
25. The type of the probe used for analyzing the response to modulated signals used in [ ]
communication is ____.
A) Coaxial cable B) Direct probe C) Isolation probe D) Detector probe
26. The secondary emission electrons are collected by an aqueous solution of graphite [ ]
A) Graticule B) Aquadag C) Astigmatism D) Focusing
27. when sinusoidal voltages are simultaneously applied to horizontal and vertical plates of [ ]
CRT, the resultant pattern is called --------------- .
A) Elliptical pattern B) Lissajous patterns C) Figure eight D) Circular patterns
28. .When two sinusoidal voltages of equal frequency which are in phase with each other are [ ]
applied to the horizontal and vertical deflection plates, the pattern appearing on the screen
is a ____.
A) Ellipse B) Sinusoidal C) Straight line D) Circle
29. When two sinusoidal voltages of equal frequency which 900 phase displacement rare [ ]
applied to the horizontal and vertical deflection plates, the pattern appearing on the screen
is a____.
A) Ellipse B) Sinusoidal C) Straight line D) Circle
30. When two equal voltages of equal frequency but with a phase shift are applied to a CRO, [ ]
the pattern appearing on the screen is a ____ .
A) Ellipse B) Sinusoidal C) Straight line D) Circle
A) Moving-iron voltmeter
B) CRO C) VTVM D) Electrostatic
37. Vertical deflection plates also called ____. [ ]
39. To measure the period of a pulse waveform, it is necessary to open and close the count [ ]
gate at --
A) Falling edge and B) Rising edge and C) Rising edge and D) All the above
raising edge of positive falling edge of falling edge of
going pulse positive going pulse negative going pulse
1. Expansion for B.F.O ---------------- . [ ]
4. The spectrum of Random noise covers all frequencies and is referred to as____. [ ]
A) 400Hz & 1000Hz B) 600Hz & 2000Hz C) 100Hz & D) 10000Hz &
5000Hz 4000Hz
16. The frequency sweeper provides the modulating voltage which varies the____ [ ]
21. Ordinary wave analyzers are useful for measurement in the _______ range only [ ]
36. Basic wave analyzer uses a full wave rectifier, to obtain _______ of the input signal [ ]
40. The pulse Risetime is define as the time taken by the pulse ____. [ ]
A) Generate an additional
B) Provide a C) Provide a feed D) Path provide
amount of power impedance matching back filtering
3. For the measurement of inductance and capacitance using AC bridge, the oscillator [ ]
A) Variable frequency and
B)Variable C) Fixed frequency D) Fixed frequency
high power of about kw frequency and very and low power of and output of about
high power of about mw 1w
4. In order to satisfy both conditions for balance and for convenience of manipulation, the [ ]
bridge must contain ____.
A) A head phone and B) Vibration C) Two variable D)Four fixed
an oscillator galvanometer and elements in its elements in its
head phones configuration configuration
A) Four arms and B) Four arms, a C) Wagner's earth D) Four arms and
shielding the bridge source of excitation device and four arms source of excitation
element and balance detector
7. A suspension type galvanometer having a sensitivity 0.5µA per scale division is used to [ ]
A) Inductance B) dc resistance C) ac resistance D) frequency
A) it can be used for B) it can be used for C) it can be used for D) it’s equations
measurement of measurement of measurement of for balance do not
inductance of low inductance of high Q inductance of low contain any
Q coils coils and medium Q coils frequency term
9. The expression for unknown inductance of high Q coils using Hay's bridge is____. [ ]
13. Why the sinusoidal voltage is required to balance the Wein’s Bridge? [ ]
19. To measure the properties of insulating material, which of the following bridge is used [ ]
A) Maxwell's bridge B) Hay's bridge C) Schering bridge D) Owen's bridge
20. ____following circuit is used to make the plate area definite for the measurement of [ ]
relative permittivity using Schering bridge
A) Earth screen B) Guard circuits C) Wagner earth D) Potential divider
21. To measure the relative permittivity of dielectric material, which of the following [ ]
bridge is used ____.
A) Maxwell's bridge B) ) Hay's bridge C) Schering bridge D) Owen's bridge
A) Self-inductance in terms
B) Self-inductance C) Self -capacitance D) Self -
of a standard inductance in terms of a in terms of a capacitance in
standard capacitance standard capacitance terms of a standard
24. Schering Bridge is used to measure the____. [ ]
29. In order to avoid the errors caused due to inter-capacitance between high and low arms of [ ]
bridge , which of the following is used____.
A) Insulating materials B) High voltage C) Very sensitive D) Earthed screens
source detectors
30. Mutual -inductance effects causes errors in ac bridge circuit due to____. [ ]
36. In a Q meter, the value of shunt resistance connected across the oscillator is typically in [ ]
the order of
A) Ω B) MΩ C) µ Ω D) kΩ
37. The measured value of Q using Q -meter is compared to the true value ____. [ ]
39. The physical quantity may be plotted against another physical quantity by using ____. [ ]
1. [ ]
The lower limit of useful working range of a transducer is determined by ____.
A) Constant current B) Transducer error C) Constant current D) None
source and noise source
2. In transducer, the observed output deviates from the correct value by a constant factor the [ ]
resulting error is called ____.
A) Zero error B) Hysteresis error C) Sensitivity error D) non-conformity
3. . Transducer converts ____. [ ]
A) Analog signal into B) Digital signal into C)an electrical D) an optical signal
digital signal analog signal energy to any other to any other form of
form of energy energy
5. One of the following can act as an inverse transducer ____. [ ]
A) 1cm B) 1 mm C) 1µm D) 1 m
10. The dynamic characteristics of capacitive transducers are similar to those of ____. [ ]
A) Low pass filters B) High pass filters C) Notch filters D) Band stop filters
13. The size of air cored inductive transducers as compared with the iron cored transducers [ ]
B) Static
A) Dynamic measurements D) Transient D) Gauge
measurements measurements measurements
15. Capacitive transducers can be used for measurement of liquid level. The principle of [ ]
operation used in this case is ____.
B) Change of area of
A) Change of capacitance C) Change of D) Change of
plates dielectric strength distance between
16. Metal foil gauges use fat end turns in order to ____. [ ]
B) Non-magnetic in
A) Polycrystalline in nature C) Ferro-electric in D)High permeability
nature nature
19. Quartz and Rochelle salt belong to ____. [ ]
B) a solid Ferro-
A) non-magnetic material C) highpermeability, D)lowpermeability,
electric material nickel-iron hydrogen Ferro-electric
annealed material material
21. In LVDT, if the supply voltage contains harmonics then the voltage at null point is ____. [ ]
31. Placing an obstruction in the path of fluid causing a change in fluid pressure is the principle [ ]
of measurement of____.
A) Displacement B) Velocity C) Rate of flow D) Fluid pressure
40. Which of the following devices cannot be used for measurement of temperature? [ ]
Prepared By – 1.Mr.C.LaxmanasudheerM.Tech,[Ph.D]
Assistant Professor,
Additional Controller of examinations-II,
Department of ECE.
2. Mrs.M.VijayaLakshmi M.Tech,[Ph.D]
Associate Professor,
Department of ECE.
Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Page 21